blob: 7b8b4b35b2942284656da85ef9a8353b639134a9 [file] [log] [blame] [raw]
/* altairz80_sys.c: MITS Altair system interface
Copyright (c) 2002-2005, Peter Schorn
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
Except as contained in this notice, the name of Peter Schorn shall not
be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings
in this Software without prior written authorization from Peter Schorn.
Based on work by Charles E Owen (c) 1997
Disassembler from Marat Fayzullin ((c) 1995, 1996, 1997 - Commercial use prohibited)
#include <ctype.h>
#include "altairz80_defs.h"
extern DEVICE cpu_dev;
extern DEVICE dsk_dev;
extern DEVICE hdsk_dev;
extern UNIT cpu_unit;
extern REG cpu_reg[];
extern DEVICE sio_dev;
extern DEVICE simh_device;
extern DEVICE ptr_dev;
extern DEVICE ptp_dev;
extern int32 saved_PC;
int32 fprint_sym(FILE *of, int32 addr, uint32 *val, UNIT *uptr, int32 sw);
static int32 checkbase(char ch, const char *numString);
static int32 numok(char ch, const char **numString, const int32 minvalue,
const int32 maxvalue, const int32 requireSign, int32 *result);
static int32 match(const char *pattern, const char *input, char *xyFirst, char *xy, int32 *number, int32 *star, int32 *at,
int32 *hat, int32 *dollar);
static int32 parse_X80(const char *cptr, const int32 addr, uint32 *val, char *const Mnemonics[]);
int32 parse_sym(char *cptr, int32 addr, UNIT *uptr, uint32 *val, int32 sw);
static int32 DAsm(char *S, const uint32 *val, const int32 useZ80Mnemonics, const int32 addr);
static int32 checkXY(const char xy);
/* SCP data structures
sim_name simulator name string
sim_PC pointer to saved PC register descriptor
sim_emax number of words needed for examine
sim_devices array of pointers to simulated devices
sim_stop_messages array of pointers to stop messages
sim_load binary loader
char sim_name[] = "Altair 8800 (Z80)";
REG *sim_PC = &cpu_reg[0];
int32 sim_emax = 4;
DEVICE *sim_devices[] = {
&cpu_dev, &sio_dev, &simh_device, &ptr_dev, &ptp_dev, &dsk_dev, &hdsk_dev, NULL
char memoryAccessMessage[80];
const char *sim_stop_messages[] = {
"HALT instruction",
"Invalid Opcode"
static char *const Mnemonics8080[] = {
/* 0/8 1/9 2/A 3/B 4/C 5/D 6/E 7/F */
"NOP", "LXI B,#h", "STAX B", "INX B", "INR B", "DCR B", "MVI B,*h", "RLC", /* 00-07 */
"DB 09h", "DAD B", "LDAX B", "DCX B", "INR C", "DCR C", "MVI C,*h", "RRC", /* 08-0f */
"DB 10h", "LXI D,#h", "STAX D", "INX D", "INR D", "DCR D", "MVI D,*h", "RAL", /* 10-17 */
"DB 18h", "DAD D", "LDAX D", "DCX D", "INR E", "DCR E", "MVI E,*h", "RAR", /* 18-1f */
"DB 20h", "LXI H,#h", "SHLD #h", "INX H", "INR H", "DCR H", "MVI H,*h", "DAA", /* 20-27 */
"DB 28h", "DAD H", "LHLD #h", "DCX H", "INR L", "DCR L", "MVI L,*h", "CMA", /* 28-2f */
"DB 30h", "LXI SP,#h", "STA #h", "INX SP", "INR M", "DCR M", "MVI M,*h", "STC", /* 30-37 */
"DB 38h", "DAD SP", "LDA #h", "DCX SP", "INR A", "DCR A", "MVI A,*h", "CMC", /* 38-3f */
"MOV B,B", "MOV B,C", "MOV B,D", "MOV B,E", "MOV B,H", "MOV B,L", "MOV B,M", "MOV B,A", /* 40-47 */
"MOV C,B", "MOV C,C", "MOV C,D", "MOV C,E", "MOV C,H", "MOV C,L", "MOV C,M", "MOV C,A", /* 48-4f */
"MOV D,B", "MOV D,C", "MOV D,D", "MOV D,E", "MOV D,H", "MOV D,L", "MOV D,M", "MOV D,A", /* 50-57 */
"MOV E,B", "MOV E,C", "MOV E,D", "MOV E,E", "MOV E,H", "MOV E,L", "MOV E,M", "MOV E,A", /* 58-5f */
"MOV H,B", "MOV H,C", "MOV H,D", "MOV H,E", "MOV H,H", "MOV H,L", "MOV H,M", "MOV H,A", /* 60-67 */
"MOV L,B", "MOV L,C", "MOV L,D", "MOV L,E", "MOV L,H", "MOV L,L", "MOV L,M", "MOV L,A", /* 68-6f */
"MOV M,B", "MOV M,C", "MOV M,D", "MOV M,E", "MOV M,H", "MOV M,L", "HLT", "MOV M,A", /* 70-77 */
"MOV A,B", "MOV A,C", "MOV A,D", "MOV A,E", "MOV A,H", "MOV A,L", "MOV A,M", "MOV A,A", /* 78-7f */
"ADD B", "ADD C", "ADD D", "ADD E", "ADD H", "ADD L", "ADD M", "ADD A", /* 80-87 */
"ADC B", "ADC C", "ADC D", "ADC E", "ADC H", "ADC L", "ADC M", "ADC A", /* 88-8f */
"SUB B", "SUB C", "SUB D", "SUB E", "SUB H", "SUB L", "SUB M", "SUB A", /* 90-97 */
"SBB B", "SBB C", "SBB D", "SBB E", "SBB H", "SBB L", "SBB M", "SBB A", /* 98-9f */
"ANA B", "ANA C", "ANA D", "ANA E", "ANA H", "ANA L", "ANA M", "ANA A", /* a0-a7 */
"XRA B", "XRA C", "XRA D", "XRA E", "XRA H", "XRA L", "XRA M", "XRA A", /* a8-af */
"ORA B", "ORA C", "ORA D", "ORA E", "ORA H", "ORA L", "ORA M", "ORA A", /* b0-b7 */
"CMP B", "CMP C", "CMP D", "CMP E", "CMP H", "CMP L", "CMP M", "CMP A", /* b8-bf */
"RNZ", "POP B", "JNZ #h", "JMP #h", "CNZ #h", "PUSH B", "ADI *h", "RST 0", /* c0-c7 */
"RZ", "RET", "JZ #h", "DB CBh", "CZ #h", "CALL #h", "ACI *h", "RST 1", /* c8-cf */
"RNC", "POP D", "JNC #h", "OUT *h", "CNC #h", "PUSH D", "SUI *h", "RST 2", /* d0-d7 */
"RC", "DB D9h", "JC #h", "IN *h", "CC #h", "DB DDh", "SBI *h", "RST 3", /* d8-df */
"RPO", "POP H", "JPO #h", "XTHL", "CPO #h", "PUSH H", "ANI *h", "RST 4", /* e0-e7 */
"RPE", "PCHL", "JPE #h", "XCHG", "CPE #h", "DB EDh", "XRI *h", "RST 5", /* e8-ef */
"RP", "POP PSW", "JP #h", "DI", "CP #h", "PUSH PSW", "ORI *h", "RST 6", /* f0-f7 */
"RM", "SPHL", "JM #h", "EI", "CM #h", "DB FDh", "CPI *h", "RST 7" /* f8-ff */
static char *const MnemonicsZ80[256] = {
/* 0/8 1/9 2/A 3/B 4/C 5/D 6/E 7/F */
"NOP", "LD BC,#h", "LD (BC),A", "INC BC", "INC B", "DEC B", "LD B,*h", "RLCA", /* 00-07 */
"EX AF,AF'", "ADD HL,BC", "LD A,(BC)", "DEC BC", "INC C", "DEC C", "LD C,*h", "RRCA", /* 08-0f */
"DJNZ $h", "LD DE,#h", "LD (DE),A", "INC DE", "INC D", "DEC D", "LD D,*h", "RLA", /* 10-17 */
"JR $h", "ADD HL,DE", "LD A,(DE)", "DEC DE", "INC E", "DEC E", "LD E,*h", "RRA", /* 18-1f */
"JR NZ,$h", "LD HL,#h", "LD (#h),HL", "INC HL", "INC H", "DEC H", "LD H,*h", "DAA", /* 20-27 */
"JR Z,$h", "ADD HL,HL", "LD HL,(#h)", "DEC HL", "INC L", "DEC L", "LD L,*h", "CPL", /* 28-2f */
"JR NC,$h", "LD SP,#h", "LD (#h),A", "INC SP", "INC (HL)", "DEC (HL)", "LD (HL),*h", "SCF", /* 30-37 */
"JR C,$h", "ADD HL,SP", "LD A,(#h)", "DEC SP", "INC A", "DEC A", "LD A,*h", "CCF", /* 38-3f */
"LD B,B", "LD B,C", "LD B,D", "LD B,E", "LD B,H", "LD B,L", "LD B,(HL)", "LD B,A", /* 40-47 */
"LD C,B", "LD C,C", "LD C,D", "LD C,E", "LD C,H", "LD C,L", "LD C,(HL)", "LD C,A", /* 48-4f */
"LD D,B", "LD D,C", "LD D,D", "LD D,E", "LD D,H", "LD D,L", "LD D,(HL)", "LD D,A", /* 50-57 */
"LD E,B", "LD E,C", "LD E,D", "LD E,E", "LD E,H", "LD E,L", "LD E,(HL)", "LD E,A", /* 58-5f */
"LD H,B", "LD H,C", "LD H,D", "LD H,E", "LD H,H", "LD H,L", "LD H,(HL)", "LD H,A", /* 60-67 */
"LD L,B", "LD L,C", "LD L,D", "LD L,E", "LD L,H", "LD L,L", "LD L,(HL)", "LD L,A", /* 68-6f */
"LD (HL),B", "LD (HL),C", "LD (HL),D", "LD (HL),E", "LD (HL),H", "LD (HL),L", "HALT", "LD (HL),A", /* 70-77 */
"LD A,B", "LD A,C", "LD A,D", "LD A,E", "LD A,H", "LD A,L", "LD A,(HL)", "LD A,A", /* 78-7f */
"ADD A,B", "ADD A,C", "ADD A,D", "ADD A,E", "ADD A,H", "ADD A,L", "ADD A,(HL)", "ADD A,A", /* 80-87 */
"ADC A,B", "ADC A,C", "ADC A,D", "ADC A,E", "ADC A,H", "ADC A,L", "ADC A,(HL)", "ADC A,A", /* 88-8f */
"SUB B", "SUB C", "SUB D", "SUB E", "SUB H", "SUB L", "SUB (HL)", "SUB A", /* 90-97 */
"SBC A,B", "SBC A,C", "SBC A,D", "SBC A,E", "SBC A,H", "SBC A,L", "SBC A,(HL)", "SBC A,A", /* 98-9f */
"AND B", "AND C", "AND D", "AND E", "AND H", "AND L", "AND (HL)", "AND A", /* a0-a7 */
"XOR B", "XOR C", "XOR D", "XOR E", "XOR H", "XOR L", "XOR (HL)", "XOR A", /* a8-af */
"OR B", "OR C", "OR D", "OR E", "OR H", "OR L", "OR (HL)", "OR A", /* b0-b7 */
"CP B", "CP C", "CP D", "CP E", "CP H", "CP L", "CP (HL)", "CP A", /* b8-bf */
"RET NZ", "POP BC", "JP NZ,#h", "JP #h", "CALL NZ,#h", "PUSH BC", "ADD A,*h", "RST 00h", /* c0-c7 */
"RET Z", "RET", "JP Z,#h", "PFX_CB", "CALL Z,#h", "CALL #h", "ADC A,*h", "RST 08h", /* c8-cf */
"RET NC", "POP DE", "JP NC,#h", "OUT (*h),A", "CALL NC,#h", "PUSH DE", "SUB *h", "RST 10h", /* d0-d7 */
"RET C", "EXX", "JP C,#h", "IN A,(*h)", "CALL C,#h", "PFX_DD", "SBC A,*h", "RST 18h", /* d8-df */
"RET PO", "POP HL", "JP PO,#h", "EX (SP),HL", "CALL PO,#h", "PUSH HL", "AND *h", "RST 20h", /* e0-e7 */
"RET PE", "LD PC,HL", "JP PE,#h", "EX DE,HL", "CALL PE,#h", "PFX_ED", "XOR *h", "RST 28h", /* e8-ef */
"RET P", "POP AF", "JP P,#h", "DI", "CALL P,#h", "PUSH AF", "OR *h", "RST 30h", /* f0-f7 */
"RET M", "LD SP,HL", "JP M,#h", "EI", "CALL M,#h", "PFX_FD", "CP *h", "RST 38h" /* f8-ff */
static char *const MnemonicsCB[256] = {
/* 0/8 1/9 2/A 3/B 4/C 5/D 6/E 7/F */
"RLC B", "RLC C", "RLC D", "RLC E", "RLC H", "RLC L", "RLC (HL)", "RLC A", /* 00-07 */
"RRC B", "RRC C", "RRC D", "RRC E", "RRC H", "RRC L", "RRC (HL)", "RRC A", /* 08-0f */
"RL B", "RL C", "RL D", "RL E", "RL H", "RL L", "RL (HL)", "RL A", /* 10-17 */
"RR B", "RR C", "RR D", "RR E", "RR H", "RR L", "RR (HL)", "RR A", /* 18-1f */
"SLA B", "SLA C", "SLA D", "SLA E", "SLA H", "SLA L", "SLA (HL)", "SLA A", /* 20-27 */
"SRA B", "SRA C", "SRA D", "SRA E", "SRA H", "SRA L", "SRA (HL)", "SRA A", /* 28-2f */
"SLL B", "SLL C", "SLL D", "SLL E", "SLL H", "SLL L", "SLL (HL)", "SLL A", /* 30-37 */
"SRL B", "SRL C", "SRL D", "SRL E", "SRL H", "SRL L", "SRL (HL)", "SRL A", /* 38-3f */
"BIT 0,B", "BIT 0,C", "BIT 0,D", "BIT 0,E", "BIT 0,H", "BIT 0,L", "BIT 0,(HL)", "BIT 0,A", /* 40-47 */
"BIT 1,B", "BIT 1,C", "BIT 1,D", "BIT 1,E", "BIT 1,H", "BIT 1,L", "BIT 1,(HL)", "BIT 1,A", /* 48-4f */
"BIT 2,B", "BIT 2,C", "BIT 2,D", "BIT 2,E", "BIT 2,H", "BIT 2,L", "BIT 2,(HL)", "BIT 2,A", /* 50-57 */
"BIT 3,B", "BIT 3,C", "BIT 3,D", "BIT 3,E", "BIT 3,H", "BIT 3,L", "BIT 3,(HL)", "BIT 3,A", /* 58-5f */
"BIT 4,B", "BIT 4,C", "BIT 4,D", "BIT 4,E", "BIT 4,H", "BIT 4,L", "BIT 4,(HL)", "BIT 4,A", /* 60-67 */
"BIT 5,B", "BIT 5,C", "BIT 5,D", "BIT 5,E", "BIT 5,H", "BIT 5,L", "BIT 5,(HL)", "BIT 5,A", /* 68-6f */
"BIT 6,B", "BIT 6,C", "BIT 6,D", "BIT 6,E", "BIT 6,H", "BIT 6,L", "BIT 6,(HL)", "BIT 6,A", /* 70-77 */
"BIT 7,B", "BIT 7,C", "BIT 7,D", "BIT 7,E", "BIT 7,H", "BIT 7,L", "BIT 7,(HL)", "BIT 7,A", /* 78-7f */
"RES 0,B", "RES 0,C", "RES 0,D", "RES 0,E", "RES 0,H", "RES 0,L", "RES 0,(HL)", "RES 0,A", /* 80-87 */
"RES 1,B", "RES 1,C", "RES 1,D", "RES 1,E", "RES 1,H", "RES 1,L", "RES 1,(HL)", "RES 1,A", /* 88-8f */
"RES 2,B", "RES 2,C", "RES 2,D", "RES 2,E", "RES 2,H", "RES 2,L", "RES 2,(HL)", "RES 2,A", /* 90-97 */
"RES 3,B", "RES 3,C", "RES 3,D", "RES 3,E", "RES 3,H", "RES 3,L", "RES 3,(HL)", "RES 3,A", /* 98-9f */
"RES 4,B", "RES 4,C", "RES 4,D", "RES 4,E", "RES 4,H", "RES 4,L", "RES 4,(HL)", "RES 4,A", /* a0-a7 */
"RES 5,B", "RES 5,C", "RES 5,D", "RES 5,E", "RES 5,H", "RES 5,L", "RES 5,(HL)", "RES 5,A", /* a8-af */
"RES 6,B", "RES 6,C", "RES 6,D", "RES 6,E", "RES 6,H", "RES 6,L", "RES 6,(HL)", "RES 6,A", /* b0-b7 */
"RES 7,B", "RES 7,C", "RES 7,D", "RES 7,E", "RES 7,H", "RES 7,L", "RES 7,(HL)", "RES 7,A", /* b8-bf */
"SET 0,B", "SET 0,C", "SET 0,D", "SET 0,E", "SET 0,H", "SET 0,L", "SET 0,(HL)", "SET 0,A", /* c0-c7 */
"SET 1,B", "SET 1,C", "SET 1,D", "SET 1,E", "SET 1,H", "SET 1,L", "SET 1,(HL)", "SET 1,A", /* c8-cf */
"SET 2,B", "SET 2,C", "SET 2,D", "SET 2,E", "SET 2,H", "SET 2,L", "SET 2,(HL)", "SET 2,A", /* d0-d7 */
"SET 3,B", "SET 3,C", "SET 3,D", "SET 3,E", "SET 3,H", "SET 3,L", "SET 3,(HL)", "SET 3,A", /* d8-df */
"SET 4,B", "SET 4,C", "SET 4,D", "SET 4,E", "SET 4,H", "SET 4,L", "SET 4,(HL)", "SET 4,A", /* e0-e7 */
"SET 5,B", "SET 5,C", "SET 5,D", "SET 5,E", "SET 5,H", "SET 5,L", "SET 5,(HL)", "SET 5,A", /* e8-ef */
"SET 6,B", "SET 6,C", "SET 6,D", "SET 6,E", "SET 6,H", "SET 6,L", "SET 6,(HL)", "SET 6,A", /* f0-f7 */
"SET 7,B", "SET 7,C", "SET 7,D", "SET 7,E", "SET 7,H", "SET 7,L", "SET 7,(HL)", "SET 7,A" /* f8-ff */
static char *const MnemonicsED[256] = {
/* 0/8 1/9 2/A 3/B 4/C 5/D 6/E 7/F */
"DB EDh,00h", "DB EDh,01h", "DB EDh,02h", "DB EDh,03h", "DB EDh,04h", "DB EDh,05h", "DB EDh,06h", "DB EDh,07h", /* 00-07 */
"DB EDh,08h", "DB EDh,09h", "DB EDh,0Ah", "DB EDh,0Bh", "DB EDh,0Ch", "DB EDh,0Dh", "DB EDh,0Eh", "DB EDh,0Fh", /* 08-0f */
"DB EDh,10h", "DB EDh,11h", "DB EDh,12h", "DB EDh,13h", "DB EDh,14h", "DB EDh,15h", "DB EDh,16h", "DB EDh,17h", /* 10-17 */
"DB EDh,18h", "DB EDh,19h", "DB EDh,1Ah", "DB EDh,1Bh", "DB EDh,1Ch", "DB EDh,1Dh", "DB EDh,1Eh", "DB EDh,1Fh", /* 18-1f */
"DB EDh,20h", "DB EDh,21h", "DB EDh,22h", "DB EDh,23h", "DB EDh,24h", "DB EDh,25h", "DB EDh,26h", "DB EDh,27h", /* 20-27 */
"DB EDh,28h", "DB EDh,29h", "DB EDh,2Ah", "DB EDh,2Bh", "DB EDh,2Ch", "DB EDh,2Dh", "DB EDh,2Eh", "DB EDh,2Fh", /* 28-2f */
"DB EDh,30h", "DB EDh,31h", "DB EDh,32h", "DB EDh,33h", "DB EDh,34h", "DB EDh,35h", "DB EDh,36h", "DB EDh,37h", /* 30-37 */
"DB EDh,38h", "DB EDh,39h", "DB EDh,3Ah", "DB EDh,3Bh", "DB EDh,3Ch", "DB EDh,3Dh", "DB EDh,3Eh", "DB EDh,3Fh", /* 38-3f */
"IN B,(C)", "OUT (C),B", "SBC HL,BC", "LD (#h),BC", "NEG", "RETN", "IM 0", "LD I,A", /* 40-47 */
"IN C,(C)", "OUT (C),C", "ADC HL,BC", "LD BC,(#h)", "DB EDh,4Ch", "RETI", "DB EDh,4Eh", "LD R,A", /* 48-4f */
"IN D,(C)", "OUT (C),D", "SBC HL,DE", "LD (#h),DE", "DB EDh,54h", "DB EDh,55h", "IM 1", "LD A,I", /* 50-57 */
"IN E,(C)", "OUT (C),E", "ADC HL,DE", "LD DE,(#h)", "DB EDh,5Ch", "DB EDh,5Dh", "IM 2", "LD A,R", /* 58-5f */
"IN H,(C)", "OUT (C),H", "SBC HL,HL", "LD (#h),HL", "DB EDh,64h", "DB EDh,65h", "DB EDh,66h", "RRD", /* 60-67 */
"IN L,(C)", "OUT (C),L", "ADC HL,HL", "LD HL,(#h)", "DB EDh,6Ch", "DB EDh,6Dh", "DB EDh,6Eh", "RLD", /* 68-6f */
"IN F,(C)", "DB EDh,71h", "SBC HL,SP", "LD (#h),SP", "DB EDh,74h", "DB EDh,75h", "DB EDh,76h", "DB EDh,77h", /* 70-77 */
"IN A,(C)", "OUT (C),A", "ADC HL,SP", "LD SP,(#h)", "DB EDh,7Ch", "DB EDh,7Dh", "DB EDh,7Eh", "DB EDh,7Fh", /* 78-7f */
"DB EDh,80h", "DB EDh,81h", "DB EDh,82h", "DB EDh,83h", "DB EDh,84h", "DB EDh,85h", "DB EDh,86h", "DB EDh,87h", /* 80-87 */
"DB EDh,88h", "DB EDh,89h", "DB EDh,8Ah", "DB EDh,8Bh", "DB EDh,8Ch", "DB EDh,8Dh", "DB EDh,8Eh", "DB EDh,8Fh", /* 88-8f */
"DB EDh,90h", "DB EDh,91h", "DB EDh,92h", "DB EDh,93h", "DB EDh,94h", "DB EDh,95h", "DB EDh,96h", "DB EDh,97h", /* 90-97 */
"DB EDh,98h", "DB EDh,99h", "DB EDh,9Ah", "DB EDh,9Bh", "DB EDh,9Ch", "DB EDh,9Dh", "DB EDh,9Eh", "DB EDh,9Fh", /* 98-9f */
"LDI", "CPI", "INI", "OUTI", "DB EDh,A4h", "DB EDh,A5h", "DB EDh,A6h", "DB EDh,A7h", /* a0-a7 */
"LDD", "CPD", "IND", "OUTD", "DB EDh,ACh", "DB EDh,ADh", "DB EDh,AEh", "DB EDh,AFh", /* a8-af */
"LDIR", "CPIR", "INIR", "OTIR", "DB EDh,B4h", "DB EDh,B5h", "DB EDh,B6h", "DB EDh,B7h", /* b0-b7 */
"LDDR", "CPDR", "INDR", "OTDR", "DB EDh,BCh", "DB EDh,BDh", "DB EDh,BEh", "DB EDh,BFh", /* b8-bf */
"DB EDh,C0h", "DB EDh,C1h", "DB EDh,C2h", "DB EDh,C3h", "DB EDh,C4h", "DB EDh,C5h", "DB EDh,C6h", "DB EDh,C7h", /* c0-c7 */
"DB EDh,C8h", "DB EDh,C9h", "DB EDh,CAh", "DB EDh,CBh", "DB EDh,CCh", "DB EDh,CDh", "DB EDh,CEh", "DB EDh,CFh", /* c8-cf */
"DB EDh,D0h", "DB EDh,D1h", "DB EDh,D2h", "DB EDh,D3h", "DB EDh,D4h", "DB EDh,D5h", "DB EDh,D6h", "DB EDh,D7h", /* d0-d7 */
"DB EDh,D8h", "DB EDh,D9h", "DB EDh,DAh", "DB EDh,DBh", "DB EDh,DCh", "DB EDh,DDh", "DB EDh,DEh", "DB EDh,DFh", /* d8-df */
"DB EDh,E0h", "DB EDh,E1h", "DB EDh,E2h", "DB EDh,E3h", "DB EDh,E4h", "DB EDh,E5h", "DB EDh,E6h", "DB EDh,E7h", /* e0-e7 */
"DB EDh,E8h", "DB EDh,E9h", "DB EDh,EAh", "DB EDh,EBh", "DB EDh,ECh", "DB EDh,EDh", "DB EDh,EEh", "DB EDh,EFh", /* e8-ef */
"DB EDh,F0h", "DB EDh,F1h", "DB EDh,F2h", "DB EDh,F3h", "DB EDh,F4h", "DB EDh,F5h", "DB EDh,F6h", "DB EDh,F7h", /* f0-f7 */
"DB EDh,F8h", "DB EDh,F9h", "DB EDh,FAh", "DB EDh,FBh", "DB EDh,FCh", "DB EDh,FDh", "DB EDh,FEh", "DB EDh,FFh" /* f8-ff */
static char *const MnemonicsXX[256] = {
/* 0/8 1/9 2/A 3/B 4/C 5/D 6/E 7/F */
"NOP", "LD BC,#h", "LD (BC),A", "INC BC", "INC B", "DEC B", "LD B,*h", "RLCA", /* 00-07 */
"EX AF,AF'", "ADD I%,BC", "LD A,(BC)", "DEC BC", "INC C", "DEC C", "LD C,*h", "RRCA", /* 08-0f */
"DJNZ $h", "LD DE,#h", "LD (DE),A", "INC DE", "INC D", "DEC D", "LD D,*h", "RLA", /* 10-17 */
"JR $h", "ADD I%,DE", "LD A,(DE)", "DEC DE", "INC E", "DEC E", "LD E,*h", "RRA", /* 18-1f */
"JR NZ,$h", "LD I%,#h", "LD (#h),I%", "INC I%", "INC I%H", "DEC I%H", "LD I%H,*h", "DAA", /* 20-27 */
"JR Z,$h", "ADD I%,I%", "LD I%,(#h)", "DEC I%", "INC I%L", "DEC I%L", "LD I%L,*h", "CPL", /* 28-2f */
"JR NC,$h", "LD SP,#h", "LD (#h),A", "INC SP", "INC (I%+^h)", "DEC (I%+^h)", "LD (I%+^h),*h","SCF", /* 30-37 */
"JR C,$h", "ADD I%,SP", "LD A,(#h)", "DEC SP", "INC A", "DEC A", "LD A,*h", "CCF", /* 38-3f */
"LD B,B", "LD B,C", "LD B,D", "LD B,E", "LD B,I%H", "LD B,I%L", "LD B,(I%+^h)", "LD B,A", /* 40-47 */
"LD C,B", "LD C,C", "LD C,D", "LD C,E", "LD C,I%H", "LD C,I%L", "LD C,(I%+^h)", "LD C,A", /* 48-4f */
"LD D,B", "LD D,C", "LD D,D", "LD D,E", "LD D,I%H", "LD D,I%L", "LD D,(I%+^h)", "LD D,A", /* 50-57 */
"LD E,B", "LD E,C", "LD E,D", "LD E,E", "LD E,I%H", "LD E,I%L", "LD E,(I%+^h)", "LD E,A", /* 58-5f */
"LD I%H,B", "LD I%H,C", "LD I%H,D", "LD I%H,E", "LD I%H,I%H", "LD I%H,I%L", "LD H,(I%+^h)", "LD I%H,A", /* 60-67 */
"LD I%L,B", "LD I%L,C", "LD I%L,D", "LD I%L,E", "LD I%L,I%H", "LD I%L,I%L", "LD L,(I%+^h)", "LD I%L,A", /* 68-6f */
"LD (I%+^h),B", "LD (I%+^h),C", "LD (I%+^h),D", "LD (I%+^h),E", "LD (I%+^h),H", "LD (I%+^h),L", "HALT", "LD (I%+^h),A", /* 70-77 */
"LD A,B", "LD A,C", "LD A,D", "LD A,E", "LD A,I%H", "LD A,I%L", "LD A,(I%+^h)", "LD A,A", /* 78-7f */
"ADD A,B", "ADD A,C", "ADD A,D", "ADD A,E", "ADD A,I%H", "ADD A,I%L", "ADD A,(I%+^h)","ADD A,A", /* 80-87 */
"ADC A,B", "ADC A,C", "ADC A,D", "ADC A,E", "ADC A,I%H", "ADC A,I%L", "ADC A,(I%+^h)","ADC A,A", /* 88-8f */
"SUB B", "SUB C", "SUB D", "SUB E", "SUB I%H", "SUB I%L", "SUB (I%+^h)", "SUB A", /* 90-97 */
"SBC A,B", "SBC A,C", "SBC A,D", "SBC A,E", "SBC A,I%H", "SBC A,I%L", "SBC A,(I%+^h)","SBC A,A", /* 98-9f */
"AND B", "AND C", "AND D", "AND E", "AND I%H", "AND I%L", "AND (I%+^h)", "AND A", /* a0-a7 */
"XOR B", "XOR C", "XOR D", "XOR E", "XOR I%H", "XOR I%L", "XOR (I%+^h)", "XOR A", /* a8-af */
"OR B", "OR C", "OR D", "OR E", "OR I%H", "OR I%L", "OR (I%+^h)", "OR A", /* b0-b7 */
"CP B", "CP C", "CP D", "CP E", "CP I%H", "CP I%L", "CP (I%+^h)", "CP A", /* b8-bf */
"RET NZ", "POP BC", "JP NZ,#h", "JP #h", "CALL NZ,#h", "PUSH BC", "ADD A,*h", "RST 00h", /* c8-cf */
"RET Z", "RET", "JP Z,#h", "PFX_CB", "CALL Z,#h", "CALL #h", "ADC A,*h", "RST 08h", /* c8-cf */
"RET NC", "POP DE", "JP NC,#h", "OUT (*h),A", "CALL NC,#h", "PUSH DE", "SUB *h", "RST 10h", /* d0-d7 */
"RET C", "EXX", "JP C,#h", "IN A,(*h)", "CALL C,#h", "PFX_DD", "SBC A,*h", "RST 18h", /* d8-df */
"RET PO", "POP I%", "JP PO,#h", "EX (SP),I%", "CALL PO,#h", "PUSH I%", "AND *h", "RST 20h", /* e0-e7 */
"RET PE", "LD PC,I%", "JP PE,#h", "EX DE,I%", "CALL PE,#h", "PFX_ED", "XOR *h", "RST 28h", /* e8-ef */
"RET P", "POP AF", "JP P,#h", "DI", "CALL P,#h", "PUSH AF", "OR *h", "RST 30h", /* f0-f7 */
"RET M", "LD SP,I%", "JP M,#h", "EI", "CALL M,#h", "PFX_FD", "CP *h", "RST 38h" /* f8-ff */
static char *const MnemonicsXCB[256] = {
/*0/8 1/9 2/A 3/B 4/C 5/D 6/E 7/F */
"RLC B", "RLC C", "RLC D", "RLC E", "RLC H", "RLC L", "RLC (I%@h)", "RLC A", /* 00-07 */
"RRC B", "RRC C", "RRC D", "RRC E", "RRC H", "RRC L", "RRC (I%@h)", "RRC A", /* 08-0f */
"RL B", "RL C", "RL D", "RL E", "RL H", "RL L", "RL (I%@h)", "RL A", /* 10-17 */
"RR B", "RR C", "RR D", "RR E", "RR H", "RR L", "RR (I%@h)", "RR A", /* 18-1f */
"SLA B", "SLA C", "SLA D", "SLA E", "SLA H", "SLA L", "SLA (I%@h)", "SLA A", /* 20-27 */
"SRA B", "SRA C", "SRA D", "SRA E", "SRA H", "SRA L", "SRA (I%@h)", "SRA A", /* 28-2f */
"SLL B", "SLL C", "SLL D", "SLL E", "SLL H", "SLL L", "SLL (I%@h)", "SLL A", /* 30-37 */
"SRL B", "SRL C", "SRL D", "SRL E", "SRL H", "SRL L", "SRL (I%@h)", "SRL A", /* 38-3f */
"BIT 0,B", "BIT 0,C", "BIT 0,D", "BIT 0,E", "BIT 0,H", "BIT 0,L", "BIT 0,(I%@h)", "BIT 0,A", /* 40-47 */
"BIT 1,B", "BIT 1,C", "BIT 1,D", "BIT 1,E", "BIT 1,H", "BIT 1,L", "BIT 1,(I%@h)", "BIT 1,A", /* 48-4f */
"BIT 2,B", "BIT 2,C", "BIT 2,D", "BIT 2,E", "BIT 2,H", "BIT 2,L", "BIT 2,(I%@h)", "BIT 2,A", /* 50-57 */
"BIT 3,B", "BIT 3,C", "BIT 3,D", "BIT 3,E", "BIT 3,H", "BIT 3,L", "BIT 3,(I%@h)", "BIT 3,A", /* 58-5f */
"BIT 4,B", "BIT 4,C", "BIT 4,D", "BIT 4,E", "BIT 4,H", "BIT 4,L", "BIT 4,(I%@h)", "BIT 4,A", /* 60-67 */
"BIT 5,B", "BIT 5,C", "BIT 5,D", "BIT 5,E", "BIT 5,H", "BIT 5,L", "BIT 5,(I%@h)", "BIT 5,A", /* 68-6f */
"BIT 6,B", "BIT 6,C", "BIT 6,D", "BIT 6,E", "BIT 6,H", "BIT 6,L", "BIT 6,(I%@h)", "BIT 6,A", /* 70-77 */
"BIT 7,B", "BIT 7,C", "BIT 7,D", "BIT 7,E", "BIT 7,H", "BIT 7,L", "BIT 7,(I%@h)", "BIT 7,A", /* 78-7f */
"RES 0,B", "RES 0,C", "RES 0,D", "RES 0,E", "RES 0,H", "RES 0,L", "RES 0,(I%@h)", "RES 0,A", /* 80-87 */
"RES 1,B", "RES 1,C", "RES 1,D", "RES 1,E", "RES 1,H", "RES 1,L", "RES 1,(I%@h)", "RES 1,A", /* 88-8f */
"RES 2,B", "RES 2,C", "RES 2,D", "RES 2,E", "RES 2,H", "RES 2,L", "RES 2,(I%@h)", "RES 2,A", /* 90-97 */
"RES 3,B", "RES 3,C", "RES 3,D", "RES 3,E", "RES 3,H", "RES 3,L", "RES 3,(I%@h)", "RES 3,A", /* 98-9f */
"RES 4,B", "RES 4,C", "RES 4,D", "RES 4,E", "RES 4,H", "RES 4,L", "RES 4,(I%@h)", "RES 4,A", /* a0-a7 */
"RES 5,B", "RES 5,C", "RES 5,D", "RES 5,E", "RES 5,H", "RES 5,L", "RES 5,(I%@h)", "RES 5,A", /* a8-af */
"RES 6,B", "RES 6,C", "RES 6,D", "RES 6,E", "RES 6,H", "RES 6,L", "RES 6,(I%@h)", "RES 6,A", /* b0-b7 */
"RES 7,B", "RES 7,C", "RES 7,D", "RES 7,E", "RES 7,H", "RES 7,L", "RES 7,(I%@h)", "RES 7,A", /* b8-bf */
"SET 0,B", "SET 0,C", "SET 0,D", "SET 0,E", "SET 0,H", "SET 0,L", "SET 0,(I%@h)", "SET 0,A", /* c0-c7 */
"SET 1,B", "SET 1,C", "SET 1,D", "SET 1,E", "SET 1,H", "SET 1,L", "SET 1,(I%@h)", "SET 1,A", /* c8-cf */
"SET 2,B", "SET 2,C", "SET 2,D", "SET 2,E", "SET 2,H", "SET 2,L", "SET 2,(I%@h)", "SET 2,A", /* d0-d7 */
"SET 3,B", "SET 3,C", "SET 3,D", "SET 3,E", "SET 3,H", "SET 3,L", "SET 3,(I%@h)", "SET 3,A", /* d8-df */
"SET 4,B", "SET 4,C", "SET 4,D", "SET 4,E", "SET 4,H", "SET 4,L", "SET 4,(I%@h)", "SET 4,A", /* e0-e7 */
"SET 5,B", "SET 5,C", "SET 5,D", "SET 5,E", "SET 5,H", "SET 5,L", "SET 5,(I%@h)", "SET 5,A", /* e8-ef */
"SET 6,B", "SET 6,C", "SET 6,D", "SET 6,E", "SET 6,H", "SET 6,L", "SET 6,(I%@h)", "SET 6,A", /* f0-f7 */
"SET 7,B", "SET 7,C", "SET 7,D", "SET 7,E", "SET 7,H", "SET 7,L", "SET 7,(I%@h)", "SET 7,A" /* f8-ff */
/* Symbolic disassembler
*val = instructions to disassemble
useZ80Mnemonics = > 0 iff Z80 mnemonics are to be used
addr = current PC
*S = output text
DAsm is Copyright (C) Marat Fayzullin 1995,1996,1997
You are not allowed to distribute this software
static int32 DAsm(char *S, const uint32 *val, const int32 useZ80Mnemonics, const int32 addr) {
char R[128], H[10], C = '\0', *T, *P;
uint8 J = 0, Offset = 0;
uint16 B = 0;
if (useZ80Mnemonics) {
switch(val[B]) {
case 0xcb:
T = MnemonicsCB[val[B++]];
case 0xed:
T = MnemonicsED[val[B++]];
case 0xdd:
case 0xfd:
C = (val[B++] == 0xdd) ? 'X' : 'Y';
if (val[B] == 0xcb) {
Offset = val[B++];
J = 1;
T = MnemonicsXCB[val[B++]];
else {
T = MnemonicsXX[val[B++]];
T = MnemonicsZ80[val[B++]];
else {
T = Mnemonics8080[val[B++]];
if ( (P = strchr(T, '^')) ) {
strncpy(R, T, P - T);
R[P - T] = '\0';
sprintf(H, "%02X", val[B++]);
strcat(R, H);
strcat(R, P + 1);
else {
strcpy(R, T);
if ( (P = strchr(R, '%')) ) {
*P = C;
if ( (P = strchr(P + 1, '%')) ) {
*P = C;
if( (P = strchr(R, '*')) ) {
strncpy(S, R, P - R);
S[P - R] = '\0';
sprintf(H, "%02X", val[B++]);
strcat(S, H);
strcat(S, P + 1);
else if ( (P = strchr(R, '@')) ) {
strncpy(S, R, P - R);
S[P - R] = '\0';
if(!J) {
Offset = val[B++];
strcat(S, Offset & 0x80 ? "-" : "+");
J = Offset & 0x80 ? 256 - Offset : Offset;
sprintf(H, "%02X", J);
strcat(S, H);
strcat(S, P + 1);
else if ( (P = strchr(R, '$')) ) {
strncpy(S, R, P - R);
S[P - R] = '\0';
Offset = val[B++];
sprintf(H, "%04X", addr + 2 + (Offset & 0x80 ? (Offset - 256) : Offset));
strcat(S, H);
strcat(S, P + 1);
else if ( (P = strchr(R, '#')) ) {
strncpy(S, R, P - R);
S[P - R] = '\0';
sprintf(H, "%04X", val[B] + 256 * val[B + 1]);
strcat(S, H);
strcat(S, P + 1);
B += 2;
else {
strcpy(S, R);
/* Symbolic output
*of = output stream
addr = current PC
*val = pointer to values
*uptr = pointer to unit
sw = switches
status = error code
int32 fprint_sym(FILE *of, int32 addr, uint32 *val, UNIT *uptr, int32 sw) {
char disasm[128];
int32 ch = val[0] & 0x7f;
if (sw & (SWMASK('A') | SWMASK('C'))) {
fprintf(of, ((0x20 <= ch) && (ch < 0x7f)) ? "'%c'" : "%02x", ch);
return SCPE_OK;
if (!(sw & SWMASK('M'))) {
return SCPE_ARG;
ch = DAsm(disasm, val, cpu_unit.flags & UNIT_CHIP, addr);
fprintf(of, "%s", disasm);
return 1 - ch; /* need to return additional bytes */
/* checkbase determines the base of the number (ch, *numString)
and returns FALSE if the number is bad */
static int32 checkbase(char ch, const char *numString) {
int32 decimal = (ch <= '9');
if (toupper(ch) == 'H') {
return FALSE;
while (isxdigit(ch = *numString++)) {
if (ch > '9') {
decimal = FALSE;
return toupper(ch) == 'H' ? 16 : (decimal ? 10 : FALSE);
static int32 numok(char ch, const char **numString, const int32 minvalue,
const int32 maxvalue, const int32 requireSign, int32 *result) {
int32 sign = 1, value = 0, base;
if (requireSign) {
if (ch == '+') {
ch = *(*numString)++;
else if (ch == '-') {
sign = -1;
ch = *(*numString)++;
else {
return FALSE;
if (!(base = checkbase(ch, *numString))) {
return FALSE;
while (isxdigit(ch)) {
value = base * value + ((ch <= '9') ? (ch - '0') : (toupper(ch) - 'A' + 10));
ch = *(*numString)++;
if (toupper(ch) != 'H') {
*result = value * sign;
return (minvalue <= value) && (value <= maxvalue);
static int32 match(const char *pattern, const char *input, char *xyFirst, char *xy, int32 *number, int32 *star,
int32 *at, int32 *hat, int32 *dollar) {
char pat = *pattern++;
char inp = *input++;
while ((pat) && (inp)) {
switch(pat) {
case '_': /* patterns containing '_' should never match */
return FALSE;
case ',':
if (inp == ' ') {
inp = *input++;
} /* otherwise fall through */
case ' ':
if (inp != pat) {
return FALSE;
pat = *pattern++;
inp = *input++;
while (inp == ' ') {
inp = *input++;
case '%':
inp = toupper(inp);
if ((inp == 'X') || (inp == 'Y')) {
if (*xyFirst) { /* make sure that second '%' corresponds to first */
if (*xyFirst == inp) {
*xy = inp;
else {
return FALSE;
else { /* take note of first '%' for later */
*xyFirst = inp;
*xy = inp;
else {
return FALSE;
case '#':
if (numok(inp, &input, 0, 65535, FALSE, number)) {
pattern++; /* skip h */
else {
return FALSE;
case '*':
if (numok(inp, &input, 0, 255, FALSE, star)) {
pattern++; /* skip h */
else {
return FALSE;
case '@':
if (numok(inp, &input, -128, 65535, TRUE, at)) {
pattern++; /* skip h */
else {
return FALSE;
case '$':
if (numok(inp, &input, 0, 65535, FALSE, dollar)) {
pattern++; /* skip h */
else {
return FALSE;
case '^':
if (numok(inp, &input, 0, 255, FALSE, hat)) {
pattern++; /* skip h */
else {
return FALSE;
if (toupper(pat) != toupper(inp)) {
return FALSE;
pat = *pattern++;
inp = *input++;
while (inp == ' ') {
inp = *input++;
return (pat == 0) && (inp == 0);
static INLINE int32 checkXY(const char xy) {
return xy == 'X' ? 0xdd : 0xfd; /* else is 'Y' */
static int32 parse_X80(const char *cptr, const int32 addr, uint32 *val, char *const Mnemonics[]) {
char xyFirst = 0, xy;
int32 op, number, star, at, hat, dollar;
for (op = 0; op < 256; op++) {
number = star = at = dollar = -129;
if (match(Mnemonics[op], cptr, &xyFirst, &xy, &number, &star, &at, &hat, &dollar)) {
val[0] = op;
if (number >= 0) {
val[1] = (0xff) & number;
val[2] = (0xff) & (number >> 8);
return -2; /* two additional bytes returned */
else if (star >= 0) {
val[1] = (0xff) & star;
return -1; /* one additional byte returned */
else if (at > -129) {
if ((-128 <= at) && (at <= 127)) {
val[1] = (int8)(at);
return -1; /* one additional byte returned */
else {
return SCPE_ARG;
else if (dollar >= 0) {
dollar -= addr + 2; /* relative translation */
if ((-128 <= dollar) && (dollar <= 127)) {
val[1] = (int8)(dollar);
return -1; /* one additional byte returned */
else {
return SCPE_ARG;
else {
return SCPE_OK;
if (Mnemonics == Mnemonics8080) {
return SCPE_ARG;
for (op = 0; op < 256; op++) {
if (match(MnemonicsCB[op], cptr, &xyFirst, &xy, &number, &star, &at, &hat, &dollar)) {
val[0] = 0xcb;
val[1] = op;
return -1; /* one additional byte returned */
for (op = 0; op < 256; op++) {
number = -1;
if (match(MnemonicsED[op], cptr, &xyFirst, &xy, &number, &star, &at, &hat, &dollar)) {
val[0] = 0xed;
val[1] = op;
if (number >= 0) {
val[2] = (0xff) & number;
val[3] = (0xff) & (number >> 8);
return -3; /* three additional bytes returned */
else {
return -1; /* one additional byte returned */
for (op = 0; op < 256; op++) {
number = star = hat = -1;
xy = 0;
if (match(MnemonicsXX[op], cptr, &xyFirst, &xy, &number, &star, &at, &hat, &dollar)) {
/* all matches must have contained a '%' character */
if (!(val[0] = checkXY(xy))) {
return SCPE_ARG;
val[1] = op;
if (number >= 0) {
val[2] = (0xff) & number;
val[3] = (0xff) & (number >> 8);
return -3; /* three additional bytes returned */
else if ((star >= 0) && (hat >= 0)) {
val[2] = (0xff) & hat;
val[3] = (0xff) & star;
return -3; /* three additional bytes returned */
else if (star >= 0) {
val[2] = (0xff) & star;
return -2; /* two additional bytes returned */
else if (hat >= 0) {
val[2] = (0xff) & hat;
return -2; /* two additional bytes returned */
else {
return -1; /* one additional byte returned */
for (op = 0; op < 256; op++) {
at = -129;
xy = 0;
if (match(MnemonicsXCB[op], cptr, &xyFirst, &xy, &number, &star, &at, &hat, &dollar)) {
/* all matches must have contained a '%' character */
if (!(val[0] = checkXY(xy))) {
return SCPE_ARG;
val[1] = 0xcb;
if (at > -129) {
val[2] = (int8) (at);
else {
printf("Offset expected.\n");
return SCPE_ARG;
val[3] = op;
return -3; /* three additional bytes returned */
return SCPE_ARG;
/* Symbolic input
*cptr = pointer to input string
addr = current PC
*uptr = pointer to unit
*val = pointer to output values
sw = switches
status = error status
int32 parse_sym(char *cptr, int32 addr, UNIT *uptr, uint32 *val, int32 sw) {
while (isspace(*cptr)) cptr++; /* absorb spaces */
if ((sw & (SWMASK('A') | SWMASK('C'))) || ((*cptr == '\'') && cptr++)) { /* ASCII char? */
if (cptr[0] == 0) {
return SCPE_ARG; /* must have one char */
val[0] = (uint32) cptr[0];
return SCPE_OK;
return parse_X80(cptr, addr, val, cpu_unit.flags & UNIT_CHIP ? MnemonicsZ80 : Mnemonics8080);