/* vax_cpu.c: VAX CPU simulator | |
Copyright (c) 1998-2004, Robert M Supnik | |
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a | |
copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), | |
to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation | |
the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, | |
and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the | |
Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: | |
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in | |
all copies or substantial portions of the Software. | |
Except as contained in this notice, the name of Robert M Supnik shall not | |
be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings | |
in this Software without prior written authorization from Robert M Supnik. | |
cpu CVAX central processor | |
28-Jun-04 RMS Fixed bug in DIVBx, DIVWx (reported by Peter Trimmel) | |
18-Apr-04 RMS Added octaword macros | |
25-Jan-04 RMS Removed local debug logging support | |
RMS,MP Added extended physical memory support | |
31-Dec-03 RMS Fixed bug in set_cpu_hist | |
21-Dec-03 RMS Added autoconfiguration controls | |
29-Oct-03 RMS Fixed WriteB declaration (found by Mark Pizzolato) | |
23-Sep-03 RMS Revised instruction history for dynamic sizing | |
17-May-03 RMS Fixed operand order in EMODx | |
23-Apr-03 RMS Revised for 32b/64b t_addr | |
05-Jan-02 RMS Added memory size restore support | |
25-Dec-02 RMS Added instruction history (from Mark Pizzolato) | |
29-Sep-02 RMS Revised to build dib_tab dynamically | |
14-Jul-02 RMS Added halt to console, infinite loop detection | |
(from Mark Pizzolato) | |
02-May-02 RMS Fixed bug in indexed autoincrement register logging | |
30-Apr-02 RMS Added TODR powerup routine | |
18-Apr-02 RMS Cleanup ambiguous signed left shifts | |
15-Apr-02 RMS Fixed bug in CASEL condition codes | |
The register state for the VAX is: | |
R[0:15] general registers | |
PSL<31:0> processor status longword | |
TP<30> trace pending | |
FPD<27> first part done | |
IS<26> interrupt stack | |
CM<25:24> current mode | |
PM<23:22> previous mode | |
IPL<20:16> interrupt priority level | |
PSW<15:0> non-privileged processor status word | |
DV<7> decimal overflow trap enable | |
FU<6> floating underflow fault enable | |
IV<5> integer overflow trap enable | |
T<4> trace trap enable | |
CC<3:0> condition codes | |
SCBB system control block base | |
PCBB process control block base | |
SBR system page table base | |
SLR system page table length | |
P0BR process region 0 page table base | |
P0LR process region 0 page table length | |
P1BR process region 1 page table base | |
P1LR process region 1 page table length | |
SIRR/SISR software interrupt request/summary register | |
ASTLVL AST level register | |
The CVAX CPU adds a few specific IPRs: | |
CADR cache disable register | |
MSER memory system error register | |
*/ | |
/* The VAX has a variable length instruction format with up to six operands: | |
opcode byte | |
operand 1 specifier | |
: | |
operand n specifier | |
Each operand specifier is a byte consisting of an addressing mode, a | |
register, and possibly 1-8 bytes of extension: | |
number name extension mnemonic operation | |
0-3 short literal - #n op <- specifier | |
4 index - [Rn] index by Rn | |
5 register - Rn op <- Rn | |
6 register def - (Rn) op <- M[Rn] | |
7 autodecrement - -(Rn) Rn <- Rn - length | |
op <- M[Rn] | |
8 autoincrement - (Rn)+ op <- M[Rn] | |
Rn <- Rn + length | |
9 auto deferred - @(Rn)+ op <- M[M[Rn]] | |
Rn <- Rn + 4 | |
A byte displ byte d d(Rn) op <- M[Rn + sxt.d] | |
B byte displ def byte d @d(Rn) op <- M[M[Rn + sxt.d]] | |
C word displ word d d(Rn) op <- M[Rn + sxt.d] | |
D word displ def word d @d(Rn) op <- M[M[Rn + sxt.d]] | |
E long displ long d d(Rn) op <- M[Rn + d] | |
F long displ def long d @d(Rn) op <- M[M[Rn + d]] | |
When the general register is the PC, certain modes are forbidden, and | |
others have special interpretations: | |
4F index fault | |
5F register fault | |
6F register def fault | |
7F autodecrement fault | |
8F immediate 1-8B #imm op <- imm | |
9 absolute 4B @#imm op <- M[imm] | |
A byte relative byte d d(Rn) op <- M[PC + sxt.d] | |
B byte rel def byte d @d(Rn) op <- M[M[PC + sxt.d]] | |
C word relative word d d(Rn) op <- M[PC + sxt.d] | |
D word rel def word d @d(Rn) op <- M[M[PC + sxt.d]] | |
E long relative long d d(Rn) op <- M[PC + d] | |
F long rel def long d @d(Rn) op <- M[M[PC + d]] | |
*/ | |
/* This routine is the instruction decode routine for the VAX. It | |
is called from the simulator control program to execute instructions | |
in simulated memory, starting at the simulated PC. It runs until an | |
enabled exception is encountered. | |
General notes: | |
1. Traps and interrupts. Variable trpirq microencodes the outstanding | |
trap request (if any) and the level of the highest outstanding | |
interrupt (if any). | |
2. Interrupt requests are maintained in the int_req array, one word per | |
interrupt level, one bit per device. | |
3. Adding I/O devices. These modules must be modified: | |
vax_defs.h add device address and interrupt definitions | |
vax_sys.c add sim_devices table entry | |
*/ | |
/* Definitions */ | |
#include "vax_defs.h" | |
#define OP_MEM -1 | |
#define UNIT_V_CONH (UNIT_V_UF + 0) /* halt to console */ | |
#define UNIT_V_EXTM (UNIT_V_UF + 1) /* ext memory enable */ | |
#define UNIT_V_MSIZE (UNIT_V_UF + 2) /* dummy */ | |
#define UNIT_CONH (1u << UNIT_V_CONH) | |
#define UNIT_EXTM (1u << UNIT_V_EXTM) | |
#define UNIT_MSIZE (1u << UNIT_V_MSIZE) | |
#define GET_CUR acc = ACC_MASK (PSL_GETCUR (PSL)) | |
#define OPND_SIZE 20 | |
#define op0 opnd[0] | |
#define op1 opnd[1] | |
#define op2 opnd[2] | |
#define op3 opnd[3] | |
#define op4 opnd[4] | |
#define op5 opnd[5] | |
#define op6 opnd[6] | |
#define op7 opnd[7] | |
#define op8 opnd[8] | |
#define CHECK_FOR_PC if (rn == nPC) RSVD_ADDR_FAULT | |
#define CHECK_FOR_SP if (rn >= nSP) RSVD_ADDR_FAULT | |
#define CHECK_FOR_AP if (rn >= nAP) RSVD_ADDR_FAULT | |
#define RECW(l) ((l) << 4) | rn | |
#define WRITE_B(r) if (spec > (GRN | nPC)) Write (va, r, L_BYTE, WA); \ | |
else R[rn] = (R[rn] & ~BMASK) | ((r) & BMASK) | |
#define WRITE_W(r) if (spec > (GRN | nPC)) Write (va, r, L_WORD, WA); \ | |
else R[rn] = (R[rn] & ~WMASK) | ((r) & WMASK) | |
#define WRITE_L(r) if (spec > (GRN | nPC)) Write (va, r, L_LONG, WA); \ | |
else R[rn] = (r) | |
#define WRITE_Q(rl,rh) if (spec > (GRN | nPC)) { \ | |
if (Test (va + 7, WA, &mstat) >= 0) \ | |
Write (va, rl, L_LONG, WA); \ | |
Write (va + 4, rh, L_LONG, WA); } \ | |
else { \ | |
R[rn] = rl; \ | |
R[rnplus1] = rh; } | |
#define WRITE_O(rl,rm2,rm1,rh) if (spec > (GRN | nPC)) { \ | |
if (Test (va + 15, WA, &mstat) >= 0) \ | |
Write (va, rl, L_LONG, WA); \ | |
Write (va + 4, rm2, L_LONG, WA); \ | |
Write (va + 8, rm1, L_LONG, WA); \ | |
Write (va + 12, rh, L_LONG, WA); } \ | |
else { \ | |
R[rn] = rl; \ | |
R[(rn + 1) & 0xF] = rm2; \ | |
R[(rn + 2) & 0xF] = rm1; \ | |
R[(rn + 3) & 0xF] = rh; } | |
#define HIST_MIN 128 | |
#define HIST_MAX 65536 | |
struct InstHistory { | |
int32 iPC; | |
int32 PSL; | |
int32 opc; | |
int32 brdest; | |
int32 opnd[OPND_SIZE]; }; | |
uint32 *M = NULL; /* memory */ | |
int32 R[16]; /* registers */ | |
int32 STK[5]; /* stack pointers */ | |
int32 PSL; /* PSL */ | |
int32 SCBB = 0; /* SCB base */ | |
int32 PCBB = 0; /* PCB base */ | |
int32 P0BR = 0; /* P0 mem mgt */ | |
int32 P0LR = 0; | |
int32 P1BR = 0; /* P1 mem mgt */ | |
int32 P1LR = 0; | |
int32 SBR = 0; /* S0 mem mgt */ | |
int32 SLR = 0; | |
int32 SISR; /* swre int req */ | |
int32 ASTLVL; /* AST level */ | |
int32 CADR = 0; /* cache disable */ | |
int32 MSER = 0; /* mem error */ | |
int32 mapen; /* map enable */ | |
int32 trpirq; /* trap/intr req */ | |
int32 conpc, conpsl; /* console reg */ | |
int32 in_ie = 0; /* in exc, int */ | |
int32 recq[6]; /* recovery queue */ | |
int32 recqptr; /* recq pointer */ | |
int32 mem_err = 0; /* mem err intr */ | |
int32 crd_err = 0; /* CRD err intr */ | |
int32 hlt_pin = 0; /* HLT pin intr */ | |
int32 p1 = 0, p2 = 0; /* fault parameters */ | |
int32 fault_PC; /* fault PC */ | |
int32 pcq_p = 0; /* PC queue ptr */ | |
int32 hst_p = 0; /* history pointer */ | |
int32 hst_lnt = 0; /* history length */ | |
int32 badabo = 0; | |
int32 cpu_astop = 0; | |
int32 dbg_stop = 0; | |
int32 mchk_va, mchk_ref; /* mem ref param */ | |
int32 ibufl, ibufh; /* prefetch buf */ | |
int32 ibcnt, ppc; /* prefetch ctl */ | |
int32 autcon_enb = 1; /* autoconfig enable */ | |
int32 cpu_extmem = 0; /* extended memory */ | |
jmp_buf save_env; | |
REG *pcq_r = NULL; /* PC queue reg ptr */ | |
int32 pcq[PCQ_SIZE] = { 0 }; /* PC queue */ | |
struct InstHistory *hst = NULL; /* instruction history */ | |
const uint32 byte_mask[33] = { 0x00000000, | |
0x00000001, 0x00000003, 0x00000007, 0x0000000F, | |
0x0000001F, 0x0000003F, 0x0000007F, 0x000000FF, | |
0x000001FF, 0x000003FF, 0x000007FF, 0x00000FFF, | |
0x00001FFF, 0x00003FFF, 0x00007FFF, 0x0000FFFF, | |
0x0001FFFF, 0x0003FFFF, 0x0007FFFF, 0x000FFFFF, | |
0x001FFFFF, 0x003FFFFF, 0x007FFFFF, 0x00FFFFFF, | |
0x01FFFFFF, 0x03FFFFFF, 0x07FFFFFF, 0x0FFFFFFF, | |
const uint32 byte_sign[33] = { 0x00000000, | |
0x00000001, 0x00000002, 0x00000004, 0x00000008, | |
0x00000010, 0x00000020, 0x00000040, 0x00000080, | |
0x00000100, 0x00000200, 0x00000400, 0x00000800, | |
0x00001000, 0x00002000, 0x00004000, 0x00008000, | |
0x00010000, 0x00020000, 0x00040000, 0x00080000, | |
0x00100000, 0x00200000, 0x00400000, 0x00800000, | |
0x01000000, 0x02000000, 0x04000000, 0x08000000, | |
0x10000000, 0x20000000, 0x40000000, 0x80000000 }; | |
const uint32 align[4] = { | |
0xFFFFFFFF, 0x00FFFFFF, 0x0000FFFF, 0x000000FF }; | |
/* External and forward references */ | |
extern int32 sim_interval; | |
extern int32 sim_int_char; | |
extern int32 sim_brk_types, sim_brk_dflt, sim_brk_summ; /* breakpoint info */ | |
extern UNIT clk_unit; | |
extern t_stat build_dib_tab (void); | |
extern UNIT rom_unit, nvr_unit; | |
extern int32 op_ashq (int32 *opnd, int32 *rh, int32 *flg); | |
extern int32 op_emul (int32 mpy, int32 mpc, int32 *rh); | |
extern int32 op_ediv (int32 *opnd, int32 *rh, int32 *flg); | |
extern int32 op_bb_n (int32 *opnd, int32 acc); | |
extern int32 op_bb_x (int32 *opnd, int32 newb, int32 acc); | |
extern int32 op_extv (int32 *opnd, int32 vfldrp1, int32 acc); | |
extern int32 op_ffs (uint32 fld, int32 size); | |
extern void op_insv (int32 *opnd, int32 vfldrp1, int32 acc); | |
extern int32 op_call (int32 *opnd, t_bool gs, int32 acc); | |
extern int32 op_ret (int32 acc); | |
extern int32 op_insque (int32 *opnd, int32 acc); | |
extern int32 op_remque (int32 *opnd, int32 acc); | |
extern int32 op_insqhi (int32 *opnd, int32 acc); | |
extern int32 op_insqti (int32 *opnd, int32 acc); | |
extern int32 op_remqhi (int32 *opnd, int32 acc); | |
extern int32 op_remqti (int32 *opnd, int32 acc); | |
extern void op_pushr (int32 *opnd, int32 acc); | |
extern void op_popr (int32 *opnd, int32 acc); | |
extern int32 op_movc (int32 *opnd, int32 opc, int32 acc); | |
extern int32 op_cmpc (int32 *opnd, int32 opc, int32 acc); | |
extern int32 op_locskp (int32 *opnd, int32 opc, int32 acc); | |
extern int32 op_scnspn (int32 *opnd, int32 opc, int32 acc); | |
extern int32 op_chm (int32 *opnd, int32 cc, int32 opc); | |
extern int32 op_rei (int32 acc); | |
extern void op_ldpctx (int32 acc); | |
extern void op_svpctx (int32 acc); | |
extern int32 op_probe (int32 *opnd, int32 opc); | |
extern int32 op_mtpr (int32 *opnd); | |
extern int32 op_mfpr (int32 *opnd); | |
extern int32 op_movfd (int32 val); | |
extern int32 op_movg (int32 val); | |
extern int32 op_mnegfd (int32 val); | |
extern int32 op_mnegg (int32 val); | |
extern int32 op_cmpfd (int32 h1, int32 l1, int32 h2, int32 l2); | |
extern int32 op_cmpg (int32 h1, int32 l1, int32 h2, int32 l2); | |
extern int32 op_cvtifdg (int32 val, int32 *rh, int32 opc); | |
extern int32 op_cvtfdgi (int32 *opnd, int32 *rh, int32 opc); | |
extern int32 op_cvtdf (int32 *opnd); | |
extern int32 op_cvtgf (int32 *opnd); | |
extern int32 op_cvtfg (int32 *opnd, int32 *rh); | |
extern int32 op_addf (int32 *opnd, t_bool sub); | |
extern int32 op_addd (int32 *opnd, int32 *rh, t_bool sub); | |
extern int32 op_addg (int32 *opnd, int32 *rh, t_bool sub); | |
extern int32 op_mulf (int32 *opnd); | |
extern int32 op_muld (int32 *opnd, int32 *rh); | |
extern int32 op_mulg (int32 *opnd, int32 *rh); | |
extern int32 op_divf (int32 *opnd); | |
extern int32 op_divd (int32 *opnd, int32 *rh); | |
extern int32 op_divg (int32 *opnd, int32 *rh); | |
extern int32 op_emodf (int32 *opnd, int32 *intgr, int32 *flg); | |
extern int32 op_emodd (int32 *opnd, int32 *rh, int32 *intgr, int32 *flg); | |
extern int32 op_emodg (int32 *opnd, int32 *rh, int32 *intgr, int32 *flg); | |
extern void op_polyf (int32 *opnd, int32 acc); | |
extern void op_polyd (int32 *opnd, int32 acc); | |
extern void op_polyg (int32 *opnd, int32 acc); | |
extern int32 op_emulate (int32 *opnd, int32 cc, int32 opc, int32 acc); | |
extern int32 intexc (int32 vec, int32 cc, int32 ipl, int ei); | |
extern int32 Read (uint32 va, int32 lnt, int32 acc); | |
extern void Write (uint32 va, int32 val, int32 lnt, int32 acc); | |
extern int32 ReadB (uint32 pa); | |
extern void WriteB (uint32 pa, int32 val); | |
extern int32 Test (uint32 va, int32 acc, int32 *status); | |
extern int32 ReadLP (uint32 pa); | |
extern int32 eval_int (void); | |
extern int32 get_vector (int32 lvl); | |
extern void set_map_reg (void); | |
extern void rom_wr (int32 pa, int32 val, int32 lnt); | |
extern uint16 drom[NUM_INST][MAX_SPEC + 1]; | |
extern t_stat show_iospace (FILE *st, UNIT *uptr, int32 val, void *desc); | |
extern t_stat set_autocon (UNIT *uptr, int32 val, char *cptr, void *desc); | |
extern t_stat show_autocon (FILE *st, UNIT *uptr, int32 val, void *desc); | |
t_stat cpu_reset (DEVICE *dptr); | |
t_stat cpu_boot (int32 unitno, DEVICE *dptr); | |
t_stat cpu_ex (t_value *vptr, t_addr exta, UNIT *uptr, int32 sw); | |
t_stat cpu_dep (t_value val, t_addr exta, UNIT *uptr, int32 sw); | |
t_stat cpu_set_size (UNIT *uptr, int32 val, char *cptr, void *desc); | |
t_stat cpu_set_extm (UNIT *uptr, int32 val, char *cptr, void *desc); | |
t_stat cpu_show_virt (UNIT *uptr, int32 val, char *cptr, void *desc); | |
t_stat cpu_set_hist (UNIT *uptr, int32 val, char *cptr, void *desc); | |
t_stat cpu_show_hist (FILE *st, UNIT *uptr, int32 val, void *desc); | |
int32 get_istr (int32 lnt, int32 acc); | |
int32 con_halt (int32 code, int32 cc); | |
/* CPU data structures | |
cpu_dev CPU device descriptor | |
cpu_unit CPU unit | |
cpu_reg CPU register list | |
cpu_mod CPU modifier list | |
*/ | |
REG cpu_reg[] = { | |
{ HRDATA (PC, R[nPC], 32) }, | |
{ HRDATA (R0, R[0], 32) }, | |
{ HRDATA (R1, R[1], 32) }, | |
{ HRDATA (R2, R[2], 32) }, | |
{ HRDATA (R3, R[3], 32) }, | |
{ HRDATA (R4, R[4], 32) }, | |
{ HRDATA (R5, R[5], 32) }, | |
{ HRDATA (R6, R[6], 32) }, | |
{ HRDATA (R7, R[7], 32) }, | |
{ HRDATA (R8, R[8], 32) }, | |
{ HRDATA (R9, R[9], 32) }, | |
{ HRDATA (R10, R[10], 32) }, | |
{ HRDATA (R11, R[11], 32) }, | |
{ HRDATA (R12, R[12], 32) }, | |
{ HRDATA (R13, R[13], 32) }, | |
{ HRDATA (R14, R[14], 32) }, | |
{ HRDATA (AP, R[nAP], 32) }, | |
{ HRDATA (FP, R[nFP], 32) }, | |
{ HRDATA (SP, R[nSP], 32) }, | |
{ HRDATA (PSL, PSL, 32) }, | |
{ HRDATA (CC, PSL, 4) }, | |
{ HRDATA (KSP, KSP, 32) }, | |
{ HRDATA (ESP, ESP, 32) }, | |
{ HRDATA (SSP, SSP, 32) }, | |
{ HRDATA (USP, USP, 32) }, | |
{ HRDATA (IS, IS, 32) }, | |
{ HRDATA (SCBB, SCBB, 32) }, | |
{ HRDATA (PCBB, PCBB, 32) }, | |
{ HRDATA (P0BR, P0BR, 32) }, | |
{ HRDATA (P0LR, P0LR, 22) }, | |
{ HRDATA (P1BR, P1BR, 32) }, | |
{ HRDATA (P1LR, P1LR, 22) }, | |
{ HRDATA (SBR, SBR, 32) }, | |
{ HRDATA (SLR, SLR, 22) }, | |
{ HRDATA (SISR, SISR, 16) }, | |
{ HRDATA (CADR, CADR, 8) }, | |
{ HRDATA (MSER, MSER, 8) }, | |
{ FLDATA (MAPEN, mapen, 0) }, | |
{ HRDATA (TRPIRQ, trpirq, 8) }, | |
{ FLDATA (CRDERR, crd_err, 0) }, | |
{ FLDATA (MEMERR, mem_err, 0) }, | |
{ FLDATA (HLTPIN, hlt_pin, 0) }, | |
{ FLDATA (DBGSTOP, dbg_stop, 0), REG_HIDDEN }, | |
{ BRDATA (PCQ, pcq, 16, 32, PCQ_SIZE), REG_RO+REG_CIRC }, | |
{ HRDATA (PCQP, pcq_p, 6), REG_HRO }, | |
{ HRDATA (BADABO, badabo, 32), REG_HRO }, | |
{ FLDATA (AUTOCON, autcon_enb, 0), REG_HRO }, | |
{ HRDATA (WRU, sim_int_char, 8) }, | |
{ NULL } }; | |
MTAB cpu_mod[] = { | |
{ UNIT_EXTM, UNIT_EXTM, NULL, "EXTENDEDMEMORY", &cpu_set_extm }, | |
{ UNIT_EXTM, 0, NULL, "NOEXTENDEDMEMORY", &cpu_set_extm }, | |
{ UNIT_MSIZE, (1u << 24), NULL, "16M", &cpu_set_size }, | |
{ UNIT_MSIZE, (1u << 25), NULL, "32M", &cpu_set_size }, | |
{ UNIT_MSIZE, (1u << 25) + (1u << 24), NULL, "48M", &cpu_set_size }, | |
{ UNIT_MSIZE, (1u << 26), NULL, "64M", &cpu_set_size }, | |
{ UNIT_MSIZE, (1u << 27), NULL, "128M", &cpu_set_size }, | |
{ UNIT_MSIZE, (1u << 28), NULL, "256M", &cpu_set_size }, | |
{ UNIT_MSIZE, (1u << 29), NULL, "512M", &cpu_set_size }, | |
{ UNIT_CONH, 0, "HALT to SIMH", "SIMHALT", NULL }, | |
{ UNIT_CONH, UNIT_CONH, "HALT to console", "CONHALT", NULL }, | |
NULL, &show_iospace }, | |
&cpu_set_hist, &cpu_show_hist }, | |
&set_autocon, &show_autocon }, | |
&set_autocon, NULL }, | |
{ MTAB_XTD|MTAB_VDV, 0, NULL, "VIRTUAL", &cpu_show_virt }, | |
{ 0 } }; | |
DEBTAB cpu_deb[] = { | |
{ "INTEXC", LOG_CPU_I }, | |
{ "REI", LOG_CPU_R }, | |
{ "CONTEXT", LOG_CPU_P }, | |
{ NULL, 0 } }; | |
DEVICE cpu_dev = { | |
"CPU", &cpu_unit, cpu_reg, cpu_mod, | |
1, 16, 32, 1, 16, 8, | |
&cpu_ex, &cpu_dep, &cpu_reset, | |
&cpu_boot, NULL, NULL, | |
cpu_deb, &cpu_set_size, NULL }; | |
t_stat sim_instr (void) | |
{ | |
volatile int32 opc, cc; /* used by setjmp */ | |
int32 acc; /* set by setjmp */ | |
int abortval; | |
t_stat r; | |
if ((r = build_dib_tab ()) != SCPE_OK) return r; /* build, chk dib_tab */ | |
cpu_extmem = cpu_unit.flags & UNIT_EXTM; /* external flag */ | |
cc = PSL & CC_MASK; /* split PSL */ | |
PSL = PSL & ~CC_MASK; | |
in_ie = 0; /* not in exc */ | |
set_map_reg (); /* set map reg */ | |
GET_CUR; /* set access mask */ | |
SET_IRQL; /* eval interrupts */ | |
FLUSH_ISTR; /* clear prefetch */ | |
sim_rtcn_init (clk_unit.wait, TMR_CLK); /* init clock */ | |
abortval = setjmp (save_env); /* set abort hdlr */ | |
if (abortval > 0) { /* sim stop? */ | |
PSL = PSL | cc; /* put PSL together */ | |
pcq_r->qptr = pcq_p; /* update pc q ptr */ | |
return abortval; } /* return to SCP */ | |
else if (abortval < 0) { /* mm or rsrv or int */ | |
int32 i, temp, st1, st2, hsir; | |
if ((PSL & PSL_FPD) == 0) { /* FPD? no recovery */ | |
for (i = 0; i < recqptr; i++) { /* unwind inst */ | |
int32 rrn, rlnt; | |
rrn = recq[i] & 0xF; /* recovery reg# */ | |
rlnt = DR_LNT ((recq[i] >> 4) & 0x3); /* recovery lnt */ | |
if (recq[i] & 0x800) R[rrn] = R[rrn] - rlnt; | |
else R[rrn] = R[rrn] + rlnt; } } | |
recqptr = 0; /* clear queue */ | |
temp = fault_PC - PC; /* delta PC if needed */ | |
SETPC (fault_PC); /* restore PC */ | |
switch (-abortval) { /* case on abort code */ | |
case SCB_RESIN: case SCB_RESAD: case SCB_RESOP: /* reserved fault */ | |
if (in_ie) ABORT (STOP_INIE); /* in exc? panic */ | |
cc = intexc (-abortval, cc, 0, IE_EXC); /* take exception */ | |
GET_CUR; /* PSL<cur> changed */ | |
break; | |
case SCB_ARITH: /* arithmetic fault */ | |
if (in_ie) ABORT (STOP_INIE); /* in exc? panic */ | |
cc = intexc (-abortval, cc, 0, IE_EXC); /* take exception */ | |
GET_CUR; | |
in_ie = 1; | |
Write (SP - 4, p1, L_LONG, WA); /* write arith param */ | |
SP = SP - 4; | |
in_ie = 0; | |
break; | |
case SCB_ACV: case SCB_TNV: /* mem management */ | |
if (in_ie) { /* in exception? */ | |
if (PSL & PSL_IS) ABORT (STOP_INIE); /* on is? panic */ | |
cc = intexc (SCB_KSNV, cc, 0, IE_SVE); /* ksnv */ | |
GET_CUR; } | |
else { | |
cc = intexc (-abortval, cc, 0, IE_EXC); /* take exception */ | |
GET_CUR; | |
in_ie = 1; | |
Write (SP - 8, p1, L_LONG, WA); /* write mm params */ | |
Write (SP - 4, p2, L_LONG, WA); | |
SP = SP - 8; | |
in_ie = 0; } | |
break; | |
case SCB_MCHK: /* machine check */ | |
if (in_ie) ABORT (STOP_INIE); /* in exception? */ | |
if (p1 & 0x80) p1 = p1 + mchk_ref; /* mref? set v/p */ | |
p2 = mchk_va + 4; /* save vap */ | |
for (i = hsir = 0; i < 16; i++) { /* find hsir */ | |
if ((SISR >> i) & 1) hsir = i; } | |
st1 = ((((uint32) opc) & 0xFF) << 24) | | |
(hsir << 16) | | |
((CADR & 0xFF) << 8) | | |
(MSER & 0xFF); | |
st2 = 0x00C07000 + (temp & 0xFF); | |
cc = intexc (-abortval, cc, 0, IE_SVE); /* take exception */ | |
GET_CUR; /* PSL<cur> changed */ | |
in_ie = 1; | |
SP = SP - 20; /* push 5 words */ | |
Write (SP, 16, L_LONG, WA); /* # bytes */ | |
Write (SP + 4, p1, L_LONG, WA); /* mcheck type */ | |
Write (SP + 8, p2, L_LONG, WA); /* address */ | |
Write (SP + 12, st1, L_LONG, WA); /* state 1 */ | |
Write (SP + 16, st2, L_LONG, WA); /* state 2 */ | |
in_ie = 0; | |
break; | |
case 1: /* interrupt */ | |
break; /* just proceed */ | |
default: /* other */ | |
badabo = abortval; /* save code */ | |
ABORT (STOP_UNKABO); } /* panic */ | |
} /* end else */ | |
/* Main instruction loop */ | |
for ( ;; ) { | |
int32 spec, disp, rn, index, numspec; | |
int32 vfldrp1, brdisp, flg, mstat; | |
int32 i, j, r, rh, temp; | |
uint32 va, iad; | |
int32 opnd[OPND_SIZE]; /* operand queue */ | |
if (cpu_astop) { | |
cpu_astop = 0; | |
fault_PC = PC; | |
recqptr = 0; /* clr recovery q */ | |
if (sim_interval <= 0) { /* chk clock queue */ | |
temp = sim_process_event (); | |
if (temp) ABORT (temp); | |
SET_IRQL; } /* update interrupts */ | |
/* Test for non-instruction dispatches, in SRM order | |
- trap or interrupt (trpirq != 0) | |
- PSL<tp> set | |
If any of these conditions are met, re-dispatch; otherwise, | |
set PSL<tp> from PSL<t>. | |
*/ | |
if (trpirq) { /* trap or interrupt? */ | |
if (temp = GET_TRAP (trpirq)) { /* trap? */ | |
cc = intexc (SCB_ARITH, cc, 0, IE_EXC); /* take, clear trap */ | |
GET_CUR; /* set cur mode */ | |
in_ie = 1; | |
Write (SP - 4, temp, L_LONG, WA); /* write parameter */ | |
SP = SP - 4; | |
in_ie = 0; } | |
else if (temp = GET_IRQL (trpirq)) { /* interrupt? */ | |
int32 vec; | |
if (temp == IPL_HLTPIN) { /* console halt? */ | |
cc = con_halt (CON_HLTPIN, cc); /* invoke firmware */ | |
hlt_pin = 0; /* clear intr */ | |
trpirq = 0; /* clear everything */ | |
continue; } /* continue */ | |
if (temp == IPL_MEMERR) { /* mem error? */ | |
vec = SCB_MEMERR; | |
mem_err = 0; } | |
else if (temp == IPL_CRDERR) { /* CRD error? */ | |
vec = SCB_CRDERR; | |
crd_err = 0; } | |
else if (temp > IPL_HMAX) { /* error req lvl? */ | |
ABORT (STOP_UIPL); } /* unknown intr */ | |
else if (temp >= IPL_HMIN) /* hardware req? */ | |
vec = get_vector (temp); /* get vector */ | |
else if (temp > IPL_SMAX) ABORT (STOP_UIPL); | |
else { | |
vec = SCB_IPLSOFT + (temp << 2); | |
SISR = SISR & ~(1u << temp); } | |
if (vec) cc = intexc (vec, cc, temp, IE_INT);/* take intr */ | |
GET_CUR; } /* set cur mode */ | |
else trpirq = 0; /* clear everything */ | |
SET_IRQL; /* eval interrupts */ | |
continue; } | |
if (PSL & PSL_TP) { /* trace trap? */ | |
PSL = PSL & ~PSL_TP; /* clear <tp> */ | |
cc = intexc (SCB_TP, cc, 0, IE_EXC); /* take trap */ | |
GET_CUR; /* set cur mode */ | |
continue; } | |
if (PSL & PSW_T) PSL = PSL | PSL_TP; /* if T, set TP */ | |
if (sim_brk_summ && sim_brk_test (PC, SWMASK ('E'))) { /* breakpoint? */ | |
ABORT (STOP_IBKPT); } /* stop simulation */ | |
sim_interval = sim_interval - 1; /* count instr */ | |
GET_ISTR (opc, L_BYTE); /* get opcode */ | |
if (opc == 0xFD) { /* 2 byte op? */ | |
GET_ISTR (opc, L_BYTE); /* get second byte */ | |
opc = opc | 0x100; } /* flag */ | |
numspec = drom[opc][0]; /* get # specs */ | |
if (PSL & PSL_FPD) { | |
if ((numspec & DR_F) == 0) RSVD_INST_FAULT; } | |
else { numspec = numspec & DR_NSPMASK; /* get # specifiers */ | |
/* Specifier flows. Operands are parsed and placed into queue opnd. | |
r.bwl opnd[j] = value of operand | |
r.q opnd[j:j+1] = value of operand | |
a.bwlq opnd[j] = address of operand | |
m.bwl opnd[j] = value of operand | |
m.q opnd[j:j+1] = value of operand | |
w.bwlq opnd[j] = register/memory flag | |
opnd[j+1] = memory address | |
For the last memory specifier, the specifier is in spec, the register | |
number is in rn, and the effective address is in va. Modify specifiers | |
(always last) can test spec > reg+PC, as short literal are illegal for | |
modifiers specifiers, and final index specifiers are always illegal. | |
*/ | |
for (i = 1, j = 0; i <= numspec; i++) { /* loop thru specs */ | |
disp = drom[opc][i]; /* get dispatch */ | |
if (disp >= BB) { | |
GET_ISTR (brdisp, DR_LNT (disp)); | |
break; } | |
GET_ISTR (spec, L_BYTE); /* get spec byte */ | |
rn = spec & RGMASK; /* get reg # */ | |
disp = (spec & ~RGMASK) | disp; /* merge w dispatch */ | |
switch (disp) { /* dispatch spec */ | |
/* Short literal - only read access permitted */ | |
case SH0|RB: case SH0|RW: case SH0|RL: | |
case SH1|RB: case SH1|RW: case SH1|RL: | |
case SH2|RB: case SH2|RW: case SH2|RL: | |
case SH3|RB: case SH3|RW: case SH3|RL: | |
opnd[j++] = spec; | |
break; | |
case SH0|RQ: case SH1|RQ: case SH2|RQ: case SH3|RQ: | |
opnd[j++] = spec; | |
opnd[j++] = 0; | |
break; | |
case SH0|RF: case SH1|RF: case SH2|RF: case SH3|RF: | |
opnd[j++] = (spec << 4) | 0x4000; | |
break; | |
case SH0|RD: case SH1|RD: case SH2|RD: case SH3|RD: | |
opnd[j++] = (spec << 4) | 0x4000; | |
opnd[j++] = 0; | |
break; | |
case SH0|RG: case SH1|RG: case SH2|RG: case SH3|RG: | |
opnd[j++] = (spec << 1) | 0x4000; | |
opnd[j++] = 0; | |
break; | |
/* Register */ | |
case GRN|RB: case GRN|MB: | |
opnd[j++] = R[rn] & BMASK; | |
break; | |
case GRN|RW: case GRN|MW: | |
opnd[j++] = R[rn] & WMASK; | |
break; | |
case GRN|VB: | |
vfldrp1 = R[rnplus1]; | |
case GRN|WB: case GRN|WW: case GRN|WL: case GRN|WQ: | |
opnd[j++] = rn; | |
case GRN|RL: case GRN|RF: case GRN|ML: | |
opnd[j++] = R[rn]; | |
break; | |
case GRN|RQ: case GRN|RD: case GRN|RG: case GRN|MQ: | |
opnd[j++] = R[rn]; | |
opnd[j++] = R[rnplus1]; | |
break; | |
/* Register deferred, autodecrement */ | |
case RGD|VB: | |
case RGD|WB: case RGD|WW: case RGD|WL: case RGD|WQ: | |
opnd[j++] = OP_MEM; | |
case RGD|AB: case RGD|AW: case RGD|AL: case RGD|AQ: | |
va = opnd[j++] = R[rn]; | |
break; | |
case ADC|VB: | |
case ADC|WB: case ADC|WW: case ADC|WL: case ADC|WQ: | |
opnd[j++] = OP_MEM; | |
case ADC|AB: case ADC|AW: case ADC|AL: case ADC|AQ: | |
va = opnd[j++] = R[rn] = R[rn] - DR_LNT (disp); | |
recq[recqptr++] = RECW (disp); | |
break; | |
case ADC|RB: case ADC|RW: case ADC|RL: case ADC|RF: | |
case ADC|MB: case ADC|MW: case ADC|ML: | |
R[rn] = R[rn] - (DR_LNT (disp)); | |
recq[recqptr++] = RECW (disp); | |
case RGD|RB: case RGD|RW: case RGD|RL: case RGD|RF: | |
case RGD|MB: case RGD|MW: case RGD|ML: | |
opnd[j++] = Read (va = R[rn], DR_LNT (disp), RA); | |
break; | |
case ADC|RQ: case ADC|RD: case ADC|RG: case ADC|MQ: | |
R[rn] = R[rn] - 8; | |
recq[recqptr++] = RECW (disp); | |
case RGD|RQ: case RGD|RD: case RGD|RG: case RGD|MQ: | |
opnd[j++] = Read (va = R[rn], L_LONG, RA); | |
opnd[j++] = Read (R[rn] + 4, L_LONG, RA); | |
break; | |
/* Autoincrement */ | |
case AIN|VB: | |
case AIN|WB: case AIN|WW: case AIN|WL: case AIN|WQ: | |
/* CHECK_FOR_PC; */ | |
opnd[j++] = OP_MEM; | |
case AIN|AB: case AIN|AW: case AIN|AL: case AIN|AQ: | |
va = opnd[j++] = R[rn]; | |
if (rn == nPC) { | |
if (DR_LNT (disp) == L_QUAD) { | |
GET_ISTR (temp, L_LONG); | |
GET_ISTR (temp, L_LONG); } | |
else GET_ISTR (temp, DR_LNT (disp)); } | |
else { | |
R[rn] = R[rn] + DR_LNT (disp); | |
recq[recqptr++] = RECW (disp); } | |
break; | |
case AIN|MB: case AIN|MW: case AIN|ML: | |
/* CHECK_FOR_PC; */ | |
case AIN|RB: case AIN|RW: case AIN|RL: case AIN|RF: | |
va = R[rn]; | |
if (rn == nPC) { GET_ISTR (opnd[j++], DR_LNT (disp)); } | |
else { | |
opnd[j++] = Read (R[rn], DR_LNT (disp), RA); | |
R[rn] = R[rn] + DR_LNT (disp); | |
recq[recqptr++] = RECW (disp); } | |
break; | |
case AIN|MQ: | |
/* CHECK_FOR_PC; */ | |
case AIN|RQ: case AIN|RD: case AIN|RG: | |
va = R[rn]; | |
if (rn == nPC) { | |
GET_ISTR (opnd[j++], L_LONG); | |
GET_ISTR (opnd[j++], L_LONG); } | |
else { | |
opnd[j++] = Read (va, L_LONG, RA); | |
opnd[j++] = Read (va + 4, L_LONG, RA); | |
R[rn] = R[rn] + 8; | |
recq[recqptr++] = RECW (disp); } | |
break; | |
/* Autoincrement deferred */ | |
case AID|VB: | |
case AID|WB: case AID|WW: case AID|WL: case AID|WQ: | |
opnd[j++] = OP_MEM; | |
case AID|AB: case AID|AW: case AID|AL: case AID|AQ: | |
if (rn == nPC) { GET_ISTR (va = opnd[j++], L_LONG); } | |
else { | |
va = opnd[j++] = Read (R[rn], L_LONG, RA); | |
R[rn] = R[rn] + 4; | |
recq[recqptr++] = RECW (AID|RL); } | |
break; | |
case AID|RB: case AID|RW: case AID|RL: case AID|RF: | |
case AID|MB: case AID|MW: case AID|ML: | |
if (rn == nPC) { GET_ISTR (va, L_LONG); } | |
else { | |
va = Read (R[rn], L_LONG, RA); | |
R[rn] = R[rn] + 4; | |
recq[recqptr++] = RECW (AID|RL); } | |
opnd[j++] = Read (va, DR_LNT (disp), RA); | |
break; | |
case AID|RQ: case AID|RD: case AID|RG: case AID|MQ: | |
if (rn == nPC) { GET_ISTR (va, L_LONG); } | |
else { | |
va = Read (R[rn], L_LONG, RA); | |
R[rn] = R[rn] + 4; | |
recq[recqptr++] = RECW (AID|RL); } | |
opnd[j++] = Read (va, L_LONG, RA); | |
opnd[j++] = Read (va + 4, L_LONG, RA); | |
break; | |
/* Byte displacement */ | |
case BDP|VB: | |
case BDP|WB: case BDP|WW: case BDP|WL: case BDP|WQ: | |
opnd[j++] = OP_MEM; | |
case BDP|AB: case BDP|AW: case BDP|AL: case BDP|AQ: | |
GET_ISTR (temp, L_BYTE); | |
va = opnd[j++] = R[rn] + SXTB (temp); | |
break; | |
case BDP|RB: case BDP|RW: case BDP|RL: case BDP|RF: | |
case BDP|MB: case BDP|MW: case BDP|ML: | |
GET_ISTR (temp, L_BYTE); | |
va = R[rn] + SXTB (temp); | |
opnd[j++] = Read (va, DR_LNT (disp), RA); | |
break; | |
case BDP|RQ: case BDP|RD: case BDP|RG: case BDP|MQ: | |
GET_ISTR (temp, L_BYTE); | |
va = R[rn] + SXTB (temp); | |
opnd[j++] = Read (va, L_LONG, RA); | |
opnd[j++] = Read (va + 4, L_LONG, RA); | |
break; | |
/* Byte displacement deferred */ | |
case BDD|VB: | |
case BDD|WB: case BDD|WW: case BDD|WL: case BDD|WQ: | |
opnd[j++] = OP_MEM; | |
case BDD|AB: case BDD|AW: case BDD|AL: case BDD|AQ: | |
GET_ISTR (temp, L_BYTE); | |
iad = R[rn] + SXTB (temp); | |
va = opnd[j++] = Read (iad, L_LONG, RA); | |
break; | |
case BDD|RB: case BDD|RW: case BDD|RL: case BDD|RF: | |
case BDD|MB: case BDD|MW: case BDD|ML: | |
GET_ISTR (temp, L_BYTE); | |
iad = R[rn] + SXTB (temp); | |
va = Read (iad, L_LONG, RA); | |
opnd[j++] = Read (va, DR_LNT (disp), RA); | |
break; | |
case BDD|RQ: case BDD|RD: case BDD|RG: case BDD|MQ: | |
GET_ISTR (temp, L_BYTE); | |
iad = R[rn] + SXTB (temp); | |
va = Read (iad, L_LONG, RA); | |
opnd[j++] = Read (va, L_LONG, RA); | |
opnd[j++] = Read (va + 4, L_LONG, RA); | |
break; | |
/* Word displacement */ | |
case WDP|VB: | |
case WDP|WB: case WDP|WW: case WDP|WL: case WDP|WQ: | |
opnd[j++] = OP_MEM; | |
case WDP|AB: case WDP|AW: case WDP|AL: case WDP|AQ: | |
GET_ISTR (temp, L_WORD); | |
va = opnd[j++] = R[rn] + SXTW (temp); | |
break; | |
case WDP|MB: case WDP|MW: case WDP|ML: | |
case WDP|RB: case WDP|RW: case WDP|RL: case WDP|RF: | |
GET_ISTR (temp, L_WORD); | |
va = R[rn] + SXTW (temp); | |
opnd[j++] = Read (va, DR_LNT (disp), RA); | |
break; | |
case WDP|MQ: case WDP|RQ: case WDP|RD: case WDP|RG: | |
GET_ISTR (temp, L_WORD); | |
va = R[rn] + SXTW (temp); | |
opnd[j++] = Read (va, L_LONG, RA); | |
opnd[j++] = Read (va + 4, L_LONG, RA); | |
break; | |
/* Word displacement deferred */ | |
case WDD|VB: | |
case WDD|WB: case WDD|WW: case WDD|WL: case WDD|WQ: | |
opnd[j++] = OP_MEM; | |
case WDD|AB: case WDD|AW: case WDD|AL: case WDD|AQ: | |
GET_ISTR (temp, L_WORD); | |
iad = R[rn] + SXTW (temp); | |
va = opnd[j++] = Read (iad, L_LONG, RA); | |
break; | |
case WDD|MB: case WDD|MW: case WDD|ML: | |
case WDD|RB: case WDD|RW: case WDD|RL: case WDD|RF: | |
GET_ISTR (temp, L_WORD); | |
iad = R[rn] + SXTW (temp); | |
va = Read (iad, L_LONG, RA); | |
opnd[j++] = Read (va, DR_LNT (disp), RA); | |
break; | |
case WDD|MQ: case WDD|RQ: case WDD|RD: case WDD|RG: | |
GET_ISTR (temp, L_WORD); | |
iad = R[rn] + SXTW (temp); | |
va = Read (iad, L_LONG, RA); | |
opnd[j++] = Read (va, L_LONG, RA); | |
opnd[j++] = Read (va + 4, L_LONG, RA); | |
break; | |
/* Longword displacement */ | |
case LDP|VB: | |
case LDP|WB: case LDP|WW: case LDP|WL: case LDP|WQ: | |
opnd[j++] = OP_MEM; | |
case LDP|AB: case LDP|AW: case LDP|AL: case LDP|AQ: | |
GET_ISTR (temp, L_LONG); | |
va = opnd[j++] = R[rn] + temp; | |
break; | |
case LDP|MB: case LDP|MW: case LDP|ML: | |
case LDP|RB: case LDP|RW: case LDP|RL: case LDP|RF: | |
GET_ISTR (temp, L_LONG); | |
va = R[rn] + temp; | |
opnd[j++] = Read (va, DR_LNT (disp), RA); | |
break; | |
case LDP|MQ: case LDP|RQ: case LDP|RD: case LDP|RG: | |
GET_ISTR (temp, L_LONG); | |
va = R[rn] + temp; | |
opnd[j++] = Read (va, L_LONG, RA); | |
opnd[j++] = Read (va + 4, L_LONG, RA); | |
break; | |
/* Longword displacement deferred */ | |
case LDD|VB: | |
case LDD|WB: case LDD|WW: case LDD|WL: case LDD|WQ: | |
opnd[j++] = OP_MEM; | |
case LDD|AB: case LDD|AW: case LDD|AL: case LDD|AQ: | |
GET_ISTR (temp, L_LONG); | |
iad = R[rn] + temp; | |
va = opnd[j++] = Read (iad, L_LONG, RA); | |
break; | |
case LDD|MB: case LDD|MW: case LDD|ML: | |
case LDD|RB: case LDD|RW: case LDD|RL: case LDD|RF: | |
GET_ISTR (temp, L_LONG); | |
iad = R[rn] + temp; | |
va = Read (iad, L_LONG, RA); | |
opnd[j++] = Read (va, DR_LNT (disp), RA); | |
break; | |
case LDD|MQ: case LDD|RQ: case LDD|RD: case LDD|RG: | |
GET_ISTR (temp, L_LONG); | |
iad = R[rn] + temp; | |
va = Read (iad, L_LONG, RA); | |
opnd[j++] = Read (va, L_LONG, RA); | |
opnd[j++] = Read (va + 4, L_LONG, RA); | |
break; | |
/* Index */ | |
case IDX|VB: | |
case IDX|WB: case IDX|WW: case IDX|WL: case IDX|WQ: | |
case IDX|AB: case IDX|AW: case IDX|AL: case IDX|AQ: | |
case IDX|MB: case IDX|MW: case IDX|ML: case IDX|MQ: | |
case IDX|RB: case IDX|RW: case IDX|RL: case IDX|RQ: | |
case IDX|RF: case IDX|RD: case IDX|RG: | |
index = R[rn] << (disp & 03); | |
GET_ISTR (spec, L_BYTE); | |
rn = spec & RGMASK; | |
switch (spec & ~RGMASK) { | |
case ADC: | |
R[rn] = R[rn] - DR_LNT (disp); | |
recq[recqptr++] = RECW (ADC | (disp & DR_LNMASK)); | |
case RGD: | |
index = index + R[rn]; | |
break; | |
case AIN: | |
index = index + R[rn]; | |
R[rn] = R[rn] + DR_LNT (disp); | |
recq[recqptr++] = RECW (AIN | (disp & DR_LNMASK)); | |
break; | |
case AID: | |
if (rn == nPC) { GET_ISTR (temp, L_LONG); } | |
else { | |
temp = Read (R[rn], L_LONG, RA); | |
R[rn] = R[rn] + 4; | |
recq[recqptr++] = RECW (AID|RL); } | |
index = temp + index; | |
break; | |
case BDP: | |
GET_ISTR (temp, L_BYTE); | |
index = index + R[rn] + SXTB (temp); | |
break; | |
case BDD: | |
GET_ISTR (temp, L_BYTE); | |
index = index + Read (R[rn] + SXTB (temp), L_LONG, RA); | |
break; | |
case WDP: | |
GET_ISTR (temp, L_WORD); | |
index = index + R[rn] + SXTW (temp); | |
break; | |
case WDD: | |
GET_ISTR (temp, L_WORD); | |
index = index + Read (R[rn] + SXTW (temp), L_LONG, RA); | |
break; | |
case LDP: | |
GET_ISTR (temp, L_LONG); | |
index = index + R[rn] + temp; | |
break; | |
case LDD: | |
GET_ISTR (temp, L_LONG); | |
index = index + Read (R[rn] + temp, L_LONG, RA); | |
break; | |
default: | |
RSVD_ADDR_FAULT; } /* end case idxspec */ | |
switch (disp & 0xF) { /* case disp type */ | |
case WB: case WW: case WL: case WQ: | |
opnd[j++] = OP_MEM; | |
case AB: case AW: case AL: case AQ: | |
va = opnd[j++] = index; | |
break; | |
case MB: case MW: case ML: | |
case RB: case RW: case RL: | |
opnd[j++] = Read (va = index, DR_LNT (disp), RA); | |
break; | |
case RQ: case MQ: | |
opnd[j++] = Read (va = index, L_LONG, RA); | |
opnd[j++] = Read (index + 4, L_LONG, RA); | |
break; } /* end case access/lnt */ | |
break; /* end index */ | |
default: /* all others */ | |
RSVD_ADDR_FAULT; /* fault */ | |
break; | |
} /* end case spec */ | |
} /* end for */ | |
} | |
/* end if not FPD */ | |
/* Optionally record instruction history */ | |
if (hst_lnt) { | |
hst[hst_p].iPC = fault_PC; | |
hst[hst_p].PSL = PSL | cc; | |
hst[hst_p].opc = opc; | |
hst[hst_p].brdest = brdisp + PC; | |
for (i = 0; i < (numspec & DR_NSPMASK); i++) | |
hst[hst_p].opnd[i] = opnd[i]; | |
hst_p = hst_p + 1; | |
if (hst_p >= hst_lnt) hst_p = 0; | |
} | |
/* Dispatch to instructions */ | |
switch (opc) { | |
/* Single operand instructions with dest, write only - CLRx dst.wx | |
spec = reg/memory flag | |
rn = register number | |
va = virtual address | |
*/ | |
case CLRB: | |
WRITE_B (0); /* store result */ | |
CC_ZZ1P; /* set cc's */ | |
break; | |
case CLRW: | |
WRITE_W (0); /* store result */ | |
CC_ZZ1P; /* set cc's */ | |
break; | |
case CLRL: | |
WRITE_L (0); /* store result */ | |
CC_ZZ1P; /* set cc's */ | |
break; | |
case CLRQ: | |
WRITE_Q (0, 0); /* store result */ | |
CC_ZZ1P; /* set cc's */ | |
break; | |
/* Single operand instructions with source, read only - TSTx src.rx | |
opnd[0] = source | |
*/ | |
case TSTB: | |
CC_IIZZ_B (op0); /* set cc's */ | |
break; | |
case TSTW: | |
CC_IIZZ_W (op0); /* set cc's */ | |
break; | |
case TSTL: | |
CC_IIZZ_L (op0); /* set cc's */ | |
break; | |
/* Single operand instructions with source, read/write - op src.mx | |
opnd[0] = operand | |
spec = reg/mem flag | |
rn = register number | |
va = operand address | |
*/ | |
case INCB: | |
r = (op0 + 1) & BMASK; /* calc result */ | |
WRITE_B (r); /* store result */ | |
CC_ADD_B (r, 1, op0); /* set cc's */ | |
break; | |
case INCW: | |
r = (op0 + 1) & WMASK; /* calc result */ | |
WRITE_W (r); /* store result */ | |
CC_ADD_W (r, 1, op0); /* set cc's */ | |
break; | |
case INCL: | |
r = (op0 + 1) & LMASK; /* calc result */ | |
WRITE_L (r); /* store result */ | |
CC_ADD_L (r, 1, op0); /* set cc's */ | |
break; | |
case DECB: | |
r = (op0 - 1) & BMASK; /* calc result */ | |
WRITE_B (r); /* store result */ | |
CC_SUB_B (r, 1, op0); /* set cc's */ | |
break; | |
case DECW: | |
r = (op0 - 1) & WMASK; /* calc result */ | |
WRITE_W (r); /* store result */ | |
CC_SUB_W (r, 1, op0); /* set cc's */ | |
break; | |
case DECL: | |
r = (op0 - 1) & LMASK; /* calc result */ | |
WRITE_L (r); /* store result */ | |
CC_SUB_L (r, 1, op0); /* set cc's */ | |
break; | |
/* Push instructions - PUSHL src.rl or PUSHAx src.ax | |
opnd[0] = source | |
*/ | |
case PUSHL: case PUSHAB: case PUSHAW: case PUSHAL: case PUSHAQ: | |
Write (SP - 4, op0, L_LONG, WA); /* push operand */ | |
SP = SP - 4; /* decr stack ptr */ | |
CC_IIZP_L (op0); /* set cc's */ | |
break; | |
/* Moves, converts, and ADAWI - op src.rx, dst.wx | |
opnd[0] = source | |
spec = reg/mem flag | |
rn = register number | |
va = operand address | |
*/ | |
case MOVB: | |
WRITE_B (op0); /* result */ | |
CC_IIZP_B (op0); /* set cc's */ | |
break; | |
case MOVW: case MOVZBW: | |
WRITE_W (op0); /* result */ | |
CC_IIZP_W (op0); /* set cc's */ | |
break; | |
case MOVL: case MOVZBL: case MOVZWL: | |
case MOVAB: case MOVAW: case MOVAL: case MOVAQ: | |
WRITE_L (op0); /* result */ | |
CC_IIZP_L (op0); /* set cc's */ | |
break; | |
case MCOMB: | |
r = op0 ^ BMASK; /* compl opnd */ | |
WRITE_B (r); /* store result */ | |
CC_IIZP_B (r); /* set cc's */ | |
break; | |
case MCOMW: | |
r = op0 ^ WMASK; /* compl opnd */ | |
WRITE_W (r); /* store result */ | |
CC_IIZP_W (r); /* set cc's */ | |
break; | |
case MCOML: | |
r = op0 ^ LMASK; /* compl opnd */ | |
WRITE_L (r); /* store result */ | |
CC_IIZP_L (r); /* set cc's */ | |
break; | |
case MNEGB: | |
r = (-op0) & BMASK; /* negate opnd */ | |
WRITE_B (r); /* store result */ | |
CC_SUB_B (r, op0, 0); /* set cc's */ | |
break; | |
case MNEGW: | |
r = (-op0) & WMASK; /* negate opnd */ | |
WRITE_W (r); /* store result */ | |
CC_SUB_W (r, op0, 0); /* set cc's */ | |
break; | |
case MNEGL: | |
r = (-op0) & LMASK; /* negate opnd */ | |
WRITE_L (r); /* store result */ | |
CC_SUB_L (r, op0, 0); /* set cc's */ | |
break; | |
case CVTBW: | |
r = SXTBW (op0); /* ext sign */ | |
WRITE_W (r); /* store result */ | |
CC_IIZZ_W (r); /* set cc's */ | |
break; | |
case CVTBL: | |
r = SXTB (op0); /* ext sign */ | |
WRITE_L (r); /* store result */ | |
CC_IIZZ_L (r); /* set cc's */ | |
break; | |
case CVTWL: | |
r = SXTW (op0); /* ext sign */ | |
WRITE_L (r); /* store result */ | |
CC_IIZZ_L (r); /* set cc's */ | |
break; | |
case CVTLB: | |
r = op0 & BMASK; /* set result */ | |
WRITE_B (r); /* store result */ | |
CC_IIZZ_B (r); /* initial cc's */ | |
if ((op0 > 127) || (op0 < -128)) { V_INTOV; } | |
break; | |
case CVTLW: | |
r = op0 & WMASK; /* set result */ | |
WRITE_W (r); /* store result */ | |
CC_IIZZ_W (r); /* initial cc's */ | |
if ((op0 > 32767) || (op0 < -32768)) { V_INTOV; } | |
break; | |
case CVTWB: | |
r = op0 & BMASK; /* set result */ | |
WRITE_B (r); /* store result */ | |
CC_IIZZ_B (r); /* initial cc's */ | |
temp = SXTW (op0); /* cvt op to long */ | |
if ((temp > 127) || (temp < -128)) { V_INTOV; } | |
break; | |
case ADAWI: | |
if (op1 >= 0) { /* reg? ADDW2 */ | |
temp = R[op1]; | |
r = R[op1] = (op0 + temp) & WMASK; } | |
else { | |
if (op2 & 1) RSVD_OPND_FAULT; /* mem? chk align */ | |
temp = Read (op2, L_WORD, WA); /* ok, ADDW2 */ | |
r = (op0 + temp) & WMASK; | |
WRITE_W (r); } | |
CC_ADD_W (r, op0, temp); /* set cc's */ | |
break; | |
/* Integer operates, 2 operand, read only - op src1.rx, src2.rx | |
opnd[0] = source1 | |
opnd[1] = source2 | |
*/ | |
case CMPB: | |
CC_CMP_B (op0, op1); /* set cc's */ | |
break; | |
case CMPW: | |
CC_CMP_W (op0, op1); /* set cc's */ | |
break; | |
case CMPL: | |
CC_CMP_L (op0, op1); /* set cc's */ | |
break; | |
case BITB: | |
r = op1 & op0; /* calc result */ | |
CC_IIZP_B (r); /* set cc's */ | |
break; | |
case BITW: | |
r = op1 & op0; /* calc result */ | |
CC_IIZP_W (r); /* set cc's */ | |
break; | |
case BITL: | |
r = op1 & op0; /* calc result */ | |
CC_IIZP_L (r); /* set cc's */ | |
break; | |
/* Integer operates, 2 operand read/write, and 3 operand, also MOVQ | |
op2 src.rx, dst.mx op3 src.rx, src.rx, dst.wx | |
opnd[0] = source1 | |
opnd[1] = source2 | |
spec = register/memory flag | |
rn = register number | |
va = memory address | |
*/ | |
case ADDB2: case ADDB3: | |
r = (op1 + op0) & BMASK; /* calc result */ | |
WRITE_B (r); /* store result */ | |
CC_ADD_B (r, op0, op1); /* set cc's */ | |
break; | |
case ADDW2: case ADDW3: | |
r = (op1 + op0) & WMASK; /* calc result */ | |
WRITE_W (r); /* store result */ | |
CC_ADD_W (r, op0, op1); /* set cc's */ | |
break; | |
case ADWC: | |
r = (op1 + op0 + (cc & CC_C)) & LMASK; /* calc result */ | |
WRITE_L (r); /* store result */ | |
CC_ADD_L (r, op0, op1); /* set cc's */ | |
if ((r == op1) && op0) cc = cc | CC_C; /* special case */ | |
break; | |
case ADDL2: case ADDL3: | |
r = (op1 + op0) & LMASK; /* calc result */ | |
WRITE_L (r); /* store result */ | |
CC_ADD_L (r, op0, op1); /* set cc's */ | |
break; | |
case SUBB2: case SUBB3: | |
r = (op1 - op0) & BMASK; /* calc result */ | |
WRITE_B (r); /* store result */ | |
CC_SUB_B (r, op0, op1); /* set cc's */ | |
break; | |
case SUBW2: case SUBW3: | |
r = (op1 - op0) & WMASK; /* calc result */ | |
WRITE_W (r); /* store result */ | |
CC_SUB_W (r, op0, op1); /* set cc's */ | |
break; | |
case SBWC: | |
r = (op1 - op0 - (cc & CC_C)) & LMASK; /* calc result */ | |
WRITE_L (r); /* store result */ | |
CC_SUB_L (r, op0, op1); /* set cc's */ | |
if ((op0 == op1) && r) cc = cc | CC_C; /* special case */ | |
break; | |
case SUBL2: case SUBL3: | |
r = (op1 - op0) & LMASK; /* calc result */ | |
WRITE_L (r); /* store result */ | |
CC_SUB_L (r, op0, op1); /* set cc's */ | |
break; | |
case MULB2: case MULB3: | |
temp = SXTB (op0) * SXTB (op1); /* multiply */ | |
r = temp & BMASK; /* mask to result */ | |
WRITE_B (r); /* store result */ | |
CC_IIZZ_B (r); /* set cc's */ | |
if ((temp > 127) || (temp < -128)) { V_INTOV; } | |
break; | |
case MULW2: case MULW3: | |
temp = SXTW (op0) * SXTW (op1); /* multiply */ | |
r = temp & WMASK; /* mask to result */ | |
WRITE_W (r); /* store result */ | |
CC_IIZZ_W (r); /* set cc's */ | |
if ((temp > 32767) || (temp < -32768)) { V_INTOV; } | |
break; | |
case MULL2: case MULL3: | |
r = op_emul (op0, op1, &rh); /* get 64b result */ | |
WRITE_L (r); /* store result */ | |
CC_IIZZ_L (r); /* set cc's */ | |
if (rh != ((r & LSIGN)? -1: 0)) { V_INTOV; } /* chk overflow */ | |
break; | |
case DIVB2: case DIVB3: | |
if (op0 == 0) { /* div by zero? */ | |
r = op1; | |
temp = CC_V; | |
else if ((op0 == BMASK) && (op1 == BSIGN)) { /* overflow? */ | |
r = op1; | |
temp = CC_V; | |
INTOV; } | |
else { | |
r = SXTB (op1) / SXTB (op0); /* ok, divide */ | |
temp = 0; } | |
r = r & BMASK; /* mask to result */ | |
WRITE_B (r); /* write result */ | |
CC_IIZZ_B (r); /* set cc's */ | |
cc = cc | temp; /* error? set V */ | |
break; | |
case DIVW2: case DIVW3: | |
if (op0 == 0) { /* div by zero? */ | |
r = op1; | |
temp = CC_V; | |
else if ((op0 == WMASK) && (op1 == WSIGN)) { /* overflow? */ | |
r = op1; | |
temp = CC_V; | |
INTOV; } | |
else { | |
r = SXTW (op1) / SXTW (op0); /* ok, divide */ | |
temp = 0; } | |
r = r & WMASK; /* mask to result */ | |
WRITE_W (r); /* write result */ | |
CC_IIZZ_W (r); /* set cc's */ | |
cc = cc | temp; /* error? set V */ | |
break; | |
case DIVL2: case DIVL3: | |
if (op0 == 0) { /* div by zero? */ | |
r = op1; | |
temp = CC_V; | |
else if ((op0 == LMASK) && (op1 == LSIGN)) { /* overflow? */ | |
r = op1; | |
temp = CC_V; | |
INTOV; } | |
else { | |
r = op1 / op0; /* ok, divide */ | |
temp = 0; } | |
r = r & LMASK; /* mask to result */ | |
WRITE_L (r); /* write result */ | |
CC_IIZZ_L (r); /* set cc's */ | |
cc = cc | temp; /* error? set V */ | |
break; | |
case BISB2: case BISB3: | |
r = op1 | op0; /* calc result */ | |
WRITE_B (r); /* store result */ | |
CC_IIZP_B (r); /* set cc's */ | |
break; | |
case BISW2: case BISW3: | |
r = op1 | op0; /* calc result */ | |
WRITE_W (r); /* store result */ | |
CC_IIZP_W (r); /* set cc's */ | |
break; | |
case BISL2: case BISL3: | |
r = op1 | op0; /* calc result */ | |
WRITE_L (r); /* store result */ | |
CC_IIZP_L (r); /* set cc's */ | |
break; | |
case BICB2: case BICB3: | |
r = op1 & ~op0; /* calc result */ | |
WRITE_B (r); /* store result */ | |
CC_IIZP_B (r); /* set cc's */ | |
break; | |
case BICW2: case BICW3: | |
r = op1 & ~op0; /* calc result */ | |
WRITE_W (r); /* store result */ | |
CC_IIZP_W (r); /* set cc's */ | |
break; | |
case BICL2: case BICL3: | |
r = op1 & ~op0; /* calc result */ | |
WRITE_L (r); /* store result */ | |
CC_IIZP_L (r); /* set cc's */ | |
break; | |
case XORB2: case XORB3: | |
r = op1 ^ op0; /* calc result */ | |
WRITE_B (r); /* store result */ | |
CC_IIZP_B (r); /* set cc's */ | |
break; | |
case XORW2: case XORW3: | |
r = op1 ^ op0; /* calc result */ | |
WRITE_W (r); /* store result */ | |
CC_IIZP_W (r); /* set cc's */ | |
break; | |
case XORL2: case XORL3: | |
r = op1 ^ op0; /* calc result */ | |
WRITE_L (r); /* store result */ | |
CC_IIZP_L (r); /* set cc's */ | |
break; | |
/* MOVQ - movq src.rq, dst.wq | |
opnd[0:1] = source | |
spec = register/memory flag | |
rn = register number | |
va = memory address | |
*/ | |
case MOVQ: | |
WRITE_Q (op0, op1); /* store result */ | |
CC_IIZP_Q (op0, op1); | |
break; | |
/* Shifts - op shf.rb,src.rl,dst.wl | |
opnd[0] = shift count | |
opnd[1] = source | |
spec = register/memory flag | |
rn = register number | |
va = memory address | |
*/ | |
case ROTL: | |
j = op0 % 32; /* reduce sc, mod 32 */ | |
if (j) r = ((((uint32) op1) << j) | | |
(((uint32) op1) >> (32 - j))) & LMASK; | |
else r = op1; | |
WRITE_L (r); /* store result */ | |
CC_IIZP_L (r); /* set cc's */ | |
break; | |
case ASHL: | |
if (op0 & BSIGN) { /* right shift? */ | |
temp = 0x100 - op0; /* get |shift| */ | |
if (temp > 31) r = (op1 & LSIGN)? LMASK: 0; /* sc > 31? */ | |
else r = op1 >> temp; /* shift */ | |
WRITE_L (r); /* store result */ | |
CC_IIZZ_L (r); /* set cc's */ | |
break; } | |
else { | |
if (op0 > 31) r = temp = 0; /* sc > 31? */ | |
else { | |
r = (((uint32) op1) << op0) & LMASK; /* shift */ | |
temp = r >> op0; } /* shift back */ | |
WRITE_L (r); /* store result */ | |
CC_IIZZ_L (r); /* set cc's */ | |
if (op1 != temp) { V_INTOV; } } /* bits lost? */ | |
break; | |
case ASHQ: | |
r = op_ashq (opnd, &rh, &flg); /* do qw shift */ | |
WRITE_Q (r, rh); /* store results */ | |
CC_IIZZ_Q (r, rh); /* set cc's */ | |
if (flg) { V_INTOV; } /* if ovflo, set */ | |
break; | |
/* EMUL - emul mplr.rl,mpcn.rl,add.rl,dst.wq | |
op0 = multiplier | |
op1 = multiplicand | |
op2 = adder | |
op3:op4 = destination (.wq) | |
*/ | |
case EMUL: | |
r = op_emul (op0, op1, &rh); /* calc 64b result */ | |
r = r + op2; /* add 32b value */ | |
rh = rh + (((uint32) r) < ((uint32) op2)) - /* into 64b result */ | |
((op2 & LSIGN)? 1: 0); | |
WRITE_Q (r, rh); /* write result */ | |
CC_IIZZ_Q (r, rh); /* set cc's */ | |
break; | |
/* EDIV - ediv dvr.rl,dvd.rq,quo.wl,rem.wl | |
op0 = divisor (.rl) | |
op1:op2 = dividend (.rq) | |
op3:op4 = quotient address (.wl) | |
op5:op6 = remainder address (.wl) | |
*/ | |
case EDIV: | |
if (op5 < 0) Read (op6, L_LONG, WA); /* wtest remainder */ | |
if (op0 == 0) { /* divide by zero? */ | |
flg = CC_V; /* set V */ | |
r = opnd[1]; /* quo = low divd */ | |
rh = 0; /* rem = 0 */ | |
SET_TRAP (TRAP_DIVZRO); } /* set trap */ | |
else { | |
r = op_ediv (opnd, &rh, &flg); /* extended divide */ | |
if (flg) { INTOV; } } /* if ovf+IV, set trap */ | |
if (op3 >= 0) R[op3] = r; /* store quotient */ | |
else Write (op4, r, L_LONG, WA); | |
if (op5 >= 0) R[op5] = rh; /* store remainder */ | |
else Write (op6, rh, L_LONG, WA); | |
CC_IIZZ_L (r); /* set cc's */ | |
cc = cc | flg; /* set V if required */ | |
break; | |
/* Control instructions */ | |
/* Simple branches and subroutine calls */ | |
case BRB: | |
BRANCHB (brdisp); /* branch */ | |
if ((PC == fault_PC) && (PSL_GETIPL (PSL) == 0x1F)) | |
break; | |
case BRW: | |
BRANCHW (brdisp); /* branch */ | |
if ((PC == fault_PC) && (PSL_GETIPL (PSL) == 0x1F)) | |
break; | |
case BSBB: | |
Write (SP - 4, PC, L_LONG, WA); /* push PC on stk */ | |
SP = SP - 4; /* decr stk ptr */ | |
BRANCHB (brdisp); /* branch */ | |
break; | |
case BSBW: | |
Write (SP - 4, PC, L_LONG, WA); /* push PC on stk */ | |
SP = SP - 4; /* decr stk ptr */ | |
BRANCHW (brdisp); /* branch */ | |
break; | |
case BGEQ: | |
if (!(cc & CC_N)) BRANCHB (brdisp); /* br if N = 0 */ | |
break; | |
case BLSS: | |
if (cc & CC_N) BRANCHB (brdisp); /* br if N = 1 */ | |
break; | |
case BNEQ: | |
if (!(cc & CC_Z)) BRANCHB (brdisp); /* br if Z = 0 */ | |
break; | |
case BEQL: | |
if (cc & CC_Z) BRANCHB (brdisp); /* br if Z = 1 */ | |
break; | |
case BVC: | |
if (!(cc & CC_V)) BRANCHB (brdisp); /* br if V = 0 */ | |
break; | |
case BVS: | |
if (cc & CC_V) BRANCHB (brdisp); /* br if V = 1 */ | |
break; | |
case BGEQU: | |
if (!(cc & CC_C)) BRANCHB (brdisp); /* br if C = 0 */ | |
break; | |
case BLSSU: | |
if (cc & CC_C) BRANCHB (brdisp); /* br if C = 1 */ | |
break; | |
case BGTR: | |
if (!(cc & (CC_N | CC_Z))) BRANCHB (brdisp); /* br if N | Z = 0 */ | |
break; | |
case BLEQ: | |
if (cc & (CC_N | CC_Z)) BRANCHB (brdisp); /* br if N | Z = 1 */ | |
break; | |
case BGTRU: | |
if (!(cc & (CC_C | CC_Z))) BRANCHB (brdisp); /* br if C | Z = 0 */ | |
break; | |
case BLEQU: | |
if (cc & (CC_C | CC_Z)) BRANCHB (brdisp); /* br if C | Z = 1 */ | |
break; | |
/* Simple jumps and subroutine calls - op addr.ab | |
opnd[0] = address | |
*/ | |
case JSB: | |
Write (SP - 4, PC, L_LONG, WA); /* push PC on stk */ | |
SP = SP - 4; /* decr stk ptr */ | |
case JMP: | |
JUMP (op0); /* jump */ | |
break; | |
case RSB: | |
temp = Read (SP, L_LONG, RA); /* get top of stk */ | |
SP = SP + 4; /* incr stk ptr */ | |
JUMP (temp); | |
break; | |
/* SOB instructions - op idx.ml,disp.bb | |
opnd[0] = index | |
spec = register/memory flag | |
rn = register number | |
va = memory address | |
*/ | |
case SOBGEQ: | |
r = op0 - 1; /* decr index */ | |
WRITE_L (r); /* store result */ | |
CC_IIZP_L (r); /* set cc's */ | |
V_SUB_L (r, 1, op0); /* test for ovflo */ | |
if (r >= 0) BRANCHB (brdisp); /* if >= 0, branch */ | |
break; | |
case SOBGTR: | |
r = op0 - 1; /* decr index */ | |
WRITE_L (r); /* store result */ | |
CC_IIZP_L (r); /* set cc's */ | |
V_SUB_L (r, 1, op0); /* test for ovflo */ | |
if (r > 0) BRANCHB (brdisp); /* if >= 0, branch */ | |
break; | |
/* AOB instructions - op limit.rl,idx.ml,disp.bb | |
opnd[0] = limit | |
opnd[1] = index | |
spec = register/memory flag | |
rn = register number | |
va = memory address | |
*/ | |
case AOBLSS: | |
r = op1 + 1; /* incr index */ | |
WRITE_L (r); /* store result */ | |
CC_IIZP_L (r); /* set cc's */ | |
V_ADD_L (r, 1, op1); /* test for ovflo */ | |
if (r < op0) BRANCHB (brdisp); /* if < lim, branch */ | |
break; | |
case AOBLEQ: | |
r = op1 + 1; /* incr index */ | |
WRITE_L (r); /* store result */ | |
CC_IIZP_L (r); /* set cc's */ | |
V_ADD_L (r, 1, op1); /* test for ovflo */ | |
if (r <= op0) BRANCHB (brdisp); /* if < lim, branch */ | |
break; | |
/* ACB instructions - op limit.rx,add.rx,index.mx,disp.bw | |
opnd[0] = limit | |
opnd[1] = adder | |
opnd[2] = index | |
spec = register/memory flag | |
rn = register number | |
va = memory address | |
*/ | |
case ACBB: | |
r = (op2 + op1) & BMASK; /* calc result */ | |
WRITE_B (r); /* store result */ | |
CC_IIZP_B (r); /* set cc's */ | |
V_ADD_B (r, op1, op2); /* test for ovflo */ | |
if ((op1 & BSIGN)? (SXTB (r) >= SXTB (op0)): | |
(SXTB (r) <= SXTB (op0))) BRANCHW (brdisp); | |
break; | |
case ACBW: | |
r = (op2 + op1) & WMASK; /* calc result */ | |
WRITE_W (r); /* store result */ | |
CC_IIZP_W (r); /* set cc's */ | |
V_ADD_W (r, op1, op2); /* test for ovflo */ | |
if ((op1 & WSIGN)? (SXTW (r) >= SXTW (op0)): | |
(SXTW (r) <= SXTW (op0))) BRANCHW (brdisp); | |
break; | |
case ACBL: | |
r = (op2 + op1) & LMASK; /* calc result */ | |
WRITE_L (r); /* store result */ | |
CC_IIZP_L (r); /* set cc's */ | |
V_ADD_L (r, op1, op2); /* test for ovflo */ | |
if ((op1 & LSIGN)? (r >= op0): (r <= op0)) | |
BRANCHW (brdisp); | |
break; | |
/* CASE instructions - casex sel.rx,base.rx,lim.rx | |
opnd[0] = selector | |
opnd[1] = base | |
opnd[2] = limit | |
*/ | |
case CASEB: | |
r = (op0 - op1) & BMASK; /* sel - base */ | |
CC_CMP_B (r, op2); /* r:limit, set cc's */ | |
if (r > op2) JUMP (PC + ((op2 + 1) * 2)); /* r > limit (unsgnd)? */ | |
else { | |
temp = Read (PC + (r * 2), L_WORD, RA); | |
BRANCHW (temp); } | |
break; | |
case CASEW: | |
r = (op0 - op1) & WMASK; /* sel - base */ | |
CC_CMP_W (r, op2); /* r:limit, set cc's */ | |
if (r > op2) JUMP (PC + ((op2 + 1) * 2)); /* r > limit (unsgnd)? */ | |
else { | |
temp = Read (PC + (r * 2), L_WORD, RA); | |
BRANCHW (temp); } | |
break; | |
case CASEL: | |
r = (op0 - op1) & LMASK; /* sel - base */ | |
CC_CMP_L (r, op2); /* r:limit, set cc's */ | |
if (((uint32) r) > ((uint32) op2)) /* r > limit (unsgnd)? */ | |
JUMP (PC + ((op2 + 1) * 2)); | |
else { | |
temp = Read (PC + (r * 2), L_WORD, RA); | |
BRANCHW (temp); } | |
break; | |
/* Branch on bit instructions - bbxy pos.rl,op.wb,disp.bb | |
opnd[0] = position | |
opnd[1] = register number/memory flag | |
opnd[2] = memory address, if memory | |
*/ | |
case BBS: | |
if (op_bb_n (opnd, acc)) BRANCHB (brdisp); /* br if bit set */ | |
break; | |
case BBC: | |
if (!op_bb_n (opnd, acc)) BRANCHB (brdisp); /* br if bit clr */ | |
break; | |
case BBSS: case BBSSI: | |
if (op_bb_x (opnd, 1, acc)) BRANCHB (brdisp); /* br if set, set */ | |
break; | |
case BBCC: case BBCCI: | |
if (!op_bb_x (opnd, 0, acc)) BRANCHB (brdisp); /* br if clr, clr*/ | |
break; | |
case BBSC: | |
if (op_bb_x (opnd, 0, acc)) BRANCHB (brdisp); /* br if clr, set */ | |
break; | |
case BBCS: | |
if (!op_bb_x (opnd, 1, acc)) BRANCHB (brdisp); /* br if set, clr */ | |
break; | |
case BLBS: | |
if (op0 & 1) BRANCHB (brdisp); /* br if bit set */ | |
break; | |
case BLBC: | |
if ((op0 & 1) == 0) BRANCHB (brdisp); /* br if bit clear */ | |
break; | |
/* Extract field instructions - ext?v pos.rl,size.rb,base.wb,dst.wl | |
opnd[0] = position | |
opnd[1] = size | |
opnd[2] = register number/memory flag | |
opnd[3] = register content/memory address | |
spec = register/memory flag | |
rn = register number | |
va = memory address | |
*/ | |
case EXTV: | |
r = op_extv (opnd, vfldrp1, acc); /* get field */ | |
if (r & byte_sign[op1]) r = r | ~byte_mask[op1]; | |
WRITE_L (r); /* store field */ | |
CC_IIZP_L (r); /* set cc's */ | |
break; | |
case EXTZV: | |
r = op_extv (opnd, vfldrp1, acc); /* get field */ | |
WRITE_L (r); /* store field */ | |
CC_IIZP_L (r); /* set cc's */ | |
break; | |
/* Compare field instructions - cmp?v pos.rl,size.rb,base.wb,src2.rl | |
opnd[0] = position | |
opnd[1] = size | |
opnd[2] = register number/memory flag | |
opnd[3] = register content/memory address | |
opnd[4] = source2 | |
*/ | |
case CMPV: | |
r = op_extv (opnd, vfldrp1, acc); /* get field */ | |
if (r & byte_sign[op1]) r = r | ~byte_mask[op1]; | |
CC_CMP_L (r, op4); /* set cc's */ | |
break; | |
case CMPZV: | |
r = op_extv (opnd, vfldrp1, acc); /* get field */ | |
CC_CMP_L (r, op4); /* set cc's */ | |
break; | |
/* Find first field instructions - ff? pos.rl,size.rb,base.wb,dst.wl | |
opnd[0] = position | |
opnd[1] = size | |
opnd[2] = register number/memory flag | |
opnd[3] = register content/memory address | |
spec = register/memory flag | |
rn = register number | |
va = memory address | |
*/ | |
case FFS: | |
r = op_extv (opnd, vfldrp1, acc); /* get field */ | |
temp = op_ffs (r, op1); /* find first 1 */ | |
WRITE_L (op0 + temp); /* store result */ | |
cc = r? 0: CC_Z; /* set cc's */ | |
break; | |
case FFC: | |
r = op_extv (opnd, vfldrp1, acc); /* get field */ | |
r = r ^ byte_mask[op1]; /* invert bits */ | |
temp = op_ffs (r, op1); /* find first 1 */ | |
WRITE_L (op0 + temp); /* store result */ | |
cc = r? 0: CC_Z; /* set cc's */ | |
break; | |
/* Insert field instruction - insv src.rl,pos.rb,size.rl,base.wb | |
opnd[0] = source | |
opnd[1] = position | |
opnd[2] = size | |
opnd[3] = register number/memory flag | |
opnd[4] = register content/memory address | |
*/ | |
case INSV: | |
op_insv (opnd, vfldrp1, acc); /* insert field */ | |
break; | |
/* Call and return - call? arg.rx,proc.ab | |
opnd[0] = argument | |
opnd[1] = procedure address | |
*/ | |
case CALLS: | |
cc = op_call (opnd, TRUE, acc); | |
break; | |
case CALLG: | |
cc = op_call (opnd, FALSE, acc); | |
break; | |
case RET: | |
cc = op_ret (acc); | |
break; | |
/* Miscellaneous instructions */ | |
case HALT: | |
if (PSL & PSL_CUR) RSVD_INST_FAULT; /* not kern? rsvd inst */ | |
else if (cpu_unit.flags & UNIT_CONH) /* halt to console? */ | |
cc = con_halt (CON_HLTINS, cc); /* enter firmware */ | |
else { | |
ABORT (STOP_HALT); } /* halt to simulator */ | |
case NOP: | |
break; | |
case BPT: | |
SETPC (fault_PC); | |
cc = intexc (SCB_BPT, cc, 0, IE_EXC); | |
GET_CUR; | |
break; | |
case XFC: | |
SETPC (fault_PC); | |
cc = intexc (SCB_XFC, cc, 0, IE_EXC); | |
GET_CUR; | |
break; | |
case BISPSW: | |
if (opnd[0] & PSW_MBZ) RSVD_OPND_FAULT; | |
PSL = PSL | (opnd[0] & ~CC_MASK); | |
cc = cc | (opnd[0] & CC_MASK); | |
break; | |
case BICPSW: | |
if (opnd[0] & PSW_MBZ) RSVD_OPND_FAULT; | |
PSL = PSL & ~opnd[0]; | |
cc = cc & ~opnd[0]; | |
break; | |
case MOVPSL: | |
r = PSL | cc; | |
WRITE_L (r); | |
break; | |
case PUSHR: | |
op_pushr (opnd, acc); | |
break; | |
case POPR: | |
op_popr (opnd, acc); | |
break; | |
case INDEX: | |
if ((op0 < op1) || (op0 > op2)) SET_TRAP (TRAP_SUBSCR); | |
r = (op0 + op4) * op3; | |
WRITE_L (r); | |
CC_IIZZ_L (r); | |
break; | |
/* Queue and interlocked queue */ | |
case INSQUE: | |
cc = op_insque (opnd, acc); | |
break; | |
case REMQUE: | |
cc = op_remque (opnd, acc); | |
break; | |
case INSQHI: | |
cc = op_insqhi (opnd, acc); | |
break; | |
case INSQTI: | |
cc = op_insqti (opnd, acc); | |
break; | |
case REMQHI: | |
cc = op_remqhi (opnd, acc); | |
break; | |
case REMQTI: | |
cc = op_remqti (opnd, acc); | |
break; | |
/* String instructions */ | |
case MOVC3: | |
case MOVC5: | |
cc = op_movc (opnd, opc & 4, acc); | |
break; | |
case CMPC3: | |
case CMPC5: | |
cc = op_cmpc (opnd, opc & 4, acc); | |
break; | |
case LOCC: | |
case SKPC: | |
cc = op_locskp (opnd, opc & 1, acc); | |
break; | |
case SCANC: | |
case SPANC: | |
cc = op_scnspn (opnd, opc & 1, acc); | |
break; | |
/* Floating point instructions */ | |
case TSTF: case TSTD: | |
r = op_movfd (op0); | |
CC_IIZZ_FP (r); | |
break; | |
case TSTG: | |
r = op_movg (op0); | |
CC_IIZZ_FP (r); | |
break; | |
case MOVF: | |
r = op_movfd (op0); | |
WRITE_L (r); | |
CC_IIZP_FP (r); | |
break; | |
case MOVD: | |
if ((r = op_movfd (op0)) == 0) op1 = 0; | |
WRITE_Q (r, op1); | |
CC_IIZP_FP (r); | |
break; | |
case MOVG: | |
if ((r = op_movg (op0)) == 0) op1 = 0; | |
WRITE_Q (r, op1); | |
CC_IIZP_FP (r); | |
break; | |
case MNEGF: | |
r = op_mnegfd (op0); | |
WRITE_L (r); | |
CC_IIZZ_FP (r); | |
break; | |
case MNEGD: | |
if ((r = op_mnegfd (op0)) == 0) op1 = 0; | |
WRITE_Q (r, op1); | |
CC_IIZZ_FP (r); | |
break; | |
case MNEGG: | |
if ((r = op_mnegg (op0)) == 0) op1 = 0; | |
WRITE_Q (r, op1); | |
CC_IIZZ_FP (r); | |
break; | |
case CMPF: | |
cc = op_cmpfd (op0, 0, op1, 0); | |
break; | |
case CMPD: | |
cc = op_cmpfd (op0, op1, op2, op3); | |
break; | |
case CMPG: | |
cc = op_cmpg (op0, op1, op2, op3); | |
break; | |
case CVTBF: | |
r = op_cvtifdg (SXTB (op0), NULL, opc); | |
WRITE_L (r); | |
CC_IIZZ_FP (r); | |
break; | |
case CVTWF: | |
r = op_cvtifdg (SXTW (op0), NULL, opc); | |
WRITE_L (r); | |
CC_IIZZ_FP (r); | |
break; | |
case CVTLF: | |
r = op_cvtifdg (op0, NULL, opc); | |
WRITE_L (r); | |
CC_IIZZ_FP (r); | |
break; | |
case CVTBD: case CVTBG: | |
r = op_cvtifdg (SXTB (op0), &rh, opc); | |
WRITE_Q (r, rh); | |
CC_IIZZ_FP (r); | |
break; | |
case CVTWD: case CVTWG: | |
r = op_cvtifdg (SXTW (op0), &rh, opc); | |
WRITE_Q (r, rh); | |
CC_IIZZ_FP (r); | |
break; | |
case CVTLD: case CVTLG: | |
r = op_cvtifdg (op0, &rh, opc); | |
WRITE_Q (r, rh); | |
CC_IIZZ_FP (r); | |
break; | |
case CVTFB: case CVTDB: case CVTGB: | |
r = op_cvtfdgi (opnd, &temp, opc) & BMASK; | |
WRITE_B (r); | |
CC_IIZZ_B (r); | |
cc = cc | temp; | |
break; | |
case CVTFW: case CVTDW: case CVTGW: | |
r = op_cvtfdgi (opnd, &temp, opc) & WMASK; | |
WRITE_W (r); | |
CC_IIZZ_W (r); | |
cc = cc | temp; | |
break; | |
case CVTFL: case CVTDL: case CVTGL: | |
case CVTRFL: case CVTRDL: case CVTRGL: | |
r = op_cvtfdgi (opnd, &temp, opc) & LMASK; | |
WRITE_L (r); | |
CC_IIZZ_L (r); | |
cc = cc | temp; | |
break; | |
case CVTFD: | |
r = op_movfd (op0); | |
WRITE_Q (r, 0); | |
CC_IIZZ_FP (r); | |
break; | |
case CVTDF: | |
r = op_cvtdf (opnd); | |
WRITE_L (r); | |
CC_IIZZ_FP (r); | |
break; | |
case CVTFG: | |
r = op_cvtfg (opnd, &rh); | |
WRITE_Q (r, rh); | |
CC_IIZZ_FP (r); | |
break; | |
case CVTGF: | |
r = op_cvtgf (opnd); | |
WRITE_L (r); | |
CC_IIZZ_FP (r); | |
break; | |
case ADDF2: case ADDF3: | |
r = op_addf (opnd, FALSE); | |
WRITE_L (r); | |
CC_IIZZ_FP (r); | |
break; | |
case ADDD2: case ADDD3: | |
r = op_addd (opnd, &rh, FALSE); | |
WRITE_Q (r, rh); | |
CC_IIZZ_FP (r); | |
break; | |
case ADDG2: case ADDG3: | |
r = op_addg (opnd, &rh, FALSE); | |
WRITE_Q (r, rh); | |
CC_IIZZ_FP (r); | |
break; | |
case SUBF2: case SUBF3: | |
r = op_addf (opnd, TRUE); | |
WRITE_L (r); | |
CC_IIZZ_FP (r); | |
break; | |
case SUBD2: case SUBD3: | |
r = op_addd (opnd, &rh, TRUE); | |
WRITE_Q (r, rh); | |
CC_IIZZ_FP (r); | |
break; | |
case SUBG2: case SUBG3: | |
r = op_addg (opnd, &rh, TRUE); | |
WRITE_Q (r, rh); | |
CC_IIZZ_FP (r); | |
break; | |
case MULF2: case MULF3: | |
r = op_mulf (opnd); | |
WRITE_L (r); | |
CC_IIZZ_FP (r); | |
break; | |
case MULD2: case MULD3: | |
r = op_muld (opnd, &rh); | |
WRITE_Q (r, rh); | |
CC_IIZZ_FP (r); | |
break; | |
case MULG2: case MULG3: | |
r = op_mulg (opnd, &rh); | |
WRITE_Q (r, rh); | |
CC_IIZZ_FP (r); | |
break; | |
case DIVF2: case DIVF3: | |
r = op_divf (opnd); | |
WRITE_L (r); | |
CC_IIZZ_FP (r); | |
break; | |
case DIVD2: case DIVD3: | |
r = op_divd (opnd, &rh); | |
WRITE_Q (r, rh); | |
CC_IIZZ_FP (r); | |
break; | |
case DIVG2: case DIVG3: | |
r = op_divg (opnd, &rh); | |
WRITE_Q (r, rh); | |
CC_IIZZ_FP (r); | |
break; | |
case ACBF: | |
r = op_addf (opnd + 1, FALSE); /* add + index */ | |
temp = op_cmpfd (r, 0, op0, 0); /* result : limit */ | |
WRITE_L (r); /* write result */ | |
CC_IIZP_FP (r); /* set cc's */ | |
if ((temp & CC_Z) || ((op1 & FPSIGN)? /* test br cond */ | |
!(temp & CC_N): (temp & CC_N))) BRANCHW (brdisp); | |
break; | |
case ACBD: | |
r = op_addd (opnd + 2, &rh, FALSE); | |
temp = op_cmpfd (r, rh, op0, op1); | |
WRITE_Q (r, rh); | |
CC_IIZP_FP (r); | |
if ((temp & CC_Z) || ((op1 & FPSIGN)? /* test br cond */ | |
!(temp & CC_N): (temp & CC_N))) BRANCHW (brdisp); | |
break; | |
case ACBG: | |
r = op_addg (opnd + 2, &rh, FALSE); | |
temp = op_cmpg (r, rh, op0, op1); | |
WRITE_Q (r, rh); | |
CC_IIZP_FP (r); | |
if ((temp & CC_Z) || ((op1 & FPSIGN)? /* test br cond */ | |
!(temp & CC_N): (temp & CC_N))) BRANCHW (brdisp); | |
break; | |
/* EMODF | |
op0 = multiplier | |
op1 = extension | |
op2 = multiplicand | |
op3:op4 = integer destination (int.wl) | |
op5:op6 = floating destination (flt.wl) | |
*/ | |
case EMODF: | |
r = op_emodf (opnd, &temp, &flg); | |
if (op5 < 0) Read (op6, L_LONG, WA); | |
if (op3 >= 0) R[op3] = temp; | |
else Write (op4, temp, L_LONG, WA); | |
WRITE_L (r); | |
CC_IIZZ_FP (r); | |
if (flg) { V_INTOV; } | |
break; | |
op0:op1 = multiplier | |
op2 = extension | |
op3:op4 = multiplicand | |
op5:op6 = integer destination (int.wl) | |
op7:op8 = floating destination (flt.wq) | |
*/ | |
case EMODD: | |
r = op_emodd (opnd, &rh, &temp, &flg); | |
if (op7 < 0) Read (op8, L_LONG, WA); | |
if (op5 >= 0) R[op5] = temp; | |
else Write (op6, temp, L_LONG, WA); | |
WRITE_Q (r, rh); | |
CC_IIZZ_FP (r); | |
if (flg) { V_INTOV; } | |
break; | |
case EMODG: | |
r = op_emodg (opnd, &rh, &temp, &flg); | |
if (op7 < 0) Read (op8, L_LONG, WA); | |
if (op5 >= 0) R[op5] = temp; | |
else Write (op6, temp, L_LONG, WA); | |
WRITE_Q (r, rh); | |
CC_IIZZ_FP (r); | |
if (flg) { V_INTOV; } | |
break; | |
/* POLY */ | |
case POLYF: | |
op_polyf (opnd, acc); | |
CC_IIZZ_FP (R[0]); | |
break; | |
case POLYD: | |
op_polyd (opnd, acc); | |
CC_IIZZ_FP (R[0]); | |
break; | |
case POLYG: | |
op_polyg (opnd, acc); | |
CC_IIZZ_FP (R[0]); | |
break; | |
/* Operating system instructions */ | |
case CHMK: case CHME: case CHMS: case CHMU: | |
cc = op_chm (opnd, cc, opc); /* CHMx */ | |
GET_CUR; /* update cur mode */ | |
SET_IRQL; /* update intreq */ | |
break; | |
case REI: | |
cc = op_rei (acc); /* REI */ | |
GET_CUR; /* update cur mode */ | |
SET_IRQL; /* update intreq */ | |
break; | |
case LDPCTX: | |
op_ldpctx (acc); | |
break; | |
case SVPCTX: | |
op_svpctx (acc); | |
break; | |
case PROBER: case PROBEW: | |
cc = (cc & CC_C) | op_probe (opnd, opc & 1); | |
break; | |
case MTPR: | |
cc = (cc & CC_C) | op_mtpr (opnd); | |
SET_IRQL; /* update intreq */ | |
break; | |
case MFPR: | |
r = op_mfpr (opnd); | |
WRITE_L (r); | |
CC_IIZP_L (r); | |
break; | |
/* Emulated instructions */ | |
case CVTPL: | |
opnd[2] = (opnd[2] >= 0)? ~opnd[2]: opnd[3]; | |
case MOVP: case CMPP3: case CMPP4: case CVTLP: | |
case CVTPS: case CVTSP: case CVTTP: case CVTPT: | |
case ADDP4: case ADDP6: case SUBP4: case SUBP6: | |
case MULP: case DIVP: case ASHP: case CRC: | |
case MOVTC: case MOVTUC: case MATCHC: case EDITPC: | |
cc = op_emulate (opnd, cc, opc, acc); | |
break; | |
default: | |
break; } /* end case op */ | |
} /* end for */ | |
} /* end sim_instr */ | |
/* Prefetch buffer routine | |
Prefetch buffer state | |
ibufl, ibufh = the prefetch buffer | |
ibcnt = number of bytes available (0, 4, 8) | |
ppc = physical PC | |
The get_istr routines fetches the indicated number of bytes from | |
the prefetch buffer. Although it is complicated, it is faster | |
than calling Read on every byte of the instruction stream. | |
If the prefetch buffer has enough bytes, the required bytes are | |
extracted from the prefetch buffer and returned. If it does not | |
have enough bytes, enough prefetch words are fetched until there | |
are. A longword is only prefetched if data is needed from it, | |
so any translation errors are real. | |
*/ | |
int32 get_istr (int32 lnt, int32 acc) | |
{ | |
int32 bo = PC & 3; | |
int32 sc, val, t; | |
while ((bo + lnt) > ibcnt) { /* until enuf bytes */ | |
if ((ppc < 0) || (VA_GETOFF (ppc) == 0)) { /* PPC inv, xpg? */ | |
ppc = Test ((PC + ibcnt) & ~03, RD, &t); /* xlate PC */ | |
if (ppc < 0) Read ((PC + ibcnt) & ~03, L_LONG, RA); } | |
if (ibcnt == 0) ibufl = ReadLP (ppc); /* fill low */ | |
else ibufh = ReadLP (ppc); /* or high */ | |
ppc = ppc + 4; /* incr phys PC */ | |
ibcnt = ibcnt + 4; } /* incr ibuf cnt */ | |
PC = PC + lnt; /* incr PC */ | |
if (lnt == L_BYTE) val = (ibufl >> (bo << 3)) & BMASK; /* byte? */ | |
else if (lnt == L_WORD) { /* word? */ | |
if (bo == 3) val = ((ibufl >> 24) & 0xFF) | ((ibufh & 0xFF) << 8); | |
else val = (ibufl >> (bo << 3)) & WMASK; } | |
else if (bo) { /* unaligned lw? */ | |
sc = bo << 3; | |
val = (((ibufl >> sc) & align[bo]) | (((uint32) ibufh) << (32 - sc))); } | |
else val = ibufl; /* aligned lw */ | |
if ((bo + lnt) >= 4) { /* retire ibufl? */ | |
ibufl = ibufh; | |
ibcnt = ibcnt - 4; } | |
return val; | |
} | |
/* Console entry */ | |
int32 con_halt (int32 code, int32 cc) | |
{ | |
int32 temp; | |
conpc = PC; /* save PC */ | |
conpsl = ((PSL | cc) & 0xFFFF00FF) | CON_HLTINS; /* PSL, param */ | |
temp = (PSL >> PSL_V_CUR) & 0x7; /* get is'cur */ | |
if (temp > 4) conpsl = conpsl | CON_BADPSL; /* invalid? */ | |
else STK[temp] = SP; /* save stack */ | |
if (mapen) conpsl = conpsl | CON_MAPON; /* mapping on? */ | |
mapen = 0; /* turn off map */ | |
SP = IS; /* set SP from IS */ | |
PSL = PSL_IS | PSL_IPL1F; /* PSL = 41F0000 */ | |
JUMP (ROMBASE); /* PC = 20040000 */ | |
return 0; /* new cc = 0 */ | |
} | |
/* Reset */ | |
t_stat cpu_reset (DEVICE *dptr) | |
{ | |
mem_err = 0; | |
crd_err = 0; | |
hlt_pin = 0; | |
SISR = 0; | |
ASTLVL = 4; | |
MSER = 0; | |
CADR = 0; | |
mapen = 0; | |
if (M == NULL) M = calloc (((uint32) MEMSIZE) >> 2, sizeof (int32)); | |
if (M == NULL) return SCPE_MEM; | |
pcq_r = find_reg ("PCQ", NULL, dptr); | |
if (pcq_r) pcq_r->qptr = 0; | |
else return SCPE_IERR; | |
sim_brk_types = sim_brk_dflt = SWMASK ('E'); | |
return SCPE_OK; | |
} | |
/* Bootstrap */ | |
t_stat cpu_boot (int32 unitno, DEVICE *dptr) | |
{ | |
extern int32 clk_csr; | |
extern t_stat qba_powerup (void); | |
extern t_stat sysd_powerup (void); | |
extern t_stat todr_powerup (void); | |
extern uint32 *rom; | |
extern t_stat load_cmd (int32 flag, char *cptr); | |
extern FILE *sim_log; | |
t_stat r; | |
qba_powerup (); | |
sysd_powerup (); | |
todr_powerup (); | |
conpc = 0; | |
conpsl = PSL_IS | PSL_IPL1F | CON_PWRUP; | |
if (rom == NULL) return SCPE_IERR; | |
if (*rom == 0) { /* no boot? */ | |
if (cpu_unit.flags & UNIT_EXTM) { /* KA655X? */ | |
printf ("Loading boot code from ka655x.bin\n"); | |
if (sim_log) fprintf (sim_log, | |
"Loading boot code from ka655x.bin\n"); | |
r = load_cmd (0, "-R ka655x.bin"); } | |
else { /* KA655 */ | |
printf ("Loading boot code from ka655.bin\n"); | |
if (sim_log) fprintf (sim_log, | |
"Loading boot code from ka655.bin\n"); | |
r = load_cmd (0, "-R ka655.bin"); } | |
if (r != SCPE_OK) return r; } | |
return SCPE_OK; | |
} | |
/* Memory examine */ | |
t_stat cpu_ex (t_value *vptr, t_addr exta, UNIT *uptr, int32 sw) | |
{ | |
int32 st; | |
uint32 addr = (uint32) exta; | |
if (vptr == NULL) return SCPE_ARG; | |
if (sw & SWMASK ('V')) addr = Test (addr, RD, &st); | |
else addr = addr & PAMASK; | |
if (ADDR_IS_MEM (addr) || ADDR_IS_CDG (addr) || | |
ADDR_IS_ROM (addr) || ADDR_IS_NVR (addr)) { | |
*vptr = (uint32) ReadB (addr); | |
return SCPE_OK; } | |
return SCPE_NXM; | |
} | |
/* Memory deposit */ | |
t_stat cpu_dep (t_value val, t_addr exta, UNIT *uptr, int32 sw) | |
{ | |
int32 st; | |
uint32 addr = (uint32) exta; | |
if (sw & SWMASK ('V')) addr = Test (addr, RD, &st); | |
else addr = addr & PAMASK; | |
if (ADDR_IS_MEM (addr) || ADDR_IS_CDG (addr) || | |
ADDR_IS_NVR (addr)) { | |
WriteB (addr, (int32) val); | |
return SCPE_OK; } | |
if (ADDR_IS_ROM (addr)) { | |
rom_wr (addr, (int32) val, L_BYTE); | |
return SCPE_OK; } | |
return SCPE_NXM; | |
} | |
/* Enable/disable extended physical memory */ | |
t_stat cpu_set_extm (UNIT *uptr, int32 val, char *cptr, void *desc) | |
{ | |
if ((val == 0) && (MEMSIZE > MAXMEMSIZE)) return SCPE_ARG; | |
return SCPE_OK; | |
} | |
/* Memory allocation */ | |
t_stat cpu_set_size (UNIT *uptr, int32 val, char *cptr, void *desc) | |
{ | |
int32 mc = 0; | |
uint32 i, clim; | |
uint32 *nM = NULL; | |
if ((val <= 0) || | |
(val > ((uptr->flags & UNIT_EXTM)? MAXMEMSIZE_X: MAXMEMSIZE))) return SCPE_ARG; | |
for (i = val; i < MEMSIZE; i = i + 4) mc = mc | M[i >> 2]; | |
if ((mc != 0) && !get_yn ("Really truncate memory [N]?", FALSE)) | |
return SCPE_OK; | |
nM = calloc (val >> 2, sizeof (uint32)); | |
if (nM == NULL) return SCPE_MEM; | |
clim = (uint32) ((((uint32) val) < MEMSIZE)? val: MEMSIZE); | |
for (i = 0; i < clim; i = i + 4) nM[i >> 2] = M[i >> 2]; | |
free (M); | |
M = nM; | |
MEMSIZE = val; | |
return SCPE_OK; } | |
/* Virtual address translation */ | |
t_stat cpu_show_virt (UNIT *uptr, int32 val, char *cptr, void *desc) | |
{ | |
t_stat r; | |
uint32 va, pa; | |
int32 st; | |
static const char *mm_str[] = { | |
"Access control violation", | |
"Length violation", | |
"Process PTE access control violation", | |
"Process PTE length violation", | |
"Translation not valid", | |
"Internal error", | |
"Process PTE translation not valid" }; | |
if (cptr == NULL) return SCPE_ARG; | |
va = (uint32) get_uint (cptr, 16, 0xFFFFFFFF, &r); | |
if (r != SCPE_OK) return SCPE_ARG; | |
pa = Test (va, RD, &st); | |
if (st == PR_OK) printf ("Virtual %-X = physical %-X\n", va, pa); | |
else printf ("Virtual %-X: %s\n", va, mm_str[st]); | |
return SCPE_OK; | |
} | |
/* Set history */ | |
t_stat cpu_set_hist (UNIT *uptr, int32 val, char *cptr, void *desc) | |
{ | |
int32 i, lnt; | |
t_stat r; | |
if (cptr == NULL) { | |
for (i = 0; i < hst_lnt; i++) hst[i].iPC = 0; | |
hst_p = 0; | |
return SCPE_OK; } | |
lnt = (int32) get_uint (cptr, 10, HIST_MAX, &r); | |
if ((r != SCPE_OK) || (lnt && (lnt < HIST_MIN))) return SCPE_ARG; | |
hst_p = 0; | |
if (hst_lnt) { | |
free (hst); | |
hst_lnt = 0; | |
hst = NULL; } | |
if (lnt) { | |
hst = calloc (sizeof (struct InstHistory), lnt); | |
if (hst == NULL) return SCPE_MEM; | |
hst_lnt = lnt; } | |
return SCPE_OK; | |
} | |
/* Show history */ | |
t_stat cpu_show_hist (FILE *st, UNIT *uptr, int32 val, void *desc) | |
{ | |
int32 i, j, k, di, disp, numspec; | |
struct InstHistory *h; | |
extern char *opcode[]; | |
if (hst_lnt == 0) return SCPE_NOFNC; /* enabled? */ | |
di = hst_p; /* work forward */ | |
for (k = 0; k < hst_lnt; k++) { /* print specified */ | |
h = &hst[(di++) % hst_lnt]; /* entry pointer */ | |
if (h->iPC == 0) continue; /* filled in? */ | |
fprintf(st, "%08X %08X ", h->iPC, h->PSL); /* PC, PSL */ | |
numspec = drom[h->opc][0] & DR_NSPMASK; /* #specifiers */ | |
if (opcode[h->opc] == NULL) /* undefined? */ | |
fprintf (st, "%03X (undefined)", h->opc); | |
else if (h->PSL & PSL_FPD) /* FPD set? */ | |
fprintf (st, "%s FPD set", opcode[h->opc]); | |
else { /* normal */ | |
fprintf (st, "%s", opcode[h->opc]); /* print opcode */ | |
for (i = 1, j = 0; i <= numspec; i++) { /* loop thru specs */ | |
fputc ((i == 1)? ' ': ',', st); /* separator */ | |
disp = drom[h->opc][i]; /* specifier type */ | |
if (disp == RG) disp = RQ; /* fix specials */ | |
else if (disp >= BB) fprintf (st, "%X", h->brdest); | |
else switch (disp & 0xF) { /* case on type */ | |
case RB: case RW: case RL: /* read */ | |
case AB: case AW: case AL: case AQ: /* address */ | |
case MB: case MW: case ML: /* modify */ | |
fprintf (st, "%X", h->opnd[j++]); | |
break; | |
case RQ: /* read quad */ | |
case MQ: /* modify quad */ | |
fprintf (st, "%X%08X", h->opnd[j], h->opnd[j + 1]); | |
j = j + 2; | |
break; | |
case WB: case WW: case WL: case WQ: /* write */ | |
if (h->opnd[j] < 0) fprintf (st, "%X", h->opnd[j + 1]); | |
else fprintf (st, "R%d", h->opnd[j]); | |
j = j + 2; | |
break; | |
} /* end case */ | |
} /* end for */ | |
} /* end else */ | |
fputc ('\n', st); /* end line */ | |
} /* end for */ | |
return SCPE_OK; | |
} |