blob: 6466455883915ed7d3a3905f338690625a0e2543 [file] [log] [blame] [raw]
/* sim_console.c: simulator console I/O library
Copyright (c) 1993-2005, Robert M Supnik
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
Except as contained in this notice, the name of Robert M Supnik shall not be
used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings
in this Software without prior written authorization from Robert M Supnik.
05-Nov-04 RMS Moved SET/SHOW DEBUG under CONSOLE hierarchy
28-Oct-04 JDB Fixed SET CONSOLE to allow comma-separated parameters
20-Aug-04 RMS Added OS/2 EMX fixes (from Holger Veit)
14-Jul-04 RMS Revised Windows console code (from Dave Bryan)
RMS Added break, delete character maps
02-Jan-04 RMS Removed timer routines, added Telnet console routines
RMS Moved console logging to OS-independent code
25-Apr-03 RMS Added long seek support from Mark Pizzolato
Added Unix priority control from Mark Pizzolato
24-Sep-02 RMS Removed VT support, added Telnet console support
Added CGI support (from Brian Knittel)
Added MacOS sleep (from Peter Schorn)
14-Jul-02 RMS Added Windows priority control from Mark Pizzolato
20-May-02 RMS Added Windows VT support from Fischer Franz
01-Feb-02 RMS Added VAX fix from Robert Alan Byer
19-Sep-01 RMS More Mac changes
31-Aug-01 RMS Changed int64 to t_int64 for Windoze
20-Jul-01 RMS Added Macintosh support (from Louis Chretien, Peter Schorn,
and Ben Supnik)
15-May-01 RMS Added logging support
05-Mar-01 RMS Added clock calibration support
08-Dec-00 BKR Added OS/2 support (from Bruce Ray)
18-Aug-98 RMS Added BeOS support
13-Oct-97 RMS Added NetBSD terminal support
25-Jan-97 RMS Added POSIX terminal I/O support
02-Jan-97 RMS Fixed bug in sim_poll_kbd
This module implements the following routines to support terminal I/O:
sim_poll_kbd - poll for keyboard input
sim_putchar - output character to console
sim_putchar_s - output character to console, stall if congested
sim_set_console - set console parameters
sim_show_console - show console parameters
sim_ttinit - called once to get initial terminal state
sim_ttrun - called to put terminal into run state
sim_ttcmd - called to return terminal to command state
sim_ttclose - called once before the simulator exits
sim_os_poll_kbd - poll for keyboard input
sim_os_putchar - output character to console
The first group is OS-independent; the second group is OS-dependent.
The following routines are exposed but deprecated:
sim_set_telnet - set console to Telnet port
sim_set_notelnet - close console Telnet port
sim_show_telnet - show console status
#include "sim_defs.h"
#include "sim_sock.h"
#include "sim_tmxr.h"
#define KMAP_WRU 0
#define KMAP_BRK 1
#define KMAP_DEL 2
#define KMAP_MASK 0377
#define KMAP_NZ 0400
int32 sim_int_char = 005; /* interrupt character */
int32 sim_brk_char = 000; /* break character */
#if defined (_WIN32) || defined (__OS2__) || (defined (__MWERKS__) && defined (macintosh))
int32 sim_del_char = '\b'; /* delete character */
int32 sim_del_char = 0177;
TMLN sim_con_ldsc = { 0 }; /* console line descr */
TMXR sim_con_tmxr = { 1, 0, 0, &sim_con_ldsc }; /* console line mux */
extern volatile int32 stop_cpu;
extern int32 sim_quiet, sim_deb_close;
extern FILE *sim_log, *sim_deb;
extern DEVICE *sim_devices[];
/* Set/show data structures */
static CTAB set_con_tab[] = {
{ "WRU", &sim_set_kmap, KMAP_WRU | KMAP_NZ },
{ "BRK", &sim_set_kmap, KMAP_BRK },
{ "DEL", &sim_set_kmap, KMAP_DEL |KMAP_NZ },
{ "TELNET", &sim_set_telnet, 0 },
{ "NOTELNET", &sim_set_notelnet, 0 },
{ "LOG", &sim_set_logon, 0 },
{ "NOLOG", &sim_set_logoff, 0 },
{ "DEBUG", &sim_set_debon, 0 },
{ "NODEBUG", &sim_set_deboff, 0 },
{ NULL, NULL, 0 }
static SHTAB show_con_tab[] = {
{ "WRU", &sim_show_kmap, KMAP_WRU },
{ "BRK", &sim_show_kmap, KMAP_BRK },
{ "DEL", &sim_show_kmap, KMAP_DEL },
{ "LOG", &sim_show_log, 0 },
{ "TELNET", &sim_show_telnet, 0 },
{ "DEBUG", &sim_show_debug, 0 },
{ NULL, NULL, 0 }
static int32 *cons_kmap[] = {
/* Console I/O package.
The console terminal can be attached to the controlling window
or to a Telnet connection. If attached to a Telnet connection,
the console is described by internal terminal multiplexor
sim_con_tmxr and internal terminal line description sim_con_ldsc.
/* SET CONSOLE command */
t_stat sim_set_console (int32 flag, char *cptr)
char *cvptr, gbuf[CBUFSIZE];
CTAB *ctptr;
t_stat r;
if ((cptr == NULL) || (*cptr == 0)) return SCPE_2FARG;
while (*cptr != 0) { /* do all mods */
cptr = get_glyph_nc (cptr, gbuf, ','); /* get modifier */
if (cvptr = strchr (gbuf, '=')) *cvptr++ = 0; /* = value? */
get_glyph (gbuf, gbuf, 0); /* modifier to UC */
if (ctptr = find_ctab (set_con_tab, gbuf)) { /* match? */
r = ctptr->action (ctptr->arg, cvptr); /* do the rest */
if (r != SCPE_OK) return r;
else return SCPE_NOPARAM;
return SCPE_OK;
/* SHOW CONSOLE command */
t_stat sim_show_console (FILE *st, DEVICE *dptr, UNIT *uptr, int32 flag, char *cptr)
char gbuf[CBUFSIZE];
SHTAB *shptr;
int32 i;
if (*cptr == 0) { /* show all */
for (i = 0; show_con_tab[i].name; i++)
show_con_tab[i].action (st, dptr, uptr, show_con_tab[i].arg, cptr);
return SCPE_OK;
while (*cptr != 0) {
cptr = get_glyph (cptr, gbuf, ','); /* get modifier */
if (shptr = find_shtab (show_con_tab, gbuf))
shptr->action (st, dptr, uptr, shptr->arg, cptr);
else return SCPE_NOPARAM;
return SCPE_OK;
/* Set keyboard map */
t_stat sim_set_kmap (int32 flag, char *cptr)
DEVICE *dptr = sim_devices[0];
int32 val, rdx;
t_stat r;
if ((cptr == NULL) || (*cptr == 0)) return SCPE_2FARG;
if (dptr->dradix == 16) rdx = 16;
else rdx = 8;
val = (int32) get_uint (cptr, rdx, 0177, &r);
if ((r != SCPE_OK) ||
((val == 0) && (flag & KMAP_NZ))) return SCPE_ARG;
*(cons_kmap[flag & KMAP_MASK]) = val;
return SCPE_OK;
/* Show keyboard map */
t_stat sim_show_kmap (FILE *st, DEVICE *dptr, UNIT *uptr, int32 flag, char *cptr)
int32 rdx = 8;
dptr = sim_devices[0];
if (dptr->dradix == 16) rdx = 16;
fprintf (st, "%s = ", show_con_tab[flag].name);
fprint_val (st, *(cons_kmap[flag & KMAP_MASK]), rdx, 7, 0);
fprintf (st, "\n");
return SCPE_OK;
/* Set log routine */
t_stat sim_set_logon (int32 flag, char *cptr)
char gbuf[CBUFSIZE];
if ((cptr == NULL) || (*cptr == 0)) return SCPE_2FARG; /* need arg */
cptr = get_glyph_nc (cptr, gbuf, 0); /* get file name */
if (*cptr != 0) return SCPE_2MARG; /* now eol? */
sim_set_logoff (0, NULL); /* close cur log */
sim_log = sim_fopen (gbuf, "a"); /* open log */
if (sim_log == NULL) return SCPE_OPENERR; /* error? */
if (!sim_quiet) printf ("Logging to file \"%s\"\n", gbuf);
fprintf (sim_log, "Logging to file \"%s\"\n", gbuf); /* start of log */
return SCPE_OK;
/* Set nolog routine */
t_stat sim_set_logoff (int32 flag, char *cptr)
if (cptr && (*cptr != 0)) return SCPE_2MARG; /* now eol? */
if (sim_log == NULL) return SCPE_OK; /* no log? */
if (!sim_quiet) printf ("Log file closed\n");
fprintf (sim_log, "Log file closed\n"); /* close log */
fclose (sim_log);
sim_log = NULL;
return SCPE_OK;
/* Show log status */
t_stat sim_show_log (FILE *st, DEVICE *dptr, UNIT *uptr, int32 flag, char *cptr)
if (cptr && (*cptr != 0)) return SCPE_2MARG;
if (sim_log) fputs ("Logging enabled\n", st);
else fputs ("Logging disabled\n", st);
return SCPE_OK;
/* Set debug routine */
t_stat sim_set_debon (int32 flag, char *cptr)
char *tptr, gbuf[CBUFSIZE];
if (*cptr == 0) return SCPE_2FARG; /* need arg */
tptr = get_glyph (cptr, gbuf, 0); /* get file name */
if (*tptr != 0) return SCPE_2MARG; /* now eol? */
sim_set_deboff (0, NULL); /* close cur debug */
if (strcmp (gbuf, "LOG") == 0) { /* debug to log? */
if (sim_log == NULL) return SCPE_ARG; /* any log? */
sim_deb = sim_log;
else if (strcmp (gbuf, "STDOUT") == 0) sim_deb = stdout; /* debug to stdout? */
else if (strcmp (gbuf, "STDERR") == 0) sim_deb = stderr; /* debug to stderr? */
else {
cptr = get_glyph_nc (cptr, gbuf, 0); /* reparse */
sim_deb = sim_fopen (gbuf, "a"); /* open debug */
if (sim_deb == NULL) return SCPE_OPENERR; /* error? */
sim_deb_close = 1; /* need close */
if (!sim_quiet) printf ("Debug output to \"%s\"\n", gbuf);
if (sim_log) fprintf (sim_log, "Debug output to \"%s\"\n", gbuf);
return SCPE_OK;
/* Set nodebug routine */
t_stat sim_set_deboff (int32 flag, char *cptr)
if (cptr && (*cptr != 0)) return SCPE_2MARG; /* now eol? */
if (sim_deb == NULL) return SCPE_OK; /* no log? */
if (!sim_quiet) printf ("Debug output disabled\n");
if (sim_log) fprintf (sim_log, "Debug output disabled\n");
if (sim_deb_close) fclose (sim_deb); /* close if needed */
sim_deb_close = 0;
sim_deb = NULL;
return SCPE_OK;
/* Show debug routine */
t_stat sim_show_debug (FILE *st, DEVICE *dptr, UNIT *uptr, int32 flag, char *cptr)
if (cptr && (*cptr != 0)) return SCPE_2MARG;
if (sim_deb) fputs ("Debug output enabled\n", st);
else fputs ("Debug output disabled\n", st);
return SCPE_OK;
/* Set console to Telnet port */
t_stat sim_set_telnet (int32 flg, char *cptr)
if ((cptr == NULL) || (*cptr == 0)) return SCPE_2FARG; /* too few arguments? */
if (sim_con_tmxr.master) return SCPE_ALATT; /* already open? */
return tmxr_open_master (&sim_con_tmxr, cptr); /* open master socket */
/* Close console Telnet port */
t_stat sim_set_notelnet (int32 flag, char *cptr)
if (cptr && (*cptr != 0)) return SCPE_2MARG; /* too many arguments? */
if (sim_con_tmxr.master == 0) return SCPE_OK; /* ignore if already closed */
return tmxr_close_master (&sim_con_tmxr); /* close master socket */
/* Show console Telnet status */
t_stat sim_show_telnet (FILE *st, DEVICE *dunused, UNIT *uunused, int32 flag, char *cptr)
if (cptr && (*cptr != 0)) return SCPE_2MARG;
if (sim_con_tmxr.master == 0)
fprintf (st, "Connected to console window\n");
else if (sim_con_ldsc.conn == 0)
fprintf (st, "Listening on port %d\n", sim_con_tmxr.port);
else {
fprintf (st, "Listening on port %d, connected to socket %d\n",
sim_con_tmxr.port, sim_con_ldsc.conn);
tmxr_fconns (st, &sim_con_ldsc, -1);
tmxr_fstats (st, &sim_con_ldsc, -1);
return SCPE_OK;
/* Check connection before executing */
t_stat sim_check_console (int32 sec)
int32 c, i;
if (sim_con_tmxr.master == 0) return SCPE_OK; /* not Telnet? done */
if (sim_con_ldsc.conn) { /* connected? */
tmxr_poll_rx (&sim_con_tmxr); /* poll (check disconn) */
if (sim_con_ldsc.conn) return SCPE_OK; /* still connected? */
for (i = 0; i < sec; i++) { /* loop */
if (tmxr_poll_conn (&sim_con_tmxr) >= 0) { /* poll connect */
sim_con_ldsc.rcve = 1; /* rcv enabled */
if (i) { /* if delayed */
printf ("Running\n"); /* print transition */
fflush (stdout);
return SCPE_OK; /* ready to proceed */
c = sim_os_poll_kbd (); /* check for stop char */
if ((c == SCPE_STOP) || stop_cpu) return SCPE_STOP;
if ((i % 10) == 0) { /* Status every 10 sec */
printf ("Waiting for console Telnet connection\n");
fflush (stdout);
sim_os_sleep (1); /* wait 1 second */
return SCPE_TTMO; /* timed out */
/* Poll for character */
t_stat sim_poll_kbd (void)
int32 c;
c = sim_os_poll_kbd (); /* get character */
if ((c == SCPE_STOP) || (sim_con_tmxr.master == 0)) /* ^E or not Telnet? */
return c; /* in-window */
if (sim_con_ldsc.conn == 0) return SCPE_LOST; /* no Telnet conn? */
tmxr_poll_rx (&sim_con_tmxr); /* poll for input */
if (c = tmxr_getc_ln (&sim_con_ldsc)) /* any char? */
return (c & (SCPE_BREAK | 0377)) | SCPE_KFLAG;
return SCPE_OK;
/* Output character */
t_stat sim_putchar (int32 c)
if (sim_log) fputc (c, sim_log); /* log file? */
if (sim_con_tmxr.master == 0) /* not Telnet? */
return sim_os_putchar (c); /* in-window version */
if (sim_con_ldsc.conn == 0) return SCPE_LOST; /* no Telnet conn? */
tmxr_putc_ln (&sim_con_ldsc, c); /* output char */
tmxr_poll_tx (&sim_con_tmxr); /* poll xmt */
return SCPE_OK;
t_stat sim_putchar_s (int32 c)
t_stat r;
if (sim_log) fputc (c, sim_log); /* log file? */
if (sim_con_tmxr.master == 0) /* not Telnet? */
return sim_os_putchar (c); /* in-window version */
if (sim_con_ldsc.conn == 0) return SCPE_LOST; /* no Telnet conn? */
if (sim_con_ldsc.xmte == 0) r = SCPE_STALL; /* xmt disabled? */
else r = tmxr_putc_ln (&sim_con_ldsc, c); /* no, Telnet output */
tmxr_poll_tx (&sim_con_tmxr); /* poll xmt */
return r; /* return status */
/* VMS routines, from Ben Thomas, with fixes from Robert Alan Byer */
#if defined (VMS)
#if defined(__VAX)
#define sys$assign SYS$ASSIGN
#define sys$qiow SYS$QIOW
#include <descrip.h>
#include <ttdef.h>
#include <tt2def.h>
#include <iodef.h>
#include <ssdef.h>
#include <starlet.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#define EFN 0
uint32 tty_chan = 0;
typedef struct {
unsigned short sense_count;
unsigned char sense_first_char;
unsigned char sense_reserved;
unsigned int stat;
unsigned int stat2; } SENSE_BUF;
typedef struct {
unsigned short status;
unsigned short count;
unsigned int dev_status; } IOSB;
SENSE_BUF cmd_mode = { 0 };
SENSE_BUF run_mode = { 0 };
t_stat sim_ttinit (void)
unsigned int status;
IOSB iosb;
$DESCRIPTOR (terminal_device, "tt");
status = sys$assign (&terminal_device, &tty_chan, 0, 0);
if (status != SS$_NORMAL) return SCPE_TTIERR;
status = sys$qiow (EFN, tty_chan, IO$_SENSEMODE, &iosb, 0, 0,
&cmd_mode, sizeof (cmd_mode), 0, 0, 0, 0);
if ((status != SS$_NORMAL) || (iosb.status != SS$_NORMAL)) return SCPE_TTIERR;
run_mode = cmd_mode;
run_mode.stat = cmd_mode.stat | TT$M_NOECHO & ~(TT$M_HOSTSYNC | TT$M_TTSYNC);
run_mode.stat2 = cmd_mode.stat2 | TT2$M_PASTHRU;
return SCPE_OK;
t_stat sim_ttrun (void)
unsigned int status;
IOSB iosb;
status = sys$qiow (EFN, tty_chan, IO$_SETMODE, &iosb, 0, 0,
&run_mode, sizeof (run_mode), 0, 0, 0, 0);
if ((status != SS$_NORMAL) || (iosb.status != SS$_NORMAL)) return SCPE_TTIERR;
return SCPE_OK;
t_stat sim_ttcmd (void)
unsigned int status;
IOSB iosb;
status = sys$qiow (EFN, tty_chan, IO$_SETMODE, &iosb, 0, 0,
&cmd_mode, sizeof (cmd_mode), 0, 0, 0, 0);
if ((status != SS$_NORMAL) || (iosb.status != SS$_NORMAL)) return SCPE_TTIERR;
return SCPE_OK;
t_stat sim_ttclose (void)
return sim_ttcmd ();
t_stat sim_os_poll_kbd (void)
unsigned int status, term[2];
unsigned char buf[4];
IOSB iosb;
SENSE_BUF sense;
term[0] = 0; term[1] = 0;
status = sys$qiow (EFN, tty_chan, IO$_SENSEMODE | IO$M_TYPEAHDCNT, &iosb,
0, 0, &sense, 8, 0, term, 0, 0);
if ((status != SS$_NORMAL) || (iosb.status != SS$_NORMAL)) return SCPE_TTIERR;
if (sense.sense_count == 0) return SCPE_OK;
term[0] = 0; term[1] = 0;
status = sys$qiow (EFN, tty_chan,
&iosb, 0, 0, buf, 1, 0, term, 0, 0);
if ((status != SS$_NORMAL) || (iosb.status != SS$_NORMAL)) return SCPE_OK;
if (buf[0] == sim_int_char) return SCPE_STOP;
if (sim_brk_char && (buf[0] == sim_brk_char)) return SCPE_BREAK;
return (buf[0] | SCPE_KFLAG);
t_stat sim_os_putchar (int32 out)
unsigned int status;
char c;
IOSB iosb;
c = out;
status = sys$qiow (EFN, tty_chan, IO$_WRITELBLK | IO$M_NOFORMAT,
&iosb, 0, 0, &c, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
if ((status != SS$_NORMAL) || (iosb.status != SS$_NORMAL)) return SCPE_TTOERR;
return SCPE_OK;
/* Win32 routines */
#elif defined (_WIN32)
#include <conio.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <io.h>
#include <windows.h>
#define RAW_MODE 0
static HANDLE std_input;
static DWORD saved_mode;
t_stat sim_ttinit (void)
std_input = GetStdHandle (STD_INPUT_HANDLE);
if ((std_input == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) ||
!GetConsoleMode (std_input, &saved_mode)) return SCPE_TTYERR;
return SCPE_OK;
t_stat sim_ttrun (void)
if (!GetConsoleMode(std_input, &saved_mode) ||
!SetConsoleMode(std_input, RAW_MODE)) return SCPE_TTYERR;
if (sim_log) {
fflush (sim_log);
_setmode (_fileno (sim_log), _O_BINARY);
SetThreadPriority (GetCurrentThread(), THREAD_PRIORITY_BELOW_NORMAL);
return SCPE_OK;
t_stat sim_ttcmd (void)
if (sim_log) {
fflush (sim_log);
_setmode (_fileno (sim_log), _O_TEXT);
SetThreadPriority (GetCurrentThread(), THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL);
if (!SetConsoleMode(std_input, saved_mode)) return SCPE_TTYERR;
return SCPE_OK;
t_stat sim_ttclose (void)
return SCPE_OK;
t_stat sim_os_poll_kbd (void)
int c;
if (!_kbhit ()) return SCPE_OK;
c = _getch ();
if ((c & 0177) == sim_del_char) c = 0177;
if ((c & 0177) == sim_int_char) return SCPE_STOP;
if (sim_brk_char && ((c & 0177) == sim_brk_char)) return SCPE_BREAK;
return c | SCPE_KFLAG;
t_stat sim_os_putchar (int32 c)
if (c != 0177) _putch (c);
return SCPE_OK;
/* OS/2 routines, from Bruce Ray and Holger Veit */
#elif defined (__OS2__)
#include <conio.h>
t_stat sim_ttinit (void)
return SCPE_OK;
t_stat sim_ttrun (void)
return SCPE_OK;
t_stat sim_ttcmd (void)
return SCPE_OK;
t_stat sim_ttclose (void)
return SCPE_OK;
t_stat sim_os_poll_kbd (void)
int c;
#if defined (__EMX__)
switch (c = _read_kbd(0,0,0)) { /* EMX has _read_kbd */
case -1: /* no char*/
return SCPE_OK;
case 0: /* char pending */
c = _read_kbd(0,1,0);
default: /* got char */
if (!kbhit ()) return SCPE_OK;
c = getch();
if ((c & 0177) == sim_del_char) c = 0177;
if ((c & 0177) == sim_int_char) return SCPE_STOP;
if (sim_brk_char && ((c & 0177) == sim_brk_char)) return SCPE_BREAK;
return c | SCPE_KFLAG;
t_stat sim_os_putchar (int32 c)
if (c != 0177) {
#if defined (__EMX__)
putchar (c);
putch (c);
fflush (stdout);
return SCPE_OK;
/* Metrowerks CodeWarrior Macintosh routines, from Louis Chretien and
Peter Schorn */
#elif defined (__MWERKS__) && defined (macintosh)
#include <console.h>
#include <Mactypes.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sioux.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <siouxglobals.h>
#include <Traps.h>
#include <LowMem.h>
/* function prototypes */
Boolean SIOUXIsAppWindow(WindowPtr window);
void SIOUXDoMenuChoice(long menuValue);
void SIOUXUpdateMenuItems(void);
void SIOUXUpdateScrollbar(void);
int ps_kbhit(void);
int ps_getch(void);
extern char sim_name[];
extern pSIOUXWin SIOUXTextWindow;
static CursHandle iBeamCursorH = NULL; /* contains the iBeamCursor */
static void updateCursor(void) {
WindowPtr window;
window = FrontWindow();
if (SIOUXIsAppWindow(window)) {
GrafPtr savePort;
Point localMouse;
localMouse = LMGetMouseLocation();
if (PtInRect(localMouse, &(*SIOUXTextWindow->edit)->viewRect) && iBeamCursorH) {
else {
else {
int ps_kbhit(void) {
EventRecord event;
int c;
while (GetNextEvent(updateMask | osMask | mDownMask | mUpMask | activMask |
highLevelEventMask | diskEvt, &event)) {
if (SIOUXQuitting) {
if (EventAvail(keyDownMask,&event)) {
c = event.message&charCodeMask;
if ((event.modifiers & cmdKey) && (c > 0x20)) {
GetNextEvent(keyDownMask, &event);
if (SIOUXQuitting) {
return false;
return true;
else {
return false;
int ps_getch(void) {
int c;
EventRecord event;
while(!GetNextEvent(keyDownMask,&event)) {
if (GetNextEvent(updateMask | osMask | mDownMask | mUpMask | activMask |
highLevelEventMask | diskEvt, &event)) {
if (SIOUXQuitting) {
c = event.message&charCodeMask;
if ((event.modifiers & cmdKey) && (c > 0x20)) {
if (SIOUXQuitting) {
return c;
/* Note that this only works if the call to sim_ttinit comes before any output to the console */
t_stat sim_ttinit (void) {
int i;
/* this blank will later be replaced by the number of characters */
char title[50] = " ";
unsigned char ptitle[50];
SIOUXSettings.autocloseonquit = TRUE;
SIOUXSettings.asktosaveonclose = FALSE;
SIOUXSettings.showstatusline = FALSE;
SIOUXSettings.columns = 80;
SIOUXSettings.rows = 40;
SIOUXSettings.toppixel = 42;
SIOUXSettings.leftpixel = 6;
iBeamCursorH = GetCursor(iBeamCursor);
strcat(title, sim_name);
strcat(title, " Simulator");
title[0] = strlen(title) - 1; /* Pascal string done */
for (i = 0; i <= title[0]; i++) { /* copy to unsigned char */
ptitle[i] = title[i];
return SCPE_OK;
t_stat sim_ttrun (void)
return SCPE_OK;
t_stat sim_ttcmd (void)
return SCPE_OK;
t_stat sim_ttclose (void)
return SCPE_OK;
t_stat sim_os_poll_kbd (void)
int c;
if (!ps_kbhit ()) return SCPE_OK;
c = ps_getch();
if ((c & 0177) == sim_del_char) c = 0177;
if ((c & 0177) == sim_int_char) return SCPE_STOP;
if (sim_brk_char && ((c & 0177) == sim_brk_char)) return SCPE_BREAK;
return c | SCPE_KFLAG;
t_stat sim_os_putchar (int32 c)
if (c != 0177) {
putchar (c);
fflush (stdout);
return SCPE_OK;
/* BSD UNIX routines */
#elif defined (BSDTTY)
#include <sgtty.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
struct sgttyb cmdtty,runtty; /* V6/V7 stty data */
struct tchars cmdtchars,runtchars; /* V7 editing */
struct ltchars cmdltchars,runltchars; /* 4.2 BSD editing */
int cmdfl,runfl; /* TTY flags */
t_stat sim_ttinit (void)
cmdfl = fcntl (0, F_GETFL, 0); /* get old flags and status */
runfl = cmdfl | FNDELAY;
if (ioctl (0, TIOCGETP, &cmdtty) < 0) return SCPE_TTIERR;
if (ioctl (0, TIOCGETC, &cmdtchars) < 0) return SCPE_TTIERR;
if (ioctl (0, TIOCGLTC, &cmdltchars) < 0) return SCPE_TTIERR;
runtty = cmdtty; /* initial run state */
runtty.sg_flags = cmdtty.sg_flags & ~(ECHO|CRMOD) | CBREAK;
runtchars.t_intrc = sim_int_char; /* interrupt */
runtchars.t_quitc = 0xFF; /* no quit */
runtchars.t_startc = 0xFF; /* no host sync */
runtchars.t_stopc = 0xFF;
runtchars.t_eofc = 0xFF;
runtchars.t_brkc = 0xFF;
runltchars.t_suspc = 0xFF; /* no specials of any kind */
runltchars.t_dsuspc = 0xFF;
runltchars.t_rprntc = 0xFF;
runltchars.t_flushc = 0xFF;
runltchars.t_werasc = 0xFF;
runltchars.t_lnextc = 0xFF;
return SCPE_OK; /* return success */
t_stat sim_ttrun (void)
runtchars.t_intrc = sim_int_char; /* in case changed */
fcntl (0, F_SETFL, runfl); /* non-block mode */
if (ioctl (0, TIOCSETP, &runtty) < 0) return SCPE_TTIERR;
if (ioctl (0, TIOCSETC, &runtchars) < 0) return SCPE_TTIERR;
if (ioctl (0, TIOCSLTC, &runltchars) < 0) return SCPE_TTIERR;
nice (10); /* lower priority */
return SCPE_OK;
t_stat sim_ttcmd (void)
nice (-10); /* restore priority */
fcntl (0, F_SETFL, cmdfl); /* block mode */
if (ioctl (0, TIOCSETP, &cmdtty) < 0) return SCPE_TTIERR;
if (ioctl (0, TIOCSETC, &cmdtchars) < 0) return SCPE_TTIERR;
if (ioctl (0, TIOCSLTC, &cmdltchars) < 0) return SCPE_TTIERR;
return SCPE_OK;
t_stat sim_ttclose (void)
return sim_ttcmd ();
t_stat sim_os_poll_kbd (void)
int status;
unsigned char buf[1];
status = read (0, buf, 1);
if (status != 1) return SCPE_OK;
if (sim_brk_char && (buf[0] == sim_brk_char)) return SCPE_BREAK;
else return (buf[0] | SCPE_KFLAG);
t_stat sim_os_putchar (int32 out)
char c;
c = out;
write (1, &c, 1);
return SCPE_OK;
/* POSIX UNIX routines, from Leendert Van Doorn */
#include <termios.h>
#include <unistd.h>
struct termios cmdtty, runtty;
static int prior_norm = 1;
t_stat sim_ttinit (void)
if (!isatty (fileno (stdin))) return SCPE_OK; /* skip if !tty */
if (tcgetattr (0, &cmdtty) < 0) return SCPE_TTIERR; /* get old flags */
runtty = cmdtty;
runtty.c_lflag = runtty.c_lflag & ~(ECHO | ICANON); /* no echo or edit */
runtty.c_oflag = runtty.c_oflag & ~OPOST; /* no output edit */
runtty.c_iflag = runtty.c_iflag & ~ICRNL; /* no cr conversion */
runtty.c_cc[VINTR] = sim_int_char; /* interrupt */
runtty.c_cc[VQUIT] = 0; /* no quit */
runtty.c_cc[VERASE] = 0;
runtty.c_cc[VKILL] = 0;
runtty.c_cc[VEOF] = 0;
runtty.c_cc[VEOL] = 0;
runtty.c_cc[VSTART] = 0; /* no host sync */
runtty.c_cc[VSUSP] = 0;
runtty.c_cc[VSTOP] = 0;
#if defined (VREPRINT)
runtty.c_cc[VREPRINT] = 0; /* no specials */
#if defined (VDISCARD)
runtty.c_cc[VDISCARD] = 0;
#if defined (VWERASE)
runtty.c_cc[VWERASE] = 0;
#if defined (VLNEXT)
runtty.c_cc[VLNEXT] = 0;
runtty.c_cc[VMIN] = 0; /* no waiting */
runtty.c_cc[VTIME] = 0;
#if defined (VDSUSP)
runtty.c_cc[VDSUSP] = 0;
#if defined (VSTATUS)
runtty.c_cc[VSTATUS] = 0;
return SCPE_OK;
t_stat sim_ttrun (void)
if (!isatty (fileno (stdin))) return SCPE_OK; /* skip if !tty */
runtty.c_cc[VINTR] = sim_int_char; /* in case changed */
if (tcsetattr (0, TCSAFLUSH, &runtty) < 0) return SCPE_TTIERR;
if (prior_norm) { /* at normal pri? */
errno = 0;
nice (10); /* try to lower pri */
prior_norm = errno; /* if no error, done */
return SCPE_OK;
t_stat sim_ttcmd (void)
if (!isatty (fileno (stdin))) return SCPE_OK; /* skip if !tty */
if (!prior_norm) { /* priority down? */
errno = 0;
nice (-10); /* try to raise pri */
prior_norm = (errno == 0); /* if no error, done */
if (tcsetattr (0, TCSAFLUSH, &cmdtty) < 0) return SCPE_TTIERR;
return SCPE_OK;
t_stat sim_ttclose (void)
return sim_ttcmd ();
t_stat sim_os_poll_kbd (void)
int status;
unsigned char buf[1];
status = read (0, buf, 1);
if (status != 1) return SCPE_OK;
if (sim_brk_char && (buf[0] == sim_brk_char)) return SCPE_BREAK;
else return (buf[0] | SCPE_KFLAG);
t_stat sim_os_putchar (int32 out)
char c;
c = out;
write (1, &c, 1);
return SCPE_OK;