blob: cd09d956e6b98cd1e474766604efcef15ccbaa5f [file] [log] [blame] [raw]
#include <math.h>
#include "tedmem.h"
#include "video.h"
/* ---------- Inline functions ---------- */
template<typename T> T myMin(T a, T b)
return a>b ? b : a;
template<typename T> T myMax(T a, T b)
return a>b ? a : b;
inline static void RGB2YUV(double R, double G, double B, Yuv &yuv)
// RGB -> YUV
yuv.y = (int)(0.299*R + 0.587*G + 0.114*B + 0.5);
yuv.u = (int)(- 0.14713*R - 0.28886*G + 0.436*B + 0.5); // U = 0.492111 (B'-Y')
yuv.v = (int)(0.615*R - 0.51499*G - 0.10001*B + 0.5); // V = 0.877283 (R'-Y')
static unsigned int palette[256];
static Yuv yuvPalette[256];
static unsigned int doubleScan = 1;
static unsigned int evenFrame = 0;
static unsigned int interlacedShade = 85;
static unsigned int videoSaturation = 100;
static unsigned int videoBrightness = 100;
static int videoHueOffset = 0;
static unsigned int videoGammaCorrection = 0;
static double gammaCorr(double in)
const double palCrtGamma = 2.8;
const double targetGamma = 2.2;
double out = pow(255.0, 1 - palCrtGamma) * pow(in, palCrtGamma);
out = pow(255.0, 1 - 1 / targetGamma) * pow(out, 1 / targetGamma);
return out;
void init_palette(TED *videoChip)
unsigned int i;
double Uc, Vc, Yc, PI = 4.0 * atan(1.0);
i = videoChip->getColorCount();
// calculate palette based on the HUE values
for (unsigned int ix = 0; ix < i; ix++) {
Color c = videoChip->getColor(ix);
double bsat = c.saturation * videoSaturation / 100;
double brf = (videoBrightness - 100.0) / 100.0;
double hue = fmod(c.hue + double(videoHueOffset), 360.0);
Uc = bsat * ((double) cos( hue * PI / 180.0 ));
Vc = bsat * ((double) sin( hue * PI / 180.0 ));
Yc = c.luma ? (myMin<double>(c.luma + brf, 5.0) - 2.0) * 255.0 / (5.0 - 2.0) : 0;
// RED, GREEN and BLUE component
double rf = (Yc + Vc / 0.877283);
double gf = (Yc - 0.39465 * Uc - 0.58060 * Vc);
double bf = (Yc + Uc / 0.492111);
if (videoGammaCorrection) {
rf = gammaCorr(rf);
gf = gammaCorr(gf);
bf = gammaCorr(bf);
Uint8 Rc = (Uint8) myMax<double>(myMin<double>(rf, 255.0), 0);
Uint8 Gc = (Uint8) myMax<double>(myMin<double>(gf, 255.0), 0);
Uint8 Bc = (Uint8) myMax<double>(myMin<double>(bf, 255.0), 0);
palette[ix + 128] = palette[ix] = Bc | (Gc << 8) | (Rc << 16);
#if 1
yuvPalette[ix].y = (unsigned char)(Yc);
yuvPalette[ix].u = (int)(Uc + 128);
yuvPalette[ix].v = (int)(Vc + 128);
rgb2yuv(Bc, Gc, Rc, yuvPalette[ix].y, yuvPalette[ix].u, yuvPalette[ix].v);
yuvPalette[ix + 128] = yuvPalette[ix];
unsigned int *palette_get_rgb()
return palette;
static void flipInterlacedShade(void *none)
interlacedShade = interlacedShade + 15;
if (interlacedShade > 100) interlacedShade = 10;
static void flipVideoSaturation(void *none)
videoSaturation = videoSaturation + 10;
if (videoSaturation > 200) videoSaturation = 0;
static void flipVideoBrightness(void *none)
videoBrightness = videoBrightness + 15;
if (videoBrightness > 200) videoBrightness = 25;
static void flipVideoHueOffset(void *none)
videoHueOffset = videoHueOffset + 5;
if (videoHueOffset > 30) videoHueOffset = -30;
static void toggleVideoGammaCorrection(void *none)
videoGammaCorrection = 1 - videoGammaCorrection;
rvar_t videoSettings[] = {
{ "Interlaced line shade", "InterlacedShade", flipInterlacedShade, &interlacedShade, RVAR_INT, NULL },
{ "Video saturation in percent", "VideoSaturation", flipVideoSaturation, &videoSaturation, RVAR_INT, NULL },
{ "Video brightness in percent", "VideoBrightness", flipVideoBrightness, &videoBrightness, RVAR_INT, NULL },
{ "Video hue offset in degrees", "VideoHueOffset", flipVideoHueOffset, &videoHueOffset, RVAR_INT, NULL },
{ "Video CRT gamma correction", "VideoCrtGammaCorrection", toggleVideoGammaCorrection, &videoGammaCorrection, RVAR_TOGGLE, NULL },
void video_convert_buffer(unsigned int *pImage, unsigned int srcpitch, unsigned char *screenptr)
int i;
int Uc[4], Vc[4], Up[4], Vp[4];
const Yuv *yuvLookup = yuvPalette;
const int interlace = 0;
// const int thisFrameInterlaced = !evenFrame && doubleScan ? 1 : 0;
unsigned char *fb = screenptr;
unsigned char *prevLine = fb;
i = SCREENY; /// 2;
Up[0] = Up[1] = Up[2] = Up[3] = Vp[0] = Vp[1] = Vp[2] = Vp[3] = 0;
do {
int k = doubleScan & !interlace;
do {
int shade = doubleScan && !k ? interlacedShade : 100;
int j = 0;
const Yuv *yuvBuffer = yuvLookup;
// const unsigned int lineVphase = (i & 1) ^ thisFrameInterlaced;
const unsigned int invertPhase = 0; //(vPhase[0] ^ (lineVphase) && isPalMode) ? -1 : 0;
const unsigned int invertPhaseNext = 0; //((vPhase[1] ^ (lineVphase ^ 1)) && isPalMode) ? -1 : 0;
Yuv yuv = yuvBuffer[*fb];
Uc[0] = Uc[1] = Uc[2] = Uc[3] = yuv.u;
Vc[0] = Vc[1] = Vc[2] = Vc[3] = yuv.v ^ invertPhase;
do {
int Y0, Y1;
const unsigned int dj = j << 1;
const unsigned int filtX = dj & 3;
const unsigned int filtNextX = (filtX + 1) & 3;
// current row
yuv = yuvBuffer[fb[dj]];
Y0 = (int)(yuv.y) * shade / 100;
Uc[filtX] = yuv.u;
Vc[filtX] = yuv.v ^ invertPhase;
// previous one
yuv = yuvBuffer[prevLine[dj]];
Up[filtX] = yuv.u;
Vp[filtX] = yuv.v ^ invertPhaseNext;
// move one pixel
yuv = yuvBuffer[fb[dj + 1]];
Y1 = (int)(yuv.y) * shade / 100;
Uc[filtNextX] = yuv.u;
Vc[filtNextX] = yuv.v ^ invertPhase;
// previous row
yuv = yuvBuffer[prevLine[dj + 1]];
Up[filtNextX] = yuv.u;
Vp[filtNextX] = yuv.v ^ invertPhaseNext;
// average color signal
// approximately a 13 -> 1.3 MHz Butterworth filter
const unsigned char U = (Uc[0] + Uc[1] + Uc[2] + Uc[3] +
Up[0] + Up[1] + Up[2] + Up[3]) / 8; // U
const unsigned char V = (Vc[0] + Vc[1] + Vc[2] + Vc[3] +
Vp[0] + Vp[1] + Vp[2] + Vp[3]) / 8; // V
// store result
*(pImage + j) =
(U << 0)
| (Y0 << 8)
| (V << 16)
| (Y1 << 24);
} while (j++ < SCREENX / 2);
// take care of double scan
if (k == 0) {
prevLine = fb;
pImage += srcpitch << interlace;// << doubleScan;
} while (k--);
fb += srcpitch;
} while (--i);
evenFrame = !evenFrame;