blob: a551b6a00bd2aa7e44d99b94bfb7e1186d63d108 [file] [log] [blame] [raw]
/* pdp11_xq.c: DEQNA/DELQA ethernet controller simulator
Copyright (c) 2002, David T. Hittner
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
Except as contained in this notice, the name of the author shall not be
used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings
in this Software without prior written authorization from the author.
This DEQNA/DELQA simulation is based on:
Digital DELQA Users Guide, Part# EK-DELQA-UG-002
Digital DEQNA Users Guide, Part# EK-DEQNA-UG-001
These manuals can be found online at:
Certain adaptations have been made because this is an emulation:
The default MAC address is 08-00-2B-AA-BB-CC unless set otherwise.
Ethernet transceiver power flag CSR<12> is ON when attached.
External Loopback does not go out to the physical adapter, it is
implemented more like an extended Internal Loopback
Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR) numbers are faked
The 10-second approx. hardware/software reset delay does not exist
Some physical ethernet receive events like Runts, Overruns, etc. are
never reported back, since the packet-level driver never sees them
Certain advantages are derived from this emulation:
If the real ethernet controller is faster than 10Mbit, the speed is
passed on since there are no minimum response times.
Known Bugs or Unsupported features:
1) DEQNA and DEQNA-LOCK modes not implemented fully [done! 07-Jan-03]
2) Sanity Timer not implemented [done! 16-Oct-02]
3) MOP functionality not implemented
4) Multicast support is weak [done! 22-Oct-02]
5) Promiscuous mode not implemented [done! 22-Oct-02]
6) Cannot VMScluster node [done! 27-Dec-02]
7) Cannot bootstrap module on VAX (>>> B XQA0) [done! 12-Oct-02]
8) PDP11 bootstrap code missing
9) Automatic ID broadcast every 8-10 minutes [done! 30-Dec-02]
10) External loopback packet processing [done! 02-Jan-03]
11) NXM detection/protection [done! 21-Oct-02]
Modification history:
16-Jan-03 DTH Merged Mark Pizzolato's enhancements with main source
Corrected PDP11 XQ_DEBUG compilation
15-Jan-03 MP Fixed the number of units in the xq device structure.
13-Jan-03 MP Reworked the timer management logic which initiated
the system id broadcast messages. The original
implementation triggered this on the CSR transition
of Receiver Enabled. This was an issue since the
it seems that at least VMS's XQ driver makes this
transition often and the resulting overhead reduces
the simulated CPU instruction execution thruput by
about 40%. I start the system id timer on device
reset and it fires once a second so that it can
leverage the reasonably recalibrated tmr_poll value.
13-Jan-03 MP Changed the scheduling of xq_svc to leverage the
dynamically computed clock values to achieve an
approximate interval of 100 per second. This is
more than sufficient for normal system behaviour
expecially since we service recieves with every
transmit. The previous fixed value of 2500
attempted to get 200/sec but it was a guess that
didn't adapt. On faster host systems (possibly
most of them) the 2500 number spends too much time
10-Jan-03 DTH Removed XQ_DEBUG dependency from Borland #pragmas
Added SET XQ BOOTROM command for PDP11s
07-Jan-03 DTH Added pointer to online manuals
02-Jan-03 DTH Added local packet processing
30-Dec-02 DTH Added automatic system id broadcast
27-Dec-02 DTH Merged Mark Pizzolato's enhancements with main source
20-Dec-02 MP Fix bug that caused VMS system crashes when attempting cluster
operations. Added additional conditionally compiled debug
info needed to track down the issue.
17-Dec-02 MP Added SIMH "registers" describing the Ethernet state
so this information can be recorded in a "saved" snapshot.
05-Dec-02 MP Adjusted the rtime value from 100 to 2500 which increased the
available CPU cycles for Instruction execution by almost 100%.
This made sense after the below enhancements which, in general
caused the draining of the received data stream much more
agressively with less overhead.
05-Dec-02 MP Added a call to xq_svc after all successful calls to eth_write
to allow receive processing to happen before the next event
service time.
05-Dec-02 MP Restructured the flow of processing in xq_svc so that eth_read
is called repeatedly until either a packet isn't found or
there is no room for another one in the queue. Once that has
been done, xq_processrdbl is called to pass the queued packets
into the simulated system as space is available there.
xq_process_rdbl is also called at the beginning of xq_svc to
drain the queue into the simulated system, making more room
available in the queue. No processing is done at all in
xq_svc if the receiver is disabled.
04-Dec-02 MP Changed interface and usage to xq_insert_queue to pass
the packet to be inserted by reference. This avoids 3K bytes
of buffer copy operations for each packet received. Now only
copy actual received packet data.
31-Oct-02 DTH Cleaned up pointer warnings (found by Federico Schwindt)
Corrected unattached and no network behavior
Added message when SHOW XQ ETH finds no devices
23-Oct-02 DTH Beta 5 released
22-Oct-02 DTH Added all_multicast and promiscuous support
21-Oct-02 DTH Added write buffer max size check (code by Jason Thorpe)
Corrected copyright again
Implemented NXM testing and recovery
16-Oct-02 DTH Beta 4 released
Added and debugged Sanity Timer code
Corrected copyright
15-Oct-02 DTH Rollback to known good Beta3 and roll forward; TCP broken
12-Oct-02 DTH Fixed VAX network bootstrap; setup packets must return TDR > 0
11-Oct-02 DTH Added SET/SHOW XQ TYPE and SET/SHOW XQ SANITY commands
10-Oct-02 DTH Beta 3 released; Integrated with 2.10-0b1
Fixed off-by-1 bug on xq.setup.macs[7..13]
Added make_checksum
Added rejection of multicast addresses in SET XQ MAC
08-Oct-02 DTH Beta 2 released; Integrated with 2.10-0p4
Added variable vector (fixes PDP11) and copyrights
03-Oct-02 DTH Beta version of xq/sim_ether released for SIMH 2.09-11
24-Sep-02 DTH Moved more code to Sim_Ether module, added SHOW ETH command
23-Sep-02 DTH Added SET/SHOW MAC command
22-Sep-02 DTH Multinet TCP/IP loaded, tests OK via SET HOST/TELNET
20-Sep-02 DTH Cleaned up code fragments, fixed non-DECNET MAC use
19-Sep-02 DTH DECNET finally stays up; successful SET HOST to another node
15-Sep-02 DTH Added ethernet packet read/write
13-Sep-02 DTH DECNET starts, but circuit keeps going up & down
26-Aug-02 DTH DECNET loaded, returns device timeout
22-Aug-02 DTH VMS 7.2 recognizes device as XQA0
18-Aug-02 DTH VAX sees device as XQA0; shows hardcoded MAC correctly
15-Aug-02 DTH Started XQ simulation
/* compiler directives to help the Author keep the code clean :-) */
#if defined (__BORLANDC__)
#pragma warn +8070 /* function should return value */
/* #pragma warn +8071 *//* conversion may lose significant digits */
#pragma warn +8075 /* suspicious pointer conversion */
#pragma warn +8079 /* mixing different char pointers */
#pragma warn +8080 /* variable declared but not used */
#endif /* __BORLANDC__ */
#include <assert.h>
#include "pdp11_xq.h"
extern int32 int_req[IPL_HLVL];
extern int32 tmr_poll, clk_tps;
struct xq_device xq = {
2500, /* rtime */
{0x08, 0x00, 0x2B, 0xAA, 0xBB, 0xCC}, /* mac */
XQ_T_DELQA, /* type */
{0} /* sanity */
/* forward declarations */
t_stat xq_rd(int32* data, int32 PA, int32 access);
t_stat xq_wr(int32 data, int32 PA, int32 access);
t_stat xq_svc(UNIT * uptr);
t_stat xq_sansvc(UNIT * uptr);
t_stat xq_idsvc(UNIT * uptr);
t_stat xq_reset (DEVICE * dptr);
t_stat xq_attach (UNIT * uptr, char * cptr);
t_stat xq_detach (UNIT * uptr);
t_stat xq_showmac (FILE* st, UNIT* uptr, int32 val, void* desc);
t_stat xq_setmac (UNIT* uptr, int32 val, char* cptr, void* desc);
t_stat xq_show_type (FILE* st, UNIT* uptr, int32 val, void* desc);
t_stat xq_set_type (UNIT* uptr, int32 val, char* cptr, void* desc);
t_stat xq_show_sanity (FILE* st, UNIT* uptr, int32 val, void* desc);
t_stat xq_set_sanity (UNIT* uptr, int32 val, char* cptr, void* desc);
t_stat xq_show_bootrom (FILE* st, UNIT* uptr, int32 val, void* desc);
t_stat xq_set_bootrom (UNIT* uptr, int32 val, char* cptr, void* desc);
t_stat xq_showeth (FILE* st, UNIT* uptr, int32 val, void* desc);
t_stat xq_process_xbdl(void);
t_stat xq_dispatch_xbdl(void);
void xq_start_receiver(void);
void xq_sw_reset(void);
int32 xq_inta (void);
t_stat xq_ex (t_value *vptr, t_addr addr, UNIT *uptr, int32 sw);
t_stat xq_dep (t_value val, t_addr addr, UNIT *uptr, int32 sw);
void xq_start_santmr(void);
void xq_cancel_santmr(void);
void xq_reset_santmr(void);
t_stat xq_boot_host(void);
void xq_start_idtmr(void);
t_stat xq_system_id(const ETH_MAC dst, uint16 receipt_id);
/* SIMH device structures */
DIB xq_dib = { IOBA_XQ, IOLN_XQ, &xq_rd, &xq_wr,
1, IVCL (XQ), 0, { &xq_inta } };
UNIT xq_unit[] = {
{ UDATA (&xq_svc, UNIT_ATTABLE + UNIT_DISABLE, 0) }, /* receive timer */
{ UDATA (&xq_sansvc, UNIT_DIS, 0) }, /* sanity timer */
{ UDATA (&xq_idsvc, UNIT_DIS, 0) } /* system id timer */
REG xq_reg[] = {
{ GRDATA ( SA0, xq.addr[0], XQ_RDX, 16, 0), REG_RO},
{ GRDATA ( SA1, xq.addr[1], XQ_RDX, 16, 0), REG_RO},
{ GRDATA ( SA2, xq.addr[2], XQ_RDX, 16, 0), REG_RO},
{ GRDATA ( SA3, xq.addr[3], XQ_RDX, 16, 0), REG_RO},
{ GRDATA ( SA4, xq.addr[4], XQ_RDX, 16, 0), REG_RO},
{ GRDATA ( SA5, xq.addr[5], XQ_RDX, 16, 0), REG_RO},
{ GRDATA ( RBDL, xq.rbdl, XQ_RDX, 32, 0) },
{ GRDATA ( XBDL, xq.xbdl, XQ_RDX, 32, 0) },
{ GRDATA ( VAR, xq.var, XQ_RDX, 16, 0) },
{ GRDATA ( CSR, xq.csr, XQ_RDX, 16, 0) },
{ GRDATA ( SETUP_PRM, xq.setup.promiscuous, XQ_RDX, 32, 0), REG_HRO},
{ GRDATA ( SETUP_MLT, xq.setup.multicast, XQ_RDX, 32, 0), REG_HRO},
{ GRDATA ( SETUP_L1, xq.setup.l1, XQ_RDX, 32, 0), REG_HRO},
{ GRDATA ( SETUP_L2, xq.setup.l2, XQ_RDX, 32, 0), REG_HRO},
{ GRDATA ( SETUP_L3, xq.setup.l3, XQ_RDX, 32, 0), REG_HRO},
{ GRDATA ( SETUP_SAN, xq.setup.sanity_timer, XQ_RDX, 32, 0), REG_HRO},
{ BRDATA ( SETUP_MACS, &xq.setup.macs, XQ_RDX, 8, sizeof(xq.setup.macs)), REG_HRO},
{ NULL },
MTAB xq_mod[] = {
#if defined (VM_PDP11)
&set_addr, &show_addr, NULL },
&xq_set_bootrom, &xq_show_bootrom, NULL },
NULL, &show_addr, NULL },
NULL, &show_vec, NULL },
&xq_setmac, &xq_showmac, &xq.mac },
NULL, &xq_showeth, NULL },
&xq_set_type, &xq_show_type, NULL },
&xq_set_sanity, &xq_show_sanity, NULL },
{ 0 },
DEVICE xq_dev = {
"XQ", xq_unit, xq_reg, xq_mod,
3, XQ_RDX, 0, 1, XQ_RDX, 8,
&xq_ex, &xq_dep, &xq_reset,
NULL, &xq_attach, &xq_detach,
#ifdef XQ_DEBUG
#if defined(VM_VAX)
extern int32 PSL; /* PSL */
extern int32 fault_PC; /* fault PC */
const char* const xq_recv_regnames[] = {
"MAC0", "MAC1", "MAC2", "MAC3", "MAC4", "MAC5", "VAR", "CSR"
const char* const xq_xmit_regnames[] = {
"", "", "RBDL-Lo", "RBDL-Hi", "XBDL-Lo", "XBDL-Hi", "VAR", "CSR"
const char* const xq_csr_bits[] = {
"RE ", "SR ", "NI ", "BD ", "XL ", "RL ", "IE ", "XI ",
"IL ", "EL ", "SE ", "RR ", "OK ", "CA ", "PE ", "RI"
/* internal debugging routines */
void xq_debug_setup(void);
void xq_dump_csr(void);
void xq_dump_var(void);
void xq_csr_changes(uint16 data);
void xq_var_changes(uint16 data);
/* sanity timer debugging */
#include <sys\timeb.h>
struct timeb start, finish;
#endif /* XQ_DEBUG */
Queue Management
void xq_clear_queue(struct xq_msg_que* que)
int i;
struct xq_msg_itm* item;
for (i = 0; i < XQ_QUE_MAX; i++) {
item = &que->item[i];
item->type = 0;
item->packet.len = 0;
item->status = 0;
que->count = que->head = que->tail = que->loss = 0;
void xq_remove_queue(struct xq_msg_que* que)
struct xq_msg_itm* item = &que->item[que->head];
if (que->count) {
item->type = 0;
item->packet.len = 0;
item->status = 0;
if (++que->head == XQ_QUE_MAX)
que->head = 0;
void xq_insert_queue(struct xq_msg_que* que, int32 type, ETH_PACK* packet, int32 status)
struct xq_msg_itm* item;
/* if queue empty, set pointers to beginning */
if (!que->count) {
que->head = 0;
que->tail = -1;
/* find new tail of the circular queue */
if (++que->tail == XQ_QUE_MAX)
que->tail = 0;
if (++que->count > XQ_QUE_MAX) {
que->count = XQ_QUE_MAX;
/* lose oldest packet */
if (++que->head == XQ_QUE_MAX)
que->head = 0;
#ifdef XQ_DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "Packet Lost\n");
/* set information in (new) tail item */
item = &que->item[que->tail];
item->type = type;
item->packet.len = packet->len;
memcpy(item->packet.msg, packet->msg, packet->len);
item->status = status;
/* stop simh from reading non-existant unit data stream */
t_stat xq_ex (t_value* vptr, t_addr addr, UNIT* uptr, int32 sw)
return SCPE_NOFNC;
/* stop simh from writing non-existant unit data stream */
t_stat xq_dep (t_value val, t_addr addr, UNIT* uptr, int32 sw)
return SCPE_NOFNC;
t_stat xq_showmac (FILE* st, UNIT* uptr, int32 val, void* desc)
ETH_MAC* mac = (ETH_MAC*) desc;
char buffer[20];
if (!desc) return SCPE_IERR;
eth_mac_fmt(mac, buffer);
fprintf(st, "MAC=%s", buffer);
return SCPE_OK;
void make_checksum(void)
/* checksum calculation routine detailed in */
uint32 checksum = 0;
const uint32 wmask = 0xFFFF;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < sizeof(ETH_MAC); i += 2) {
checksum <<= 1;
if (checksum > wmask)
checksum -= wmask;
checksum += (xq.mac[i] << 8) | xq.mac[i+1];
if (checksum > wmask)
checksum -= wmask;
if (checksum == wmask)
checksum = 0;
/* set checksum bytes */
xq.mac_checksum[0] = checksum & 0xFF;
xq.mac_checksum[1] = checksum >> 8;
t_stat xq_setmac (UNIT* uptr, int32 val, char* cptr, void* desc)
int i, j, len;
short int num;
ETH_MAC newmac = {0,0,0,0,0,0};
const ETH_MAC zeros = {0,0,0,0,0,0};
const ETH_MAC ones = {0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF};
if ((!cptr) || (!desc)) return SCPE_IERR;
/* parse new mac and validate */
len = strlen(cptr);
if (len != 17) return SCPE_ARG;
/* make sure byte separators are OK */
for (i=2; i<len; i=i+3) {
if ((cptr[i] != '-') && (cptr[i] != '.')) return SCPE_ARG;
cptr[i] = '\0';
/* get and set address bytes */
for (i=0, j=0; i<len; i=i+3, j++) {
int valid = strspn(&cptr[i], "0123456789abcdefABCDEF");
if (valid < 2) return SCPE_ARG;
sscanf(&cptr[i], "%hx", &num);
newmac[j] = (unsigned char) num;
/* final check - cannot be broadcast or multicast address */
if (!memcmp(newmac, zeros, sizeof(ETH_MAC)) || /* broadcast */
!memcmp(newmac, ones, sizeof(ETH_MAC)) || /* broadcast */
(newmac[0] & 0x01) /* multicast */
return SCPE_ARG;
/* set mac, it's OK */
memcpy(xq.mac, newmac, sizeof(ETH_MAC));
/* calculate MAC checksum */
return SCPE_OK;
t_stat xq_showeth (FILE* st, UNIT* uptr, int32 val, void* desc)
#define XQ_MAX_LIST 10
int i;
int number = eth_devices(XQ_MAX_LIST, list);
fprintf(st, "ETH devices:\n");
if (number)
for (i=0; i<number; i++)
fprintf(st," %d %s (%s)\n", i, list[i].name, list[i].desc);
fprintf(st, " no network devices are available\n");
return SCPE_OK;
t_stat xq_show_type (FILE* st, UNIT* uptr, int32 val, void* desc)
fprintf(st, "type=");
switch (xq.type) {
case XQ_T_DEQNA: fprintf(st, "DEQNA"); break;
case XQ_T_DELQA: fprintf(st, "DELQA"); break;
return SCPE_OK;
t_stat xq_set_type (UNIT* uptr, int32 val, char* cptr, void* desc)
if (!cptr) return SCPE_IERR;
/* this assumes that the parameter has already been upcased */
if (!strcmp(cptr, "DEQNA")) xq.type = XQ_T_DEQNA;
else if (!strcmp(cptr, "DELQA")) xq.type = XQ_T_DELQA;
else return SCPE_ARG;
return SCPE_OK;
t_stat xq_show_sanity (FILE* st, UNIT* uptr, int32 val, void* desc)
fprintf(st, "sanity=");
switch (xq.sanity.enabled) {
case 0: fprintf(st, "OFF"); break;
case 1: fprintf(st, "ON"); break;
return SCPE_OK;
t_stat xq_set_sanity (UNIT* uptr, int32 val, char* cptr, void* desc)
if (!cptr) return SCPE_IERR;
/* this assumes that the parameter has already been upcased */
if (!strcmp(cptr, "ON")) xq.sanity.enabled = 1;
else if (!strcmp(cptr, "OFF")) xq.sanity.enabled = 0;
else return SCPE_ARG;
return SCPE_OK;
t_stat xq_show_bootrom (FILE* st, UNIT* uptr, int32 val, void* desc)
/* format includes \n for MTAB_NMO compatibility */
fprintf(st, "bootrom=%s\n", xq.bootrom);
return SCPE_OK;
t_stat xq_set_bootrom (UNIT* uptr, int32 val, char* cptr, void* desc)
size_t len;
if (!cptr) return SCPE_IERR;
len = strlen(cptr) + 1;
if (len > sizeof(xq.bootrom)) return SCPE_ARG;
memcpy(xq.bootrom, cptr, strlen(cptr)+1);
return SCPE_OK;
t_stat xq_nxm_error(void)
#ifdef XQ_DEBUG
fprintf(stderr,"XQ: Non Existent Memory Error\n");
/* set NXM and associated bits in CSR */
xq.csr |= (XQ_CSR_NI | XQ_CSR_XI | XQ_CSR_XL | XQ_CSR_RL);
/* interrupt if required */
if (xq.csr & XQ_CSR_IE)
return SCPE_OK;
** write callback
void xq_write_callback (int status)
t_stat rstatus;
int32 wstatus;
const uint16 TDR = 100 + xq.write_buffer.len * 8; /* arbitrary value */
uint16 write_success[2] = {0};
uint16 write_failure[2] = {XQ_DSC_C};
write_success[1] = TDR & 0x03FF; /* Does TDR get set on successful packets ?? */
write_failure[1] = TDR & 0x03FF; /* TSW2<09:00> */
/* update write status words */
if (status == 0) { /* success */
wstatus = Map_WriteW(xq.xbdl_ba + 8, 4, write_success, NOMAP);
} else { /* failure */
#ifdef XQ_DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "XQ: Packet Write Error\n");
wstatus = Map_WriteW(xq.xbdl_ba + 8, 4, write_failure, NOMAP);
if (wstatus) {
/* update csr */
xq.csr |= XQ_CSR_XI;
if (xq.csr & XQ_CSR_IE)
/* reset sanity timer */
/* clear write buffer */
xq.write_buffer.len = 0;
/* next descriptor (implicit) */
xq.xbdl_ba += 12;
/* finish processing xbdl */
rstatus = xq_process_xbdl();
/* read registers: */
t_stat xq_rd(int32* data, int32 PA, int32 access)
int index = (PA >> 1) & 07; /* word index */
#ifdef XQ_DEBUG
if (index != 7)
#if defined(VM_VAX)
fprintf (stderr,"XQ: %s %08X %08X read: %X\n", xq_recv_regnames[index], fault_PC, PSL, *data);
fprintf (stderr,"XQ: %s read: %X\n", xq_recv_regnames[index], *data);
#endif /* VM_VAX */
switch (index) {
case 0:
case 1:
/* return checksum in external loopback mode */
if (xq.csr & XQ_CSR_EL)
*data = 0xFF00 | xq.mac_checksum[index];
*data = 0xFF00 | xq.mac[index];
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
case 5:
*data = 0xFF00 | xq.mac[index];
case 6:
#if 0
#ifdef XQ_DEBUG
*data = xq.var;
case 7:
#ifdef XQ_DEBUG
*data = xq.csr;
return SCPE_OK;
/* dispatch ethernet read request
procedure documented in sec. 3.2.2 */
t_stat xq_process_rbdl(void)
int32 rstatus, wstatus;
uint16 b_length, w_length, rbl;
t_addr address;
struct xq_msg_itm* item;
#ifdef XQ_DEBUG
fprintf(stderr,"XQ: CSR - Processing read\n");
/* process buffer descriptors */
while(1) {
/* get receive bdl from memory */
xq.rbdl_buf[0] = 0xFFFF;
wstatus = Map_WriteW(xq.rbdl_ba, 2, &xq.rbdl_buf[0], NOMAP);
rstatus = Map_ReadW (xq.rbdl_ba + 2, 6, &xq.rbdl_buf[1], NOMAP);
if (rstatus || wstatus) return xq_nxm_error();
/* invalid buffer? */
if (~xq.rbdl_buf[1] & XQ_DSC_V) {
xq.csr |= XQ_CSR_RL;
if (xq.csr & XQ_CSR_IE)
return SCPE_OK;
/* explicit chain buffer? */
if (xq.rbdl_buf[1] & XQ_DSC_C) {
xq.rbdl_ba = ((xq.rbdl_buf[1] & 0x3F) << 16) | xq.rbdl_buf[2];
/* stop processing if nothing in read queue */
if (!xq.ReadQ.count) break;
/* get status words */
rstatus = Map_ReadW(xq.rbdl_ba + 8, 4, &xq.rbdl_buf[4], NOMAP);
if (rstatus) return xq_nxm_error();
/* get host memory address */
address = ((xq.rbdl_buf[1] & 0x3F) << 16) | xq.rbdl_buf[2];
/* decode buffer length - two's complement (in words) */
w_length = ~xq.rbdl_buf[3] + 1;
b_length = w_length * 2;
if (xq.rbdl_buf[1] & XQ_DSC_H) b_length -= 1;
if (xq.rbdl_buf[1] & XQ_DSC_L) b_length -= 1;
item = &xq.ReadQ.item[xq.ReadQ.head];
rbl = item->packet.len;
/* make sure entire packet fits in buffer */
assert(rbl <= b_length);
/* send data to host */
wstatus = Map_WriteB(address, item->packet.len, item->packet.msg, NOMAP);
if (wstatus) return xq_nxm_error();
/* set receive size into RBL - RBL<10:8> maps into Status1<10:8>,
RBL<7:0> maps into Status2<7:0>, and Status2<15:8> (copy) */
xq.rbdl_buf[4] = 0;
switch (item->type) {
case 0: /* setup packet */
xq.rbdl_buf[4] = 0x2700; /* set esetup and RBL 10:8 */
case 1: /* loopback packet */
xq.rbdl_buf[4] = 0x2000; /* loopback flag */
xq.rbdl_buf[4] |= (rbl & 0x0700); /* high bits of rbl */
case 2: /* normal packet */
rbl -= 60; /* keeps max packet size in 11 bits */
xq.rbdl_buf[4] = (rbl & 0x0700); /* high bits of rbl */
xq.rbdl_buf[5] = ((rbl & 0x00FF) << 8) | (rbl & 0x00FF);
if (xq.ReadQ.loss) {
#ifdef XQ_DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "XQ: ReadQ overflow\n");
xq.rbdl_buf[4] |= 0x0001; /* set overflow bit */
xq.ReadQ.loss = 0; /* reset loss counter */
/* update read status words*/
wstatus = Map_WriteW(xq.rbdl_ba + 8, 4, &xq.rbdl_buf[4], NOMAP);
if (wstatus) return xq_nxm_error();
/* remove packet from queue */
/* reset sanity timer */
/* mark transmission complete */
xq.csr |= XQ_CSR_RI;
if (xq.csr & XQ_CSR_IE)
/* set to next bdl (implicit chain) */
xq.rbdl_ba += 12;
} /* while */
return SCPE_OK;
t_stat xq_process_mop(void)
t_addr address;
uint16 size;
int32 wstatus;
struct xq_meb* meb = (struct xq_meb*) &xq.write_buffer.msg[0200];
const struct xq_meb* limit = (struct xq_meb*) &xq.write_buffer.msg[0400];
#ifdef XQ_DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "XQ: Processing MOP data\n");
if (xq.type == XQ_T_DEQNA) /* DEQNA's don't MOP */
return SCPE_NOFNC;
while ((meb->type != 0) && (meb < limit)) {
address = (meb->add_hi << 16) || (meb->add_mi << 8) || meb->add_lo;
size = (meb->siz_hi << 8) || meb->siz_lo;
#ifdef XQ_DEBUG
printf("XQ: Processing MEB type: %d\n", meb->type);
switch (meb->type) {
case 0: /* MOP Termination */
case 1: /* MOP Read Ethernet Address */
wstatus = Map_WriteB(address, sizeof(ETH_MAC), (uint8*) &xq.setup.macs[0], NOMAP);
if (wstatus) return xq_nxm_error();
case 2: /* MOP Reset System ID */
case 3: /* MOP Read Last MOP Boot */
case 4: /* MOP Read Boot Password */
case 5: /* MOP Write Boot Password */
case 6: /* MOP Read System ID */
case 7: /* MOP Write System ID */
case 8: /* MOP Read Counters */
case 9: /* Mop Read/Clear Counters */
} /* switch */
/* process next meb */
meb += sizeof(struct xq_meb);
} /* while */
return SCPE_OK;
t_stat xq_process_setup(void)
int i,j;
int count = 0;
float secs;
t_stat status;
ETH_MAC zeros = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
ETH_MAC filters[XQ_FILTER_MAX + 1];
/* extract filter addresses from setup packet */
memset(xq.setup.macs, '\0', sizeof(xq.setup.macs));
for (i = 0; i < 7; i++)
for (j = 0; j < 6; j++) {
xq.setup.macs[i] [j] = xq.write_buffer.msg[(i + 01) + (j * 8)];
if (xq.write_buffer.len > 112)
xq.setup.macs[i+7][j] = xq.write_buffer.msg[(i + 0101) + (j * 8)];
/* process high byte count */
if (xq.write_buffer.len > 128) {
uint16 len = xq.write_buffer.len;
uint16 led, san;
if (len & XQ_SETUP_MC)
xq.setup.multicast = 1;
if (len & XQ_SETUP_PM)
xq.setup.promiscuous = 1;
if (led = (len & XQ_SETUP_LD) >> 2) {
switch (led) {
case 1: xq.setup.l1 = 0; break;
case 2: xq.setup.l2 = 0; break;
case 3: xq.setup.l3 = 0; break;
} /* switch */
} /* if led */
/* set sanity timer timeout */
san = (len & XQ_SETUP_ST) >> 4;
switch(san) {
case 0: secs = 0.25; break; /* 1/4 second */
case 1: secs = 1; break; /* 1 second */
case 2: secs = 4; break; /* 4 seconds */
case 3: secs = 16; break; /* 16 seconds */
case 4: secs = 1 * 60; break; /* 1 minute */
case 5: secs = 4 * 60; break; /* 4 minutes */
case 6: secs = 16 * 60; break; /* 16 minutes */
case 7: secs = 64 * 60; break; /* 64 minutes */
xq.sanity.quarter_secs = (int) (secs * 4);
/* if sanity timer enabled, start sanity timer */
if (xq.csr & XQ_CSR_SE || xq.sanity.enabled)
/* set ethernet filter */
/* memcpy (filters[count++], xq.mac, sizeof(ETH_MAC)); */
for (i = 0; i < XQ_FILTER_MAX; i++)
if (memcmp(zeros, &xq.setup.macs[i], sizeof(ETH_MAC)))
memcpy (filters[count++], xq.setup.macs[i], sizeof(ETH_MAC));
status = eth_filter (xq.etherface, count, filters, xq.setup.multicast, xq.setup.promiscuous);
/* process MOP information */
if (xq.write_buffer.msg[0])
status = xq_process_mop();
/* mark setup block valid */
xq.setup.valid = 1;
#ifdef XQ_DEBUG
return SCPE_OK;
Dispatch Write Operation
The DELQA manual does not explicitly state whether or not multiple packets
can be written in one transmit operation, so a maximum of 1 packet is assumed.
t_stat xq_process_xbdl()
const uint16 implicit_chain_status[2] = {XQ_DSC_V | XQ_DSC_C, 1};
const uint16 write_success[2] = {0, 1 /*Non-Zero TDR*/};
uint16 b_length, w_length;
int32 rstatus, wstatus;
t_addr address;
t_stat status;
#ifdef XQ_DEBUG
fprintf(stderr,"XQ: xq_process_xbdl - Processing write\n");
/* clear write buffer */
xq.write_buffer.len = 0;
/* process buffer descriptors until not valid */
while (1) {
/* Get transmit bdl from memory */
rstatus = Map_ReadW (xq.xbdl_ba, 12, &xq.xbdl_buf[0], NOMAP);
xq.xbdl_buf[0] = 0xFFFF;
wstatus = Map_WriteW(xq.xbdl_ba, 2, &xq.xbdl_buf[0], NOMAP);
if (rstatus || wstatus) return xq_nxm_error();
/* invalid buffer? */
if (~xq.xbdl_buf[1] & XQ_DSC_V) {
xq.csr |= XQ_CSR_XL;
if (xq.csr & XQ_CSR_IE)
#ifdef XQ_DEBUG
fprintf(stderr,"XQ: xq_process_xbdl - List Empty - Done Processing write\n");
return SCPE_OK;
#ifdef XQ_DEBUG
fprintf(stderr,"XQ: xq_process_xbdl: Buffer Descriptor Information: %04X %04X %04X %04X %04X \n",
xq.xbdl_buf[1], xq.xbdl_buf[2], xq.xbdl_buf[3], xq.xbdl_buf[4], xq.xbdl_buf[5]);
/* compute host memory address */
address = ((xq.xbdl_buf[1] & 0x3F) << 16) | xq.xbdl_buf[2];
/* decode buffer length - two's complement (in words) */
w_length = ~xq.xbdl_buf[3] + 1;
b_length = w_length * 2;
if (xq.xbdl_buf[1] & XQ_DSC_H) b_length -= 1;
if (xq.xbdl_buf[1] & XQ_DSC_L) b_length -= 1;
/* explicit chain buffer? */
if (xq.xbdl_buf[1] & XQ_DSC_C) {
xq.xbdl_ba = address;
#ifdef XQ_DEBUG
fprintf(stderr,"XQ: xq_process_xbdl: Chained Buffer Encountered: %d\n", b_length);
/* add to transmit buffer, making sure it's not too big */
if ((xq.write_buffer.len + b_length) > sizeof(xq.write_buffer.msg))
b_length = sizeof(xq.write_buffer.msg) - xq.write_buffer.len;
rstatus = Map_ReadB(address, b_length, &xq.write_buffer.msg[xq.write_buffer.len], NOMAP);
if (rstatus) return xq_nxm_error();
xq.write_buffer.len += b_length;
/* end of message? */
if (xq.xbdl_buf[1] & XQ_DSC_E) {
if (((~xq.csr & XQ_CSR_RE) && ((~xq.csr & XQ_CSR_IL) || (xq.csr & XQ_CSR_EL))) || /* loopback */
(xq.xbdl_buf[1] & XQ_DSC_S)) { /* or setup packet (forces loopback regardless of state) */
if (xq.xbdl_buf[1] & XQ_DSC_S) { /* setup packet */
status = xq_process_setup();
/* put packet in read buffer */
xq_insert_queue (&xq.ReadQ, 0, &xq.write_buffer, status);
} else { /* loopback */
/* put packet in read buffer */
xq_insert_queue (&xq.ReadQ, 1, &xq.write_buffer, 0);
/* update write status */
wstatus = Map_WriteW(xq.xbdl_ba + 8, 4, (uint16*) write_success, NOMAP);
if (wstatus) return xq_nxm_error();
/* clear write buffer */
xq.write_buffer.len = 0;
/* reset sanity timer */
/* mark transmission complete */
xq.csr |= XQ_CSR_XI;
if (xq.csr & XQ_CSR_IE)
/* now trigger "read" of setup or loopback packet */
if (~xq.csr & XQ_CSR_RL)
status = xq_process_rbdl();
} else { /* not loopback */
status = eth_write(xq.etherface, &xq.write_buffer, &xq_write_callback);
if (status != SCPE_OK) /* not implemented or unattached */
xq_write_callback(1); /* fake failure */
xq_svc(&xq_unit[0]); /* service any received data */
#ifdef XQ_DEBUG
fprintf(stderr,"XQ: xq_process_xbdl: Completed Processing write\n");
return SCPE_OK;
} /* loopback/non-loopback */
} else { /* not at end-of-message */
#ifdef XQ_DEBUG
fprintf(stderr,"XQ: xq_process_xbdl: Processing Implicit Chained Buffer Segment\n");
/* update bdl status words */
wstatus = Map_WriteW(xq.xbdl_ba + 8, 4, (uint16*) implicit_chain_status, NOMAP);
if(wstatus) return xq_nxm_error();
/* set to next bdl (implicit chain) */
xq.xbdl_ba += 12;
} /* while */
t_stat xq_dispatch_rbdl(void)
int i;
int32 rstatus, wstatus;
t_stat status;
#ifdef XQ_DEBUG
fprintf(stderr,"XQ: CSR - Dispatching read\n");
/* mark receive bdl valid */
xq.csr &= ~XQ_CSR_RL;
/* init receive bdl buffer */
for (i=0; i<6; i++)
xq.rbdl_buf[i] = 0;
/* get address of first receive buffer */
xq.rbdl_ba = ((xq.rbdl[1] & 0x3F) << 16) | (xq.rbdl[0] & ~01);
/* get first receive buffer */
xq.rbdl_buf[0] = 0xFFFF;
wstatus = Map_WriteW(xq.rbdl_ba, 2, &xq.rbdl_buf[0], NOMAP);
rstatus = Map_ReadW (xq.rbdl_ba + 2, 6, &xq.rbdl_buf[1], NOMAP);
if (rstatus || wstatus) return xq_nxm_error();
/* is buffer valid? */
if (~xq.rbdl_buf[1] & XQ_DSC_V) {
xq.csr |= XQ_CSR_RL;
if (xq.csr & XQ_CSR_IE)
return SCPE_OK;
/* process any waiting packets in receive queue */
if (xq.ReadQ.count)
status = xq_process_rbdl();
return SCPE_OK;
t_stat xq_dispatch_xbdl()
int i;
t_stat status;
#ifdef XQ_DEBUG
fprintf(stderr,"XQ: CSR - Dispatching write\n");
/* mark transmit bdl valid */
xq.csr &= ~XQ_CSR_XL;
/* initialize transmit bdl buffers */
for (i=0; i<6; i++)
xq.xbdl_buf[i] = 0;
/* clear transmit buffer */
xq.write_buffer.len = 0;
/* get base address of first transmit descriptor */
xq.xbdl_ba = ((xq.xbdl[1] & 0x3F) << 16) | (xq.xbdl[0] & ~01);
/* process xbdl */
status = xq_process_xbdl();
return status;
t_stat xq_process_loopback(ETH_PACK* pack)
ETH_PACK reply;
ETH_MAC physical_address;
t_stat status;
int offset = pack->msg[14] | (pack->msg[15] << 8);
int function = pack->msg[offset] | (pack->msg[offset+1] << 8);
if (function != 2 /*forward*/)
return SCPE_NOFNC;
/* create reply packet */
memcpy (&reply, pack, sizeof(ETH_PACK));
memcpy (physical_address, xq.setup.valid ? xq.setup.macs[0] : xq.mac, sizeof(ETH_MAC));
memcpy (&reply.msg[0], &reply.msg[offset+2], sizeof(ETH_MAC));
memcpy (&reply.msg[6], physical_address, sizeof(ETH_MAC));
memcpy (&reply.msg[offset+2], physical_address, sizeof(ETH_MAC));
reply.msg[offset] = 0x01;
offset += 8;
reply.msg[14] = offset & 0xFF;
reply.msg[15] = (offset >> 8) & 0xFF;
/* send reply packet */
status = eth_write(xq.etherface, &reply, NULL);
return status;
t_stat xq_process_remote_console (ETH_PACK* pack)
t_stat status;
ETH_MAC source;
uint16 receipt;
int code = pack->msg[16];
switch (code) {
case 0x05: /* request id */
receipt = pack->msg[18] | (pack->msg[19] << 8);
memcpy(source, &pack->msg[6], sizeof(ETH_MAC));
/* send system id to requestor */
status = xq_system_id (source, receipt);
return status;
case 0x06: /* boot */
NOTE: the verification field should be checked here against the
verification value established in the setup packet. If they match the
reboot should occur, otherwise nothing happens, and the packet
is passed on to the host.
Verification is not implemented, since the setup packet processing code
isn't complete yet.
Various values are also passed: processor, control, and software id.
These control the various boot parameters, however SIMH does not
have a mechanism to pass these to the host, so just reboot.
status = xq_boot_host();
return status;
} /* switch */
return SCPE_NOFNC;
t_stat xq_process_local (ETH_PACK* pack)
/* returns SCPE_OK if local processing occurred,
otherwise returns SCPE_NOFNC or some other code */
int protocol;
/* DEQNA's have no local processing capability */
if (xq.type == XQ_T_DEQNA)
return SCPE_NOFNC;
protocol = pack->msg[12] | (pack->msg[13] << 8);
switch (protocol) {
case 0x0090: /* ethernet loopback */
return xq_process_loopback(pack);
case 0x0260: /* MOP remote console */
return xq_process_remote_console(pack);
return SCPE_NOFNC;
void xq_read_callback(int status)
if (xq.csr & XQ_CSR_RE) { /* receiver enabled */
/* process any packets locally that can be */
t_stat status = xq_process_local (&xq.read_buffer);
/* add packet to read queue */
if (status != SCPE_OK)
xq_insert_queue(&xq.ReadQ, 2, &xq.read_buffer, status);
#ifdef XQ_DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "XQ: packet received with receiver disabled\n");
void xq_sw_reset(void)
/* cancel sanity timer */
/* disconnect ethernet reception */
/* stop system_id timer */
/* reset csr bits */
xq.csr = XQ_CSR_XL | XQ_CSR_RL;
if (xq.etherface)
xq.csr |= XQ_CSR_OK;
/* flush read queue */
/* clear setup info */
memset (&xq.setup, 0, sizeof(xq.setup));
/* write registers: */
t_stat xq_wr_var(int32 data)
#ifdef XQ_DEBUG
switch (xq.type) {
case XQ_T_DEQNA:
xq.var = (data & XQ_VEC_IV);
case XQ_T_DELQA:
xq.var = (xq.var & XQ_VEC_RO) | (data & XQ_VEC_RW);
/* if switching to DEQNA-LOCK mode clear VAR<14:10> */
if (~xq.var & XQ_VEC_MS)
xq.var &= ~(XQ_VEC_OS | XQ_VEC_RS | XQ_VEC_ST);
/* set vector of SIMH device */
if (data & XQ_VEC_IV)
xq_dib.vec = (data & XQ_VEC_IV) + VEC_Q;
xq_dib.vec = 0;
return SCPE_OK;
t_stat xq_wr_csr(int32 data)
uint16 saved_csr = xq.csr;
#ifdef XQ_DEBUG
/* reset controller when SR transitions to cleared */
if (xq.csr & XQ_CSR_SR & ~data) {
return SCPE_OK;
/* write the writeable bits */
xq.csr = (xq.csr & XQ_CSR_RO) | (data & XQ_CSR_RW);
/* clear write-one-to-clear bits */
xq.csr &= ~(data & XQ_CSR_W1);
if (data & XQ_CSR_XI) /* clearing XI clears NI too */
xq.csr &= ~XQ_CSR_NI;
/* start receiver timer when RE transitions to set */
if (~saved_csr & XQ_CSR_RE & data) {
sim_activate(&xq_unit[0], (clk_tps * tmr_poll)/100);
/* stop receiver timer when RE transitions to clear */
if (saved_csr & XQ_CSR_RE & ~data) {
return SCPE_OK;
t_stat xq_wr(int32 data, int32 PA, int32 access)
t_stat status;
int index = (PA >> 1) & 07; /* word index */
#ifdef XQ_DEBUG
if (index != 7)
#if defined(VM_VAX)
fprintf (stderr,"XQ: %s %08X %08X write: %X\n", xq_xmit_regnames[index], fault_PC, PSL, data);
fprintf (stderr,"XQ: %s write: %X\n", xq_xmit_regnames[index], data);
#endif /* VM_VAX */
switch (index) {
case 0: /* these should not be written */
case 1:
case 2: /* receive bdl low bits */
xq.rbdl[0] = data;
case 3: /* receive bdl high bits */
xq.rbdl[1] = data;
status = xq_dispatch_rbdl(); /* start receive operation */
case 4: /* transmit bdl low bits */
xq.xbdl[0] = data;
case 5: /* transmit bdl high bits */
xq.xbdl[1] = data;
status = xq_dispatch_xbdl(); /* start transmit operation */
case 6: /* vector address register */
status = xq_wr_var(data);
case 7: /* control and status register */
status = xq_wr_csr(data);
return SCPE_OK;
/* reset device */
t_stat xq_reset(DEVICE* dptr)
t_stat status;
/* calculate MAC checksum */
/* init vector address register */
switch (xq.type) {
case XQ_T_DEQNA:
xq.var = 0;
case XQ_T_DELQA:
xq.var = XQ_VEC_MS | XQ_VEC_OS;
xq_dib.vec = 0;
/* init control status register */
xq.csr = XQ_CSR_RL | XQ_CSR_XL;
/* reset ethernet interface */
if (xq.etherface) {
status = eth_filter (xq.etherface, 1, &xq.mac, 0, 0);
xq.csr |= XQ_CSR_OK;
/* clear read queue */
/* start sanity timer if power-on SANITY is set */
switch (xq.type) {
case XQ_T_DEQNA:
if (xq.sanity.enabled) {
xq.sanity.quarter_secs = 4 * (4 * 60); /* default is 4 minutes */;
case XQ_T_DELQA:
/* note that the DELQA in NORMAL mode has no power-on SANITY state! */
return SCPE_OK;
void xq_start_santmr(void)
/* must be recalculated each time since tmr_poll is a dynamic number */
const int32 quarter_sec = (clk_tps * tmr_poll) / 4;
#if 0
#ifdef XQ_DEBUG
fprintf(stderr,"XQ: SANITY TIMER: enabled, qsecs: %d, poll:%d\n", xq.sanity.quarter_secs, tmr_poll);
if (sim_is_active(&xq_unit[1])) /* cancel timer, just in case */
sim_activate(&xq_unit[1], quarter_sec);
void xq_cancel_santmr(void)
/* can't cancel hardware switch sanity timer */
if (sim_is_active(&xq_unit[1]) && !xq.sanity.enabled) {
#if 0
#ifdef XQ_DEBUG
fprintf(stderr,"XQ: SANITY TIMER: cancelled, qsecs: %d\n", xq.sanity.quarter_secs);
void xq_reset_santmr(void)
#if 0
#ifdef XQ_DEBUG
fprintf(stderr,"XQ: SANITY TIMER: resetting, qsecs: %d\n", xq.sanity.quarter_secs);
xq.sanity.countdown = xq.sanity.quarter_secs;
t_stat xq_sansvc(UNIT* uptr)
if (--xq.sanity.countdown) {
/* must be recalculated each time since tmr_poll is a dynamic number */
const int32 quarter_sec = (clk_tps * tmr_poll) / 4;
/* haven't hit the end of the countdown timer yet, resubmit */
sim_activate(&xq_unit[1], quarter_sec);
} else {
If this section is entered, it means that the sanity timer has expired
without being reset, and the controller must reboot the processor.
#if 0
#ifdef XQ_DEBUG
fprintf(stderr,"XQ: SANITY TIMER: EXPIRED, qsecs: %d, poll: %d, elapsed: %d\n",
xq.sanity.quarter_secs, tmr_poll, finish.time - start.time);
return SCPE_OK;
t_stat xq_boot_host(void)
The manual says the hardware should force the Qbus BDCOK low for
3.6 microseconds, which will cause the host to reboot.
Since the SIMH Qbus emulator does not have this functionality, we call
a special STOP_ code, and let the CPU stop dispatch routine decide
what the appropriate cpu-specific behavior should be.
void xq_start_idtmr(void)
/* must be recalculated each time since tmr_poll is a dynamic number */
const int32 one_sec = clk_tps * tmr_poll;
if (sim_is_active(&xq_unit[2])) /* cancel timer, just in case */
sim_cancel(&xq_unit[2]); = 1;
/* every 8-10 minutes (9 in this case) the DELQA broadcasts a system id message */ = 9 * 60;
sim_activate(&xq_unit[2], one_sec);
t_stat xq_system_id (const ETH_MAC dest, uint16 receipt_id)
static uint16 receipt = 0;
ETH_PACK system_id;
uint8* const msg = &system_id.msg[0];
t_stat status;
memset (&system_id, 0, sizeof(system_id));
memcpy (&msg[0], dest, sizeof(ETH_MAC));
memcpy (&msg[6], xq.setup.valid ? xq.setup.macs[0] : xq.mac, sizeof(ETH_MAC));
msg[12] = 0x60; /* type */
msg[13] = 0x02; /* type */
msg[14] = 0x1C; /* character count */
msg[15] = 0x00; /* character count */
msg[16] = 0x07; /* code */
msg[17] = 0x00; /* zero pad */
if (receipt_id) {
msg[18] = receipt_id & 0xFF; /* receipt number */
msg[19] = (receipt_id >> 8) & 0xFF; /* receipt number */
} else {
msg[18] = receipt & 0xFF; /* receipt number */
msg[19] = (receipt++ >> 8) & 0xFF; /* receipt number */
msg[20] = 0x01; /* type */
msg[21] = 0x00; /* type */
msg[22] = 0x03; /* length */
msg[23] = 0x03; /* version */
msg[24] = 0x01; /* eco */
msg[25] = 0x00; /* user eco */
msg[26] = 0x02; /* type */
msg[27] = 0x00; /* type */
msg[28] = 0x02; /* length */
msg[29] = 0x00; /* value 1 ??? */
msg[30] = 0x00; /* value 2 */
msg[31] = 0x07; /* type */
msg[32] = 0x00; /* type */
msg[33] = 0x06; /* length */
memcpy (&msg[34], xq.mac, sizeof(ETH_MAC)); /* ROM address */
msg[40] = 37; /* type */
msg[41] = 0x00; /* type */
msg[42] = 0x01; /* length */
msg[43] = 0x11; /* value (0x11=DELQA) */
/* write system id */
system_id.len = 60;
status = eth_write(xq.etherface, &system_id, NULL);
return status;
t_stat xq_idsvc(UNIT* uptr)
/* must be recalculated each time since tmr_poll is a dynamic number */
const int32 one_sec = clk_tps * tmr_poll;
const ETH_MAC mop_multicast = {0xAB, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00};
/* DEQNAs don't issue system id messages */
if (xq.type == XQ_T_DEQNA)
return SCPE_NOFNC;
if ( <= 0) {
If this section is entered, it means that the 9 minute interval has elapsed
so broadcast system id to MOP multicast address
xq_system_id(mop_multicast, 0);
/* every 8-10 minutes (9 in this case) the DELQA broadcasts a system id message */ = 9 * 60;
/* resubmit - for one second to get a well calibrated value of tmr_poll */
sim_activate(&xq_unit[2], one_sec);
return SCPE_OK;
** service routine - used for ethernet reading loop
t_stat xq_svc(UNIT* uptr)
t_stat status;
int queue_size;
/* Don't try a read if the receiver is disabled */
if (!(xq.csr & XQ_CSR_RE)) return SCPE_OK;
/* First pump any queued packets into the system */
if ((xq.ReadQ.count > 0) && (~xq.csr & XQ_CSR_RL))
status = xq_process_rbdl();
/* Now read and queue packets that have arrived */
/* This is repeated as long as they are available and we have room */
queue_size = xq.ReadQ.count;
/* read a packet from the ethernet - processing is via the callback */
status = eth_read (xq.etherface, &xq.read_buffer, &xq_read_callback);
} while (queue_size != xq.ReadQ.count);
/* Now pump any still queued packets into the system */
if ((xq.ReadQ.count > 0) && (~xq.csr & XQ_CSR_RL))
status = xq_process_rbdl();
/* resubmit if still receive enabled */
if (xq.csr & XQ_CSR_RE)
sim_activate(&xq_unit[0], (clk_tps * tmr_poll)/100);
return SCPE_OK;
/* attach device: */
t_stat xq_attach(UNIT* uptr, char* cptr)
t_stat status;
char* tptr;
tptr = malloc(strlen(cptr) + 1);
if (tptr == NULL) return SCPE_MEM;
strcpy(tptr, cptr);
xq.etherface = malloc(sizeof(ETH_DEV));
if (!xq.etherface) return SCPE_MEM;
status = eth_open(xq.etherface, cptr);
if (status != SCPE_OK) {
xq.etherface = 0;
return status;
uptr->filename = tptr;
uptr->flags |= UNIT_ATT;
/* turn on transceiver power indicator */
xq.csr |= XQ_CSR_OK;
return SCPE_OK;
/* detach device: */
t_stat xq_detach(UNIT* uptr)
t_stat status;
if (uptr->flags & UNIT_ATT) {
status = eth_close (xq.etherface);
xq.etherface = 0;
uptr->filename = NULL;
uptr->flags &= ~UNIT_ATT;
/* turn off transceiver power indicator */
xq.csr &= ~XQ_CSR_OK;
return SCPE_OK;
int32 xq_inta (void)
return xq_dib.vec;
/ debugging routines
#ifdef XQ_DEBUG
void xq_dump_csr (void)
static int cnt = 0;
/* tell user what is changing in register */
int i;
int mask = 1;
uint16 csr = xq.csr;
char hi[256] = "Set: ";
char lo[256] = "Reset: ";
for (i=0; i<16; i++, mask <<= 1) {
if ((csr & mask)) strcat (hi, xq_csr_bits[i]);
if ((~csr & mask)) strcat (lo, xq_csr_bits[i]);
#if defined (VM_VAX)
printf ("CSR %08X %08X read: %s %s\n", fault_PC, PSL, hi, lo);
if (cnt < 20)
printf ("CSR read[%d]: %s %s\n", cnt++, hi, lo);
#endif /* VM_VAX */
void xq_dump_var (void)
/* tell user what is changing in register */
uint16 var = xq.var;
char hi[256] = "Set: ";
char lo[256] = "Reset: ";
int vec = (var & XQ_VEC_IV) >> 2;
strcat((var & XQ_VEC_MS) ? hi : lo, "MS ");
strcat((var & XQ_VEC_OS) ? hi : lo, "OS ");
strcat((var & XQ_VEC_RS) ? hi : lo, "RS ");
strcat((var & XQ_VEC_S3) ? hi : lo, "S3 ");
strcat((var & XQ_VEC_S2) ? hi : lo, "S2 ");
strcat((var & XQ_VEC_S1) ? hi : lo, "S1 ");
strcat((var & XQ_VEC_RR) ? hi : lo, "RR ");
strcat((var & XQ_VEC_ID) ? hi : lo, "ID ");
printf ("VAR read: %s %s - Vec: %d \n", hi, lo, vec);
void xq_csr_changes (uint16 data)
/* tell user what is changing in register */
int i;
int mask = 1;
uint16 csr = xq.csr;
char hi[256] = "Setting: ";
char lo[256] = "Resetting: ";
for (i=0; i<16; i++, mask <<= 1) {
if ((csr & mask) && (~data & mask)) strcat (lo, xq_csr_bits[i]);
if ((~csr & mask) && (data & mask)) strcat (hi, xq_csr_bits[i]);
/* write-one-to-clear bits*/
if (data & XQ_CSR_RI) strcat(lo, "RI ");
if (data & XQ_CSR_XI) strcat(lo, "XI ");
#if defined(VM_VAX)
printf ("CSR %08X %08X write: %s %s\n", fault_PC, PSL, hi, lo);
printf ("CSR write: %s %s\n", hi, lo);
#endif /* VM_VAX */
void xq_var_changes (uint16 data)
/* tell user what is changing in register */
uint16 vec;
uint16 var = xq.var;
char hi[256] = "Setting: ";
char lo[256] = "Resetting: ";
if (~var & XQ_VEC_MS & data) strcat (hi, "MS ");
if (var & XQ_VEC_MS & ~data) strcat (lo, "MS ");
if (~var & XQ_VEC_OS & data) strcat (hi, "OS ");
if (var & XQ_VEC_OS & ~data) strcat (lo, "OS ");
if (~var & XQ_VEC_RS & data) strcat (hi, "RS ");
if (var & XQ_VEC_RS & ~data) strcat (lo, "RS ");
if (~var & XQ_VEC_ID & data) strcat (hi, "ID ");
if (var & XQ_VEC_ID & ~data) strcat (lo, "ID ");
if ((var & XQ_VEC_IV) != (data & XQ_VEC_IV)) {
vec = (data & XQ_VEC_IV) >> 2;
printf ("VAR write: %s %s - Vec: %d\n", hi, lo, vec);
} else
printf ("VAR write: %s %s\n", hi, lo);
void xq_debug_setup(void)
int i;
char buffer[20];
if (xq.write_buffer.msg[0])
printf ("Setup: MOP info present!\n");
for (i = 0; i < XQ_FILTER_MAX; i++) {
eth_mac_fmt(&xq.setup.macs[i], buffer);
printf ("Setup: set addr[%d]: %s\n", i, buffer);
if (xq.write_buffer.len > 128) {
char buffer[20] = {0};
uint16 len = xq.write_buffer.len;
if (len & XQ_SETUP_MC) strcat(buffer, "MC ");
if (len & XQ_SETUP_PM) strcat(buffer, "PM ");
if (len & XQ_SETUP_LD) strcat(buffer, "LD ");
if (len & XQ_SETUP_ST) strcat(buffer, "ST ");
printf ("Setup: Length [%d =0x%X, LD:%d, ST:%d] info: %s\n", len, len, (len & XQ_SETUP_LD) >> 2, (len & XQ_SETUP_ST) >> 4, buffer);