| # node-sdl ( Simple DirectMedia Layer bindings for node.js ) |
| |
| ## 0. Installation |
| |
| Installation of the node-sdl package is straight-forward: first clone the |
| package using git, then build the C++ portion of the package with the |
| node-waf command. |
| |
| This package depends on the SDL libraries being present on the target system. |
| The following command was required to install these libraries on a "stock" |
| Ubuntu 11.04 install: |
| |
| <pre> sudo apt-get install libsdl1.2-dev libsdl-image1.2-dev libsdl-ttf2.0-dev</pre> |
| |
| Now that your library dependencies are satisfied, check out the source from |
| github: |
| |
| <pre> git clone https://github.com/creationix/node-sdl.git</pre> |
| |
| Second, build the package: |
| |
| <pre> cd node-sdl |
| node-waf configure build</pre> |
| |
| You can test if the package was properly built by running one or more of the |
| example programs: |
| |
| <pre> cd examples |
| node img.js</pre> |
| |
| ## 1. Usage |
| |
| ### 1.1. Initialization and Shutdown |
| |
| Begin by requiring the node-sdl package and calling the init() function: |
| |
| <pre> var SDL = require( 'sdl' ); |
| SDL.init( SDL.INIT.VIDEO )</pre> |
| |
| The init() function takes a numeric parameter telling the library what |
| subsystems to initialize. The node-sdl package defines the following |
| constants: |
| |
| <pre> SDL.INIT.TIMER - initializes timers (not currently supported) |
| SDL.INIT.AUDIO - initialize audio subsystem (not currently supported) |
| SDL.INIT.VIDEO - initialize video subsystem |
| SDL.INIT.CDROM - initialize CD playback subsystem (not currently supported) |
| SDL.INIT.JOYSTICK - initialize joystick support |
| SDL.INIT.EVERYTHING - all of the above |
| SDL.INIT.NOPARACHUTE - don't catch fatal signals |
| </pre> |
| |
| Two or more of these parameters may be selected by or-ing them together: |
| |
| <pre> SDL.init( SDL.INIT.VIDEO | SDL.INIT.JOYSTICK );</pre> |
| |
| The QUIT event signals the closure of a SDL managed window, so adding a |
| function that exits the application when it is received may be useful: |
| |
| <pre> SDL.events.on( 'QUIT', function( evt ) { process.exit( 0 ); } );</pre> |
| |
| Exiting the application when the user presses Control-C or the Escape key |
| can be achieved by adding a listener to the KEYDOWN event: |
| |
| <pre> SDL.events.on( 'KEYDOWN', function ( evt ) { |
| if( ( ( evt.sym === 99 ) && ( evt.mod === 64 ) ) || |
| ( ( evt.sym === 27 ) && ( evt.mod === 0 ) ) ) { |
| process.exit( 0 ); |
| } |
| } );</pre> |
| |
| ### 1.2. Video Functions |
| |
| To create a window under SDL control, use the setVideoMode() function to |
| create a "surface". |
| |
| <pre> var screen = SDL.setVideoMode( 640, 480, 32, SDL.SURFACE.SWSURFACE );</pre> |
| |
| The setVideoMode() function takes four parameters: surface width, surface |
| height, bit depth and surface flags. The flags parameter selects options for |
| the video buffer: |
| |
| <pre> SDL.SURFACE.SWSURFACE - video buffer created in system memory |
| SDL.SURFACE.HWSURFACE - video buffer created in video memory |
| SDL.SURFACE.ASYNCBLIT - enable async updates of display surface |
| SDL.SURFACE.ANYFORMAT - don't emulate unavailable BPPs with a shadow surface |
| SDL.SURFACE.HWPALETTE - give SDL exclusive palette access (not supported) |
| SDL.SURFACE.DOUBLEBUF - enable hardware double buffering. (only works with |
| SDL.SURFACE.FULLSCREEN - use fullscreen mode |
| SDL.SURFACE.OPENGL - create an OpenGL rendering context (not supported) |
| SDL.SURFACE.RESIZABLE - create a resizable window |
| SDL.SURFACE.HWACCEL - use hardware accelerated blitter |
| SDL.SURFACE.SRCCOLORKEY - use color key blitter |
| SDL.SURFACE.RLEACCEL - color key blitting is accelerated with RLE |
| SDL.SURFACE.SRCALPHA - surface blit uses alpha blending |
| SDL.SURFACE.PREALLOC - surface uses preallocated memory |
| </pre> |
| |
| Like other numeric constants, they may be combined with the or operator: |
| |
| <pre> var screen = SDL.setVideoMode( 640, 480, 32, SDL.SURFACE.HWSURFACE | SDL.SURFACE.HWACCEL );</pre> |
| |
| The surface created with the setVideoMode() call represents the contents of |
| the displayed window. It's common practice to create a buffer surface to hold |
| video contents in preparation for drawing on the screen. To create a buffer, |
| use the createRGBSurface() call. |
| |
| <pre> var surface = SDL.createRGBSurface( SDL.SURFACE.SWSURFACE, 24, 24 );</pre> |
| |
| The first parameter describes the type of surface to create, and the remaining |
| parameters are x and y sizes. |
| |
| After you're done using a surface, you *should* free it. The freeSurface() |
| function takes a surface (like one returned from the createRGBSurface() |
| function above) and frees memory associated with it: |
| |
| <pre> SDL.freeSurface( surface );</pre> |
| |
| The displayFormat() function copies a surface into a new surface suitable |
| for blitting into the frame buffer. It takes a surface as it's first (and only) |
| parameter and returns a new surface conformable with the system's frame buffer. |
| This call is extremely useful in conjunction with the SDL.IMG.load() call: |
| |
| <pre> var tempSheet = SDL.IMG.load( __dirname + "/sprites.png" ); |
| var sheet = SDL.displayFormat( tempSheet ); |
| SDL.freeSurface( tempSheet );</pre> |
| |
| SDL surfaces may have an Alpha value associated with them. This is a value from |
| 0 to 255 and sets the transparency of the surface's contents when blitted into |
| another surface (like the frame buffer). |
| |
| <pre> SDL.setAlpha( sheet, SDL.SURFACE.SRCALPHA | SRC.SURFACE.RLEACCEL, 192 );</pre> |
| |
| Options to the setAlpha() function include: |
| |
| <pre> SDL.SURFACE.SRCALPHA - specifies that alpha blending should be used |
| SLD.SURFACE.RLEACCEL - specifies that RLE acceleration should be used for blitting</pre> |
| |
| You can set a specific color to be transparent (i.e. - the color key) using the |
| setColorKey() function. After setting this value, when the surface's contents |
| are blitted to another surface, pixels with the color key value won't be copied. |
| |
| <pre> SDL.setColorKey( sheet, SDL.SURFACE.SRCCOLORKEY, 0x01010100 );</pre> |
| |
| The first parameter is the surface whose color key you're setting. The second |
| is a set of flags that may be or'd together. The third is a 32 bit integer |
| representing the value of the color key you want to use. Values for the flags |
| include: |
| |
| <pre> SDL.SURFACE.SRCCOLORKEY - means you're setting the surface's color key |
| SDL.SURFACE.RLEACCEL - you want to enable RLE accleration |
| 0 - means you want to clear the surface's color key |
| </pre> |
| |
| It can sometimes be tricky to get the precise color key value if you're using |
| multiple surface geometries. Fortunately, you can use the mapRGB() function |
| to return a color value, modified to account for a surface's color geometry. |
| In other words, do this when you want to set the color key: |
| |
| <pre> var colorKey = [ 255, 0, 0 ]; // setting the color key to red |
| SDL.setColorKey( sheet, |
| SDL.mapRGB( sheet.format, |
| colorKey[0], |
| colorKey[1], |
| colorKey[2] ) );</pre> |
| |
| To fill a rectangle with a particular color, use the fillRect() function. |
| |
| <pre> SDL.fillRect( surface, [0, 0, 24, 24], 0xFF8080AF );</pre> |
| |
| To blit (copy) a portion of one surface into anotehr, use the blitSurface() |
| function. It takes as it's parameters: the source surface, a rectangle |
| describing the origin and extent of the pixels to be copied, the destination |
| surface, and a point in the destination you're copying pixels to. |
| |
| So the following example copies an 8x16 rectangle from position (10,25) in the |
| spriteSource surface into position (128,15) in the screen surface: |
| |
| <pre> SDL.blitSurface( spriteSource, [10, 25, 8, 16], screen, [128, 15] );</pre> |
| |
| After making changes to a surface, you use the flip() function to instruct |
| the system to make the changes apparent. In systems that support hardware |
| double-buffering, this call "does the right thing" and waits for a vertical |
| retrace to flip between video screens. On systems with a software surface, it |
| simply makes sure that the contents of the surface are made visible. |
| |
| It's very useful to call this command after you make updates to the screen. For |
| example: |
| |
| <pre> var screen = SDL.setVideoMode( 640, 480, 32, SDL.SURFACE.SWSURFACE ); |
| SDL.fillRect( surface, [0, 0, 24, 24], 0xFF8080AF ); |
| SDL.flip( screen ); |
| </pre> |
| |
| ### 1.3. Image Related Functions |
| |
| This package uses a supplimentary image library intended to make it easy for |
| node-sdl applications to load and use JPG, PNG or TIFF images. Before using |
| Image functions, you should initalize them with the image init() function: |
| |
| <pre> SDL.IMG.init( 0 );</pre> |
| |
| To load an image into memory, use the image load() function. It takes a file |
| path as a parameter and returns a reference to it. The following line loads |
| a PNG file called "foo.png" into the variable foo. |
| |
| <pre> var foo = SDL.IMG.load( __dirname + '/foo.png' );</pre> |
| |
| The foo variable can now be used as a surface blit calls (see below.) |
| |
| After you are finished using the image functions, be sure to use the image |
| quit() function: |
| |
| <pre> SDL.IMG.quit();</pre> |
| |
| ### 1.4. Joystick Functions |
| |
| If you are developing an application that uses joysticks, you'll need to pass |
| the SDL.INIT.JOYSTICK option along to the SDL.init() call: |
| |
| <pre> SDL.init( SDL.INIT.VIDEO | SDL.INIT.JOYSTICK );</pre> |
| |
| Now that your app knows you want to use joysticks, you can detect the number of |
| joysticks present with the numJoysticks() function. The following code checks |
| to see if there's at least one joystick and complains if there's not: |
| |
| <pre> var numPlayers = SDL.numJoysticks(); |
| if( numPlayers < 1 ) { |
| console.log( 'Blargh! At least one joystick is required!' ); |
| process.exit( 2 ); |
| }</pre> |
| |
| On systems with multiple joysticks, it might be useful to offer a player a |
| selection of which joystick to use. The system assigns a human readable name |
| for a joystick which the app can query with the joystickName() function. The |
| following code prints out the name of each joystick: |
| |
| var stickCount = SDL.numJoysticks(); |
| |
| for( var i = 0; i < stickCount; i ++ ) { |
| console.log( 'joystick ' + i + ': ' + SDL.joystickName( i ) ); |
| } |
| |
| // etc</pre> |
| |
| Now you must explicitly open each joystick you want to receive inputs from. Do |
| this with the joystickOpen() function. This function takes an integer as a |
| parameter and represents the index of the joystick you want to open. Here is |
| some code that opens joystick number zero: |
| |
| <pre> SDL.joystickOpen( 0 );</pre> |
| |
| After the joystick is opened, it will start to generate events. You can register |
| event handlers with the SDL.events.on() function. Joystick related events are |
| described in the events section below. |
| |
| ### 1.5. Window Manager Functions |
| |
| node-sdl is capable of setting window manager related info with the SDL.WM.* |
| functions. |
| |
| To set the title of a SDL window, use the setCaption() function. This fragment |
| sets the window's title to "Window Title" and (if supported by your window |
| manager) sets the name of the minimized icon to "Icon Title" |
| |
| <pre> SDL.WM.setCaption( 'Window Title', 'Icon Title' );</pre> |
| |
| To set the application's icon, use the setIcon() function. It expects an image |
| to be passed as it's parameter, so it's common practice to use the image load() |
| function. The following example loads an icon from the file 'eight.png' and |
| uses it as the app's icon: |
| |
| <pre> SDL.WM.setIcon( SDL.IMG.load( __dirname + '/eight.png' ) );</pre> |
| |
| ## 2. Events |
| |
| node-sdl uses javascript events to communicate certain conditions. The |
| events.on() function is used to set handlers for these events. Event handlers |
| are passed an object describing the event as a parameter. |
| |
| ### 2.1. Quit |
| |
| As described above, the QUIT event is called when the user closes a SDL window. |
| The proper response is to free buffers, and exit: |
| |
| <pre> SDL.events.on( 'QUIT', function ( evt ) { |
| SDL.IMG.quit(); |
| process.exit( 0 ); |
| } );</pre> |
| |
| ### 2.2. KEYDOWN & KEYUP |
| |
| The KEYDOWN and KEYUP events signal the app that the user has pressed (or |
| released) a key. The event passed to the handler includes the following |
| properties: |
| |
| <pre> scancode - the scancode of the key pressed |
| sym - the symbol of the key pressed |
| mod - key modifier</pre> |
| |
| Key scancodes are hardware and locale dependent; it's recommended they be |
| left alone unless you really are targeting a specific piece of hardware. Key |
| symbols are numbers representing keyboard glyphs. Key modifiers represent |
| shift, meta, alt and control keys. As you might expect, it's possible for |
| multiple modifiers to be pressed simultaneously, so the mod value is a bit |
| field with the following definitions: |
| |
| <pre> |
| 0x0000 - No modifiers pressed |
| 0x0001 - Left Shift |
| 0x0002 - Right Shift |
| 0x0040 - Left Control Key |
| 0x0080 - Right Control Key |
| 0x0100 - Left Alt Key |
| 0x0200 - Right Alt Key |
| 0x0400 - Left Meta Key (for hardware that has a meta key) |
| 0x0800 - Right Meta Key (for hardware that has a meta key) |
| 0x1000 - Num Lock on |
| 0x2000 - Caps Lock on |
| 0x4000 - Mode Key Pressed (bonus points if you can find hardware with a mode key) |
| </pre> |
| |
| It should probably be noted that SDL keysyms are not exactly ASCII. Most |
| importantly, the system will not return a capital letter ASCII code when the |
| user hits a letter key and the shift key. Instead, you must manually check |
| for the shift key being pressed, check the modifier bits and adjust the key |
| code accordingly. |
| |
| The following code converts the modifier and symbol to an ascii value: |
| |
| <pre> SDL.events.on( 'KEYDOWN', function( evt ) { |
| var ascii = evt.sym; |
| |
| if( ( ascii < 123 ) && ( ascii > 96 ) ) { |
| if( 0 != ( evt.mod && 0x2003 ) ) { |
| ascii -= 32; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| console.log( 'ascii: ' + ascii ); |
| } );</pre> |
| |
| ### 2.3. MOUSEMOTION |
| |
| When the user moves a mouse over an SDL screen, the system will generate |
| MOUSEMOTION events. If you create a handler for these events, every time the |
| mouse moves, you'll receive an event with the following properties: |
| |
| <pre> state - button state (as described above) |
| x - x position of the mouse pointer |
| y - y position of the mouse pointer |
| xrel - relative motion of the mouse pointer along the x axis |
| yrel - relative motion of the mouse pointer along the y axis</pre> |
| |
| The button state is a bit field with the following values: |
| |
| <pre> 0x0000 - no mouse button pressed |
| 0x0001 - left mouse button pressed |
| 0x0002 - middle mouse button pressed |
| 0x0004 - right mouse button pressed</pre> |
| |
| Take mouse chords with a grain of salt, some systems may be configured to |
| emulate a 3 button mouse. In these systems, pressing the left and right button |
| together will generate a middle button press (code 0x0002) instead of the |
| mouse chord you might be expecting (code 0x0005). |
| |
| |
| The MOUSEBUTTONUP and MOUSEBUTTONDOWN events report more data and have |
| slightly different semantics than the button state in the MOUSEMOTION event. |
| Handlers for these events are passed an object with the following properties: |
| |
| <pre> button - mouse button clicked |
| x - x position of the mouse |
| y - y position of the mouse</pre> |
| |
| The button property IS NOT a bit field, but an integer. Instead of detecting |
| mouse chords, it reports multiple button clicks. Here is the list of mouse |
| buttons supported: |
| |
| <pre> 1 - left button |
| 2 - middle button |
| 3 - right button |
| 4 - scroll wheel up |
| 5 - scroll wheel down</pre> |
| |
| ### 2.5. JOYAXISMOTION (Joystick Axis Motion) |
| |
| The JOYAXISMOTION event reports movement of the joystick device along one of |
| its axes. Handlers for this event are passed an object with the following |
| properties: |
| |
| <pre> which - which joystick generated the event |
| axis - which axis (x or y) the event is reporting movement upon |
| value - a value from -32768 to 32767 describing the logical position of the joystick</pre> |
| |
| ### 2.6. JOYBALLMOTION (Joystick Trackball Motion) |
| |
| If a user's joystick is equipped with a trackball, it may generate these events |
| when motion along the trackball is detected. Handlers assigned to listen for |
| these events will receive an object with the following properties: |
| |
| <pre> which - which joystick generated the event |
| ball - which trackball generated the event |
| xrel - relative trackball motion along the x axis |
| yrel - relative trackball motion along the y axis</pre> |
| |
| ### 2.7. JOYHATMOTION (Joystick Hat Motion) |
| |
| If a user's joystick is equipped with a hat, it may generate these events when |
| hat motion is detected. Handlers for this event will be passed an object with |
| the following properties: |
| |
| <pre> which - which joystick generated the event |
| hat - which hat on the joystick generated the event |
| value - the position of the hat</pre> |
| |
| |
| If a user's joystick is equipped with buttons, it may generate these events when |
| a button press is detected. Handlers for these events will be passed an object |
| with the following properties: |
| |
| <pre> which - which joystick generated the event |
| button - which button was pressed</pre> |
| |