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/* hp3000_iop.c: HP 3000 30003B I/O Processor simulator
Copyright (c) 2016, J. David Bryan
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IOP HP 3000 Series III I/O Processor
30-Jun-16 JDB Changed REG type of filter array to BRDATA
08-Jun-16 JDB Corrected %d format to %u for unsigned values
13-May-16 JDB Modified for revised SCP API function parameter types
28-Aug-15 JDB First release version
11-Dec-12 JDB Created
- HP 3000 Series II/III System Reference Manual
(30000-90020, July 1978)
- HP 3000 Series III Engineering Diagrams Set
(30000-90141, April 1980)
The HP 30003B I/O Processor is an integral part of the HP 3000 system. It
works in conjunction with the CPU and Multiplexer Channel to service the
device interfaces. All I/O interfaces are connected to the IOP bus, which
transfers programmed I/O orders to the interfaces and handles memory reads
and writes between the interfaces and the CPU stack. In addition, it
provides the memory interface for multiplexer channel transfers and fetches
I/O program orders from main memory for the channel.
Interrupt requests are serviced by the IOP, which asserts an external
interrupt signal to the CPU. Device controllers request interrupts via the
IOP, which prioritizes the requests and grants service to the
highest-priority interrupt. While that interrupt is active, lower-priority
requests are held off until it becomes inactive, whereupon the next
highest-priority request is granted. The device number of the interrupting
device is stored in the IOP's address register; this is used by the CPU
microcode to access the proper entry in the Device Reference Table, which
contains the starting address of the I/O handler.
In hardware, a device requests an interrupt by asserting INTREQ to the IOP.
In response, the IOP polls the interfaces by asserting INTPOLLIN to determine
the highest-priority request. The INTPOLLIN and INTPOLLOUT signals are
daisy-chained between interfaces, with the position of the interface in the
chain establishing its priority. Interfaces that are not requesting or
processing interrupts pass INTPOLLIN to INTPOLLOUT. The first interface in
the chain that has an interrupt request pending will inhibit INTPOLLOUT and
will set its Interrupt Active flip-flop. As long as the interrupt is active,
an interface will break the poll chain by denying INTPOLLOUT. This holds off
requests from lower-priority devices.
To avoid scanning each interface's DIB for interrupt requests, the IOP
simulator maintains two 32-bit vectors: a global "iop_interrupt_request_set"
and a local "interrupt_poll_set". Each bit is associated with an interrupt
priority number from 0-31. The bits of the request set indicate which
interfaces are requesting interrupts, and the bits of the poll set indicate
which interfaces will break the poll chain when they are polled. The lowest
set bit in each indicates the highest-priority interrupting device and the
highest-priority device handler currently executing, respectively. An
interface requests an interrupt by asserting INTREQ to the IOP. The IOP then
sets the request and poll bits corresponding to that interface's interrupt
priority number. The CPU checks the request set periodically to determine if
an external interrupt is present.
A device's DIB (Device Information Block) contains three values that pertain
to interrupts: the "interrupt_priority" value determines which bit is set or
cleared in the bit vectors, the "interrupt_request" flip-flop indicates that
the interface is requesting an interrupt from the IOP, and the
"interrupt_active" flip-flop indicates that the device's interrupt handler is
executing. The two flip-flop values indicate one of four possible interrupt
states that are reflected in the associated bit of the bit vectors:
Interrupt Interrupt Request Poll
Request Active Set Set Interrupt State
--------- --------- ------- ---- ------------------------------------
CLEAR CLEAR 0 0 Not interrupting
SET CLEAR 1 1 Interrupt requested
CLEAR SET 0 1 Interrupt acknowledged
SET SET 1 1 Interrupt requested while in handler
The "requested" state corresponds to the device interface asserting the
INTREQ signal to the IOP. The "acknowledged" state corresponds to the IOP
conducting a poll via INTPOLL IN and INTPOLL OUT, and the device interface
responding by inhibiting INTPOLL OUT and asserting INTACK to the IOP.
If both the request and active flip-flops are set, the device has requested a
second interrupt while the first is still being processed. The ATC TDI, for
example, does this when a CIO is issued to acknowledge an interrupt before
the IXIT sends an ioRIN to the interface to reset the active flip-flop.
Device interfaces maintain the states of their interrupt flip-flops for the
benefit of IOP initialization. During the instruction execution prelude, the
IOP will reconstruct its bit vectors from the DIB values. Thereafter, the
interfaces change their interrupt states in response to signals, and the IOP
adjusts the bit vectors as needed. The only direct interaction needed is an
"iop_assert_INTREQ" call from the device interface when an interrupt is
initially requested.
The IOP does not have a programmable interface. It is manipulated directly
by the CPU microcode to issue direct I/O commands to the device interfaces,
and by the multiplexer channel to transfer data and I/O programs to and from
Direct I/O instructions are sent via the IOP Bus to all device interfaces.
When executing I/O instruc tions, the CPU microcode writes a 16-bit command
word to the IOP, which then places bits 5-7 of that word onto the IOP Bus as
IOCMD0-2 as follows:
CPU Command IOCMD Generated Action
Instruction Word 0 1 2 Signal Performed
----------- ------- ----- --------- --------------------------------
SIN 100000 0 0 0 DSETINT Set interrupt request flip-flop
CIO 100400 0 0 1 DCONTSTB Write a control word
SIO 101000 0 1 0 DSTARTIO Start a channel program
WIO 101400 0 1 1 DWRITESTB Write a data word
IXIT 102000 1 0 0 DRESETINT Reset interrupt active flip-flop
TIO 102400 1 0 1 DSTATSTB Read a status word
SMSK 103000 1 1 0 DSETMASK Set the interrupt mask flip-flop
RIO 103400 1 1 1 DREADSTB Read a data word
The SIO instruction sends an SIO IOCMD to the device interface via the IOP
to begin execution of a channel program. The program consists of two-word
programmed I/O orders, with each pair consisting of an I/O Control Word and
an I/O Address Word. They are encoded as follows:
IOCW IOCW IOAW Generated Action
0 1 2 3 4-15 0-15 Signal Performed
------- -------------- -------------- ----------- ---------------------
0 0 0 0 0 XXXXXXXXXXX Jump Address -- Unconditional Jump
0 0 0 0 1 XXXXXXXXXXX Jump Address SETJMP Conditional Jump
0 0 0 1 0 XXXXXXXXXXX Residue Count -- Return Residue
0 0 0 1 1 XXXXXXXXXXX Bank Address -- Set Bank
0 0 1 0 X XXXXXXXXXXX --- XXXXXX --- SETINT Interrupt
0 0 1 1 0 XXXXXXXXXXX Status Value TOGGLESIOOK End without Interrupt
0 0 1 1 1 XXXXXXXXXXX Status Value SETINT End with Interrupt
0 1 0 0 Control Word 1 Control Word 2 PCONTSTB Control
0 1 0 1 X XXXXXXXXXXX Status Value PSTATSTB Sense
C 1 1 0 Neg Word Count Write Address PWRITESTB Write
C 1 1 1 Neg Word Count Read Address PREADSTB Read
The "Unconditional Jump," "Return Residue," and "Set Bank" orders are
executed entirely by the channel and are not sent to the device interface.
The IOP simulator provides the capability to trace direct I/O commands and
interrupt requests, as well as memory accesses made on behalf of the
multiplexer channel. Devices that periodically interrupt, such as the system
clock, may generate a large number of trace events. To accommodate this, a
filter may be applied to remove trace events from devices that are not of
#include "hp3000_defs.h"
#include "hp3000_cpu.h"
#include "hp3000_cpu_ims.h"
#include "hp3000_io.h"
/* Program constants */
#define TRACE_ALL D32_UMAX /* enable tracing of all devices */
/* Debug flags.
The FILTER macro tests if the supplied device number is to be filtered out of
the trace stream. It returns the bit in the filter array corresponding to
the device number. If the bit is set, the trace will be generated;
otherwise, it will be suppressed.
Implementation notes:
1. Bit 0 is reserved for the memory data trace flag.
#define DEB_DIO (1u << 1) /* trace direct I/O commands */
#define DEB_IRQ (1u << 2) /* trace interrupt requests */
#define FILTER(d) (1u << (d) % 32 & filter [(d) / 32])
/* IOP global data structures */
const SIO_ORDER to_sio_order [] = { /* translation of IOCW bits 0-4 to SIO_ORDER */
sioJUMP, /* 00000 = Jump unconditionally */
sioJUMPC, /* 00001 = Jump conditionally */
sioRTRES, /* 00010 = Return residue */
sioSBANK, /* 00011 = Set bank */
sioINTRP, /* 00100 = Interrupt */
sioINTRP, /* 00101 = Interrupt */
sioEND, /* 00110 = End */
sioENDIN, /* 00111 = End with interrupt */
sioCNTL, /* 01000 = Control */
sioCNTL, /* 01001 = Control */
sioSENSE, /* 01010 = Sense */
sioSENSE, /* 01011 = Sense */
sioWRITE, /* 01100 = Write */
sioWRITE, /* 01101 = Write */
sioREAD, /* 01110 = Read */
sioREAD, /* 01111 = Read */
sioJUMP, /* 10000 = Jump unconditionally */
sioJUMPC, /* 10001 = Jump conditionally */
sioRTRES, /* 10010 = Return residue */
sioSBANK, /* 10011 = Set bank */
sioINTRP, /* 10100 = Interrupt */
sioINTRP, /* 10101 = Interrupt */
sioEND, /* 10110 = End */
sioENDIN, /* 10111 = End with interrupt */
sioCNTL, /* 11000 = Control */
sioCNTL, /* 11001 = Control */
sioSENSE, /* 11010 = Sense */
sioSENSE, /* 11011 = Sense */
sioWRITEC, /* 11100 = Write Chained */
sioWRITEC, /* 11101 = Write Chained */
sioREADC, /* 11110 = Read Chained */
sioREADC /* 11111 = Read Chained */
const char *const sio_order_name [] = { /* indexed by SIO_ORDER */
"Jump", /* sioJUMP */
"Conditional Jump", /* sioJUMPC */
"Return Residue", /* sioRTRES */
"Set Bank", /* sioSBANK */
"Interrupt", /* sioINTRP */
"End", /* sioEND */
"End with Interrupt", /* sioENDIN */
"Control", /* sioCNTL */
"Sense", /* sioSENSE */
"Write", /* sioWRITE */
"Write Chained", /* sioWRITEC */
"Read", /* sioREAD */
"Read Chained" /* sioREADC */
/* Global IOP state */
uint32 iop_interrupt_request_set = 0; /* the set of interfaces requesting interrupts */
/* Local IOP state */
static uint32 IOA = 0; /* I/O Address Register */
static uint32 interrupt_poll_set = 0; /* the set of interfaces breaking the poll chain */
static DIB *devs [DEVNO_MAX + 1]; /* index by device number for I/O instruction dispatch */
static DIB *irqs [INTPRI_MAX + 1]; /* index by interrupt priority number for interrupt requests */
static uint32 filter [4] = { /* filter bitmap for device numbers 0-127 */
/* IOP local SCP support routines */
static t_stat iop_set_filter (UNIT *uptr, int32 value, CONST char *cptr, void *desc);
static t_stat iop_show_filter (FILE *st, UNIT *uptr, int32 value, CONST void *desc);
/* IOP SCP data structures */
/* Unit list */
static UNIT iop_unit [] = { /* a dummy unit to satisfy SCP requirements */
{ UDATA (NULL, 0, 0) }
/* Register list.
Implementation notes:
1. The "interrupt_poll_set", "devs", and "irqs" variables need not be SAVEd
or RESTOREd, as they are rebuilt during the instruction execution
static REG iop_reg [] = {
/* Macro Name Location Radix Width Depth Flags */
/* ------ ------ -------- ----- ----- ----- ------- */
{ BRDATA (FILTER, filter, 2, 32, 4), REG_HRO },
{ NULL }
/* Modifier list */
static MTAB iop_mod [] = {
/* Entry Flags Value Print String Match String Validation Display Descriptor */
/* ------------------- ----- ------------ ------------ --------------- ---------------- ---------- */
{ MTAB_XDV | MTAB_NMO, 1, "FILTER", "FILTER", &iop_set_filter, &iop_show_filter, NULL },
{ MTAB_XDV | MTAB_NMO, 0, "", "NOFILTER", &iop_set_filter, NULL, NULL },
{ 0 }
/* Debugging trace list */
static DEBTAB iop_deb [] = {
{ "DIO", DEB_DIO }, /* direct I/O commands issued */
{ "IRQ", DEB_IRQ }, /* interrupt requests received */
{ "DATA", DEB_MDATA }, /* I/O data accesses to memory */
{ NULL, 0 }
/* Device descriptor */
DEVICE iop_dev = {
"IOP", /* device name */
iop_unit, /* unit array */
iop_reg, /* register array */
iop_mod, /* modifier array */
1, /* number of units */
8, /* address radix */
PA_WIDTH, /* address width */
1, /* address increment */
8, /* data radix */
DV_WIDTH, /* data width */
NULL, /* examine routine */
NULL, /* deposit routine */
NULL, /* reset routine */
NULL, /* boot routine */
NULL, /* attach routine */
NULL, /* detach routine */
NULL, /* device information block pointer */
DEV_DEBUG, /* device flags */
0, /* debug control flags */
iop_deb, /* debug flag name array */
NULL, /* memory size change routine */
NULL /* logical device name */
/* IOP global routines */
/* Initialize the I/O processor.
This routine is called in the instruction prelude to set up the IOP data
structures prior to beginning execution. It sets up two tables of DIB
pointers -- one indexed by device number, and a second indexed by interrupt
request number. This allows fast access to the device interface routine by
the direct I/O instruction and interrupt poll processors, respectively.
It also sets the interrupt request and poll bit vectors from the interrupt
flip-flop values in the device DIBs and clears the external interrupt flag if
there are no devices with active interrupts (as the user may have set the
flag or reset the interrupting device during a simulation stop).
uint32 iop_initialize (void)
const DEVICE *dptr;
DIB *dibptr;
uint32 i, irq;
iop_interrupt_request_set = 0; /* set all interrupt requests inactive */
interrupt_poll_set = 0; /* set all poll continuity bits inactive */
memset (devs, 0, sizeof devs); /* clear the device number table */
memset (irqs, 0, sizeof irqs); /* and the interrupt request table */
for (i = 0; sim_devices [i] != NULL; i++) { /* loop through all of the devices */
dptr = sim_devices [i]; /* get a pointer to the device */
dibptr = (DIB *) dptr->ctxt; /* and to that device's DIB */
if (dibptr && !(dptr->flags & DEV_DIS)) { /* if the DIB exists and the device is enabled */
if (dibptr->device_number != DEVNO_UNUSED) /* then if the device number is valid */
devs [dibptr->device_number] = dibptr; /* then set the DIB pointer into the device dispatch table */
if (dibptr->interrupt_priority != INTPRI_UNUSED) { /* if the interrupt priority is valid */
irqs [dibptr->interrupt_priority] = dibptr; /* then set the pointer into the interrupt dispatch table */
irq = 1 << dibptr->interrupt_priority; /* get the associated interrupt request bit */
if (dibptr->interrupt_request) { /* if the interface is requesting an interrupt */
iop_interrupt_request_set |= irq; /* then set the request bit */
interrupt_poll_set |= irq; /* and the poll bit */
else if (dibptr->interrupt_active) /* otherwise if the interface has acknowledged an interrupt */
interrupt_poll_set |= irq; /* then just set the poll bit */
if (interrupt_poll_set == 0 || IOA == 0) /* if no device has an active interrupt in progress */
CPX1 &= ~cpx1_EXTINTR; /* then clear the interrupt flag */
return IOA;
/* Poll the interfaces for an active interrupt request.
This routine is called in the instruction loop when the request set indicates
that one or more interrupt requests are pending. It polls the interface
asserting the highest-priority request. If the interface acknowledges the
interrupt, the routine sets the "external interrupt" bit in the CPU's CPX1
register to initiate interrupt processing, sets the IOP's IOA register to the
the device number of the interrupting device, and returns that value to the
In hardware, an interface requesting an interrupt with its Interrupt Mask
flip-flop set will assert a common INTREQ to the IOP. In response, the IOP
polls the interfaces to determine the highest-priority request by asserting
INTPOLLIN. The INTPOLLIN and INTPOLLOUT signals are daisy-chained between
interfaces, with the position of the interface in the chain establishing its
priority. Interfaces that are not requesting interrupts pass INTPOLLIN to
INTPOLLOUT. The first interface in the chain that has its Interrupt Request
flip-flop set will inhibit INTPOLLOUT, set its Interrupt Active flip-flop,
and assert INTACK to the IOP.
To avoid polling interfaces in simulation, an interface will set the
Interrupt Request flip-flop in its DIB and then call iop_assert_INTREQ. That
routine sets the request set and poll set bits corresponding to the interrupt
priority value in the DIB.
In the instruction execution loop, if external interrupts are enabled (i.e.,
the I bit in the status word is set), and iop_interrupt_request_set has one
or more bits set, this routine is called to select the interrupt request to
The end of priority chain is marked by the highest-priority (lowest-order)
poll bit that is set. When a poll is performed, a priority mask is generated
that contains just the highest-priority bit. The device corresponding to
that bit will then be the recipient of the current interrupt acknowledgement
cycle. After the interrupt request has been cleared, the poll bit will
prevent lower-priority interrupts from being serviced.
For example:
poll set : ...0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 (poll denied at INTPRI 6 and 9)
priority mask : ...0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 (poll stops at INTPRI 6)
The request is then ANDed with the priority mask to determine if a request is
to be granted:
pri mask : ...0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 (allowed interrupt source)
request set : ...0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 (devices requesting interrupts)
ANDed value : ...0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 (request to grant = INTPRI 6)
Once the interrupt request has been cleared, the poll state is:
poll set : ...0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 (poll denied at INTPRI 6 and 9)
priority mask : ...0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 (poll stops at INTPRI 6)
request set : ...0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (devices requesting interrupts)
ANDed value : ...0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (request to grant = none)
INTPRI 9 will continue to be held off until INTPRI 6 completes its interrupt
handler and resets the Interrupt Active flip-flop on its interface, which
also clears the associated poll set bit. At the next poll, INTPRI 9 will be
This routine determines the request to grant, converts that back to an
interrupt priority number, and uses that to index into the table of DIBs.
The interface routine associated with the DIB is called with INTPOLLIN
If the interface still has its Interrupt Request flip-flop set, it
will assert INTACK and return the device number. In response, the IOP will
save the device number in IOA, set the external interrupt bit in CPX1, and
return the device number to the CPU. This will cause the CPU to service the
However, if some condition has occurred between the time of the original
request and this poll, the interface will assert INTPOLLOUT. In response,
the IOP will clear IOA and the associated bit in the poll set to cancel the
In either case, the associated bit in the request set is cleared.
Implementation notes:
1. The hardware inhibits the interrupt poll if the EXTINT flip-flop is set.
This prevents a second interrupt from changing IOA until the microcode
signals its readiness by clearing EXTINT. In simulation, entry with
cpx1_EXTINTR set returns IOA in lieu of conducting a poll.
uint32 iop_poll (void)
DIB *dibptr;
SIGNALS_DATA outbound;
uint32 ipn, priority_mask, request_granted;
if (CPX1 & cpx1_EXTINTR) /* if an external interrupt has been requested */
return IOA; /* then return the device number in lieu of polling */
priority_mask = IOPRIORITY (interrupt_poll_set); /* calculate the priority mask */
request_granted = priority_mask & iop_interrupt_request_set; /* and determine the request to grant */
if (request_granted == 0) /* if no request has been granted */
return 0; /* then return */
for (ipn = 0; !(request_granted & 1); ipn++) /* determine the interrupt priority number */
request_granted = request_granted >> 1; /* by counting the bits until the set bit is reached */
dibptr = irqs [ipn]; /* get the DIB pointer for the request */
outbound = dibptr->io_interface (dibptr, INTPOLLIN, 0); /* poll the interface that requested the interrupt */
if (outbound & INTACK) { /* if the interface acknowledged the interrupt */
IOA = IODATA (outbound); /* then save the returned device number */
CPX1 |= cpx1_EXTINTR; /* and tell the CPU */
dprintf (iop_dev, FILTER (dibptr->device_number) ? DEB_IRQ : 0,
"Device number %u acknowledged interrupt request at priority %u\n",
dibptr->device_number, ipn);
else if (outbound & INTPOLLOUT) { /* otherwise if the interface cancelled the request */
IOA = 0; /* then clear the device number */
interrupt_poll_set &= ~priority_mask; /* and the associated bit in the poll set */
dprintf (iop_dev, FILTER (dibptr->device_number) ? DEB_IRQ : 0,
"Device number %u canceled interrupt request at priority %u\n",
dibptr->device_number, ipn);
iop_interrupt_request_set &= ~priority_mask; /* clear the request */
return IOA; /* return the interrupting device number */
/* Dispatch an I/O command to an interface.
This routine is called by the CPU when executing direct I/O instructions
to send I/O orders to the indicated device interface. It translates the
"io_cmd" value to the appropriate I/O signal and calls the signal handler of
the device interface indicated by the "device_number" with the supplied
"write_value". The handler return value, if any, is returned as the function
value. If the supplied device number does not correspond to an enabled
device, the I/O Timeout bit in CPX1 is set.
A "Set Interrupt Mask" order is sent to all active interfaces; the supplied
device number is ignored. If there are none, the I/O Timeout bit is set.
All of the other orders are sent only to the specified device. A "Reset
Interrupt" order clears the corresponding bit from the poll set, unless there
is a request pending on the device (which may occur if a second interrupt was
requested while the first was still being processed).
Implementation notes:
1. For a "Set Interrupt Mask" order, it would be faster to cycle through the
sim_devices array to find the active devices. However, we use the devs
array so that interfaces are accessed in DEVNO order, which makes traces
easier to follow. This is an acceptable tradeoff, as the SMSK
instruction is used infrequently.
HP_WORD iop_direct_io (HP_WORD device_number, IO_COMMAND io_cmd, HP_WORD write_value)
static const INBOUND_SIGNAL cmd_to_signal [] = { /* indexed by IO_COMMAND */
DSETINT, /* ioSIN = set interrupt */
DCONTSTB, /* ioCIO = control I/O */
DSTARTIO, /* ioSIO = start I/O */
DWRITESTB, /* ioWIO = write I/O */
DRESETINT, /* ioRIN = reset interrupt */
DSTATSTB, /* ioTIO = test I/O */
DSETMASK, /* ioSMSK = set interrupt mask */
DREADSTB /* ioRIO = read I/O */
static const char *const io_command_name [] = { /* indexed by IO_COMMAND */
"Set Interrupt", /* ioSIN */
"Control I/O", /* ioCIO */
"Start I/O", /* ioSIO */
"Write I/O", /* ioWIO */
"Reset Interrupt", /* ioRIN */
"Test I/O", /* ioTIO */
"Set Interrupt Mask", /* ioSMSK */
"Read I/O" /* ioRIO */
uint32 irq, devno;
t_bool no_response;
DIB *dibptr;
if (io_cmd == ioSMSK) { /* if the I/O order is "Set Interrupt Mask" */
no_response = TRUE; /* then check for responding devices */
for (devno = 0; devno <= DEVNO_MAX; devno++) { /* loop through the device number list */
dibptr = devs [devno]; /* to get a device information block pointer */
if (dibptr /* if this device is defined */
&& dibptr->interrupt_mask != INTMASK_UNUSED) { /* and uses the interrupt mask */
dprintf (iop_dev, FILTER (devno) ? DEB_DIO : 0,
"%s order sent to device number %u\n",
io_command_name [io_cmd], devno);
outbound =
dibptr->io_interface (dibptr, DSETMASK, /* send the SET MASK signal to the device */
write_value); /* and supply the new mask value */
if (outbound & INTREQ) /* if an interrupt request was asserted */
iop_assert_INTREQ (dibptr); /* then set it up */
no_response = FALSE; /* at least one device has responded */
if (no_response) /* if no devices responded */
CPX1 |= cpx1_IOTIMER; /* then indicate an I/O timeout */
else { /* otherwise a device-specific order is present */
device_number = device_number & DEVNO_MASK; /* restrict the device number to 0-127 */
dprintf (iop_dev, FILTER (device_number) ? DEB_DIO : 0,
"%s order sent to device number %u\n",
io_command_name [io_cmd], device_number);
dibptr = devs [device_number]; /* get the device information block pointer */
if (dibptr == NULL) /* if the device not present */
CPX1 |= cpx1_IOTIMER; /* then indicate an I/O timeout on access */
else { /* otherwise call the device interface */
outbound = /* with the indicated signal and write value */
dibptr->io_interface (dibptr, cmd_to_signal [io_cmd],
if (outbound & INTREQ) /* if an interrupt request was asserted */
iop_assert_INTREQ (dibptr); /* then set it up */
if (outbound & SRn) /* if a service request was asserted */
mpx_assert_SRn (dibptr); /* then set it up */
if (io_cmd == ioRIN /* if this a "Reset Interrupt" order */
&& dibptr->interrupt_priority != INTPRI_UNUSED) { /* and the interrupt priority is valid */
irq = 1 << dibptr->interrupt_priority; /* then calculate the device bit */
if ((iop_interrupt_request_set & irq) == 0) /* if no request is pending for this device */
interrupt_poll_set &= ~irq; /* then clear the associated poll bit */
return IODATA (outbound); /* return the outbound data value */
/* Request an interrupt.
This routine is called by device interfaces to request an external interrupt.
It corresponds in hardware to asserting the INTREQ signal. The routine sets
the request and poll set bits corresponding to the interrupt priority number.
void iop_assert_INTREQ (DIB *dibptr)
uint32 irq;
dprintf (iop_dev, FILTER (dibptr->device_number) ? DEB_IRQ : 0,
"Device number %u asserted INTREQ at priority %u\n",
dibptr->device_number, dibptr->interrupt_priority);
if (dibptr->interrupt_priority != INTPRI_UNUSED) { /* if the interrupt priority is valid */
irq = 1 << dibptr->interrupt_priority; /* then calculate the corresponding priority bit */
iop_interrupt_request_set |= irq; /* set the request */
interrupt_poll_set |= irq; /* and the poll bits */
/* IOP local SCP support routines */
/* Set the trace omission filter.
If the "value" parameter is 1, the filter array bits corresponding to the
device number(s) in the buffer referenced by the "cptr" parameter are set to
exclude those devices from the trace listing. If the "value" parameter is 0,
the filter array is reset to include all devices. The unit and descriptor
pointer parameters are not used.
Each bit of the four, 32-bit filter array elements corresponds to a device
number from 0-127, with the LSB of the first element representing device 0,
and the MSB of the last element representing device 127. A set bit enables
tracing of that device. The filter starts out with all bits set, implying
that all devices are traced. Specifying device numbers to filter out clears
the corresponding bits.
Example filter commands:
SET IOP FILTER=3 -- omit tracing for device 3.
SET IOP FILTER=4;7-9;11 -- omit tracing for devices 4, 7, 8, 9, and 11.
SET IOP FILTER=ALL -- omit tracing for all devices
SET IOP NOFILTER -- restore tracing for all devices
On entry, the "cptr" parameter points to the first character of the range
specification, which may be either a semicolon-separated list of device
number ranges or the keyword ALL. Each range is parsed and added to the new
filter array. Once the entire array has been set, it is copied over the old
filter. If an error occurs during parsing, the original filter set is not
static t_stat iop_set_filter (UNIT *uptr, int32 value, CONST char *cptr, void *desc)
CONST char *tptr;
char *mptr;
t_addr dev, low, high;
t_stat result = SCPE_OK;
uint32 new_filter [4] = { TRACE_ALL, TRACE_ALL, TRACE_ALL, TRACE_ALL };
if (value == 1) { /* if we are setting the filter */
if ((cptr == NULL) || (*cptr == '\0')) /* then if a line range was not supplied */
return SCPE_MISVAL; /* then report a "Missing value" error */
mptr = (char *) malloc (strlen (cptr) + 2); /* allocate space for the string, a semicolon, and a NUL */
if (mptr == NULL) /* if the allocation failed */
return SCPE_MEM; /* report memory exhaustion */
strcpy (mptr, cptr); /* copy over the existing command string */
tptr = strcat (mptr, ";"); /* and append a semicolon to make parsing easier */
while (*tptr) { /* parse the command string until it is exhausted */
tptr = get_range (NULL, tptr, &low, &high, /* get a semicolon-separated device number range */
10, 127, ';'); /* in radix 10 with a maximum value of 127 */
if (tptr == NULL || low > 127 || high > 127) { /* if a parsing error occurred or a number was out of range */
result = SCPE_ARG; /* then report an "Invalid argument" error */
break; /* and quit at this point */
else for (dev = low; dev <= high; dev++) /* otherwise loop through the range of device numbers */
new_filter [dev / 32] &= ~(1 << dev % 32); /* and clear each corresponding bit in the array */
free (mptr); /* deallocate the temporary string */
else if (cptr != NULL) /* otherwise we are clearing the filter */
return SCPE_2MARG; /* and no arguments are allowed or needed */
if (result == SCPE_OK) { /* if the filter assignment was successful */
filter [0] = new_filter [0]; /* then copy */
filter [1] = new_filter [1]; /* the new filter set */
filter [2] = new_filter [2]; /* in place of */
filter [3] = new_filter [3]; /* the current filter set */
return result; /* return the result of the command */
/* Show the omission filter.
The device numbers in the filter array are printed as a semicolon-separated
list on the stream designated by the "st" parameter. The "uptr", "value",
and "desc" parameters are not used.
Ranges are printed where possible to shorten the output. This is
accomplished by tracking the starting and ending device numbers of a range of
bits in the filter and then printing that range when a device number bit not
in the filter is encountered.
static t_stat iop_show_filter (FILE *st, UNIT *uptr, int32 value, CONST void *desc)
int32 group, low, high;
uint32 test_filter;
t_bool first = TRUE, in_range = FALSE;
low = 0; /* initialize the current starting value */
for (group = 0; group < 4; group++) { /* the filter values are stored in four elements */
test_filter = filter [group]; /* get the set of devices from current element */
for (high = group * 32; high < group * 32 + 32; high++) { /* loop through the represented device numbers */
if ((test_filter & 1) == 0) { /* if the current device is filtered out */
in_range = TRUE; /* then accumulate the omission range */
else if (in_range) { /* otherwise if an omission range was accumulated */
if (first) { /* then if this is the first range to be printed */
fputs ("filter=", st); /* then print a header to start */
first = FALSE;
else /* otherwise this is not the first range to be printed */
fputc (';', st); /* so print a separator after the prior range */
if (low == high - 1) /* if the range is empty */
fprintf (st, "%d", low); /* then print the single device number */
else /* otherwise a range was established */
fprintf (st, "%d-%d", low, high - 1); /* so print the starting and ending device numbers */
in_range = FALSE; /* start a new range */
low = high + 1; /* from this device number onward */
else /* otherwise we are between ranges */
low = low + 1; /* so increment the current starting value */
test_filter = test_filter >> 1; /* shift the next filter bit into place for testing */
if (first == TRUE) /* if there is only a single range */
if (in_range) /* then if it's an omission range */
fprintf (st, "filter=%d-127\n", low); /* then report it */
else /* otherwise it's an inclusion range */
fputs ("no filter\n", st); /* so report that no devices are filtered out */
else /* otherwise one or more ranges has been printed */
fputc ('\n', st); /* so add a line terminator */
return SCPE_OK;