blob: 58c7a27183ce06125c602e29565a59ab87db9968 [file] [log] [blame] [raw]
* $Id: vtmacs.h,v 1.3 2004/01/24 20:54:54 phil Exp - revised by DAG $
* macros for coding a VT11/VS60 display file (instructions and data)
* for standalone use of vt11.c (not embedded in PDP-11 simulator)
* Douglas A. Gwyn <>
* September 03, 2004
* XXX -- assumes ASCII host character set
/* helper macros (not for use outside this header): */
#define SGN_(x) ((x) < 0)
#define MAG_(x) ((x) >= 0 ? (x) : -(x)) /* -0 not expressible directly in C */
#if 0 /* manual seems to say this; wrong! */
#define JDL_(x) ((SGN_(raddr) << 8) | MAG_(raddr))
#else /* sign extend, 9-bit twos complement */
#define JDL_(x) ((x) >= 0 ? (x) : ((~(unsigned)-(x))+1) & 0777)
/* control instructions: */
/* load status register A: */
#define LSRA(stop,stop_intr,lp_hit_chg,ital,refresh,menu) \
0170000 | stop | stop_intr | lp_hit_chg | ital | refresh | menu
/* display stop: */
#define ST_SAME 00000 /* don't stop display */
#define ST_STOP 02000 /* stop display */
/* stop interrupt: */
#define SI_SAME 00000 /* no change */
#define SI_INHIBIT 01000 /* inhibit interrupt on stop */
#define SI_GENERATE 01400 /* generate interrupt on stop */
/* light pen hit intensify (bright-down on VS60): */
#define LI_SAME 0000 /* no change */
#define LI_INTENSIFY 0200 /* enable intensify on hit (VT11) */
#define LI_BRIGHTDOWN 0200 /* enable bright down on hit (VS60) */
#define LI_NOINTENSIFY 0300 /* inhibit intensify on hit (VT11) */
#define LI_NOBRIGHTDOWN 0300 /* inhibit bright down on hit (VS60) */
/* italic font: */
#define IT_SAME 000 /* no change */
#define IT_NORMAL 040 /* normal font */
#define IT_ITALIC 060 /* italic font */
/* refresh rate: */
#define RF_UNSYNC 000 /* unsynchronized */
#define RF_SAME 000 /* (happens to work like that) */
#define RF_LINE 004 /* sync with line (VT11) */
#define RF_30 004 /* 30 frames/sec (VS60) */
#define RF_40 010 /* 40 frames/sec (VS60) */
#define RF_EXT 014 /* external sync (VS60) */
/* menu/main area (VS60): */
#define MN_SAME 0 /* no change */
#define MN_MAIN 2 /* major screen area */
#define MN_MENU 3 /* menu area */
/* load status register B: */
#define LSRB(color,set_step,step) \
0174000 | color | set_step | (step)
/* color select (VS60): */
#define CL_SAME 00000 /* no change */
#define CL_GREEN 01000 /* green */
#define CL_YELLOW 01200 /* yellow */
#define CL_ORANGE 01400 /* orange */
#define CL_RED 01600 /* red */
/* graphplot increment register change enable: */
#define SS_SAME 0000 /* no change (step value ignored) */
#define SS_CHANGE 0100 /* write step value into register */
/* load status register BB (VS60): */
#define LSRBB(z_data,edge_intr,depth_cue,char_esc) \
0176000 | z_data | edge_intr | depth_cue | char_esc
/* file Z data: */
#define ZD_SAME 000 /* no change */
#define ZD_NO 010 /* d.file does not contain Z coords. */
#define ZD_YES 014 /* d.file contains Z coordinates */
/* edge interrupts enable: */
#define ED_SAME 000 /* no change */
#define ED_DIS 040 /* disable intr. on edge transition */
#define ED_ENA 060 /* enable intr. on edge transition */
/* depth cue processing: */
#define DQ_SAME 0000 /* no change */
#define DQ_OFF 0200 /* disable depth cueing (Z intensity) */
#define DQ_ON 0300 /* enable depth cueing (Z intensity) */
/* escape on terminating character: */
#define ES_SAME 0 /* no change */
#define ES_NO 2 /* disable POPR on terminating char. */
#define ES_YES 3 /* enable POPR on terminating char. */
/* load status register C (VS60): */
#define LSRC(rotate,cs_change,cscale,vs_change,vscale) \
0154000 | rotate | cs_change | ((cscale)<<5) | \
vs_change | (vscale)
/* character rotation: */
#define RO_SAME 00000 /* no change */
#define RO_HORIZONTAL 01000 /* no text rotation */
#define RO_VERTICAL 01400 /* rotate text 90 degrees CCW */
/* character scale change enable: */
#define CS_SAME 0000 /* no change (cscale value ignored) */
#define CS_CHANGE 0200 /* set character scale */
/* vector scale change enable: */
#define VS_SAME 000 /* no change (vscale value ignored) */
#define VS_CHANGE 020 /* set vector scale */
/* load scope selection register (VS60): */
#define LSSR(console,disp,lp_intr,sw_intr) \
0164000 | console | disp | lp_intr | sw_intr
/* console to which this instruction applies: */
#define CN_0 0000 /* console # 0 */
#define CN_1 0400 /* console # 1 */
/* display enable: */
#define DS_SAME 0000 /* no change */
#define DS_DIS 0200 /* disable display (blank CRT) */
#define DS_ENA 0300 /* enable display (use CRT) */
/* light-pen hit interrupt enable: */
#define LH_SAME 0000 /* no change */
#define LH_DIS 0040 /* light-pen hit interrupt disabled */
#define LH_ENA 0060 /* light-pen hit interrupt enabled */
/* tip-switch transition interrupt enable: */
#define SW_SAME 0000 /* no change */
#define SW_DIS 0010 /* tip-switch interrupt disabled */
#define SW_ENA 0014 /* tip-switch hit interrupt enabled */
/* load name register (VS60): */
#define LNR(name) \
0150000 | (name)
/* set graphic mode: */
#define SGM(mode,intens,lp_intr,blink,line_type) \
0100000 | mode | intens | lp_intr | blink | line_type
/* graphic mode: */
#define GM_CHAR 000000 /* character */
#define GM_SVECT 004000 /* short vector */
#define GM_LVECT 010000 /* long vector */
#define GM_APOINT 014000 /* absolute point, or offset */
#define GM_GRAPHX 020000 /* graphplot X, or basic long vector */
#define GM_GRAPHY 024000 /* graphplot Y, or basic long vector */
#define GM_RPOINT 030000 /* relative point */
#define GM_BSVECT 034000 /* basic short vector */
#define GM_ARC 040000 /* circle/arc */
#define GM_AVECT 044000 /* absolute vector */
/* intensity: */
#define IN_SAME 00000 /* no change */
#define IN_0 02000 /* intensity level 0 (dimmest) */
#define IN_1 02200 /* intensity level 1 */
#define IN_2 02400 /* intensity level 2 */
#define IN_3 02600 /* intensity level 3 */
#define IN_4 03000 /* intensity level 4 */
#define IN_5 03200 /* intensity level 5 */
#define IN_6 03400 /* intensity level 6 */
#define IN_7 03600 /* intensity level 7 (brightest) */
/* light pen interrupt: */
#define LP_SAME 0000 /* no change */
#define LP_DIS 0100 /* light-pen hit interrupt disabled */
#define LP_ENA 0140 /* light-pen hit interrupt enabled */
/* blink: */
#define BL_SAME 000 /* no change */
#define BL_OFF 020 /* blink off */
#define BL_ON 030 /* blink on */
/* line type: */
#define LT_SAME 00 /* no change */
#define LT_SOLID 04 /* solid */
#define LT_LDASH 05 /* long dash */
#define LT_SDASH 06 /* short dash */
#define LT_DDASH 07 /* dot dash */
/* display jump absolute: */
#define DJMP_ABS(addr) \
0160000, \
(addr) & ~1
/* display jump relative (VS60) [raddr in words]: */
#define DJMP_REL(raddr) \
0161000 | JDL_(raddr)
/* display jump to subroutine absolute (VS60): */
#define DJSR_ABS(addr) \
0162000, \
(addr) & ~1
/* display jump to subroutine relative (VS60) [raddr in words]: */
#define DJSR_REL(raddr) \
0163000 | JDL_(raddr)
/* display no-op: */
#define DNOP \
/* display pop, no restore (VS60): */
#define DPOP_NR \
/* display pop, restore (VS60): */
#define DPOP_R \
/* display stop: */
/* graphic data: */
/* intensify enable (common to all modes exept CHAR and OFFSET): */
#define I_OFF 000000 /* beam off */
#define I_ON 040000 /* beam on */
/* Note: when VS60 "file Z data" is enabled,
use the *3() macros instead of the corresponding normal ones. */
/* character data: */
#define CHAR(c1,c2) \
((c2) << 8) | (c1) /* 7-bit ASCII assumed */
/* short vector data: */
#define SVECT(i,dx,dy) \
i | (SGN_(dx) << 13) | (MAG_(dx) << 7) | (SGN_(dy) << 6) | MAG_(dy)
#define SVECT3(i,dx,dy,dz) \
i | (SGN_(dx) << 13) | (MAG_(dx) << 7) | (SGN_(dy) << 6) | MAG_(dy), \
(SGN_(dz) << 13) | (MAG_(dz) << 2)
/* long vector data: */
#define LVECT(i,dx,dy) \
i | (SGN_(dx) << 13) | MAG_(dx), \
(SGN_(dy) << 13) | MAG_(dy)
#define LVECT3(i,dx,dy,dz) \
i | (SGN_(dx) << 13) | MAG_(dx), \
(SGN_(dy) << 13) | MAG_(dy), \
(SGN_(dz) << 13) | (MAG_(dz) << 2)
/* rotation data (VS60, probably unimplemented): */
#define ROTATE(i,a,b) \
i | (SGN_(a) << 13) | 010000 | MAG_(a), \
(SGN_(b) << 13) | MAG_(b)
#define ROTATE3(i,a,b,c) \
i | (SGN_(a) << 13) | 010000 | MAG_(a), \
(SGN_(b) << 13) | MAG_(b), \
(SGN_(c) << 13) | (MAG_(c) << 2)
/* absolute point data: */
#define APOINT(i,x,y) \
i | (SGN_(x) << 13) | MAG_(x), \
(SGN_(y) << 13) | MAG_(y)
#define APOINT3(i,x,y,z) \
i | (SGN_(x) << 13) | MAG_(x), \
(SGN_(y) << 13) | MAG_(y), \
(SGN_(z) << 13) | (MAG_(z) << 2)
/* offset data (VS60): */
#define OFFSET(x,y) \
(SGN_(x) << 13) | 010000 | MAG_(x), \
(SGN_(y) << 13) | 010000 | MAG_(y)
#define OFFSET3(x,y,z) \
(SGN_(x) << 13) | 010000 | MAG_(x), \
(SGN_(y) << 13) | 010000 | MAG_(y), \
(SGN_(z) << 13) | 010000 | (MAG_(z) << 2)
/* graphplot X data: */
#define GRAPHX(i,x) \
i | (x)
/* graphplot Y data: */
#define GRAPHY(i,y) \
i | (y)
/* basic long vector data (VS60): */
#define BLVECT(i,dir,len) \
i | ((dir) << 11) | 02000 | (len)
/* relative point data: */
#define RPOINT(i,dx,dy) \
i | (SGN_(dx) << 13) | (MAG_(dx) << 7) | (SGN_(dy) << 6) | MAG_(dy)
#define RPOINT3(i,dx,dy,dz) \
i | (SGN_(dx) << 13) | (MAG_(dx) << 7) | (SGN_(dy) << 6) | MAG_(dy), \
(SGN_(dz) << 13) | (MAG_(dz) << 2)
/* basic short vector data (VS60): */
#define BSVECT(i,dir1,len1,dir2,len2) \
i | ((dir2) << 11) | ((len2) << 7) | ((dir1) << 4) | (len1)
/* circle/arc data (VS60, option): */
#define ARC(i,dcx,dcy,dex,dey) \
i | (SGN_(dcx) << 13) | MAG_(dcx), \
(SGN_(dcy) << 13) | MAG_(dcy), \
(SGN_(dex) << 13) | MAG_(dex), \
(SGN_(dey) << 13) | MAG_(dey)
#define ARC3(i,dcx,dcy,cz,dex,dey,ez) \
i | (SGN_(dcx) << 13) | MAG_(dcx), \
(SGN_(dcy) << 13) | MAG_(dcy), \
(SGN_(cz) << 13) | (MAG_(cz) << 2), \
(SGN_(dex) << 13) | MAG_(dex), \
(SGN_(dey) << 13) | MAG_(dey), \
(SGN_(ez) << 13) | (MAG_(ez) << 2)
/* absolute vector data (VS60): */
#define AVECT(i,x,y) \
i | (SGN_(x) << 13) | MAG_(x), \
(SGN_(y) << 13) | MAG_(y)
#define AVECT3(i,x,y,z) \
i | (SGN_(x) << 13) | MAG_(x), \
(SGN_(y) << 13) | MAG_(y), \
(SGN_(z) << 13) | (MAG_(z) << 2)