/* pdp11_dz.c: DZ11 terminal multiplexor simulator | |
Copyright (c) 2001-2008, Robert M Supnik | |
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a | |
copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), | |
to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation | |
the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, | |
and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the | |
Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: | |
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in | |
all copies or substantial portions of the Software. | |
Except as contained in this notice, the name of Robert M Supnik shall not be | |
used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings | |
in this Software without prior written authorization from Robert M Supnik. | |
dz DZ11 terminal multiplexor | |
29-Dec-08 RMS Added MTAB_NC to SET LOG command (Walter Mueller) | |
19-Nov-08 RMS Revised for common TMXR show routines | |
18-Jun-07 RMS Added UNIT_IDLE flag | |
29-Oct-06 RMS Synced poll and clock | |
22-Nov-05 RMS Revised for new terminal processing routines | |
07-Jul-05 RMS Removed extraneous externs | |
15-Jun-05 RMS Revised for new autoconfigure interface | |
04-Apr-04 RMS Added per-line logging | |
05-Jan-04 RMS Revised for tmxr library changes | |
19-May-03 RMS Revised for new conditional compilation scheme | |
09-May-03 RMS Added network device flag | |
22-Dec-02 RMS Added break (framing error) support | |
31-Oct-02 RMS Added 8b support | |
12-Oct-02 RMS Added autoconfigure support | |
29-Sep-02 RMS Fixed bug in set number of lines routine | |
Added variable vector support | |
New data structures | |
22-Apr-02 RMS Updated for changes in sim_tmxr | |
28-Apr-02 RMS Fixed interrupt acknowledge, fixed SHOW DZ ADDRESS | |
14-Jan-02 RMS Added multiboard support | |
30-Dec-01 RMS Added show statistics, set disconnect | |
Removed statistics registers | |
03-Dec-01 RMS Modified for extended SET/SHOW | |
09-Nov-01 RMS Added VAX support | |
20-Oct-01 RMS Moved getchar from sim_tmxr, changed interrupt | |
logic to use tmxr_rqln | |
06-Oct-01 RMS Fixed bug in carrier detect logic | |
03-Oct-01 RMS Added support for BSD-style "ringless" modems | |
27-Sep-01 RMS Fixed bug in xmte initialization | |
17-Sep-01 RMS Added separate autodisconnect switch | |
16-Sep-01 RMS Fixed modem control bit offsets | |
*/ | |
#if defined (VM_PDP10) /* PDP10 version */ | |
#include "pdp10_defs.h" | |
#define RANK_DZ 0 /* no autoconfig */ | |
#define DZ_8B_DFLT 0 | |
extern int32 int_req; | |
#elif defined (VM_VAX) /* VAX version */ | |
#include "vax_defs.h" | |
#define DZ_8B_DFLT TT_MODE_8B | |
extern int32 int_req[IPL_HLVL]; | |
#else /* PDP-11 version */ | |
#include "pdp11_defs.h" | |
#define DZ_8B_DFLT TT_MODE_8B | |
extern int32 int_req[IPL_HLVL]; | |
#endif | |
#include "sim_sock.h" | |
#include "sim_tmxr.h" | |
#if !defined (DZ_MUXES) | |
#define DZ_MUXES 1 | |
#endif | |
#if !defined (DZ_LINES) | |
#define DZ_LINES 8 | |
#endif | |
#define MAX_DZ_MUXES 32 | |
#error "Too many DZ multiplexers" | |
#endif | |
#define DZ_MAXMUX (dz_desc.lines/DZ_LINES - 1) /* maximul mux no */ | |
#define DZ_LNOMASK (DZ_LINES - 1) /* mask for lineno */ | |
#define DZ_LMASK ((1 << DZ_LINES) - 1) /* mask of lines */ | |
#define DZ_SILO_ALM 16 /* silo alarm level */ | |
/* DZCSR - 160100 - control/status register */ | |
#define CSR_MAINT 0000010 /* maint - NI */ | |
#define CSR_CLR 0000020 /* clear */ | |
#define CSR_MSE 0000040 /* master scan enb */ | |
#define CSR_RIE 0000100 /* rcv int enb */ | |
#define CSR_RDONE 0000200 /* rcv done - RO */ | |
#define CSR_V_TLINE 8 /* xmit line - RO */ | |
#define CSR_SAE 0010000 /* silo alm enb */ | |
#define CSR_SA 0020000 /* silo alm - RO */ | |
#define CSR_TIE 0040000 /* xmit int enb */ | |
#define CSR_TRDY 0100000 /* xmit rdy - RO */ | |
#define CSR_RW (CSR_MSE | CSR_RIE | CSR_SAE | CSR_TIE) | |
#define CSR_MBZ (0004003 | CSR_CLR | CSR_MAINT) | |
#define CSR_GETTL(x) (((x) >> CSR_V_TLINE) & DZ_LNOMASK) | |
#define CSR_PUTTL(x,y) x = ((x) & ~CSR_TLINE) | (((y) & DZ_LNOMASK) << CSR_V_TLINE) | |
BITFIELD dz_csr_bits[] = { | |
BITNCF(3), /* not used */ | |
BIT(MAINT), /* Maint */ | |
BIT(MSE), /* naster scan enable */ | |
BIT(RIE), /* receive interrupt enable */ | |
BIT(RDONE), /* receive done */ | |
BITF(TLINE,3), /* transmit line */ | |
BITNCF(1), /* not used */ | |
BIT(SAE), /* silo alarm enable */ | |
BIT(SA), /* silo alarm */ | |
BIT(TIE), /* transmit interrupt enable */ | |
BIT(TRDY), /* transmit ready */ | |
}; | |
/* DZRBUF - 160102 - receive buffer, read only */ | |
#define RBUF_CHAR 0000377 /* rcv char */ | |
#define RBUF_V_RLINE 8 /* rcv line */ | |
#define RBUF_PARE 0010000 /* parity err - NI */ | |
#define RBUF_FRME 0020000 /* frame err */ | |
#define RBUF_OVRE 0040000 /* overrun err - NI */ | |
#define RBUF_VALID 0100000 /* rcv valid */ | |
#define RBUF_MBZ 0004000 | |
BITFIELD dz_rbuf_bits[] = { | |
BITFFMT(RBUF,8,"%02X"), /* Received Character */ | |
BITF(RLINE,3), /* receive line */ | |
BITNCF(1), /* not used */ | |
BIT(PARE), /* parity error */ | |
BIT(FRME), /* frame error */ | |
BIT(OVRE), /* overrun error */ | |
BIT(VALID), /* receive valid */ | |
}; | |
const char *dz_charsizes[] = {"5", "6", "7", "8"}; | |
const char *dz_baudrates[] = {"50", "75", "110", "134.5", "150", "300", "600", "1200", | |
"1800", "2000", "2400", "3600", "4800", "7200", "9600", "19200"}; | |
const char *dz_parity[] = {"N", "E", "N", "O"}; | |
const char *dz_stopbits[] = {"1", "2", "1", "1.5"}; | |
/* DZLPR - 160102 - line parameter register, write only, word access only */ | |
#define LPR_V_LINE 0 /* line */ | |
#define LPR_V_SPEED 8 /* speed code */ | |
#define LPR_M_SPEED 0007400 /* speed code mask */ | |
#define LPR_V_CHARSIZE 3 /* char size code */ | |
#define LPR_M_CHARSIZE 0000030 /* char size code mask */ | |
#define LPR_V_STOPBITS 5 /* stop bits code */ | |
#define LPR_V_PARENB 6 /* parity enable */ | |
#define LPR_V_PARODD 7 /* parity odd */ | |
#define LPR_GETSPD(x) dz_baudrates[((x) & LPR_M_SPEED) >> LPR_V_SPEED] | |
#define LPR_GETCHARSIZE(x) dz_charsizes[((x) & LPR_M_CHARSIZE) >> LPR_V_CHARSIZE] | |
#define LPR_GETPARITY(x) dz_parity[(((x) >> LPR_V_PARENB) & 1) | (((x) >> (LPR_V_PARODD-1)) & 2)] | |
#define LPR_GETSTOPBITS(x) dz_stopbits[(((x) >> LPR_V_STOPBITS) & 1) + (((((x) & LPR_M_CHARSIZE) >> LPR_V_CHARSIZE) == 5) ? 2 : 0)] | |
#define LPR_LPAR 0007770 /* line pars - NI */ | |
#define LPR_RCVE 0010000 /* receive enb */ | |
#define LPR_GETLN(x) (((x) >> LPR_V_LINE) & DZ_LNOMASK) | |
BITFIELD dz_lpr_bits[] = { | |
BITF(LINE,3), /* line */ | |
BITFNAM(CHARSIZE,2,dz_charsizes), /* character size */ | |
BIT(STOPBITS), /* stop bits code */ | |
BIT(PARENB), /* parity error */ | |
BIT(PARODD), /* frame error */ | |
BITFNAM(SPEED,4,dz_baudrates), /* speed code */ | |
BITNCF(1), /* not used */ | |
BIT(RCVE), /* receive enable */ | |
}; | |
/* DZTCR - 160104 - transmission control register */ | |
#define TCR_V_XMTE 0 /* xmit enables */ | |
#define TCR_V_DTR 8 /* DTRs */ | |
BITFIELD dz_tcr_bits[] = { | |
BITFFMT(XMTE,8,%02X), /* Transmit enable */ | |
BITFFMT(DTR, 8,%02X), /* Data Terminal Ready */ | |
}; | |
/* DZMSR - 160106 - modem status register, read only */ | |
#define MSR_V_RI 0 /* ring indicators */ | |
#define MSR_V_CD 8 /* carrier detect */ | |
BITFIELD dz_msr_bits[] = { | |
BITFFMT(RI,8,%02X), /* ring indicators */ | |
BITFFMT(CD,8,%02X), /* carrier detects */ | |
}; | |
/* DZTDR - 160106 - transmit data, write only */ | |
#define TDR_CHAR 0000377 /* xmit char */ | |
#define TDR_V_TBR 8 /* xmit break - NI */ | |
BITFIELD dz_tdr_bits[] = { | |
BITFFMT(CHAR,8,%02X), /* ring indicators */ | |
BITFFMT(TBR, 8,%02X), /* carrier detects */ | |
}; | |
extern int32 IREQ (HLVL); | |
extern int32 tmxr_poll; /* calibrated delay */ | |
uint16 dz_csr[MAX_DZ_MUXES] = { 0 }; /* csr */ | |
uint16 dz_rbuf[MAX_DZ_MUXES] = { 0 }; /* rcv buffer */ | |
uint16 dz_lpr[MAX_DZ_MUXES] = { 0 }; /* line param */ | |
uint16 dz_tcr[MAX_DZ_MUXES] = { 0 }; /* xmit control */ | |
uint16 dz_msr[MAX_DZ_MUXES] = { 0 }; /* modem status */ | |
uint16 dz_tdr[MAX_DZ_MUXES] = { 0 }; /* xmit data */ | |
uint8 dz_sae[MAX_DZ_MUXES] = { 0 }; /* silo alarm enabled */ | |
uint32 dz_wait = SERIAL_IN_WAIT; /* input polling adjustment */ | |
uint32 dz_rxi = 0; /* rcv interrupts */ | |
uint32 dz_txi = 0; /* xmt interrupts */ | |
int32 dz_mctl = 0; /* modem ctrl enabled */ | |
int32 dz_auto = 0; /* autodiscon enabled */ | |
TMLN *dz_ldsc = NULL; /* line descriptors */ | |
TMXR dz_desc = { DZ_MUXES * DZ_LINES, 0, 0, NULL }; /* mux descriptor */ | |
/* debugging bitmaps */ | |
#define DBG_REG 0x0001 /* trace read/write registers */ | |
#define DBG_INT 0x0002 /* display transfer requests */ | |
#define DBG_XMT TMXR_DBG_XMT /* display Transmitted Data */ | |
#define DBG_RCV TMXR_DBG_RCV /* display Received Data */ | |
#define DBG_MDM TMXR_DBG_MDM /* display Modem Signals */ | |
#define DBG_CON TMXR_DBG_CON /* display connection activities */ | |
#define DBG_TRC TMXR_DBG_TRC /* display trace routine calls */ | |
#define DBG_ASY TMXR_DBG_ASY /* display Asynchronous Activities */ | |
DEBTAB dz_debug[] = { | |
{"REG", DBG_REG}, | |
{"INT", DBG_INT}, | |
{"XMT", DBG_XMT}, | |
{"RCV", DBG_RCV}, | |
{"MDM", DBG_MDM}, | |
{"CON", DBG_CON}, | |
{"TRC", DBG_TRC}, | |
{"ASY", DBG_ASY}, | |
{0} | |
}; | |
t_stat dz_rd (int32 *data, int32 PA, int32 access); | |
t_stat dz_wr (int32 data, int32 PA, int32 access); | |
int32 dz_rxinta (void); | |
int32 dz_txinta (void); | |
t_stat dz_svc (UNIT *uptr); | |
t_stat dz_reset (DEVICE *dptr); | |
t_stat dz_attach (UNIT *uptr, char *cptr); | |
t_stat dz_detach (UNIT *uptr); | |
t_stat dz_clear (int32 dz, t_bool flag); | |
uint16 dz_getc (int32 dz); | |
void dz_update_rcvi (void); | |
void dz_update_xmti (void); | |
void dz_clr_rxint (int32 dz); | |
void dz_set_rxint (int32 dz); | |
void dz_clr_txint (int32 dz); | |
void dz_set_txint (int32 dz); | |
t_stat dz_setnl (UNIT *uptr, int32 val, char *cptr, void *desc); | |
t_stat dz_set_log (UNIT *uptr, int32 val, char *cptr, void *desc); | |
t_stat dz_set_nolog (UNIT *uptr, int32 val, char *cptr, void *desc); | |
t_stat dz_show_log (FILE *st, UNIT *uptr, int32 val, void *desc); | |
t_stat dz_help (FILE *st, DEVICE *dptr, UNIT *uptr, int32 flag, const char *cptr); | |
t_stat dz_help_attach (FILE *st, DEVICE *dptr, UNIT *uptr, int32 flag, const char *cptr); | |
const char *dz_description (DEVICE *dptr); | |
/* DZ data structures | |
dz_dev DZ device descriptor | |
dz_unit DZ unit list | |
dz_reg DZ register list | |
*/ | |
#define IOLN_DZ 010 | |
DIB dz_dib = { | |
IOBA_AUTO, IOLN_DZ * DZ_MUXES, &dz_rd, &dz_wr, | |
2, IVCL (DZRX), VEC_AUTO, { &dz_rxinta, &dz_txinta }, | |
IOLN_DZ, | |
}; | |
UNIT dz_unit = { UDATA (&dz_svc, UNIT_IDLE|UNIT_ATTABLE|DZ_8B_DFLT, 0) }; | |
REG dz_reg[] = { | |
{ BRDATADF (CSR, dz_csr, DEV_RDX, 16, MAX_DZ_MUXES, "control/status register", dz_csr_bits) }, | |
{ BRDATADF (RBUF, dz_rbuf, DEV_RDX, 16, MAX_DZ_MUXES, "receive buffer", dz_rbuf_bits) }, | |
{ BRDATADF (LPR, dz_lpr, DEV_RDX, 16, MAX_DZ_MUXES, "line parameter register", dz_lpr_bits) }, | |
{ BRDATADF (TCR, dz_tcr, DEV_RDX, 16, MAX_DZ_MUXES, "transmission control register", dz_tcr_bits) }, | |
{ BRDATADF (MSR, dz_msr, DEV_RDX, 16, MAX_DZ_MUXES, "modem status register", dz_msr_bits) }, | |
{ BRDATADF (TDR, dz_tdr, DEV_RDX, 16, MAX_DZ_MUXES, "transmit data register", dz_tdr_bits) }, | |
{ BRDATAD (SAENB, dz_sae, DEV_RDX, 1, MAX_DZ_MUXES, "silo alarm enabled") }, | |
{ GRDATAD (RXINT, dz_rxi, DEV_RDX, MAX_DZ_MUXES, 0, "receive interrupts") }, | |
{ GRDATAD (TXINT, dz_txi, DEV_RDX, MAX_DZ_MUXES, 0, "transmit interrupts") }, | |
{ DRDATAD (TIME, dz_wait, 24, "input polling adjustment"), PV_LEFT }, | |
{ FLDATAD (MDMCTL, dz_mctl, 0, "modem control enabled") }, | |
{ FLDATAD (AUTODS, dz_auto, 0, "autodisconnect enabled") }, | |
{ GRDATA (DEVADDR, dz_dib.ba, DEV_RDX, 32, 0), REG_HRO }, | |
{ GRDATA (DEVVEC, dz_dib.vec, DEV_RDX, 16, 0), REG_HRO }, | |
{ NULL } | |
}; | |
MTAB dz_mod[] = { | |
{ TT_MODE, TT_MODE_7B, "7b", "7B", NULL, NULL, NULL, "7 bit mode" }, | |
{ TT_MODE, TT_MODE_8B, "8b", "8B", NULL, NULL, NULL, "8 bit mode" }, | |
{ TT_MODE, TT_MODE_7P, "7p", "7P", NULL, NULL, NULL, "7 bit mode - non printing suppressed" }, | |
&tmxr_dscln, NULL, &dz_desc, "Disconnect a specific line" }, | |
{ UNIT_ATT, UNIT_ATT, "summary", NULL, | |
NULL, &tmxr_show_summ, (void *) &dz_desc, "Display a summary of line states" }, | |
NULL, &tmxr_show_cstat, (void *) &dz_desc, "Display current connections" }, | |
NULL, &tmxr_show_cstat, (void *) &dz_desc, "Display multiplexer statistics" }, | |
&set_addr, &show_addr, NULL, "Bus address" }, | |
&set_vec, &show_vec_mux, (void *) &dz_desc, "Interrupt vector" }, | |
#if !defined (VM_PDP10) | |
&set_addr_flt, NULL, NULL, "Enable autoconfiguration of address & vector" }, | |
#endif | |
&dz_setnl, &tmxr_show_lines, (void *) &dz_desc, "Display number of lines" }, | |
{ MTAB_XTD|MTAB_VDV|MTAB_NC, 0, NULL, "LOG=n=file", | |
&dz_set_log, NULL, &dz_desc }, | |
&dz_set_nolog, NULL, &dz_desc, "Disable logging on designated line" }, | |
NULL, &dz_show_log, &dz_desc, "Display logging for all lines" }, | |
{ 0 } | |
}; | |
DEVICE dz_dev = { | |
"DZ", &dz_unit, dz_reg, dz_mod, | |
1, DEV_RDX, 8, 1, DEV_RDX, 8, | |
&tmxr_ex, &tmxr_dep, &dz_reset, | |
NULL, &dz_attach, &dz_detach, | |
0, dz_debug, NULL, NULL, | |
&dz_help, &dz_help_attach, /* help and attach_help routines */ | |
(void *)&dz_desc, /* help context variable */ | |
&dz_description /* description routine */ | |
}; | |
/* Register names for Debug tracing */ | |
static const char *dz_rd_regs[] = | |
{"CSR ", "RBUF", "TCR ", "MSR " }; | |
static const char *dz_wr_regs[] = | |
{"CSR ", "LPR ", "TCR ", "TDR "}; | |
/* IO dispatch routines, I/O addresses 177601x0 - 177601x7 */ | |
t_stat dz_rd (int32 *data, int32 PA, int32 access) | |
{ | |
int i; | |
static BITFIELD* bitdefs[] = {dz_csr_bits, dz_rbuf_bits, dz_tcr_bits, dz_msr_bits}; | |
int32 dz = ((PA - dz_dib.ba) >> 3); /* get mux num */ | |
if (dz > DZ_MAXMUX) | |
return SCPE_IERR; | |
switch ((PA >> 1) & 03) { /* case on PA<2:1> */ | |
case 00: /* CSR */ | |
*data = dz_csr[dz] = dz_csr[dz] & ~CSR_MBZ; | |
break; | |
case 01: /* RBUF */ | |
dz_csr[dz] = dz_csr[dz] & ~CSR_SA; /* clr silo alarm */ | |
if (dz_csr[dz] & CSR_MSE) { /* scanner on? */ | |
dz_rbuf[dz] = dz_getc (dz); /* get top of silo */ | |
if (!dz_rbuf[dz]) /* empty? re-enable */ | |
dz_sae[dz] = 1; | |
tmxr_poll_rx (&dz_desc); /* poll input */ | |
dz_update_rcvi (); /* update rx intr */ | |
if (dz_rbuf[dz]) { | |
/* Schedule the next poll somewhat preceisely so that | |
the programmed input speed is observed. */ | |
sim_activate_after_abs (&dz_unit, dz_ldsc[(dz * DZ_LINES) + (dz_rbuf[dz]>>RBUF_V_RLINE) & 07].rxdelta + dz_wait); | |
} | |
} | |
else { | |
dz_rbuf[dz] = 0; /* no data */ | |
dz_update_rcvi (); /* no rx intr */ | |
} | |
*data = dz_rbuf[dz]; | |
break; | |
case 02: /* TCR */ | |
*data = dz_tcr[dz]; | |
break; | |
case 03: /* MSR */ | |
for (i=0; i<DZ_LINES; ++i) { /* Gather line status bits for each line */ | |
int line; | |
int32 modem_bits; | |
TMLN *lp; | |
line = (dz * DZ_LINES) + i; | |
lp = &dz_ldsc[line]; /* get line desc */ | |
tmxr_set_get_modem_bits (lp, 0, 0, &modem_bits); | |
dz_msr[dz] &= ~((1 << (MSR_V_RI + i)) | (1 << (MSR_V_CD + i))); | |
dz_msr[dz] |= (dz_tcr[dz] & (1 << (i + TCR_V_DTR))) ? | |
((modem_bits&TMXR_MDM_DCD) ? (1 << (MSR_V_CD + i)) : 0) : | |
((modem_bits&TMXR_MDM_RNG) ? (1 << (MSR_V_RI + i)) : 0); | |
} | |
*data = dz_msr[dz]; | |
break; | |
} | |
sim_debug(DBG_REG, &dz_dev, "dz_rd(PA=0x%08X [%s], access=%d, data=0x%X) ", PA, dz_rd_regs[(PA >> 1) & 03], access, *data); | |
sim_debug_bits(DBG_REG, &dz_dev, bitdefs[(PA >> 1) & 03], (uint32)(*data), (uint32)(*data), TRUE); | |
return SCPE_OK; | |
} | |
t_stat dz_wr (int32 ldata, int32 PA, int32 access) | |
{ | |
int32 dz = ((PA - dz_dib.ba) >> 3); /* get mux num */ | |
static BITFIELD* bitdefs[] = {dz_csr_bits, dz_lpr_bits, dz_tcr_bits, dz_tdr_bits}; | |
int32 i, c, line; | |
char lineconfig[16]; | |
TMLN *lp; | |
uint16 data = (uint16)ldata; | |
if (dz > DZ_MAXMUX) | |
return SCPE_IERR; | |
sim_debug(DBG_REG, &dz_dev, "dz_wr(PA=0x%08X [%s], access=%d, data=0x%X) ", PA, dz_wr_regs[(PA >> 1) & 03], access, data); | |
sim_debug_bits(DBG_REG, &dz_dev, bitdefs[(PA >> 1) & 03], (uint32)((PA & 1) ? data<<8 : data), (uint32)((PA & 1) ? data<<8 : data), TRUE); | |
switch ((PA >> 1) & 03) { /* case on PA<2:1> */ | |
case 00: /* CSR */ | |
if (access == WRITEB) | |
data = (PA & 1)? /* byte? merge */ | |
(dz_csr[dz] & 0377) | (data << 8): | |
(dz_csr[dz] & ~0377) | data; | |
if (data & CSR_CLR) /* clr? reset */ | |
dz_clear (dz, FALSE); | |
if (data & CSR_MSE) /* MSE? start poll */ | |
sim_clock_coschedule (&dz_unit, tmxr_poll); | |
else | |
dz_csr[dz] &= ~(CSR_SA | CSR_RDONE | CSR_TRDY); | |
if ((data & CSR_RIE) == 0) /* RIE = 0? */ | |
dz_clr_rxint (dz); | |
else | |
if (((dz_csr[dz] & CSR_IE) == 0) && /* RIE 0->1? */ | |
((dz_csr[dz] & CSR_SAE)? | |
(dz_csr[dz] & CSR_SA): (dz_csr[dz] & CSR_RDONE))) | |
dz_set_rxint (dz); | |
if ((data & CSR_TIE) == 0) /* TIE = 0? */ | |
dz_clr_txint (dz); | |
else if (((dz_csr[dz] & CSR_TIE) == 0) && (dz_csr[dz] & CSR_TRDY)) | |
dz_set_txint (dz); | |
dz_csr[dz] = (dz_csr[dz] & ~CSR_RW) | (data & CSR_RW); | |
break; | |
case 01: /* LPR */ | |
dz_lpr[dz] = data; | |
line = (dz * DZ_LINES) + LPR_GETLN (data); /* get line num */ | |
lp = &dz_ldsc[line]; /* get line desc */ | |
if (dz_lpr[dz] & LPR_RCVE) /* rcv enb? on */ | |
lp->rcve = 1; | |
else | |
lp->rcve = 0; /* else line off */ | |
sprintf(lineconfig, "%s-%s%s%s", LPR_GETSPD(data), LPR_GETCHARSIZE(data), LPR_GETPARITY(data), LPR_GETSTOPBITS(data)); | |
if (!lp->serconfig || (0 != strcmp(lp->serconfig, lineconfig))) /* config changed? */ | |
tmxr_set_config_line (lp, lineconfig); /* set it */ | |
tmxr_poll_rx (&dz_desc); /* poll input */ | |
dz_update_rcvi (); /* update rx intr */ | |
break; | |
case 02: /* TCR */ | |
if (access == WRITEB) | |
data = (PA & 1)? /* byte? merge */ | |
(dz_tcr[dz] & 0377) | (data << 8): | |
(dz_tcr[dz] & ~0377) | data; | |
if (dz_mctl && | |
((access != WRITEB) || (PA & 1))) { /* modem ctl (DTR)? */ | |
int32 changed = data ^ dz_tcr[dz]; | |
for (i = 0; i < DZ_LINES; i++) { | |
if (0 == (changed & (1 << (TCR_V_DTR + i)))) | |
continue; /* line unchanged skip */ | |
line = (dz * DZ_LINES) + i; /* get line num */ | |
lp = &dz_ldsc[line]; /* get line desc */ | |
if (data & (1 << (TCR_V_DTR + i))) { /* just asserted, so turn on */ | |
tmxr_set_get_modem_bits (lp, TMXR_MDM_DTR|TMXR_MDM_RTS, 0, NULL); | |
} | |
else /* just deasserted, so turn off */ | |
if (dz_auto) | |
tmxr_set_get_modem_bits (lp, 0, TMXR_MDM_DTR|TMXR_MDM_RTS, NULL); | |
} | |
} | |
dz_tcr[dz] = data; | |
tmxr_poll_tx (&dz_desc); /* poll output */ | |
dz_update_xmti (); /* update int */ | |
break; | |
case 03: /* TDR */ | |
if (PA & 1) { /* odd byte? */ | |
dz_tdr[dz] = (dz_tdr[dz] & 0377) | (data << 8); /* just save */ | |
break; | |
} | |
dz_tdr[dz] = data; | |
if (dz_csr[dz] & CSR_MSE) { /* enabled? */ | |
line = (dz * DZ_LINES) + CSR_GETTL (dz_csr[dz]); | |
lp = &dz_ldsc[line]; /* get line desc */ | |
c = sim_tt_outcvt (dz_tdr[dz], TT_GET_MODE (dz_unit.flags)); | |
if (c >= 0) /* store char */ | |
tmxr_putc_ln (lp, c); | |
tmxr_poll_tx (&dz_desc); /* poll output */ | |
dz_update_xmti (); /* update int */ | |
} | |
break; | |
} | |
return SCPE_OK; | |
} | |
/* Unit service routine | |
The DZ11 polls to see if asynchronous activity has occurred and now | |
needs to be processed. The polling interval is controlled by the clock | |
simulator, so for most environments, it is calibrated to real time. | |
Typical polling intervals are 50-60 times per second. | |
The simulator assumes that software enables all of the multiplexors, | |
or none of them. | |
*/ | |
t_stat dz_svc (UNIT *uptr) | |
{ | |
int32 dz, t, newln, muxln; | |
sim_debug(DBG_TRC, find_dev_from_unit(uptr), "dz_svc()\n"); | |
for (dz = t = 0; dz < dz_desc.lines/DZ_LINES; dz++) /* check enabled */ | |
t = t | (dz_csr[dz] & CSR_MSE); | |
if (t) { /* any enabled? */ | |
newln = tmxr_poll_conn (&dz_desc); /* poll connect */ | |
if ((newln >= 0) && dz_mctl) { /* got a live one? */ | |
dz = newln / DZ_LINES; /* get mux num */ | |
muxln = newln % DZ_LINES; /* get line in mux */ | |
if (dz_tcr[dz] & (1 << (muxln + TCR_V_DTR))) /* DTR set? */ | |
dz_msr[dz] |= (1 << (muxln + MSR_V_CD)); /* set cdet */ | |
else dz_msr[dz] |= (1 << (muxln + MSR_V_RI)); /* set ring */ | |
} | |
tmxr_poll_rx (&dz_desc); /* poll input */ | |
dz_update_rcvi (); /* upd rcv intr */ | |
tmxr_poll_tx (&dz_desc); /* poll output */ | |
dz_update_xmti (); /* upd xmt intr */ | |
sim_clock_coschedule (uptr, tmxr_poll); /* reactivate */ | |
} | |
return SCPE_OK; | |
} | |
/* Get first available character for mux, if any */ | |
uint16 dz_getc (int32 dz) | |
{ | |
uint32 i, line, c; | |
for (i = c = 0; (i < DZ_LINES) && (c == 0); i++) { /* loop thru lines */ | |
line = (dz * DZ_LINES) + i; /* get line num */ | |
c = tmxr_getc_ln (&dz_ldsc[line]); /* test for input */ | |
if (c & SCPE_BREAK) /* break? frame err */ | |
if (c) /* or in line # */ | |
c = (c & RBUF_CHAR) | RBUF_VALID | (i << RBUF_V_RLINE); | |
} /* end for */ | |
return (uint16)c; | |
} | |
/* Update receive interrupts */ | |
void dz_update_rcvi (void) | |
{ | |
int32 i, dz, line, scnt[MAX_DZ_MUXES]; | |
TMLN *lp; | |
for (dz = 0; dz < dz_desc.lines/DZ_LINES; dz++) { /* loop thru muxes */ | |
scnt[dz] = 0; /* clr input count */ | |
for (i = 0; i < DZ_LINES; i++) { /* poll lines */ | |
line = (dz * DZ_LINES) + i; /* get line num */ | |
lp = &dz_ldsc[line]; /* get line desc */ | |
scnt[dz] = scnt[dz] + tmxr_rqln (lp); /* sum buffers */ | |
if (dz_mctl && !lp->conn) /* if disconn */ | |
dz_msr[dz] &= ~(1 << (i + MSR_V_CD)); /* reset car det */ | |
} | |
} | |
for (dz = 0; dz < dz_desc.lines/DZ_LINES; dz++) { /* loop thru muxes */ | |
if (scnt[dz] && (dz_csr[dz] & CSR_MSE)) { /* input & enabled? */ | |
dz_csr[dz] |= CSR_RDONE; /* set done */ | |
if (dz_sae[dz] && (scnt[dz] >= DZ_SILO_ALM)) { /* alm enb & cnt hi? */ | |
dz_csr[dz] |= CSR_SA; /* set status */ | |
dz_sae[dz] = 0; /* disable alarm */ | |
} | |
} | |
else | |
dz_csr[dz] &= ~CSR_RDONE; /* no, clear done */ | |
if ((dz_csr[dz] & CSR_RIE) && /* int enable */ | |
((dz_csr[dz] & CSR_SAE)? | |
(dz_csr[dz] & CSR_SA): (dz_csr[dz] & CSR_RDONE))) | |
dz_set_rxint (dz); /* and alm/done? */ | |
else | |
dz_clr_rxint (dz); /* no, clear int */ | |
} | |
return; | |
} | |
/* Update transmit interrupts */ | |
void dz_update_xmti (void) | |
{ | |
int32 dz, linemask, i, j, line; | |
for (dz = 0; dz < dz_desc.lines/DZ_LINES; dz++) { /* loop thru muxes */ | |
linemask = dz_tcr[dz] & DZ_LMASK; /* enabled lines */ | |
dz_csr[dz] &= ~CSR_TRDY; /* assume not rdy */ | |
j = CSR_GETTL (dz_csr[dz]); /* start at current */ | |
for (i = 0; i < DZ_LINES; i++) { /* loop thru lines */ | |
j = (j + 1) & DZ_LNOMASK; /* next line */ | |
line = (dz * DZ_LINES) + j; /* get line num */ | |
if ((linemask & (1 << j)) && dz_ldsc[line].xmte) { | |
CSR_PUTTL (dz_csr[dz], j); /* put ln in csr */ | |
dz_csr[dz] |= CSR_TRDY; /* set xmt rdy */ | |
break; | |
} | |
} | |
if ((dz_csr[dz] & CSR_TIE) && (dz_csr[dz] & CSR_TRDY)) /* ready plus int? */ | |
dz_set_txint (dz); | |
else dz_clr_txint (dz); /* no int req */ | |
} | |
return; | |
} | |
/* Interrupt routines */ | |
void dz_clr_rxint (int32 dz) | |
{ | |
dz_rxi = dz_rxi & ~(1 << dz); /* clr mux rcv int */ | |
if (dz_rxi == 0) /* all clr? */ | |
else SET_INT (DZRX); /* no, set intr */ | |
return; | |
} | |
void dz_set_rxint (int32 dz) | |
{ | |
dz_rxi = dz_rxi | (1 << dz); /* set mux rcv int */ | |
SET_INT (DZRX); /* set master intr */ | |
sim_debug(DBG_INT, &dz_dev, "dz_set_rxint(dz=%d)\n", dz); | |
return; | |
} | |
int32 dz_rxinta (void) | |
{ | |
int32 dz; | |
for (dz = 0; dz < dz_desc.lines/DZ_LINES; dz++) { /* find 1st mux */ | |
if (dz_rxi & (1 << dz)) { | |
sim_debug(DBG_INT, &dz_dev, "dz_rzinta(dz=%d)\n", dz); | |
dz_clr_rxint (dz); /* clear intr */ | |
return (dz_dib.vec + (dz * 010)); /* return vector */ | |
} | |
} | |
return 0; | |
} | |
void dz_clr_txint (int32 dz) | |
{ | |
dz_txi = dz_txi & ~(1 << dz); /* clr mux xmt int */ | |
if (dz_txi == 0) /* all clr? */ | |
else SET_INT (DZTX); /* no, set intr */ | |
return; | |
} | |
void dz_set_txint (int32 dz) | |
{ | |
dz_txi = dz_txi | (1 << dz); /* set mux xmt int */ | |
SET_INT (DZTX); /* set master intr */ | |
sim_debug(DBG_INT, &dz_dev, "dz_set_txint(dz=%d)\n", dz); | |
return; | |
} | |
int32 dz_txinta (void) | |
{ | |
int32 dz; | |
for (dz = 0; dz < dz_desc.lines/DZ_LINES; dz++) { /* find 1st mux */ | |
if (dz_txi & (1 << dz)) { | |
sim_debug(DBG_INT, &dz_dev, "dz_txinta(dz=%d)\n", dz); | |
dz_clr_txint (dz); /* clear intr */ | |
return (dz_dib.vec + 4 + (dz * 010)); /* return vector */ | |
} | |
} | |
return 0; | |
} | |
/* Device reset */ | |
t_stat dz_clear (int32 dz, t_bool flag) | |
{ | |
int32 i, line; | |
sim_debug(DBG_TRC, &dz_dev, "dz_clear(dz=%d,flag=%d)\n", dz, flag); | |
dz_csr[dz] = 0; /* clear CSR */ | |
dz_rbuf[dz] = 0; /* silo empty */ | |
dz_lpr[dz] = 0; /* no params */ | |
if (flag) /* INIT? clr all */ | |
dz_tcr[dz] = 0; | |
else dz_tcr[dz] &= ~0377; /* else save dtr */ | |
dz_tdr[dz] = 0; | |
dz_sae[dz] = 1; /* alarm on */ | |
dz_clr_rxint (dz); /* clear int */ | |
dz_clr_txint (dz); | |
for (i = 0; i < DZ_LINES; i++) { /* loop thru lines */ | |
line = (dz * DZ_LINES) + i; | |
if (!dz_ldsc[line].conn) /* set xmt enb */ | |
dz_ldsc[line].xmte = 1; | |
dz_ldsc[line].rcve = 0; /* clr rcv enb */ | |
} | |
return SCPE_OK; | |
} | |
t_stat dz_reset (DEVICE *dptr) | |
{ | |
int32 i, ndev; | |
sim_debug(DBG_TRC, dptr, "dz_reset()\n"); | |
if (dz_ldsc == NULL) | |
dz_desc.ldsc = dz_ldsc = (TMLN *)calloc (dz_desc.lines, sizeof(*dz_ldsc)); | |
for (i = 0; i < dz_desc.lines/DZ_LINES; i++) /* init muxes */ | |
dz_clear (i, TRUE); | |
dz_rxi = dz_txi = 0; /* clr master int */ | |
sim_cancel (&dz_unit); /* stop poll */ | |
ndev = ((dptr->flags & DEV_DIS)? 0: (dz_desc.lines / DZ_LINES)); | |
return auto_config (dptr->name, ndev); /* auto config */ | |
} | |
/* Attach */ | |
t_stat dz_attach (UNIT *uptr, char *cptr) | |
{ | |
int32 dz, muxln; | |
t_stat r; | |
if ((sim_switches & SWMASK ('M')) || dz_mctl) /* modem control? */ | |
tmxr_set_modem_control_passthru (&dz_desc); | |
r = tmxr_attach (&dz_desc, uptr, cptr); /* attach mux */ | |
if (r != SCPE_OK) { /* error? */ | |
tmxr_clear_modem_control_passthru (&dz_desc); | |
return r; | |
} | |
if (sim_switches & SWMASK ('M')) { /* modem control? */ | |
dz_mctl = 1; | |
sim_printf ("Modem control activated\n"); | |
if (sim_switches & SWMASK ('A')) { /* autodisconnect? */ | |
dz_auto = 1; | |
sim_printf ("Auto disconnect activated\n"); | |
} | |
} | |
for (dz = 0; dz < dz_desc.lines/DZ_LINES; dz++) { | |
if (!dz_mctl || (0 == (dz_csr[dz] & CSR_MSE))) /* enabled? */ | |
continue; | |
for (muxln = 0; muxln < DZ_LINES; muxln++) { | |
if (dz_tcr[dz] & (1 << (muxln + TCR_V_DTR))) { | |
TMLN *lp = &dz_ldsc[(dz * DZ_LINES) + muxln]; | |
tmxr_set_get_modem_bits (lp, TMXR_MDM_DTR|TMXR_MDM_RTS, 0, NULL); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
return SCPE_OK; | |
} | |
/* Detach */ | |
t_stat dz_detach (UNIT *uptr) | |
{ | |
t_stat r = tmxr_detach (&dz_desc, uptr); | |
dz_mctl = dz_auto = 0; /* modem ctl off */ | |
tmxr_clear_modem_control_passthru (&dz_desc); | |
return r; | |
} | |
/* SET LINES processor */ | |
t_stat dz_setnl (UNIT *uptr, int32 val, char *cptr, void *desc) | |
{ | |
int32 newln, i, t; | |
t_stat r; | |
if (cptr == NULL) | |
return SCPE_ARG; | |
newln = (int32) get_uint (cptr, 10, (MAX_DZ_MUXES * DZ_LINES), &r); | |
if ((r != SCPE_OK) || (newln == dz_desc.lines)) | |
return r; | |
if ((newln == 0) || (newln % DZ_LINES)) | |
return SCPE_ARG; | |
if (newln < dz_desc.lines) { | |
for (i = newln, t = 0; i < dz_desc.lines; i++) | |
t = t | dz_ldsc[i].conn; | |
if (t && !get_yn ("This will disconnect users; proceed [N]?", FALSE)) | |
return SCPE_OK; | |
for (i = newln; i < dz_desc.lines; i++) { | |
if (dz_ldsc[i].conn) { | |
tmxr_linemsg (&dz_ldsc[i], "\r\nOperator disconnected line\r\n"); | |
tmxr_send_buffered_data (&dz_ldsc[i]); | |
} | |
tmxr_detach_ln (&dz_ldsc[i]); /* completely reset line */ | |
if ((i % DZ_LINES) == (DZ_LINES - 1)) | |
dz_clear (i / DZ_LINES, TRUE); /* reset mux */ | |
} | |
} | |
dz_dib.lnt = (newln / DZ_LINES) * IOLN_DZ; /* set length */ | |
dz_desc.ldsc = dz_ldsc = (TMLN *)realloc(dz_ldsc, newln*sizeof(*dz_ldsc)); | |
if (dz_desc.lines < newln) | |
memset (dz_ldsc + dz_desc.lines, 0, sizeof(*dz_ldsc)*(newln-dz_desc.lines)); | |
dz_desc.lines = newln; | |
return dz_reset (&dz_dev); /* setup lines and auto config */ | |
} | |
/* SET LOG processor */ | |
t_stat dz_set_log (UNIT *uptr, int32 val, char *cptr, void *desc) | |
{ | |
char *tptr; | |
t_stat r; | |
int32 ln; | |
if (cptr == NULL) | |
return SCPE_ARG; | |
tptr = strchr (cptr, '='); | |
if ((tptr == NULL) || (*tptr == 0)) | |
return SCPE_ARG; | |
*tptr++ = 0; | |
ln = (int32) get_uint (cptr, 10, dz_desc.lines, &r); | |
if ((r != SCPE_OK) || (ln >= dz_desc.lines)) | |
return SCPE_ARG; | |
return tmxr_set_log (NULL, ln, tptr, desc); | |
} | |
/* SET NOLOG processor */ | |
t_stat dz_set_nolog (UNIT *uptr, int32 val, char *cptr, void *desc) | |
{ | |
t_stat r; | |
int32 ln; | |
if (cptr == NULL) | |
return SCPE_ARG; | |
ln = (int32) get_uint (cptr, 10, dz_desc.lines, &r); | |
if ((r != SCPE_OK) || (ln >= dz_desc.lines)) | |
return SCPE_ARG; | |
return tmxr_set_nolog (NULL, ln, NULL, desc); | |
} | |
/* SHOW LOG processor */ | |
t_stat dz_show_log (FILE *st, UNIT *uptr, int32 val, void *desc) | |
{ | |
int32 i; | |
for (i = 0; i < dz_desc.lines; i++) { | |
fprintf (st, "line %d: ", i); | |
tmxr_show_log (st, NULL, i, desc); | |
fprintf (st, "\n"); | |
} | |
return SCPE_OK; | |
} | |
t_stat dz_help (FILE *st, DEVICE *dptr, UNIT *uptr, int32 flag, const char *cptr) | |
{ | |
const char *devtype = (UNIBUS) ? "DZ11" : "DZV11"; | |
fprintf (st, "%s Terminal Multiplexer (DZ)\n\n", devtype); | |
fprintf (st, "The %s is a %d line terminal multiplexor. Up to %d %s's (%d lines) are\n", devtype, DZ_LINES, MAX_DZ_MUXES, devtype, DZ_LINES*MAX_DZ_MUXES); | |
fprintf (st, "supported. The default number of lines is %d. The number of lines can\n", DZ_LINES*DZ_MUXES); | |
fprintf (st, "be changed with the command\n\n"); | |
fprintf (st, " sim> SET %s LINES=n set line count to n\n\n", dptr->name); | |
fprintf (st, "The line count must be a multiple of %d, with a maximum of %d.\n\n", DZ_LINES, DZ_LINES*MAX_DZ_MUXES); | |
fprintf (st, "The %s supports three character processing modes, 7P, 7B, and 8B:\n\n", devtype); | |
fprintf (st, " mode input characters output characters\n"); | |
fprintf (st, " =============================================\n"); | |
fprintf (st, " 7P high-order bit cleared high-order bit cleared,\n"); | |
fprintf (st, " non-printing characters suppressed\n"); | |
fprintf (st, " 7B high-order bit cleared high-order bit cleared\n"); | |
fprintf (st, " 8B no changes no changes\n\n"); | |
fprintf (st, "The default is 8B.\n\n"); | |
fprintf (st, "The %s supports logging on a per-line basis. The command\n\n", devtype); | |
fprintf (st, " sim> SET %s LOG=n=filename\n\n", dptr->name); | |
fprintf (st, "enables logging for the specified line(n) to the indicated file. The command\n\n"); | |
fprintf (st, " sim> SET %s NOLOG=line\n\n", dptr->name); | |
fprintf (st, "disables logging for the specified line and closes any open log file. Finally,\n"); | |
fprintf (st, "the command:\n\n"); | |
fprintf (st, " sim> SHOW %s LOG\n\n", dptr->name); | |
fprintf (st, "displays logging information for all %s lines.\n\n", dptr->name); | |
fprintf (st, "Once the %s is attached and the simulator is running, the %s will listen for\n", devtype, devtype); | |
fprintf (st, "connections on the specified port. It assumes that the incoming connections\n"); | |
fprintf (st, "are Telnet connections. The connection remains open until disconnected by the\n"); | |
fprintf (st, "simulated program, the Telnet client, a SET %s DISCONNECT command, or a\n", dptr->name); | |
fprintf (st, "DETACH %s command.\n\n", dptr->name); | |
fprintf (st, "Other special %s commands:\n\n", dptr->name); | |
fprintf (st, " sim> SHOW %s CONNECTIONS show current connections\n", dptr->name); | |
fprintf (st, " sim> SHOW %s STATISTICS show statistics for active connections\n", dptr->name); | |
fprintf (st, " sim> SET %s DISCONNECT=linenumber disconnects the specified line.\n\n\n", dptr->name); | |
fprintf (st, "All open connections are lost when the simulator shuts down or the %s is\n", dptr->name); | |
fprintf (st, "detached.\n\n"); | |
dz_help_attach (st, dptr, uptr, flag, cptr); | |
return SCPE_OK; | |
} | |
t_stat dz_help_attach (FILE *st, DEVICE *dptr, UNIT *uptr, int32 flag, const char *cptr) | |
{ | |
const char *devtype = (UNIBUS) ? "DZ11" : "DZV11"; | |
tmxr_attach_help (st, dptr, uptr, flag, cptr); | |
fprintf (st, "The terminal lines perform input and output through Telnet sessions connected\n"); | |
fprintf (st, "to a user-specified port. The ATTACH command specifies the port to be used:\n\n"); | |
fprintf (st, " sim> ATTACH {-am} %s {interface:}port set up listening port\n\n", dptr->name); | |
fprintf (st, "where port is a decimal number between 1 and 65535 that is not being used for\n"); | |
fprintf (st, "other TCP/IP activities. The optional switch -m turns on the %s's modem\n", devtype); | |
fprintf (st, "controls; the optional switch -a turns on active disconnects (disconnect\n"); | |
fprintf (st, "session if computer clears Data Terminal Ready). Without modem control, the\n"); | |
fprintf (st, "%s behaves as though terminals were directly connected; disconnecting the\n", devtype); | |
fprintf (st, "Telnet session does not cause any operating system-visible change in line\n"); | |
fprintf (st, "status.\n\n"); | |
return SCPE_OK; | |
} | |
const char *dz_description (DEVICE *dptr) | |
{ | |
return (UNIBUS) ? "DZ11 8-line terminal multiplexer" : "DZV11 4-line terminal multiplexer"; | |
} |