blob: eedbb602828ff880fb4ca2764b5f39514ee9ca11 [file] [log] [blame] [raw]
YAPE - Yet Another Plus/4 Emulator
The program emulates the Commodore 264 family of 8 bit microcomputers
This program is free software, you are welcome to distribute it,
and/or modify it under certain conditions. For more information,
read 'Copying'.
(c) 2000, 2001, 2004, 2007, 2015 Attila Grósz
#ifndef _TEDMEM_H
#define _TEDMEM_H
#include "types.h"
#include "mem.h"
#include "serial.h"
#include "sound.h"
#include "SaveState.h"
#define RAMSIZE 65536
#define ROMSIZE 16384
#define SCR_HSIZE 456
#define SCR_VSIZE 312
#define TED_CLOCK (312*114*500)
#define TED_REAL_CLOCK_M10 17734475
#define TEXTMODE 0x00000000
#define MULTICOLOR 0x00000010
#define GRAPHMODE 0x00000020
#define EXTCOLOR 0x00000040
#define REVERSE 0x00000080
#define ILLEGAL 0x0000000F
#define DRAW_BORDER(OFFS,COL) { *((unsigned int *) (scrptr + OFFS)) = COL; };
class TED;
class CPU;
class KEYS;
class TAP;
class CTCBM;
class SIDsound;
struct Color;
typedef void (TED::*delayedEventCallback)();
class TED : public CSerial , public MemoryHandler, public SoundSource, public SaveState {
virtual ~TED();
TAP *tap;
virtual KEYS *getKeys() { return keys; }
virtual void UpdateSerialState(unsigned char portval);
virtual void Reset(bool clearmem);
virtual void Reset() { Reset(true); };
void soundReset();
// read memory through memory decoder
virtual unsigned char Read(unsigned int addr);
virtual void Write(unsigned int addr, unsigned char value);
// read memory directly
unsigned char readDMA(unsigned int addr) { return Ram[addr]; }
// same as above but with writing
void wrtDMA(unsigned int addr, unsigned char value) { Ram[addr]=value; }
// RAM size
static void setRamMask(unsigned int value) { RAMMask=value;}
static void flipRamMask(void *none);
static unsigned int getRamMask(void) { return RAMMask;}
// are the ROMs disabled?
bool RAMenable;
// indicates whether 256K RAM is on
static unsigned int bigram, bramsm;
// /ram/rom path/load variables
virtual void loadroms(void);
virtual void loadromfromfile(int nr, char fname[512], unsigned int offset);
static char romlopath[4][260];
static char romhighpath[4][260];
// this is for the FRE support
virtual void dumpState();
virtual void readState();
// screen rendering
// raster co-ordinates and boundaries
unsigned int beamx, beamy;
unsigned char *screen;
bool render_ok;
void texttoscreen(int x, int y, const char *scrtxt);
void chrtoscreen(int x, int y, unsigned int scrchr);
virtual void copyToKbBuffer(const char *text, unsigned int length = 0);
// cursor stuff
unsigned int crsrpos;
int crsrphase;
bool crsrblinkon;
// CPU class pointer
CPU *cpuptr;
// TED process (main loop of emulation)
virtual void ted_process(const unsigned int continuous);
unsigned char Ram[RAMSIZE];
void ChangeMemBankSetup();
// timer stuff
bool t1on, t2on, t3on;
unsigned int timer1, timer2, timer3, t1start;
virtual void setCpuPtr(CPU *cpu) { cpuptr = cpu; };
void HookTCBM(CTCBM *pTcbmbus) { tcbmbus = pTcbmbus; };
ClockCycle GetClockCount();
static TED *instance() { return instance_; };
unsigned char *getScreenData() { return screen; };
bool enableSidCard(bool enable, unsigned int disableMask);
static void toggleSidCard(void *v) {
sidCardEnabled = !sidCardEnabled;
SIDsound *getSidCard();
static void writeSoundReg(ClockCycle cycle, unsigned int reg, unsigned char value);
void tedSoundInit(unsigned int mixingFreq);
static size_t usec2cycles(unsigned long usecs) {
return (unsigned long) (((double) masterClock) / 10000000.0f * (double) usecs);
void showled(int x, int y, unsigned char onoff);
virtual unsigned int getColorCount() { return 128; };
virtual Color getColor(unsigned int ix);
virtual unsigned int getCyclesPerRow() const { return SCR_HSIZE; }
virtual unsigned char *getIrqReg() { return &irqFlag; }
virtual unsigned int getSoundClock() { return TED_SOUND_CLOCK; }
virtual unsigned int getRealSlowClock() { return TED_REAL_CLOCK_M10 / clockDivisor; }
virtual unsigned int getEmulationLevel() { return 0; }
virtual unsigned int getAutostartDelay() { return 70; }
virtual unsigned int getHorizontalCount() { return ((98 + beamx) << 1) % 228; }
virtual unsigned int getVerticalCount() { return beamy; }
virtual unsigned short getEndLoadAddressPtr() { return 0x9D; };
virtual void calcSamples(short *buffer, unsigned int nrsamples);
virtual void setFrequency(unsigned int sid_frequency);
virtual void setSampleRate(unsigned int sampleRate_);
void setClockStep(unsigned int originalFreq, unsigned int samplingFreq);
static unsigned int sidCardEnabled;
static rvar_t tedSettings[];
KEYS *keys;
static TED *instance_;
CTCBM *tcbmbus;
unsigned int loop_continuous;
// memory variables
unsigned char rom[4][ROMSIZE * 2];
unsigned char *actromlo, *actromhi;
unsigned char *mem_8000_bfff, *mem_c000_ffff, *mem_fc00_fcff;
static unsigned int RAMMask;
unsigned char RamExt[4][RAMSIZE]; // Ram slots for 256 K RAM
unsigned char *actram;
unsigned char prp, prddr;
unsigned char pio1;
// indicates if screen blank is off
bool scrblank;
// for vertical/horizontal smooth scroll
unsigned int hshift, vshift;
unsigned int nrwscr, fltscr;
// char/color buffers
unsigned char DMAbuf[64*3];
unsigned char *chrbuf, *clrbuf, *tmpClrbuf;
// rendering functions
void (TED::*scrmode)();
inline void hi_text();
void mc_text();
void mc_text_rvs();
void ec_text();
void mcec();
void rv_text();
void hi_bitmap();
void mc_bitmap();
void illegalbank();
void render();
bool charrom;
int rvsmode, grmode, ecmode;
int scrattr, charbank;
void changeCharsetBank();
// border color
unsigned int framecol;
// various memory pointers
unsigned char *charrombank, *charrambank;
unsigned char *grbank;
unsigned char *scrptr, *endptr;
unsigned int fastmode, irqline;
unsigned char hcol[2], mcol[4], ecol[4], bmmcol[4], *cset;
static unsigned int vertSubCount;
static int x;
static unsigned char *VideoBase;
static unsigned int masterClock;
static ClockCycle CycleCounter;
static bool ScreenOn, attribFetch;
static bool SideBorderFlipFlop, CharacterWindow;
static unsigned int BadLine;
static unsigned int clockingState;
static unsigned int CharacterCount;
static bool VertSubActive;
static unsigned int CharacterPosition;
static unsigned int CharacterPositionReload;
//static unsigned int CharacterPositionCount;
static unsigned int TVScanLineCounter;
static bool HBlanking;
static bool VBlanking;
static bool aligned_write;
static unsigned char *aw_addr_ptr;
static unsigned char aw_value;
static unsigned int ff1d_latch;
static bool charPosLatchFlag;
static bool endOfScreen;
static bool delayedDMA;
static bool displayEnable;
static unsigned int retraceScanLine;
void doDMA( unsigned char *Buf, unsigned int Offset );
SIDsound *sidCard;
void doHRetrace();
void doVRetrace();
void newLine();
unsigned int clockDivisor;
void updateSerialDevices(unsigned char newAtn);
static const int hue(unsigned int i)
const int HUE[16] = { -2, -1,
/*RED*/ 103, /*CYAN */ 283,
/*MAGENTA*/ 53,/*GREEN*/ 241, /*BLUE*/347,
/*YELLOW*/ 167,/*ORANGE*/123, /*BROWN*/ 148,
/*YLLW-GRN*/ 195, /*PINK*/ 83, /*BLU-GRN*/ 265,
/*LT-BLU*/ 323, /*DK-BLU*/ /*23 original, but wrong...*/ 355, /*LT-GRN */ 213};
return HUE[i];
static const double luma(unsigned int i)
Luminance Voltages
const double luma[9] = { 2.00, 2.4, 2.55, 2.7, 2.9, 3.3, 3.6, 4.1, 4.95 };
return luma[i + 1];
class TEDFAST : public TED {
virtual ~TEDFAST() {};
virtual void ted_process(const unsigned int continuous);
virtual void process_debug(unsigned int continuous);
virtual unsigned int getEmulationLevel() { return 1; }
virtual unsigned int getHorizontalCount();
bool endOfDMA;
inline void countTimers(unsigned int clocks);
inline void dmaLineBased();
inline void renderLine();
#define theTed TED::instance()
#endif //_TEDMEM_H