/* altairz80_sys.c: MITS Altair system interface | |
Copyright (c) 2002, Peter Schorn | |
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a | |
copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), | |
to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation | |
the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, | |
and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the | |
Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: | |
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in | |
all copies or substantial portions of the Software. | |
Except as contained in this notice, the name of Peter Schorn shall not | |
be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings | |
in this Software without prior written authorization from Peter Schorn. | |
Based on work by Charles E Owen (c) 1997 | |
Disassembler from Marat Fayzullin ((c) 1995, 1996, 1997 - Commercial use prohibited) | |
*/ | |
#include <ctype.h> | |
#include "altairz80_defs.h" | |
extern DEVICE cpu_dev; | |
extern DEVICE dsk_dev; | |
extern DEVICE hdsk_dev; | |
extern UNIT cpu_unit; | |
extern REG cpu_reg[]; | |
extern DEVICE sio_dev; | |
extern DEVICE simh_device; | |
extern DEVICE ptr_dev; | |
extern DEVICE ptp_dev; | |
extern int32 saved_PC; | |
extern char *get_range(char *cptr, t_addr *lo, t_addr *hi, int rdx, | |
t_addr max, char term); | |
extern t_value get_uint(char *cptr, int radix, t_value max, t_stat *status); | |
extern void PutBYTEWrapper(register uint32 Addr, register uint32 Value); | |
extern void PutBYTEForced(register uint32 Addr, register uint32 Value); | |
extern uint8 GetBYTEWrapper(register uint32 Addr); | |
extern int32 addressIsInROM(uint32 Addr); | |
extern int32 addressExists(uint32 Addr); | |
extern uint32 ROMLow; | |
extern uint32 ROMHigh; | |
int32 sim_load(FILE *fileref, char *cptr, char *fnam, int32 flag); | |
int32 fprint_sym(FILE *of, int32 addr, uint32 *val, UNIT *uptr, int32 sw); | |
int32 checkbase(char ch, char *numString); | |
int32 numok(char ch, char **numString, int32 minvalue, int32 maxvalue, int32 requireSign, int32 *result); | |
int32 match(char *pattern, char *input, char *xy, int32 *number, int32 *star, int32 *at, | |
int32 *hat, int32 *dollar); | |
int32 parse_X80(char *cptr, int32 addr, uint32 *val, char *Mnemonics[]); | |
int32 parse_sym(char *cptr, int32 addr, UNIT *uptr, uint32 *val, int32 sw); | |
int32 DAsm(char *S, uint32 *val, int32 useZ80Mnemonics, int32 addr); | |
int32 checkXY(char xy); | |
/* SCP data structures | |
sim_name simulator name string | |
sim_PC pointer to saved PC register descriptor | |
sim_emax number of words needed for examine | |
sim_devices array of pointers to simulated devices | |
sim_stop_messages array of pointers to stop messages | |
sim_load binary loader | |
*/ | |
char sim_name[] = "Altair 8800 (Z80)"; | |
REG *sim_PC = &cpu_reg[0]; | |
int32 sim_emax = 4; | |
DEVICE *sim_devices[] = { &cpu_dev, &sio_dev, &simh_device, &ptr_dev, &ptp_dev, &dsk_dev, &hdsk_dev, NULL }; | |
char memoryAccessMessage[80]; | |
const char *sim_stop_messages[] = { | |
"Unknown error", | |
"Unknown I/O Instruction", | |
"HALT instruction", | |
"Breakpoint", | |
memoryAccessMessage, | |
"Invalid Opcode" }; | |
static char *Mnemonics8080[] = { | |
/*0/8 1/9 2/A 3/B 4/C 5/D 6/E 7/F */ | |
"NOP", "LXI B,#h", "STAX B", "INX B", "INR B", "DCR B", "MVI B,*h", "RLC", /* 00-07 */ | |
"DB 09h", "DAD B", "LDAX B", "DCX B", "INR C", "DCR C", "MVI C,*h", "RRC", /* 08-0f */ | |
"DB 10h", "LXI D,#h", "STAX D", "INX D", "INR D", "DCR D", "MVI D,*h", "RAL", /* 10-17 */ | |
"DB 18h", "DAD D", "LDAX D", "DCX D", "INR E", "DCR E", "MVI E,*h", "RAR", /* 18-1f */ | |
"DB 20h", "LXI H,#h", "SHLD #h", "INX H", "INR H", "DCR H", "MVI H,*h", "DAA", /* 20-27 */ | |
"DB 28h", "DAD H", "LHLD #h", "DCX H", "INR L", "DCR L", "MVI L,*h", "CMA", /* 28-2f */ | |
"DB 30h", "LXI SP,#h", "STA #h", "INX SP", "INR M", "DCR M", "MVI M,*h", "STC", /* 30-37 */ | |
"DB 38h", "DAD SP", "LDA #h", "DCX SP", "INR A", "DCR A", "MVI A,*h", "CMC", /* 38-3f */ | |
"MOV B,B", "MOV B,C", "MOV B,D", "MOV B,E", "MOV B,H", "MOV B,L", "MOV B,M", "MOV B,A", /* 40-47 */ | |
"MOV C,B", "MOV C,C", "MOV C,D", "MOV C,E", "MOV C,H", "MOV C,L", "MOV C,M", "MOV C,A", /* 48-4f */ | |
"MOV D,B", "MOV D,C", "MOV D,D", "MOV D,E", "MOV D,H", "MOV D,L", "MOV D,M", "MOV D,A", /* 50-57 */ | |
"MOV E,B", "MOV E,C", "MOV E,D", "MOV E,E", "MOV E,H", "MOV E,L", "MOV E,M", "MOV E,A", /* 58-5f */ | |
"MOV H,B", "MOV H,C", "MOV H,D", "MOV H,E", "MOV H,H", "MOV H,L", "MOV H,M", "MOV H,A", /* 60-67 */ | |
"MOV L,B", "MOV L,C", "MOV L,D", "MOV L,E", "MOV L,H", "MOV L,L", "MOV L,M", "MOV L,A", /* 68-6f */ | |
"MOV M,B", "MOV M,C", "MOV M,D", "MOV M,E", "MOV M,H", "MOV M,L", "HLT", "MOV M,A", /* 70-77 */ | |
"MOV A,B", "MOV A,C", "MOV A,D", "MOV A,E", "MOV A,H", "MOV A,L", "MOV A,M", "MOV A,A", /* 78-7f */ | |
"ADD B", "ADD C", "ADD D", "ADD E", "ADD H", "ADD L", "ADD M", "ADD A", /* 80-87 */ | |
"ADC B", "ADC C", "ADC D", "ADC E", "ADC H", "ADC L", "ADC M", "ADC A", /* 88-8f */ | |
"SUB B", "SUB C", "SUB D", "SUB E", "SUB H", "SUB L", "SUB M", "SUB A", /* 90-97 */ | |
"SBB B", "SBB C", "SBB D", "SBB E", "SBB H", "SBB L", "SBB M", "SBB A", /* 98-9f */ | |
"ANA B", "ANA C", "ANA D", "ANA E", "ANA H", "ANA L", "ANA M", "ANA A", /* a0-a7 */ | |
"XRA B", "XRA C", "XRA D", "XRA E", "XRA H", "XRA L", "XRA M", "XRA A", /* a8-af */ | |
"ORA B", "ORA C", "ORA D", "ORA E", "ORA H", "ORA L", "ORA M", "ORA A", /* b0-b7 */ | |
"CMP B", "CMP C", "CMP D", "CMP E", "CMP H", "CMP L", "CMP M", "CMP A", /* b8-bf */ | |
"RNZ", "POP B", "JNZ #h", "JMP #h", "CNZ #h", "PUSH B", "ADI *h", "RST 0", /* c0-c7 */ | |
"RZ", "RET", "JZ #h", "DB CBh", "CZ #h", "CALL #h", "ACI *h", "RST 1", /* c8-cf */ | |
"RNC", "POP D", "JNC #h", "OUT *h", "CNC #h", "PUSH D", "SUI *h", "RST 2", /* d0-d7 */ | |
"RC", "DB D9h", "JC #h", "IN *h", "CC #h", "DB DDh", "SBI *h", "RST 3", /* d8-df */ | |
"RPO", "POP H", "JPO #h", "XTHL", "CPO #h", "PUSH H", "ANI *h", "RST 4", /* e0-e7 */ | |
"RPE", "PCHL", "JPE #h", "XCHG", "CPE #h", "DB EDh", "XRI *h", "RST 5", /* e8-ef */ | |
"RP", "POP PSW", "JP #h", "DI", "CP #h", "PUSH PSW", "ORI *h", "RST 6", /* f0-f7 */ | |
"RM", "SPHL", "JM #h", "EI", "CM #h", "DB FDh", "CPI *h", "RST 7" /* f8-ff */ | |
}; | |
static char *MnemonicsZ80[256] = { | |
/*0/8 1/9 2/A 3/B 4/C 5/D 6/E 7/F */ | |
"NOP", "LD BC,#h", "LD (BC),A", "INC BC", "INC B", "DEC B", "LD B,*h", "RLCA", /* 00-07 */ | |
"EX AF,AF'", "ADD HL,BC", "LD A,(BC)", "DEC BC", "INC C", "DEC C", "LD C,*h", "RRCA", /* 08-0f */ | |
"DJNZ $h", "LD DE,#h", "LD (DE),A", "INC DE", "INC D", "DEC D", "LD D,*h", "RLA", /* 10-17 */ | |
"JR $h", "ADD HL,DE", "LD A,(DE)", "DEC DE", "INC E", "DEC E", "LD E,*h", "RRA", /* 18-1f */ | |
"JR NZ,$h", "LD HL,#h", "LD (#h),HL", "INC HL", "INC H", "DEC H", "LD H,*h", "DAA", /* 20-27 */ | |
"JR Z,$h", "ADD HL,HL", "LD HL,(#h)", "DEC HL", "INC L", "DEC L", "LD L,*h", "CPL", /* 28-2f */ | |
"JR NC,$h", "LD SP,#h", "LD (#h),A", "INC SP", "INC (HL)", "DEC (HL)", "LD (HL),*h", "SCF", /* 30-37 */ | |
"JR C,$h", "ADD HL,SP", "LD A,(#h)", "DEC SP", "INC A", "DEC A", "LD A,*h", "CCF", /* 38-3f */ | |
"LD B,B", "LD B,C", "LD B,D", "LD B,E", "LD B,H", "LD B,L", "LD B,(HL)", "LD B,A", /* 40-47 */ | |
"LD C,B", "LD C,C", "LD C,D", "LD C,E", "LD C,H", "LD C,L", "LD C,(HL)", "LD C,A", /* 48-4f */ | |
"LD D,B", "LD D,C", "LD D,D", "LD D,E", "LD D,H", "LD D,L", "LD D,(HL)", "LD D,A", /* 50-57 */ | |
"LD E,B", "LD E,C", "LD E,D", "LD E,E", "LD E,H", "LD E,L", "LD E,(HL)", "LD E,A", /* 58-5f */ | |
"LD H,B", "LD H,C", "LD H,D", "LD H,E", "LD H,H", "LD H,L", "LD H,(HL)", "LD H,A", /* 60-67 */ | |
"LD L,B", "LD L,C", "LD L,D", "LD L,E", "LD L,H", "LD L,L", "LD L,(HL)", "LD L,A", /* 68-6f */ | |
"LD (HL),B", "LD (HL),C", "LD (HL),D", "LD (HL),E", "LD (HL),H", "LD (HL),L", "HALT", "LD (HL),A", /* 70-77 */ | |
"LD A,B", "LD A,C", "LD A,D", "LD A,E", "LD A,H", "LD A,L", "LD A,(HL)", "LD A,A", /* 78-7f */ | |
"ADD A,B", "ADD A,C", "ADD A,D", "ADD A,E", "ADD A,H", "ADD A,L", "ADD A,(HL)", "ADD A,A", /* 80-87 */ | |
"ADC A,B", "ADC A,C", "ADC A,D", "ADC A,E", "ADC A,H", "ADC A,L", "ADC A,(HL)", "ADC A,A", /* 88-8f */ | |
"SUB B", "SUB C", "SUB D", "SUB E", "SUB H", "SUB L", "SUB (HL)", "SUB A", /* 90-97 */ | |
"SBC A,B", "SBC A,C", "SBC A,D", "SBC A,E", "SBC A,H", "SBC A,L", "SBC A,(HL)", "SBC A,A", /* 98-9f */ | |
"AND B", "AND C", "AND D", "AND E", "AND H", "AND L", "AND (HL)", "AND A", /* a0-a7 */ | |
"XOR B", "XOR C", "XOR D", "XOR E", "XOR H", "XOR L", "XOR (HL)", "XOR A", /* a8-af */ | |
"OR B", "OR C", "OR D", "OR E", "OR H", "OR L", "OR (HL)", "OR A", /* b0-b7 */ | |
"CP B", "CP C", "CP D", "CP E", "CP H", "CP L", "CP (HL)", "CP A", /* b8-bf */ | |
"RET NZ", "POP BC", "JP NZ,#h", "JP #h", "CALL NZ,#h", "PUSH BC", "ADD A,*h", "RST 00h", /* c0-c7 */ | |
"RET Z", "RET", "JP Z,#h", "PFX_CB", "CALL Z,#h", "CALL #h", "ADC A,*h", "RST 08h", /* c8-cf */ | |
"RET NC", "POP DE", "JP NC,#h", "OUT (*h),A", "CALL NC,#h", "PUSH DE", "SUB *h", "RST 10h", /* d0-d7 */ | |
"RET C", "EXX", "JP C,#h", "IN A,(*h)", "CALL C,#h", "PFX_DD", "SBC A,*h", "RST 18h", /* d8-df */ | |
"RET PO", "POP HL", "JP PO,#h", "EX (SP),HL", "CALL PO,#h", "PUSH HL", "AND *h", "RST 20h", /* e0-e7 */ | |
"RET PE", "LD PC,HL", "JP PE,#h", "EX DE,HL", "CALL PE,#h", "PFX_ED", "XOR *h", "RST 28h", /* e8-ef */ | |
"RET P", "POP AF", "JP P,#h", "DI", "CALL P,#h", "PUSH AF", "OR *h", "RST 30h", /* f0-f7 */ | |
"RET M", "LD SP,HL", "JP M,#h", "EI", "CALL M,#h", "PFX_FD", "CP *h", "RST 38h" /* f8-ff */ | |
}; | |
static char *MnemonicsCB[256] = { | |
/*0/8 1/9 2/A 3/B 4/C 5/D 6/E 7/F */ | |
"RLC B", "RLC C", "RLC D", "RLC E", "RLC H", "RLC L", "RLC (HL)", "RLC A", /* 00-07 */ | |
"RRC B", "RRC C", "RRC D", "RRC E", "RRC H", "RRC L", "RRC (HL)", "RRC A", /* 08-0f */ | |
"RL B", "RL C", "RL D", "RL E", "RL H", "RL L", "RL (HL)", "RL A", /* 10-17 */ | |
"RR B", "RR C", "RR D", "RR E", "RR H", "RR L", "RR (HL)", "RR A", /* 18-1f */ | |
"SLA B", "SLA C", "SLA D", "SLA E", "SLA H", "SLA L", "SLA (HL)", "SLA A", /* 20-27 */ | |
"SRA B", "SRA C", "SRA D", "SRA E", "SRA H", "SRA L", "SRA (HL)", "SRA A", /* 28-2f */ | |
"SLL B", "SLL C", "SLL D", "SLL E", "SLL H", "SLL L", "SLL (HL)", "SLL A", /* 30-37 */ | |
"SRL B", "SRL C", "SRL D", "SRL E", "SRL H", "SRL L", "SRL (HL)", "SRL A", /* 38-3f */ | |
"BIT 0,B", "BIT 0,C", "BIT 0,D", "BIT 0,E", "BIT 0,H", "BIT 0,L", "BIT 0,(HL)", "BIT 0,A", /* 40-47 */ | |
"BIT 1,B", "BIT 1,C", "BIT 1,D", "BIT 1,E", "BIT 1,H", "BIT 1,L", "BIT 1,(HL)", "BIT 1,A", /* 48-4f */ | |
"BIT 2,B", "BIT 2,C", "BIT 2,D", "BIT 2,E", "BIT 2,H", "BIT 2,L", "BIT 2,(HL)", "BIT 2,A", /* 50-57 */ | |
"BIT 3,B", "BIT 3,C", "BIT 3,D", "BIT 3,E", "BIT 3,H", "BIT 3,L", "BIT 3,(HL)", "BIT 3,A", /* 58-5f */ | |
"BIT 4,B", "BIT 4,C", "BIT 4,D", "BIT 4,E", "BIT 4,H", "BIT 4,L", "BIT 4,(HL)", "BIT 4,A", /* 60-67 */ | |
"BIT 5,B", "BIT 5,C", "BIT 5,D", "BIT 5,E", "BIT 5,H", "BIT 5,L", "BIT 5,(HL)", "BIT 5,A", /* 68-6f */ | |
"BIT 6,B", "BIT 6,C", "BIT 6,D", "BIT 6,E", "BIT 6,H", "BIT 6,L", "BIT 6,(HL)", "BIT 6,A", /* 70-77 */ | |
"BIT 7,B", "BIT 7,C", "BIT 7,D", "BIT 7,E", "BIT 7,H", "BIT 7,L", "BIT 7,(HL)", "BIT 7,A", /* 78-7f */ | |
"RES 0,B", "RES 0,C", "RES 0,D", "RES 0,E", "RES 0,H", "RES 0,L", "RES 0,(HL)", "RES 0,A", /* 80-87 */ | |
"RES 1,B", "RES 1,C", "RES 1,D", "RES 1,E", "RES 1,H", "RES 1,L", "RES 1,(HL)", "RES 1,A", /* 88-8f */ | |
"RES 2,B", "RES 2,C", "RES 2,D", "RES 2,E", "RES 2,H", "RES 2,L", "RES 2,(HL)", "RES 2,A", /* 90-97 */ | |
"RES 3,B", "RES 3,C", "RES 3,D", "RES 3,E", "RES 3,H", "RES 3,L", "RES 3,(HL)", "RES 3,A", /* 98-9f */ | |
"RES 4,B", "RES 4,C", "RES 4,D", "RES 4,E", "RES 4,H", "RES 4,L", "RES 4,(HL)", "RES 4,A", /* a0-a7 */ | |
"RES 5,B", "RES 5,C", "RES 5,D", "RES 5,E", "RES 5,H", "RES 5,L", "RES 5,(HL)", "RES 5,A", /* a8-af */ | |
"RES 6,B", "RES 6,C", "RES 6,D", "RES 6,E", "RES 6,H", "RES 6,L", "RES 6,(HL)", "RES 6,A", /* b0-b7 */ | |
"RES 7,B", "RES 7,C", "RES 7,D", "RES 7,E", "RES 7,H", "RES 7,L", "RES 7,(HL)", "RES 7,A", /* b8-bf */ | |
"SET 0,B", "SET 0,C", "SET 0,D", "SET 0,E", "SET 0,H", "SET 0,L", "SET 0,(HL)", "SET 0,A", /* c0-c7 */ | |
"SET 1,B", "SET 1,C", "SET 1,D", "SET 1,E", "SET 1,H", "SET 1,L", "SET 1,(HL)", "SET 1,A", /* c8-cf */ | |
"SET 2,B", "SET 2,C", "SET 2,D", "SET 2,E", "SET 2,H", "SET 2,L", "SET 2,(HL)", "SET 2,A", /* d0-d7 */ | |
"SET 3,B", "SET 3,C", "SET 3,D", "SET 3,E", "SET 3,H", "SET 3,L", "SET 3,(HL)", "SET 3,A", /* d8-df */ | |
"SET 4,B", "SET 4,C", "SET 4,D", "SET 4,E", "SET 4,H", "SET 4,L", "SET 4,(HL)", "SET 4,A", /* e0-e7 */ | |
"SET 5,B", "SET 5,C", "SET 5,D", "SET 5,E", "SET 5,H", "SET 5,L", "SET 5,(HL)", "SET 5,A", /* e8-ef */ | |
"SET 6,B", "SET 6,C", "SET 6,D", "SET 6,E", "SET 6,H", "SET 6,L", "SET 6,(HL)", "SET 6,A", /* f0-f7 */ | |
"SET 7,B", "SET 7,C", "SET 7,D", "SET 7,E", "SET 7,H", "SET 7,L", "SET 7,(HL)", "SET 7,A" /* f8-ff */ | |
}; | |
static char *MnemonicsED[256] = { | |
/*0/8 1/9 2/A 3/B 4/C 5/D 6/E 7/F */ | |
"DB EDh,00h", "DB EDh,01h", "DB EDh,02h", "DB EDh,03h", "DB EDh,04h", "DB EDh,05h", "DB EDh,06h", "DB EDh,07h", /* 00-07 */ | |
"DB EDh,08h", "DB EDh,09h", "DB EDh,0Ah", "DB EDh,0Bh", "DB EDh,0Ch", "DB EDh,0Dh", "DB EDh,0Eh", "DB EDh,0Fh", /* 08-0f */ | |
"DB EDh,10h", "DB EDh,11h", "DB EDh,12h", "DB EDh,13h", "DB EDh,14h", "DB EDh,15h", "DB EDh,16h", "DB EDh,17h", /* 10-17 */ | |
"DB EDh,18h", "DB EDh,19h", "DB EDh,1Ah", "DB EDh,1Bh", "DB EDh,1Ch", "DB EDh,1Dh", "DB EDh,1Eh", "DB EDh,1Fh", /* 18-1f */ | |
"DB EDh,20h", "DB EDh,21h", "DB EDh,22h", "DB EDh,23h", "DB EDh,24h", "DB EDh,25h", "DB EDh,26h", "DB EDh,27h", /* 20-27 */ | |
"DB EDh,28h", "DB EDh,29h", "DB EDh,2Ah", "DB EDh,2Bh", "DB EDh,2Ch", "DB EDh,2Dh", "DB EDh,2Eh", "DB EDh,2Fh", /* 28-2f */ | |
"DB EDh,30h", "DB EDh,31h", "DB EDh,32h", "DB EDh,33h", "DB EDh,34h", "DB EDh,35h", "DB EDh,36h", "DB EDh,37h", /* 30-37 */ | |
"DB EDh,38h", "DB EDh,39h", "DB EDh,3Ah", "DB EDh,3Bh", "DB EDh,3Ch", "DB EDh,3Dh", "DB EDh,3Eh", "DB EDh,3Fh", /* 38-3f */ | |
"IN B,(C)", "OUT (C),B", "SBC HL,BC", "LD (#h),BC", "NEG", "RETN", "IM 0", "LD I,A", /* 40-47 */ | |
"IN C,(C)", "OUT (C),C", "ADC HL,BC", "LD BC,(#h)", "DB EDh,4Ch", "RETI", "DB EDh,4Eh", "LD R,A", /* 48-4f */ | |
"IN D,(C)", "OUT (C),D", "SBC HL,DE", "LD (#h),DE", "DB EDh,54h", "DB EDh,55h", "IM 1", "LD A,I", /* 50-57 */ | |
"IN E,(C)", "OUT (C),E", "ADC HL,DE", "LD DE,(#h)", "DB EDh,5Ch", "DB EDh,5Dh", "IM 2", "LD A,R", /* 58-5f */ | |
"IN H,(C)", "OUT (C),H", "SBC HL,HL", "LD (#h),HL", "DB EDh,64h", "DB EDh,65h", "DB EDh,66h", "RRD", /* 60-67 */ | |
"IN L,(C)", "OUT (C),L", "ADC HL,HL", "LD HL,(#h)", "DB EDh,6Ch", "DB EDh,6Dh", "DB EDh,6Eh", "RLD", /* 68-6f */ | |
"IN F,(C)", "DB EDh,71h", "SBC HL,SP", "LD (#h),SP", "DB EDh,74h", "DB EDh,75h", "DB EDh,76h", "DB EDh,77h", /* 70-77 */ | |
"IN A,(C)", "OUT (C),A", "ADC HL,SP", "LD SP,(#h)", "DB EDh,7Ch", "DB EDh,7Dh", "DB EDh,7Eh", "DB EDh,7Fh", /* 78-7f */ | |
"DB EDh,80h", "DB EDh,81h", "DB EDh,82h", "DB EDh,83h", "DB EDh,84h", "DB EDh,85h", "DB EDh,86h", "DB EDh,87h", /* 80-87 */ | |
"DB EDh,88h", "DB EDh,89h", "DB EDh,8Ah", "DB EDh,8Bh", "DB EDh,8Ch", "DB EDh,8Dh", "DB EDh,8Eh", "DB EDh,8Fh", /* 88-8f */ | |
"DB EDh,90h", "DB EDh,91h", "DB EDh,92h", "DB EDh,93h", "DB EDh,94h", "DB EDh,95h", "DB EDh,96h", "DB EDh,97h", /* 90-97 */ | |
"DB EDh,98h", "DB EDh,99h", "DB EDh,9Ah", "DB EDh,9Bh", "DB EDh,9Ch", "DB EDh,9Dh", "DB EDh,9Eh", "DB EDh,9Fh", /* 98-9f */ | |
"LDI", "CPI", "INI", "OUTI", "DB EDh,A4h", "DB EDh,A5h", "DB EDh,A6h", "DB EDh,A7h", /* a0-a7 */ | |
"LDD", "CPD", "IND", "OUTD", "DB EDh,ACh", "DB EDh,ADh", "DB EDh,AEh", "DB EDh,AFh", /* a8-af */ | |
"LDIR", "CPIR", "INIR", "OTIR", "DB EDh,B4h", "DB EDh,B5h", "DB EDh,B6h", "DB EDh,B7h", /* b0-b7 */ | |
"LDDR", "CPDR", "INDR", "OTDR", "DB EDh,BCh", "DB EDh,BDh", "DB EDh,BEh", "DB EDh,BFh", /* b8-bf */ | |
"DB EDh,C0h", "DB EDh,C1h", "DB EDh,C2h", "DB EDh,C3h", "DB EDh,C4h", "DB EDh,C5h", "DB EDh,C6h", "DB EDh,C7h", /* c0-c7 */ | |
"DB EDh,C8h", "DB EDh,C9h", "DB EDh,CAh", "DB EDh,CBh", "DB EDh,CCh", "DB EDh,CDh", "DB EDh,CEh", "DB EDh,CFh", /* c8-cf */ | |
"DB EDh,D0h", "DB EDh,D1h", "DB EDh,D2h", "DB EDh,D3h", "DB EDh,D4h", "DB EDh,D5h", "DB EDh,D6h", "DB EDh,D7h", /* d0-d7 */ | |
"DB EDh,D8h", "DB EDh,D9h", "DB EDh,DAh", "DB EDh,DBh", "DB EDh,DCh", "DB EDh,DDh", "DB EDh,DEh", "DB EDh,DFh", /* d8-df */ | |
"DB EDh,E0h", "DB EDh,E1h", "DB EDh,E2h", "DB EDh,E3h", "DB EDh,E4h", "DB EDh,E5h", "DB EDh,E6h", "DB EDh,E7h", /* e0-e7 */ | |
"DB EDh,E8h", "DB EDh,E9h", "DB EDh,EAh", "DB EDh,EBh", "DB EDh,ECh", "DB EDh,EDh", "DB EDh,EEh", "DB EDh,EFh", /* e8-ef */ | |
"DB EDh,F0h", "DB EDh,F1h", "DB EDh,F2h", "DB EDh,F3h", "DB EDh,F4h", "DB EDh,F5h", "DB EDh,F6h", "DB EDh,F7h", /* f0-f7 */ | |
"DB EDh,F8h", "DB EDh,F9h", "DB EDh,FAh", "DB EDh,FBh", "DB EDh,FCh", "DB EDh,FDh", "DB EDh,FEh", "DB EDh,FFh" /* f8-ff */ | |
}; | |
static char *MnemonicsXX[256] = { | |
/*0/8 1/9 2/A 3/B 4/C 5/D 6/E 7/F */ | |
"NOP", "LD BC,#h", "LD (BC),A", "INC BC", "INC B", "DEC B", "LD B,*h", "RLCA", /* 00-07 */ | |
"EX AF,AF'", "ADD I%,BC", "LD A,(BC)", "DEC BC", "INC C", "DEC C", "LD C,*h", "RRCA", /* 08-0f */ | |
"DJNZ $h", "LD DE,#h", "LD (DE),A", "INC DE", "INC D", "DEC D", "LD D,*h", "RLA", /* 10-17 */ | |
"JR $h", "ADD I%,DE", "LD A,(DE)", "DEC DE", "INC E", "DEC E", "LD E,*h", "RRA", /* 18-1f */ | |
"JR NZ,$h", "LD I%,#h", "LD (#h),I%", "INC I%", "INC I%h", "DEC I%h", "LD I%h,*h", "DAA", /* 20-27 */ | |
"JR Z,$h", "ADD I%,I%", "LD I%,(#h)", "DEC I%", "INC I%l", "DEC I%l", "LD I%l,*h", "CPL", /* 28-2f */ | |
"JR NC,$h", "LD SP,#h", "LD (#h),A", "INC SP", "INC (I%+^h)", "DEC (I%+^h)", "LD (I%+^h),*h", "SCF", /* 30-37 */ | |
"JR C,$h", "ADD I%,SP", "LD A,(#h)", "DEC SP", "INC A", "DEC A", "LD A,*h", "CCF", /* 38-3f */ | |
"LD B,B", "LD B,C", "LD B,D", "LD B,E", "LD B,I%h", "LD B,I%l", "LD B,(I%+^h)", "LD B,A", /* 40-47 */ | |
"LD C,B", "LD C,C", "LD C,D", "LD C,E", "LD C,I%h", "LD C,I%l", "LD C,(I%+^h)", "LD C,A", /* 48-4f */ | |
"LD D,B", "LD D,C", "LD D,D", "LD D,E", "LD D,I%h", "LD D,I%l", "LD D,(I%+^h)", "LD D,A", /* 50-57 */ | |
"LD E,B", "LD E,C", "LD E,D", "LD E,E", "LD E,I%h", "LD E,I%l", "LD E,(I%+^h)", "LD E,A", /* 58-5f */ | |
"LD I%h,B", "LD I%h,C", "LD I%h,D", "LD I%h,E", "LD I%h,I%h", "LD I%h,I%l", "LD H,(I%+^h)", "LD I%h,A", /* 60-67 */ | |
"LD I%l,B", "LD I%l,C", "LD I%l,D", "LD I%l,E", "LD I%l,I%h", "LD I%l,I%l", "LD L,(I%+^h)", "LD I%l,A", /* 68-6f */ | |
"LD (I%+^h),B", "LD (I%+^h),C", "LD (I%+^h),D", "LD (I%+^h),E", "LD (I%+^h),H", "LD (I%+^h),L", "HALT", "LD (I%+^h),A", /* 70-77 */ | |
"LD A,B", "LD A,C", "LD A,D", "LD A,E", "LD A,I%h", "LD A,I%l", "LD A,(I%+^h)", "LD A,A", /* 78-7f */ | |
"ADD A,B", "ADD A,C", "ADD A,D", "ADD A,E", "ADD A,I%h", "ADD A,I%l", "ADD A,(I%+^h)", "ADD A,A", /* 80-87 */ | |
"ADC A,B", "ADC A,C", "ADC A,D", "ADC A,E", "ADC A,I%h", "ADC A,I%l", "ADC A,(I%+^h)", "ADC A,A", /* 88-8f */ | |
"SUB B", "SUB C", "SUB D", "SUB E", "SUB I%h", "SUB I%l", "SUB (I%+^h)", "SUB A", /* 90-97 */ | |
"SBC A,B", "SBC A,C", "SBC A,D", "SBC A,E", "SBC A,I%h", "SBC A,I%l", "SBC A,(I%+^h)", "SBC A,A", /* 98-9f */ | |
"AND B", "AND C", "AND D", "AND E", "AND I%h", "AND I%l", "AND (I%+^h)", "AND A", /* a0-a7 */ | |
"XOR B", "XOR C", "XOR D", "XOR E", "XOR I%h", "XOR I%l", "XOR (I%+^h)", "XOR A", /* a8-af */ | |
"OR B", "OR C", "OR D", "OR E", "OR I%h", "OR I%l", "OR (I%+^h)", "OR A", /* b0-b7 */ | |
"CP B", "CP C", "CP D", "CP E", "CP I%h", "CP I%l", "CP (I%+^h)", "CP A", /* b8-bf */ | |
"RET NZ", "POP BC", "JP NZ,#h", "JP #h", "CALL NZ,#h", "PUSH BC", "ADD A,*h", "RST 00h", /* c8-cf */ | |
"RET Z", "RET", "JP Z,#h", "PFX_CB", "CALL Z,#h", "CALL #h", "ADC A,*h", "RST 08h", /* c8-cf */ | |
"RET NC", "POP DE", "JP NC,#h", "OUT (*h),A", "CALL NC,#h", "PUSH DE", "SUB *h", "RST 10h", /* d0-d7 */ | |
"RET C", "EXX", "JP C,#h", "IN A,(*h)", "CALL C,#h", "PFX_DD", "SBC A,*h", "RST 18h", /* d8-df */ | |
"RET PO", "POP I%", "JP PO,#h", "EX (SP),I%", "CALL PO,#h", "PUSH I%", "AND *h", "RST 20h", /* e0-e7 */ | |
"RET PE", "LD PC,I%", "JP PE,#h", "EX DE,I%", "CALL PE,#h", "PFX_ED", "XOR *h", "RST 28h", /* e8-ef */ | |
"RET P", "POP AF", "JP P,#h", "DI", "CALL P,#h", "PUSH AF", "OR *h", "RST 30h", /* f0-f7 */ | |
"RET M", "LD SP,I%", "JP M,#h", "EI", "CALL M,#h", "PFX_FD", "CP *h", "RST 38h" /* f8-ff */ | |
}; | |
static char *MnemonicsXCB[256] = { | |
/*0/8 1/9 2/A 3/B 4/C 5/D 6/E 7/F */ | |
"RLC B", "RLC C", "RLC D", "RLC E", "RLC H", "RLC L", "RLC (I%@h)", "RLC A", /* 00-07 */ | |
"RRC B", "RRC C", "RRC D", "RRC E", "RRC H", "RRC L", "RRC (I%@h)", "RRC A", /* 08-0f */ | |
"RL B", "RL C", "RL D", "RL E", "RL H", "RL L", "RL (I%@h)", "RL A", /* 10-17 */ | |
"RR B", "RR C", "RR D", "RR E", "RR H", "RR L", "RR (I%@h)", "RR A", /* 18-1f */ | |
"SLA B", "SLA C", "SLA D", "SLA E", "SLA H", "SLA L", "SLA (I%@h)", "SLA A", /* 20-27 */ | |
"SRA B", "SRA C", "SRA D", "SRA E", "SRA H", "SRA L", "SRA (I%@h)", "SRA A", /* 28-2f */ | |
"SLL B", "SLL C", "SLL D", "SLL E", "SLL H", "SLL L", "SLL (I%@h)", "SLL A", /* 30-37 */ | |
"SRL B", "SRL C", "SRL D", "SRL E", "SRL H", "SRL L", "SRL (I%@h)", "SRL A", /* 38-3f */ | |
"BIT 0,B", "BIT 0,C", "BIT 0,D", "BIT 0,E", "BIT 0,H", "BIT 0,L", "BIT 0,(I%@h)", "BIT 0,A", /* 40-47 */ | |
"BIT 1,B", "BIT 1,C", "BIT 1,D", "BIT 1,E", "BIT 1,H", "BIT 1,L", "BIT 1,(I%@h)", "BIT 1,A", /* 48-4f */ | |
"BIT 2,B", "BIT 2,C", "BIT 2,D", "BIT 2,E", "BIT 2,H", "BIT 2,L", "BIT 2,(I%@h)", "BIT 2,A", /* 50-57 */ | |
"BIT 3,B", "BIT 3,C", "BIT 3,D", "BIT 3,E", "BIT 3,H", "BIT 3,L", "BIT 3,(I%@h)", "BIT 3,A", /* 58-5f */ | |
"BIT 4,B", "BIT 4,C", "BIT 4,D", "BIT 4,E", "BIT 4,H", "BIT 4,L", "BIT 4,(I%@h)", "BIT 4,A", /* 60-67 */ | |
"BIT 5,B", "BIT 5,C", "BIT 5,D", "BIT 5,E", "BIT 5,H", "BIT 5,L", "BIT 5,(I%@h)", "BIT 5,A", /* 68-6f */ | |
"BIT 6,B", "BIT 6,C", "BIT 6,D", "BIT 6,E", "BIT 6,H", "BIT 6,L", "BIT 6,(I%@h)", "BIT 6,A", /* 70-77 */ | |
"BIT 7,B", "BIT 7,C", "BIT 7,D", "BIT 7,E", "BIT 7,H", "BIT 7,L", "BIT 7,(I%@h)", "BIT 7,A", /* 78-7f */ | |
"RES 0,B", "RES 0,C", "RES 0,D", "RES 0,E", "RES 0,H", "RES 0,L", "RES 0,(I%@h)", "RES 0,A", /* 80-87 */ | |
"RES 1,B", "RES 1,C", "RES 1,D", "RES 1,E", "RES 1,H", "RES 1,L", "RES 1,(I%@h)", "RES 1,A", /* 88-8f */ | |
"RES 2,B", "RES 2,C", "RES 2,D", "RES 2,E", "RES 2,H", "RES 2,L", "RES 2,(I%@h)", "RES 2,A", /* 90-97 */ | |
"RES 3,B", "RES 3,C", "RES 3,D", "RES 3,E", "RES 3,H", "RES 3,L", "RES 3,(I%@h)", "RES 3,A", /* 98-9f */ | |
"RES 4,B", "RES 4,C", "RES 4,D", "RES 4,E", "RES 4,H", "RES 4,L", "RES 4,(I%@h)", "RES 4,A", /* a0-a7 */ | |
"RES 5,B", "RES 5,C", "RES 5,D", "RES 5,E", "RES 5,H", "RES 5,L", "RES 5,(I%@h)", "RES 5,A", /* a8-af */ | |
"RES 6,B", "RES 6,C", "RES 6,D", "RES 6,E", "RES 6,H", "RES 6,L", "RES 6,(I%@h)", "RES 6,A", /* b0-b7 */ | |
"RES 7,B", "RES 7,C", "RES 7,D", "RES 7,E", "RES 7,H", "RES 7,L", "RES 7,(I%@h)", "RES 7,A", /* b8-bf */ | |
"SET 0,B", "SET 0,C", "SET 0,D", "SET 0,E", "SET 0,H", "SET 0,L", "SET 0,(I%@h)", "SET 0,A", /* c0-c7 */ | |
"SET 1,B", "SET 1,C", "SET 1,D", "SET 1,E", "SET 1,H", "SET 1,L", "SET 1,(I%@h)", "SET 1,A", /* c8-cf */ | |
"SET 2,B", "SET 2,C", "SET 2,D", "SET 2,E", "SET 2,H", "SET 2,L", "SET 2,(I%@h)", "SET 2,A", /* d0-d7 */ | |
"SET 3,B", "SET 3,C", "SET 3,D", "SET 3,E", "SET 3,H", "SET 3,L", "SET 3,(I%@h)", "SET 3,A", /* d8-df */ | |
"SET 4,B", "SET 4,C", "SET 4,D", "SET 4,E", "SET 4,H", "SET 4,L", "SET 4,(I%@h)", "SET 4,A", /* e0-e7 */ | |
"SET 5,B", "SET 5,C", "SET 5,D", "SET 5,E", "SET 5,H", "SET 5,L", "SET 5,(I%@h)", "SET 5,A", /* e8-ef */ | |
"SET 6,B", "SET 6,C", "SET 6,D", "SET 6,E", "SET 6,H", "SET 6,L", "SET 6,(I%@h)", "SET 6,A", /* f0-f7 */ | |
"SET 7,B", "SET 7,C", "SET 7,D", "SET 7,E", "SET 7,H", "SET 7,L", "SET 7,(I%@h)", "SET 7,A" /* f8-ff */ | |
}; | |
/* Symbolic disassembler | |
Inputs: | |
*val = instructions to disassemble | |
useZ80Mnemonics = > 0 iff Z80 mnemonics are to be used | |
addr = current PC | |
Outputs: | |
*S = output text | |
DAsm is Copyright (C) Marat Fayzullin 1995,1996,1997 | |
You are not allowed to distribute this software | |
commercially. | |
*/ | |
int32 DAsm(char *S, uint32 *val, int32 useZ80Mnemonics, int32 addr) { | |
char R[128], H[10], C= '\0', *T, *P; | |
uint8 J = 0, Offset; | |
uint16 B = 0; | |
if (useZ80Mnemonics) { | |
switch(val[B]) { | |
case 0xcb: | |
B++; | |
T = MnemonicsCB[val[B++]]; | |
break; | |
case 0xed: | |
B++; | |
T = MnemonicsED[val[B++]]; | |
break; | |
case 0xdd: | |
case 0xfd: | |
C = (val[B] == 0xdd) ? 'X' : 'Y'; | |
B++; | |
if (val[B] == 0xcb) { | |
B++; | |
Offset = val[B++]; | |
J = 1; | |
T = MnemonicsXCB[val[B++]]; | |
} | |
else { | |
T = MnemonicsXX[val[B++]]; | |
} | |
break; | |
default: | |
T = MnemonicsZ80[val[B++]]; | |
} | |
} | |
else { | |
T = Mnemonics8080[val[B++]]; | |
} | |
if (P = strchr(T, '^')) { | |
strncpy(R, T, P - T); | |
R[P - T] = '\0'; | |
sprintf(H, "%02X", val[B++]); | |
strcat(R, H); | |
strcat(R, P + 1); | |
} | |
else { | |
strcpy(R, T); | |
} | |
if (P = strchr(R, '%')) { | |
*P = C; | |
if (P = strchr(P + 1, '%')) { | |
*P = C; | |
} | |
} | |
if(P = strchr(R, '*')) { | |
strncpy(S, R, P - R); | |
S[P - R] = '\0'; | |
sprintf(H, "%02X", val[B++]); | |
strcat(S, H); | |
strcat(S, P + 1); | |
} | |
else if (P = strchr(R, '@')) { | |
strncpy(S, R, P - R); | |
S[P - R] = '\0'; | |
if(!J) { | |
Offset = val[B++]; | |
} | |
strcat(S, Offset & 0x80 ? "-" : "+"); | |
J = Offset & 0x80 ? 256 - Offset : Offset; | |
sprintf(H, "%02X", J); | |
strcat(S, H); | |
strcat(S, P + 1); | |
} | |
else if (P = strchr(R, '$')) { | |
strncpy(S, R, P - R); | |
S[P - R] = '\0'; | |
Offset = val[B++]; | |
sprintf(H, "%04X", addr + 2 + (Offset & 0x80 ? (Offset - 256) : Offset)); | |
strcat(S, H); | |
strcat(S, P + 1); | |
} | |
else if (P = strchr(R, '#')) { | |
strncpy(S, R, P - R); | |
S[P - R] = '\0'; | |
sprintf(H, "%04X", val[B] + 256 * val[B + 1]); | |
strcat(S, H); | |
strcat(S, P + 1); | |
B += 2; | |
} | |
else { | |
strcpy(S, R); | |
} | |
return(B); | |
} | |
/* Symbolic output | |
Inputs: | |
*of = output stream | |
addr = current PC | |
*val = pointer to values | |
*uptr = pointer to unit | |
sw = switches | |
Outputs: | |
status = error code | |
*/ | |
int32 fprint_sym(FILE *of, int32 addr, uint32 *val, UNIT *uptr, int32 sw) { | |
char disasm[128]; | |
int32 ch = val[0] & 0x7f; | |
if (sw & (SWMASK('A') | SWMASK('C'))) { | |
fprintf(of, ((0x20 <= ch) && (ch < 0x7f)) ? "'%c'" : "%02x", ch); | |
return SCPE_OK; | |
} | |
if (!(sw & SWMASK('M'))) { | |
return SCPE_ARG; | |
} | |
ch = DAsm(disasm, val, cpu_unit.flags & UNIT_CHIP, addr); | |
fprintf(of, "%s", disasm); | |
return 1 - ch; /* need to return additional bytes */ | |
} | |
/* numString checks determines the base of the number (ch, *numString) | |
and returns FALSE if the number is bad */ | |
int32 checkbase(char ch, char *numString) { | |
int32 decimal = (ch <= '9'); | |
if (toupper(ch) == 'H') { | |
return FALSE; | |
} | |
while (isxdigit(ch = *numString++)) { | |
if (ch > '9') { | |
decimal = FALSE; | |
} | |
} | |
return toupper(ch) == 'H' ? 16 : (decimal ? 10 : FALSE); | |
} | |
int32 numok(char ch, char **numString, int32 minvalue, int32 maxvalue, int32 requireSign, int32 *result) { | |
int32 sign = 1, value = 0, base; | |
if (requireSign) { | |
if (ch == '+') { | |
ch = *(*numString)++; | |
} | |
else if (ch == '-') { | |
sign = -1; | |
ch = *(*numString)++; | |
} | |
else { | |
return FALSE; | |
} | |
} | |
if (!(base = checkbase(ch, *numString))) { | |
return FALSE; | |
} | |
while (isxdigit(ch)) { | |
value = base * value + ((ch <= '9') ? (ch - '0') : (toupper(ch) - 'A' + 10)); | |
ch = *(*numString)++; | |
} | |
if (toupper(ch) != 'H') { | |
(*numString)--; | |
} | |
*result = value * sign; | |
return (minvalue <= value) && (value <= maxvalue); | |
} | |
int32 match(char *pattern, char *input, char *xy, int32 *number, int32 *star, | |
int32 *at, int32 *hat, int32 *dollar) { | |
char pat = *pattern++; | |
char inp = *input++; | |
while ((pat) && (inp)) { | |
switch(pat) { | |
case ',': | |
if (inp == ' ') { | |
inp = *input++; | |
continue; | |
} | |
case ' ': | |
if (inp != pat) { | |
return FALSE; | |
} | |
pat = *pattern++; | |
inp = *input++; | |
while (inp == ' ') { | |
inp = *input++; | |
} | |
continue; | |
break; | |
case '%': | |
inp = toupper(inp); | |
if ((inp == 'X') || (inp == 'Y')) { | |
*xy = inp; | |
} | |
else { | |
return FALSE; | |
} | |
break; | |
case '#': | |
if (numok(inp, &input, 0, 65535, FALSE, number)) { | |
pattern++; /* skip h */ | |
} | |
else { | |
return FALSE; | |
} | |
break; | |
case '*': | |
if (numok(inp, &input, 0, 255, FALSE, star)) { | |
pattern++; /* skip h */ | |
} | |
else { | |
return FALSE; | |
} | |
break; | |
case '@': | |
if (numok(inp, &input, -128, 65535, TRUE, at)) { | |
pattern++; /* skip h */ | |
} | |
else { | |
return FALSE; | |
} | |
break; | |
case '$': | |
if (numok(inp, &input, 0, 65535, FALSE, dollar)) { | |
pattern++; /* skip h */ | |
} | |
else { | |
return FALSE; | |
} | |
break; | |
case '^': | |
if (numok(inp, &input, 0, 255, FALSE, hat)) { | |
pattern++; /* skip h */ | |
} | |
else { | |
return FALSE; | |
} | |
break; | |
default: | |
if (toupper(pat) != toupper(inp)) { | |
return FALSE; | |
} | |
} | |
pat = *pattern++; | |
inp = *input++; | |
} | |
while (inp == ' ') { | |
inp = *input++; | |
} | |
return (pat == 0) && (inp == 0); | |
} | |
INLINE int32 checkXY(char xy) { | |
if (xy == 'X') { | |
return 0xdd; | |
} | |
else if (xy == 'Y') { | |
return 0xfd; | |
} | |
else { | |
printf("X or Y expected.\n"); | |
return FALSE; | |
} | |
} | |
int32 parse_X80(char *cptr, int32 addr, uint32 *val, char *Mnemonics[]) { | |
char xy; | |
int32 op, number, star, at, hat, dollar; | |
for (op = 0; op < 256; op++) { | |
number = star = at = dollar = -129; | |
if (match(Mnemonics[op], cptr, &xy, &number, &star, &at, &hat, &dollar)) { | |
val[0] = op; | |
if (number >= 0) { | |
val[1] = (0xff) & number; | |
val[2] = (0xff) & (number >> 8); | |
return -2; /* two additional bytes returned */ | |
} | |
else if (star >= 0) { | |
val[1] = (0xff) & star; | |
return -1; /* one additional byte returned */ | |
} | |
else if (at > -129) { | |
if ((-128 <= at) && (at <= 127)) { | |
val[1] = (int8)(at); | |
return -1; | |
} | |
else { | |
return SCPE_ARG; | |
} | |
} | |
else if (dollar >= 0) { | |
dollar -= addr + 2; /* relative translation */ | |
if ((-128 <= dollar) && (dollar <= 127)) { | |
val[1] = (int8)(dollar); | |
return -1; /* one additional byte returned */ | |
} | |
else { | |
return SCPE_ARG; | |
} | |
} | |
else { | |
return SCPE_OK; | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
if (Mnemonics == Mnemonics8080) { | |
return SCPE_ARG; | |
} | |
for (op = 0; op < 256; op++) { | |
if (match(MnemonicsCB[op], cptr, &xy, &number, &star, &at, &hat, &dollar)) { | |
val[0] = 0xcb; | |
val[1] = op; | |
return -1; /* one additional byte returned */ | |
} | |
} | |
for (op = 0; op < 256; op++) { | |
number = -1; | |
if (match(MnemonicsED[op], cptr, &xy, &number, &star, &at, &hat, &dollar)) { | |
val[0] = 0xed; | |
val[1] = op; | |
if (number >= 0) { | |
val[2] = (0xff) & number; | |
val[3] = (0xff) & (number >> 8); | |
return -3; /* three additional bytes returned */ | |
} | |
else { | |
return -1; /* one additional byte returned */ | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
for (op = 0; op < 256; op++) { | |
number = star = hat = -1; | |
xy = ' '; | |
if (match(MnemonicsXX[op], cptr, &xy, &number, &star, &at, &hat, &dollar)) { | |
if (!(val[0] = checkXY(xy))) { | |
return SCPE_ARG; | |
} | |
val[1] = op; | |
if (number >= 0) { | |
val[2] = (0xff) & number; | |
val[3] = (0xff) & (number >> 8); | |
return -3; /* three additional bytes returned */ | |
} | |
else if ((star >= 0) && (hat >= 0)) { | |
val[2] = (0xff) & hat; | |
val[3] = (0xff) & star; | |
return -3; /* three additional bytes returned */ | |
} | |
else if (star >= 0) { | |
val[2] = (0xff) & star; | |
return -2; /* two additional bytes returned */ | |
} | |
else if (hat >= 0) { | |
val[2] = (0xff) & hat; | |
return -2; /* two additional bytes returned */ | |
} | |
else { | |
return -1; /* one additional byte returned */ | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
for (op = 0; op < 256; op++) { | |
at = -129; | |
xy = ' '; | |
if (match(MnemonicsXCB[op], cptr, &xy, &number, &star, &at, &hat, &dollar)) { | |
if (!(val[0] = checkXY(xy))) { | |
return SCPE_ARG; | |
} | |
val[1] = 0xcb; | |
if (at > -129) { | |
val[2] = (int8) (at); | |
} | |
else { | |
printf("Offset expected.\n"); | |
return SCPE_ARG; | |
} | |
val[3] = op; | |
return -3; /* three additional bytes returned */ | |
} | |
} | |
return SCPE_ARG; | |
} | |
/* Symbolic input | |
Inputs: | |
*cptr = pointer to input string | |
addr = current PC | |
*uptr = pointer to unit | |
*val = pointer to output values | |
sw = switches | |
Outputs: | |
status = error status | |
*/ | |
int32 parse_sym(char *cptr, int32 addr, UNIT *uptr, uint32 *val, int32 sw) { | |
while (isspace(*cptr)) cptr++; /* absorb spaces */ | |
if ((sw & (SWMASK('A') | SWMASK('C'))) || ((*cptr == '\'') && cptr++)) { /* ASCII char? */ | |
if (cptr[0] == 0) { | |
return SCPE_ARG; /* must have one char */ | |
} | |
val[0] = (uint32) cptr[0]; | |
return SCPE_OK; | |
} | |
return parse_X80(cptr, addr, val, cpu_unit.flags & UNIT_CHIP ? MnemonicsZ80 : Mnemonics8080); | |
} | |
/* This is the binary loader. The input file is considered to be | |
a string of literal bytes with no format special format. The | |
load starts at the current value of the PC. ROM/NOROM and | |
ALTAIRROM/NOALTAIRROM settings are ignored. | |
*/ | |
int32 sim_load(FILE *fileref, char *cptr, char *fnam, int32 flag) { | |
int32 i, addr = 0, cnt = 0, org, cntROM = 0, cntNonExist = 0; | |
t_addr j, lo, hi; | |
char *result; | |
t_stat status; | |
if (flag) { | |
result = get_range(cptr, &lo, &hi, 16, ADDRMASK, 0); | |
if (result == NULL) { | |
return SCPE_ARG; | |
} | |
for (j = lo; j <= hi; j++) { | |
if (putc(GetBYTEWrapper(j), fileref) == EOF) { | |
return SCPE_IOERR; | |
} | |
} | |
printf("%d bytes dumped [%x - %x].\n", hi + 1 - lo, lo, hi); | |
} | |
else { | |
if (*cptr == 0) { | |
addr = saved_PC; | |
} | |
else { | |
addr = get_uint(cptr, 16, ADDRMASK, &status); | |
if (status != SCPE_OK) { | |
return status; | |
} | |
} | |
org = addr; | |
while ((addr < MAXMEMSIZE) && ((i = getc(fileref)) != EOF)) { | |
PutBYTEForced(addr, i); | |
if (addressIsInROM(addr)) { | |
cntROM++; | |
} | |
if (!addressExists(addr)) { | |
cntNonExist++; | |
} | |
addr++; | |
cnt++; | |
} /* end while */ | |
printf("%d bytes [%d page%s] loaded at %x.\n", cnt, (cnt + 255) >> 8, | |
((cnt + 255) >> 8) == 1 ? "" : "s", org); | |
if (cntROM) { | |
printf("Warning: %d bytes written to ROM [%04X - %04X].\n", cntROM, ROMLow, ROMHigh); | |
} | |
if (cntNonExist) { | |
printf("Warning: %d bytes written to non-existing memory (for this configuration).\n", cntNonExist); | |
} | |
} | |
return SCPE_OK; | |
} |