blob: f0cdad3d3767992c62d5cdbcc32f99c1be0afc79 [file] [log] [blame] [raw]
#include "sound.h"
#include "tedmem.h"
#define PRECISION 4
static int Volume;
static int channelStatus[2];
static int SndNoiseStatus;
static int DAStatus;
static unsigned short Freq[2];
static int NoiseCounter;
static int FlipFlop;
static int oscCount[2];
static int OscReload[2];
static int oscStep;
static unsigned char noise[256]; // 0-8
static unsigned int MixingFreq;
static unsigned int originalFreq;
static int volumeTable[64];
static int cachedDigiSample;
static int cachedSoundSample[2];
void TED::tedSoundInit(unsigned int mixingFreq)
originalFreq = TED_SOUND_CLOCK / 8;
MixingFreq = mixingFreq;
setClockStep(originalFreq, MixingFreq);
FlipFlop = 0;
oscCount[0] = oscCount[1] = 0;
NoiseCounter = 0;
Freq[0] = Freq[1] = 0;
DAStatus = cachedDigiSample = 0;
cachedSoundSample[0] = cachedSoundSample[1] = 0;
/* initialise im with 0xa8 */
int im = 0xa8;
for (int i=0; i<256; i++) {
noise[i] = (im & 1) * 0x20;
im = (im<<1)+(1^((im>>7)&1)^((im>>5)&1)^((im>>4)&1)^((im>>1)&1));
for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++) {
volumeTable[i] = (i & 0x0F && i & 0x30) ? (586 + (((i & 0x0F) < 9 ? (i & 0x0F) : 8) - 1) * 1024) << (((i & 0x30) == 0x30) ? 1 : 0) : 0;
void TED::setClockStep(unsigned int originalFreq, unsigned int samplingFreq)
oscStep = (int)((originalFreq * (double)(1 << PRECISION)) / (double)(samplingFreq) + 0.5);
void TED::setFrequency(unsigned int frequency)
originalFreq = frequency;
setClockStep(frequency, MixingFreq);
void TED::setSampleRate(unsigned int sampleRate)
MixingFreq = sampleRate;
setClockStep(originalFreq, sampleRate);
void TED::calcSamples(short *buffer, unsigned int nrsamples)
// Rendering...
// Calculate the buffer...
if (DAStatus) {// digi?
for (;nrsamples--;) {
*buffer++ = cachedDigiSample;
} else {
for (;nrsamples--;) {
// Channel 1
if ((oscCount[0] += oscStep) >= OSCRELOADVAL) {
if (OscReload[0] != (0x3FF << PRECISION)) {
FlipFlop ^= 0x10;
cachedSoundSample[0] = volumeTable[Volume | (FlipFlop & channelStatus[0])];
oscCount[0] = OscReload[0] + (oscCount[0] - OSCRELOADVAL);
// Channel 2
if ((oscCount[1] += oscStep) >= OSCRELOADVAL) {
if (OscReload[1] != (0x3FF << PRECISION)) {
FlipFlop ^= 0x20;
if (++NoiseCounter == 256)
NoiseCounter = 0;
cachedSoundSample[1] = volumeTable[Volume | (FlipFlop & channelStatus[1]) | (noise[NoiseCounter] & SndNoiseStatus)];
oscCount[1] = OscReload[1] + (oscCount[1] - OSCRELOADVAL);
*buffer++ = cachedSoundSample[0] + cachedSoundSample[1];
} // for
inline void setFreq(unsigned int channel, int freq)
if (freq == 0x3FE) {
FlipFlop |= 0x10 << channel;
if (!channel)
cachedSoundSample[0] = volumeTable[Volume | (channelStatus[0])];
cachedSoundSample[1] = volumeTable[Volume | (channelStatus[1] | (SndNoiseStatus >> 1))];
OscReload[channel] = ((freq + 1) & 0x3FF) << PRECISION;
void TED::writeSoundReg(ClockCycle cycle, unsigned int reg, unsigned char value)
flushBuffer(cycle, TED_SOUND_CLOCK);
switch (reg) {
case 0:
Freq[0] = (Freq[0] & 0x300) | value;
setFreq(0, Freq[0]);
case 1:
Freq[1] = (Freq[1] & 0x300) | value;
setFreq(1, Freq[1]);
case 2:
Freq[1] = (Freq[1] & 0xFF) | (value << 8);
setFreq(1, Freq[1]);
case 3:
if ((DAStatus = (value & 0x80))) {
FlipFlop = 0x30;
oscCount[0] = OscReload[0];
oscCount[1] = OscReload[1];
NoiseCounter = 0xFF;
cachedDigiSample = volumeTable[value & 0x3F];
Volume = value & 0x0F;
channelStatus[0] = value & 0x10;
channelStatus[1] = value & 0x20;
SndNoiseStatus = ((value & 0x40) >> 1) & (channelStatus[1] ^ 0x20);
cachedSoundSample[0] = volumeTable[Volume | (FlipFlop & channelStatus[0])];
cachedSoundSample[1] = volumeTable[Volume | (FlipFlop & channelStatus[1]) | (noise[NoiseCounter] & SndNoiseStatus)];
case 4:
Freq[0] = (Freq[0] & 0xFF) | (value << 8);
setFreq(0, Freq[0]);