blob: 30d37d411a91d1b80ab81aa9b1c845d2241d1002 [file] [log] [blame] [raw]
/* pdp11_defs.h: PDP-11 simulator definitions
Copyright (c) 1993-2015, Robert M Supnik
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
Except as contained in this notice, the name of Robert M Supnik shall not be
used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings
in this Software without prior written authorization from Robert M Supnik.
The author gratefully acknowledges the help of Max Burnet, Megan Gentry,
and John Wilson in resolving questions about the PDP-11
30-Dec-15 RMS Added NOBVT option
23-Oct-13 RMS Added cpu_set_boot prototype
02-Sep-13 RMS Added third Massbus adapter and RS drive
11-Dec-11 RMS Fixed priority of PIRQ vs IO; added INT_INTERNALn
22-May-10 RMS Added check for 64b definitions
19-Nov-08 RMS Moved I/O support routines to I/O library
16-May-08 RMS Added KE11A, DC11 support
02-Feb-08 RMS Fixed DMA memory address limit test (found by John Dundas)
25-Jan-08 RMS Added RC11, KG11A support (from John Dundas)
16-Dec-06 RMS Added TA11 support
29-Oct-06 RMS Added clock coscheduling
06-Jul-06 RMS Added multiple KL11/DL11 support
26-Jun-06 RMS Added RF11 support
24-May-06 RMS Added 11/44 DR support (from CIS diagnostic)
17-May-06 RMS Added CR11/CD11 support (from John Dundas)
30-Sep-04 RMS Added Massbus support
Removed Map_Addr prototype
Removed map argument from Unibus routines
Added framework for model selection
28-May-04 RMS Added DHQ support
25-Jan-04 RMS Removed local debug logging support
22-Dec-03 RMS Added second DEUNA/DELUA support
18-Oct-03 RMS Added DECtape off reel message
19-May-03 RMS Revised for new conditional compilation
05-Apr-03 RMS Fixed bug in MMR1 update (found by Tim Stark)
28-Feb-03 RMS Added TM logging support
19-Jan-03 RMS Changed mode definitions for Apple Dev Kit conflict
11-Nov-02 RMS Changed log definitions to be VAX compatible
10-Oct-02 RMS Added vector information to DIB
Changed DZ11 vector to Unibus standard
Added multiple RQDX3, autoconfigure support
12-Sep-02 RMS Added TMSCP, KW11P,and RX211 support
28-Apr-02 RMS Clarified PDF ACF mnemonics
22-Apr-02 RMS Added HTRAP, BPOK maint register flags, MT_MAXFR
06-Mar-02 RMS Changed system type to KDJ11A
20-Jan-02 RMS Added multiboard DZ11 support
09-Nov-01 RMS Added bus map support
07-Nov-01 RMS Added RQDX3 support
26-Oct-01 RMS Added symbolic definitions for IO page
19-Oct-01 RMS Added DZ definitions
15-Oct-01 RMS Added logging capabilities
07-Sep-01 RMS Revised for multilevel interrupts
01-Jun-01 RMS Added DZ11 support
23-Apr-01 RMS Added RK611 support
05-Apr-01 RMS Added TS11/TSV05 support
10-Feb-01 RMS Added DECtape support
#ifndef PDP11_DEFS_H
#define PDP11_DEFS_H 0
#ifndef VM_PDP11
#define VM_PDP11 0
#include "sim_defs.h" /* simulator defns */
#include <setjmp.h>
#if defined(USE_INT64) || defined(USE_ADDR64)
#error "PDP-11 does not support 64b values!"
/* Architectural constants */
#define STKL_R 0340 /* stack limit */
#define STKL_Y 0400
#define VASIZE 0200000 /* 2**16 */
#define VAMASK (VASIZE - 1) /* 2**16 - 1 */
#define MEMSIZE64K 0200000 /* 2**16 */
#define INIMEMSIZE 001000000 /* 2**18 */
#define UNIMEMSIZE 001000000 /* 2**18 */
#define UNIMASK (UNIMEMSIZE - 1) /* 2**18 - 1 */
#define IOPAGEBASE 017760000 /* 2**22 - 2**13 */
#define IOPAGESIZE 000020000 /* 2**13 */
#define IOPAGEMASK (IOPAGESIZE - 1) /* 2**13 - 1 */
#define MAXMEMSIZE 020000000 /* 2**22 */
#define PAMASK (MAXMEMSIZE - 1) /* 2**22 - 1 */
#define MEMSIZE (cpu_unit.capac)
#define ADDR_IS_MEM(x) (((t_addr) (x)) < cpu_memsize) /* use only in sim! */
#define DMASK 0177777
#define BMASK 0377
/* CPU models */
#define MOD_1103 0
#define MOD_1104 1
#define MOD_1105 2
#define MOD_1120 3
#define MOD_1123 4
#define MOD_1123P 5
#define MOD_1124 6
#define MOD_1134 7
#define MOD_1140 8
#define MOD_1144 9
#define MOD_1145 10
#define MOD_1160 11
#define MOD_1170 12
#define MOD_1173 13
#define MOD_1153 14
#define MOD_1173B 15
#define MOD_1183 16
#define MOD_1184 17
#define MOD_1193 18
#define MOD_1194 19
#define MOD_T 20
#define CPUT_03 (1u << MOD_1103) /* LSI-11 */
#define CPUT_04 (1u << MOD_1104) /* 11/04 */
#define CPUT_05 (1u << MOD_1105) /* 11/05 */
#define CPUT_20 (1u << MOD_1120) /* 11/20 */
#define CPUT_23 (1u << MOD_1123) /* 11/23 */
#define CPUT_23P (1u << MOD_1123P) /* 11/23+ */
#define CPUT_24 (1u << MOD_1124) /* 11/24 */
#define CPUT_34 (1u << MOD_1134) /* 11/34 */
#define CPUT_40 (1u << MOD_1140) /* 11/40 */
#define CPUT_44 (1u << MOD_1144) /* 11/44 */
#define CPUT_45 (1u << MOD_1145) /* 11/45 */
#define CPUT_60 (1u << MOD_1160) /* 11/60 */
#define CPUT_70 (1u << MOD_1170) /* 11/70 */
#define CPUT_73 (1u << MOD_1173) /* 11/73 */
#define CPUT_53 (1u << MOD_1153) /* 11/53 */
#define CPUT_73B (1u << MOD_1173B) /* 11/73B */
#define CPUT_83 (1u << MOD_1183) /* 11/83 */
#define CPUT_84 (1u << MOD_1184) /* 11/84 */
#define CPUT_93 (1u << MOD_1193) /* 11/93 */
#define CPUT_94 (1u << MOD_1194) /* 11/94 */
#define CPUT_T (1u << MOD_T) /* T-11 */
#define CPUT_F (CPUT_23|CPUT_23P|CPUT_24) /* all F11's */
#define CPUT_J (CPUT_53|CPUT_73|CPUT_73B| \
#define CPUT_JB (CPUT_73B|CPUT_83|CPUT_84) /* KDJ11B */
#define CPUT_JE (CPUT_93|CPUT_94) /* KDJ11E */
#define CPUT_JU (CPUT_84|CPUT_94) /* KTJ11B UBA */
/* CPU options */
#define BUS_U (1u << 0) /* Unibus */
#define BUS_Q (0) /* Qbus */
#define OPT_EIS (1u << 1) /* EIS */
#define OPT_FIS (1u << 2) /* FIS */
#define OPT_FPP (1u << 3) /* FPP */
#define OPT_CIS (1u << 4) /* CIS */
#define OPT_MMU (1u << 5) /* MMU */
#define OPT_RH11 (1u << 6) /* RH11 */
#define OPT_PAR (1u << 7) /* parity */
#define OPT_UBM (1u << 8) /* UBM */
#define OPT_BVT (1u << 9) /* BEVENT */
#define CPUT(x) ((cpu_type & (x)) != 0)
#define CPUO(x) ((cpu_opt & (x)) != 0)
#define UNIBUS (cpu_opt & BUS_U)
extern uint32 cpu_model, cpu_type, cpu_opt;
/* Feature sets
SDSD source addr, dest addr, source fetch, dest fetch
SR switch register
DR display register
RTT RTT instruction
SXS SXT, XOR, SOB instructions
MARK MARK instruction
SPL SPL instruction
MXPY MTPI, MTPD, MFPI, MFPD instructions
MXPS MTPS, MFPS instructions
MFPT MFPT instruction
CSM CSM instruction
TSWLK TSTSET, WRLCK instructions
PSW PSW register
EXPT explicit PSW writes can alter T-bit
IOSR general registers readable from programs in IO space
2REG dual register set
MMR3 MMR3 register
MMTR mem mgt traps
STKLF fixed stack limit
SID supervisor mode, I/D spaces
ODD odd address trap
HALT4 halt in kernel mode traps to 4
JREG4 JMP/JSR R traps to 4
STKA stop on stack abort
#define HAS_SR (CPUT_04|CPUT_05|CPUT_20|CPUT_34|CPUT_40| \
#define HAS_DR (CPUT_04|CPUT_05|CPUT_20|CPUT_24|CPUT_34| \
#define HAS_RTT (CPUT_03|CPUT_04|CPUT_F|CPUT_34|CPUT_40| \
#define HAS_SXS (CPUT_03|CPUT_F|CPUT_34|CPUT_40|CPUT_44| \
#define HAS_MARK (CPUT_03|CPUT_F|CPUT_34|CPUT_40|CPUT_44| \
#define HAS_SPL (CPUT_44|CPUT_45|CPUT_70|CPUT_J)
#define HAS_MXPY (CPUT_F|CPUT_34|CPUT_40|CPUT_44|CPUT_45| \
#define HAS_CSM (CPUT_44|CPUT_J)
#define HAS_TSWLK (CPUT_J)
#define HAS_PSW (CPUT_04|CPUT_05|CPUT_20|CPUT_F|CPUT_34|CPUT_40| \
#define HAS_EXPT (CPUT_04|CPUT_05|CPUT_20)
#define HAS_IOSR (CPUT_04|CPUT_05)
#define HAS_2REG (CPUT_45|CPUT_70|CPUT_J)
#define HAS_MMR3 (CPUT_F|CPUT_44|CPUT_45|CPUT_70|CPUT_J)
#define HAS_MMTR (CPUT_45|CPUT_70)
#define HAS_STKLR (CPUT_45|CPUT_60|CPUT_70)
#define HAS_STKLF (CPUT_04|CPUT_05|CPUT_20|CPUT_F|CPUT_34| \
#define HAS_SID (CPUT_44|CPUT_45|CPUT_70|CPUT_J)
#define HAS_ODD (CPUT_04|CPUT_05|CPUT_20|CPUT_34|CPUT_40| \
#define HAS_HALT4 (CPUT_44|CPUT_45|CPUT_70|CPUT_J)
#define HAS_JREG4 (CPUT_03|CPUT_04|CPUT_05|CPUT_20|CPUT_F| \
#define STOP_STKA (CPUT_03|CPUT_04|CPUT_05|CPUT_20|CPUT_34|CPUT_44)
#define HAS_LTCR (CPUT_04|CPUT_05|CPUT_20|CPUT_23P|CPUT_24| \
CPUT_34|CPUT_40|CPUT_44|CPUT_45|CPUT_60| \
#define HAS_LTCM (CPUT_04|CPUT_05|CPUT_20|CPUT_24|CPUT_34| \
/* Protection modes */
#define MD_KER 0
#define MD_SUP 1
#define MD_UND 2
#define MD_USR 3
/* I/O access modes */
#define READ 0
#define READC 1 /* read console */
#define WRITE 2
#define WRITEC 3 /* write console */
#define WRITEB 4
/* PSW */
#define PSW_V_C 0 /* condition codes */
#define PSW_V_V 1
#define PSW_V_Z 2
#define PSW_V_N 3
#define PSW_V_TBIT 4 /* trace trap */
#define PSW_V_IPL 5 /* int priority */
#define PSW_V_FPD 8 /* first part done */
#define PSW_V_RS 11 /* register set */
#define PSW_V_PM 12 /* previous mode */
#define PSW_V_CM 14 /* current mode */
#define PSW_CC 017
#define PSW_TBIT (1 << PSW_V_TBIT)
#define PSW_PM (3 << PSW_V_PM)
/* FPS */
#define FPS_V_C 0 /* condition codes */
#define FPS_V_V 1
#define FPS_V_Z 2
#define FPS_V_N 3
#define FPS_V_T 5 /* truncate */
#define FPS_V_L 6 /* long */
#define FPS_V_D 7 /* double */
#define FPS_V_IC 8 /* ic err int */
#define FPS_V_IV 9 /* overflo err int */
#define FPS_V_IU 10 /* underflo err int */
#define FPS_V_IUV 11 /* undef var err int */
#define FPS_V_ID 14 /* int disable */
#define FPS_V_ER 15 /* error */
/* PIRQ */
#define PIRQ_PIR1 0001000
#define PIRQ_PIR2 0002000
#define PIRQ_PIR3 0004000
#define PIRQ_PIR4 0010000
#define PIRQ_PIR5 0020000
#define PIRQ_PIR6 0040000
#define PIRQ_PIR7 0100000
#define PIRQ_IMP 0177356 /* implemented bits */
#define PIRQ_RW 0177000 /* read/write bits */
/* STKLIM */
#define STKLIM_RW 0177400
/* MMR0 */
#define MMR0_MME 0000001 /* mem mgt enable */
#define MMR0_V_PAGE 1 /* offset to pageno */
#define MMR0_M_PAGE 077 /* mask for pageno */
#define MMR0_PAGE (MMR0_M_PAGE << MMR0_V_PAGE)
#define MMR0_IC 0000200 /* instr complete */
#define MMR0_MAINT 0000400 /* maintenance */
#define MMR0_TENB 0001000 /* trap enable */
#define MMR0_TRAP 0010000 /* mem mgt trap */
#define MMR0_RO 0020000 /* read only error */
#define MMR0_PL 0040000 /* page lnt error */
#define MMR0_NR 0100000 /* no access error */
#define MMR0_FREEZE 0160000 /* if set, no update */
#define MMR0_WR 0171401 /* writeable bits */
/* MMR3 */
#define MMR3_UDS 001 /* user dspace enbl */
#define MMR3_SDS 002 /* super dspace enbl */
#define MMR3_KDS 004 /* krnl dspace enbl */
#define MMR3_CSM 010 /* CSM enable */
#define MMR3_M22E 020 /* 22b mem mgt enbl */
#define MMR3_BME 040 /* DMA bus map enbl */
/* PAR */
#define PAR_18B 0007777 /* 18b addressing */
#define PAR_22B 0177777 /* 22b addressing */
/* PDR */
#define PDR_ACF 0000007 /* access control */
#define PDR_ACS 0000006 /* 2b access control */
#define PDR_ED 0000010 /* expansion dir */
#define PDR_W 0000100 /* written flag */
#define PDR_A 0000200 /* access flag */
#define PDR_PLF 0077400 /* page lnt field */
#define PDR_NOC 0100000 /* don't cache */
#define PDR_PRD 0000003 /* page readable if 2 */
/* Virtual address */
#define VA_DF 0017777 /* displacement */
#define VA_BN 0017700 /* block number */
#define VA_V_APF 13 /* offset to APF */
#define VA_V_DS 16 /* offset to space */
#define VA_V_MODE 17 /* offset to mode */
#define VA_DS (1u << VA_V_DS) /* data space flag */
/* Unibus map (if present) */
#define UBM_LNT_LW 32 /* size in LW */
#define UBM_V_PN 13 /* page number */
#define UBM_M_PN 037
#define UBM_V_OFF 0 /* offset */
#define UBM_M_OFF 017777
#define UBM_PAGSIZE (UBM_M_OFF + 1) /* page size */
#define UBM_GETPN(x) (((x) >> UBM_V_PN) & UBM_M_PN)
#define UBM_GETOFF(x) ((x) & UBM_M_OFF)
/* CPUERR */
#define CPUE_RED 0004 /* red stack */
#define CPUE_YEL 0010 /* yellow stack */
#define CPUE_TMO 0020 /* IO page nxm */
#define CPUE_NXM 0040 /* memory nxm */
#define CPUE_ODD 0100 /* odd address */
#define CPUE_HALT 0200 /* HALT not kernel */
#define CPUE_IMP 0374 /* implemented bits */
/* Floating point accumulators */
typedef struct {
uint32 l; /* low 32b */
uint32 h; /* high 32b */
} fpac_t;
/* Device CSRs */
#define CSR_V_GO 0 /* go */
#define CSR_V_IE 6 /* interrupt enable */
#define CSR_V_DONE 7 /* done */
#define CSR_V_BUSY 11 /* busy */
#define CSR_V_ERR 15 /* error */
#define CSR_GO (1u << CSR_V_GO)
#define CSR_IE (1u << CSR_V_IE)
#define CSR_DONE (1u << CSR_V_DONE)
#define CSR_BUSY (1u << CSR_V_BUSY)
#define CSR_ERR (1u << CSR_V_ERR)
/* Trap masks, descending priority order, following J-11
An interrupt summary bit is kept with traps, to minimize overhead
#define TRAP_V_RED 0 /* red stk abort 4 */
#define TRAP_V_ODD 1 /* odd address 4 */
#define TRAP_V_MME 2 /* mem mgt 250 */
#define TRAP_V_NXM 3 /* nx memory 4 */
#define TRAP_V_PAR 4 /* parity err 114 */
#define TRAP_V_PRV 5 /* priv inst 4 */
#define TRAP_V_ILL 6 /* illegal inst 10 */
#define TRAP_V_BPT 7 /* BPT 14 */
#define TRAP_V_IOT 8 /* IOT 20 */
#define TRAP_V_EMT 9 /* EMT 30 */
#define TRAP_V_TRAP 10 /* TRAP 34 */
#define TRAP_V_TRC 11 /* T bit 14 */
#define TRAP_V_YEL 12 /* stack 4 */
#define TRAP_V_PWRFL 13 /* power fail 24 */
#define TRAP_V_FPE 14 /* fpe 244 */
#define TRAP_V_MAX 15 /* intr = max trp # */
#define TRAP_RED (1u << TRAP_V_RED)
#define TRAP_ODD (1u << TRAP_V_ODD)
#define TRAP_MME (1u << TRAP_V_MME)
#define TRAP_NXM (1u << TRAP_V_NXM)
#define TRAP_PAR (1u << TRAP_V_PAR)
#define TRAP_PRV (1u << TRAP_V_PRV)
#define TRAP_ILL (1u << TRAP_V_ILL)
#define TRAP_BPT (1u << TRAP_V_BPT)
#define TRAP_IOT (1u << TRAP_V_IOT)
#define TRAP_EMT (1u << TRAP_V_EMT)
#define TRAP_TRAP (1u << TRAP_V_TRAP)
#define TRAP_TRC (1u << TRAP_V_TRC)
#define TRAP_YEL (1u << TRAP_V_YEL)
#define TRAP_PWRFL (1u << TRAP_V_PWRFL)
#define TRAP_FPE (1u << TRAP_V_FPE)
#define TRAP_INT (1u << TRAP_V_MAX)
#define TRAP_ALL ((1u << TRAP_V_MAX) - 1) /* all traps */
#define VEC_RED 0004 /* trap vectors */
#define VEC_ODD 0004
#define VEC_MME 0250
#define VEC_NXM 0004
#define VEC_PAR 0114
#define VEC_PRV 0004
#define VEC_ILL 0010
#define VEC_BPT 0014
#define VEC_IOT 0020
#define VEC_EMT 0030
#define VEC_TRAP 0034
#define VEC_TRC 0014
#define VEC_YEL 0004
#define VEC_PWRFL 0024
#define VEC_FPE 0244
/* Simulator stop codes; codes 1:TRAP_V_MAX correspond to traps 0:TRAPMAX-1 */
#define STOP_HALT (TRAP_V_MAX + 1) /* HALT instruction */
#define STOP_IBKPT (TRAP_V_MAX + 2) /* instruction bkpt */
#define STOP_WAIT (TRAP_V_MAX + 3) /* wait, no events */
#define STOP_VECABORT (TRAP_V_MAX + 4) /* abort vector read */
#define STOP_SPABORT (TRAP_V_MAX + 5) /* abort trap push */
#define STOP_RQ (TRAP_V_MAX + 6) /* RQDX3 panic */
#define STOP_SANITY (TRAP_V_MAX + 7) /* sanity timer exp */
#define STOP_DTOFF (TRAP_V_MAX + 8) /* DECtape off reel */
#define IORETURN(f,v) ((f)? (v): SCPE_OK) /* cond error return */
/* Timers */
#define TMR_CLK 0 /* line clock */
/* IO parameters */
#define DZ_MUXES 4 /* max # of DZ muxes */
#define DZ_LINES 8 /* lines per DZ mux */
#define VH_MUXES 4 /* max # of VH muxes */
#define DLX_LINES 16 /* max # of KL11/DL11's */
#define DCX_LINES 16 /* max # of DC11's */
#define DUP_LINES 8 /* max # of DUP11/DPV11's */
#define KMC_UNITS 2 /* max # of KMC11s */
#define INITIAL_KMCS 0 /* Number to initially enable */
#define MT_MAXFR (1 << 16) /* magtape max rec */
#define DIB_MAX 100 /* max DIBs */
#define DEV_V_UBUS (DEV_V_UF + 0) /* Unibus */
#define DEV_V_QBUS (DEV_V_UF + 1) /* Qbus */
#define DEV_V_Q18 (DEV_V_UF + 2) /* Qbus with <= 256KB */
#define DEV_V_MBUS (DEV_V_UF + 3) /* Massbus */
#define DEV_V_FFUF (DEV_V_UF + 4) /* first free flag */
#define DEV_UBUS (1u << DEV_V_UBUS)
#define DEV_QBUS (1u << DEV_V_QBUS)
#define DEV_Q18 (1u << DEV_V_Q18)
#define DEV_MBUS (1u << DEV_V_MBUS)
#define DEV_RDX 8 /* default device radix */
/* Device information block */
#define VEC_DEVMAX 4 /* max device vec */
struct pdp_dib {
uint32 ba; /* base addr */
uint32 lnt; /* length */
t_stat (*rd)(int32 *dat, int32 ad, int32 md);
t_stat (*wr)(int32 dat, int32 ad, int32 md);
int32 vnum; /* vectors: number */
int32 vloc; /* locator */
int32 vec; /* value */
int32 (*ack[VEC_DEVMAX])(void); /* ack routines */
uint32 ulnt; /* IO length per-device */
/* Only need to be populated */
/* when numunits != num devices */
int32 numc; /* Number of controllers */
/* this field handles devices */
/* where multiple instances are */
/* simulated through a single */
/* DEVICE structure (e.g., DZ, VH, DL, DC). */
/* Populated by auto-configure */
typedef struct pdp_dib DIB;
/* Unibus I/O page layout - see pdp11_io_lib.c for address layout details
Massbus devices (RP, TU) do not appear in the Unibus IO page */
#define IOBA_AUTO (0) /* Assigned by Auto Configure */
/* Processor registers which have I/O page addresses
#define IOBA_CTL (IOPAGEBASE + 017520) /* board ctrl */
#define IOLN_CTL 010
#define IOBA_UBM (IOPAGEBASE + 010200) /* Unibus map */
#define IOLN_UBM (UBM_LNT_LW * sizeof (int32))
#define IOBA_MMR3 (IOPAGEBASE + 012516) /* MMR3 */
#define IOLN_MMR3 002
#define IOBA_TTI (IOPAGEBASE + 017560) /* DL11 rcv */
#define IOLN_TTI 004
#define IOBA_TTO (IOPAGEBASE + 017564) /* DL11 xmt */
#define IOLN_TTO 004
#define IOBA_SR (IOPAGEBASE + 017570) /* SR */
#define IOLN_SR 002
#define IOBA_MMR012 (IOPAGEBASE + 017572) /* MMR0-2 */
#define IOLN_MMR012 006
#define IOBA_GPR (IOPAGEBASE + 017700) /* GPR's */
#define IOLN_GPR 010
#define IOBA_UCTL (IOPAGEBASE + 017730) /* UBA ctrl */
#define IOLN_UCTL 010
#define IOBA_CPU (IOPAGEBASE + 017740) /* CPU reg */
#define IOLN_CPU 036
#define IOBA_PSW (IOPAGEBASE + 017776) /* PSW */
#define IOLN_PSW 002
#define IOBA_UIPDR (IOPAGEBASE + 017600) /* user APR's */
#define IOLN_UIPDR 020
#define IOBA_UDPDR (IOPAGEBASE + 017620)
#define IOLN_UDPDR 020
#define IOBA_UIPAR (IOPAGEBASE + 017640)
#define IOLN_UIPAR 020
#define IOBA_UDPAR (IOPAGEBASE + 017660)
#define IOLN_UDPAR 020
#define IOBA_SUP (IOPAGEBASE + 012200) /* supervisor APR's */
#define IOLN_SUP 0100
#define IOBA_KIPDR (IOPAGEBASE + 012300) /* kernel APR's */
#define IOLN_KIPDR 020
#define IOBA_KDPDR (IOPAGEBASE + 012320)
#define IOLN_KDPDR 020
#define IOBA_KIPAR (IOPAGEBASE + 012340)
#define IOLN_KIPAR 020
#define IOBA_KDPAR (IOPAGEBASE + 012360)
#define IOLN_KDPAR 020
/* Interrupt assignments; within each level, priority is right to left
PIRQn has the highest priority with a level and is always bit <0>
On level 6, the clock is second highest priority */
#define IPL_HLVL 8 /* # int levels */
#define IPL_HMIN 4 /* lowest IO int level */
#define INT_V_PIR7 0 /* BR7 */
#define INT_V_PIR6 0 /* BR6 */
#define INT_V_CLK 1
#define INT_V_PCLK 2
#define INT_V_DTA 3
#define INT_V_TA 4
#define INT_V_PIR5 0 /* BR5 */
#define INT_V_RK 1
#define INT_V_RL 2
#define INT_V_RX 3
#define INT_V_TM 4
#define INT_V_RP 5
#define INT_V_TS 6
#define INT_V_HK 7
#define INT_V_RQ 8
#define INT_V_DZRX 9
#define INT_V_DZTX 10
#define INT_V_TQ 11
#define INT_V_RY 12
#define INT_V_XQ 13
#define INT_V_XU 14
#define INT_V_TU 15
#define INT_V_RF 16
#define INT_V_RC 17
#define INT_V_RS 18
#define INT_V_DMCRX 19
#define INT_V_DMCTX 20
#define INT_V_DUPRX 21
#define INT_V_DUPTX 22
#define INT_V_KMCA 23
#define INT_V_KMCB 24
#define INT_V_PIR4 0 /* BR4 */
#define INT_V_TTI 1
#define INT_V_TTO 2
#define INT_V_PTR 3
#define INT_V_PTP 4
#define INT_V_LPT 5
#define INT_V_VHRX 6
#define INT_V_VHTX 7
#define INT_V_CR 8
#define INT_V_DLI 9
#define INT_V_DLO 10
#define INT_V_DCI 11
#define INT_V_DCO 12
/* VT simulation is sequential, so only
one interrupt is posted at a time. */
#define INT_V_VTST 13
#define INT_V_VTLP 14
#define INT_V_VTCH 15
#define INT_V_VTNM 16
#define INT_V_LK 17
#define INT_V_TDRX 18
#define INT_V_TDTX 19
#define INT_V_PIR3 0 /* BR3 */
#define INT_V_PIR2 0 /* BR2 */
#define INT_V_PIR1 0 /* BR1 */
#define INT_PIR7 (1u << INT_V_PIR7)
#define INT_PIR6 (1u << INT_V_PIR6)
#define INT_CLK (1u << INT_V_CLK)
#define INT_PCLK (1u << INT_V_PCLK)
#define INT_DTA (1u << INT_V_DTA)
#define INT_TA (1u << INT_V_TA)
#define INT_PIR5 (1u << INT_V_PIR5)
#define INT_RK (1u << INT_V_RK)
#define INT_RL (1u << INT_V_RL)
#define INT_RX (1u << INT_V_RX)
#define INT_TM (1u << INT_V_TM)
#define INT_RP (1u << INT_V_RP)
#define INT_TS (1u << INT_V_TS)
#define INT_HK (1u << INT_V_HK)
#define INT_RQ (1u << INT_V_RQ)
#define INT_DZRX (1u << INT_V_DZRX)
#define INT_DZTX (1u << INT_V_DZTX)
#define INT_TQ (1u << INT_V_TQ)
#define INT_RY (1u << INT_V_RY)
#define INT_XQ (1u << INT_V_XQ)
#define INT_XU (1u << INT_V_XU)
#define INT_TU (1u << INT_V_TU)
#define INT_RF (1u << INT_V_RF)
#define INT_RC (1u << INT_V_RC)
#define INT_RS (1u << INT_V_RS)
#define INT_DMCRX (1u << INT_V_DMCRX)
#define INT_DMCTX (1u << INT_V_DMCTX)
#define INT_KMCA (1u << INT_V_KMCA)
#define INT_KMCB (1u << INT_V_KMCB)
#define INT_DUPRX (1u << INT_V_DUPRX)
#define INT_DUPTX (1u << INT_V_DUPTX)
#define INT_PIR4 (1u << INT_V_PIR4)
#define INT_TTI (1u << INT_V_TTI)
#define INT_TTO (1u << INT_V_TTO)
#define INT_PTR (1u << INT_V_PTR)
#define INT_PTP (1u << INT_V_PTP)
#define INT_LPT (1u << INT_V_LPT)
#define INT_VHRX (1u << INT_V_VHRX)
#define INT_VHTX (1u << INT_V_VHTX)
#define INT_CR (1u << INT_V_CR)
#define INT_DLI (1u << INT_V_DLI)
#define INT_DLO (1u << INT_V_DLO)
#define INT_DCI (1u << INT_V_DCI)
#define INT_DCO (1u << INT_V_DCO)
#define INT_VTLP (1u << INT_V_VTLP)
#define INT_VTST (1u << INT_V_VTST)
#define INT_VTCH (1u << INT_V_VTCH)
#define INT_VTNM (1u << INT_V_VTNM)
#define INT_LK (1u << INT_V_LK)
#define INT_PIR3 (1u << INT_V_PIR3)
#define INT_PIR2 (1u << INT_V_PIR2)
#define INT_PIR1 (1u << INT_V_PIR1)
#define INT_TDRX (1u << INT_V_TDRX)
#define INT_TDTX (1u << INT_V_TDTX)
#define IPL_CLK 6 /* int pri levels */
#define IPL_PCLK 6
#define IPL_DTA 6
#define IPL_TA 6
#define IPL_RK 5
#define IPL_RL 5
#define IPL_RX 5
#define IPL_TM 5
#define IPL_RP 5
#define IPL_TS 5
#define IPL_HK 5
#define IPL_RQ 5
#define IPL_DZRX 5
#define IPL_DZTX 5
#define IPL_TQ 5
#define IPL_RY 5
#define IPL_XQ 5
#define IPL_XU 5
#define IPL_TU 5
#define IPL_RF 5
#define IPL_RC 5
#define IPL_RS 5
#define IPL_DMCRX 5
#define IPL_DMCTX 5
#define IPL_KMCA 5
#define IPL_KMCB 5
#define IPL_DUPRX 5
#define IPL_DUPTX 5
#define IPL_PTR 4
#define IPL_PTP 4
#define IPL_TTI 4
#define IPL_TTO 4
#define IPL_LPT 4
#define IPL_VHRX 4
#define IPL_VHTX 4
#define IPL_CR 4
#define IPL_DLI 4
#define IPL_DLO 4
#define IPL_DCI 4
#define IPL_DCO 4
#define IPL_VTLP 4
#define IPL_VTST 4
#define IPL_VTCH 4
#define IPL_VTNM 4
#define IPL_LK 4 /* XXX just a guess */
#define IPL_TDRX 4
#define IPL_TDTX 4
#define IPL_PIR7 7
#define IPL_PIR6 6
#define IPL_PIR5 5
#define IPL_PIR4 4
#define IPL_PIR3 3
#define IPL_PIR2 2
#define IPL_PIR1 1
/* Device vectors */
#define VEC_AUTO (0) /* Assigned by Auto Configure */
#define VEC_FLOAT (0) /* Assigned by Auto Configure */
/* Processor specific internal fixed vectors */
#define VEC_PIRQ 0240
#define VEC_TTI 0060
#define VEC_TTO 0064
/* Interrupt macros */
#define IVCL(dv) ((IPL_##dv * 32) + INT_V_##dv)
#define IREQ(dv) int_req[IPL_##dv]
#define SET_INT(dv) int_req[IPL_##dv] = int_req[IPL_##dv] | (INT_##dv)
#define CLR_INT(dv) int_req[IPL_##dv] = int_req[IPL_##dv] & ~(INT_##dv)
#define INT_IS_SET(dv) (int_req[IPL_##dv] & (INT_##dv))
/* Massbus definitions */
#define MBA_NUM 3 /* number of MBA's */
#define MBA_AUTO (uint32)0xFFFFFFFF /* Unassigned MBA */
#define MBA_RMASK 037 /* max 32 reg */
#define MBE_NXD 1 /* nx drive */
#define MBE_NXR 2 /* nx reg */
#define MBE_GOE 3 /* err on GO */
/* CPU and FPU macros */
#define update_MM ((MMR0 & MMR0_FREEZE) == 0)
#define setTRAP(name) trap_req = trap_req | (name)
#define setCPUERR(name) CPUERR = CPUERR | (name)
#define ABORT(val) longjmp (save_env, (val))
#define SP R[6]
#define PC R[7]
/* Function prototypes */
int32 Map_ReadB (uint32 ba, int32 bc, uint8 *buf);
int32 Map_ReadW (uint32 ba, int32 bc, uint16 *buf);
int32 Map_WriteB (uint32 ba, int32 bc, const uint8 *buf);
int32 Map_WriteW (uint32 ba, int32 bc, const uint16 *buf);
int32 mba_rdbufW (uint32 mbus, int32 bc, uint16 *buf);
int32 mba_wrbufW (uint32 mbus, int32 bc, const uint16 *buf);
int32 mba_chbufW (uint32 mbus, int32 bc, uint16 *buf);
int32 mba_get_bc (uint32 mbus);
int32 mba_get_csr (uint32 mbus);
void mba_upd_ata (uint32 mbus, uint32 val);
void mba_set_exc (uint32 mbus);
void mba_set_don (uint32 mbus);
void mba_set_enbdis (DEVICE *dptr);
t_stat mba_show_num (FILE *st, UNIT *uptr, int32 val, CONST void *desc);
t_stat build_dib_tab (void);
void cpu_set_boot (int32 pc);
#include "pdp11_io_lib.h"