blob: dd9568de24f8b8b084d32bee7532e933d6c2943e [file] [log] [blame] [raw]
/* pdp18b_stddev.c: 18b PDP's standard devices
Copyright (c) 1993-2001, Robert M Supnik
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
Except as contained in this notice, the name of Robert M Supnik shall not
be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings
in this Software without prior written authorization from Robert M Supnik.
ptr paper tape reader
ptp paper tape punch
tti keyboard
tto teleprinter
clk clock
17-Jul-01 RMS Moved function prototype
10-Jun-01 RMS Cleaned up IOT decoding to reflect hardware
27-May-01 RMS Added multiconsole support
10-Mar-01 RMS Added funny format loader support
05-Mar-01 RMS Added clock calibration support
22-Dec-00 RMS Added PDP-9/15 half duplex support
30-Nov-00 RMS Fixed PDP-4/7 bootstrap loader for 4K systems
30-Oct-00 RMS Standardized register naming
06-Jan-97 RMS Fixed PDP-4 console input
16-Dec-96 RMS Fixed bug in binary ptr service
#include "pdp18b_defs.h"
#include <ctype.h>
extern int32 M[];
extern int32 int_req, saved_PC;
extern UNIT cpu_unit;
int32 clk_state = 0;
int32 ptr_err = 0, ptr_stopioe = 0, ptr_state = 0;
int32 ptp_err = 0, ptp_stopioe = 0;
int32 tti_state = 0;
int32 tto_state = 0;
int32 clk_tps = 60;
#if defined (TTY1)
static uint8 tto_consout[CONS_SIZE];
t_stat clk_svc (UNIT *uptr);
t_stat ptr_svc (UNIT *uptr);
t_stat ptp_svc (UNIT *uptr);
t_stat tti_svc (UNIT *uptr);
t_stat tto_svc (UNIT *uptr);
t_stat clk_reset (DEVICE *dptr);
t_stat ptr_reset (DEVICE *dptr);
t_stat ptp_reset (DEVICE *dptr);
t_stat tti_reset (DEVICE *dptr);
t_stat tto_reset (DEVICE *dptr);
t_stat ptr_attach (UNIT *uptr, char *cptr);
t_stat ptp_attach (UNIT *uptr, char *cptr);
t_stat ptr_detach (UNIT *uptr);
t_stat ptp_detach (UNIT *uptr);
t_stat ptr_boot (int32 unitno);
extern t_stat sim_poll_kbd (void);
extern t_stat sim_putchar (int32 out);
/* CLK data structures
clk_dev CLK device descriptor
clk_unit CLK unit
clk_reg CLK register list
UNIT clk_unit = { UDATA (&clk_svc, 0, 0), 16000 };
REG clk_reg[] = {
{ FLDATA (INT, int_req, INT_V_CLK) },
{ FLDATA (DONE, int_req, INT_V_CLK) },
{ FLDATA (ENABLE, clk_state, 0) },
{ DRDATA (TIME, clk_unit.wait, 24), REG_NZ + PV_LEFT },
{ DRDATA (TPS, clk_tps, 8), REG_NZ + PV_LEFT },
{ NULL } };
DEVICE clk_dev = {
"CLK", &clk_unit, clk_reg, NULL,
1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
NULL, NULL, &clk_reset,
/* PTR data structures
ptr_dev PTR device descriptor
ptr_unit PTR unit
ptr_reg PTR register list
UNIT ptr_unit = {
REG ptr_reg[] = {
{ ORDATA (BUF, ptr_unit.buf, 18) },
{ FLDATA (INT, int_req, INT_V_PTR) },
{ FLDATA (DONE, int_req, INT_V_PTR) },
#if defined (IOS_PTRERR)
{ FLDATA (ERR, ptr_err, 0) },
{ ORDATA (STATE, ptr_state, 5), REG_HRO },
{ DRDATA (POS, ptr_unit.pos, 31), PV_LEFT },
{ DRDATA (TIME, ptr_unit.wait, 24), PV_LEFT },
{ FLDATA (STOP_IOE, ptr_stopioe, 0) },
{ NULL } };
DEVICE ptr_dev = {
"PTR", &ptr_unit, ptr_reg, NULL,
1, 10, 31, 1, 8, 8,
NULL, NULL, &ptr_reset,
&ptr_boot, &ptr_attach, &ptr_detach };
/* PTP data structures
ptp_dev PTP device descriptor
ptp_unit PTP unit
ptp_reg PTP register list
UNIT ptp_unit = {
REG ptp_reg[] = {
{ ORDATA (BUF, ptp_unit.buf, 8) },
{ FLDATA (INT, int_req, INT_V_PTP) },
{ FLDATA (DONE, int_req, INT_V_PTP) },
#if defined (IOS_PTPERR)
{ FLDATA (ERR, ptp_err, 0) },
{ DRDATA (POS, ptp_unit.pos, 31), PV_LEFT },
{ DRDATA (TIME, ptp_unit.wait, 24), PV_LEFT },
{ FLDATA (STOP_IOE, ptp_stopioe, 0) },
{ NULL } };
DEVICE ptp_dev = {
"PTP", &ptp_unit, ptp_reg, NULL,
1, 10, 31, 1, 8, 8,
NULL, NULL, &ptp_reset,
NULL, &ptp_attach, &ptp_detach };
/* TTI data structures
tti_dev TTI device descriptor
tti_unit TTI unit
tti_reg TTI register list
tti_trans ASCII to Baudot table
#if defined (KSR28)
#define TTI_WIDTH 5
#define TTI_FIGURES (1 << TTI_WIDTH)
#define TTI_2ND (1 << (TTI_WIDTH + 1))
#define TTI_BOTH (1 << (TTI_WIDTH + 2))
#define BAUDOT_LETTERS 033
#define BAUDOT_FIGURES 037
static const int32 tti_trans[128] = {
000,000,000,000,000,000,000,064, /* bell */
000,000,0210,000,000,0202,000,000, /* lf, cr */
0204,066,061,045,062,000,053,072, /* space - ' */
076,051,000,000,046,070,047,067, /* ( - / */
055,075,071,060,052,041,065,074, /* 0 - 7 */
054,043,056,057,000,000,000,063, /* 8 - ? */
000,030,023,016,022,020,026,013, /* @ - G */
005,014,032,036,011,007,006,003, /* H - O */
015,035,012,024,001,034,017,031, /* P - W */
027,025,021,000,000,000,000,000, /* X - _ */
000,030,023,016,022,020,026,013, /* ` - g */
005,014,032,036,011,007,006,003, /* h - o */
015,035,012,024,001,034,017,031, /* p - w */
027,025,021,000,000,000,000,000 }; /* x - DEL */
#define TTI_WIDTH 8
#define TTI_MASK ((1 << TTI_WIDTH) - 1)
#define UNIT_V_UC (UNIT_V_UF + 0) /* UC only */
#define UNIT_UC (1 << UNIT_V_UC)
#define UNIT_V_HDX (UNIT_V_UF + 1) /* half duplex */
#define UNIT_HDX (1 << UNIT_V_HDX)
#if defined (PDP4) || defined (PDP7)
UNIT tti_unit = { UDATA (&tti_svc, UNIT_UC+UNIT_CONS, 0), KBD_POLL_WAIT };
UNIT tti_unit = { UDATA (&tti_svc, UNIT_UC+UNIT_HDX+UNIT_CONS, 0), KBD_POLL_WAIT };
REG tti_reg[] = {
{ ORDATA (BUF, tti_unit.buf, TTI_WIDTH) },
{ FLDATA (INT, int_req, INT_V_TTI) },
{ FLDATA (DONE, int_req, INT_V_TTI) },
#if defined (KSR28)
{ ORDATA (TTI_STATE, tti_state, (TTI_WIDTH + 3)), REG_HRO },
{ FLDATA (UC, tti_unit.flags, UNIT_V_UC), REG_HRO },
{ FLDATA (HDX, tti_unit.flags, UNIT_V_HDX), REG_HRO },
{ DRDATA (POS, tti_unit.pos, 31), PV_LEFT },
{ DRDATA (TIME, tti_unit.wait, 24), REG_NZ + PV_LEFT },
#if defined (TTY1)
{ FLDATA (CFLAG, tti_unit.flags, UNIT_V_CONS), REG_HRO },
{ NULL } };
MTAB tti_mod[] = {
#if defined (TTY1)
{ UNIT_CONS, 0, "inactive", NULL, NULL },
{ UNIT_CONS, UNIT_CONS, "active console", "CONSOLE", &set_console },
#if !defined (KSR28)
{ UNIT_UC, 0, "lower case", "LC", NULL },
{ UNIT_UC, UNIT_UC, "upper case", "UC", NULL },
{ UNIT_HDX, 0, "full duplex", "FDX", NULL },
{ UNIT_HDX, UNIT_HDX, "half duplex", "HDX", NULL },
{ 0 } };
DEVICE tti_dev = {
"TTI", &tti_unit, tti_reg, tti_mod,
1, 10, 31, 1, 8, 8,
NULL, NULL, &tti_reset,
/* TTO data structures
tto_dev TTO device descriptor
tto_unit TTO unit
tto_reg TTO register list
tto_trans Baudot to ASCII table
#if defined (KSR28)
#define TTO_WIDTH 5
#define TTO_FIGURES (1 << TTO_WIDTH)
static const char tto_trans[64] = {
0 ,'T',015,'O',' ','H','N','M',
'A','W','J', 0 ,'U','Q','K', 0,
0 ,'5','\r','9',' ','#',',','.',
'-','2','\'',0 ,'7','1','(', 0 };
#define TTO_WIDTH 8
#define TTO_MASK ((1 << TTO_WIDTH) - 1)
UNIT tto_unit = { UDATA (&tto_svc, UNIT_UC+UNIT_CONS, 0), SERIAL_OUT_WAIT };
REG tto_reg[] = {
{ ORDATA (BUF, tto_unit.buf, TTO_WIDTH) },
{ FLDATA (INT, int_req, INT_V_TTO) },
{ FLDATA (DONE, int_req, INT_V_TTO) },
#if defined (KSR28)
{ FLDATA (TTO_STATE, tto_state, 0), REG_HRO },
{ DRDATA (POS, tto_unit.pos, 31), PV_LEFT },
{ DRDATA (TIME, tto_unit.wait, 24), PV_LEFT },
#if defined (TTY1)
{ BRDATA (CONSOUT, tto_consout, 8, 8, CONS_SIZE), REG_HIDDEN },
{ FLDATA (CFLAG, tto_unit.flags, UNIT_V_CONS), REG_HRO },
{ NULL } };
MTAB tto_mod[] = {
#if defined (TTY1)
{ UNIT_CONS, 0, "inactive", NULL, NULL },
{ UNIT_CONS, UNIT_CONS, "active console", "CONSOLE", &set_console },
#if !defined (KSR28)
{ UNIT_UC, 0, "lower case", "LC", NULL },
{ UNIT_UC, UNIT_UC, "upper case", "UC", NULL },
{ 0 } };
DEVICE tto_dev = {
"TTO", &tto_unit, tto_reg, tto_mod,
1, 10, 31, 1, 8, 8,
NULL, NULL, &tto_reset,
/* Clock: IOT routine */
int32 clk (int32 pulse, int32 AC)
if (pulse & 001) { /* CLSF */
if (int_req & INT_CLK) AC = AC | IOT_SKP; }
if (pulse & 004) { /* CLON/CLOF */
if (pulse & 040) { /* CLON */
int_req = int_req & ~INT_CLK; /* clear flag */
clk_state = 1; /* clock on */
if (!sim_is_active (&clk_unit)) /* already on? */
sim_activate (&clk_unit, /* start, calibr */
sim_rtc_init (clk_unit.wait)); }
else clk_reset (&clk_dev); } /* CLOF */
return AC;
/* Unit service */
t_stat clk_svc (UNIT *uptr)
if (clk_state) { /* clock on? */
M[7] = (M[7] + 1) & 0777777; /* incr counter */
if (M[7] == 0) int_req = int_req | INT_CLK; /* ovrflo? set flag */
sim_activate (&clk_unit, /* reactivate unit */
sim_rtc_calb (clk_tps)); } /* calibr delay */
return SCPE_OK;
/* Reset routine */
t_stat clk_reset (DEVICE *dptr)
int_req = int_req & ~INT_CLK; /* clear flag */
clk_state = 0; /* clock off */
sim_cancel (&clk_unit); /* stop clock */
return SCPE_OK;
/* IORS service for all standard devices */
int32 std_iors (void)
return ((int_req & INT_CLK)? IOS_CLK: 0) |
((int_req & INT_PTR)? IOS_PTR: 0) |
((int_req & INT_PTP)? IOS_PTP: 0) |
((int_req & INT_TTI)? IOS_TTI: 0) |
((int_req & INT_TTO)? IOS_TTO: 0) |
#if defined (IOS_PTRERR)
(ptr_err? IOS_PTRERR: 0) |
#if defined (IOS_PTPERR)
(ptp_err? IOS_PTPERR: 0) |
(clk_state? IOS_CLKON: 0);
/* Paper tape reader: IOT routine */
int32 ptr (int32 pulse, int32 AC)
if (pulse & 001) { /* RSF */
if (int_req & INT_PTR) AC = AC | IOT_SKP; }
if (pulse & 002) { /* RRB, RCF */
int_req = int_req & ~INT_PTR; /* clear done */
AC = AC | ptr_unit.buf; } /* return buffer */
if (pulse & 004) { /* RSA, RSB */
ptr_state = (pulse & 040)? 18: 0; /* set mode */
int_req = int_req & ~INT_PTR; /* clear done */
ptr_unit.buf = 0; /* clear buffer */
sim_activate (&ptr_unit, ptr_unit.wait); }
return AC;
/* Unit service */
t_stat ptr_svc (UNIT *uptr)
int32 temp;
if ((ptr_unit.flags & UNIT_ATT) == 0) { /* attached? */
#if defined (IOS_PTRERR)
int_req = int_req | INT_PTR; /* if err, set int */
ptr_err = 1;
return IORETURN (ptr_stopioe, SCPE_UNATT); }
if ((temp = getc (ptr_unit.fileref)) == EOF) { /* end of file? */
#if defined (IOS_PTRERR)
int_req = int_req | INT_PTR; /* if err, set done */
ptr_err = 1;
if (feof (ptr_unit.fileref)) {
if (ptr_stopioe) printf ("PTR end of file\n");
else return SCPE_OK; }
else perror ("PTR I/O error");
clearerr (ptr_unit.fileref);
return SCPE_IOERR; }
if (ptr_state == 0) ptr_unit.buf = temp & 0377; /* alpha */
else if (temp & 0200) { /* binary */
ptr_state = ptr_state - 6;
ptr_unit.buf = ptr_unit.buf | ((temp & 077) << ptr_state); }
if (ptr_state == 0) int_req = int_req | INT_PTR; /* if done, set flag */
else sim_activate (&ptr_unit, ptr_unit.wait); /* else restart */
ptr_unit.pos = ptr_unit.pos + 1;
return SCPE_OK;
/* Reset routine */
t_stat ptr_reset (DEVICE *dptr)
ptr_state = 0; /* clear state */
ptr_unit.buf = 0;
int_req = int_req & ~INT_PTR; /* clear flag */
ptr_err = (ptr_unit.flags & UNIT_ATT)? 0: 1;
sim_cancel (&ptr_unit); /* deactivate unit */
return SCPE_OK;
/* Attach routine */
t_stat ptr_attach (UNIT *uptr, char *cptr)
t_stat reason;
reason = attach_unit (uptr, cptr);
ptr_err = (ptr_unit.flags & UNIT_ATT)? 0: 1;
return reason;
/* Detach routine */
t_stat ptr_detach (UNIT *uptr)
ptr_err = 1;
return detach_unit (uptr);
#if defined (PDP4) || defined (PDP7)
/* Bootstrap routine, PDP-4 and PDP-7
In a 4K system, the boostrap resides at 7762-7776.
In an 8K or greater system, the bootstrap resides at 17762-17776.
Because the program is so small, simple masking can be
used to remove addr<5> for a 4K system.
#define BOOT_START 017577
#define BOOT_FPC 017577
#define BOOT_RPC 017770
#define BOOT_LEN (sizeof (boot_rom) / sizeof (int))
static const int32 boot_rom[] = {
0700144, /* rsb */
0117762, /* ff, jsb r1b */
0057666, /* dac done 1 */
0117762, /* jms r1b */
0057667, /* dac done 2 */
0117762, /* jms r1b */
0040007, /* dac conend */
0057731, /* dac conbeg */
0440007, /* isz conend */
0117762, /* blk, jms r1b */
0057673, /* dac cai */
0741100, /* spa */
0617665, /* jmp done */
0117762, /* jms r1b */
0057777, /* dac tem1 */
0317673, /* add cai */
0057775, /* dac cks */
0117713, /* jms r1a */
0140010, /* dzm word */
0457777, /* cont, isz tem1 */
0617632, /* jmp cont1 */
0217775, /* lac cks */
0740001, /* cma */
0740200, /* sza */
0740040, /* hlt */
0700144, /* rsb */
0617610, /* jmp blk */
0117713, /* cont1, jms r1a */
0057762, /* dac tem2 */
0117713, /* jms r1a */
0742010, /* rtl */
0742010, /* rtl */
0742010, /* rtl */
0742010, /* rtl */
0317762, /* add tem2 */
0057762, /* dac tem2 */
0117713, /* jms r1a */
0742020, /* rtr */
0317726, /* add cdsp */
0057713, /* dac r1a */
0517701, /* and ccma */
0740020, /* rar */
0317762, /* add tem2 */
0437713, /* xct i r1a */
0617622, /* jmp cont */
0617672, /* dsptch, jmp code0 */
0617670, /* jmp code1 */
0617700, /* jmp code2 */
0617706, /* jmp code3 */
0417711, /* xct code4 */
0617732, /* jmp const */
0740000, /* nop */
0740000, /* nop */
0740000, /* nop */
0200007, /* done, lac conend */
0740040, /* xx */
0740040, /* xx */
0517727, /* code1, and imsk */
0337762, /* add i tem2 */
0300010, /* code0, add word */
0740040, /* cai, xx */
0750001, /* clc */
0357673, /* tad cai */
0057673, /* dac cai */
0617621, /* jmp cont-1 */
0711101, /* code2, spa cla */
0740001, /* ccma, cma */
0277762, /* xor i tem2 */
0300010, /* add word */
0040010, /* code2a, dac word */
0617622, /* jmp cont */
0057711, /* code3, dac code4 */
0217673, /* lac cai */
0357701, /* tad ccma */
0740040, /* code4, xx */
0617622, /* jmp cont */
0000000, /* r1a, 0 */
0700101, /* rsf */
0617714, /* jmp .-1 */
0700112, /* rrb */
0700104, /* rsa */
0057730, /* dac tem */
0317775, /* add cks */
0057775, /* dac cks */
0217730, /* lac tem */
0744000, /* cll */
0637713, /* jmp i r1a */
0017654, /* cdsp, dsptch */
0760000, /* imsk, 760000 */
0000000, /* tem, 0 */
0000000, /* conbeg, 0 */
0300010, /* const, add word */
0060007, /* dac i conend */
0217731, /* lac conbeg */
0040010, /* dac index */
0220007, /* lac i conend */
0560010, /* con1, sad i index */
0617752, /* jmp find */
0560010, /* sad i index */
0617752, /* jmp find */
0560010, /* sad i index */
0617752, /* jmp find */
0560010, /* sad i index */
0617752, /* jmp find */
0560010, /* sad i index */
0617752, /* jmp find */
0617737, /* jmp con1 */
0200010, /* find, lac index */
0540007, /* sad conend */
0440007, /* isz conend */
0617704, /* jmp code2a */
0000000, /* r1b, 0 */
0700101, /* rsf */
0617763, /* jmp .-1 */
0700112, /* rrb */
0700144, /* rsb */
0637762, /* jmp i r1b */
0700144, /* go, rsb */
0117762, /* g, jms r1b */
0057775, /* dac cks */
0417775, /* xct cks */
0117762, /* jms r1b */
0000000, /* cks, 0 */
0617771 /* jmp g */
t_stat ptr_boot (int32 unitno)
int32 i, mask, wd;
extern int32 sim_switches;
if (MEMSIZE < 8192) mask = 0767777; /* 4k? */
else mask = 0777777;
for (i = 0; i < BOOT_LEN; i++) {
wd = boot_rom[i];
if ((wd >= 0040000) && (wd < 0640000)) wd = wd & mask;
M[(BOOT_START & mask) + i] = wd; }
saved_PC = ((sim_switches & SWMASK ('F'))? BOOT_FPC: BOOT_RPC) & mask;
return SCPE_OK;
/* PDP-9 and PDP-15 have built-in hardware RIM loaders */
t_stat ptr_boot (int32 unitno)
return SCPE_ARG;
/* Paper tape punch: IOT routine */
int32 ptp (int32 pulse, int32 AC)
if (pulse & 001) { /* PSF */
if (int_req & INT_PTP) AC = AC | IOT_SKP; }
if (pulse & 002) int_req = int_req & ~INT_PTP; /* PCF */
if (pulse & 004) { /* PSA, PSB, PLS */
int_req = int_req & ~INT_PTP; /* clear flag */
ptp_unit.buf = (pulse & 040)? /* load punch buf */
(AC & 077) | 0200: AC & 0377; /* bin or alpha */
sim_activate (&ptp_unit, ptp_unit.wait); } /* activate unit */
return AC;
/* Unit service */
t_stat ptp_svc (UNIT *uptr)
int_req = int_req | INT_PTP; /* set done flag */
if ((ptp_unit.flags & UNIT_ATT) == 0) { /* not attached? */
ptp_err = 1; /* set error */
return IORETURN (ptp_stopioe, SCPE_UNATT); }
if (putc (ptp_unit.buf, ptp_unit.fileref) == EOF) { /* I/O error? */
ptp_err = 1; /* set error */
perror ("PTP I/O error");
clearerr (ptp_unit.fileref);
return SCPE_IOERR; }
ptp_unit.pos = ptp_unit.pos + 1;
return SCPE_OK;
/* Reset routine */
t_stat ptp_reset (DEVICE *dptr)
ptp_unit.buf = 0;
int_req = int_req & ~INT_PTP; /* clear flag */
ptp_err = (ptp_unit.flags & UNIT_ATT)? 0: 1;
sim_cancel (&ptp_unit); /* deactivate unit */
return SCPE_OK;
/* Attach routine */
t_stat ptp_attach (UNIT *uptr, char *cptr)
t_stat reason;
reason = attach_unit (uptr, cptr);
ptp_err = (ptp_unit.flags & UNIT_ATT)? 0: 1;
return reason;
/* Detach routine */
t_stat ptp_detach (UNIT *uptr)
ptp_err = 1;
return detach_unit (uptr);
/* Terminal input: IOT routine */
int32 tti (int32 pulse, int32 AC)
if (pulse & 001) { /* KSF */
if (int_req & INT_TTI) AC = AC | IOT_SKP; }
if (pulse & 002) { /* KRB */
int_req = int_req & ~INT_TTI; /* clear flag */
AC = AC | tti_unit.buf & TTI_MASK; } /* return buffer */
return AC;
/* Unit service */
t_stat tti_svc (UNIT *uptr)
int32 temp;
sim_activate (&tti_unit, tti_unit.wait); /* continue poll */
#if defined (KSR28) /* Baudot... */
if (tti_state & TTI_2ND) { /* char waiting? */
tti_unit.buf = tti_state & TTI_MASK; /* return char */
tti_state = tti_state & ~TTI_2ND; } /* not waiting */
else { if ((temp = sim_poll_kbd ()) < SCPE_KFLAG) return temp;
temp = tti_trans[temp & 0177]; /* translate char */
if (temp == 0) return SCPE_OK; /* untranslatable? */
if (((temp & TTI_FIGURES) == (tti_state & TTI_FIGURES)) ||
(temp & TTI_BOTH)) tti_unit.buf = temp & TTI_MASK;
else { tti_unit.buf = (temp & TTI_FIGURES)?
tti_state = temp | TTI_2ND; } } /* set 2nd waiting */
#else /* ASCII... */
if ((temp = sim_poll_kbd ()) < SCPE_KFLAG) return temp; /* no char or error? */
temp = temp & 0177;
if ((tti_unit.flags & UNIT_UC) && islower (temp)) temp = toupper (temp);
if ((tti_unit.flags & UNIT_HDX) &&
(!(tto_unit.flags & UNIT_UC) ||
((temp >= 007) && (temp <= 0137)))) {
sim_putcons (temp, uptr);
tto_unit.pos = tto_unit.pos + 1; }
tti_unit.buf = temp | 0200; /* got char */
int_req = int_req | INT_TTI; /* set flag */
tti_unit.pos = tti_unit.pos + 1;
return SCPE_OK;
/* Reset routine */
t_stat tti_reset (DEVICE *dptr)
tti_unit.buf = 0; /* clear buffer */
tti_state = 0; /* clear state */
int_req = int_req & ~INT_TTI; /* clear flag */
#if defined (TTY1)
if (tti_unit.flags & UNIT_CONS) /* if active cons */
sim_activate (&tti_unit, tti_unit.wait); /* activate unit */
return SCPE_OK;
/* Terminal output: IOT routine */
int32 tto (int32 pulse, int32 AC)
if (pulse & 001) { /* TSF */
if (int_req & INT_TTO) AC = AC | IOT_SKP; }
if (pulse & 002) int_req = int_req & ~INT_TTO; /* clear flag */
if (pulse & 004) { /* load buffer */
sim_activate (&tto_unit, tto_unit.wait); /* activate unit */
tto_unit.buf = AC & TTO_MASK; } /* load buffer */
return AC;
/* Unit service */
t_stat tto_svc (UNIT *uptr)
int32 out, temp;
int_req = int_req | INT_TTO; /* set flag */
#if defined (KSR28) /* Baudot... */
if (tto_unit.buf == BAUDOT_FIGURES) { /* set figures? */
tto_state = TTO_FIGURES;
return SCPE_OK; }
if (tto_unit.buf == BAUDOT_LETTERS) { /* set letters? */
tto_state = 0;
return SCPE_OK; }
out = tto_trans[tto_unit.buf + tto_state]; /* translate */
out = tto_unit.buf & 0177; /* ASCII... */
if (!(tto_unit.flags & UNIT_UC) ||
((out >= 007) && (out <= 0137))) {
temp = sim_putcons (out, uptr);
if (temp != SCPE_OK) return temp;
tto_unit.pos = tto_unit.pos + 1; }
return SCPE_OK;
/* Reset routine */
t_stat tto_reset (DEVICE *dptr)
tto_unit.buf = 0; /* clear buffer */
tto_state = 0; /* clear state */
int_req = int_req & ~INT_TTO; /* clear flag */
sim_cancel (&tto_unit); /* deactivate unit */
#if defined (TTY1)
tto_unit.filebuf = tto_consout;
return SCPE_OK;