blob: 76ab2eadca2dc115630ad660bc8d7054ca484dba [file] [log] [blame] [raw]
/* eclipse_cpu.c: Eclipse CPU simulator
Modified from the original NOVA simulator by Robert Supnik.
Copyright (c) 1998-2003, Charles E Owen
Portions Copyright (c) 1993-2002, Robert M Supnik
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
Except as contained in this notice, the name of Robert M Supnik shall not
be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings
in this Software without prior written authorization from Robert M Supnik.
cpu Eclipse central processor
28-Jan-02 RMS Cleaned up compiler warnings
30-Nov-01 RMS Added extended SET/SHOW support
01-Jun-01 RMS Added second terminal, plotter support
26-Apr-01 RMS Added device enable/disable support
The register state for the Eclipse CPU is basically the same as
the NOVA's:
AC[0:3]<0:15> general registers
C carry flag
PC<0:14> program counter
In addition, certain low-memory locations are reserved for special
0: I/O Return Address (from an interrupt)
1: I/O (Interrupt) handler address
2: System Call handler address (used by SYC instruction)
3: Protection Fault handler address
4: VECTOR stack pointer (VCT Instruction)
5: Current Interrupt Priority mask
6: VECTOR stack limit (VCT instruction)
7: VECTOR stack fault address (VCT again)
10: Block Pointer (later models only)
11: Emulation Trap Handler address (microeclipse only)
20-27: Auto-increment locations (not on microeclipse)
30-37: Auto-decrement locations (not on microeclipse)
40: Stack pointer
41: Frame Pointer
42: Stack Limit
43: Stack fault address
44: XOP Origin address
45: Floating point fault address
46: Commercial fault address (not on microeclipse)
47: Reserved, do not use.
Note: While all eclipses share most of the "standard" features,
some models added a few quirks and wrinkles, and other models
dropped some features or modified others. Most DG software
is written for a "standard" Eclipse, and avoids these problem
areas. A general overview:
[subject to major changes as info becomes available!]
Early (e.g. S/100, S/200, C/300) [Front Panel machines]
The first Eclipses had the basic MMPU, but certain parts
were kluged, and these were fixed in later MMPU designs.
This results in incompatibility, however. Also, early
CPUs had a feature called "Commercial Instruction Set"
which contained character manipulation, translation
between commercial-format numeric data and FPU formats,
and an elaborate EDIT instruction. Later models kept
only the character manipulation part of this and called
the feature the "Character Instruction Set", leading to
confusion because the initials of both are CIS. AFAIK,
DG dropped support for this MMPU and no version of RDOS
supported it past version 6, if even that.
Middle (e.g. S/130, C/150, S/230, C/330) [Front Panel]
These are close to a "Standard". They have the newer,
fixed MMPU. Support for the PIT (Programmed Interval
Timer. The Commercial (not character) instruction set
and FPU are optional. (CIS standard on C models)
Late (C/350, M/600: [Panel]; S/140, S/280 [Virtual Console])
All features of the Middle period are included, plus:
These late Eclipses added a few MMPU wrinkles all their
own, included support for user maps C and D. Character
instruction set is standard, FPU optional. Also, support
for the BMC device.
MicroEclipse-based (S/20, S/120, Desktops) [Virtual cons.]
All features of the Late period, in general, plus:
Microeclipses dropped support for the auto increment
and decrement locations at 20-37. They also added
support for invalid instruction traps thru location 11.
The Desktops have an interface to the "Attached Processor",
an 8086, at device code 4. Also, some new CPU device
features to read states info. The Character Instruction
set and FPU are standard on all models.
The Eclipse instruction set is an elaboration of the NOVA's. The basic
NOVA set is implemented in it's entireity, plus many new Eclipse
instructions are added. Since in theory every possible 16-bit
combination is a NOVA instruction, the Eclipse commands are carved
out of the NOVA set by using the Operate format with the no-load bit
set to 1 and the skip bits set to 000. Since this combination is
in effect a no-op on the NOVA, it was rarely or never used. The
other bits are used to form Eclipse instructions, which have no
other common format. To see the instructions, refer to the Eclipse
section of the instruction decode logic in sim_instr() below. All
Eclipse instructions are checked first, so in case of conflict in
bit patterns, the Eclipse one is executed over the corresponding
NOVA pattern.
The following discussion talks about NOVA instructions which are
Eclipse instructions also.
The NOVA has three instruction formats: memory reference, I/O transfer,
and operate. The memory reference format is:
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
| 0| op | AC |in| mode| displacement | memory reference
<0:4> mnemonic action
00000 JMP PC = MA
00001 JMS AC3 = PC, PC = MA
00010 ISZ M[MA] = M[MA] + 1, skip if M[MA] == 0
00011 DSZ M[MA] = M[MA] - 1, skip if M[MA] == 0
001'n LDA ACn = M[MA]
010'n STA M[MA] = ACn
<5:7> mode action
000 page zero direct MA = zext (IR<8:15>)
001 PC relative direct MA = PC + sext (IR<8:15>)
010 AC2 relative direct MA = AC2 + sext (IR<8:15>)
011 AC3 relative direct MA = AC3 + sext (IR<8:15>)
100 page zero indirect MA = M[zext (IR<8:15>)]
101 PC relative dinirect MA = M[PC + sext (IR<8:15>)]
110 AC2 relative indirect MA = M[AC2 + sext (IR<8:15>)]
111 AC3 relative indirect MA = M[AC3 + sext (IR<8:15>)]
Memory reference instructions can access an address space of 32K words.
An instruction can directly reference the first 256 words of memory
(called page zero), as well as 256 words relative to the PC, AC2, or
AC3; it can indirectly access all 32K words. If an indirect address
is in locations 00020-00027, the indirect address is incremented and
rewritten to memory before use; if in 00030-00037, decremented and
/* The I/O transfer format is:
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
| 0 1 1| AC | opcode |pulse| device | I/O transfer
The IOT instruction sends the opcode, pulse, and specified AC to the
specified I/O device. The device may accept data, provide data,
initiate or cancel operations, or skip on status.
The operate format is:
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
| 1|srcAC|dstAC| opcode |shift|carry|nl| skip | operate
\______/ \___/ \___/ | | | |
| | | | | | +--- reverse skip sense
| | | | | +--- skip if C == 0
| | | | +--- skip if result == 0
| | | +--- don't load result
| | +--- carry in (load as is,
| | set to Zero,
| | set to One,
| | load Complement)
| +--- shift (none,
| left one,
| right one,
| byte swap)
+--- operation (complement,
add complement,
The operate instruction can be microprogrammed to perform operations
on the source and destination AC's and the Carry flag.
/* This routine is the instruction decode routine for the NOVA.
It is called from the simulator control program to execute
instructions in simulated memory, starting at the simulated PC.
It runs until 'reason' is set non-zero.
General notes:
1. Reasons to stop. The simulator can be stopped by:
HALT instruction
breakpoint encountered
infinite indirection loop
unknown I/O device and STOP_DEV flag set
I/O error in I/O simulator
2. Interrupts. Interrupts are maintained by four parallel variables:
dev_done device done flags
dev_disable device interrupt disable flags
dev_busy device busy flags
int_req interrupt requests
In addition, int_req contains the interrupt enable and ION pending
flags. If ION and ION pending are set, and at least one interrupt
request is pending, then an interrupt occurs. Note that the 16b PIO
mask must be mapped to the simulator's device bit mapping.
3. Non-existent memory. On the NOVA, reads to non-existent memory
return zero, and writes are ignored. In the simulator, the
largest possible memory is instantiated and initialized to zero.
Thus, only writes need be checked against actual memory size.
4. Adding I/O devices. These modules must be modified:
eclipse_defs.h add interrupt request definition
eclipse_cpu.c add IOT mask, PI mask, and routine to dev_table
eclipse_sys.c add pointer to data structures to sim_devices
** ECLIPSE Debugging Facilities
** These options are designed to find hard-to-locate flaky bugs by
** providing special error checking and logging.
** All are controlled by depositing a value into the DEBUG register.
** A value of zero means no special debugging facilities are turned on.
** This is the default. Debugging invokes a performance hit! Use only
** when necessary.
** Debugging means logging information to a file, or to a buffer in
** memory from whence it can be dumped to a file.
** 1XXXXX = Log all instructions executed to file "trace.log".
** **CAUTION**: This means the CPU will run SLOWLY and
** the resulting trace.log file will be HUGE. We're talking
** about a megabyte for each 5 seconds or less of wall clock
** time, depending on the speed of your CPU. Note: In this
** mode, interrupts are logged when they are received also.
** Note: when detailed logging is off, the last 4096 or so
** instructions executed are saved in a memory buffer, and
** when the sim stops, the "dump" command can write this
** history information to the file "history.log". This only
** works if the DEBUG register is non-zero however, because
** of the performance hit even this recording makes.
** XXXXDD = Log all I/O instructions to or from device number
** DD. Log is written to "trace.log", regardless of the
** setting of the instruction trace flag (1XXXXX). If both
** are on, the device traces will be interpersed with the
** instruction traces -- very useful sometimes.
** XXX1DD = Device Break. Does a breakpoint in any I/O to
** device DD. Useful, say when a diagnostic gives an
** error message - a device break on 11 (TTO) will stop
** as soon as the error message appears, making the
** trace log much shorter to track back on.
** X4XXXX = When this bit is on, the sim will stop if it sees
** an invalid instruction. When DEBUG is zero, any such
** instruction is no-oped with no warning. When DEBUG is
** non-zero, but this bit is 0, a warning will be displayed
** but execution will continue.
** X2XXXX = LEF break. When A LEF instruction is executed in
** mapped user space, the sim does a breakpoint right after
** executing the instruction.
** Whenever the DEBUG register is non-zero, special error checking
** is enabled in the sim. This will stop the sim automatically
** when a likely error occurs, such as:
** 1. Any execution that reaches, or will reach, location 00000.
** 2. Any I/O to device 00
** 3. An interrupt from device 00.
** 4. An invalid instruction (stop is optional)
** Of course, the standard BREAK register is available for breakpoints
** as in all the sims based on this standard.
#include "nova_defs.h"
#define UNIT_V_MICRO (UNIT_V_UF) /* Microeclipse? */
#define UNIT_V_17B (UNIT_V_UF) /* 17 bit MAP */
#define UNIT_V_MSIZE (UNIT_V_UF+1) /* dummy mask */
#define UNIT_MICRO (1 << UNIT_V_MICRO)
#define UNIT_17B (1 << UNIT_V_17B)
#define UNIT_MSIZE (1 << UNIT_V_MSIZE)
unsigned int16 M[MAXMEMSIZE] = { 0 }; /* memory */
int32 AC[4] = { 0 }; /* accumulators */
int32 C = 0; /* carry flag */
int32 saved_PC = 0; /* program counter */
int32 SR = 0; /* switch register */
int32 dev_done = 0; /* device done flags */
int32 dev_busy = 0; /* device busy flags */
int32 dev_disable = 0; /* int disable flags */
int32 iot_enb = -1; /* IOT enables */
int32 int_req = 0; /* interrupt requests */
int32 pimask = 0; /* priority int mask */
int32 pwr_low = 0; /* power fail flag */
int32 ind_max = 15; /* iadr nest limit */
int32 stop_dev = 0; /* stop on ill dev */
int32 old_PC = 0; /* previous PC */
int32 model = 130; /* Model of Eclipse */
int32 speed = 0; /* Delay for each instruction */
int32 XCT_mode = 0; /* 1 if XCT mode */
int32 XCT_inst = 0; /* XCT instruction */
int32 PPC = -1;
struct ndev dev_table[64]; /* dispatch table */
/* Instruction history buffer */
#define HISTMAX 4096
int32 hnext = 0; /* # of current entry */
int32 hwrap = 0; /* 1 if wrapped */
int32 hmax = HISTMAX; /* Maximum entries b4 wrap */
unsigned int16 hpc[HISTMAX];
unsigned int16 hinst[HISTMAX];
unsigned int16 hinst2[HISTMAX];
unsigned int16 hac0[HISTMAX];
unsigned int16 hac1[HISTMAX];
unsigned int16 hac2[HISTMAX];
unsigned int16 hac3[HISTMAX];
unsigned short hflags[HISTMAX];
/* Flags: 0x01 - carry bit
0x02 - int enabled
0x04 - user map a
0x08 - user map b
0x10 - user map c
0x20 - user map d
0x80 - this is an int, not an inst.
hpc is return addr
hinst is int_req
hac0 is device
hac1 is int addr
/* the Eclipse MAP unit: This unit is standard in all Eclipse processors
except for the "original" Eclipses, the S/100, S/200, and C/300. These
use a different and more elaborate MMPU that is not compatible with
the one simulated here. All subsequent Eclipses, from the S/130 on up
to the last models S/280 and C/380 use the map simulated here, including
the MicroEclipses. There are model-dependent quirks. That's why we
have to MODEL register.
The programming of the MMPU can be found in the LMP instruction, below,
and in the instructions directed to DEV_MAP.
There are two user maps, called A and B, and four data channel maps,
A thru D. They can be enabled/disabled separately. Some models have
two extra user maps, C and D. These are supported where apporpriate.
#define PAGEMASK 01777 /* Largest physical page possible */
#define MAPMASK 0101777 /* Valid page bits in map */
#define INVALID 0101777 /* Mask indicating an invalid page */
int32 MapStat = 0; /* Map status register */
int32 Inhibit = 0; /* !0=inhibit interrupts : */
/* 1 = single cycle inhibit */
/* 2 = inhibit until indirection */
/* 3 = inhibit next instruction only */
int32 Enable = 0; /* User map to activate 1=A 2=B */
int32 Usermap = 0; /* Active Map? 0=supvr mode, 1=user A, 2 = user B */
int32 Map[8][32]; /* The actual MAPs 0=dch A, 1=A, 2=B, 3-5=dchB-D 6-7 User C-D */
int32 Map31 = 037; /* Map for block 31 in supervisor mode */
int32 SingleCycle = 0; /* Map one LDA/STA */
int32 Check = 0; /* Page Check Register */
int32 Fault = 0; /* Fault register */
int32 MapInit = 0; /* 1 when map initialized */
int32 MapIntMode = 0; /* Save of map user mode when int occurs */
int32 Debug_Flags = 0; /* Debug register - selects debug features */
int32 Tron = 0; /* For trace files */
FILE *Trace;
t_stat reason;
extern int32 sim_int_char;
extern int32 sim_brk_types, sim_brk_dflt, sim_brk_summ; /* breakpoint info */
extern DEVICE *sim_devices[];
t_stat cpu_ex (t_value *vptr, t_addr addr, UNIT *uptr, int32 sw);
t_stat cpu_dep (t_value val, t_addr addr, UNIT *uptr, int32 sw);
t_stat cpu_reset (DEVICE *dptr);
t_stat cpu_boot (int32 unitno, DEVICE *dptr);
t_stat cpu_set_size (UNIT *uptr, int32 val, char *cptr, void *desc);
t_stat Debug_Dump (UNIT *uptr, int32 val, char *cptr, void *desc);
t_stat map_ex (t_value *vptr, t_addr addr, UNIT *uptr, int32 sw);
t_stat map_dep (t_value val, t_addr addr, UNIT *uptr, int32 sw);
t_stat map_reset (DEVICE *dptr);
t_stat map_svc (UNIT *uptr);
int32 GetMap(int32 addr);
int32 PutMap(int32 addr, int32 data);
int32 Debug_Entry(int32 PC, int32 inst, int32 inst2, int32 AC0, int32 AC1, int32 AC2, int32 AC3, int32 flags);
t_stat build_devtab (void);
extern t_stat fprint_sym (FILE *of, t_addr addr, t_value *val,
UNIT *uptr, int32 sw);
/* CPU data structures
cpu_dev CPU device descriptor
cpu_unit CPU unit descriptor
cpu_reg CPU register list
cpu_mod CPU modifiers list
REG cpu_reg[] = {
{ ORDATA (PC, saved_PC, 15) },
{ ORDATA (AC0, AC[0], 16) },
{ ORDATA (AC1, AC[1], 16) },
{ ORDATA (AC2, AC[2], 16) },
{ ORDATA (AC3, AC[3], 16) },
{ FLDATA (C, C, 16) },
{ ORDATA (SR, SR, 16) },
{ ORDATA (PI, pimask, 16) },
{ FLDATA (ION, int_req, INT_V_ION) },
{ FLDATA (PWR, pwr_low, 0) },
{ ORDATA (INT, int_req, INT_V_ION+1), REG_RO },
{ ORDATA (BUSY, dev_busy, INT_V_ION+1), REG_RO },
{ ORDATA (DONE, dev_done, INT_V_ION+1), REG_RO },
{ ORDATA (DISABLE, dev_disable, INT_V_ION+1), REG_RO },
{ FLDATA (STOP_DEV, stop_dev, 0) },
{ DRDATA (INDMAX, ind_max, 16), REG_NZ + PV_LEFT },
{ ORDATA (DEBUG, Debug_Flags, 16) },
{ DRDATA (MODEL, model, 16) },
{ DRDATA (SPEED, speed, 16) },
{ ORDATA (WRU, sim_int_char, 8) },
{ NULL } };
MTAB cpu_mod[] = {
{ UNIT_MICRO, 0, "STD", "STD", NULL },
{ UNIT_MSIZE, 4096, NULL, "4K", &cpu_set_size },
{ UNIT_MSIZE, 8192, NULL, "8K", &cpu_set_size },
{ UNIT_MSIZE, 12288, NULL, "12K", &cpu_set_size },
{ UNIT_MSIZE, 16384, NULL, "16K", &cpu_set_size },
{ UNIT_MSIZE, 20480, NULL, "20K", &cpu_set_size },
{ UNIT_MSIZE, 24576, NULL, "24K", &cpu_set_size },
{ UNIT_MSIZE, 28672, NULL, "28K", &cpu_set_size },
{ UNIT_MSIZE, 32768, NULL, "32K", &cpu_set_size },
{ UNIT_MSIZE, 65536, NULL, "64K", &cpu_set_size },
{ UNIT_MSIZE, 131072, NULL, "128K", &cpu_set_size },
{ UNIT_MSIZE, 262144, NULL, "256K", &cpu_set_size },
{ UNIT_MSIZE, 524288, NULL, "512K", &cpu_set_size },
{ UNIT_MSIZE, 1048576, NULL, "1024K", &cpu_set_size },
{ UNIT_MSIZE, 0, NULL, "DUMP", &Debug_Dump },
{ 0 } };
DEVICE cpu_dev = {
"CPU", &cpu_unit, cpu_reg, cpu_mod,
1, 8, 17, 1, 8, 16,
&cpu_ex, &cpu_dep, &cpu_reset,
&cpu_boot, NULL, NULL };
/* MAP data structures
map_dev MAP device descriptor
map_unit MAP unit descriptor
map_reg MAP register list
map_mod MAP modifiers list
UNIT map_unit = { UDATA (&map_svc, UNIT_17B, MAXMEMSIZE) };
REG map_reg[] = {
{ ORDATA (STATUS, MapStat, 16) },
{ ORDATA (ENABLE, Enable, 16) },
{ ORDATA (IINHIB, Inhibit, 16) },
{ ORDATA (ACTIVE, Usermap, 16) },
{ ORDATA (MAP31, Map31, 16) },
{ ORDATA (CYCLE, SingleCycle, 16) },
{ ORDATA (CHECK, Check, 16) },
{ ORDATA (FAULT, Fault, 16) },
{ NULL } };
MTAB map_mod[] = {
{ UNIT_17B, UNIT_17B, "17bit", "17B", NULL },
{ UNIT_17B, 0, "19bit", "19B", NULL },
{ 0 } };
DEVICE map_dev = {
"MAP", &map_unit, map_reg, map_mod,
1, 8, 17, 1, 8, 16,
&map_ex, &map_dep, NULL,
t_stat sim_instr (void)
extern int32 sim_interval;
register int32 PC, IR, i, t, MA, j, k;
register unsigned int32 mddata, uAC0, uAC1, uAC2, uAC3;
int16 sAC0, sAC1, sAC2;
int32 sddata, mi1, mi2;
t_value simeval[20];
void mask_out (int32 mask);
/* char debstr[128]; */
/* char debadd[64]; */
char debmap[4], debion[4];
int debcar, iodev, iodata, debflags;
int32 DisMap, debpc;
/* int32 sp, sl; */
int cmdptr, cmsptr, cmopt, cmptr;
int16 cmslen, cmdlen;
int tabaddr, tabptr;
int32 effective(int32 PC, int32 index, int32 disp);
int32 indirect(int32 d);
int32 LEFmode(int32 PC, int32 index, int32 disp, int32 indirect);
int32 LoadMap(int32 w);
int32 Bytepointer(int32 PC, int32 index);
int32 unimp(int32 PC);
int32 pushrtn(int32 pc);
/* Restore register state */
if (build_devtab () != SCPE_OK) return SCPE_IERR; /* build dispatch */
PC = saved_PC & AMASK; /* load local PC */
C = C & 0200000;
mask_out (pimask); /* reset int system */
reason = 0;
if (MapInit == 0) {
MapInit = 1;
for (mi1 = 0; mi1 < 6; mi1++) { /* Initialize MAPs */
for (mi2 = 0; mi2 < 32; mi2++) {
Map[mi1][mi2] = mi2;
/* Main instruction fetch/decode loop */
while (reason == 0) { /* loop until halted */
if (sim_interval <= 0) { /* check clock queue */
if (reason = sim_process_event ())
if (speed > 0) for (i = 0; i < speed; i++) { j = 0; }
if (Fault) { /* Check MAP fault */
Usermap = 0; /* YES: shutdown map */
MapStat &= ~01; /* Disable MMPU */
if (Fault & 0100000) /* If it was validity, */
MapStat &= ~0170; /* Reset other checkbits */
MapStat |= Fault & 077777; /* Put in fault code */
Fault = 0; /* Reset fault code */
t = (GetMap(040) + 1) & AMASK; /* Push rtn block */
PutMap(t, AC[0]);
PutMap(t, AC[1]);
PutMap(t, AC[2]);
PutMap(t, AC[3]);
PutMap(t, (PC & AMASK));
if (C) PutMap(t, (GetMap(t) | 0100000));
PutMap(040, t);
int_req = int_req & ~INT_ION; /* Disable interrupts */
PC = indirect(M[003]); /* JMP to loc 3 */
if (int_req > INT_PENDING && !Inhibit) { /* interrupt? */
int_req = int_req & ~INT_ION;
MapIntMode = MapStat; /* Save Status as it was */
Usermap = 0; /* Inhibit MAP */
MapStat &= ~1; /* Disable user map */
if (XCT_mode) {
M[0] = PC - 1; /* If XCT mode rtn to XCT */
XCT_mode = 0; /* turn off mode */
} else {
M[0] = PC; /* Save Return Address */
old_PC = PC;
MA = M[1];
for (i = 0; i < ind_max * 2; i++) { /* count indirects */
if ((MA & 0100000) == 0) break;
if ((MA & 077770) == 020)
MA = (M[MA & AMASK] = (M[MA & AMASK] + 1) & 0177777);
else if ((MA & 077770) == 030)
MA = (M[MA & AMASK] = (M[MA & AMASK] - 1) & 0177777);
else MA = M[MA & AMASK];
if (i >= ind_max) {
if ((MapStat & 010) && Usermap) {
Fault = 04000; /* Map fault if IND prot */
} else {
reason = STOP_IND_INT;
if (Debug_Flags) {
iodev = 0;
iodata = int_req & (-int_req);
for (i = DEV_LOW; i <= DEV_HIGH; i++) {
if (iodata & dev_table[i].mask) {
iodev = i;
if (iodev == 0) {
printf("\n<<Interrupt to device 0!>>\n");
reason = STOP_IBKPT;
if (Debug_Flags & 0100000) {
fprintf(Trace, "--------- Interrupt %o (%o) to %6o ---------\n", int_req, iodev, MA);
} else {
Debug_Entry(PC, int_req, 0, iodev, MA, 0, 0, 0x80);
PC = MA;
} /* end interrupt */
if (Inhibit != 0) { /* Handle 1-instruction inhibit sequence */
if (Inhibit == 3) /* Used by SYC instruction */
Inhibit = 4;
if (Inhibit == 4)
Inhibit = 0;
if (sim_brk_summ && sim_brk_test (PC, SWMASK ('E'))) { /* breakpoint? */
reason = STOP_IBKPT; /* stop simulation */
if ((PC < 1 || PC > 077777) && Debug_Flags) {
if (PPC != -1) { /* Don't break on 1st instruction */
printf("\n<<Invalid PC=%o from %o>>\n\r", PC, PPC);
reason = STOP_IBKPT;
if (Debug_Flags) {
if (!Tron) {
Tron = 1;
Trace = fopen("trace.log", "w");
strcpy(debmap, " ");
strcpy(debion, " ");
debcar = 0;
if (C) debcar = 1;
if (Usermap == 1) strcpy(debmap, "A");
if (Usermap == 2) strcpy(debmap, "B");
if (Usermap == 5) strcpy(debmap, "C");
if (Usermap == 6) strcpy(debmap, "D");
if (int_req & INT_ION) strcpy(debion, "I");
if (XCT_mode == 0) {
debpc = PC;
simeval[0] = GetMap(PC);
simeval[1] = GetMap(PC+1);
} else {
debpc = 0177777;
simeval[0] = XCT_inst;
simeval[1] = 0;
if (Debug_Flags & 0100000) {
fprintf(Trace, "%s%s%06o acs: %06o %06o %06o %06o %01o ",
debion, debmap, debpc, AC[0], AC[1], AC[2], AC[3], debcar);
fprint_sym (Trace, debpc, simeval, NULL, SWMASK('M'));
fprintf(Trace, "\n");
} else {
debflags = 0;
if (C) debflags |= 0x01;
if (int_req & INT_ION) debflags |= 0x02;
if (Usermap == 1) debflags |= 0x04;
if (Usermap == 2) debflags |= 0x08;
if (Usermap == 3) debflags |= 0x10;
if (Usermap == 4) debflags |= 0x20;
Debug_Entry(debpc, simeval[0], simeval[1], AC[0], AC[1], AC[2], AC[3], debflags);
if (XCT_mode == 0) { /* XCT mode? */
IR = GetMap(PC); /* No: fetch instr */
if (Fault) continue; /* Give up if fault */
PC = (PC + 1) & AMASK; /* bump PC */
} else {
IR = XCT_inst; /* Yes: Get inst to XCT */
XCT_mode = 0; /* Go back to normal mode */
int_req = int_req | INT_NO_ION_PENDING; /* clear ION delay */
sim_interval = sim_interval - 1;
t = IR >> 11; /* prepare to decode */
/* ---------------- BEGIN Eclipse modification --------------------- */
/* Eclipse instruction set. These instructions are checked for
before any of the NOVA ones. Eclipse instructions do not
correspond to any patterns, other than bit 0 being 1 and
the last 4 bits are 1000. Words which are not Eclipse
instructions will be interpreted as Nova instructions. */
/* Important Note: The order of the if statements is important.
Frequently executed instructions should come first, to enhance
the speed of the simulation.
if ((IR & 0100017) == 0100010) { /* This pattern for all */
/* Eclipse instructions */
/* This is the standard Eclipse instruction set */
/* Byte operations */
if ((IR & 0103777) == 0102710) { /* LDB: Load Byte */
i = (IR >> 13) & 03;
MA = (AC[i] >> 1) & AMASK;
j = (IR >> 11) & 03;
if (AC[i] & 01) {
AC[j] = GetMap(MA) & 0377;
} else {
AC[j] = (GetMap(MA) >> 8) & 0377;
if ((IR & 0103777) == 0103010) { /* STB: Store Byte */
i = (IR >> 13) & 03;
MA = (AC[i] >> 1);
j = (IR >> 11) & 03;
t = GetMap(MA);
if (AC[i] & 01) {
t &= 0177400;
t |= (AC[j] & 0377);
PutMap(MA, t);
} else {
t &= 0377;
t |= (AC[j] & 0377) << 8;
PutMap(MA, t);
/* Fixed-point arithmetic - loads & saves */
if ((IR & 0162377) == 0122070) { /* ELDA: Extended LDA */
i = (IR >> 11) & 3;
t = GetMap(PC);
if (SingleCycle) Usermap = SingleCycle;
AC[i] = GetMap(effective(PC, (IR >> 8) & 3, t));
if (SingleCycle) {
Usermap = SingleCycle = 0;
if (Inhibit == 1) Inhibit = 3;
MapStat |= 02000;
MapStat &= 0177776;
PC = (PC + 1) & AMASK;
if ((IR & 0162377) == 0142070) { /* ESTA: Extended STA */
i = (IR >> 11) & 3;
t = GetMap(PC);
if (SingleCycle) Usermap = SingleCycle;
PutMap((effective(PC, (IR >> 8) & 3, t)), AC[i]);
if (SingleCycle) {
Usermap = SingleCycle = 0;
if (Inhibit == 1) Inhibit = 3;
MapStat |= 02000;
MapStat &= 0177776;
PC = (PC + 1) & AMASK;
if ((IR & 0103777) == 0100010) { /* ADI: Add Immediate */
t = (IR >> 11) & 3;
AC[t] = (AC[t] + ((IR >> 13) & 3) + 1) & 0xffff;
if ((IR & 0103777) == 0100110) { /* SBI: Subtract Immediate */
t = (IR >> 11) & 3;
AC[t] = (AC[t] - (((IR >> 13) & 3) + 1)) & 0xffff;
if ((IR & 0163777) == 0163770) { /* ADDI: Extended Add Immed. */
t = (IR >> 11) & 3;
i = GetMap(PC);
PC = (PC + 1) & AMASK;
AC[t] = (AC[t] + i) & 0xffff;
if ((IR & 0103777) == 0100710) { /* XCH: Exchange Accumulators */
t = AC[(IR >> 11) & 3];
AC[(IR >> 11) & 3] = AC[(IR >> 13) & 3];
AC[(IR >> 13) & 3] = t;
if ((IR & 0162377) == 0162070) { /* ELEF: Load Effective Addr */
t = GetMap(PC);
AC[(IR >> 11) & 3] = effective(PC, (IR >> 8) & 3, t);
PC = (PC + 1) & AMASK;
/* Logical operations */
if ((IR & 0163777) == 0143770) { /* ANDI: And Immediate */
AC[(IR >> 11) & 3] &= GetMap(PC);
PC = (PC + 1) & AMASK;
if ((IR & 0163777) == 0103770) { /* IORI: Inclusive Or Immed */
AC[(IR >> 11) & 3] |= GetMap(PC);
PC = (PC + 1) & AMASK;
if ((IR & 0163777) == 0123770) { /* XORI: Exclusive Or Immed */
AC[(IR >> 11) & 3] ^= GetMap(PC);
PC = (PC + 1) & AMASK;
if ((IR & 0103777) == 0100410) { /* IOR: Inclusive Or */
AC[(IR >> 11) & 3] |= AC[(IR >> 13) & 3];
if ((IR & 0103777) == 0100510) { /* XOR: Exclusive Or */
AC[(IR >> 11) & 3] ^= AC[(IR >> 13) & 3];
if ((IR & 0103777) == 0100610) { /* ANC: And with complemented src */
AC[(IR >> 11) & 3] &= ~(AC[(IR >> 13) & 3]);
/* Shift operations */
if ((IR & 0103777) == 0101210) { /* LSH: Logical Shift */
register int16 sh;
sh = AC[(IR >> 13) & 3] & 0377;
i = (IR >> 11) & 3;
if (sh & 0200) {
sh = ~sh + 1;
AC[i] = AC[i] >> sh;
} else {
AC[i] = AC[i] << sh;
if (sh > 15) AC[i] = 0;
AC[i] &= 0xffff;
if ((IR & 0103777) == 0101310) { /* DLSH: Double logical shift */
register int16 sh;
sh = AC[(IR >> 13) & 3] & 0377;
i = (IR >> 11) & 3;
uAC0 = AC[i] << 16;
j = i + 1;
if (j == 4) j = 0;
uAC0 |= AC[j];
if (sh & 0200) {
sh = (~sh + 1) & 0377;
if (sh < 32)
uAC0 = uAC0 >> sh;
} else {
if (sh < 32)
uAC0 = uAC0 << sh;
if (sh > 31) uAC0 = 0;
AC[i] = (uAC0 >> 16) & 0xffff;
AC[j] = uAC0 & 0xffff;
if ((IR & 0103777) == 0101410) { /* HXL: Hex shift left */
t = ((IR >> 13) & 3) + 1;
i = (IR >> 11) & 3;
AC[i] = AC[i] << (t * 4);
AC[i] &= 0xffff;
if ((IR & 0103777) == 0101510) { /* HXR: Hex shift right */
t = ((IR >> 13) & 3) + 1;
i = (IR >> 11) & 3;
AC[i] = AC[i] >> (t * 4);
AC[i] &= 0xffff;
if ((IR & 0103777) == 0101610) { /* DHXL: Double Hex shift left */
t = ((IR >> 13) & 3) + 1;
i = (IR >> 11) & 3;
j = i + 1;
if (j == 4) j = 0;
uAC0 = AC[i] << 16;
uAC0 |= AC[j];
uAC0 = uAC0 << ((t * 4) & 0177);
AC[i] = (uAC0 >> 16) & 0xffff;
AC[j] = uAC0 & 0xffff;
if ((IR & 0103777) == 0101710) { /* DHXR: Double Hex shift right */
t = ((IR >> 13) & 3) + 1;
i = (IR >> 11) & 3;
j = i + 1;
if (j == 4) j = 0;
uAC0 = AC[i] << 16;
uAC0 |= AC[j];
uAC0 = uAC0 >> ((t * 4) & 0177);
AC[i] = (uAC0 >> 16) & 0xffff;
AC[j] = uAC0 & 0xffff;
/* Bit operations */
if ((IR & 0103777) == 0102010) { /* BTO: Set bit to one */
i = (IR >> 11) & 3;
j = (IR >> 13) & 3;
if (i != j) {
k = (AC[i] >> 4) & AMASK;
MA = indirect(AC[j] + k);
} else {
MA = (AC[i] >> 4) & AMASK;
t = AC[i] & 017;
t = GetMap(MA) | (0100000 >> t);
PutMap(MA, t);
if ((IR & 0103777) == 0102110) { /* BTZ: Set bit to zero */
i = (IR >> 11) & 3;
j = (IR >> 13) & 3;
if (i != j) {
k = (AC[i] >> 4) & AMASK;
MA = indirect(AC[j] + k);
} else {
MA = (AC[j] >> 4) & AMASK;
t = AC[i] & 017;
t = GetMap(MA) & ~(0100000 >> t);
PutMap(MA, t);
if ((IR & 0103777) == 0102210) { /* SZB: Skip on zero bit */
i = (IR >> 11) & 3;
j = (IR >> 13) & 3;
if (i != j) {
k = (AC[i] >> 4) & AMASK;
MA = indirect(AC[j] + k);
} else {
MA = (AC[i] >> 4) & AMASK;
t = GetMap(MA) << (AC[i] & 017);
if (!(t & 0100000)) PC = (PC + 1) & AMASK;
if ((IR & 0103777) == 0102770) { /* SNB: Skip on non-zero bit */
i = (IR >> 11) & 3;
j = (IR >> 13) & 3;
if (i != j) {
k = (AC[i] >> 4) & AMASK;
MA = indirect(AC[j] + k);
} else {
MA = (AC[j] >> 4) & AMASK;
t = GetMap(MA) << (AC[i] & 017);
if (t & 0100000) PC = (PC + 1) & AMASK;
if ((IR & 0103777) == 0102310) { /* SZBO: skip on zero bit & set to 1 */
register int32 save;
i = (IR >> 11) & 3;
j = (IR >> 13) & 3;
if (i != j) {
k = (AC[i] >> 4) & AMASK;
MA = indirect(AC[j] + k);
} else {
MA = (AC[j] >> 4) & AMASK;
t = AC[i] & 017;
save = GetMap(MA);
t = save | (0100000 >> t);
PutMap(MA, t);
t = save << (AC[i] & 017);
if ((t & 0100000) == 0)
PC = (PC + 1) & AMASK;
if ((IR & 0103777) == 0102410) { /* LOB: Locate lead bit */
register int32 a, r;
register int16 b, c = 0;
a = AC[(IR >> 13) & 3] & 0xffff;
for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
if ((a << i) & 0100000) break;
r = (IR >> 11) & 3;
b = AC[r];
b += i;
AC[r] = b & 0177777;
if ((IR & 0103777) == 0102510) { /* LRB: Locate & reset lead bit */
register int32 a, r;
register int16 b;
j = (IR >> 13) & 3;
a = AC[j];
for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
if ((a << i) & 0100000) break;
r = (IR >> 11) & 3;
b = AC[r];
b += i;
if (j != r) AC[r] = b & 0177777;
AC[j] &= ~(0100000 >> i);
AC[j] &= 0xffff;
if ((IR & 0103777) == 0102610) { /* COB: Count bits */
register int32 a;
register int16 b, c = 0;
a = AC[(IR >> 13) & 3];
for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
if ((a >> i) & 1) c++;
i = (IR >> 11) & 3;
b = AC[i];
b += c;
AC[i] = b & 0177777;
/* Jump & similar operations */
if ((IR & 0176377) == 0102070) { /* EJMP: Extended JMP */
PC = effective(PC, (IR >> 8) & 3, GetMap(PC));
if ((IR & 0176377) == 0106070) { /* EJSR: Extended JMP to subr */
t = effective(PC, (IR >> 8) & 3, GetMap(PC));
AC[3] = (PC + 1) & AMASK;
PC = t & AMASK;
if ((IR & 0176377) == 0112070) { /* EISZ: Ext Inc & skip if 0 */
MA = effective(PC, (IR >> 8) & 3, GetMap(PC));
PutMap(MA, ((GetMap(MA) + 1) & 0xffff));
if (GetMap(MA) == 0) PC = (PC + 1) & AMASK;
PC = (PC + 1) & AMASK;
if ((IR & 0176377) == 0116070) { /* EDSZ: Ext Dec & skip if 0 */
MA = effective(PC, (IR >> 8) & 3, GetMap(PC));
PutMap(MA, ((GetMap(MA) - 1) & 0xffff));
if (GetMap(MA) == 0) PC = (PC + 1) & AMASK;
PC = (PC + 1) & AMASK;
if ((IR & 0103777) == 0101010) { /* SGT: Skip if ACS > ACD */
register int16 a1, d1;
a1 = AC[(IR >> 13) & 3] & 0xffff;
d1 = AC[(IR >> 11) & 3] & 0xffff;
if (a1 > d1)
PC = (PC + 1) & AMASK;
if ((IR & 0103777) == 0101110) { /* SGE: Skip if ACS >= ACD */
register int16 a1, d1;
a1 = AC[(IR >> 13) & 3] & 0xffff;
d1 = AC[(IR >> 11) & 3] & 0xffff;
if (a1 >= d1)
PC = (PC + 1) & AMASK;
if ((IR & 0103777) == 0102370) { /* CLM: Compare to limits */
register int32 s, d, MA;
int16 H, L, ca;
s = (IR >> 13) & 3;
d = (IR >> 11) & 3;
if (s == d) {
L = GetMap(PC);
H = GetMap(PC);
} else {
MA = AC[d] & AMASK;
L = GetMap(MA);
H = GetMap(MA + 1);
ca = AC[s];
if (ca >= L && ca <= H) PC = (PC + 1) & AMASK;
if ((IR & 0163777) == 0123370) { /* XCT: Execute */
XCT_mode = 1; /* Set up to execute on next loop */
XCT_inst = AC[(IR >> 11) & 3];
/* Memory block operations */
if (IR == 0113710) { /* BAM: Block add & move */
register int32 w;
t = AC[1];
if (t < 1 || t > 0100000)
i = indirect(AC[2]);
j = indirect(AC[3]);
while (t) {
w = GetMap(i);
PutMap(j, ((w + AC[0]) & 0xffff));
if (Fault) break;
i &= AMASK;
j &= AMASK;
AC[1] = t;
AC[2] = i & AMASK;
AC[3] = j & AMASK;
if (IR == 0133710) { /* BLM: Block move */
t = AC[1];
if (t < 1 || t > 0100000)
i = indirect(AC[2]);
j = indirect(AC[3]);
while (t) {
PutMap(j, GetMap(i));
if (Fault) break;
i &= AMASK;
j &= AMASK;
AC[1] = t;
AC[2] = i & AMASK;
AC[3] = j & AMASK;
/* Stack operations */
if ((IR & 0103777) == 0103110) { /* PSH: Push multiple accums */
register int32 j;
j = (IR >> 11) & 3;
t = GetMap(040) & AMASK;
i = (IR >> 13) & 3;
if (i == j) {
PutMap(t, AC[i]);
PutMap(040, (t & AMASK));
if (t > GetMap(042)) {
PC = indirect(GetMap(043));
PutMap(040, (GetMap(040) & 077777));
PutMap(042, (GetMap(042) | 0100000));
while (i != j) {
PutMap(t, AC[i]);
if (i == 4) i = 0;
PutMap(t, AC[i]);
PutMap(040, (t & AMASK));
if ((GetMap(040) & AMASK) > GetMap(042)) {
PC = indirect(GetMap(043));
PutMap(040, (GetMap(040) & 077777));
PutMap(042, (GetMap(042) | 0100000));
if ((IR & 0103777) == 0103210) { /* POP: Pop mult accums */
j = (IR >> 11) & 3;
t = GetMap(040) & AMASK;
i = (IR >> 13) & 3;
if (i == j) {
AC[i] = GetMap(t);
PutMap(040, (t & AMASK));
t = GetMap(040);
if (t < 0100000 && t < 0400) {
PutMap(040, GetMap(042));
PC = indirect(GetMap(043));
PutMap(040, (GetMap(040) & 077777));
PutMap(042, (GetMap(042) | 0100000));
while (i != j) {
AC[i] = GetMap(t);
if (i == -1) i = 3;
AC[i] = GetMap(t);
PutMap(040, (t & AMASK));
t = GetMap(040);
if (t < 0100000 && t < 0400) {
PutMap(040, GetMap(042));
PC = indirect(GetMap(043));
PutMap(040, (GetMap(040) & 077777));
PutMap(042, (GetMap(042) | 0100000));
if (IR == 0103710) { /* PSHR: Push return addr */
t = (GetMap(040) + 1) & AMASK;
PutMap(t, (PC + 1));
PutMap(040, t);
if ((GetMap(040) & AMASK) > GetMap(042)) {
PC = indirect(GetMap(043));
PutMap(040, (GetMap(040) & 077777));
PutMap(042, (GetMap(042) | 0100000));
if (IR == 0163710) { /* SAVE */
register int32 savep;
savep = ((GetMap(PC) + GetMap(040)) + 5) & AMASK;
if (savep > GetMap(042)) {
PC = indirect(GetMap(043));
PutMap(040, (GetMap(040) & 077777));
PutMap(042, (GetMap(042) | 0100000));
t = GetMap(040) + 1;
PutMap(t, AC[0]);
PutMap(t, AC[1]);
PutMap(t, AC[2]);
PutMap(t, GetMap(041));
savep = PC;
PC = (PC + 1) & AMASK;
PutMap(t, (AC[3] & AMASK));
if (C) PutMap(t, (GetMap(t) | 0100000));
PutMap(040, t);
AC[3] = GetMap(040) & AMASK;
PutMap(041, AC[3]);
PutMap(040, ((GetMap(040) + GetMap(savep)) & AMASK));
if ((IR & 0163777) == 0103370) { /* MSP: Modify stack pointer */
t = (GetMap(040) + AC[(IR >> 11) & 3]) & 0177777;
if (t > GetMap(042)) {
PC = indirect(GetMap(043));
PutMap(040, (GetMap(040) & AMASK));
PutMap(042, (GetMap(042) | 0100000));
PutMap(040, t);
if ((IR & 0176377) == 0102270) { /* PSHJ: Push JMP */
PutMap(040, (GetMap(040) + 1));
PutMap((GetMap(040) & AMASK), ((PC + 1) & AMASK));
if ((GetMap(040) & AMASK) > (GetMap(042) & AMASK)) {
PC = indirect(GetMap(043));
PutMap(040, (GetMap(040) & 077777));
PutMap(042, (GetMap(042) | 0100000));
PC = effective(PC, (IR >> 8) & 3, GetMap(PC));
if (IR == 0117710) { /* POPJ: Pop PC and Jump */
PC = GetMap(GetMap(040)) & AMASK;
PutMap(040, (GetMap(040) - 1));
if (MapStat & 1) {
Usermap = Enable;
Inhibit = 0;
t = GetMap(040);
if (t < 0100000 && t < 0400) {
PC = indirect(GetMap(043));
PutMap(040, (GetMap(040) & 077777));
PutMap(042, (GetMap(042) | 0100000));
if (IR == 0107710) { /* POPB: Pop block */
PC = GetMap(GetMap(040)) & AMASK;
if (GetMap(GetMap(040)) & 0100000)
C = 0200000;
C = 0;
PutMap(040, (GetMap(040) - 1));
AC[3] = GetMap(GetMap(040));
PutMap(040, (GetMap(040) - 1));
AC[2] = GetMap(GetMap(040));
PutMap(040, (GetMap(040) - 1));
AC[1] = GetMap(GetMap(040));
PutMap(040, (GetMap(040) - 1));
AC[0] = GetMap(GetMap(040));
PutMap(040, (GetMap(040) - 1));
t = GetMap(040);
if (t < 0100000 && t < 0400) {
PC = indirect(GetMap(043));
PutMap(040, (GetMap(040) & 077777));
PutMap(042, (GetMap(042) | 0100000));
if (MapStat & 1) {
Usermap = Enable;
Inhibit = 0;
if (IR == 0127710) { /* RTN: Return */
PutMap(040, GetMap(041));
PC = GetMap(GetMap(040)) & AMASK;
if (GetMap(GetMap(040)) & 0100000)
C = 0200000;
C = 0;
PutMap(040, (GetMap(040) - 1));
AC[3] = GetMap(GetMap(040));
PutMap(040, (GetMap(040) - 1));
AC[2] = GetMap(GetMap(040));
PutMap(040, (GetMap(040) - 1));
AC[1] = GetMap(GetMap(040));
PutMap(040, (GetMap(040) - 1));
AC[0] = GetMap(GetMap(040));
PutMap(040, (GetMap(040) - 1));
PutMap(041, AC[3]);
t = GetMap(040);
if (t < 0100000 && t < 0400) {
PutMap(040, (GetMap(040) & 077777));
PutMap(042, (GetMap(042) | 0100000));
PC = indirect(GetMap(043));
if (MapStat & 1) {
Usermap = Enable;
Inhibit = 0;
if (IR == 0167710) { /* RSTR: Restore */
int32 SVPC;
PC = GetMap(GetMap(040)) & AMASK;
if (PC == 0 && Debug_Flags) {
printf("\n<<RSTR to 0 @ %o>>\n\r", SVPC);
reason = STOP_IBKPT;
if (GetMap(GetMap(040)) & 0100000)
C = 0200000;
C = 0;
PutMap(040, (GetMap(040) - 1));
AC[3] = GetMap(GetMap(040));
PutMap(040, (GetMap(040) - 1));
AC[2] = GetMap(GetMap(040));
PutMap(040, (GetMap(040) - 1));
AC[1] = GetMap(GetMap(040));
PutMap(040, (GetMap(040) - 1));
AC[0] = GetMap(GetMap(040));
PutMap(040, (GetMap(040) - 1));
PutMap(043, GetMap(GetMap(040)));
PutMap(040, (GetMap(040) - 1));
PutMap(042, GetMap(GetMap(040)));
PutMap(040, (GetMap(040) - 1));
PutMap(041, GetMap(GetMap(040)));
PutMap(040, (GetMap(040) - 1));
PutMap(040, GetMap(GetMap(040)));
/*t = GetMap(040);
if (t < 0100000 && t < 0400) {
PC = indirect(GetMap(043));
if (MapStat & 1) {
Usermap = Enable;
Inhibit = 0;
/* Multiply / Divide */
if (IR == 0143710) { /* MUL: Unsigned Multiply */
uAC0 = (unsigned int32) AC[0];
uAC1 = (unsigned int32) AC[1];
uAC2 = (unsigned int32) AC[2];
mddata = (uAC1 * uAC2) + uAC0;
AC[0] = (mddata >> 16) & 0177777;
AC[1] = mddata & 0177777;
if (IR == 0147710) { /* MULS: Signed Multiply */
sAC0 = AC[0];
sAC1 = AC[1];
sAC2 = AC[2];
sddata = (sAC1 * sAC2) + sAC0;
AC[0] = (sddata >> 16) & 0177777;
AC[1] = sddata & 0177777;
if (IR == 0153710) { /* DIV: Unsigned Divide */
uAC0 = (unsigned int32) AC[0];
uAC1 = (unsigned int32) AC[1];
uAC2 = (unsigned int32) AC[2];
if (uAC0 >= uAC2) C = 0200000;
else { C = 0;
mddata = (uAC0 << 16) | uAC1;
AC[1] = mddata / uAC2;
AC[0] = mddata % uAC2;
if (IR == 0157710) { /* DIVS: Signed Divide */
sAC2 = AC[2];
C = 0;
sddata = ((AC[0] & 0xffff) << 16) | (AC[1] & 0xffff);
AC[1] = sddata / sAC2;
AC[0] = sddata % sAC2;
if (AC[0] > 077777 || AC[0] < -077776) C = 0200000;
/*if ((AC[0] & 0xFFFF0000) != 0) C = 0200000;*/
if (AC[1] > 077777 || AC[1] < -077776) C = 0200000;
/*if ((AC[1] & 0xFFFF0000) != 0) C = 0200000;*/
AC[0] &= 0177777;
AC[1] &= 0177777;
if (IR == 0137710) { /* DIVX: Sign extend and Divide */
int32 q;
if (AC[1] & 0100000) {
AC[0] = 0177777;
} else {
AC[0] = 0;
sAC0 = AC[0];
sAC1 = AC[1];
sAC2 = AC[2];
C = 0;
sddata = (sAC0 << 16) | sAC1;
q = sddata / sAC2;
AC[0] = sddata % sAC2;
if (q > 0177777) {
C = 0200000;
} else {
AC[1] = q & 0xffff;
if ((IR & 0163777) == 0143370) { /* HLV: Halve */
t = (IR >> 11) & 3;
if (AC[t] & 0100000) {
AC[t] = (0 - AC[t]) & 0xffff;
AC[t] = AC[t] >> 1;
AC[t] = (0 - AC[t]) & 0xffff;
} else {
AC[t] = (AC[t] >> 1) & 0xffff;
/* Decimal arithmetic */
if ((IR & 0103777) == 0100210) { /* DAD: Decimal add */
i = (IR >> 13) & 3;
j = (IR >> 11) & 3;
t = (AC[i] & 017) + (AC[j] & 017);
if (C) t++;
if (t > 9) {
C = 0200000;
t += 6;
} else {
C = 0;
AC[j] &= 0177760;
AC[j] = AC[j] | (t & 017);
if ((IR & 0103777) == 0100310) { /* DSB: Decimal subtract */
i = (IR >> 13) & 3;
j = (IR >> 11) & 3;
t = (AC[j] & 017) - (AC[i] & 017);
if (!C) t--;
if (t < 0) {
C = 0;
t = 9 - (~t);
} else {
C = 0200000;
AC[j] &= 0177760;
AC[j] = AC[j] | (t & 017);
/* Exotic, complex instructions */
if ((IR & 0162377) == 0142170) { /* DSPA: Dispatch */
register int32 d;
int16 a, H, L;
MA = effective(PC, (IR >> 8) & 3, GetMap(PC));
H = GetMap(MA - 1) & 0177777;
L = GetMap(MA - 2) & 0177777;
a = AC[(IR >> 11) & 3] & 0177777;
if (a < L || a > H) {
PC = (PC + 1) & AMASK;
d = GetMap(MA - L + a);
if (d == 0177777) {
PC = (PC + 1) & AMASK;
PC = indirect(d) & AMASK;
if (((IR & 0100077) == 0100030) ||
((IR & 0102077) == 0100070)) { /* XOP: Extended Operation */
register int32 op, d, sa, da;
op = (IR >> 6) & 037;
if ((IR & 077) == 070) op += 32;
t = GetMap(040) & AMASK;
for (i = 0; i <= 3; i++) {
PutMap(t, AC[i]);
if (((IR >> 13) & 3) == i) sa = t;
if (((IR >> 11) & 3) == i) da = t;
PutMap(t, PC & AMASK);
if (C) PutMap(t, (GetMap(t) | 0100000));
PutMap(040, t);
AC[2] = sa;
AC[3] = da;
d = GetMap(GetMap(044) + op);
PC = indirect(d) & AMASK;
if ((GetMap(040) & AMASK) > (GetMap(042) & AMASK)) {
PC = indirect(GetMap(043));
PutMap(040, (GetMap(040) & 077777));
PutMap(042, (GetMap(042) | 0100000));
if ((IR & 0103777) == 0103510) { /* SYC: System call */
register int32 j;
DisMap = Usermap;
Usermap = 0;
MapStat &= ~1; /* Disable MAP */
i = (IR >> 13) & 3;
j = (IR >> 11) & 3;
if (i != 0 || j != 0) {
t = (GetMap(040) + 1) & AMASK;
PutMap(t, AC[0]);
PutMap(t, AC[1]);
PutMap(t, AC[2]);
PutMap(t, AC[3]);
PutMap(t, (PC & AMASK));
if (C) PutMap(t, (GetMap(t) | 0100000));
PutMap(040, t);
PutMap(041, (GetMap(040) & AMASK));
PC = indirect(GetMap(2)) & AMASK;
if (DisMap > 0)
Inhibit = 3; /* Special 1-instruction interrupt inhibit */
if ((GetMap(040) & AMASK) > GetMap(042)) {
PC = indirect(GetMap(043));
PutMap(040, (GetMap(040) & 077777));
PutMap(042, (GetMap(042) | 0100000));
if (IR == 0113410) { /* LMP: Load Map */
register int32 w, m;
if ((Debug_Flags & 077) == 03)
fprintf(Trace, "%o LMP (Map=%o)\n", PC - 1, (MapStat>>7)&07);
t = AC[1];
i = AC[2];
while (t) {
if (int_req > INT_PENDING && !Inhibit) { /* interrupt? */
PC = PC - 1;
if (!Usermap || !(MapStat & 0140)) { /* Only load if in sup mode */
w = (GetMap(i) + AC[0]) & 0xffff; /* Or not IO & LEF mode for user */
m = (w >> 10) & 037;
if ((Debug_Flags & 077) == 03)
fprintf(Trace, " %o MAP L=%o W=%o P=%o\n", i, m,
(w>>15)&1, w & PAGEMASK);
if (Fault) break;
AC[0] = 0;
AC[1] = t;
AC[2] = i & AMASK;
MapStat &= ~02000;
/* Character Instruction Set */
if ((IR & 0162377) == 0102170) { /* ELDB */
t = Bytepointer(PC, (IR >> 8) & 3);
i = (IR >> 11) & 03;
MA = (t >> 1) & AMASK;
if (t & 01) {
AC[i] = GetMap(MA) & 0377;
} else {
AC[i] = (GetMap(MA) >> 8) & 0377;
PC = (PC + 1) & AMASK;
if ((IR & 0162377) == 0122170) { /* ESTB */
t = Bytepointer(PC, (IR >> 8) & 3);
i = (IR >> 11) & 03;
MA = (t >> 1) & AMASK;
j = GetMap(MA);
if (t & 01) {
j &= 0177400;
j |= (AC[i] & 0377);
PutMap(MA, j);
} else {
j &= 0377;
j |= (AC[i] & 0377) << 8;
PutMap(MA, j);
PC = (PC + 1) & AMASK;
if ((IR & 077) == 050) { /* All CIS end with 050 except ELDB/ESTB */
if (IR == 0153650) { /* CMV Character Move */
cmdlen = AC[0] & 0177777; /* Set up length & direction */
cmslen = AC[1] & 0177777; /* For both source & dest */
cmsptr = AC[3]; /* init byte pointers */
cmdptr = AC[2];
C = 0; /* Do carry now b4 cmslen changes */
if (abs(cmslen) > abs(cmdlen))
C = 0200000;
for (i = 0; i < abs(cmdlen); i++) { /* Move loop */
MA = (cmsptr >> 1) & AMASK; /* do an LDB */
if (cmsptr & 01) {
uAC2 = GetMap(MA) & 0377; /* Use uAC2 for temp */
} else {
uAC2 = (GetMap(MA) >> 8) & 0377;
if (cmslen == 0) {
uAC2 = ' ' & 0377; /* Handle short source */
MA = (cmdptr >> 1) & AMASK; /* do an STB */
j = GetMap(MA);
if (cmdptr & 01) {
j &= 0177400;
j |= (uAC2 & 0377);
PutMap(MA, j);
} else {
j &= 0377;
j |= (uAC2 & 0377) << 8;
PutMap(MA, j);
if (cmslen > 0) {
if (cmslen < 0) {
if (cmdlen > 0) {
} else {
AC[0] = 0;
AC[1] = cmslen & 0177777;
AC[2] = cmdptr & 0177777;
AC[3] = cmsptr & 0177777;
if (IR == 0157650) { /* CMP Character compare */
cmdlen = AC[0] & 0177777; /* Set up length & direction */
cmslen = AC[1] & 0177777; /* For both source & dest */
cmsptr = AC[3]; /* init byte pointers */
cmdptr = AC[2];
t = 0; /* Equal unless otherwise */
while (1) { /* Compare loop */
MA = (cmsptr >> 1) & AMASK; /* do an LDB - string 1 */
if (cmslen != 0) {
if (cmsptr & 01) {
uAC2 = GetMap(MA) & 0377; /* Use uAC2 for temp */
} else {
uAC2 = (GetMap(MA) >> 8) & 0377;
} else {
uAC2 = ' ' & 0377;
MA = (cmdptr >> 1) & AMASK; /* do an LDB - string 2 */
if (cmdlen != 0) {
if (cmdptr & 01) {
uAC3 = GetMap(MA) & 0377; /* Use uAC2 for temp */
} else {
uAC3 = (GetMap(MA) >> 8) & 0377;
} else {
uAC3 = ' ' & 0377;
if (uAC2 > uAC3) {
t = 1;
if (uAC2 < uAC3) {
t = -1;
if (cmslen > 0) {
if (cmslen < 0) {
if (cmdlen > 0) {
if (cmdlen < 0) {
if (cmslen == 0 && cmdlen == 0)
AC[1] = t & 0177777;
AC[0] = cmdlen & 0177777;
AC[2] = cmdptr & 0177777;
AC[3] = cmsptr & 0177777;
if (IR == 0163650) { /* CTR Character translate */
tabaddr = indirect(AC[0]); /* Get address of table */
tabptr = M[tabaddr] & 0177777; /* Get byte pointer */
cmslen = AC[1] & 0177777; /* Length: both source & dest */
cmopt = 0; /* Default: COMPARE option */
if (cmslen < 0) {
cmopt=1; /* MOVE option */
cmslen = 0 - cmslen;
cmsptr = AC[3]; /* init byte pointers */
cmdptr = AC[2];
t = 0; /* Equal unless otherwise */
while (1) { /* Translation loop */
MA = (cmsptr >> 1) & AMASK; /* do an LDB - string 1 */
if (cmsptr & 01) {
j = GetMap(MA) & 0377;
} else {
j = (GetMap(MA) >> 8) & 0377;
cmptr = tabptr + j; /* Translate */
MA = (cmptr >> 1) & AMASK;
if (cmptr & 01) {
uAC2 = GetMap(MA) & 0377;
} else {
uAC2 = (GetMap(MA) >> 8) & 0377;
if (cmopt) { /* MOVE... */
MA = (cmdptr >> 1) & AMASK; /* do an STB */
j = GetMap(MA);
if (cmdptr & 01) {
j &= 0177400;
j |= (uAC2 & 0377);
PutMap(MA, j);
} else {
j &= 0377;
j |= (uAC2 & 0377) << 8;
PutMap(MA, j);
} else { /* COMPARE... */
MA = (cmdptr >> 1) & AMASK; /* do an LDB - string 2 */
if (cmdptr & 01) {
j = GetMap(MA) & 0377;
} else {
j = (GetMap(MA) >> 8) & 0377;
cmptr = tabptr + j; /* Translate */
MA = (cmptr >> 1) & AMASK;
if (cmptr & 01) {
uAC3 = GetMap(MA) & 0377;
} else {
uAC3 = (GetMap(MA) >> 8) & 0377;
if (uAC2 > uAC3) {
t = 1;
if (uAC2 < uAC3) {
t = -1;
if (cmslen == 0)
if (!cmopt) AC[1] = t;
AC[1] = 0;
AC[0] = tabaddr & 077777;
AC[2] = cmdptr & 0177777;
AC[3] = cmsptr & 0177777;
if (IR == 0167650) { /* CMT Char move till true */
tabaddr = indirect(AC[0]); /* Set up length & direction */
cmslen = AC[1] & 0177777; /* For both source & dest */
cmsptr = AC[3]; /* init byte pointers */
cmdptr = AC[2];
while (1) { /* Move loop */
MA = (cmsptr >> 1) & AMASK; /* do an LDB */
if (cmsptr & 01) {
uAC2 = GetMap(MA) & 0377; /* Use uAC2 for temp */
} else {
uAC2 = (GetMap(MA) >> 8) & 0377;
t = M[tabaddr + (uAC2 >> 4)]; /* Test bit table */
if (t << (uAC2 & 0x0F) & 0100000) /* quit if bit == 1 */
MA = (cmdptr >> 1) & AMASK; /* do an STB */
j = GetMap(MA);
if (cmdptr & 01) {
j &= 0177400;
j |= (uAC2 & 0377);
PutMap(MA, j);
} else {
j &= 0377;
j |= (uAC2 & 0377) << 8;
PutMap(MA, j);
if (cmslen > 0) {
if (cmslen < 0) {
if (cmslen == 0)
AC[0] = tabaddr & 077777;
AC[1] = cmslen & 0177777;
AC[2] = cmdptr & 0177777;
AC[3] = cmsptr & 0177777;
** "Commercial" instructions. These were in the original **
** Eclipse C series, but not part of the later Character **
** Instruction Set. **
if ((IR & 0163777) == 0103650) { /* LDI Load Integer */
if ((IR & 0163777) == 0123650) { /* STI Store Integer */
if (IR == 0143650) { /* LDIX Load Int Extended */
if (IR == 0143750) { /* STIX Store Int Extended */
if ((IR & 0163777) == 0143150) { /* FINT Integerize */
if (IR == 0177650) { /* LSN Load Sign */
if (IR == 0173650) { /* EDIT */
/* FPU Instructions */
if ((IR & 0103777) == 0102050) { /* FLDS Load FP single */
PC = (PC + 1) & AMASK;
if ((IR & 0103777) == 0102150) { /* FLDD Load FP double */
PC = (PC + 1) & AMASK;
if ((IR & 0103777) == 0102250) { /* FSTS Store FP single */
PC = (PC + 1) & AMASK;
if ((IR & 0103777) == 0102350) { /* FSTD Store FP double */
PC = (PC + 1) & AMASK;
if ((IR & 0103777) == 0102450) { /* FLAS Float from AC */
if ((IR & 0103777) == 0102550) { /* FLMD Float from memory */
PC = (PC + 1) & AMASK;
if ((IR & 0103777) == 0102650) { /* FFAS Fix to AC */
if ((IR & 0103777) == 0102750) { /* FFMD Fix to Memory */
PC = (PC + 1) & AMASK;
if ((IR & 0103777) == 0103550) { /* FMOV Move FP */
if ((IR & 0103777) == 0100050) { /* FAS Add single to AC */
if ((IR & 0103777) == 0101050) { /* FAMS Add single to memory */
PC = (PC + 1) & AMASK;
if ((IR & 0103777) == 0100150) { /* FAD Add double */
if ((IR & 0103777) == 0101150) { /* FAMD Add double to memory */
PC = (PC + 1) & AMASK;
if ((IR & 0103777) == 0100250) { /* FSS Sub single to AC */
if ((IR & 0103777) == 0101250) { /* FSMS Sub single from memory */
PC = (PC + 1) & AMASK;
if ((IR & 0103777) == 0100350) { /* FSD Sub double from AC */
if ((IR & 0103777) == 0101350) { /* FSMD Sub double from memory */
PC = (PC + 1) & AMASK;
if ((IR & 0103777) == 0100450) { /* FMS Mult single by AC */
if ((IR & 0103777) == 0101450) { /* FMMS Mult double by memory */
PC = (PC + 1) & AMASK;
if ((IR & 0103777) == 0100550) { /* FMD Mult double by AC */
if ((IR & 0103777) == 0101550) { /* FMMD Mult double by memory */
PC = (PC + 1) & AMASK;
if ((IR & 0103777) == 0100650) { /* FDS Div single by AC */
if ((IR & 0103777) == 0101650) { /* FDMS Div double by memory */
PC = (PC + 1) & AMASK;
if ((IR & 0103777) == 0100650) { /* FDD Div double by AC */
if ((IR & 0103777) == 0101650) { /* FDMD Div double by memory */
PC = (PC + 1) & AMASK;
if ((IR & 0163777) == 0163050) { /* FNEG Negate */
if ((IR & 0163777) == 0103050) { /* FNOM Normalize*/
if ((IR & 0163777) == 0143050) { /* FAB Absolute Value*/
if ((IR & 0163777) == 0123050) { /* FRH Read High Word */
if ((IR & 0163777) == 0103150) { /* FSCAL Scale */
if ((IR & 0163777) == 0123150) { /* FEXP Load Exponent */
if ((IR & 0163777) == 0163150) { /* FHLV Halve */
if ((IR & 0103777) == 0103450) { /* FCMP FP Compare */
if ((IR & 0163777) == 0123350) { /* FLST Load Status */
PC = (PC + 1) & AMASK;
if ((IR & 0163777) == 0103350) { /* FSST Store Status */
PC = (PC + 1) & AMASK;
if (IR == 0143350) { /* FTE Trap Enable */
if (IR == 0147350) { /* FTD Trap Disable */
if (IR == 0153350) { /* FCLE Clear Errors */
if (IR == 0163350) { /* FPSH Push State */
if (IR == 0167350) { /* FPOP Pop State */
if (IR == 0103250) { /* FNS No Skip */
if (IR == 0107250) { /* FSA Always Skip */
if (IR == 0137250) { /* FSGT */
if (IR == 0123250) { /* FSLT */
if (IR == 0113250) { /* FSEQ */
if (IR == 0133250) { /* FSLE */
if (IR == 0127250) { /* FSGE */
if (IR == 0117250) { /* FSNE */
if (IR == 0143250) { /* FSNM */
if (IR == 0153250) { /* FSNU */
if (IR == 0163250) { /* FSNO */
if (IR == 0147250) { /* FSND */
if (IR == 0157250) { /* FSNUD */
if (IR == 0167250) { /* FSNOD */
if (IR == 0173250) { /* FSNUO */
if (IR == 0177250) { /* FSNER */
if (Debug_Flags) {
printf("\n<<Unexecuted inst = %o at PC=%d>>\n\r", IR, PC-1);
if (Debug_Flags & 040000) reason = STOP_IBKPT;
if (IR == 061777) { /* VCT: Vector on Interrupt */
int32 stkchg, vtable;
int32 ventry, dctadr;
int32 old40, old41, old42, old43;
/* Ok, folks, this is one helluva instruction */
stkchg = GetMap(PC) & 0100000; /* Save stack change bit */
vtable = GetMap(PC) & AMASK; /* Address of vector table */
iodev = 0;
int_req = (int_req & ~INT_DEV) | /* Do an INTA w/o an accum */
(dev_done & ~dev_disable);
iodata = int_req & (-int_req);
for (i = DEV_LOW; i <= DEV_HIGH; i++) {
if (iodata & dev_table[i].mask) {
iodev = i;
ventry = GetMap(vtable + iodev); /* Get Vector Entry */
if (!(ventry & 0100000)) { /* Direct bit = 0? */
PC = ventry & AMASK; /* YES - Mode A, so JMP */
dctadr = ventry & AMASK; /* Get address of DCT entry */
if (stkchg) { /* Stack change bit = 1? */
old40 = GetMap(040); /* Save stack info */
old41 = GetMap(041);
old42 = GetMap(042);
old43 = GetMap(043);
PutMap(040, GetMap(004)); /* Loc 4 to stack ptr */
PutMap(042, GetMap(006)); /* Loc 6 to stack limit */
PutMap(043, GetMap(007)); /* Loc 7 into stack limit */
PutMap(040, (GetMap(040) + 1)); /* Push old contents on new stk */
PutMap(GetMap(040) & AMASK, old40);
PutMap(040, (GetMap(040) + 1));
PutMap(GetMap(040) & AMASK, old41);
PutMap(040, (GetMap(040) + 1));
PutMap(GetMap(040) & AMASK, old42);
PutMap(040, (GetMap(040) + 1));
PutMap(GetMap(040) & AMASK, old43);
t = GetMap(dctadr & AMASK); /* Get word 0 of DCT */
if (t & 0100000) { /* Push bit set ? */
PutMap(040, (GetMap(040) + 1)); /* Push "Standard rtn block" */
PutMap(GetMap(040) & AMASK, AC[0]);
PutMap(040, (GetMap(040) + 1));
PutMap(GetMap(040) & AMASK, AC[1]);
PutMap(040, (GetMap(040) + 1));
PutMap(GetMap(040) & AMASK, AC[2]);
PutMap(040, (GetMap(040) + 1));
PutMap(GetMap(040) & AMASK, AC[3]);
PutMap(040, (GetMap(040) + 1));
PutMap(GetMap(040) & AMASK, GetMap(0));
if (GetMap(0) == 0 && Debug_Flags) {
printf("\n<<VCT will rtn to 0 @ %o>>\n\r", PC);
reason = STOP_IBKPT;
if (C) PutMap(GetMap(040) & AMASK, (GetMap(GetMap(040) & AMASK) | 0100000));
** At this point, the instruction is not an Eclipse one. Therefore **
** decode it as a Nova instruction just like the Nova does. **
AC[2] = dctadr & AMASK; /* DCT Addr into AC2 */
PutMap(040, (GetMap(040) + 1)); /* Push pri int mask onto stack */
PutMap(GetMap(040) & AMASK, pimask);
AC[0] = GetMap(dctadr + 1) | pimask;/* Build new mask from word 1 of dct */
PutMap(005, AC[0]);
mask_out(pimask = AC[0]); /* Do a mask out inst */
PC = GetMap(dctadr) & AMASK; /* Finally, JMP to int routine */
/* Memory reference instructions */
if (t < 014) { /* mem ref? */
register int32 src, MA;
MA = IR & 0377;
switch ((IR >> 8) & 03) { /* decode IR<6:7> */
case 0: /* page zero */
case 1: /* PC relative */
if (MA & 0200) MA = 077400 | MA;
MA = (MA + PC - 1) & AMASK;
case 2: /* AC2 relative */
if (MA & 0200) MA = 077400 | MA;
MA = (MA + AC[2]) & AMASK;
case 3: /* AC3 relative */
if (MA & 0200) MA = 077400 | MA;
MA = (MA + AC[3]) & AMASK;
if (IR & 002000) { /* indirect? */
for (i = 0; i < (ind_max * 2); i++) { /* count indirects */
if ((MA & 077770) == 020 && !(cpu_unit.flags & UNIT_MICRO))
MA = (PutMap(MA & AMASK, (GetMap(MA & AMASK) + 1) & 0177777));
else if ((MA & 077770) == 030 && !(cpu_unit.flags & UNIT_MICRO))
MA = (PutMap(MA & AMASK, (GetMap(MA & AMASK) - 1) & 0177777));
else MA = GetMap(MA & AMASK);
if (MapStat & 1) { /* Start MAP */
Usermap = Enable;
Inhibit = 0;
if ((MA & 0100000) == 0) break;
if (i >= ind_max && (MapStat & 010) && Usermap) break;
if (i >= ind_max) {
if ((MapStat & 010) && Usermap) {
Fault = 04000; /* Map fault if IND prot */
if (i >= (ind_max * 2) && !(Fault)) {
reason = STOP_IND;
/* Memory reference, continued */
switch (t) { /* decode IR<1:4> */
case 001: /* JSR */
AC[3] = PC;
case 000: /* JMP */
old_PC = PC;
PC = MA;
case 002: /* ISZ */
src = (GetMap(MA) + 1) & 0177777;
if (MEM_ADDR_OK (MA)) PutMap(MA, src);
if (src == 0) PC = (PC + 1) & AMASK;
case 003: /* DSZ */
src = (GetMap(MA) - 1) & 0177777;
if (MEM_ADDR_OK (MA)) PutMap(MA, src);
if (src == 0) PC = (PC + 1) & AMASK;
case 004: /* LDA 0 */
if (SingleCycle) Usermap = SingleCycle;
AC[0] = GetMap(MA);
if (SingleCycle) {
Usermap = SingleCycle = 0;
if (Inhibit == 1) Inhibit = 3;
MapStat |= 02000;
MapStat &= 0177776;
case 005: /* LDA 1 */
if (SingleCycle) Usermap = SingleCycle;
AC[1] = GetMap(MA);
if (SingleCycle) {
Usermap = SingleCycle = 0;
if (Inhibit == 1) Inhibit = 3;
MapStat |= 02000;
MapStat &= 0177776;
case 006: /* LDA 2 */
if (SingleCycle) Usermap = SingleCycle;
AC[2] = GetMap(MA);
if (SingleCycle) {
Usermap = SingleCycle = 0;
if (Inhibit == 1) Inhibit = 3;
MapStat |= 02000;
MapStat &= 0177776;
case 007: /* LDA 3 */
if (SingleCycle) Usermap = SingleCycle;
AC[3] = GetMap(MA);
if (SingleCycle) {
Usermap = SingleCycle = 0;
if (Inhibit == 1) Inhibit = 3;
MapStat |= 02000;
MapStat &= 0177776;
case 010: /* STA 0 */
if (SingleCycle)
Usermap = SingleCycle;
if (MEM_ADDR_OK (MA)) PutMap(MA, AC[0]);
if (SingleCycle) {
Usermap = SingleCycle = 0;
if (Inhibit == 1) Inhibit = 3;
MapStat |= 02000;
MapStat &= 0177776;
case 011: /* STA 1 */
if (SingleCycle)
Usermap = SingleCycle;
if (MEM_ADDR_OK (MA)) PutMap(MA, AC[1]);
if (SingleCycle) {
Usermap = SingleCycle = 0;
if (Inhibit == 1) Inhibit = 3;
MapStat |= 02000;
MapStat &= 0177776;
case 012: /* STA 2 */
if (SingleCycle)
Usermap = SingleCycle;
if (MEM_ADDR_OK (MA)) PutMap(MA, AC[2]);
if (SingleCycle) {
Usermap = SingleCycle = 0;
if (Inhibit == 1) Inhibit = 3;
MapStat |= 02000;
MapStat &= 0177776;
case 013: /* STA 3 */
if (SingleCycle)
Usermap = SingleCycle;
if (MEM_ADDR_OK (MA)) PutMap(MA, AC[3]);
if (SingleCycle) {
Usermap = SingleCycle = 0;
if (Inhibit == 1) Inhibit = 3;
MapStat |= 02000;
MapStat &= 0177776;
break; } /* end switch */
} /* end mem ref */
/* Operate instruction */
else if (t & 020) { /* operate? */
register int32 src, srcAC, dstAC;
srcAC = (t >> 2) & 3; /* get reg decodes */
dstAC = t & 03;
switch ((IR >> 4) & 03) { /* decode IR<10:11> */
case 0: /* load */
src = AC[srcAC] | C;
case 1: /* clear */
src = AC[srcAC];
case 2: /* set */
src = AC[srcAC] | 0200000;
case 3: /* complement */
src = AC[srcAC] | (C ^ 0200000);
break; } /* end switch carry */
switch ((IR >> 8) & 07) { /* decode IR<5:7> */
case 0: /* COM */
src = src ^ 0177777;
case 1: /* NEG */
src = ((src ^ 0177777) + 1) & 0377777;
case 2: /* MOV */
case 3: /* INC */
src = (src + 1) & 0377777;
case 4: /* ADC */
src = ((src ^ 0177777) + AC[dstAC]) & 0377777;
case 5: /* SUB */
src = ((src ^ 0177777) + AC[dstAC] + 1) & 0377777;
case 6: /* ADD */
src = (src + AC[dstAC]) & 0377777;
case 7: /* AND */
src = src & (AC[dstAC] | 0200000);
break; } /* end switch oper */
/* Operate, continued */
switch ((IR >> 6) & 03) { /* decode IR<8:9> */
case 0: /* nop */
case 1: /* L */
src = ((src << 1) | (src >> 16)) & 0377777;
case 2: /* R */
src = ((src >> 1) | (src << 16)) & 0377777;
case 3: /* S */
src = ((src & 0377) << 8) | ((src >> 8) & 0377) |
(src & 0200000);
break; } /* end switch shift */
switch (IR & 07) { /* decode IR<13:15> */
case 0: /* nop */
case 1: /* SKP */
PC = (PC + 1) & AMASK;
case 2: /* SZC */
if (src < 0200000) PC = (PC + 1) & AMASK;
case 3: /* SNC */
if (src >= 0200000) PC = (PC + 1) & AMASK;
case 4: /* SZR */
if ((src & 0177777) == 0) PC = (PC + 1) & AMASK;
case 5: /* SNR */
if ((src & 0177777) != 0) PC = (PC + 1) & AMASK;
case 6: /* SEZ */
if (src <= 0200000) PC = (PC + 1) & AMASK;
case 7: /* SBN */
if (src > 0200000) PC = (PC + 1) & AMASK;
break; } /* end switch skip */
if ((IR & 000010) == 0) { /* load? */
AC[dstAC] = src & 0177777;
C = src & 0200000; } /* end if load */
} /* end if operate */
/* IOT instruction */
else { /* IOT */
register int32 dstAC, pulse, code, device, iodata;
char pulcode[4];
if ((MapStat & 0100) && Usermap) { /* We are in LEF Mode */
AC[(IR >> 11) & 3] = LEFmode(PC - 1, (IR >> 8) & 3, IR & 0377, IR & 02000);
if (Debug_Flags & 020000) {
printf("\n\r<<LEF Break by special request - executed at %o.>>\n\r", PC-1);
reason = STOP_IBKPT;
dstAC = t & 03; /* decode fields */
if ((MapStat & 040) && Usermap) { /* I/O protection fault */
Fault = 020000;
code = (IR >> 8) & 07;
pulse = (IR >> 6) & 03;
device = IR & 077;
if (Debug_Flags && device == 0) {
printf("\n\r<<I/O to device 00 at %o.>>\n\r", PC-1);
reason = STOP_IBKPT;
if ((Debug_Flags & 0100) && (device == (Debug_Flags & 077))) {
printf("\n\r<<I/O Break (device %o) >>\n\r", device);
reason = STOP_IBKPT;
if (code == ioSKP) { /* IO skip? */
switch (pulse) { /* decode IR<8:9> */
case 0: /* skip if busy */
if ((device == 077)? (int_req & INT_ION) != 0:
(dev_busy & dev_table[device].mask) != 0)
PC = (PC + 1) & AMASK;
case 1: /* skip if not busy */
if ((device == 077)? (int_req & INT_ION) == 0:
(dev_busy & dev_table[device].mask) == 0)
PC = (PC + 1) & AMASK;
case 2: /* skip if done */
if ((device == 077)? pwr_low != 0:
(dev_done & dev_table[device].mask) != 0)
PC = (PC + 1) & AMASK;
case 3: /* skip if not done */
if ((device == 077)? pwr_low == 0:
(dev_done & dev_table[device].mask) == 0)
PC = (PC + 1) & AMASK;
break; } /* end switch */
} /* end IO skip */
/* IOT, continued */
else if (device == DEV_CPU) { /* CPU control */
switch (code) { /* decode IR<5:7> */
case ioNIO: /* Get CPU ID */
switch (model) {
case 280: /* S280 */
AC[0] = 021102;
case 380:
AC[0] = 013212; /* C380 */
break; /* Otherwise no-op */
case ioDIA: /* read switches */
AC[dstAC] = SR;
case ioDIB: /* int ack */
AC[dstAC] = 0;
int_req = (int_req & ~INT_DEV) |
(dev_done & ~dev_disable);
iodata = int_req & (-int_req);
for (i = DEV_LOW; i <= DEV_HIGH; i++) {
if (iodata & dev_table[i].mask) {
AC[dstAC] = i; break; } }
case ioDOB: /* mask out */
mask_out (pimask = AC[dstAC]);
case ioDIC: /* io reset IORST */
reset_all (0); /* reset devices */
Usermap = 0; /* reset MAP */
MapStat &= 04; /* Reset MAP status */
MapIntMode = 0;
Inhibit = 0;
Map31 = 037;
Check = SingleCycle = 0;
Fault = 0;
case ioDOC: /* halt */
reason = STOP_HALT;
break; } /* end switch code */
switch (pulse) { /* decode IR<8:9> */
case iopS: /* ion */
int_req = (int_req | INT_ION) & ~INT_NO_ION_PENDING;
case iopC: /* iof */
int_req = int_req & ~INT_ION;
break; } /* end switch pulse */
} /* end CPU control */
else if (device == DEV_ECC) {
switch (code) {
case ioDIA: /* Read Fault Address */
AC[dstAC] = 0;
case ioDIB: /* Read fault code */
AC[dstAC] = 0;
case ioDOA: /* Enable ERCC */
break; }
else if (device == DEV_MAP) { /* MAP control */
switch (code) { /* decode IR<5:7> */
case ioNIO: /* No I/O -- Single */
if (!Usermap || !(MapStat & 0140)) {
if ((Debug_Flags & 077) == 03)
fprintf(Trace, "%o NIO %o (No I/O, clear faults)\n", PC-1, dstAC);
MapStat &= ~036000; /* NIO Clears all faults */
} else {
if ((Debug_Flags & 077) == 03)
fprintf(Trace, "%o NIO %o (No I/O, clear faults) NO EXEC(User mode)\n", PC-1, dstAC);
case ioDIA: /* Read map status */
if (!Usermap || !(MapStat & 0140)) {
if ((Debug_Flags & 077) == 03)
fprintf(Trace, "%o DIA %o=%o (Read Map Status)\n", PC-1, dstAC, MapStat);
AC[dstAC] = MapStat & 0xFFFE;
if (MapIntMode & 1) /* Bit 15 is mode asof last int */
AC[dstAC] |= 1;
} else {
if ((Debug_Flags & 077) == 03)
fprintf(Trace, "%o DIA %o=%o (Read Map Status) NO EXEC(User mode)\n", PC-1, dstAC, MapStat);
case ioDOA: /* Load map status */
if (!Usermap || !(MapStat & 0140)) {
if ((Debug_Flags & 077) == 03)
fprintf(Trace, "%o DOA %o=%o (Load Map Status)\n", PC-1, dstAC, AC[dstAC]);
MapStat = AC[dstAC];
MapIntMode = 0;
Enable = 1;
if (MapStat & 04) Enable = 2;
Check &= ~01600;
Check |= MapStat & 01600;
if (MapStat & 1)
Inhibit = 2; /* Inhibit interrupts */
} else {
if ((Debug_Flags & 077) == 03)
fprintf(Trace, "%o DOA %o=%o (Load Map Status) NO EXEC(User mode)\n", PC-1, dstAC, AC[dstAC]);
case ioDIB: /* not used */
case ioDOB: /* map block 31 */
if (!Usermap || !(MapStat && 0140)) {
if ((Debug_Flags & 077) == 03)
fprintf(Trace, "%o DOB %o=%o (Map Blk 31)\n", PC-1, dstAC, AC[dstAC]);
Map31 = AC[dstAC] & PAGEMASK;
MapStat &= ~02000;
} else {
if ((Debug_Flags & 077) == 03)
fprintf(Trace, "%o DOB %o=%o (Map Blk 31) NO EXEC (User Mode)\n", PC-1, dstAC, AC[dstAC]);
case ioDIC: /* Page Check */
if (!Usermap || !(MapStat & 0140)) {
switch ((Check>>7) & 07) {
case 0: i=1; break;
case 1: i=6; break;
case 2: i=2; break;
case 3: i=7; break;
case 4: i=0; break;
case 5: i=4; break;
case 6: i=3; break;
case 7: i=5; break;
default: break;
j = (Check >> 10) & 037;
AC[dstAC] = Map[i][j] & 0101777;
AC[dstAC] |= ((Check << 5) & 070000);
if ((Debug_Flags & 077) == 03)
fprintf(Trace, "%o DIC %o=%o (Page Check)\n", PC-1, dstAC, AC[dstAC]);
MapStat &= ~02000;
} else {
if ((Debug_Flags & 077) == 03)
fprintf(Trace, "%o DIC %o=%o (Page Check) NO EXEC(User mode)\n", PC-1, dstAC, AC[dstAC]);
case ioDOC: /* Init Page Check */
if (!Usermap || !(MapStat & 0140)) {
if ((Debug_Flags & 077) == 03)
fprintf(Trace, "%o DOC %o=%o (Init Pg Chk)\n", PC-1, dstAC, AC[dstAC]);
Check = AC[dstAC];
MapStat &= ~01600;
MapStat |= (Check & 01600);
MapStat &= ~02000;
} else {
if ((Debug_Flags & 077) == 03)
fprintf(Trace, "%o DOC %o=%o (Init Pg Chk) NO EXEC(User mode)\n", PC-1, dstAC, AC[dstAC]);
} /* end switch code */
switch (pulse) {
case iopP:
if ((Debug_Flags & 077) == 03)
fprintf(Trace, "%o xxxP (Single Cycle)\n", PC-1);
if (Usermap) {
MapStat &= 0177776;
Usermap = 0;
Inhibit = 0;
} else {
SingleCycle = Enable;
Inhibit = 1; /* Inhibit interrupts */
break; }
} /* end CPU control */
else if (dev_table[device].routine) { /* normal device */
iodata = dev_table[device].routine (pulse, code, AC[dstAC]);
reason = iodata >> IOT_V_REASON;
if (code & 1) AC[dstAC] = iodata & 0177777;
if ((Debug_Flags & 077) == device && Debug_Flags != 0) {
strcpy(pulcode, "");
switch (pulse) {
case iopP:
strcpy(pulcode, "P");
case iopS:
strcpy(pulcode, "S");
case iopC:
strcpy(pulcode, "C");
switch(code) {
case ioNIO:
fprintf(Trace, "[%o] %o NIO%s %o\n", device, PC-1, pulcode, AC[dstAC]);
case ioDIA:
fprintf(Trace, "[%o] %o DIA%s %o\n", device, PC-1, pulcode, iodata);
case ioDIB:
fprintf(Trace, "[%o] %o DIB%s %o\n", device, PC-1, pulcode, iodata);
case ioDIC:
fprintf(Trace, "[%o] %o DIC%s %o\n", device, PC-1, pulcode, iodata);
case ioDOA:
fprintf(Trace, "[%o] %o DOA%s %o\n", device, PC-1, pulcode, AC[dstAC]);
case ioDOB:
fprintf(Trace, "[%o] %o DOB%s %o\n", device, PC-1, pulcode, AC[dstAC]);
case ioDOC:
fprintf(Trace, "[%o] %o DOC%s %o\n", device, PC-1, pulcode, AC[dstAC]);
} /* end switch */
} /* end if debug */
} /* end else if */
else reason = stop_dev; } /* end if IOT */
} /* end while */
/* Simulation halted */
saved_PC = PC;
return reason;
/* Computes and returns a 16-bit effective address, given a
program counter, index, and a displacement.
int32 effective(int32 PC, int32 index, int32 disp)
register int32 i, MA;
MA = disp & 077777;
switch (index) { /* decode IR<6:7> */
case 0: /* page zero */
case 1: /* PC relative */
MA = (MA + PC) & AMASK;
case 2: /* AC2 relative */
MA = (MA + AC[2]) & AMASK;
case 3: /* AC3 relative */
MA = (MA + AC[3]) & AMASK;
} /* end switch mode */
if (disp & 0100000) { /* indirect? */
for (i = 0; i < ind_max * 2; i++) { /* count indirects */
MA = GetMap(MA & AMASK);
if (SingleCycle) Usermap = 0;
if (MapStat & 1) { /* Start MAP */
Usermap = Enable;
Inhibit = 0;
if ((MA & 0100000) == 0) break;
if ((MapStat & 010) && Usermap && i >= ind_max) break;
if (i >= ind_max && (MapStat & 010) && Usermap) {
Fault = 04000; /* Map fault if IND prot */
if (i >= (ind_max * 2) && !(Fault)) {
reason = STOP_IND_INT; /* Stop machine */
return (MA & AMASK);
/* Computes and returns a 16-bit effective address, given a
program counter, index, and a displacement. This is a
version supporting the LEF map mode instruction, as
opposed to the ELEF instruction.
int32 LEFmode(int32 PC, int32 index, int32 disp, int32 indirect)
register int32 i, MA;
int16 sMA;
MA = disp & 077777;
switch (index) { /* decode IR<6:7> */
case 0: /* page zero */
case 1: /* PC relative */
MA = (MA + PC) & AMASK;
case 2: /* AC2 relative */
sMA = MA;
if (MA & 0200) sMA |= 0xff00;
MA = (sMA + AC[2]) & AMASK;
case 3: /* AC3 relative */
sMA = MA;
if (MA & 0200) sMA |= 0xff00;
MA = (sMA + AC[3]) & AMASK;
} /* end switch mode */
if (indirect) { /* indirect? */
for (i = 0; i < (ind_max * 2); i++) { /* count indirects */
if ((MA & 077770) == 020 && !(cpu_unit.flags & UNIT_MICRO))
MA = (PutMap(MA & AMASK, (GetMap(MA & AMASK) + 1) & 0177777));
else if ((MA & 077770) == 030 && !(cpu_unit.flags & UNIT_MICRO))
MA = (PutMap(MA & AMASK, (GetMap(MA & AMASK) - 1) & 0177777));
else MA = GetMap(MA & AMASK);
if (SingleCycle) Usermap = 0;
if (MapStat & 1) { /* Start MAP */
Usermap = Enable;
Inhibit = 0;
if ((MA & 0100000) == 0) break;
if ((MapStat & 010) && Usermap && i >= ind_max) break;
if (i >= ind_max && (MapStat & 010) && Usermap) {
Fault = 04000; /* Map fault if IND prot */
if (i >= (ind_max * 2) && !(Fault)) {
reason = STOP_IND_INT; /* Stop machine */
return (MA & AMASK);
/* Computes a "Byte pointer" for the Character Instruction set */
/* This address in 'PC' must point to the displacement word of the instruction */
int32 Bytepointer(int32 PC, int32 index)
register int32 MA;
switch (index) { /* decode IR<6:7> */
case 0: /* page zero */
MA = 0;
case 1: /* PC relative */
case 2: /* AC2 relative */
MA = AC[2] & AMASK;
case 3: /* AC3 relative */
MA = AC[3] & AMASK;
} /* end switch mode */
MA = (MA * 2) & 0177777;
MA = MA + M[PC];
return (MA & 0177777);
/* Given an address, returns either that address if bit 0 is 0, or
or follows an indirection chain until bit 0 is 0
int32 indirect(int32 d)
int i;
if (d & 0100000) { /* indirect? */
for (i = 0; i < ind_max * 2; i++) { /* count indirects */
if ((d & 077770) == 020 && !(cpu_unit.flags & UNIT_MICRO))
d = (PutMap(d & AMASK, ((GetMap(d & AMASK) + 1) & 0177777)));
else if ((d & 077770) == 030 && !(cpu_unit.flags & UNIT_MICRO))
d = (PutMap(d & AMASK, ((GetMap(d & AMASK) - 1) & 0177777)));
else d = GetMap(d & AMASK);
if (MapStat & 1) { /* Start MAP */
Usermap = Enable;
Inhibit = 0;
if ((d & 0100000) == 0) break;
if ((MapStat & 010) && Usermap && i >= ind_max) break;
if (i >= ind_max && (MapStat & 010) && Usermap) {
Fault = 04000; /* Map fault if IND prot */
if (i >= (ind_max * 2) && !(Fault)) {
reason = STOP_IND; /* Stop machine */
return (d);
/* Push a standard return block onto the stack */
int32 pushrtn(int32 pc)
int32 t;
t = (GetMap(040) + 1) & AMASK;
PutMap(t, AC[0]);
PutMap(t, AC[1]);
PutMap(t, AC[2]);
PutMap(t, AC[3]);
PutMap(t, pc);
if (C) PutMap(t, (GetMap(t) | 0100000));
PutMap(040, t);
return 0;
/* Eclipse memory get/put - uses MAP if enabled */
int32 GetMap(int32 addr)
int32 page;
uint32 paddr;
switch (Usermap) {
case 0:
if (addr < 076000)
return M[addr];
paddr = ((Map31 & PAGEMASK) << 10) | (addr & 001777);
if (paddr < MEMSIZE)
return M[paddr];
return (0);
case 1:
page = (addr >> 10) & 037;
paddr = ((Map[1][page] & 01777) << 10) | (addr & 001777);
if (Map[1][page] == INVALID && !SingleCycle)
Fault = 0100000;
if (paddr < MEMSIZE)
return M[paddr];
return (0);
case 2:
page = (addr >> 10) & 037;
paddr = ((Map[2][page] & PAGEMASK) << 10) | (addr & 001777);
if (Map[2][page] == INVALID && !SingleCycle)
Fault = 0100000;
if (paddr < MEMSIZE)
return M[paddr];
return (0);
case 6:
page = (addr >> 10) & 037;
paddr = ((Map[6][page] & PAGEMASK) << 10) | (addr & 001777);
if (Map[6][page] == INVALID && !SingleCycle)
Fault = 0100000;
if (paddr < MEMSIZE)
return M[paddr];
return (0);
case 7:
page = (addr >> 10) & 037;
paddr = ((Map[7][page] & PAGEMASK) << 10) | (addr & 001777);
if (Map[7][page] == INVALID && !SingleCycle)
Fault = 0100000;
if (paddr < MEMSIZE)
return M[paddr];
return (0);
printf("\n\r<<MAP FAULT>>\n\r");
return M[addr];
int32 PutMap(int32 addr, int32 data)
int32 page;
uint32 paddr;
switch (Usermap) {
case 0:
if (addr < 076000) {
M[addr] = data;
return (data);
paddr = ((Map31 & PAGEMASK) << 10) | (addr & 001777);
if (paddr < MEMSIZE) M[paddr] = data;
case 1:
page = (addr >> 10) & 037;
paddr = ((Map[1][page] & PAGEMASK) << 10) | (addr & 001777);
if (((Map[1][page] & 0100000) && (MapStat & 020)) || Map[1][page] == INVALID) Fault = 010000;
else if (paddr < MEMSIZE) M[paddr] = data;
case 2:
page = (addr >> 10) & 037;
paddr = ((Map[2][page] & PAGEMASK) << 10) | (addr & 001777);
if (((Map[2][page] & 0100000) && (MapStat & 020)) || Map[2][page] == INVALID) Fault = 010000;
else if (paddr < MEMSIZE) M[paddr] = data;
case 6:
page = (addr >> 10) & 037;
paddr = ((Map[2][page] & PAGEMASK) << 10) | (addr & 001777);
if (((Map[6][page] & 0100000) && (MapStat & 020)) || Map[6][page] == INVALID) Fault = 010000;
else if (paddr < MEMSIZE) M[paddr] = data;
case 7:
page = (addr >> 10) & 037;
paddr = ((Map[2][page] & PAGEMASK) << 10) | (addr & 001777);
if (((Map[7][page] & 0100000) && (MapStat & 020)) || Map[7][page] == INVALID) Fault = 010000;
else if (paddr < MEMSIZE) M[paddr] = data;
M[addr] = data;
return (data);
#if 0
int16 GetDCHMap(int32 map, int32 addr)
uint32 paddr;
if (!(MapStat & 02)) return M[addr];
paddr = ((Map[map][(addr >> 10) & 037] & PAGEMASK) << 10) | (addr & 001777);
if (paddr < MEMSIZE)
return M[paddr];
return (0);
int16 PutDCHMap(int32 map, int32 addr, int16 data)
uint32 paddr;
if (!(MapStat & 02)) {
M[addr] = data;
return (data);
paddr = ((Map[map][(addr >> 10) & 037] & PAGEMASK) << 10) | (addr & 001777);
if (paddr < MEMSIZE)
M[paddr] = data;
return (data);
/* Given a map number and a logical, returns the physical address, unless
the map is not active, in which case logical = physical. This is
used primarily by the I/O routines to map data channel read/writes.
int32 MapAddr(int32 map, int32 addr)
int32 paddr;
if ((map == 0 || map > 2) && !(MapStat & 02)) return addr;
if (map > 0 && map < 3 && Usermap == 0) return addr;
paddr = ((Map[map][(addr >> 10) & 037] & PAGEMASK) << 10) | (addr & 001777);
return paddr;
/* Loads a word into the Eclipse Maps */
int32 LoadMap(int32 w)
int32 m;
m = (w >> 10) & 037;
switch ((MapStat >> 7) & 07) {
case 0: /* Load user A Map */
Map[1][m] = w & MAPMASK;
case 1: /* Load user C Map */
Map[6][m] = w & MAPMASK;
case 2: /* Load user B Map */
Map[2][m] = w & MAPMASK;
case 3: /* Load user D Map */
Map[7][m] = w & MAPMASK;
case 4: /* Load DCH A Map */
Map[0][m] = w & MAPMASK;
case 5: /* Load DCH C Map */
Map[4][m] = w;
case 6: /* Load DCH B Map */
Map[3][m] = w;
case 7: /* Load DCH D Map */
Map[5][m] = w;
return 0;
/* Displays an error on a unimplemented (in this sim) instr. */
int32 unimp(int32 PC)
if (Debug_Flags)
printf("\n\r\007<<<Unimplemented instruction: [%o] %o>>>\n\r", PC - 1, GetMap(PC - 1));
return 0;
/* New priority mask out */
void mask_out (int32 newmask)
int32 i;
dev_disable = 0;
for (i = DEV_LOW; i <= DEV_HIGH; i++) {
if (newmask & dev_table[i].pi)
dev_disable = dev_disable | dev_table[i].mask; }
int_req = (int_req & ~INT_DEV) | (dev_done & ~dev_disable);
/* Reset routine */
t_stat cpu_reset (DEVICE *dptr)
int_req = int_req & ~INT_ION;
pimask = 0;
dev_disable = 0;
pwr_low = 0;
sim_brk_types = sim_brk_dflt = SWMASK ('E');
return SCPE_OK;
/* Memory examine */
t_stat cpu_ex (t_value *vptr, t_addr addr, UNIT *uptr, int32 sw)
if (addr >= MEMSIZE) return SCPE_NXM;
if (vptr != NULL) *vptr = M[addr] & 0177777;
return SCPE_OK;
/* Memory deposit */
t_stat cpu_dep (t_value val, t_addr addr, UNIT *uptr, int32 sw)
if (addr >= MEMSIZE) return SCPE_NXM;
M[addr] = val & 0177777;
return SCPE_OK;
/* Alter memory size */
t_stat cpu_set_size (UNIT *uptr, int32 val, char *cptr, void *desc)
int32 mc = 0;
uint32 i;
if ((val <= 0) || (val > MAXMEMSIZE) || ((val & 07777) != 0))
return SCPE_ARG;
for (i = val; i < MEMSIZE; i++) mc = mc | M[i];
if ((mc != 0) && (!get_yn ("Really truncate memory [N]?", FALSE)))
return SCPE_OK;
MEMSIZE = val;
for (i = MEMSIZE; i < MAXMEMSIZE; i++) M[i] = 0;
return SCPE_OK;
/* MAP device services */
t_stat map_svc (UNIT *uptr)
return SCPE_OK;
/* Map examine */
t_stat map_ex (t_value *vptr, t_addr addr, UNIT *uptr, int32 sw)
if ((addr & 077) >= 037 || addr > 737) return SCPE_NXM;
uptr->u4 = -2; /* signal to print_sys in eclipse_sys.c: do not map */
if (vptr != NULL) *vptr = Map[(addr >> 6) & 3][addr & 037] & 0177777;
return SCPE_OK;
/* Memory deposit */
t_stat map_dep (t_value val, t_addr addr, UNIT *uptr, int32 sw)
if ((addr & 077) >= 037 || addr > 0737) return SCPE_NXM;
uptr->u4 = -2; /* signal to print_sys in eclipse_sys.c: do not map */
Map[(addr >> 6) & 3][addr & 037] = val & 0177777;
return SCPE_OK;
/* Bootstrap routine for CPU */
#define BOOT_START 00000
#define BOOT_LEN (sizeof (boot_rom) / sizeof (int))
static const int32 boot_rom[] = {
062677, /* IORST ;Reset all I/O */
060477, /* READS 0 ;Read SR into AC0 */
024026, /* LDA 1,C77 ;Get dev mask */
0107400, /* AND 0,1 ;Isolate dev code */
0124000, /* COM 1,1 ;- device code - 1 */
010014, /* LOOP: ISZ OP1 ;Device code to all */
010030, /* ISZ OP2 ;I/O instructions */
010032, /* ISZ OP3 */
0125404, /* INC 1,1,SZR ;done? */
000005, /* JMP LOOP ;No, increment again */
030016, /* LDA 2,C377 ;place JMP 377 into */
050377, /* STA 2,377 ;location 377 */
060077, /* OP1: 060077 ;start device (NIOS 0) */
0101102, /* MOVL 0,0,SZC ;Test switch 0, low speed? */
000377, /* C377: JMP 377 ;no - jmp 377 & wait */
004030, /* LOOP2: JSR GET+1 ;Get a frame */
0101065, /* MOVC 0,0,SNR ;is it non-zero? */
000017, /* JMP LOOP2 ;no, ignore */
004027, /* LOOP4: JSR GET ;yes, get full word */
046026, /* STA 1,@C77 ;store starting at 100 */
/* ;2's complement of word ct */
010100, /* ISZ 100 ;done? */
000022, /* JMP LOOP4 ;no, get another */
000077, /* C77: JMP 77 ;yes location ctr and */
/* ;jmp to last word */
0126420, /* GET: SUBZ 1,1 ; clr AC1, set carry */
/* OP2: */
063577, /* LOOP3: 063577 ;done? (SKPDN 0) - 1 */
000030, /* JMP LOOP3 ;no -- wait */
060477, /* OP3: 060477 ;y--read in ac0 (DIAS 0,0) */
0107363, /* ADDCS 0,1,SNC ;add 2 frames swapped - got 2nd? */
000030, /* JMP LOOP3 ;no go back after it */
0125300, /* MOVS 1,1 ;yes swap them */
001400, /* JMP 0,3 ;rtn with full word */
0 /* 0 ;padding */
t_stat cpu_boot (int32 unitno, DEVICE *dptr)
int32 i;
extern int32 saved_PC;
for (i = 0; i < BOOT_LEN; i++) M[BOOT_START + i] = boot_rom[i];
saved_PC = BOOT_START;
return SCPE_OK;
int32 Debug_Entry(int32 PC, int32 inst, int32 inst2, int32 AC0, int32 AC1, int32 AC2, int32 AC3, int32 flags)
hpc[hnext] = PC & 0xffff;
hinst[hnext] = inst & 0xffff;
hinst2[hnext] = inst2 & 0xffff;
hac0[hnext] = AC0 & 0xffff;
hac1[hnext] = AC1 & 0xffff;
hac2[hnext] = AC2 & 0xffff;
hac3[hnext] = AC3 & 0xffff;
hflags[hnext] = flags & 0xffff;
if (hnext >= hmax) {
hwrap = 1;
hnext = 0;
return 0;
int32 Debug_Dump(UNIT *uptr, int32 val, char *cptr, void *desc)
char debmap[4], debion[4];
t_value simeval[20];
int debcar;
FILE *Dumpf;
int start, end, ctr;
int count = 0;
if (!Debug_Flags || Debug_Flags & 0100000) {
printf("History was not logged. Deposit a non-zero value\n");
printf("in DEBUG with bit 0 being 1 to build history.\n");
return SCPE_OK;
Dumpf = fopen("history.log", "w");
if (!hwrap) {
start = 0;
end = hnext;
} else {
start = hnext;
end = hnext - 1;
if (end < 0) end = hmax;
ctr = start;
while (1) {
if (ctr == end)
strcpy(debion, " ");
strcpy(debmap, " ");
debcar = 0;
if (hflags[ctr] & 0x80) {
fprintf(Dumpf, "--------- Interrupt %o (%o) to %6o ---------\n",
hinst[ctr], hac0[ctr], hac1[ctr]);
} else {
if (hflags[ctr] & 0x01) debcar = 1;
if (hflags[ctr] & 0x02) strcpy(debion, "I");
if (hflags[ctr] & 0x04) strcpy(debmap, "A");
if (hflags[ctr] & 0x08) strcpy(debmap, "B");
if (hflags[ctr] & 0x10) strcpy(debmap, "C");
if (hflags[ctr] & 0x20) strcpy(debmap, "D");
fprintf(Dumpf, "%s%s%06o acs: %06o %06o %06o %06o %01o ",
debion, debmap, hpc[ctr], hac0[ctr], hac1[ctr], hac2[ctr],
hac3[ctr], debcar);
simeval[0] = hinst[ctr];
simeval[1] = hinst2[ctr];
fprint_sym (Dumpf, hpc[ctr], simeval, NULL, SWMASK('M'));
fprintf(Dumpf, "\n");
if (ctr > hmax)
ctr = 0;
printf("\n%d records dumped to history.log\n", count);
return SCPE_OK;
/* Build dispatch table */
t_stat build_devtab (void)
DEVICE *dptr;
DIB *dibp;
int32 i, dn;
for (i = 0; i < 64; i++) { /* clr dev_table */
dev_table[i].mask = 0;
dev_table[i].pi = 0;
dev_table[i].routine = NULL; }
for (i = 0; (dptr = sim_devices[i]) != NULL; i++) { /* loop thru dev */
if (dibp = (DIB *) dptr->ctxt) { /* get DIB */
dn = dibp->dnum; /* get dev num */
dev_table[dn].mask = dibp->mask; /* copy entries */
dev_table[dn].pi = dibp->pi;
dev_table[dn].routine = dibp->routine; } }
return SCPE_OK;