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To: Users
From: Bob Supnik
Subj: HP2100 Simulator Usage
Date: 01-Jul-2005
The following copyright notice applies to both the SIMH source and binary:
Original code published in 1993-2005, written by Robert M Supnik
Copyright (c) 1993-2005, Robert M Supnik
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
Except as contained in this notice, the name of Robert M Supnik shall not
be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings
in this Software without prior written authorization from Robert M Supnik.
This memorandum documents the HP 2100 simulator.
1. Simulator Files
sim/ scp.h
sim/hp2100/ hp2100_cpu.h
2. HP2100 Features
The HP2100 simulator is configured as follows:
device simulates
CPU 2116 CPU with up to 32KW of memory
2100 CPU with up to 32KW of memory
21MX-M or -E CPU with up to 1024KW of memory
EAU, FP, FFP, IOP, and/or DMS microcode extensions
MP 12892B memory protect
DMA0, DMA1 12895A/12897B direct memory access/dual channel port controller
PTR 12597A duplex register interface with 2748 paper tape reader
PTP 12597A duplex register interface with 2895 paper tape punch
TTY 12531C buffered teleprinter interface with 2752 teleprinter
LPS 12653A printer controller with 2767 line printer
12566B microcircuit interface with loopback connector
LPT 12845B printer controller with 2607 line printer
CLK 12539C time base generator
MUX,MUXL,MUXM 12920A terminal multiplexor
DP 12557A disk controller with four 2871 drives
13210A disk controller with four 7900 drives
DQ 12565A disk controller with two 2883 drives
DR 12606B fixed head disk controller with 2770/2771 disk
12610B drum controller with 2773/2774/2775 drum
DS 13037 disk controller with eight 7905/7906/7920/7925 drives
MT 12559C magnetic tape controller with one 3030 drive
MS 13181A magnetic tape controller with four 7970B drives
13183A magnetic tape controller with four 7970E drives
IPLI 12566B interprocessor link, input side
IPLO 12566B interprocessor link, output side
The HP2100 simulator implements several unique stop conditions:
- decode of an undefined instruction, and STOP_INST is set
- reference to an undefined I/O device, and STOP_DEV is set
- more than INDMAX indirect references are detected during
memory reference address decoding
The HP2100 LOAD command supports standard absolute binary format. The DUMP
command is not implemented.
2.1 CPU
CPU options include choice of model, memory size, and instruction sets.
Several microcode options are simulated:
EAU Extended Arithmetic Unit
FP Single-Precision Floating Point
FFP Fast FORTRAN Processor
IOP 2000/Access I/O Processor
DMS Dynamic Mapping System
The general command form is:
SET {-F} CPU <option>
Options that may be specified are:
SET CPU 2116 2116 CPU
SET CPU 2100 2100 CPU
SET CPU 21MX-M 21MX M-series CPU
SET CPU 21MX-E 21MX E-series CPU
SET CPU EAU EAU instructions (2116 only)
SET CPU NOEAU no EAU instructions (2116 only)
SET CPU FP FP instructions (2100 only)
SET CPU NOFP no FP instructions (2100 only)
SET CPU IOP IOP instructions (2100, 21MX only)
SET CPU NOIOP no IOP instructions (2100, 21MX only)
SET CPU FFP FFP instructions (2100, 21MX only)
SET CPU NOFFP no FFP instructions (2100, 21MX only)
SET CPU DMS DMS instructions (21MX only)
SET CPU NODMS no DMS instructions (21MX only)
SET CPU 4K set memory size = 4K
SET CPU 8K set memory size = 8K
SET CPU 16K set memory size = 16K
SET CPU 32K set memory size = 32K
SET CPU 64K set memory size = 64K (21MX only)
SET CPU 128K set memory size = 128K (21MX only)
SET CPU 256K set memory size = 256K (21MX only)
SET CPU 512K set memory size = 512K (21MX only)
SET CPU 1024K set memory size = 1024K (21MX only)
On the 2100, EAU is standard, and the FP or FFP and IOP options are mutually
exclusive. On the 21MX, EAU and FP are standard. The DMS, FFP, and IOP
instructions are optional. The 21MX-E supports the TIMER instruction; on
the 21MX-M, this instruction decodes as MPY.
Setting the CPU type to 2116, 2100, or 21MX establishes a consistent set
of common options. Additional SET CPU commands may follow to fine-tune
the desired feature set.
The initial memory size is 32K. Memory sizes larger than 32K are
supported only on the 21MX. If the memory size is being reduced, either
by setting a smaller size or by changing the CPU model from 21MX to 2116
or 2100 when the current memory size is more than 32K, and the memory
being truncated contains non-zero data, the simulator asks for
confirmation before proceeding. The confirmation request may be
suppressed by using the "-F" switch. Data in the truncated portion of
memory is lost.
These switches are recognized when examining or depositing in CPU memory:
-v if DMS enabled, interpret address as virtual
-s if DMS enabled, force system map
-u if DMS enabled, force user map
-p if DMS enabled, force port A map
-q if DMS enabled, force port B map
The CPU implements four different kinds of instruction breakpoints:
-e break unconditionally
-n break if DMS is disabled
-s break if DMS enabled and system map
-u break if DMS enabled and user map
CPU registers include the visible state of the processor as well as the
control registers for the interrupt system.
name models size comments
P all 15 program counter
A all 16 A register
B all 16 B register
M all 15 M (memory address) register
T all 16 T (memory data) register
X 21MX 16 X index register
Y 21MX 16 Y index register
S all 16 switch/display register
E all 1 extend flag
O all 1 overflow flag
ION all 1 interrupt enable flag
ION_DEFER all 1 interrupt defer flag
CIR all 6 central interrupt register
DMSENB 21MX 1 DMS enable
DMSCUR 21MX 1 DMS current map (1 = user map)
DMSSR 21MX 16 DMS status register
DMSVR 21MX 16 DMS violation register
DMSMAP[128] 21MX 16 DMS maps
[0:31] system map
[32:63] user map
[64:95] port A map
[96:127] port B map
STOP_INST all 1 stop on undefined instruction
STOP_DEV all 1 stop on undefined device
INDMAX all 16 indirect address limit
PCQ[0:63] all 15 P of last JMP, JSB, or interrupt;
most recent P change first
BOOT CPU implements the 21MX IBL facility. IBL is controlled by the switch
register S. S<15:14> selects the device to boot:
00 2748B paper-tape reader (12992K ROM)
01 7900A/2883 disk (12992A ROM)
10 7970B/E tape (12992D ROM)
11 undefined
For the 7900A/2883 only, S<13:12> specify the type of disk:
00 7900A
10 2883
S<11:6> contains the device address. If the device has two addresses, S<11:6>
specifies the lower address. S<5:3> are passed to the bootstrap program.
S<2:0> specify options for the boot loader. IBL will not report an error if
the device address in S<11:6> is incorrect.
2.2 Memory Protect
Memory protect is standard equipment on the 2100 (although it may be
disabled by removing a jumper) and optional on the 2116 and 21MX. The
following registers are implemented:
name size comments
CTL 1 memory protection enable
FLG 1 protection violation flag
FBF 1 protection violation flag buffer
FR 15 fence register
VR 16 violation register
EVR 1 enable violation register flag
MEV 1 memory expansion (DMS) violation flag
The 21MX memory protect card (12892B) has three feature options that
are implemented by jumper settings. These are controlled by the
following commands:
SET MP JSBIN jumper W5 installed
SET MP JSBOUT jumper W5 removed
SET MP INTIN jumper W6 installed
SET MP INTOUT jumper W6 removed
SET MP SEL1IN jumper W7 installed
SET MP SEL1OUT jumper W7 removed
W5 determines whether JSB instructions referencing memory locations 0
and 1 are legal (installed) or illegal (removed). W6 controls whether
the first three levels of indirect addressing hold off (installed) or
permit (removed) pending interrupts. W7 determines whether I/O
instructions referencing select codes other than 1 are legal (installed)
or illegal (removed); note that I/O instructions referencing select code
1 are legal, and HLT instructions are illegal, regardless of the setting
of W7.
The default configuration is JSB (W5) installed, INT (W6) installed, and
SEL1 (W7) removed, providing compatibility with the 2116 and 2100 memory
protect cards.
2.3 DMA/DCPC Controllers
The direct memory access/dual channel port controller is an option for
all three CPUs. DMA/DCPC provides two channel controllers (DMA0 and
DMA1). Each DMA channel has the following visible state:
name size comments
CMD 1 channel enabled
CTL 1 interrupt enabled
FLG 1 channel ready
FBF 1 channel ready buffer
CTLALT 1 command word 2/3 selector
CW1 16 command word 1
CW2 16 command word 2
CW3 16 command word 3
2.4 Variable Device Assignments
On the HP2100, I/O device take their device numbers from the backplane
slot they are plugged into. Thus, device number assignments vary
considerably from system to system, and software package to software
package. The HP2100 simulator supports dynamic device number assignment.
To show the current device number, use the SHOW <dev> DEVNO command:
To change the device number, use the SET <dev> DEVNO=<num> command:
sim> SET PTR DEV=30
The new device number must be in the range 010..077 (octal). For devices
with two device numbers, only the lower numbered device number can be
changed; the higher is automatically set to the lower + 1. If a
device number conflict occurs, the simulator will return an error
when started.
2.4.1 Device State
All devices other than the CPU and TTY may be disabled or enabled.
Disabling a device simulates removing the associated interface from the
CPU card cage. To disable or enable a device, use:
SET <dev> DISABLED disable device
SET <dev> ENABLED enable device
For devices with more than one device number, disabling or enabling any
device in the set disables or enables all of the devices.
Devices consisting of multiple addressible units connected to a controller
typically allow the units to be individually enabled or disabled. Disabled
simulates disconnecting the associated unit from the controller. The
commands to set units enabled and disabled are:
SET <unit> DISABLED disable unit
SET <unit> ENABLED enable unit
Some devices and units allow simulation of power-down conditions. Power
settings are controlled by these commands:
SET <dev> POWEROFF turn power off
SET <dev> POWERON turn power on
Peripherals that provide operator-selectable disconnection, typically via an
"offline" switch, provide these simulation equivalents:
SET <dev> OFFLINE set peripheral offline
SET <dev> ONLINE set peripheral online
2.5 Programmed I/O Devices
2.5.1 12597A-002 Duplex Register Interface (PTR) with 2748 Paper Tape Reader
The paper tape reader (PTR) reads data from a disk file. For diagnostic
purposes, a tape loop may be simulated with the commands:
SET PTR DIAG rewind tape at EOF
SET PTR READER supply tape trailer at EOF
The paper tape reader supports the BOOT command. BOOT PTR copies the
IBL into memory and starts it running. The switch register (S) is
set automatically to the value expected by the IBL loader:
<15:12> = 0000
<11:6> = device code
<5:3> = unchanged
<2:0> = 000
The paper tape reader implements these registers:
name size comments
BUF 8 last data item processed
CMD 1 reader enable
CTL 1 device/interrupt enable
FLG 1 device ready
FBF 1 device ready buffer
SRQ 1 device DMA service request
TRLLIM 8 number of trailing nulls to append
after end-of-file is detected
POS 32 position in the input file
TIME 24 time from I/O initiation to interrupt
STOP_IOE 1 stop on I/O error
The TRLLIM register specifies the number of nulls to supply as paper
tape trailer when EOF is detected. If TRLLIM is set to zero or the
count is exhausted, the reader will hang.
The POS register specifies the number of the next data item to be read.
Thus, by changing POS, the user can backspace or advance the reader.
Error handling is as follows:
error STOP_IOE processed as
not attached 1 report error and stop
0 out of tape
end of file 1 report error and stop
0 out of tape
OS I/O error x report error and stop
2.5.2 12597A-005 Duplex Register Interface (PTP) with 2895 Paper Tape Punch
The paper tape punch (PTP) writes data to a disk file. The POS
register specifies the number of the next data item to be written.
Thus, by changing POS, the user can backspace or advance the punch.
The paper tape punch implements these registers:
name size comments
BUF 8 last data item processed
CMD 1 punch enable
CTL 1 device/interrupt enable
FLG 1 device ready
FBF 1 device ready buffer
SRQ 1 device DMA service request
POS 32 position in the output file
TIME 24 time from I/O initiation to interrupt
STOP_IOE 1 stop on I/O error
Error handling is as follows:
error STOP_IOE processed as
not attached 1 report error and stop
0 out of tape
OS I/O error x report error and stop
2.5.3 12531C Buffered Teleprinter Interface (TTY) with 2752 Teleprinter
The console teleprinter has three units: keyboard (unit 0), printer
(unit 1), and punch (unit 2). The keyboard reads from the console
keyboard; the printer writes to the simulator console window. The punch
writes to a disk file. The keyboard and printer units (TTY0, TTY1) can
be set to one of three modes: UC, 7B, or 8B. In UC mode, lower case
input and output characters are automatically converted to upper case.
In 7B mode, input and output characters are masked to 7 bits. In 8B
mode, characters are not modified. In UC and 7B mode, output of control
characters other than BEL, BS, HT, LF, and CR is suppressed; in 8B mode,
output of all characters is permitted. Changing the mode of either the
keyboard or the printer changes both. The default mode is UC.
Some HP software systems expect the console to transmit line-feed
automatically following carriage-return. This feature is enabled with:
and disabled with:
The console teleprinter implements these registers:
name size comments
BUF 8 last data item processed
MODE 16 mode
CTL 1 device/interrupt enable
FLG 1 device ready
FBF 1 device ready buffer
SRQ 1 device DMA service request
KPOS 32 number of characters input
KTIME 24 keyboard polling interval
TPOS 32 number of characters printed
TTIME 24 time from I/O initiation to interrupt
PPOS 32 position in the punch output file
STOP_IOE 1 punch stop on I/O error
Error handling for the punch is as follows:
error STOP_IOE processed as
not attached 1 report error and stop
0 out of tape
OS I/O error x report error and stop
2.5.4 12653A Printer Controller (LPS) with 2767 Line Printer
12566B Microcircuit Interface with Loopback Connector
The 2767 line printer uses the 12653A line printer interface as
its controller. As a line printer, LPS writes data to a disk file.
The POS register specifies the number of the next data item to be
written. Thus, by changing POS, the user can backspace or advance
the printer.
The line printer responds to SET LPS POWEROFF as if the power were removed
or the printer cable were disconnected and DETACH LPS as if the paper were
out. It also provides these additional state commands:
SET LPS OFFLINE simulate ONLINE button up
SET LPS ONLINE simulate ONLINE button down
SET LPS REALTIME use realistic timing for print operations
SET LPS FASTTIME use optimized timing for print operations
As a 12566B microcircuit interface, LPS provides the test device for
running several of the HP diagnostics. Printer mode verus diagnostic
mode is controlled by the commands:
SET LPS PRINTER configure as line printer
SET LPS DIAG configure for diagnostic tests
In diagnostic mode, LPS simulates the installation of the HP 1251-0332
diagnostic test (loopback) connector onto the 12566B card.
LPS may be configured to send debugging information to the previously
enabled debug output device using these commands:
SET LPS DEBUG provide debug printouts
SET LPS NODEBUG inhibit debug printouts
Diagnostic information includes characters supplied to and status received
from the interface, as well as data transfer initiations and completions.
The 12653A is disabled by default.
The 12653A implements these registers:
name size comments
BUF 16 output buffer
STA 16 input buffer or status
POWER 2 printer power state
CMD 1 printer enable
CTL 1 device/interrupt enable
FLG 1 device ready
FBF 1 device ready buffer
SRQ 1 device DMA service request
CCNT 7 current character count
LCNT 7 current line count
POS 32 position in the output file
CTIME 24 character transfer time
PTIME 24 per-zone print operation time
STIME 24 per-line paper slew time
RTIME 24 power-on ready delay time
STOP_IOE 1 stop on I/O error
In printer mode, error handling is as follows:
error STOP_IOE processed as
not attached 1 report error and stop
0 out of paper
SET POWEROFF 1 report error and stop
0 powered off
SET OFFLINE 1 report error and stop
0 offline
OS I/O error x report error and stop
With STOP_IOE set to 0, output performed when the device is powered off
or offline will initiate but then hang, waiting for the device to be
returned online. When it is, the output operation will complete.
In diagnostic mode, there are no errors; data sent to the output
buffer is looped back to the status register with a fixed delay of 1.
2.5.5 12845B Printer Controller (LPT) with 2607 Line Printer
The line printer (LPT) writes data to a disk file. The POS register
specifies the number of the next data item to be written. Thus,
by changing POS, the user can backspace or advance the printer.
The line printer responds to SET LPT POWEROFF as if the power were
removed or the printer cable were disconnected and DETACH LPT as if the
paper were out. It also provides these additional state commands:
SET LPT OFFLINE simulate PAPER button up
SET LPT ONLINE simulate PAPER button down
The line printer implements these registers:
name size comments
BUF 8 last data item processed
CMD 1 printer enable
CTL 1 device/interrupt enable
FLG 1 device ready
FBF 1 device ready buffer
SRQ 1 device DMA service request
LCNT 7 line count within page
POS 32 position in the output file
CTIME 24 time between characters
PTIME 24 time for a print operation
STOP_IOE 1 stop on I/O error
Error handling is as follows:
error STOP_IOE processed as
not attached 1 report error and stop
0 out of paper
SET POWEROFF 1 report error and stop
0 powered off
SET OFFLINE 1 report error and stop
0 offline
OS I/O error x report error and stop
With STOP_IOE set to 0, output performed when the device is powered off
or offline will initiate but then hang, waiting for the device to be
returned online. When it is, the output operation will complete.
2.5.6 12539C Time Base Generator (CLK)
The time base generator (CLK) may be set for diagnostic mode:
SET CLK DIAG configure for diagnostic mode
SET CLK CALIBRATED configure for timing mode
Diagnostic mode corresponds to setting jumper W2 to position "B". This
turns off autocalibration and divides the longest time intervals down by
The time base generator implements these registers:
name size comments
SEL 3 time base select
CTR 14 repeat counter for < 1Hz operation
CTL 1 device/interrupt enable
FLG 1 device ready
FBF 1 device ready buffer
ERR 1 error flag
TIME[0:7] 31 clock intervals, select = 0..7
DEVNO 6 current device number (read only)
The time base generator autocalibrates; the clock interval is adjusted
up or down so that the clock tracks actual elapsed time. Operation at
the fastest rates (100 usec, 1 msec) is not recommended.
2.5.7 12920A Terminal Multiplexor (MUX, MUXL, MUXM)
The 12920A is a 16-line terminal multiplexor, with five additional
receive-only diagnostic lines. It consists of three devices:
MUX scanning logic (corresponding more or less
to the upper data card)
MUXL individual lines (corresponding more or
less to the lower data card)
MUXM modem control and status logic (corresponding
to the control card)
The MUX performs input and output through Telnet sessions connected to a
user-specified port. The ATTACH command to the scanning logic specifies
the port to be used:
ATTACH MUX <port> set up listening port
where port is a decimal number between 1 and 65535 that is not being used
for other TCP/IP activities.
Each line (each unit of MUXL) can be set to one of three modes: UC, 7B,
or 8B. In UC mode, lower case input and output characters are converted
automatically to upper case. In 7B mode, input and output characters
are masked to 7 bits. In 8B mode, characters are not modified. The
default mode is UC. In addition, each line supports the DATASET option.
DATASET, when set, enables modem control. The default settings are UC
mode and DATASET disabled. Finally, each line supports output logging.
The SET MUXLn LOG command enables logging on a line:
SET MUXLn LOG=filename log output of line n to filename
The SET MUXLn NOLOG command disables logging and closes the open log
file, if any.
The modem controls model a simplified Bell 103A dataset with just four
lines: data terminal ready and request to send from the computer to the
data set, and carrier detect and data set ready from the data set to
the computer. There is no ring detection. If data terminal ready is
set when a Telnet connection starts up, then carrier detect and data
set ready are also set. The connection is established whether data
terminal ready is set or not.
Once MUX is attached and the simulator is running, the multiplexor listens
for connections on the specified port. It assumes that the incoming
connections are Telnet connections. The connections remain open until
disconnected either by the Telnet client, a SET MUXL DISCONNECT command,
or a DETACH MUX command.
The SHOW MUX CONNECTIONS command displays the current connections to the
extra terminals. The SHOW MUX STATISTICS command displays statistics for
active connections. The SET MUXLn DISCONNECT command disconnects line n.
The scanner (MUX) implements these registers:
name size comments
IBUF 16 input buffer, holds line status
OBUF 16 output buffer, holds channel select
The lines (MUXL) implements these registers:
name size comments
CTL 1 device/interrupt enable
FLG 1 device ready
FBF 1 device ready buffer
SRQ 1 device DMA service request
STA[0:20] 16 line status, lines 0-20
RPAR[0:20] 16 receive parameters, lines 0-20
XPAR[0:15] 16 transmit parameters, lines 0-15
RBUF[0:20] 8 receive buffer, lines 0-20
XBUF[0:15] 8 transmit buffer, lines 0-15
RCHP[0:20] 1 receive character present, lines 0-20
XDON[0:15] 1 transmit done, lines 0-15
TIME[0:15] 24 transmit time, lines 0-15
The modem control (MUXM) implements these registers:
name size comments
CTL 1 device/interrupt enable
FLG 1 device ready
FBF 1 device ready buffer
SRQ 1 device DMA service request
SCAN 1 scan enabled
CHAN 4 current line
DSO[0:15] 6 C2,C1,ES2,ES1,SS2,SS1, lines 0-15
DSI[0:15] 2 S2,S1, lines 0-15
The terminal multiplexor does not support save and restore. All open
connections are lost when the simulator shuts down or MUX is detached.
2.5.8 Interprocessor Link (IPLI, IPLO)
The interprocessor link is a pair of 12566B parallel interfaces that
are cross coupled to provide interprocessor communications to a second
copy of the HP2100 simulator. The IPL is intended to support simulation
of a two system HP TimeShared Basic configuration. The links are actually
bidirectional half-duplex; TimeShared Basic uses them unidirectionally.
The IPL is disabled by default.
To operate, the IPL devices must be enabled and then connected to the IPL
devices in another copy of the simulator. The IPLI device in the first
simulator is connected to the IPLO device in the second, and vice versa.
Connections are established with the ATTACH command. One copy of the
simulator listens for connections on a specified port (ATTACH -L); the
other establishes connections to an IP address and port (ATTACH -C).
Either copy may perform either operation, but the operations must be
done in matched pairs:
simulator #1 simulator #2
sim> set ipli ena sim> set ipli ena
(also enables iplo) (also enables iplo)
sim> att -lw ipli 4000
Listening on port 4000
Waiting for connection
sim> att -c iplo 4000
Connection established Connected to port 4000
sim> att -lw iplo 4000
Listening on port 4001
Waiting for connection
sim> att -c ipli 4001
Connection established Connected to port 4000
Both forms of ATTACH take a modifier -W (wait); if specified, the command
will wait up to 30 seconds for the connection process to complete. ATTACH
-C can specify both an IP address and a port, in the form;
if the IP address is omitted, it defaults to (local system).
Both IPLI and IPLO implement the BOOT command. BOOT loads the HP Access
Basic Block Loader for the IOP into the top 64 words of memory and starts
it running.
Both IPLI and IPLO implement these registers:
name size comments
BUF 16 buffer
HOLD 8 holding buffer
CMD 1 device enable
CTL 1 device/interrupt enable
FLG 1 device ready
FBF 1 device ready buffer
SRQ 1 device DMA service request
TIME 24 polling interval for input
STOP_IOE 1 stop on I/O error
2.6 Disk Controllers
2.6.1 12557A Disk Controller (DPC, DPD) with Four 2781 Drives
13210A Disk Controller (DPC, DPD) with Four 7900 Drives
The 12557A/13210A disk controller can be configured as either a
12557A, supporting 2.5MB drives, or a 13210A, supporting 5MB drives,
with the commands:
SET DPC 12557A 2.5MB drives
SET DPC 13210A 5.0MB drives
Drive types cannot be intermixed; the controller is configured for
one type or the other. The 13210A (for 7900/7901 disks) is selected
by default.
The simulated controller has two separate devices, a data channel and
a command channel. The data channel includes a 128-word (one sector)
buffer for reads and writes. The command channel includes the four
disk drives. Disk drives can be set DISABLED or ENABLED.
Individual drives may be protected against writing. These commands
simulate the Upper/Lower Disc Protect switches on the drives:
SET DPCn LOCKED set unit n write locked
SET DPCn WRITEENABLED set unit n write enabled
Separate protection for the upper and lower platters of the 7900 drive
is not supported. Also, the drive Protect/Override switch is not
supported; drive protection is permanently overridden.
Drives may also have their heads unloaded and loaded:
SET DPCn UNLOADED unload heads on unit n
SET DPCn LOADED load heads on unit n
This provides a convenient method of setting a drive "down" without
detaching the associated disk image file.
The 12557A/13210A supports the BOOT command. BOOT DPC copies the IBL
for 7900 class disks into memory and starts it running. BOOT -R DPC
boots from the removable platter (head 0). The switch register (S) is
set automatically to the value expected by the IBL loader:
<15:14> = 01
<13:12> = 00
<11:6> = data channel device code
<5:3> = unchanged
<2:1> = 00
<0> = 1 if booting from the removable platter
The data channel implements these registers:
name size comments
IBUF 16 input buffer
OBUF 16 output buffer
DBUF[0:127] 16 sector buffer
BPTR 7 sector buffer pointer
CMD 1 channel enable
CTL 1 interrupt enable
FLG 1 channel ready
FBF 1 channel ready buffer
SRQ 1 channel DMA service request
XFER 1 transfer in progress flag
WVAL 1 write data valid flag
The command channel implements these registers:
name size comments
OBUF 16 output buffer
BUSY 4 busy (unit #, + 1, of active unit)
CNT 5 check record count
CMD 1 controller enable
CTL 1 interrupt enable
FLG 1 controller ready
FBF 1 controller ready buffer
SRQ 1 controller DMA service request
EOC 1 end of cylinder pending
POLL 1 attention polling enabled
RARC 8 record address register (cylinder)
RARH 2 record address register (head)
RARS 4 record address register (sector)
CYL[0:3] 8 current cylinder, drives 0-3
STA[0:3] 16 drive status, drives 0-3
CTIME 24 data transfer command delay time
DTIME 24 data channel command delay time
STIME 24 seek delay time, per cylinder
XTIME 24 interword transfer time
Error handling is as follows:
error processed as
not attached disk not ready (heads unloaded)
end of file assume rest of disk is zero
OS I/O error report error and stop
2.6.2 12565A Disk Controller (DQC, DQD) with Two 2883 Drives
The 12565A disk controller has two separate devices, a data channel and
a command channel. The data channel includes a 128-word (one sector)
buffer for reads and writes. The command channel includes the two
disk drives. Disk drives can be set DISABLED or ENABLED.
Individual drives may be protected against writing:
SET DQCn LOCKED set unit n write locked
SET DQCn WRITEENABLED set unit n write enabled
Drives may also have their heads unloaded and loaded:
SET DQCn UNLOADED unload heads on unit n
SET DQCn LOADED load heads on unit n
This provides a convenient method of setting a drive "down" without
detaching the associated disk image file.
The 12565A supports the BOOT command. BOOT DQC copies the IBL for 2883
class disks into memory and starts it running. The switch register (S)
is set automatically to the value expected by the IBL loader:
<15:12> = 0110
<11:6> = data channel device code
<5:3> = unchanged
<2:0> = 000
The data channel implements these registers:
name size comments
IBUF 16 input buffer
OBUF 16 output buffer
DBUF[0:127] 16 sector buffer
BPTR 7 sector buffer pointer
CMD 1 channel enable
CTL 1 interrupt enable
FLG 1 channel ready
FBF 1 channel ready buffer
SRQ 1 channel DMA service request
XFER 1 transfer in progress flag
WVAL 1 write data valid flag
The command channel implements these registers:
name size comments
OBUF 16 output buffer
BUSY 2 busy (unit # + 1 of active unit)
CNT 9 check record count
CMD 1 controller enable
CTL 1 interrupt enable
FLG 1 controller ready
FBF 1 controller ready buffer
SRQ 1 controller DMA service request
RARC 8 record address register (cylinder)
RARH 5 record address register (head)
RARS 5 record address register (sector)
CYL[0:1] 8 current cylinder, drives 0-1
HED[0:1] 5 current head, drives 0-1
STA[0:1] 16 drive status, drives 0-1
CTIME 24 data transfer command delay time
DTIME 24 data channel command delay time
STIME 24 seek delay time, per cylinder
XTIME 24 interword transfer time
Error handling is as follows:
error processed as
not attached disk not ready (heads unloaded)
end of file assume rest of disk is zero
OS I/O error report error and stop
2.6.3 12606B Fixed Head Disk Controller (DRC, DRD) with 2770/2771 Disk
12610B Drum Controller (DRC, DRD) with 2773/2774/2775 Drum
The 12606B/12610B fixed head disk/drum controller has two separate devices,
a data channel and a command channel.
The command channel includes the actual drive. Ten different models are
command interface and size model
SET DRC 180K 12606B, 180K words 2770A
SET DRC 360K 12606B, 360K words 2771A
SET DRC 720K 12606B, 720K words 2771A-001
SET DRC 384K 12610B, 384K words 2773A
SET DRC 512K 12610B, 512K words 2773A-001
SET DRC 640K 12610B, 640K words 2773A-002
SET DRC 768K 12610B, 768K words 2774A
SET DRC 896K 12610B, 896K words 2774A-001
SET DRC 1024K 12610B, 1024K words 2774A-002
SET DRC 1536K 12610B, 1536K words 2775A
The command channel supports write-protected tracks. Track protection
is enabled with this command:
In addition, the number of protected tracks is specified by the command:
The track protect count must be a power of two from 1 to 128 on the 12606
interface and from 1 to 512, or 768, on the 12610 interface. If the drive
has fewer tracks than the track protect count, then all tracks on the drive
are eligible for protection.
Track protection is disabled with this command:
The 12606B/12610B support the BOOT command. The BOOT command loads the
first sector from the disk or drum into locations 0-77 and then jumps to 77.
This is very different from the IBL loader protocol used by the 12565A and
the 12557A/13210A.
The data channel implements these registers:
name size comments
IBUF 16 input buffer
OBUF 16 output buffer
CMD 1 channel enable
CTL 1 interrupt enable
FLG 1 channel ready
FBF 1 channel ready buffer
SRQ 1 channel DMA service request
BPTR 6 sector buffer pointer
The command channel implements these registers:
name size comments
CW 16 command word
STA 16 status
RUN 1 run flip-flop
CMD 1 controller enable
CTL 1 interrupt enable
FLG 1 controller ready
FBF 1 controller ready buffer
SRQ 1 controller DMA service request
TIME 24 interword transfer time
STOP_IOE 1 stop on I/O error
Error handling is as follows:
error processed as
not attached disk not ready
12606B/12610B data files are buffered in memory; therefore, end of file
and OS I/O errors cannot occur.
2.6.4 13037 Disk Controller (DS) with Eight 7905/7906/7920/7925 Drives
The 13037 disk controller supports 7905 (15MB), 7906 (20MB), 7920 (50MB),
or 7925 (120MB) disk drives, as well as autosizing, based on the size
of the disk image file:
SET DSn 7905 drive n is a 15MB drive
SET DSn 7906 drive n is a 20MB drive
SET DSn 7920 drive n is a 50MB drive
SET DSn 7925 drive n is a 120MB drive
SET DSn AUTOSIZE drive n type based on file size at attach
Drive types can be intermixed. The 7905 is selected by default. Drives
can be set DISABLED or ENABLED.
Individual drives may be protected against writing. These commands
simulate the Disc Protect/Read Only switches on the drives:
SET DSn LOCKED set unit n write locked
SET DSn WRITEENABLED set unit n write enabled
Separate protection for the upper and lower platters of the 7905 and
7906 drives is not supported. Protecting a 7905 or 7906 drive behaves
as though both of the Disc Protect switches were on.
Drives may also have their heads unloaded and loaded:
SET DSn UNLOADED unload heads on unit n
SET DSn LOADED load heads on unit n
This provides a convenient method of setting a drive "down" without
detaching the associated disk image file.
The setting of the drive Format switch may be changed with:
SET DSn FORMAT set format enabled
SET DSn NOFORMAT set format disabled
The 13037 supports the BOOT command. BOOT DS copies the IBL loader for
the 13037 controller into memory and starts it running. The switch register
(S) is set automatically to the value expected by the IBL loader:
<15:14> = 11
<13:12> = 01
<11:6> = data channel device code
<5:3> = unchanged
<2> = 0
<1:0> = unchanged (head number)
The DS controller implements these registers:
name size comments
CMD 16 command register
FIFO[0:15] 16 data FIFO
SR1 16 status register 1
VCTR 16 verify counter
FMASK 8 file mask
CYL 16 cylinder address register
HS 16 head/sector address register
STATE 2 controller state
LASTA 3 last unit polled for attention flag
FIP 4 FIFO insertion pointer
FRP 4 FIFO removal pointer
FCNT 5 FIFO counter
CTL 1 interrupt enable
FLG 1 ready flag
FBF 1 ready flag buffer
SRQ 1 DMA service request
BUSY 1 visible busy status
CMDF 1 command follows flag
CMDP 1 command pending flag
EOC 1 end of cylinder flag
EOD 1 end of data flag
DBUF[0:127] 16 sector buffer
DPTR 8 sector buffer pointer
CTIME 24 command response time
DTIME 24 data transfer response time
STIME 24 seek time (per cylinder)
RTIME 24 rotation time
TIMEOUT 31 controller timeout
Error handling is as follows:
error processed as
not attached disk not ready (heads unloaded)
end of file assume rest of disk is zero
OS I/O error report error and stop
2.7 Magnetic Tape
2.7.1 12559C Magnetic Tape Controller (MTC, MTD) with One 3030 Drive
Magnetic tape options include the ability to make the unit write enabled
or write locked.
SET MTC LOCKED set unit write locked
SET MTC WRITEENABLED set unit write enabled
The 12559C mag tape drive has two separate devices, a data channel and
a command channel. The data channel includes a maximum record sized
buffer for reads and writes. The command channel includes the tape
The BOOT command is not supported. The 12559C was HP's earliest tape
drive and is not supported by most of its operating systems. It is
disabled by default.
The data channel implements these registers:
name size comments
FLG 1 channel ready
SRQ 1 channel DMA service request
DBUF[0:65535] 8 transfer buffer
BPTR 16 buffer pointer (reads and writes)
BMAX 16 buffer size (writes)
The command channel implements these registers:
name size comments
FNC 8 current function
STA 9 tape status
BUF 8 buffer
CTL 1 interrupt enabled
FLG 1 controller ready
FBF 1 controller ready buffer
SRQ 1 controller DMA service request
DTF 1 data transfer flop
FSVC 1 first service flop
POS 32 magtape position
CTIME 24 command delay time
XTIME 24 interword transfer delay time
STOP_IOE 1 stop on I/O error
Error handling is as follows:
error processed as
not attached tape not ready; if STOP_IOE, stop
end of file parity error
OS I/O error parity error; if STOP_IOE, stop
2.7.2 13181A Magnetic Tape Controller (MSC, MSD) with Four 7970B Drives
18183A Magnetic Tape Controller (MSC, MSD) with Four 7970E Drives
Magnetic tape options include the ability to set a drive offline and
online, write enabled or write locked, and the ability to select the
13181A (800 bpi) controller or the 13183A (1600 bpi) controller.
SET MSCn OFFLINE set unit n offline
SET MSCn ONLINE set unit n online
SET MSCn LOCKED set unit n write locked
SET MSCn WRITEENABLED set unit n write enabled
SET MSC 13181A set controller to 13181A
SET MSC 13183A set controller to 13183A
SET MSC REALTIME set controller to actual timing
SET MSC FASTTIME set controller to optimized timing (default)
SET MSCn REEL=length set unit tape reel size
0 = unlimited (default)
600 = 600 feet
1200 = 1200 feet
2400 = 2400 feet
MSC may be configured to send debugging information to the previously
enabled debug output device using these commands:
SET MSC DEBUG provide debug printouts
SET MSC NODEBUG inhibit debug printouts
Diagnostic information includes commands supplied to and status received
from the interface, as well as command initiations and completions.
The 13181A/13183A mag tape drive has two separate devices, a data channel
and a command channel. The data channel includes a maximum record
sized buffer for reads and writes. The command channel includes the
tape units.
The 13181A/13183A supports the BOOT command. BOOT MSC loads the IBL for
7970B/E magnetic tape drives into memory and starts it running. BOOT -S
MSC causes the loader to position to the file number specified in the A
register before starting to load data. The switch register (S) is set
automatically to the value expected by the IBL loader:
<15:12> = 1000
<11:6> = data channel device code
<5:3> = unchanged
<2:0> = 00
<0> = 1 if position tape before loading
The data channel implements these registers:
name size comments
BUF 16 data buffer
CTL 1 interrupt enabled
FLG 1 channel ready
FBF 1 channel ready buffer
SRQ 1 channel DMA service request
DBUF[0:65535] 8 transfer buffer
BPTR 17 buffer pointer (reads and writes)
BMAX 17 buffer size (writes)
The command channel implements these registers:
name size comments
STA 12 tape status
BUF 16 buffer
USEL 2 currently selected unit
FSVC 1 first service flop
CTL 1 interrupt enabled
FLG 1 controller ready
FBF 1 controller ready buffer
SRQ 1 controller DMA service request
POS[0:3] 32 magtape position
BTIME 24 BOT start delay time
CTIME 24 command delay time
GTIME 24 gap traversal time
ITIME 24 IRG traversal time
RTIME 24 rewind initiation time
XTIME 24 interword transfer delay time
STOP_IOE 1 stop on I/O error
Error handling is as follows:
error processed as
not attached tape not ready; if STOP_IOE, stop
end of file parity error
OS I/O error parity error; if STOP_IOE, stop
2.8 Symbolic Display and Input
The HP2100 simulator implements symbolic display and input. Display is
controlled by command line switches:
-a display as ASCII character
-c display as two character string
-m display instruction mnemonics
Input parsing is controlled by the first character typed in or by command
line switches:
' or -a ASCII character
" or -c two character sixbit string
alphabetic instruction mnemonic
numeric octal number
Instruction input uses standard HP2100 assembler syntax. There are seven
instruction classes: memory reference, I/O, shift, alter skip, extended
shift, extended memory reference, extended two address reference.
Memory reference instructions have the format
memref {C/Z} address{,I}
where I signifies indirect, C a current page reference, and Z a zero page
reference. The address is an octal number in the range 0 - 077777; if C or
Z is specified, the address is a page offset in the range 0 - 01777. Normally,
C is not needed; the simulator figures out from the address what mode to use.
However, when referencing memory outside the CPU (eg, disks), there is no
valid PC, and C must be used to specify current page addressing.
IOT instructions have the format
io device{,C}
where C signifies that the device flag is to be cleared. The device is an
octal number in the range 0 - 77.
Shift and alter/skip instructions have the format
sub-op sub-op sub-op...
The simulator checks that the combination of sub-opcodes is legal.
Extended shift instructions have the format
extshift count
where count is an octal number in the range 1 - 020.
Extended memory reference instructions have the format
extmemref address{,I}
where I signifies indirect addressing. The address is an octal number in
the range 0 - 077777.
Extended two address instructions have the format
ext2addr addr1{,I},addr2{,I}
where I signifies indirect addressing. Both address 1 and address 2 are
octal numbers in the range 0 - 077777.