blob: 7768c6b0b6475b20009c488bcd5f1d87979bf1aa [file] [log] [blame] [raw]
rem This script performs several maintenance functions prior to building
rem simh projects. Some of these funtions are optional and depend on the
rem needs of the project being built, and others are generic and are always
rem performed.
rem The optional activities are invoked by passing parameters to this
rem procedure. The parameters are:
rem ROM To run the BuildROMs program prior to executing a project
rem build. This program verifies that the include files containing
rem ROM images are consistent with the ROM images from which they
rem are derived.
rem BUILD To validate that the required dependent libraries and include
rem files are available in the directory ..\..\windows-build\
rem These libraries currently include winpcap and pthreads and
rem optionally SDL and LIBPCRE.
rem LIBSDL To validate that the required dependent SDL libraries and include
rem files are available in the directory ..\..\windows-build\
rem LIBPCRE To validate that the required dependent PCRE libraries and include
rem files are available in the directory ..\..\windows-build\
rem In addition to the optional activities mentioned above, other activities
rem are also performed. These include:
rem - confirming that if the current source is a clone of the simh
rem git repository, then then git hooks which manage making the
rem git commit hash available during builds are properly installed
rem in the repository hooks directory. When the githooks are installed
rem the current commit id is generated if git.exe is available in the
rem current path.
rem - performing the activities which make the git repository commit id
rem available in an include file during compiles.
if "%1" == "" goto _done_args
set _arg=
if /I "%1" == "ROM" set _arg=ROM
if /I "%1" == "BUILD" set _arg=BUILD
if /I "%1" == "LIBSDL" set _arg=LIBSDL
if /I "%1" == "LIBPCRE" set _arg=LIBPCRE
if /I "%1" == "FINDFONT" set _arg=FINDFONT
if "%_arg%" == "" echo *** warning *** unknown parameter %1
if /I "%1" == "FINDFONT" set _X_FontName=%2
if /I "%1" == "FINDFONT" set _X_FontIncludeName=%3
if /I "%_arg%" == "FINDFONT" shift
if /I "%_arg%" == "FINDFONT" shift
if not "%_arg%" == "" set _X_%_arg%=%_arg%
goto _next_arg
rem some arguments implicitly require BUILD to also be set to have
rem any meaning. These are LIBSDL, LIBPCRE and FINDFONT
if not "%_X_FINDFONT%" == "" set _X_BUILD=BUILD
if not "%_X_LIBSDL%" == "" set _X_BUILD=BUILD
if not "%_X_LIBPCRE%" == "" set _X_BUILD=BUILD
if "%_X_ROM%" == "" goto _done_rom
pushd ..
if exist BIN\NT\Win32-Debug\BuildROMs.exe SET _BLD=BIN\NT\Win32-Debug\BuildROMs.exe
if exist BIN\NT\Win32-Release\BuildROMs.exe SET _BLD=BIN\NT\Win32-Release\BuildROMs.exe
if "%_BLD%" == "" echo ************************************************
if "%_BLD%" == "" echo ************************************************
if "%_BLD%" == "" echo ** Project dependencies not correct. **
if "%_BLD%" == "" echo ** This project should depend on BuildROMs. **
if "%_BLD%" == "" echo ************************************************
if "%_BLD%" == "" echo ************************************************
if "%_BLD%" == "" exit 1
if "%_X_BUILD%" == "" goto _done_build
if not exist ../../windows-build-windows-build goto _check_files
rem This is a newly extracted file with the
rem top level directory named as it existed in the zip file.
rem We rename that top level directory. If a previous one already
rem exists, that will be an older version, so we try to remove
rem that one first.
if exist ..\..\windows-build rmdir /s /q ..\..\windows-build
ren ..\..\windows-build-windows-build windows-build
if errorlevel 1 goto _notice3
if exist ../../windows-build-windows-build goto _notice3
if not exist ../../windows-build/winpcap/Wpdpack/Include/pcap.h goto _notice1
if not exist ../../windows-build/pthreads/pthread.h goto _notice1
if "%_X_LIBSDL%" == "" goto _done_libsdl
if not exist ../../windows-build/libSDL/SDL2-2.0.3/include/SDL.h goto _notice2
if not exist "../../windows-build/libSDL/Microsoft DirectX SDK (June 2010)/Lib/x86/dxguid.lib" goto _notice2
if "%_X_LIBPCRE%" == "" goto _done_libpcre
if not exist ../../windows-build/PCRE/include/pcreposix.h goto _notice2
if "%_X_FINDFONT%" == "" goto _done_findfont
if not exist ../../windows-build/libSDL/SDL2_ttf-2.0.12/SDL_ttf.h goto _notice2
if "%_X_FontName%" == "" goto _done_findfont
echo. >%_X_FontIncludeName%.temp
set FONTFILE=%windir%\Fonts\%_X_FontName%
if not exist "%FONTFILE%" echo Can't find font %_X_FontName%
if not exist "%FONTFILE%" goto _done_findfont
echo #define FONTFILE %FONTFILE% >>%_X_FontIncludeName%.temp
if not exist %_X_FontIncludeName% goto _found_font
fc %_X_FontIncludeName%.temp %_X_FontIncludeName% >NUL
if NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 goto _done_findfont
echo Found: %FONTFILE%
move /Y %_X_FontIncludeName%.temp %_X_FontIncludeName% >NUL
if exist %_X_FontIncludeName%.temp del %_X_FontIncludeName%.temp
goto _done_build
echo *****************************************************
echo *****************************************************
echo ** The required build support is not available. **
echo *****************************************************
echo *****************************************************
set _exit_reason=The required build support is not available.
goto _ProjectInfo
echo *****************************************************
echo *****************************************************
echo ** The required build support is out of date. **
echo *****************************************************
echo *****************************************************
set _exit_reason=The required build support is out of date.
goto _ProjectInfo
echo *****************************************************
echo *****************************************************
echo ** Can't rename ../../windows-build-windows-build **
echo ** to ../../windows-build **
echo *****************************************************
echo *****************************************************
set _exit_reason=Can't rename ../../windows-build-windows-build to ../../windows-build
goto _ProjectInfo
type 0ReadMe_Projects.txt
echo error: %_exit_reason%
echo error: Review the Output Tab for more details.
exit 1
if not exist ..\.git goto _done_hooks
if exist ..\.git\hooks\post-commit goto _done_hooks
echo *****************************************************
echo *****************************************************
echo ** Installing git hooks in newly cloned repository **
echo *****************************************************
echo *****************************************************
copy /y git-hooks\post* ..\.git\hooks\
call :WhereInPath git.exe > NUL 2>&1
if %ERRORLEVEL% neq 0 goto _done_hooks
pushd ..
git log -1 "--pretty=%%H" >.git-commit-id
rem A race condition exists while creating the .git-commit-id.h file.
rem This race can happen at the beginning of a parallel build where
rem several projects can start execution at almost the same time.
if not exist ..\.git-commit-id goto _NoId
for /F %%i in (..\.git-commit-id) do SET GIT_COMMIT_ID=%%i
if not exist .git-commit-id.h echo.>.git-commit-id.h
for /F "tokens=3" %%i in (.git-commit-id.h) do SET OLD_GIT_COMMIT_ID=%%i
if "%GIT_COMMIT_ID%" equ "%OLD_GIT_COMMIT_ID%" goto _IdGood
echo Generating updated .git-commit-id.h containing id %GIT_COMMIT_ID%
echo #define SIM_GIT_COMMIT_ID %GIT_COMMIT_ID% >.git-commit-id.h
if errorlevel 1 echo Retrying...
if errorlevel 1 goto _SetId
goto :EOF
if "%~$PATH:1" NEQ "" exit /B 0
exit /B 1