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To: Users
From: Bob Supnik
Subj: PDP-1 Simulator Usage
Date: 15-Nov-2004
The following copyright notice applies to both the SIMH source and binary:
Original code published in 1993-2005, written by Robert M Supnik
Copyright (c) 1993-2005, Robert M Supnik
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
Except as contained in this notice, the name of Robert M Supnik shall not be
used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings
in this Software without prior written authorization from Robert M Supnik.
This memorandum documents the PDP-1 simulator.
1. Simulator Files
sim/ scp.h
sim/pdp1/ pdp1_defs.h
2. PDP-1 Features
The PDP-1 is configured as follows:
device simulates
CPU PDP-1 CPU with up to 64KW of memory
PTR,PTP integral paper tape reader/punch
TTY console typewriter
LPT Type 62 line printer
DRM Type 24 serial drum
DRP Type 23 parallel drum
DT Type 550 Microtape (DECtape)
The PDP-1 simulator implements the following unique stop conditions:
- an unimplemented instruction is decoded, and register
STOP_INST is set
- more than IND_MAX indirect addresses are detected during
memory reference address decoding
- more than XCT_MAX nested executes are detected during
instruction execution
- I/O wait, and no I/O operations outstanding (i.e, no I/O
completion will ever occur)
- a simulated DECtape runs off the end of its reel
The PDP-1 loader supports RIM format tapes and BLK format tapes. If
the file to be loaded has an extension of .BIN, or switch -B is specified,
the file is assumed to be BLK format; otherwise, it defaults to RIM
format. LOAD takes an optional argument which specifies the starting
address of the field to be loaded:
LOAD lisp.rim -- load RIM format file lisp.rim
LOAD ddt.rim 70000 -- load RIM format file ddt.rim into
the field starting at 70000
LOAD -B macro.blk -- load BLK format file macro.blk
The DUMP command is not implemented.
2.1 CPU
The only CPU options are the presence of hardware multiply/divide and the
size of main memory.
SET CPU MDV enable multiply/divide
SET CPU NOMDV disable multiply/divide
SET CPU 4K set memory size = 4K
SET CPU 8K set memory size = 8K
SET CPU 12K set memory size = 12K
SET CPU 16K set memory size = 16K
SET CPU 20K set memory size = 20K
SET CPU 24K set memory size = 24K
SET CPU 28K set memory size = 28K
SET CPU 32K set memory size = 32K
SET CPU 48K set memory size = 48K
SET CPU 64K set memory size = 64K
If memory size is being reduced, and the memory being truncated contains
non-zero data, the simulator asks for confirmation. Data in the truncated
portion of memory is lost. Initial memory size is 64K.
CPU registers include the visible state of the processor as well as the
control registers for the interrupt system.
name size comments
PC 16 program counter
AC 18 accumulator
IO 18 IO register
OV 1 overflow flag
PF 6 program flags<1:6>
SS 6 sense switches<1:6>
TA 16 address switches
TW 18 test word (front panel switches)
EXTM 1 extend mode
IOSTA 18 IO status register
SBON 1 sequence break enable
SBRQ 1 sequence break request
SBIP 1 sequence break in progress
IOH 1 I/O halt in progress
IOS 1 I/O synchronizer (completion)
PCQ[0:63] 16 PC prior to last jump or interrupt;
most recent PC change first
STOP_INST 1 stop on undefined instruction
SBS_INIT 1 initial state of sequence break enable
EXTM_INIT 1 initial state of extend mode
XCT_MAX 8 maximum XCT chain
IND_MAX 8 maximum nested indirect addresses
WRU 8 interrupt character
The CPU can maintain a history of the most recently executed instructions.
This is controlled by the SET CPU HISTORY and SHOW CPU HISTORY commands:
SET CPU HISTORY clear history buffer
SET CPU HISTORY=0 disable history
SET CPU HISTORY=n enable history, length = n
SHOW CPU HISTORY print CPU history
SHOW CPU HISTORY=n print first n entries of CPU history
The maximum length for the history is 65536 entries.
2.2 Programmed I/O Devices
2.2.1 Paper Tape Reader (PTR)
The paper tape reader (PTR) reads data from or a disk file. The POS
register specifies the number of the next data item to be read. Thus,
by changing POS, the user can backspace or advance the reader.
The paper tape reader supports the BOOT command. BOOT PTR copies the
RIM loader into memory and starts it running. BOOT PTR loads into the
field selected by TA<0:3> (the high order four bits of the address
The paper tape reader implements these registers:
name size comments
BUF 8 last data item processed
DONE 1 device done flag
RPLS 1 return restart pulse flag
POS 32 position in the input file
TIME 24 time from I/O initiation to interrupt
STOP_IOE 1 stop on I/O error
Error handling is as follows:
error STOP_IOE processed as
not attached 1 report error and stop
0 out of tape
end of file 1 report error and stop
0 out of tape
OS I/O error x report error and stop
2.2.2 Paper Tape Punch (PTP)
The paper tape punch (PTP) writes data to a disk file. The POS
register specifies the number of the next data item to be written.
Thus, by changing POS, the user can backspace or advance the punch.
The paper tape punch implements these registers:
name size comments
BUF 8 last data item processed
DONE 1 device done flag
RPLS 1 return restart pulse flag
POS 32 position in the output file
TIME 24 time from I/O initiation to interrupt
STOP_IOE 1 stop on I/O error
Error handling is as follows:
error STOP_IOE processed as
not attached 1 report error and stop
0 out of tape
OS I/O error x report error and stop
2.2.3 Console Typewriter (TTY)
The Typewriter is a half-duplex electric typewriter (originally a
Friden Flexowriter, later a Sorobon-modified IBM B). It has only a
single buffer and a single carriage state but distinct input and
output done and interrupt flags. The typewriter input (TTY unit 0)
polls the console keyboard for input. The typewriter output (TTY
unit 1) writes to the simulator console window.
The typewriter implements these registers:
name size comments
BUF 6 typewriter buffer
UC 1 upper case/lower case state flag
RPLS 1 return restart pulse flag
KDONE 1 input ready flag
KPOS 32 number of characters input
KTIME 24 keyboard polling interval
TDONE 1 output done flag
TPOS 32 number of characters output
TTIME 24 time from I/O initiation to interrupt
2.2.4 Type 62 Line Printer (LPT)
The paper line printer (LPT) writes data to a disk file. The POS
register specifies the number of the next data item to be written.
Thus, by changing POS, the user can backspace or advance the printer.
The line printer can be disabled and enabled with the SET LPT DISABLED
and SET LPT ENABLED commands, respectively.
The line printer implements these registers:
name size comments
BUF 8 last data item processed
PNT 1 printing done flag
SPC 1 spacing done flag
RPLS 1 return restart pulse flag
BPTR 6 print buffer pointer
POS 32 position in the output file
TIME 24 time from I/O initiation to interrupt
STOP_IOE 1 stop on I/O error
LBUF[0:119] 8 line buffer
Error handling is as follows:
error STOP_IOE processed as
not attached 1 report error and stop
0 out of tape or paper
OS I/O error x report error and stop
2.3 Type 550/555 Microtape (DECtape) (DT)
The PDP-1 uses the Type 550 Microtape (later renamed DECtape), a programmed
I/O controller. PDP-1 DECtape format has 4 18b words in its block headers
and trailers.
DECtapes drives are numbered 1-8; in the simulator, drive 8 is unit 0.
DECtape options include the ability to make units write enabled or write
SET DTn WRITEENABLED set unit n write enabled
SET DTn LOCKED set unit n write locked
Units can also be set ENABLED or DISABLED.
The DECtape controller can be disabled and enabled with the SET DT DISABLED
and SET DT ENABLED commands, respectively.
The Type 550 supports PDP-8 format, PDP-11 format, and 18b format DECtape
images. ATTACH tries to determine the tape format from the DECtape image;
the user can force a particular format with switches:
-r PDP-8 format
-s PDP-11 format
-t 18b format
The DECtape controller is a data-only simulator; the timing and mark
track, and block header and trailer, are not stored. Thus, the WRITE
TIMING AND MARK TRACK function is not supported; the READ ALL function
always returns the hardware standard block header and trailer; and the
WRITE ALL function dumps non-data words into the bit bucket.
The DECtape controller implements these registers:
name size comments
DTSA 12 status register A
DTSB 12 status register B
DTDB 18 data buffer
DTF 1 DECtape flag
BEF 1 block end flag
ERF 1 error flag
LTIME 31 time between lines
DCTIME 31 time to decelerate to a full stop
SUBSTATE 2 read/write command substate
POS[0:7] 32 position, in lines, units 0-7
STATT[0:7] 18 unit state, units 0-7
STOP_OFFR 1 stop on off-reel error
It is critically important to maintain certain timing relationships
among the DECtape parameters, or the DECtape simulator will fail to
operate correctly.
- LTIME must be at least 6
- DCTIME needs to be at least 100 times LTIME
Acceleration time is set to 75% of deceleration time.
2.4 Drums
The PDP-1 supported two drums: the Type 23 parallel drum (DRP) and
the Type 24 serial drum (DRM). Both use device addresses 061-064;
accordingly, only one can be enabled at a time. By default, the
Type 24 serial drum is enabled, and the Type 23 parallel drum is
2.4.1 Type 24 Serial Drum (DRM)
The serial drum (DRM) implements these registers:
name size comments
DA 9 drum address (sector number)
MA 16 current memory address
DONE 1 device done flag
ERR 1 error flag
WLK 32 write lock switches
TIME 24 rotational latency, per word
STOP_IOE 1 stop on I/O error
Error handling is as follows:
error STOP_IOE processed as
not attached 1 report error and stop
0 disk not ready
Drum data files are buffered in memory; therefore, end of file and OS
I/O errors cannot occur.
2.4.2 Type 23 Parallel Drum (DRP)
The parallel drum (DRP) implements these registers:
name size comments
TA 12 track address
RDF 5 read field
RDE 1 read enable flag
WRF 5 write field
WRF 1 write enable flag
MA 16 current memory address
WC 12 word count
BUSY 1 device busy flag
ERR 1 error flag
TIME 24 rotational latency, per word
STOP_IOE 1 stop on I/O error
Error handling is as follows:
error STOP_IOE processed as
not attached 1 report error and stop
0 disk not ready
Drum data files are buffered in memory; therefore, end of file and OS
I/O errors cannot occur.
2.5 Symbolic Display and Input
The PDP-1 simulator implements symbolic display and input. Display is
controlled by command line switches:
-a display as ASCII character
-c display as FIODEC character string
-m display instruction mnemonics
Input parsing is controlled by the first character typed in or by command
line switches:
' or -a ASCII character
" or -c three character FIODEC string
alphabetic instruction mnemonic
numeric octal number
Instruction input uses modified PDP-1 assembler syntax. There are six
instruction classes: memory reference, shift, skip, operate, IOT, and
Memory reference instructions have the format
memref {I} address
where I signifies indirect reference. The address is an octal number in
the range 0 - 0177777.
Shift instructions have the format
shift shift_count
The shift count is an octal number in the range 0-9.
Skip instructions consist of single mnemonics, eg, SZA, SZS4. Skip
instructions may be or'd together
skip skip skip...
The sense of a skip can be inverted by including the mnemonic I.
Operate instructions consist of single mnemonics, eg, CLA, CLI. Operate
instructions may be or'd together
opr opr opr...
IOT instructions consist of single mnemonics, eg, TYI, TYO. IOT
instructions may include an octal numeric modifier or the modifier I:
iot modifier
The simulator does not check the legality of skip, operate, or IOT
Finally, the LAW instruction has the format
LAW {I} immediate
where immediate is in the range 0 to 07777.
2.6 Character Sets
The PDP-1's first console was a Frieden Flexowriter; its character encoding
was known as FIODEC. The PDP-1's line printer used a modified Hollerith
character set. The following table provides equivalences between ASCII
characters and the PDP-1's I/O devices. In the console table, UC stands
for upper case.
ASCII console line printer
000 - 007 none none
bs 075 none
tab 036 none
012 - 014 none none
cr 077 none
016 - 037 none none
space 000 000
! {OR} UC+005 none
" UC+001 none
# {IMPLIES} UC+004 none
$ none none
% none none
& {AND} UC+006 none
' UC+002 none
( 057 057
) 055 055
* {TIMES} UC+073 072
+ UC+054 074
, 033 033
- 054 054
. 073 073
/ 021 021
0 020 020
1 001 001
2 002 002
3 003 003
4 004 004
5 005 005
6 006 006
7 007 007
8 010 010
9 011 011
: none none
; none none
< UC+007 034
= UC+033 053
> UC+010 034
? UC+021 037
@ {MID DOT} 040 {MID DOT} 040
A UC+061 061
B UC+062 062
C UC+063 063
D UC+064 064
E UC+065 065
F UC+066 066
G UC+067 067
H UC+070 070
I UC+071 071
J UC+041 041
K UC+042 042
L UC+043 043
M UC+044 044
N UC+045 045
O UC+046 046
P UC+047 047
Q UC+050 050
R UC+051 051
S UC+022 022
T UC+023 023
U UC+024 024
V UC+025 025
W UC+026 026
X UC+027 027
Y UC+030 030
Z UC+031 031
[ UC+057 none
] UC+055 none
^ {UP ARROW} UC+011 {UP ARROW} 035
_ UC+040 UC+040
` {RT ARROW} UC+020 036
a 061 none
b 062 none
c 063 none
d 064 none
e 065 none
f 066 none
g 067 none
h 070 none
i 071 none
j 041 none
k 042 none
l 043 none
m 044 none
n 045 none
o 046 none
p 047 none
q 050 none
r 051 none
s 022 none
t 023 none
u 024 none
v 025 none
w 026 none
x 027 none
y 030 none
z 031 none
{ none none
| UC+056 076
} none none
~ UC+003 013
del 075 none