blob: ac67f4135163e10239840ac197f3de2a4d551d23 [file] [log] [blame] [raw]
/* scp.c: simulator control program
Copyright (c) 1993-2001, Robert M Supnik
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
Except as contained in this notice, the name of Robert M Supnik shall not
be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings
in this Software without prior written authorization from Robert M Supnik.
18-Jul-01 RMS Minor changes for Macintosh port
12-Jun-01 RMS Fixed bug in big-endian I/O (found by Dave Conroy)
27-May-01 RMS Added multiple console support
16-May-01 RMS Added logging
15-May-01 RMS Added features from Tim Litt
12-May-01 RMS Fixed missing return in disable_cmd
14-Mar-01 RMS Revised LOAD/DUMP interface (again)
05-Mar-01 RMS Added clock calibration support
05-Feb-01 RMS Fixed bug, DETACH buffered unit with hwmark = 0
04-Feb-01 RMS Fixed bug, RESTORE not using device's attach routine
21-Jan-01 RMS Added relative time
22-Dec-00 RMS Fixed find_device for devices ending in numbers
08-Dec-00 RMS V2.5a changes
30-Oct-00 RMS Added output file option to examine
11-Jul-99 RMS V2.5 changes
13-Apr-99 RMS Fixed handling of 32b addresses
04-Oct-98 RMS V2.4 changes
20-Aug-98 RMS Added radix commands
05-Jun-98 RMS Fixed bug in ^D handling for UNIX
10-Apr-98 RMS Added switches to all commands
26-Oct-97 RMS Added search capability
25-Jan-97 RMS Revised data types
23-Jan-97 RMS Added bi-endian I/O
06-Sep-96 RMS Fixed bug in variable length IEXAMINE
16-Jun-96 RMS Changed interface to parse/print_sym
06-Apr-96 RMS Added error checking in reset all
07-Jan-96 RMS Added register buffers in save/restore
11-Dec-95 RMS Fixed ordering bug in save/restore
22-May-95 RMS Added symbolic input
13-Apr-95 RMS Added symbolic printouts
#define SCP 1 /* defining module */
#include "sim_defs.h"
#include <signal.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#define EX_D 0 /* deposit */
#define EX_E 1 /* examine */
#define EX_I 2 /* interactive */
#define SCH_OR 0 /* search logicals */
#define SCH_AND 1
#define SCH_XOR 2
#define SCH_E 0 /* search booleans */
#define SCH_N 1
#define SCH_G 2
#define SCH_L 3
#define SCH_EE 4
#define SCH_NE 5
#define SCH_GE 6
#define SCH_LE 7
#define SWHIDE (1u << 26) /* enable hiding */
#define SRBSIZ 1024 /* save/restore buffer */
#define RU_RUN 0 /* run */
#define RU_GO 1 /* go */
#define RU_STEP 2 /* step */
#define RU_CONT 3 /* continue */
#define RU_BOOT 4 /* boot */
#define UPDATE_SIM_TIME(x) sim_time = sim_time + (x - sim_interval); \
sim_rtime = sim_rtime + ((uint32) (x - sim_interval)); \
x = sim_interval
extern char sim_name[];
extern DEVICE *sim_devices[];
extern UNIT *sim_consoles[];
extern REG *sim_PC;
extern char *sim_stop_messages[];
extern t_stat sim_instr (void);
extern t_stat sim_load (FILE *ptr, char *cptr, char *fnam, int flag);
extern int32 sim_emax;
extern t_stat fprint_sym (FILE *ofile, t_addr addr, t_value *val,
UNIT *uptr, int32 sw);
extern t_stat parse_sym (char *cptr, t_addr addr, UNIT *uptr, t_value *val,
int32 sw);
extern t_stat ttinit (void);
extern t_stat ttrunstate (void);
extern t_stat ttcmdstate (void);
extern t_stat ttclose (void);
extern t_stat sim_putchar (int32 out);
extern uint32 sim_os_msec (void);
UNIT *sim_clock_queue = NULL;
int32 sim_interval = 0;
int32 sim_switches = 0;
int32 sim_is_running = 0;
static double sim_time;
static uint32 sim_rtime;
static int32 noqueue_time;
volatile int32 stop_cpu = 0;
t_value *sim_eval = NULL;
int32 sim_end = 1; /* 1 = little */
FILE *sim_log = NULL; /* log file */
unsigned char sim_flip[FLIP_SIZE];
#define print_val(a,b,c,d) fprint_val (stdout, (a), (b), (c), (d))
#define SZ_D(dp) (size_map[((dp) -> dwidth + CHAR_BIT - 1) / CHAR_BIT])
#define SZ_R(rp) \
(size_map[((rp) -> width + (rp) -> offset + CHAR_BIT - 1) / CHAR_BIT])
#if defined (int64)
#define SZ_LOAD(sz,v,mb,j) \
if (sz == sizeof (uint8)) v = *(((uint8 *) mb) + j); \
else if (sz == sizeof (uint16)) v = *(((uint16 *) mb) + j); \
else if (sz == sizeof (uint32)) v = *(((uint32 *) mb) + j); \
else v = *(((uint64 *) mb) + j);
#define SZ_STORE(sz,v,mb,j) \
if (sz == sizeof (uint8)) *(((uint8 *) mb) + j) = (uint8) v; \
else if (sz == sizeof (uint16)) *(((uint16 *) mb) + j) = (uint16) v; \
else if (sz == sizeof (uint32)) *(((uint32 *) mb) + j) = (uint32) v; \
else *(((uint64 *) mb) + j) = v;
#define SZ_LOAD(sz,v,mb,j) \
if (sz == sizeof (uint8)) v = *(((uint8 *) mb) + j); \
else if (sz == sizeof (uint16)) v = *(((uint16 *) mb) + j); \
else v = *(((uint32 *) mb) + j);
#define SZ_STORE(sz,v,mb,j) \
if (sz == sizeof (uint8)) *(((uint8 *) mb) + j) = (uint8) v; \
else if (sz == sizeof (uint16)) *(((uint16 *) mb) + j) = (uint16) v; \
else *(((uint32 *) mb) + j) = v;
#define GET_SWITCHES(cp,gb) \
sim_switches = 0; \
while (*cp == '-') { \
int32 lsw; \
cp = get_glyph (cp, gb, 0); \
if ((lsw = get_switches (gb)) <= 0) return SCPE_ARG; \
sim_switches = sim_switches | lsw; }
#define GET_RADIX(val,dft) \
if (sim_switches & SWMASK ('O')) val = 8; \
else if (sim_switches & SWMASK ('D')) val = 10; \
else if (sim_switches & SWMASK ('H')) val = 16; \
else val = dft;
int32 get_switches (char *cptr);
t_value get_rval (REG *rptr, int idx);
void put_rval (REG *rptr, int idx, t_value val);
t_stat get_aval (t_addr addr, DEVICE *dptr, UNIT *uptr);
t_value strtotv (char *inptr, char **endptr, int radix);
t_stat fprint_val (FILE *stream, t_value val, int rdx, int wid, int fmt);
void fprint_stopped (FILE *stream, t_stat r);
void sim_chkcons (void);
char *read_line (char *ptr, int size, FILE *stream);
DEVICE *find_dev (char *ptr);
DEVICE *find_unit (char *ptr, int32 *iptr);
DEVICE *find_dev_from_unit (UNIT *uptr);
REG *find_reg (char *ptr, char **optr, DEVICE *dptr);
t_bool qdisable (DEVICE *dptr);
t_stat detach_all (int start_device);
t_stat ex_reg (FILE *ofile, t_value val, int flag, REG *rptr, t_addr idx);
t_stat dep_reg (int flag, char *cptr, REG *rptr, t_addr idx);
t_stat ex_addr (FILE *ofile, int flag, t_addr addr, DEVICE *dptr, UNIT *uptr);
t_stat dep_addr (int flag, char *cptr, t_addr addr, DEVICE *dptr,
UNIT *uptr, int dfltinc);
char *get_range (char *cptr, t_addr *lo, t_addr *hi, int rdx,
t_addr max, char term);
SCHTAB *get_search (char *cptr, DEVICE *dptr, SCHTAB *schptr);
int test_search (t_value val, SCHTAB *schptr);
t_stat step_svc (UNIT *ptr);
UNIT step_unit = { UDATA (&step_svc, 0, 0) };
const char save_vercur[] = "V2.6";
const char save_ver25[] = "V2.5";
const char *scp_error_messages[] = {
"Address space exceeded",
"Unit not attached",
"I/O error",
"Checksum error",
"Format error",
"Unit not attachable",
"File open error",
"Memory exhausted",
"Invalid argument",
"Step expired",
"Unknown command",
"Read only argument",
"Command not completed",
"Simulation stopped",
"Console input I/O error",
"Console output I/O error",
"End of file",
"Relocation error",
"No settable parameters",
"Unit already attached",
"Hardware timer error",
"SIGINT handler setup error",
"Console terminal setup error",
"Subscript out of range",
"Command not allowed",
"Unit disabled",
"Logging enabled",
"Logging disabled"
const size_t size_map[] = { sizeof (int8),
sizeof (int8), sizeof (int16), sizeof (int32), sizeof (int32)
#if defined (int64)
, sizeof (int64), sizeof (int64), sizeof (int64), sizeof (int64)
const t_value width_mask[] = { 0,
0x1, 0x3, 0x7, 0xF,
0x1F, 0x3F, 0x7F, 0xFF,
0x1FF, 0x3FF, 0x7FF, 0xFFF,
0x1FFF, 0x3FFF, 0x7FFF, 0xFFFF,
0x1FFFF, 0x3FFFF, 0x7FFFF, 0xFFFFF,
#if defined (int64)
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
char cbuf[CBUFSIZE], gbuf[CBUFSIZE], *cptr;
int32 i, stat;
FILE *fpin;
union {int32 i; char c[sizeof (int32)]; } end_test;
t_stat reset_cmd (int flag, char *ptr);
t_stat exdep_cmd (int flag, char *ptr);
t_stat load_cmd (int flag, char *ptr);
t_stat run_cmd (int flag, char *ptr);
t_stat attach_cmd (int flag, char *ptr);
t_stat detach_cmd (int flag, char *ptr);
t_stat save_cmd (int flag, char *ptr);
t_stat restore_cmd (int flag, char *ptr);
t_stat exit_cmd (int flag, char *ptr);
t_stat set_cmd (int flag, char *ptr);
t_stat show_cmd (int flag, char *ptr);
t_stat add_cmd (int flag, char *ptr);
t_stat remove_cmd (int flag, char *ptr);
t_stat enable_cmd (int flag, char *ptr);
t_stat disable_cmd (int flag, char *ptr);
t_stat log_cmd (int flag, char *ptr);
t_stat nolog_cmd (int flag, char *ptr);
t_stat help_cmd (int flag, char *ptr);
static CTAB cmd_table[] = {
{ "RESET", &reset_cmd, 0 },
{ "EXAMINE", &exdep_cmd, EX_E },
{ "IEXAMINE", &exdep_cmd, EX_E+EX_I },
{ "DEPOSIT", &exdep_cmd, EX_D },
{ "IDEPOSIT", &exdep_cmd, EX_D+EX_I },
{ "RUN", &run_cmd, RU_RUN },
{ "GO", &run_cmd, RU_GO },
{ "STEP", &run_cmd, RU_STEP },
{ "CONT", &run_cmd, RU_CONT },
{ "BOOT", &run_cmd, RU_BOOT },
{ "ATTACH", &attach_cmd, 0 },
{ "DETACH", &detach_cmd, 0 },
{ "SAVE", &save_cmd, 0 },
{ "RESTORE", &restore_cmd, 0 },
{ "GET", &restore_cmd, 0 },
{ "LOAD", &load_cmd, 0 },
{ "DUMP", &load_cmd, 1 },
{ "EXIT", &exit_cmd, 0 },
{ "QUIT", &exit_cmd, 0 },
{ "BYE", &exit_cmd, 0 },
{ "SET", &set_cmd, 0 },
{ "SHOW", &show_cmd, 0 },
{ "ENABLE", &enable_cmd, 0 },
{ "DISABLE", &disable_cmd, 0 },
{ "ADD", &add_cmd, 0 },
{ "REMOVE", &remove_cmd, 0 },
{ "LOG", &log_cmd, 0 },
{ "NOLOG", &nolog_cmd, 0 },
{ "HELP", &help_cmd, 0 },
{ NULL, NULL, 0 } };
/* Main command loop */
#if defined (__MWERKS__) && defined (macintosh)
argc = ccommand(&argv);
if ((stat = ttinit ()) != SCPE_OK) {
printf ("Fatal terminal initialization error\n%s\n",
scp_error_messages[stat - SCPE_BASE]);
return 0; }
printf ("\n%s simulator V2.6b\n", sim_name);
end_test.i = 1; /* test endian-ness */
sim_end = end_test.c[0];
stop_cpu = 0;
sim_interval = 0;
sim_time = sim_rtime = 0;
noqueue_time = 0;
sim_clock_queue = NULL;
sim_is_running = 0;
sim_log = NULL;
if (sim_emax <= 0) sim_emax = 1;
if ((sim_eval = calloc (sim_emax, sizeof (t_value))) == NULL) {
printf ("Unable to allocate examine buffer\n");
return 0; };
if ((stat = reset_all (0)) != SCPE_OK) {
printf ("Fatal simulator initialization error\n%s\n",
scp_error_messages[stat - SCPE_BASE]);
return 0; }
if ((argc > 1) && (argv[1] != NULL)) { /* cmd line arg? */
if ((fpin = fopen (argv[1], "r")) != NULL) { /* cmd file open? */
do { cptr = read_line (cbuf, CBUFSIZE, fpin);
if (cptr == NULL) break; /* exit on eof */
if (*cptr == 0) continue; /* ignore blank */
cptr = get_glyph (cptr, gbuf, 0); /* get command glyph */
for (i = 0; cmd_table[i].name != NULL; i++) {
if (MATCH_CMD (gbuf, cmd_table[i].name) == 0) {
stat = cmd_table[i].action (cmd_table[i].arg, cptr);
break; } }
if (stat >= SCPE_BASE)
printf ("%s\n", scp_error_messages[stat - SCPE_BASE]);
} while (stat != SCPE_EXIT); } /* end if cmd file */
else printf ("Can't open file \"%s\"\n", argv[1]); } /* end if cmd arg */
do { printf ("sim> "); /* prompt */
cptr = read_line (cbuf, CBUFSIZE, stdin); /* read command line */
stat = SCPE_UNK;
if (cptr == NULL) continue; /* ignore EOF */
if (*cptr == 0) continue; /* ignore blank */
if (sim_log) fprintf (sim_log, "sim> %s\n", cbuf); /* log cmd */
cptr = get_glyph (cptr, gbuf, 0); /* get command glyph */
for (i = 0; cmd_table[i].name != NULL; i++) {
if (MATCH_CMD (gbuf, cmd_table[i].name) == 0) {
stat = cmd_table[i].action (cmd_table[i].arg, cptr);
break; } }
if (stat >= SCPE_BASE) { /* error? */
printf ("%s\n", scp_error_messages[stat - SCPE_BASE]);
if (sim_log) fprintf (sim_log, "%s\n",
scp_error_messages[stat - SCPE_BASE]); }
} while (stat != SCPE_EXIT);
detach_all (0); /* close files */
nolog_cmd (0, NULL); /* close log */
ttclose (); /* close console */
return 0;
/* Exit command */
t_stat exit_cmd (int flag, char *cptr)
return SCPE_EXIT;
/* Help command */
void fprint_help (FILE *st)
fprintf (st, "r{eset} {ALL|<device>} reset simulator\n");
fprintf (st, "e{xamine} <list> examine memory or registers\n");
fprintf (st, "ie{xamine} <list> interactive examine memory or registers\n");
fprintf (st, "d{eposit} <list> <val> deposit in memory or registers\n");
fprintf (st, "id{eposit} <list> interactive deposit in memory or registers\n");
fprintf (st, "l{oad} <file> {<args>} load binary file\n");
fprintf (st, "du(mp) <file> {<args>} dump binary file\n");
fprintf (st, "ru{n} {new PC} reset and start simulation\n");
fprintf (st, "go {new PC} start simulation\n");
fprintf (st, "c{ont} continue simulation\n");
fprintf (st, "s{tep} {n} simulate n instructions\n");
fprintf (st, "b{oot} <device>|<unit> bootstrap device\n");
fprintf (st, "at{tach} <unit> <file> attach file to simulated unit\n");
fprintf (st, "det{ach} <unit> detach file from simulated unit\n");
fprintf (st, "sa{ve} <file> save simulator to file\n");
fprintf (st, "rest{ore}|ge{t} <file> restore simulator from file\n");
fprintf (st, "exi{t}|q{uit}|by{e} exit from simulation\n");
fprintf (st, "set <unit> <val> set unit parameter\n");
fprintf (st, "show <device> show device parameters\n");
fprintf (st, "sh{ow} c{onfiguration} show configuration\n");
fprintf (st, "sh{ow} m{odifiers} show modifiers\n");
fprintf (st, "sh{ow} q{ueue} show event queue\n");
fprintf (st, "sh{ow} t{ime} show simulated time\n");
fprintf (st, "en{able} <device> enable device\n");
fprintf (st, "di{sable} <device> disable device\n");
fprintf (st, "ad{d} <unit> add unit to configuration\n");
fprintf (st, "rem{ove} <unit> remove unit from configuration\n");
fprintf (st, "log <file> enable logging to file\n");
fprintf (st, "nolog disable logging\n");
fprintf (st, "h{elp} type this message\n");
t_stat help_cmd (int flag, char *cptr)
fprint_help (stdout);
if (sim_log) fprint_help (sim_log);
return SCPE_OK;
/* Set command */
t_stat set_cmd (int flag, char *cptr)
int32 i, unitno;
t_stat r;
char gbuf[CBUFSIZE];
DEVICE *dptr;
UNIT *uptr;
MTAB *mptr;
t_stat set_radix (DEVICE *dptr, int flag);
static CTAB set_table[] = {
{ "OCTAL", &set_radix, 8 },
{ "DECIMAL", &set_radix, 10 },
{ "HEX", &set_radix, 16 },
{ NULL, NULL, 0 } };
GET_SWITCHES (cptr, gbuf); /* test for switches */
cptr = get_glyph (cptr, gbuf, 0); /* get next glyph */
dptr = find_unit (gbuf, &unitno); /* find dev+unit */
if ((dptr == NULL) || (dptr -> units == NULL) ||
(*cptr == 0)) return SCPE_ARG; /* argument? */
cptr = get_glyph (cptr, gbuf, 0); /* get glyph */
if (*cptr != 0) return SCPE_ARG; /* now eol? */
uptr = dptr -> units + unitno;
if (uptr -> flags & UNIT_DIS) return SCPE_UDIS; /* disabled? */
for (i = 0; set_table[i].name != NULL; i++) { /* check globals */
if (MATCH_CMD (gbuf, set_table[i].name) == 0)
return set_table[i].action (dptr, set_table[i].arg); }
if (dptr -> modifiers == NULL) return SCPE_NOPARAM; /* any modifiers? */
for (mptr = dptr -> modifiers; mptr -> mask != 0; mptr++) {
if ((mptr -> mstring != NULL) &&
(MATCH_CMD (gbuf, mptr -> mstring) == 0)) {
if ((mptr -> valid != NULL) &&
((r = mptr -> valid (uptr, mptr -> match)) != SCPE_OK))
return r; /* invalid? */
uptr -> flags = (uptr -> flags & ~(mptr -> mask)) |
(mptr -> match & mptr -> mask); /* set new value */
return SCPE_OK; } }
return SCPE_ARG; /* no match */
/* Set radix routine */
t_stat set_radix (DEVICE *dptr, int flag)
dptr -> dradix = flag & 017;
return SCPE_OK;
/* Show command */
t_stat show_cmd (int flag, char *cptr)
int32 i;
t_stat r;
char gbuf[CBUFSIZE];
DEVICE *dptr;
t_stat show_config (FILE *st, int flag);
t_stat show_queue (FILE *st, int flag);
t_stat show_time (FILE *st, int flag);
t_stat show_modifiers (FILE *st, int flag);
t_stat show_device (FILE *st, DEVICE *dptr, int flag);
static CTAB show_table[] = {
{ "CONFIGURATION", &show_config, 0 },
{ "DEVICES", &show_config, 1 },
{ "QUEUE", &show_queue, 0 },
{ "TIME", &show_time, 0 },
{ "MODIFIERS", &show_modifiers, 0 },
{ NULL, NULL, 0 } };
GET_SWITCHES (cptr, gbuf); /* test for switches */
cptr = get_glyph (cptr, gbuf, 0); /* get next glyph */
if (*cptr != 0) return SCPE_ARG; /* now eol? */
for (i = 0; show_table[i].name != NULL; i++) { /* find command */
if (MATCH_CMD (gbuf, show_table[i].name) == 0) {
r = show_table[i].action (stdout, show_table[i].arg);
if (sim_log)
show_table[i].action (sim_log, show_table[i].arg);
return r; } }
dptr = find_dev (gbuf); /* locate device */
if (dptr == NULL) return SCPE_ARG; /* not found? */
r = show_device (stdout, dptr, 0);
if (sim_log) show_device (sim_log, dptr, 0);
return r;
/* Show processors */
t_stat show_device (FILE *st, DEVICE *dptr, int flag)
int32 j, ucnt;
t_addr kval;
UNIT *uptr;
MTAB *mptr;
fprintf (st, "%s", dptr -> name); /* print dev name */
if (qdisable (dptr)) { /* disabled? */
fprintf (st, ", disabled\n");
return SCPE_OK; }
for (j = ucnt = 0; j < dptr -> numunits; j++) { /* count units */
uptr = (dptr -> units) + j;
if (!(uptr -> flags & UNIT_DIS)) ucnt++; }
if (dptr -> numunits == 0) fprintf (st, "\n");
else { if (ucnt == 0) fprintf (st, ", all units disabled\n");
else if (ucnt > 1) fprintf (st, ", %d units\n", ucnt);
else if (flag) fprintf (st, "\n"); }
if (flag) return SCPE_OK; /* dev only? */
for (j = 0; j < dptr -> numunits; j++) {
uptr = (dptr -> units) + j;
kval = (uptr -> flags & UNIT_BINK)? 1024: 1000;
if (uptr -> flags & UNIT_DIS) continue;
if (ucnt > 1) fprintf (st, " unit %d", j);
if (uptr -> flags & UNIT_FIX) {
if (uptr -> capac < kval)
fprintf (st, ", %d%s", uptr -> capac,
((dptr -> dwidth / dptr -> aincr) > 8)? "W": "B");
else fprintf (st, ", %dK%s", uptr -> capac / kval,
((dptr -> dwidth / dptr -> aincr) > 8)? "W": "B"); }
if (uptr -> flags & UNIT_ATT)
fprintf (st, ", attached to %s", uptr -> filename);
else if (uptr -> flags & UNIT_ATTABLE)
fprintf (st, ", not attached");
if (dptr -> modifiers != NULL) {
for (mptr = dptr -> modifiers; mptr -> mask != 0; mptr++) {
if ((mptr -> pstring != NULL) &&
((uptr -> flags & mptr -> mask) == mptr -> match))
fprintf (st, ", %s", mptr -> pstring); } }
fprintf (st, "\n"); }
return SCPE_OK;
t_stat show_config (FILE *st, int flag)
int32 i;
DEVICE *dptr;
fprintf (st, "%s simulator configuration\n\n", sim_name);
for (i = 0; (dptr = sim_devices[i]) != NULL; i++)
show_device (st, dptr, flag);
return SCPE_OK;
t_stat show_queue (FILE *st, int flag)
DEVICE *dptr;
UNIT *uptr;
int32 accum;
if (sim_clock_queue == NULL) {
fprintf (st, "%s event queue empty, time = %-16.0f\n",
sim_name, sim_time);
return SCPE_OK; }
fprintf (st, "%s event queue status, time = %-16.0f\n",
sim_name, sim_time);
accum = 0;
for (uptr = sim_clock_queue; uptr != NULL; uptr = uptr -> next) {
if (uptr == &step_unit) fprintf (st, " Step timer");
else if ((dptr = find_dev_from_unit (uptr)) != NULL) {
fprintf (st, " %s", dptr -> name);
if (dptr -> numunits > 1) fprintf (st, " unit %d",
uptr - dptr -> units); }
else fprintf (st, " Unknown");
fprintf (st, " at %d\n", accum + uptr -> time);
accum = accum + uptr -> time; }
return SCPE_OK;
t_stat show_time (FILE *st, int flag)
fprintf (st, "Time: %-16.0f\n", sim_time);
return SCPE_OK;
t_stat show_modifiers (FILE *st, int flag)
int i, any;
DEVICE *dptr;
MTAB *mptr;
for (i = 0; (dptr = sim_devices[i]) != NULL; i++) {
any = 0;
for (mptr = dptr -> modifiers; mptr && (mptr -> mask != 0); mptr++) {
if (mptr -> mstring) {
if (any++) fprintf (st, ", %s", mptr -> mstring);
else fprintf (st, "%s %s", dptr -> name, mptr -> mstring); } }
if (any) fprintf (st, "\n"); }
return SCPE_OK;
/* Enable and disable commands and routines
en[able] enable device
di[sable] disable device
t_stat enable_cmd (int flag, char *cptr)
char gbuf[CBUFSIZE];
DEVICE *dptr;
REG *rptr;
GET_SWITCHES (cptr, gbuf); /* test for switches */
cptr = get_glyph (cptr, gbuf, 0); /* get next glyph */
dptr = find_dev (gbuf); /* locate device */
if ((dptr == NULL) || (*cptr != 0)) return SCPE_ARG; /* found it? */
rptr = find_reg ("*DEVENB", NULL, dptr); /* locate enable */
if (rptr == NULL) return SCPE_NOFNC; /* found it? */
put_rval (rptr, 0, 1); /* enable */
if (dptr -> reset) dptr -> reset (dptr); /* reset */
return SCPE_OK;
t_stat disable_cmd (int flag, char *cptr)
int32 i;
char gbuf[CBUFSIZE];
DEVICE *dptr;
UNIT *uptr;
REG *rptr;
GET_SWITCHES (cptr, gbuf); /* test for switches */
cptr = get_glyph (cptr, gbuf, 0); /* get next glyph */
dptr = find_dev (gbuf); /* locate device */
if ((dptr == NULL) || (*cptr != 0)) return SCPE_ARG; /* found it? */
rptr = find_reg ("*DEVENB", NULL, dptr); /* locate enable */
if (rptr == NULL) return SCPE_NOFNC; /* found it? */
for (i = 0; i < dptr -> numunits; i++) { /* check units */
uptr = (dptr -> units) + i;
if (uptr -> flags & UNIT_ATT || sim_is_active (uptr))
return SCPE_NOFNC; }
put_rval (rptr, 0, 0); /* disable */
if (dptr -> reset) dptr -> reset (dptr); /* reset */
return SCPE_OK;
/* Test for disabled device */
t_bool qdisable (DEVICE *dptr)
REG *rptr;
rptr = find_reg ("*DEVENB", NULL, dptr); /* locate enable */
if (rptr == NULL) return FALSE; /* found it? */
return (get_rval (rptr, 0)? FALSE: TRUE); /* return flag */
/* Add and remove commands and routines
ad[d] add unit to configuration
rem[ove] remove unit from configuration
t_stat add_cmd (int flag, char *cptr)
int32 unitno;
char gbuf[CBUFSIZE];
DEVICE *dptr;
UNIT *uptr;
GET_SWITCHES (cptr, gbuf); /* test for switches */
cptr = get_glyph (cptr, gbuf, 0); /* get next glyph */
dptr = find_unit (gbuf, &unitno); /* locate dev+unit# */
if ((dptr == NULL) || (dptr -> units == NULL) ||
(*cptr != 0)) return SCPE_ARG; /* found it? */
uptr = dptr -> units + unitno; /* locate unit */
if (!(uptr -> flags & UNIT_DISABLE)) return SCPE_NOFNC; /* allowed? */
uptr -> flags = uptr -> flags & ~UNIT_DIS; /* enable it */
return SCPE_OK;
t_stat remove_cmd (int flag, char *cptr)
int32 unitno;
char gbuf[CBUFSIZE];
DEVICE *dptr;
UNIT *uptr;
GET_SWITCHES (cptr, gbuf); /* test for switches */
cptr = get_glyph (cptr, gbuf, 0); /* get next glyph */
dptr = find_unit (gbuf, &unitno); /* locate dev+unit# */
if ((dptr == NULL) || (dptr -> units == NULL) ||
(*cptr != 0)) return SCPE_ARG; /* found it? */
uptr = dptr -> units + unitno; /* locate unit */
if (!(uptr -> flags & UNIT_DISABLE) || /* allowed? */
(uptr -> flags & UNIT_ATT) || sim_is_active (uptr))
return SCPE_NOFNC;
uptr -> flags = uptr -> flags | UNIT_DIS; /* disable it */
return SCPE_OK;
/* Logging commands
log filename open log file
nolog close log file
t_stat log_cmd (int flag, char *cptr)
char gbuf[CBUFSIZE];
GET_SWITCHES (cptr, gbuf); /* test for switches */
if (*cptr == 0) return (sim_log? SCPE_LOGON: SCPE_LOGOFF);
cptr = get_glyph_nc (cptr, gbuf, 0); /* get file name */
if (*cptr != 0) return SCPE_ARG; /* end of line? */
nolog_cmd (0, NULL); /* close cur log */
sim_log = fopen (gbuf, "a"); /* open log */
if (sim_log == NULL) return SCPE_OPENERR; /* error? */
printf ("Logging to file \"%s\"\n", gbuf); /* start of log */
fprintf (sim_log, "Logging to file \"%s\"\n", gbuf);
return SCPE_OK;
t_stat nolog_cmd (int flag, char *cptr)
char gbuf[CBUFSIZE];
if (cptr) {
GET_SWITCHES (cptr, gbuf); /* test for switches */
if (*cptr != 0) return SCPE_ARG; } /* end of line? */
if (sim_log == NULL) return SCPE_OK; /* no log? */
printf ("Log file closed\n");
fprintf (sim_log, "Log file closed\n"); /* close log */
fclose (sim_log);
sim_log = NULL;
return SCPE_OK;
/* Reset command and routines
re[set] reset all devices
re[set] all reset all devices
re[set] device reset specific device
t_stat reset_cmd (int flag, char *cptr)
char gbuf[CBUFSIZE];
DEVICE *dptr;
GET_SWITCHES (cptr, gbuf); /* test for switches */
if (*cptr == 0) return (reset_all (0)); /* reset(cr) */
cptr = get_glyph (cptr, gbuf, 0); /* get next glyph */
if (*cptr != 0) return SCPE_ARG; /* now (cr)? */
if (strcmp (gbuf, "ALL") == 0) return (reset_all (0));
dptr = find_dev (gbuf); /* locate device */
if (dptr == NULL) return SCPE_ARG; /* found it? */
if (dptr -> reset != NULL) return dptr -> reset (dptr);
else return SCPE_OK;
/* Reset devices start..end
start = number of starting device
status = error status
t_stat reset_all (int start)
DEVICE *dptr;
int32 i;
t_stat reason;
if (start < 0) return SCPE_ARG;
for (i = 0; i < start; i++) {
if (sim_devices[i] == NULL) return SCPE_ARG; }
for (i = start; (dptr = sim_devices[i]) != NULL; i++) {
if (dptr -> reset != NULL) {
reason = dptr -> reset (dptr);
if (reason != SCPE_OK) return reason; } }
return SCPE_OK;
/* Load and dump commands
lo[ad] filename {arg} load specified file
du[mp] filename {arg} dump to specified file
t_stat load_cmd (int flag, char *cptr)
char gbuf[CBUFSIZE];
FILE *loadfile;
t_stat reason;
GET_SWITCHES (cptr, gbuf); /* test for switches */
if (*cptr == 0) return SCPE_ARG; /* must be more */
cptr = get_glyph_nc (cptr, gbuf, 0); /* get file name */
loadfile = fopen (gbuf, flag? "wb": "rb"); /* open for wr/rd */
if (loadfile == NULL) return SCPE_OPENERR;
reason = sim_load (loadfile, cptr, gbuf, flag); /* load or dump */
fclose (loadfile);
return reason;
/* Attach command
at[tach] unit file attach specified unit to file
t_stat attach_cmd (int flag, char *cptr)
char gbuf[CBUFSIZE];
int32 unitno;
DEVICE *dptr;
UNIT *uptr;
GET_SWITCHES (cptr, gbuf); /* test for switches */
if (*cptr == 0) return SCPE_ARG;
cptr = get_glyph (cptr, gbuf, 0); /* get next glyph */
if (*cptr == 0) return SCPE_ARG;
dptr = find_unit (gbuf, &unitno); /* locate dev+unit# */
if ((dptr == NULL) || (dptr -> units == NULL)) return SCPE_ARG;
uptr = (dptr -> units) + unitno;
if (dptr -> attach != NULL) return dptr -> attach (uptr, cptr);
return attach_unit (uptr, cptr);
t_stat attach_unit (UNIT *uptr, char *cptr)
DEVICE *dptr;
t_stat reason;
if (uptr -> flags & UNIT_DIS) return SCPE_ARG; /* disabled? */
if (!(uptr -> flags & UNIT_ATTABLE)) return SCPE_NOATT; /* not attachable? */
if ((dptr = find_dev_from_unit (uptr)) == NULL) return SCPE_NOATT;
if (uptr -> flags & UNIT_ATT) { /* already attached? */
reason = detach_unit (uptr);
if (reason != SCPE_OK) return reason; }
uptr -> filename = calloc (CBUFSIZE, sizeof (char));
if (uptr -> filename == NULL) return SCPE_MEM;
strncpy (uptr -> filename, cptr, CBUFSIZE);
uptr -> fileref = fopen (cptr, "rb+");
if (uptr -> fileref == NULL) {
uptr -> fileref = fopen (cptr, "wb+");
if (uptr -> fileref == NULL) return SCPE_OPENERR;
printf ("%s: creating new file\n", dptr -> name); }
if (uptr -> flags & UNIT_BUFABLE) {
if ((uptr -> filebuf = calloc (uptr -> capac, SZ_D (dptr))) != NULL) {
printf ("%s: buffering file in memory\n", dptr -> name);
uptr -> hwmark = fxread (uptr -> filebuf, SZ_D (dptr),
uptr -> capac, uptr -> fileref);
uptr -> flags = uptr -> flags | UNIT_BUF; }
else if (uptr -> flags & UNIT_MUSTBUF) return SCPE_MEM; }
uptr -> flags = uptr -> flags | UNIT_ATT;
uptr -> pos = 0;
return SCPE_OK;
/* Detach command
det[ach] all detach all units
det[ach] unit detach specified unit
t_stat detach_cmd (int flag, char *cptr)
char gbuf[CBUFSIZE];
int32 unitno;
DEVICE *dptr;
UNIT *uptr;
GET_SWITCHES (cptr, gbuf); /* test for switches */
if (*cptr == 0) return SCPE_ARG;
cptr = get_glyph (cptr, gbuf, 0); /* get next glyph */
if (*cptr != 0) return SCPE_ARG;
if (strcmp (gbuf, "ALL") == 0) return (detach_all (0));
dptr = find_unit (gbuf, &unitno); /* locate dev+unit# */
if ((dptr == NULL) || (dptr -> units == NULL)) return SCPE_ARG;
uptr = (dptr -> units) + unitno;
if (!(uptr -> flags & UNIT_ATTABLE)) return SCPE_NOATT;
if (dptr -> detach != NULL) return dptr -> detach (uptr);
return detach_unit (uptr);
/* Detach devices start..end
start = number of starting device
status = error status
t_stat detach_all (int start)
int32 i, j;
t_stat reason;
DEVICE *dptr;
UNIT *uptr;
if ((start < 0) || (start > 1)) return SCPE_ARG;
for (i = start; (dptr = sim_devices[i]) != NULL; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < dptr -> numunits; j++) {
uptr = (dptr -> units) + j;
if (dptr -> detach != NULL) reason = dptr -> detach (uptr);
else reason = detach_unit (uptr);
if (reason != SCPE_OK) return reason; } }
return SCPE_OK;
t_stat detach_unit (UNIT *uptr)
DEVICE *dptr;
if (uptr == NULL) return SCPE_ARG;
if (!(uptr -> flags & UNIT_ATT)) return SCPE_OK;
uptr -> flags = uptr -> flags & ~UNIT_ATT;
if ((dptr = find_dev_from_unit (uptr)) == NULL) return SCPE_OK;
if (uptr -> flags & UNIT_BUF) {
if (uptr -> hwmark) {
printf ("%s: writing buffer to file\n", dptr -> name);
rewind (uptr -> fileref);
fxwrite (uptr -> filebuf, SZ_D (dptr), uptr -> hwmark, uptr -> fileref);
if (ferror (uptr -> fileref)) perror ("I/O error"); }
free (uptr -> filebuf);
uptr -> flags = uptr -> flags & ~UNIT_BUF;
uptr -> filebuf = NULL; }
free (uptr -> filename);
uptr -> filename = NULL;
return (fclose (uptr -> fileref) == EOF)? SCPE_IOERR: SCPE_OK;
/* Save command
sa[ve] filename save state to specified file
t_stat save_cmd (int flag, char *cptr)
char gbuf[CBUFSIZE];
void *mbuf;
FILE *sfile;
int32 i, j, l, t;
t_addr k, high;
t_value val;
t_stat r;
t_bool zeroflg;
size_t sz;
DEVICE *dptr;
UNIT *uptr;
REG *rptr;
#define WRITE_I(xx) fxwrite (&(xx), sizeof (xx), 1, sfile)
GET_SWITCHES (cptr, gbuf); /* test for switches */
if (*cptr == 0) return SCPE_ARG;
if ((sfile = fopen (cptr, "wb")) == NULL) return SCPE_OPENERR;
fputs (save_vercur, sfile); /* save format version */
fputc ('\n', sfile);
fputs (sim_name, sfile); /* sim name */
fputc ('\n', sfile);
WRITE_I (sim_time); /* sim time */
WRITE_I (sim_rtime); /* sim relative time */
for (i = 0; (dptr = sim_devices[i]) != NULL; i++) { /* loop thru devices */
fputs (dptr -> name, sfile); /* device name */
fputc ('\n', sfile);
for (j = 0; j < dptr -> numunits; j++) {
uptr = (dptr -> units) + j;
t = sim_is_active (uptr);
WRITE_I (j); /* unit number */
WRITE_I (t); /* activation time */
WRITE_I (uptr -> u3); /* unit specific */
WRITE_I (uptr -> u4);
if (uptr -> flags & UNIT_ATT) fputs (uptr -> filename, sfile);
fputc ('\n', sfile);
if (((uptr -> flags & (UNIT_FIX + UNIT_ATTABLE)) == UNIT_FIX) &&
(dptr -> examine != NULL) &&
((high = uptr -> capac) != 0)) { /* memory-like unit? */
WRITE_I (high); /* write size */
sz = SZ_D (dptr);
if ((mbuf = calloc (SRBSIZ, sz)) == NULL) {
fclose (sfile);
return SCPE_MEM; }
for (k = 0; k < high; ) {
zeroflg = TRUE;
for (l = 0; (l < SRBSIZ) && (k < high);
l++, k = k + (dptr -> aincr)) {
r = dptr -> examine (&val, k, uptr, 0);
if (r != SCPE_OK) return r;
if (val) zeroflg = FALSE;
SZ_STORE (sz, val, mbuf, l);
} /* end for l */
if (zeroflg) { /* all zero's? */
l = -l; /* invert block count */
WRITE_I (l); } /* write only count */
else {
WRITE_I (l); /* block count */
fxwrite (mbuf, l, sz, sfile); }
} /* end for k */
free (mbuf); /* dealloc buffer */
} /* end if mem */
else { high = 0;
WRITE_I (high); } /* no memory */
} /* end unit loop */
j = -1; /* write marker */
WRITE_I (j);
for (rptr = dptr -> registers; /* loop thru regs */
(rptr != NULL) && (rptr -> name != NULL); rptr++) {
fputs (rptr -> name, sfile); /* name */
fputc ('\n', sfile);
for (j = 0; j < rptr -> depth; j++) { /* loop thru values */
val = get_rval (rptr, j); /* get value */
WRITE_I (val); } } /* store */
fputc ('\n', sfile); } /* end registers */
fputc ('\n', sfile); /* end devices */
r = (ferror (sfile))? SCPE_IOERR: SCPE_OK; /* error during save? */
fclose (sfile);
return r;
/* Restore command
re[store] filename restore state from specified file
t_stat restore_cmd (int flag, char *cptr)
char buf[CBUFSIZE];
void *mbuf;
FILE *rfile;
int32 i, j, blkcnt, limit, unitno, time;
t_addr k, high;
t_value val, mask, vzro = 0;
t_stat r;
size_t sz;
t_bool v26 = FALSE, v25 = FALSE;
DEVICE *dptr;
UNIT *uptr;
REG *rptr;
#define READ_S(xx) if (read_line ((xx), CBUFSIZE, rfile) == NULL) \
{ fclose (rfile); return SCPE_IOERR; }
#define READ_I(xx) if (fxread (&xx, sizeof (xx), 1, rfile) <= 0) \
{ fclose (rfile); return SCPE_IOERR; }
GET_SWITCHES (cptr, buf); /* test for switches */
if (*cptr == 0) return SCPE_ARG;
if ((rfile = fopen (cptr, "rb")) == NULL) return SCPE_OPENERR;
READ_S (buf); /* save ver or sim name */
if (strcmp (buf, save_vercur) == 0) { /* version 2.6? */
v26 = v25 = TRUE; /* set flag */
READ_S (buf); } /* read name */
else if (strcmp (buf, save_ver25) == 0) { /* version 2.5? */
v25 = TRUE; /* set flag */
READ_S (buf); } /* read name */
if (strcmp (buf, sim_name)) { /* name match? */
printf ("Wrong system type: %s\n", buf);
fclose (rfile);
return SCPE_INCOMP; }
READ_I (sim_time); /* sim time */
if (v26) { READ_I (sim_rtime); } /* sim relative time */
for ( ;; ) { /* device loop */
READ_S (buf); /* read device name */
if (buf[0] == 0) break; /* last? */
if ((dptr = find_dev (buf)) == NULL) { /* locate device */
printf ("Invalid device name: %s\n", buf);
fclose (rfile);
return SCPE_INCOMP; }
for ( ;; ) { /* unit loop */
READ_I (unitno); /* unit number */
if (unitno < 0) break;
if (unitno >= dptr -> numunits) {
printf ("Invalid unit number %s%d\n", dptr -> name,
fclose (rfile);
return SCPE_INCOMP; }
READ_I (time); /* event time */
uptr = (dptr -> units) + unitno;
sim_cancel (uptr);
if (time > 0) sim_activate (uptr, time - 1);
READ_I (uptr -> u3); /* device specific */
READ_I (uptr -> u4);
READ_S (buf); /* attached file */
if (buf[0] != 0) {
uptr -> flags = uptr -> flags & ~UNIT_DIS;
if (dptr -> attach != NULL) r = dptr -> attach (uptr, buf);
else r = attach_unit (uptr, buf);
if (r != SCPE_OK) return r; }
READ_I (high); /* memory capacity */
if (high > 0) { /* any memory? */
if (((uptr -> flags & (UNIT_FIX + UNIT_ATTABLE)) != UNIT_FIX) ||
(high > uptr -> capac) || (dptr -> deposit == NULL)) {
printf ("Invalid memory bound: %u\n", high);
fclose (rfile);
return SCPE_INCOMP; }
if (v25) {
sz = SZ_D (dptr);
if ((mbuf = calloc (SRBSIZ, sz)) == NULL) {
fclose (rfile);
return SCPE_MEM; }
for (k = 0; k < high; ) {
READ_I (blkcnt);
if (blkcnt < 0) limit = -blkcnt;
else limit = fxread (mbuf, sz, blkcnt, rfile);
if (limit <= 0) {
fclose (rfile);
return SCPE_IOERR; }
for (j = 0; j < limit; j++, k = k + (dptr -> aincr)) {
if (blkcnt < 0) val = 0;
else SZ_LOAD (sz, val, mbuf, j);
r = dptr -> deposit (val, k, uptr, 0);
if (r != SCPE_OK) return r;
} /* end for j */
} /* end for k */
free (mbuf); /* dealloc buffer */
} /* end if v25 */
else { for (k = 0; k < high; k = k + (dptr -> aincr)) {
READ_I (val);
if (((t_svalue) val) < 0) {
for (j = (int32) val + 1; j < 0; j++) {
r = dptr -> deposit (vzro, k, uptr, 0);
if (r != SCPE_OK) return r;
k = k + (dptr -> aincr); }
val = 0; }
r = dptr -> deposit (val, k, uptr, 0);
if (r != SCPE_OK) return r; }
} /* end else v25 */
} /* end if high */
} /* end unit loop */
for ( ;; ) { /* register loop */
READ_S (buf); /* read reg name */
if (buf[0] == 0) break; /* last? */
if ((rptr = find_reg (buf, NULL, dptr)) == NULL) {
printf ("Invalid register name: %s\n", buf);
fclose (rfile);
return SCPE_INCOMP; }
mask = width_mask[rptr -> width];
for (i = 0; i < rptr -> depth; i++) { /* loop thru values */
READ_I (val); /* read value */
if (val > mask)
printf ("Invalid register value: %s\n", buf);
else put_rval (rptr, i, val); } }
} /* end device loop */
fclose (rfile);
return SCPE_OK;
/* Run, go, cont, step commands
ru[n] [new PC] reset and start simulation
go [new PC] start simulation
co[nt] start simulation
s[tep] [step limit] start simulation for 'limit' instructions
b[oot] device bootstrap from device and start simulation
t_stat run_cmd (int flag, char *cptr)
char gbuf[CBUFSIZE];
int32 i, j, step, unitno;
t_stat r;
DEVICE *dptr;
UNIT *uptr;
void int_handler (int signal);
GET_SWITCHES (cptr, gbuf); /* test for switches */
step = 0;
if (((flag == RU_RUN) || (flag == RU_GO)) && (*cptr != 0)) { /* run or go */
cptr = get_glyph (cptr, gbuf, 0); /* get next glyph */
if ((r = dep_reg (0, gbuf, sim_PC, 0)) != SCPE_OK) return r; }
if (flag == RU_STEP) { /* step */
if (*cptr == 0) step = 1;
else { cptr = get_glyph (cptr, gbuf, 0);
step = (int32) get_uint (gbuf, 10, INT_MAX, &r);
if ((r != SCPE_OK) || (step == 0)) return SCPE_ARG; } }
if (flag == RU_BOOT) { /* boot */
if (*cptr == 0) return SCPE_ARG;
cptr = get_glyph (cptr, gbuf, 0); /* get next glyph */
dptr = find_unit (gbuf, &unitno); /* locate dev+unit# */
if ((dptr == NULL) || (dptr -> units == NULL) ||
(dptr -> boot == NULL)) return SCPE_ARG;
uptr = dptr -> units + unitno;
if (uptr -> flags & UNIT_DIS) return SCPE_ARG; /* disabled? */
if (!(uptr -> flags & UNIT_ATTABLE)) return SCPE_NOATT;
if (!(uptr -> flags & UNIT_ATT)) return SCPE_UNATT;
if ((r = dptr -> boot (unitno)) != SCPE_OK) return r; }
if (*cptr != 0) return SCPE_ARG;
if ((flag == RU_RUN) || (flag == RU_BOOT)) { /* run or boot */
sim_interval = 0; /* reset queue */
sim_time = sim_rtime = 0;
noqueue_time = 0;
sim_clock_queue = NULL;
if ((r = reset_all (0)) != SCPE_OK) return r; }
for (i = 1; (dptr = sim_devices[i]) != NULL; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < dptr -> numunits; j++) {
uptr = (dptr -> units) + j;
if ((uptr -> flags & (UNIT_ATT + UNIT_SEQ)) ==
fseek (uptr -> fileref, uptr -> pos, SEEK_SET); } }
stop_cpu = 0;
if ((int) signal (SIGINT, int_handler) == -1) { /* set WRU */
return SCPE_SIGERR; }
if (ttrunstate () != SCPE_OK) { /* set console */
ttcmdstate ();
return SCPE_TTYERR; }
if (step) sim_activate (&step_unit, step); /* set step timer */
sim_is_running = 1; /* flag running */
sim_chkcons (); /* check console buffer */
r = sim_instr();
sim_is_running = 0; /* flag idle */
ttcmdstate (); /* restore console */
signal (SIGINT, SIG_DFL); /* cancel WRU */
sim_cancel (&step_unit); /* cancel step timer */
if (sim_clock_queue != NULL) { /* update sim time */
UPDATE_SIM_TIME (sim_clock_queue -> time); }
else { UPDATE_SIM_TIME (noqueue_time); }
#if defined (VMS)
printf ("\n");
fprint_stopped (stdout, r); /* print msg */
if (sim_log) fprint_stopped (sim_log, r); /* log if enabled */
return SCPE_OK;
/* Print stopped message */
void fprint_stopped (FILE *stream, t_stat v)
int32 i;
t_stat r;
t_addr k;
t_value pcval;
DEVICE *dptr;
if (v >= SCPE_BASE) fprintf (stream, "\n%s, %s: ",
scp_error_messages[v - SCPE_BASE], sim_PC -> name);
else fprintf (stream, "\n%s, %s: ", sim_stop_messages[v], sim_PC -> name);
pcval = get_rval (sim_PC, 0);
fprint_val (stream, pcval, sim_PC -> radix, sim_PC -> width,
sim_PC -> flags & REG_FMT);
if (((dptr = sim_devices[0]) != NULL) && (dptr -> examine != NULL)) {
for (i = 0; i < sim_emax; i++) sim_eval[i] = 0;
for (i = 0, k = (t_addr) pcval; i < sim_emax; i++, k = k + dptr -> aincr) {
if (r = dptr -> examine (&sim_eval[i], k, dptr -> units,
SWMASK ('V')) != SCPE_OK) break; }
if ((r == SCPE_OK) || (i > 0)) {
fprintf (stream, " (");
if (fprint_sym (stream, (t_addr) pcval, sim_eval, NULL, SWMASK('M')) > 0)
fprint_val (stream, sim_eval[0], dptr -> dradix,
dptr -> dwidth, PV_RZRO);
fprintf (stream, ")"); } }
fprintf (stream, "\n");
/* Unit service for step timeout, originally scheduled by STEP n command
Return step timeout SCP code, will cause simulation to stop
t_stat step_svc (UNIT *uptr)
return SCPE_STEP;
/* Signal handler for ^C signal
Set stop simulation flag
void int_handler (int sig)
stop_cpu = 1;
/* Examine/deposit commands
ex[amine] [modifiers] list examine
de[posit] [modifiers] list val deposit
ie[xamine] [modifiers] list interactive examine
id[eposit] [modifiers] list interactive deposit
@filename output file
-letter(s) switches
devname'n device name and unit number
[{&|^}value]{=|==|!|!=|>|>=|<|<=} value search specification
list list of addresses and registers
addr[:addr|-addr] address range
ALL all addresses
register[:register|-register] register range
STATE all registers
t_stat exdep_cmd (int flag, char *cptr)
char gbuf[CBUFSIZE], *gptr, *tptr;
int32 unitno, t;
t_bool exd2f;
t_addr low, high;
t_stat reason;
DEVICE *dptr, *tdptr;
UNIT *uptr;
REG *lowr, *highr;
SCHTAB stab, *schptr;
FILE *ofile;
t_stat exdep_addr_loop (FILE *ofile, SCHTAB *schptr, int flag, char *ptr,
t_addr low, t_addr high, DEVICE *dptr, UNIT *uptr);
t_stat exdep_reg_loop (FILE *ofile, SCHTAB *schptr, int flag, char *ptr,
REG *lowr, REG *highr, t_addr lows, t_addr highs);
if (*cptr == 0) return SCPE_ARG; /* err if no args */
ofile = NULL; /* no output file */
exd2f = FALSE;
sim_switches = 0; /* no switches */
schptr = NULL; /* no search */
stab.logic = SCH_OR; /* default search params */
stab.bool = SCH_GE;
stab.mask = stab.comp = 0;
dptr = sim_devices[0]; /* default device, unit */
unitno = 0;
for (;;) { /* loop through modifiers */
if (*cptr == 0) return SCPE_ARG; /* error if no arguments */
if (*cptr == '@') { /* output file spec? */
if (flag != EX_E) return SCPE_ARG; /* examine only */
if (exd2f) { /* already got one? */
fclose (ofile); /* one per customer */
return SCPE_ARG; }
cptr = get_glyph_nc (cptr + 1, gbuf, 0);
ofile = fopen (gbuf, "a"); /* open for append */
if (ofile == NULL) return SCPE_OPENERR;
exd2f = TRUE;
continue; } /* look for more */
cptr = get_glyph (cptr, gbuf, 0);
if ((t = get_switches (gbuf)) != 0) { /* try for switches */
if (t < 0) return SCPE_ARG; /* err if bad switch */
sim_switches = sim_switches | t; } /* or in new switches */
else if (get_search (gbuf, dptr, &stab) != NULL) { /* try for search */
schptr = &stab; } /* set search */
else if ((tdptr = find_unit (gbuf, &t)) != NULL) { /* try for unit */
dptr = tdptr; /* set as default */
unitno = t; }
else break; } /* not rec, break out */
if ((*cptr == 0) == (flag == 0)) return SCPE_ARG; /* eol if needed? */
if (dptr -> units == NULL) return SCPE_ARG; /* got a unit? */
if (ofile == NULL) ofile = stdout; /* no file? stdout */
uptr = (dptr -> units) + unitno;
for (gptr = gbuf, reason = SCPE_OK;
(*gptr != 0) && (reason == SCPE_OK); gptr = tptr) {
if (strncmp (gptr, "STATE", strlen ("STATE")) == 0) {
tptr = gptr + strlen ("STATE");
if (*tptr && (*tptr++ != ',')) return SCPE_ARG;
if ((lowr = dptr -> registers) == NULL) return SCPE_ARG;
for (highr = lowr; highr -> name != NULL; highr++) ;
sim_switches = sim_switches | SWHIDE;
reason = exdep_reg_loop (ofile, schptr, flag, cptr,
lowr, --highr, 0, 0);
continue; }
if (lowr = find_reg (gptr, &tptr, dptr)) {
low = high = 0;
if ((*tptr == '-') || (*tptr == ':')) {
highr = find_reg (tptr + 1, &tptr, dptr);
if (highr == NULL) return SCPE_ARG; }
else { highr = lowr;
if (*tptr == '[') {
if (lowr -> depth <= 1) return SCPE_ARG;
tptr = get_range (tptr + 1, &low, &high,
10, lowr -> depth - 1, ']');
if (tptr == NULL) return SCPE_ARG; } }
if (*tptr && (*tptr++ != ',')) return SCPE_ARG;
reason = exdep_reg_loop (ofile, schptr, flag, cptr,
lowr, highr, low, high);
continue; }
tptr = get_range (gptr, &low, &high, dptr -> aradix,
(((uptr -> capac == 0) | (flag == EX_E))? 0:
uptr -> capac - dptr -> aincr), 0);
if (tptr == NULL) return SCPE_ARG;
if (*tptr && (*tptr++ != ',')) return SCPE_ARG;
reason = exdep_addr_loop (ofile, schptr, flag, cptr, low, high,
dptr, uptr);
} /* end for */
if (exd2f) fclose (ofile); /* close output file */
return reason;
/* Loop controllers for examine/deposit
exdep_reg_loop examine/deposit range of registers
exdep_addr_loop examine/deposit range of addresses
t_stat exdep_reg_loop (FILE *ofile, SCHTAB *schptr, int flag, char *cptr,
REG *lowr, REG *highr, t_addr lows, t_addr highs)
t_stat reason;
t_addr idx;
t_value val;
REG *rptr;
if ((lowr == NULL) || (highr == NULL)) return SCPE_ARG;
if (lowr > highr) return SCPE_ARG;
for (rptr = lowr; rptr <= highr; rptr++) {
if ((sim_switches & SWHIDE) &&
((rptr -> flags & REG_HIDDEN) || (rptr -> depth > 1))) continue;
for (idx = lows; idx <= highs; idx++) {
if (idx >= (t_addr) rptr -> depth) return SCPE_SUB;
val = get_rval (rptr, idx);
if (schptr && !test_search (val, schptr)) continue;
if (flag != EX_D) {
reason = ex_reg (ofile, val, flag, rptr, idx);
if (reason != SCPE_OK) return reason;
if (sim_log && (ofile == stdout))
ex_reg (sim_log, val, flag, rptr, idx); }
if (flag != EX_E) {
reason = dep_reg (flag, cptr, rptr, idx);
if (reason != SCPE_OK) return reason; } } }
return SCPE_OK;
t_stat exdep_addr_loop (FILE *ofile, SCHTAB *schptr, int flag, char *cptr,
t_addr low, t_addr high, DEVICE *dptr, UNIT *uptr)
t_addr i, mask;
t_stat reason;
if (uptr -> flags & UNIT_DIS) return SCPE_ARG; /* disabled? */
reason = 0;
mask = (t_addr) width_mask[dptr -> awidth];
if ((low > mask) || (high > mask) || (low > high)) return SCPE_ARG;
for (i = low; i <= high; i = i + (dptr -> aincr)) {
reason = get_aval (i, dptr, uptr); /* get data */
if (reason != SCPE_OK) return reason; /* return if error */
if (schptr && !test_search (sim_eval[0], schptr)) continue;
if (flag != EX_D) {
reason = ex_addr (ofile, flag, i, dptr, uptr);
if (reason > SCPE_OK) return reason;
if (sim_log && (ofile == stdout))
ex_addr (sim_log, flag, i, dptr, uptr); }
if (flag != EX_E) {
reason = dep_addr (flag, cptr, i, dptr, uptr, reason);
if (reason > SCPE_OK) return reason; }
if (reason < SCPE_OK) i = i - (reason * dptr -> aincr); }
return SCPE_OK;
/* Examine register routine
ofile = output stream
val = current register value
flag = type of ex/mod command (ex, iex, idep)
rptr = pointer to register descriptor
idx = index
return = error status
t_stat ex_reg (FILE *ofile, t_value val, int flag, REG *rptr, t_addr idx)
int32 rdx;
if (rptr == NULL) return SCPE_ARG;
if (rptr -> depth > 1) fprintf (ofile, "%s[%d]: ", rptr -> name, idx);
else fprintf (ofile, "%s: ", rptr -> name);
if (!(flag & EX_E)) return SCPE_OK;
GET_RADIX (rdx, rptr -> radix);
fprint_val (ofile, val, rdx, rptr -> width, rptr -> flags & REG_FMT);
if (flag & EX_I) fprintf (ofile, " ");
else fprintf (ofile, "\n");
return SCPE_OK;
/* Get register value
rptr = pointer to register descriptor
idx = index
return = register value
t_value get_rval (REG *rptr, int idx)
size_t sz;
t_value val;
sz = SZ_R (rptr);
if ((rptr -> depth > 1) && (sz == sizeof (uint8)))
val = *(((uint8 *) rptr -> loc) + idx);
else if ((rptr -> depth > 1) && (sz == sizeof (uint16)))
val = *(((uint16 *) rptr -> loc) + idx);
#if !defined (int64)
else val = *(((uint32 *) rptr -> loc) + idx);
else if (sz <= sizeof (uint32))
val = *(((uint32 *) rptr -> loc) + idx);
else val = *(((uint64 *) rptr -> loc) + idx);
val = (val >> rptr -> offset) & width_mask[rptr -> width];
return val;
/* Deposit register routine
flag = type of deposit (normal/interactive)
cptr = pointer to input string
rptr = pointer to register descriptor
idx = index
return = error status
t_stat dep_reg (int flag, char *cptr, REG *rptr, t_addr idx)
t_stat r;
t_value val, mask;
int32 rdx;
char gbuf[CBUFSIZE];
if ((cptr == NULL) || (rptr == NULL)) return SCPE_ARG;
if (rptr -> flags & REG_RO) return SCPE_RO;
if (flag & EX_I) {
cptr = read_line (gbuf, CBUFSIZE, stdin);
if (sim_log) fprintf (sim_log, (cptr? "%s\n": "\n"), cptr);
if (cptr == NULL) return 1; /* force exit */
if (*cptr == 0) return SCPE_OK; } /* success */
mask = width_mask[rptr -> width];
GET_RADIX (rdx, rptr -> radix);
val = get_uint (cptr, rdx, mask, &r);
if (r != SCPE_OK) return SCPE_ARG;
if ((rptr -> flags & REG_NZ) && (val == 0)) return SCPE_ARG;
put_rval (rptr, idx, val);
return SCPE_OK;
/* Put register value
rptr = pointer to register descriptor
idx = index (RESTORE reg buffers only)
val = new value
mask = mask
void put_rval (REG *rptr, int idx, t_value val)
size_t sz;
t_value mask;
#define PUT_RVAL(sz,rp,id,val,msk) \
*(((sz *) rp -> loc) + id) = \
(*(((sz *) rp -> loc) + id) & \
~((msk) << (rp) -> offset)) | ((val) << (rp) -> offset)
sz = SZ_R (rptr);
mask = width_mask[rptr -> width];
if ((rptr -> depth > 1) && (sz == sizeof (uint8)))
PUT_RVAL (uint8, rptr, idx, (uint32) val, (uint32) mask);
else if ((rptr -> depth > 1) && (sz == sizeof (uint16)))
PUT_RVAL (uint16, rptr, idx, (uint32) val, (uint32) mask);
#if !defined (int64)
else PUT_RVAL (uint32, rptr, idx, val, mask);
else if (sz <= sizeof (uint32))
PUT_RVAL (uint32, rptr, idx, (int32) val, (uint32) mask);
else PUT_RVAL (uint64, rptr, idx, val, mask);
/* Examine address routine
Inputs: (sim_eval is an implicit argument)
ofile = output stream
flag = type of ex/mod command (ex, iex, idep)
addr = address to examine
dptr = pointer to device
uptr = pointer to unit
return = if >= 0, error status
if < 0, number of extra words retired
t_stat ex_addr (FILE *ofile, int flag, t_addr addr, DEVICE *dptr, UNIT *uptr)
t_stat reason;
int32 rdx;
fprint_val (ofile, addr, dptr -> aradix, dptr -> awidth, PV_LEFT);
fprintf (ofile, ": ");
if (!(flag & EX_E)) return SCPE_OK;
GET_RADIX (rdx, dptr -> dradix);
if ((reason = fprint_sym (ofile, addr, sim_eval, uptr, sim_switches)) > 0)
reason = fprint_val (ofile, sim_eval[0], rdx, dptr -> dwidth, PV_RZRO);
if (flag & EX_I) fprintf (ofile, " ");
else fprintf (ofile, "\n");
return reason;
/* Get address routine
flag = type of ex/mod command (ex, iex, idep)
addr = address to examine
dptr = pointer to device
uptr = pointer to unit
Outputs: (sim_eval is an implicit output)
return = error status
t_stat get_aval (t_addr addr, DEVICE *dptr, UNIT *uptr)
int32 i;
t_value mask;
t_addr j, loc;
t_stat reason;
size_t sz;
if ((dptr == NULL) || (uptr == NULL)) return SCPE_ARG;
mask = width_mask[dptr -> dwidth];
for (i = 0; i < sim_emax; i++) sim_eval[i] = 0;
for (i = 0, j = addr; i < sim_emax; i++, j = j + dptr -> aincr) {
if (dptr -> examine != NULL) {
reason = dptr -> examine (&sim_eval[i], j, uptr, sim_switches);
if (reason != SCPE_OK) break; }
else { if (!(uptr -> flags & UNIT_ATT)) return SCPE_UNATT;
if ((uptr -> flags & UNIT_FIX) && (j >= uptr -> capac)) {
reason = SCPE_NXM;
break; }
sz = SZ_D (dptr);
loc = j / dptr -> aincr;
if (uptr -> flags & UNIT_BUF) {
SZ_LOAD (sz, sim_eval[i], uptr -> filebuf, loc); }
else { fseek (uptr -> fileref, sz * loc, SEEK_SET);
fxread (&sim_eval[i], sz, 1, uptr -> fileref);
if ((feof (uptr -> fileref)) &&
!(uptr -> flags & UNIT_FIX)) {
reason = SCPE_EOF;
break; }
else if (ferror (uptr -> fileref)) {
clearerr (uptr -> fileref);
reason = SCPE_IOERR;
break; } } }
sim_eval[i] = sim_eval[i] & mask; }
if ((reason != SCPE_OK) && (i == 0)) return reason;
return SCPE_OK;
/* Deposit address routine
flag = type of deposit (normal/interactive)
cptr = pointer to input string
addr = address to examine
dptr = pointer to device
uptr = pointer to unit
dfltinc = value to return on cr input
return = if >= 0, error status
if < 0, number of extra words retired
t_stat dep_addr (int flag, char *cptr, t_addr addr, DEVICE *dptr,
UNIT *uptr, int dfltinc)
int32 i, count, rdx;
t_addr j, loc;
t_stat r, reason;
t_value mask;
size_t sz;
char gbuf[CBUFSIZE];
if (dptr == NULL) return SCPE_ARG;
if (flag & EX_I) {
cptr = read_line (gbuf, CBUFSIZE, stdin);
if (sim_log) fprintf (sim_log, (cptr? "%s\n": "\n"), cptr);
if (cptr == NULL) return 1; /* force exit */
if (*cptr == 0) return dfltinc; } /* success */
mask = width_mask[dptr -> dwidth];
GET_RADIX (rdx, dptr -> dradix);
if ((reason = parse_sym (cptr, addr, uptr, sim_eval, sim_switches)) > 0) {
sim_eval[0] = get_uint (cptr, rdx, mask, &reason);
if (reason != SCPE_OK) return reason; }
count = 1 - reason;
for (i = 0, j = addr; i < count; i++, j = j + dptr -> aincr) {
sim_eval[i] = sim_eval[i] & mask;
if (dptr -> deposit != NULL) {
r = dptr -> deposit (sim_eval[i], j, uptr, sim_switches);
if (r != SCPE_OK) return r; }
else { if (!(uptr -> flags & UNIT_ATT)) return SCPE_UNATT;
if ((uptr -> flags & UNIT_FIX) && (j >= uptr -> capac))
return SCPE_NXM;
sz = SZ_D (dptr);
loc = j / dptr -> aincr;
if (uptr -> flags & UNIT_BUF) {
SZ_STORE (sz, sim_eval[i], uptr -> filebuf, loc);
if (loc >= uptr -> hwmark) uptr -> hwmark = loc + 1; }
else { fseek (uptr -> fileref, sz * loc, SEEK_SET);
fxwrite (sim_eval, sz, 1, uptr -> fileref);
if (ferror (uptr -> fileref)) {
clearerr (uptr -> fileref);
return SCPE_IOERR; } } } }
return reason;
/* String processing routines
read_line read line
cptr = pointer to buffer
size = maximum size
stream = pointer to input stream
optr = pointer to first non-blank character
char *read_line (char *cptr, int size, FILE *stream)
char *tptr;
cptr = fgets (cptr, size, stream); /* get cmd line */
if (cptr == NULL) {
clearerr (stream); /* clear error */
return NULL; } /* ignore EOF */
for (tptr = cptr; tptr < (cptr + size); tptr++) /* remove cr */
if (*tptr == '\n') *tptr = 0;
while (isspace (*cptr)) cptr++; /* absorb spaces */
if (*cptr == ';') *cptr = 0; /* ignore comment */
return cptr;
/* get_glyph get next glyph (force upper case)
get_glyph_nc get next glyph (no conversion)
get_glyph_gen get next glyph (general case)
iptr = pointer to input string
optr = pointer to output string
mchar = optional end of glyph character
flag = TRUE for convert to upper case (_gen only)
result = pointer to next character in input string
char *get_glyph_gen (char *iptr, char *optr, char mchar, t_bool uc)
while ((isspace (*iptr) == 0) && (*iptr != 0) && (*iptr != mchar)) {
if (islower (*iptr) && uc) *optr = toupper (*iptr);
else *optr = *iptr;
iptr++; optr++; }
*optr = 0;
if (mchar && (*iptr == mchar)) iptr++; /* skip terminator */
while (isspace (*iptr)) iptr++; /* absorb spaces */
return iptr;
char *get_glyph (char *iptr, char *optr, char mchar)
return get_glyph_gen (iptr, optr, mchar, TRUE);
char *get_glyph_nc (char *iptr, char *optr, char mchar)
return get_glyph_gen (iptr, optr, mchar, FALSE);
/* get_yn yes/no question
cptr = pointer to question
deflt = default answer
result = true if yes, false if no
t_stat get_yn (char *ques, t_stat deflt)
char cbuf[CBUFSIZE], *cptr;
printf ("%s ", ques);
cptr = read_line (cbuf, CBUFSIZE, stdin);
if ((cptr == NULL) || (*cptr == 0)) return deflt;
if ((*cptr == 'Y') || (*cptr == 'y')) return TRUE;
return FALSE;
/* get_uint unsigned number
cptr = pointer to input string
radix = input radix
max = maximum acceptable value
*status = pointer to error status
val = value
t_value get_uint (char *cptr, int radix, t_value max, t_stat *status)
t_value val;
char *tptr;
val = strtotv (cptr, &tptr, radix);
if ((cptr == tptr) || (val > max) || (*tptr != 0)) *status = SCPE_ARG;
else *status = SCPE_OK;
return val;
/* get_range range specification
cptr = pointer to input string
*lo = pointer to low result
*hi = pointer to high result
aradix = address radix
max = default high value
term = terminating character, 0 if none
tptr = input pointer after processing
NULL if error
char *get_range (char *cptr, t_addr *lo, t_addr *hi, int rdx,
t_addr max, char term)
char *tptr;
*lo = *hi = 0;
if (max && strncmp (cptr, "ALL", strlen ("ALL")) == 0) { /* ALL? */
tptr = cptr + strlen ("ALL");
*hi = max; }
else { errno = 0;
*lo = strtoul (cptr, &tptr, rdx); /* get low */
if (errno || (cptr == tptr)) return NULL; /* error? */
if ((*tptr == '-') || (*tptr == ':')) { /* more to do? */
cptr = tptr + 1;
errno = 0;
*hi = strtoul (cptr, &tptr, rdx); /* get high */
if (errno || (cptr == tptr)) return NULL;
if (*lo > *hi) return NULL; }
else *hi = *lo; }
if (term && (*tptr++ != term)) return NULL;
return tptr;
/* Find_device find device matching input string
cptr = pointer to input string
result = pointer to device
DEVICE *find_dev (char *cptr)
int32 i;
DEVICE *dptr;
for (i = 0; (dptr = sim_devices[i]) != NULL; i++) {
if (strcmp (cptr, dptr -> name) == 0) return dptr; }
return NULL;
/* Find_unit find unit matching input string
cptr = pointer to input string
iptr = pointer to unit number
result = pointer to device
*iptr = unit number
DEVICE *find_unit (char *cptr, int32 *iptr)
int32 i, lenn;
t_stat r;
DEVICE *dptr;
if (iptr == NULL) return NULL; /* arg error? */
*iptr = 0; /* assume no unit */
for (i = 0; (dptr = sim_devices[i]) != NULL; i++) { /* exact match? */
if (strcmp (cptr, dptr -> name) == 0) {
if (qdisable (dptr)) return NULL; /* disabled? */
return dptr; } }
for (i = 0; (dptr = sim_devices[i]) != NULL; i++) { /* base + unit#? */
lenn = strlen (dptr -> name);
if ((dptr -> numunits == 0) || /* no units? */
(strncmp (cptr, dptr -> name, lenn) != 0)) continue;
cptr = cptr + lenn; /* skip devname */
if (*cptr) { /* unit #? */
*iptr = (int32) get_uint (cptr, 10, dptr -> numunits - 1, &r);
if (r != SCPE_OK) return NULL; }
if (qdisable (dptr)) return NULL; /* disabled? */
return dptr; }
return NULL;
/* Find_dev_from_unit find device for unit
uptr = pointer to unit
result = pointer to device
DEVICE *find_dev_from_unit (UNIT *uptr)
DEVICE *dptr;
int32 i, j;
if (uptr == NULL) return NULL;
for (i = 0; (dptr = sim_devices[i]) != NULL; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < dptr -> numunits; j++) {
if (uptr == (dptr -> units + j)) return dptr; } }
return NULL;
/* find_reg find register matching input string
cptr = pointer to input string
optr = pointer to output pointer (can be null)
dptr = pointer to device
result = pointer to register, NULL if error
*optr = pointer to next character in input string
REG *find_reg (char *cptr, char **optr, DEVICE *dptr)
char *tptr;
REG *rptr;
if ((cptr == NULL) || (dptr == NULL) ||
(dptr -> registers == NULL)) return NULL;
tptr = cptr;
do { tptr++; }
while (isalnum (*tptr) || (*tptr == '*') || (*tptr == '_'));
for (rptr = dptr -> registers; rptr -> name != NULL; rptr++) {
if (strncmp (cptr, rptr -> name, tptr - cptr) == 0) {
if (optr != NULL) *optr = tptr;
return rptr; } }
return NULL;
/* get_switches get switches from input string
cptr = pointer to input string
sw = switch bit mask
0 if no switches, -1 if error
int32 get_switches (char *cptr)
int32 sw;
if (*cptr != '-') return 0;
sw = 0;
for (cptr++; (isspace (*cptr) == 0) && (*cptr != 0); cptr++) {
if (isalpha (*cptr) == 0) return -1;
sw = sw | SWMASK (*cptr); }
return sw;
t_bool match_ext (char *fnam, char *ext)
char *fptr, *eptr;
if ((fnam == NULL) || (ext == NULL)) return FALSE;
fptr = strrchr (fnam, '.');
if (fptr == NULL) return FALSE;
for (fptr++, eptr = ext; *fptr; fptr++, eptr++) {
if (toupper (*fptr) != toupper (*eptr)) return FALSE; }
if (*eptr) return FALSE;
return TRUE;
/* Get search specification
cptr = pointer to input string
dptr = pointer to device
schptr = pointer to search table
return = NULL if error
schptr if valid search specification
SCHTAB *get_search (char *cptr, DEVICE *dptr, SCHTAB *schptr)
int c, logop, cmpop;
t_value logval, cmpval;
char *sptr, *tptr;
const char logstr[] = "|&^", cmpstr[] = "=!><";
if (*cptr == 0) return NULL; /* check for clause */
for (logop = cmpop = -1; c = *cptr++; ) { /* loop thru clauses */
if (sptr = strchr (logstr, c)) { /* check for mask */
logop = sptr - logstr;
logval = strtotv (cptr, &tptr, dptr -> dradix);
if (cptr == tptr) return NULL;
cptr = tptr; }
else if (sptr = strchr (cmpstr, c)) { /* check for bool */
cmpop = sptr - cmpstr;
if (*cptr == '=') {
cmpop = cmpop + strlen (cmpstr);
cptr++; }
cmpval = strtotv (cptr, &tptr, dptr -> dradix);
if (cptr == tptr) return NULL;
cptr = tptr; }
else return NULL; } /* end while */
if (logop >= 0) {
schptr -> logic = logop;
schptr -> mask = logval; }
if (cmpop >= 0) {
schptr -> bool = cmpop;
schptr -> comp = cmpval; }
return schptr;
/* Test value against search specification
val = value to test
schptr = pointer to search table
return = 1 if value passes search criteria, 0 if not
int test_search (t_value val, SCHTAB *schptr)
if (schptr == NULL) return 0;
switch (schptr -> logic) { /* case on logical */
case SCH_OR:
val = val | schptr -> mask;
case SCH_AND:
val = val & schptr -> mask;
case SCH_XOR:
val = val ^ schptr -> mask;
break; }
switch (schptr -> bool) { /* case on comparison */
case SCH_E: case SCH_EE:
return (val == schptr -> comp);
case SCH_N: case SCH_NE:
return (val != schptr -> comp);
case SCH_G:
return (val > schptr -> comp);
case SCH_GE:
return (val >= schptr -> comp);
case SCH_L:
return (val < schptr -> comp);
case SCH_LE:
return (val <= schptr -> comp); }
return 0;
/* Radix independent input/output package
strtotv - general radix input routine
inptr = string to convert
endptr = pointer to first unconverted character
radix = radix for input
value = converted value
On an error, the endptr will equal the inptr.
t_value strtotv (char *inptr, char **endptr, int radix)
int nodigit;
t_value val;
int c, digit;
*endptr = inptr; /* assume fails */
if ((radix < 2) || (radix > 36)) return 0;
while (isspace (*inptr)) inptr++; /* bypass white space */
val = 0;
nodigit = 1;
for (c = *inptr; isalnum(c); c = *++inptr) { /* loop through char */
if (islower (c)) c = toupper (c);
if (isdigit (c)) digit = c - (int) '0'; /* digit? */
else digit = c + 10 - (int) 'A'; /* no, letter */
if (digit >= radix) return 0; /* valid in radix? */
val = (val * radix) + digit; /* add to value */
nodigit = 0; }
if (nodigit) return 0; /* no digits? */
*endptr = inptr; /* result pointer */
return val;
/* fprint_val - general radix printing routine
stream = stream designator
val = value to print
radix = radix to print
width = width to print
format = leading zeroes format
status = error status
t_stat fprint_val (FILE *stream, t_value val, int radix,
int width, int format)
#define MAX_WIDTH ((int) (CHAR_BIT * sizeof (t_value)))
t_value owtest, wtest;
int32 d, digit, ndigits;
char dbuf[MAX_WIDTH + 1];
for (d = 0; d < MAX_WIDTH; d++) dbuf[d] = (format == PV_RZRO)? '0': ' ';
dbuf[MAX_WIDTH] = 0;
do { d = d - 1;
digit = (int32) (val % (unsigned) radix);
val = val / (unsigned) radix;
dbuf[d] = (digit <= 9)? '0' + digit: 'A' + (digit - 10);
} while ((d > 0) && (val != 0));
if (format != PV_LEFT) {
wtest = owtest = radix;
ndigits = 1;
while ((wtest < width_mask[width]) && (wtest >= owtest)) {
owtest = wtest;
wtest = wtest * radix;
ndigits = ndigits + 1; }
if ((MAX_WIDTH - ndigits) < d) d = MAX_WIDTH - ndigits; }
if (fputs (&dbuf[d], stream) == EOF) return SCPE_IOERR;
return SCPE_OK;
/* Event queue package
sim_activate add entry to event queue
sim_cancel remove entry from event queue
sim_process_event process entries on event queue
sim_is_active see if entry is on event queue
sim_atime return absolute time for an entry
sim_gtime return global time
Asynchronous events are set up by queueing a unit data structure
to the event queue with a timeout (in simulator units, relative
to the current time). Each simulator 'times' these events by
counting down interval counter sim_interval. When this reaches
zero the simulator calls sim_process_event to process the event
and to see if further events need to be processed, or sim_interval
reset to count the next one.
The event queue is maintained in clock order; entry timeouts are
RELATIVE to the time in the previous entry.
sim_process_event - process event
reason reason code returned by any event processor,
or 0 (SCPE_OK) if no exceptions
t_stat sim_process_event (void)
UNIT *uptr;
t_stat reason;
if (stop_cpu) return SCPE_STOP; /* stop CPU? */
if (sim_clock_queue == NULL) { /* queue empty? */
UPDATE_SIM_TIME (noqueue_time); /* update sim time */
sim_interval = noqueue_time = NOQUEUE_WAIT; /* flag queue empty */
return SCPE_OK; }
UPDATE_SIM_TIME (sim_clock_queue -> time); /* update sim time */
do { uptr = sim_clock_queue; /* get first */
sim_clock_queue = uptr -> next; /* remove first */
uptr -> next = NULL; /* hygiene */
uptr -> time = 0;
if (sim_clock_queue != NULL) sim_interval = sim_clock_queue -> time;
else sim_interval = noqueue_time = NOQUEUE_WAIT;
if (uptr -> action != NULL) reason = uptr -> action (uptr);
else reason = SCPE_OK;
} while ((reason == SCPE_OK) && (sim_interval == 0));
/* Empty queue forces sim_interval != 0 */
return reason;
/* sim_activate - activate (queue) event
uptr = pointer to unit
event_time = relative timeout
reason = result (SCPE_OK if ok)
t_stat sim_activate (UNIT *uptr, int32 event_time)
UNIT *cptr, *prvptr;
int32 accum;
if (event_time < 0) return SCPE_ARG;
if (sim_is_active (uptr)) return SCPE_OK; /* already active? */
if (sim_clock_queue == NULL) { UPDATE_SIM_TIME (noqueue_time); }
else { UPDATE_SIM_TIME (sim_clock_queue -> time); } /* update sim time */
prvptr = NULL;
accum = 0;
for (cptr = sim_clock_queue; cptr != NULL; cptr = cptr -> next) {
if (event_time < accum + cptr -> time) break;
accum = accum + cptr -> time;
prvptr = cptr; }
if (prvptr == NULL) { /* insert at head */
cptr = uptr -> next = sim_clock_queue;
sim_clock_queue = uptr; }
else { cptr = uptr -> next = prvptr -> next; /* insert at prvptr */
prvptr -> next = uptr; }
uptr -> time = event_time - accum;
if (cptr != NULL) cptr -> time = cptr -> time - uptr -> time;
sim_interval = sim_clock_queue -> time;
return SCPE_OK;
/* sim_cancel - cancel (dequeue) event
uptr = pointer to unit
reason = result (SCPE_OK if ok)
t_stat sim_cancel (UNIT *uptr)
UNIT *cptr, *nptr;
if (sim_clock_queue == NULL) return SCPE_OK;
UPDATE_SIM_TIME (sim_clock_queue -> time); /* update sim time */
nptr = NULL;
if (sim_clock_queue == uptr) nptr = sim_clock_queue = uptr -> next;
else { for (cptr = sim_clock_queue; cptr != NULL; cptr = cptr -> next) {
if (cptr -> next == uptr) {
nptr = cptr -> next = uptr -> next;
break; } } } /* end queue scan */
if (nptr != NULL) nptr -> time = nptr -> time + uptr -> time;
uptr -> next = NULL; /* hygiene */
uptr -> time = 0;
if (sim_clock_queue != NULL) sim_interval = sim_clock_queue -> time;
else sim_interval = noqueue_time = NOQUEUE_WAIT;
return SCPE_OK;
/* sim_is_active - test for entry in queue, return activation time
uptr = pointer to unit
result = absolute activation time + 1, 0 if inactive
int32 sim_is_active (UNIT *uptr)
UNIT *cptr;
int32 accum;
accum = 0;
for (cptr = sim_clock_queue; cptr != NULL; cptr = cptr -> next) {
accum = accum + cptr -> time;
if (cptr == uptr) return accum + 1; }
return 0;
/* sim_gtime - return global time
sim_grtime - return global time with rollover
Inputs: none
time = global time
double sim_gtime (void)
if (sim_clock_queue == NULL) { UPDATE_SIM_TIME (noqueue_time); }
else { UPDATE_SIM_TIME (sim_clock_queue -> time); }
return sim_time;
uint32 sim_grtime (void)
if (sim_clock_queue == NULL) { UPDATE_SIM_TIME (noqueue_time); }
else { UPDATE_SIM_TIME (sim_clock_queue -> time); }
return sim_rtime;
/* Endian independent binary I/O package
For consistency, all binary data read and written by the simulator
is stored in little endian data order. That is, in a multi-byte
data item, the bytes are written out right to left, low order byte
to high order byte. On a big endian host, data is read and written
from high byte to low byte. Consequently, data written on a little
endian system must be byte reversed to be usable on a big endian
system, and vice versa.
These routines are analogs of the standard C runtime routines
fread and fwrite. If the host is little endian, or the data items
are size char, then the calls are passed directly to fread or
fwrite. Otherwise, these routines perform the necessary byte swaps
using an intermediate buffer.
size_t fxread (void *bptr, size_t size, size_t count, FILE *fptr)
size_t c, j, nelem, nbuf, lcnt, total;
int32 i, k;
unsigned char *sptr, *dptr;
if (sim_end || (size == sizeof (char)))
return fread (bptr, size, count, fptr);
if ((size == 0) || (count == 0)) return 0;
nelem = FLIP_SIZE / size; /* elements in buffer */
nbuf = count / nelem; /* number buffers */
lcnt = count % nelem; /* count in last buf */
if (lcnt) nbuf = nbuf + 1;
else lcnt = nelem;
total = 0;
dptr = bptr; /* init output ptr */
for (i = nbuf; i > 0; i--) {
c = fread (sim_flip, size, (i == 1? lcnt: nelem), fptr);
if (c == 0) return total;
total = total + c;
for (j = 0, sptr = sim_flip; j < c; j++) {
for (k = size - 1; k >= 0; k--) *(dptr + k) = *sptr++;
dptr = dptr + size; } }
return total;
size_t fxwrite (void *bptr, size_t size, size_t count, FILE *fptr)
size_t c, j, nelem, nbuf, lcnt, total;
int32 i, k;
unsigned char *sptr, *dptr;
if (sim_end || (size == sizeof (char)))
return fwrite (bptr, size, count, fptr);
if ((size == 0) || (count == 0)) return 0;
nelem = FLIP_SIZE / size; /* elements in buffer */
nbuf = count / nelem; /* number buffers */
lcnt = count % nelem; /* count in last buf */
if (lcnt) nbuf = nbuf + 1;
else lcnt = nelem;
total = 0;
sptr = bptr; /* init input ptr */
for (i = nbuf; i > 0; i--) {
c = (i == 1)? lcnt: nelem;
for (j = 0, dptr = sim_flip; j < c; j++) {
for (k = size - 1; k >= 0; k--) *(dptr + k) = *sptr++;
dptr = dptr + size; }
c = fwrite (sim_flip, size, c, fptr);
if (c == 0) return total;
total = total + c; }
return total;
/* OS independent clock calibration package
sim_rtc_init initialize calibration
sim_rtc_calb calibrate clock
static int32 rtc_ticks = 0; /* ticks */
static uint32 rtc_realtime = 0; /* real time */
static uint32 rtc_virttime = 0; /* virtual time */
static uint32 rtc_nextintv = 0; /* next interval */
static int32 rtc_basedelay = 0; /* base delay */
static int32 rtc_currdelay = 0; /* current delay */
extern t_bool rtc_avail;
#define TMAX 500 /* max makeup per sec */
int32 sim_rtc_init (int32 time)
rtc_realtime = sim_os_msec ();
rtc_virttime = rtc_realtime;
rtc_nextintv = 1000;
rtc_ticks = 0;
rtc_basedelay = time;
rtc_currdelay = time;
return rtc_currdelay;
int32 sim_rtc_calb (int32 ticksper)
uint32 new_realtime, delta_realtime;
int32 delta_virttime;
rtc_ticks = rtc_ticks + 1; /* count ticks */
if (rtc_ticks < ticksper) return rtc_currdelay; /* 1 sec yet? */
rtc_ticks = 0; /* reset ticks */
if (!rtc_avail) return rtc_currdelay; /* no timer? */
new_realtime = sim_os_msec (); /* wall time */
delta_realtime = new_realtime - rtc_realtime; /* elapsed wtime */
if (delta_realtime == 0) return rtc_currdelay; /* can't calibr */
rtc_basedelay = (int32) (((double) rtc_basedelay * (double) rtc_nextintv) /
((double) delta_realtime)); /* new base rate */
rtc_realtime = new_realtime; /* adv wall time */
rtc_virttime = rtc_virttime + 1000; /* adv sim time */
delta_virttime = rtc_virttime - rtc_realtime; /* gap */
if (delta_virttime > TMAX) delta_virttime = TMAX; /* limit gap */
else if (delta_virttime < -TMAX) delta_virttime = -TMAX;
rtc_nextintv = 1000 + delta_virttime; /* next wtime */
rtc_currdelay = (int32) (((double) rtc_basedelay * (double) rtc_nextintv) /
1000.0); /* next delay */
return rtc_currdelay;
/* OS independent multiconsole package
set_console make unit the active console
sim_putcons output character in a multiconsole simulator
sim_chkcons check for buffered output in a multiconsole simulator
t_stat set_console (UNIT *uptr, int32 flag)
int32 i;
DEVICE *idptr, *odptr;
UNIT *wuptr, *iuptr = NULL, *ouptr = NULL;
if (sim_consoles == NULL) return SCPE_NOFNC;
for (i = 0; sim_consoles[i] != NULL; i++) {
if (uptr == sim_consoles[i]) {
iuptr = sim_consoles[i & ~1];
ouptr = sim_consoles[i | 1]; } }
if ((iuptr == NULL) || (ouptr == NULL)) return SCPE_ARG;
idptr = find_dev_from_unit (iuptr);
odptr = find_dev_from_unit (ouptr);
if ((idptr == NULL) || (odptr == NULL)) return SCPE_ARG;
for (i = 0; sim_consoles[i] != NULL; i++) {
wuptr = sim_consoles[i];
wuptr -> flags = wuptr -> flags & ~UNIT_CONS;
if (!(i & 1)) sim_cancel (wuptr); }
iuptr -> flags = iuptr -> flags | UNIT_CONS;
ouptr -> flags = ouptr -> flags | UNIT_CONS;
sim_activate (iuptr, iuptr -> wait);
if (idptr == odptr) {
printf ("Active console is %s\n", idptr -> name);
if (sim_log) fprintf (sim_log, "Active console is %s\n", idptr -> name); }
else { printf ("Active console is %s/%s\n", idptr -> name, odptr -> name);
if (sim_log) fprintf (sim_log,
"Active console is %s/%s\n", idptr -> name, odptr -> name); }
return SCPE_OK;
t_stat sim_putcons (int32 out, UNIT *uptr)
uint8 *consbuf;
if ((uptr -> flags & UNIT_CONS) || (uptr -> filebuf == NULL))
return sim_putchar (out);
if (uptr -> u4 < CONS_SIZE) {
consbuf = (uint8 *) uptr -> filebuf;
consbuf[uptr -> u4] = out; }
uptr -> u4 = uptr -> u4 + 1;
return SCPE_OK;
void sim_chkcons (void)
int32 i, j, limit;
uint8 *consbuf;
UNIT *uptr;
if (sim_consoles == NULL) return;
for (i = 0; sim_consoles[i] != NULL; i++) {
uptr = sim_consoles[i];
if ((i & 1) && (uptr -> flags & UNIT_CONS) &&
(uptr -> filebuf) && (uptr -> u4)) {
consbuf = (uint8 *) uptr -> filebuf;
limit = (uptr -> u4 < CONS_SIZE)? uptr -> u4: CONS_SIZE;
for (j = 0; j < limit; j++) sim_putchar (consbuf[j]);
if (uptr -> u4 >= CONS_SIZE) {
printf ("\n[Buffered output lost]\n");
if (sim_log) fprintf (sim_log, "\n[Buffered output lost]\n"); }
uptr -> u4 = 0;
return; } }