blob: 55b3cc05630d5e74e441d68a785e839d11e4e93a [file] [log] [blame] [raw]
/* sim_defs.h: simulator definitions
Copyright (c) 1993-2005, Robert M Supnik
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
Except as contained in this notice, the name of Robert M Supnik shall not be
used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings
in this Software without prior written authorization from Robert M Supnik.
16-Aug-05 RMS Fixed C++ declaration and cast problems
11-Mar-05 RMS Moved 64b data type definitions outside USE_INT64
07-Feb-05 RMS Added assertion fail stop
05-Nov-04 RMS Added support for SHOW opt=val
20-Oct-04 RMS Converted all base types to typedefs
21-Sep-04 RMS Added switch to flag stop message printout
06-Feb-04 RMS Moved device and unit user flags fields (V3.2)
29-Dec-03 RMS Added output stall status
15-Jun-03 RMS Added register flag REG_VMIO
23-Apr-03 RMS Revised for 32b/64b t_addr
14-Mar-03 RMS Lengthened default serial output wait
31-Mar-03 RMS Added u5, u6 fields
18-Mar-03 RMS Added logical name support
Moved magtape definitions to sim_tape.h
Moved breakpoint definitions from scp.c
03-Mar-03 RMS Added sim_fsize
08-Feb-03 RMS Changed sim_os_sleep to void, added match_ext
05-Jan-03 RMS Added hidden switch definitions, device dyn memory support,
parameters for function pointers, case sensitive SET support
22-Dec-02 RMS Added break flag
08-Oct-02 RMS Increased simulator error code space
Added Telnet errors
Added end of medium support
Added help messages to CTAB
Added flag and context fields to DEVICE
Added restore flag masks
Revised 64b definitions
02-May-02 RMS Removed log status codes
22-Apr-02 RMS Added magtape record length error
30-Dec-01 RMS Generalized timer package, added circular arrays
07-Dec-01 RMS Added breakpoint package
01-Dec-01 RMS Added read-only unit support, extended SET/SHOW features,
improved error messages
24-Nov-01 RMS Added unit-based registers
27-Sep-01 RMS Added queue count prototype
17-Sep-01 RMS Removed multiple console support
07-Sep-01 RMS Removed conditional externs on function prototypes
31-Aug-01 RMS Changed int64 to t_int64 for Windoze
17-Jul-01 RMS Added additional function prototypes
27-May-01 RMS Added multiple console support
15-May-01 RMS Increased string buffer size
25-Feb-01 RMS Revisions for V2.6
15-Oct-00 RMS Editorial revisions for V2.5
11-Jul-99 RMS Added unsigned int data types
14-Apr-99 RMS Converted t_addr to unsigned
04-Oct-98 RMS Additional definitions for V2.4
The interface between the simulator control package (SCP) and the
simulator consists of the following routines and data structures
sim_name simulator name string
sim_devices[] array of pointers to simulated devices
sim_PC pointer to saved PC register descriptor
sim_interval simulator interval to next event
sim_stop_messages[] array of pointers to stop messages
sim_instr() instruction execution routine
sim_load() binary loader routine
sim_emax maximum number of words in an instruction
In addition, the simulator must supply routines to print and parse
architecture specific formats
print_sym print symbolic output
parse_sym parse symbolic input
#ifndef _SIM_DEFS_H_
#define _SIM_DEFS_H_ 0
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <limits.h>
#ifndef TRUE
#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0
/* Length specific integer declarations */
typedef signed char int8;
typedef signed short int16;
typedef signed int int32;
typedef unsigned char uint8;
typedef unsigned short uint16;
typedef unsigned int uint32;
typedef int t_stat; /* status */
typedef int t_bool; /* boolean */
/* 64b integers */
#if defined (__GNUC__) /* GCC */
typedef signed long long t_int64;
typedef unsigned long long t_uint64;
#elif defined (_WIN32) /* Windows */
typedef signed __int64 t_int64;
typedef unsigned __int64 t_uint64;
#elif defined (__ALPHA) && defined (VMS) /* Alpha VMS */
typedef signed __int64 t_int64;
typedef unsigned __int64 t_uint64;
#elif defined (__ALPHA) && defined (__unix__) /* Alpha UNIX */
typedef signed long t_int64;
typedef unsigned long t_uint64;
#else /* default */
#define t_int64 signed long long
#define t_uint64 unsigned long long
#endif /* end 64b */
#if defined (USE_INT64) /* 64b data */
typedef t_int64 t_svalue; /* signed value */
typedef t_uint64 t_value; /* value */
#else /* 32b data */
typedef int32 t_svalue;
typedef uint32 t_value;
#endif /* end 64b data */
#if defined (USE_INT64) && defined (USE_ADDR64) /* 64b address */
typedef t_uint64 t_addr;
#define T_ADDR_W 64
#else /* 32b address */
typedef uint32 t_addr;
#define T_ADDR_W 32
#endif /* end 64b address */
/* System independent definitions */
#define FLIP_SIZE (1 << 16) /* flip buf size */
#if !defined (PATH_MAX) /* usually in limits */
#define PATH_MAX 512
#define CBUFSIZE (128 + PATH_MAX) /* string buf size */
/* Extended switch definitions (bits >= 26) */
#define SIM_SW_HIDE (1u << 26) /* enable hiding */
#define SIM_SW_REST (1u << 27) /* attach/restore */
#define SIM_SW_REG (1u << 28) /* register value */
#define SIM_SW_STOP (1u << 29) /* stop message */
/* Simulator status codes
0 ok
1 - (SCPE_BASE - 1) simulator specific
SCPE_BASE - n general
#define SCPE_OK 0 /* normal return */
#define SCPE_BASE 64 /* base for messages */
#define SCPE_NXM (SCPE_BASE + 0) /* nxm */
#define SCPE_UNATT (SCPE_BASE + 1) /* no file */
#define SCPE_IOERR (SCPE_BASE + 2) /* I/O error */
#define SCPE_CSUM (SCPE_BASE + 3) /* loader cksum */
#define SCPE_FMT (SCPE_BASE + 4) /* loader format */
#define SCPE_NOATT (SCPE_BASE + 5) /* not attachable */
#define SCPE_OPENERR (SCPE_BASE + 6) /* open error */
#define SCPE_MEM (SCPE_BASE + 7) /* alloc error */
#define SCPE_ARG (SCPE_BASE + 8) /* argument error */
#define SCPE_STEP (SCPE_BASE + 9) /* step expired */
#define SCPE_UNK (SCPE_BASE + 10) /* unknown command */
#define SCPE_RO (SCPE_BASE + 11) /* read only */
#define SCPE_INCOMP (SCPE_BASE + 12) /* incomplete */
#define SCPE_STOP (SCPE_BASE + 13) /* sim stopped */
#define SCPE_EXIT (SCPE_BASE + 14) /* sim exit */
#define SCPE_TTIERR (SCPE_BASE + 15) /* console tti err */
#define SCPE_TTOERR (SCPE_BASE + 16) /* console tto err */
#define SCPE_EOF (SCPE_BASE + 17) /* end of file */
#define SCPE_REL (SCPE_BASE + 18) /* relocation error */
#define SCPE_NOPARAM (SCPE_BASE + 19) /* no parameters */
#define SCPE_ALATT (SCPE_BASE + 20) /* already attached */
#define SCPE_TIMER (SCPE_BASE + 21) /* hwre timer err */
#define SCPE_SIGERR (SCPE_BASE + 22) /* signal err */
#define SCPE_TTYERR (SCPE_BASE + 23) /* tty setup err */
#define SCPE_SUB (SCPE_BASE + 24) /* subscript err */
#define SCPE_NOFNC (SCPE_BASE + 25) /* func not imp */
#define SCPE_UDIS (SCPE_BASE + 26) /* unit disabled */
#define SCPE_NORO (SCPE_BASE + 27) /* rd only not ok */
#define SCPE_INVSW (SCPE_BASE + 28) /* invalid switch */
#define SCPE_MISVAL (SCPE_BASE + 29) /* missing value */
#define SCPE_2FARG (SCPE_BASE + 30) /* too few arguments */
#define SCPE_2MARG (SCPE_BASE + 31) /* too many arguments */
#define SCPE_NXDEV (SCPE_BASE + 32) /* nx device */
#define SCPE_NXUN (SCPE_BASE + 33) /* nx unit */
#define SCPE_NXREG (SCPE_BASE + 34) /* nx register */
#define SCPE_NXPAR (SCPE_BASE + 35) /* nx parameter */
#define SCPE_NEST (SCPE_BASE + 36) /* nested DO */
#define SCPE_IERR (SCPE_BASE + 37) /* internal error */
#define SCPE_MTRLNT (SCPE_BASE + 38) /* tape rec lnt error */
#define SCPE_LOST (SCPE_BASE + 39) /* Telnet conn lost */
#define SCPE_TTMO (SCPE_BASE + 40) /* Telnet conn timeout */
#define SCPE_STALL (SCPE_BASE + 41) /* Telnet conn stall */
#define SCPE_AFAIL (SCPE_BASE + 42) /* assert failed */
#define SCPE_KFLAG 0010000 /* tti data flag */
#define SCPE_BREAK 0020000 /* tti break flag */
/* Print value format codes */
#define PV_RZRO 0 /* right, zero fill */
#define PV_RSPC 1 /* right, space fill */
#define PV_LEFT 2 /* left justify */
/* Default timing parameters */
#define KBD_POLL_WAIT 5000 /* keyboard poll */
#define SERIAL_IN_WAIT 100 /* serial in time */
#define SERIAL_OUT_WAIT 100 /* serial output */
#define NOQUEUE_WAIT 10000 /* min check time */
/* Convert switch letter to bit mask */
#define SWMASK(x) (1u << (((int) (x)) - ((int) 'A')))
/* String match */
#define MATCH_CMD(ptr,cmd) strncmp ((ptr), (cmd), strlen (ptr))
/* Device data structure */
struct sim_device {
char *name; /* name */
struct sim_unit *units; /* units */
struct sim_reg *registers; /* registers */
struct sim_mtab *modifiers; /* modifiers */
uint32 numunits; /* #units */
uint32 aradix; /* address radix */
uint32 awidth; /* address width */
uint32 aincr; /* addr increment */
uint32 dradix; /* data radix */
uint32 dwidth; /* data width */
t_stat (*examine)(t_value *v, t_addr a, struct sim_unit *up,
int32 sw); /* examine routine */
t_stat (*deposit)(t_value v, t_addr a, struct sim_unit *up,
int32 sw); /* deposit routine */
t_stat (*reset)(struct sim_device *dp);/* reset routine */
t_stat (*boot)(int32 u, struct sim_device *dp);
/* boot routine */
t_stat (*attach)(struct sim_unit *up, char *cp);
/* attach routine */
t_stat (*detach)(struct sim_unit *up); /* detach routine */
void *ctxt; /* context */
uint32 flags; /* flags */
uint32 dctrl; /* debug control */
struct sim_debtab *debflags; /* debug flags */
t_stat (*msize)(struct sim_unit *up, int32 v, char *cp, void *dp);
/* mem size routine */
char *lname; /* logical name */
/* Device flags */
#define DEV_V_DIS 0 /* dev disabled */
#define DEV_V_DISABLE 1 /* dev disable-able */
#define DEV_V_DYNM 2 /* mem size dynamic */
#define DEV_V_NET 3 /* network attach */
#define DEV_V_DEBUG 4 /* debug capability */
#define DEV_V_RAW 5 /* raw supported */
#define DEV_V_RAWONLY 6 /* only raw supported */
#define DEV_V_UF_31 12 /* user flags, V3.1 */
#define DEV_V_UF 16 /* user flags */
#define DEV_V_RSV 31 /* reserved */
#define DEV_DIS (1 << DEV_V_DIS)
#define DEV_DYNM (1 << DEV_V_DYNM)
#define DEV_NET (1 << DEV_V_NET)
#define DEV_DEBUG (1 << DEV_V_DEBUG)
#define DEV_RAW (1 << DEV_V_RAW)
#define DEV_UFMASK_31 (((1u << DEV_V_RSV) - 1) & ~((1u << DEV_V_UF_31) - 1))
#define DEV_UFMASK (((1u << DEV_V_RSV) - 1) & ~((1u << DEV_V_UF) - 1))
#define DEV_RFLAGS (DEV_UFMASK|DEV_DIS) /* restored flags */
/* Unit data structure
Parts of the unit structure are device specific, that is, they are
not referenced by the simulator control package and can be freely
used by device simulators. Fields starting with 'buf', and flags
starting with 'UF', are device specific. The definitions given here
are for a typical sequential device.
struct sim_unit {
struct sim_unit *next; /* next active */
t_stat (*action)(struct sim_unit *up); /* action routine */
char *filename; /* open file name */
FILE *fileref; /* file reference */
void *filebuf; /* memory buffer */
uint32 hwmark; /* high water mark */
int32 time; /* time out */
uint32 flags; /* flags */
t_addr capac; /* capacity */
t_addr pos; /* file position */
int32 buf; /* buffer */
int32 wait; /* wait */
int32 u3; /* device specific */
int32 u4; /* device specific */
int32 u5; /* device specific */
int32 u6; /* device specific */
/* Unit flags */
#define UNIT_V_UF_31 12 /* dev spec, V3.1 */
#define UNIT_V_UF 16 /* device specific */
#define UNIT_V_RSV 31 /* reserved!! */
#define UNIT_ATTABLE 000001 /* attachable */
#define UNIT_RO 000002 /* read only */
#define UNIT_FIX 000004 /* fixed capacity */
#define UNIT_SEQ 000010 /* sequential */
#define UNIT_ATT 000020 /* attached */
#define UNIT_BINK 000040 /* K = power of 2 */
#define UNIT_BUFABLE 000100 /* bufferable */
#define UNIT_MUSTBUF 000200 /* must buffer */
#define UNIT_BUF 000400 /* buffered */
#define UNIT_ROABLE 001000 /* read only ok */
#define UNIT_DISABLE 002000 /* disable-able */
#define UNIT_DIS 004000 /* disabled */
#define UNIT_RAW 010000 /* raw mode */
#define UNIT_UFMASK_31 (((1u << UNIT_V_RSV) - 1) & ~((1u << UNIT_V_UF_31) - 1))
#define UNIT_UFMASK (((1u << UNIT_V_RSV) - 1) & ~((1u << UNIT_V_UF) - 1))
#define UNIT_RFLAGS (UNIT_UFMASK|UNIT_DIS) /* restored flags */
/* Register data structure */
struct sim_reg {
char *name; /* name */
void *loc; /* location */
uint32 radix; /* radix */
uint32 width; /* width */
uint32 offset; /* starting bit */
uint32 depth; /* save depth */
uint32 flags; /* flags */
uint32 qptr; /* circ q ptr */
#define REG_FMT 0003 /* see PV_x */
#define REG_RO 0004 /* read only */
#define REG_HIDDEN 0010 /* hidden */
#define REG_NZ 0020 /* must be non-zero */
#define REG_UNIT 0040 /* in unit struct */
#define REG_CIRC 0100 /* circular array */
#define REG_VMIO 0200 /* use VM data print/parse */
#define REG_VMAD 0400 /* use VM addr print/parse */
#define REG_HRO (REG_RO | REG_HIDDEN) /* hidden, read only */
/* Command tables, base and alternate formats */
struct sim_ctab {
char *name; /* name */
t_stat (*action)(int32 flag, char *cptr);
/* action routine */
int32 arg; /* argument */
char *help; /* help string */
struct sim_c1tab {
char *name; /* name */
t_stat (*action)(struct sim_device *dptr, struct sim_unit *uptr,
int32 flag, char *cptr); /* action routine */
int32 arg; /* argument */
char *help; /* help string */
struct sim_shtab {
char *name; /* name */
t_stat (*action)(FILE *st, struct sim_device *dptr,
struct sim_unit *uptr, int32 flag, char *cptr);
int32 arg; /* argument */
char *help; /* help string */
/* Modifier table - only extended entries have disp, reg, or flags */
struct sim_mtab {
uint32 mask; /* mask */
uint32 match; /* match */
char *pstring; /* print string */
char *mstring; /* match string */
t_stat (*valid)(struct sim_unit *up, int32 v, char *cp, void *dp);
/* validation routine */
t_stat (*disp)(FILE *st, struct sim_unit *up, int32 v, void *dp);
/* display routine */
void *desc; /* value descriptor */
/* REG * if MTAB_VAL */
/* int * if not */
#define MTAB_XTD (1u << UNIT_V_RSV) /* ext entry flag */
#define MTAB_VDV 001 /* valid for dev */
#define MTAB_VUN 002 /* valid for unit */
#define MTAB_VAL 004 /* takes a value */
#define MTAB_NMO 010 /* only if named */
#define MTAB_NC 020 /* no UC conversion */
#define MTAB_SHP 040 /* show takes parameter */
/* Search table */
struct sim_schtab {
int32 logic; /* logical operator */
int32 boolop; /* boolean operator */
t_value mask; /* mask for logical */
t_value comp; /* comparison for boolean */
/* Breakpoint table */
struct sim_brktab {
t_addr addr; /* address */
int32 typ; /* mask of types */
int32 cnt; /* proceed count */
char *act; /* action string */
/* Debug table */
struct sim_debtab {
char *name; /* control name */
uint32 mask; /* control bit */
#define DEBUG_PRS(d) (sim_deb && d.dctrl)
#define DEBUG_PRD(d) (sim_deb && d->dctrl)
#define DEBUG_PRI(d,m) (sim_deb && (d.dctrl & (m)))
/* The following macros define structure contents */
#define UDATA(act,fl,cap) NULL,act,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,(fl),(cap),0,0
#if defined (__STDC__) || defined (_WIN32)
#define ORDATA(nm,loc,wd) #nm, &(loc), 8, (wd), 0, 1
#define DRDATA(nm,loc,wd) #nm, &(loc), 10, (wd), 0, 1
#define HRDATA(nm,loc,wd) #nm, &(loc), 16, (wd), 0, 1
#define FLDATA(nm,loc,pos) #nm, &(loc), 2, 1, (pos), 1
#define GRDATA(nm,loc,rdx,wd,pos) #nm, &(loc), (rdx), (wd), (pos), 1
#define BRDATA(nm,loc,rdx,wd,dep) #nm, (loc), (rdx), (wd), 0, (dep)
#define URDATA(nm,loc,rdx,wd,off,dep,fl) \
#nm, &(loc), (rdx), (wd), (off), (dep), ((fl) | REG_UNIT)
#define ORDATA(nm,loc,wd) "nm", &(loc), 8, (wd), 0, 1
#define DRDATA(nm,loc,wd) "nm", &(loc), 10, (wd), 0, 1
#define HRDATA(nm,loc,wd) "nm", &(loc), 16, (wd), 0, 1
#define FLDATA(nm,loc,pos) "nm", &(loc), 2, 1, (pos), 1
#define GRDATA(nm,loc,rdx,wd,pos) "nm", &(loc), (rdx), (wd), (pos), 1
#define BRDATA(nm,loc,rdx,wd,dep) "nm", (loc), (rdx), (wd), 0, (dep)
#define URDATA(nm,loc,rdx,wd,off,dep,fl) \
"nm", &(loc), (rdx), (wd), (off), (dep), ((fl) | REG_UNIT)
/* Typedefs for principal structures */
typedef struct sim_device DEVICE;
typedef struct sim_unit UNIT;
typedef struct sim_reg REG;
typedef struct sim_ctab CTAB;
typedef struct sim_c1tab C1TAB;
typedef struct sim_shtab SHTAB;
typedef struct sim_mtab MTAB;
typedef struct sim_schtab SCHTAB;
typedef struct sim_brktab BRKTAB;
typedef struct sim_debtab DEBTAB;
/* Function prototypes */
#include "scp.h"
#include "sim_console.h"
#include "sim_timer.h"
#include "sim_fio.h"