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/* sim_tmxr.c: Telnet terminal multiplexor library
Copyright (c) 2001-2011, Robert M Supnik
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
Except as contained in this notice, the name of Robert M Supnik shall not be
used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings
in this Software without prior written authorization from Robert M Supnik.
Based on the original DZ11 simulator by Thord Nilson, as updated by
Arthur Krewat.
12-Oct-12 MP Revised serial port support to not require changes to
any code in TMXR library using code. Added support
for per line listener ports and outgoing tcp connections.
02-Jun-11 MP Fixed telnet option negotiation loop with some clients
Added Option Negotiation and Debugging Support
17-Jan-11 MP Added Buffered line capabilities
16-Jan-11 MP Made option negotiation more reliable
20-Nov-08 RMS Added three new standardized SHOW routines
05-Nov-08 JDB Moved logging call after connection check in tmxr_putc_ln
03-Nov-08 JDB Added TMXR null check to tmxr_find_ldsc
07-Oct-08 JDB Added initial serial port support
30-Sep-08 JDB Reverted tmxr_find_ldsc to original implementation
27-May-08 JDB Added line connection order to tmxr_poll_conn,
added tmxr_set_lnorder and tmxr_show_lnorder
14-May-08 JDB Print device and line to which connection was made
11-Apr-07 JDB Worked around Telnet negotiation problem with QCTerm
16-Aug-05 RMS Fixed C++ declaration and cast problems
29-Jun-05 RMS Extended tmxr_dscln to support unit array devices
Fixed bug in SET LOG/NOLOG
04-Jan-04 RMS Changed TMXR ldsc to be pointer to linedesc array
Added tmxr_linemsg, circular output pointers, logging
(from Mark Pizzolato)
29-Dec-03 RMS Added output stall support
01-Nov-03 RMS Cleaned up attach routine
09-Mar-03 RMS Fixed bug in SHOW CONN
22-Dec-02 RMS Fixed bugs in IAC+IAC receive and transmit sequences
Added support for received break (all from by Mark Pizzolato)
Fixed bug in attach
31-Oct-02 RMS Fixed bug in 8b (binary) support
22-Aug-02 RMS Added tmxr_open_master, tmxr_close_master
30-Dec-01 RMS Added tmxr_fstats, tmxr_dscln, renamed tmxr_fstatus
03-Dec-01 RMS Changed tmxr_fconns for extended SET/SHOW
20-Oct-01 RMS Fixed bugs in read logic (found by Thord Nilson).
Added tmxr_rqln, tmxr_tqln
This library includes:
tmxr_poll_conn - poll for connection
tmxr_reset_ln - reset line (drops Telnet/tcp and serial connections)
tmxr_getc_ln - get character for line
tmxr_poll_rx - poll receive
tmxr_putc_ln - put character for line
tmxr_poll_tx - poll transmit
tmxr_send_buffered_data - transmit buffered data
tmxr_set_modem_control_passthru - enable modem control on a multiplexer
tmxr_clear_modem_control_passthru - disable modem control on a multiplexer
tmxr_set_get_modem_bits - set and/or get a line modem bits
tmxr_set_config_line - set port speed, character size, parity and stop bits
tmxr_open_master - open master connection
tmxr_close_master - close master connection
tmxr_attach - attach terminal multiplexor to listening port
tmxr_detach - detach terminal multiplexor to listening port
tmxr_attach_help - help routine for attaching multiplexer devices
tmxr_set_line_unit - set the unit which polls for input for a given line
tmxr_ex - (null) examine
tmxr_dep - (null) deposit
tmxr_msg - send message to socket
tmxr_linemsg - send message to line
tmxr_fconns - output connection status
tmxr_fstats - output connection statistics
tmxr_set_log - enable logging for line
tmxr_set_nolog - disable logging for line
tmxr_show_log - show logging status for line
tmxr_dscln - disconnect line (SET routine)
tmxr_rqln - number of available characters for line
tmxr_tqln - number of buffered characters for line
tmxr_set_lnorder - set line connection order
tmxr_show_lnorder - show line connection order
tmxr_show_summ - show connection summary
tmxr_show_cstat - show line connections or status
tmxr_show_lines - show number of lines
tmxr_show_open_devices - show info about all open tmxr devices
All routines are OS-independent.
This library supports the simulation of multiple-line terminal multiplexers.
It may also be used to create single-line "multiplexers" to provide
additional terminals beyond the simulation console. It may also be used to
create single-line or mutlti-line simulated synchronous (BiSync) devices.
Multiplexer lines may be connected to terminal emulators supporting the
Telnet protocol via sockets, or to hardware terminals via host serial
ports. Concurrent Telnet and serial connections may be mixed on a given
When connecting via sockets, the simulated multiplexer is attached to a
listening port on the host system:
sim> attach MUX 23
Listening on port 23
Once attached, the listening port must be polled for incoming connections.
When a connection attempt is received, it will be associated with the next
multiplexer line in the user-specified line order, or with the next line in
sequence if no order has been specified. Individual lines may be connected
to serial ports or remote systems via TCP (telnet or not as desired), OR
they may have separate listening TCP ports.
Logging of Multiplexer Line output:
The traffic going out multiplexer lines can be logged to files. A single
line multiplexer can log it's traffic with the following command:
sim> atta MUX 23,Log=LogFileName
sim> atta MUX Connect=ser0,Log=LogFileName
A Multi-Line multiplexer
Buffered Multiplexer Line:
Serial Port support:
Serial ports may be specified as an operating system specific device names
or using simh generic serial names. simh generic names are of the form
serN, where N is from 0 thru one less than the maximum number of serial
ports on the local system. The mapping of simh generic port names to OS
specific names can be displayed using the following command:
sim> show serial
Serial devices:
ser0 COM1 (\Device\Serial0)
ser1 COM3 (Winachcf0)
sim> attach MUX Line=2,Connect=ser0
or equivalently
sim> attach MUX Line=2,Connect=COM1
An optional configuration string may be present after the port name. If
present, it must be separated from the port name with a semicolon and has
this form:
rate = communication rate in bits per second
charsize = character size in bits (5-8, including optional parity)
parity = parity designator (N/E/O/M/S for no/even/odd/mark/space parity)
stopbits = number of stop bits (1, 1.5, or 2)
As an example:
The supported rates, sizes, and parity options are host-specific. If
a configuration string is not supplied, then the default of 9600-8N1
is used.
An attachment to a serial port with the '-V' switch will cause a
connection message to be output to the connected serial port.
This will help to confirm the correct port has been connected and
that the port settings are reasonable for the connected device.
This would be done as:
sim> attach -V MUX Connect=SerN
Virtual Null Modem (direct wire) support:
Direct computer to computer virtual connections may be established using
the telnet protocol or via raw tcp sockets.
sim> attach MUX Line=2,Connect=host:port{;notelnet}
Optional Per line tcp listening port support:
Line specific tcp listening ports are supported. These are configured
using commands of the form:
sim> attach MUX Line=2,port{;notelnet}
The command syntax for a single line device (MX) is:
sim> attach MX port{;notelnet}
sim> attach MX Connect=serN{;config}
sim> attach MX Connect=COM9{;config}
sim> attach MX Connect=host:port{;notelnet}
The command syntax for ANY multi-line device is:
sim> attach MX port{;notelnet} ; Defines the master listening port for the mux and optionally allows non-telnet (i.e. raw socket) operation for all lines.
sim> attach MX Line=n,port{;notelnet} ; Defines a line specific listen port for a particular line. Each line can have a separate listen port and the mux can have its own as well. Optionally disable telnet wire protocol (i.e. raw socket)
sim> attach MX Line=n,Connect=serN{;config} ; Connects line n to simh generic serial port N (port list visible with the sim> SHOW SERIAL command), the optional ";config" data specifies the speed, parity and stop bits for the connection
; DTR (and RTS) will be raised at attach time and will drop at detach/disconnect time
sim> attach MX Line=n,Connect=host:port{;notelnet} ; Causes a connection to be established to the designated host:port. The actual connection will happen in a non-blocking fashion and will be completed and/or re-established by the normal tmxr_poll_conn activities
All connections configured for any multiplexer device are unconfigured by:
sim> detach MX ; detaches ALL connections/ports/sessions on the MUX.
Console serial connections are achieved by:
sim> set console serial=serN{;config}
sim> set console serial=COM2{;config}
A line specific listening port (12366) can be specified by the following:
sim> attach MUX Line=2,12366
A line specific remote telnet (or raw tcp) destination can be specified
by the following:
sim> attach MUX Line=2,Connect=remotehost:port
If a connection to a remotehost:port wants a raw binary data channel
(instead of a telnet session) the following would be used:
sim> attach MUX Line=2,Connect=remotehost:port;notelnet
A single line multiplexor can indicate any of the above line options
without specifying a line number:
sim> attach MUX Connect=ser0;9600-8N1
sim> attach MUX 12366
sim> attach MUX Connect=remotehost:port
sim> attach MUX Connect=remotehost:port;notelnet
A multiplexor can disconnect all (telnet, serial and outgoing) previous
attachments with:
sim> detach MUX
A device emulation may choose to implement a command interface to
disconnect specific individual lines. This would usually be done via
a Unit Modifier table entry (MTAB) which dispatches the command
"SET dev DISCONNECT[=line]" to tmxr_dscln. This will cause a telnet
connection to be closed, but a serial port will normally have DTR
dropped for 500ms and raised again (thus hanging up a modem on that
serial port).
sim> set MUX disconnect=2
A line which is connected to a serial port can be manually closed by
adding the -C switch to a disconnect command.
sim> set -C MUX disconnect=2
Full Modem Control serial port support.
This library supports devices which wish to emulate full modem
control/signalling for serial ports. Any device emulation which wishes
to support this functionality for attached serial ports must call
"tmxr_set_modem_control_passthru" before any call to tmxr_attach.
This disables automatic DTR (&RTS) manipulation by this library.
Responsibility for manipulating DTR falls on the simulated operating
system. Calling tmxr_set_modem_control_passthru would usually be in
a device reset routine.
Once support for full modem control has been declared by a device
emulation for a particular TMXR device, the this library will make no
direct effort to manipulate modem bits while connected to serial ports.
The "tmxr_set_get_modem_bits" API exists to allow the device emulation
layer to query and control modem signals. The "tmxr_set_config_line"
API exists to allow the device emulation layer to change port settings
(baud rate, parity and stop bits). A modem_control enabled line
merely passes the VM's port status bits, data and settings through to
and from the serial port.
The "tmxr_set_get_modem_bits" and "tmxr_set_config_line" APIs will
ONLY work on a modem control enabled TMXR device.
#include <ctype.h>
#include "sim_defs.h"
#include "sim_serial.h"
#include "sim_sock.h"
#include "sim_timer.h"
#include "sim_tmxr.h"
#include "scp.h"
/* Telnet protocol constants - negatives are for init'ing signed char data */
/* Commands */
#define TN_IAC -1 /* protocol delim */
#define TN_DONT -2 /* dont */
#define TN_DO -3 /* do */
#define TN_WONT -4 /* wont */
#define TN_WILL -5 /* will */
#define TN_SB -6 /* sub-option negotiation */
#define TN_GA -7 /* go ahead */
#define TN_EL -8 /* erase line */
#define TN_EC -9 /* erase character */
#define TN_AYT -10 /* are you there */
#define TN_AO -11 /* abort output */
#define TN_IP -12 /* interrupt process */
#define TN_BRK -13 /* break */
#define TN_DATAMK -14 /* data mark */
#define TN_NOP -15 /* no operation */
#define TN_SE -16 /* end sub-option negot */
/* Options */
#define TN_BIN 0 /* bin */
#define TN_ECHO 1 /* echo */
#define TN_SGA 3 /* sga */
#define TN_LINE 34 /* line mode */
#define TN_CR 015 /* carriage return */
#define TN_LF 012 /* line feed */
#define TN_NUL 000 /* null */
/* Telnet line states */
#define TNS_NORM 000 /* normal */
#define TNS_IAC 001 /* IAC seen */
#define TNS_WILL 002 /* WILL seen */
#define TNS_WONT 003 /* WONT seen */
#define TNS_SKIP 004 /* skip next cmd */
#define TNS_CRPAD 005 /* CR padding */
#define TNS_DO 006 /* DO request pending rejection */
/* External variables */
extern int32 sim_switches;
extern char sim_name[];
extern FILE *sim_log;
/* Local routines */
/* Initialize the line state.
Reset the line state to represent an idle line. Note that we do not clear
all of the line structure members, so a connected line remains connected
after this call.
Because a line break is represented by a flag in the "receive break status"
array, we must zero that array in order to clear any pending break
static void tmxr_init_line (TMLN *lp)
lp->tsta = 0; /* init telnet state */
lp->xmte = 1; /* enable transmit */
lp->dstb = 0; /* default bin mode */
lp->rxbpr = lp->rxbpi = lp->rxcnt = 0; /* init receive indexes */
if (!lp->txbfd) /* if not buffered */
lp->txbpr = lp->txbpi = lp->txcnt = 0; /* init transmit indexes */
memset (lp->rbr, 0, TMXR_MAXBUF); /* clear break status array */
lp->txdrp = 0;
if (!lp->mp->buffered) {
lp->txbfd = 0;
lp->txbsz = TMXR_MAXBUF;
lp->txb = (char *)realloc (lp->txb, lp->txbsz);
/* Report a connection to a line.
If the indicated line (lp) is speaking the telnet wire protocol, a
notification of the form:
Connected to the <sim> simulator <dev> device, line <n>
is sent to the newly connected line. If the device has only one line, the
"line <n>" part is omitted. If the device has not been defined, the "<dev>
device" part is omitted.
static void tmxr_report_connection (TMXR *mp, TMLN *lp)
int32 unwritten, psave;
char cmsg[80];
char dmsg[80] = "";
char lmsg[80] = "";
char msgbuf[256] = "";
if ((!lp->notelnet) || (sim_switches & SWMASK ('V'))) {
sprintf (cmsg, "\n\r\nConnected to the %s simulator ", sim_name);
if (mp->dptr) { /* device defined? */
sprintf (dmsg, "%s device", /* report device name */
sim_dname (mp->dptr));
if (mp->lines > 1) /* more than one line? */
sprintf (lmsg, ", line %d", (int)(lp-mp->ldsc));/* report the line number */
sprintf (msgbuf, "%s%s%s\r\n\n", cmsg, dmsg, lmsg);
if (!mp->buffered) {
lp->txbpi = 0; /* init buf pointers */
lp->txbpr = (int32)(lp->txbsz - strlen (msgbuf));
lp->rxcnt = lp->txcnt = lp->txdrp = 0; /* init counters */
if (lp->txcnt > lp->txbsz)
lp->txbpr = (lp->txbpi + 1) % lp->txbsz;
lp->txbpr = (int32)(lp->txbsz - strlen (msgbuf));
psave = lp->txbpi; /* save insertion pointer */
lp->txbpi = lp->txbpr; /* insert connection message */
tmxr_linemsg (lp, msgbuf); /* beginning of buffer */
lp->txbpi = psave; /* restore insertion pointer */
unwritten = tmxr_send_buffered_data (lp); /* send the message */
if (unwritten == 0) /* buffer now empty? */
lp->xmte = 1; /* reenable transmission if paused */
lp->txcnt -= (int32)strlen (msgbuf); /* adjust statistics */
/* Report a disconnection to a line.
A notification of the form:
Disconnected from the <sim> simulator
is sent to the line about to be disconnected. We do not flush the buffer
here, because the disconnect routines will do that just after calling us.
static void tmxr_report_disconnection (TMLN *lp)
if (lp->notelnet)
tmxr_linemsg (lp, "\r\nDisconnected from the "); /* report disconnection */
tmxr_linemsg (lp, sim_name);
tmxr_linemsg (lp, " simulator\r\n\n");
/* Read from a line.
Up to "length" characters are read into the character buffer associated with
line "lp". The actual number of characters read is returned. If no
characters are available, 0 is returned. If an error occurred while reading,
-1 is returned.
If a line break was detected on serial input, the associated receive break
status flag will be set. Line break indication for Telnet connections is
embedded in the Telnet protocol and must be determined externally.
static int32 tmxr_read (TMLN *lp, int32 length)
int32 i = lp->rxbpi;
if (lp->serport) /* serial port connection? */
return sim_read_serial (lp->serport, &(lp->rxb[i]), length, &(lp->rbr[i]));
else /* Telnet connection */
return sim_read_sock (lp->sock, &(lp->rxb[i]), length);
/* Write to a line.
Up to "length" characters are written from the character buffer associated
with "lp". The actual number of characters written is returned. If an error
occurred while writing, -1 is returned.
static int32 tmxr_write (TMLN *lp, int32 length)
int32 written;
int32 i = lp->txbpr;
if (lp->serport) /* serial port connection? */
return sim_write_serial (lp->serport, &(lp->txb[i]), length);
else { /* Telnet connection */
written = sim_write_sock (lp->sock, &(lp->txb[i]), length);
if (written == SOCKET_ERROR) /* did an error occur? */
return -1; /* return error indication */
return written;
/* Remove a character from the read buffer.
The character at position "p" in the read buffer associated with line "lp" is
removed by moving all of the following received characters down one position.
The receive break status array is adjusted accordingly.
static void tmxr_rmvrc (TMLN *lp, int32 p)
for ( ; p < lp->rxbpi; p++) { /* work from "p" through end of buffer */
lp->rxb[p] = lp->rxb[p + 1]; /* slide following character down */
lp->rbr[p] = lp->rbr[p + 1]; /* adjust break status too */
lp->rbr[p] = 0; /* clear potential break from vacated slot */
lp->rxbpi = lp->rxbpi - 1; /* drop buffer insert index */
/* Find a line descriptor indicated by unit or number.
If "uptr" is NULL, then the line descriptor is determined by the line number
passed in "val". If "uptr" is not NULL, then it must point to a unit
associated with a line, and the line descriptor is determined by the unit
number, which is derived by the position of the unit in the device's unit
Note: This routine may be called with a UNIT that does not belong to the
device indicated in the TMXR structure. That is, the multiplexer lines may
belong to a device other than the one attached to the socket (the HP 2100 MUX
device is one example). Therefore, we must look up the device from the unit
at each call, rather than depending on the DEVICE pointer stored in the TMXR.
static TMLN *tmxr_find_ldsc (UNIT *uptr, int32 val, TMXR *mp)
if (mp == NULL) /* invalid multiplexer descriptor? */
return NULL; /* programming error! */
if (uptr) { /* called from SET? */
DEVICE *dptr = find_dev_from_unit (uptr); /* find device */
if (dptr == NULL) /* what?? */
return NULL;
val = (int32) (uptr - dptr->units); /* implicit line # */
if ((val < 0) || (val >= mp->lines)) /* invalid line? */
return NULL;
return mp->ldsc + val; /* line descriptor */
/* Get a line descriptor indicated by a string or unit.
A pointer to the line descriptor associated with multiplexer "mp" and unit
"uptr" or specified by string "cptr" is returned. If "uptr" is non-null,
then the unit number within its associated device implies the line number.
If "uptr" is null, then the string "cptr" is parsed for a decimal line
number. If the line number is missing, malformed, or outside of the range of
line numbers associated with "mp", then NULL is returned with status set to
Implementation note:
1. A return status of SCPE_IERR implies a programming error (passing an
invalid pointer or an invalid unit).
static TMLN *tmxr_get_ldsc (UNIT *uptr, char *cptr, TMXR *mp, t_stat *status)
t_value ln;
TMLN *lp = NULL;
t_stat code = SCPE_OK;
if (mp == NULL) /* missing mux descriptor? */
code = SCPE_IERR; /* programming error! */
else if (uptr) { /* implied line form? */
lp = tmxr_find_ldsc (uptr, mp->lines, mp); /* determine line from unit */
if (lp == NULL) /* invalid line number? */
code = SCPE_IERR; /* programming error! */
else if (cptr == NULL) /* named line form, parameter supplied? */
code = SCPE_ARG; /* no, so report missing */
else {
ln = get_uint (cptr, 10, mp->lines - 1, &code); /* get line number */
if (code == SCPE_OK) /* line number OK? */
lp = mp->ldsc + (int32) ln; /* use as index to determine line */
if (status) /* return value pointer supplied? */
*status = code; /* store return status value */
return lp; /* return pointer to line descriptor */
/* Generate the Attach string which will fully configure the multiplexer
old = pointer to the original configuration string which will be replaced
*mp = pointer to multiplexer
a complete attach string for the current state of the multiplexer
static char *growstring(char **string, size_t growth)
*string = (char *)realloc (*string, 1 + (*string ? strlen (*string) : 0) + growth);
return *string + strlen(*string);
static char *_mux_attach_string(char *old, TMXR *mp)
char* tptr = NULL;
int32 i;
TMLN *lp;
free (old);
tptr = (char *) calloc (1, 1);
if (tptr == NULL) /* no more mem? */
return tptr;
if (mp->port) /* copy port */
sprintf (growstring(&tptr, 13 + strlen (mp->port)), "%s%s", mp->port, mp->notelnet ? ";notelnet" : "");
if (mp->buffered)
sprintf (growstring(&tptr, 32), ",Buffered=%d", mp->buffered);
if (mp->logfiletmpl[0]) /* logfile info */
sprintf (growstring(&tptr, 7 + strlen (mp->logfiletmpl)), ",Log=%s", mp->logfiletmpl);
while ((*tptr == ',') || (*tptr == ' '))
strcpy(tptr, tptr+1);
for (i=0; i<mp->lines; ++i) {
lp = mp->ldsc + i;
if (lp->destination || lp->port) {
if (mp->lines > 1)
sprintf (growstring(&tptr, 32), "%sLine=%d", *tptr ? ",," : "", i);
sprintf (growstring(&tptr, 32), "%s", *tptr ? "," : "");
if (lp->destination) {
if (lp->serport) {
char portname[CBUFSIZE];
get_glyph_nc (lp->destination, portname, ';');
sprintf (growstring(&tptr, 25 + strlen (lp->destination)), ",Connect=%s%s%s", portname, strcmp("9600-8N1", lp->serconfig) ? ";" : "", strcmp("9600-8N1", lp->serconfig) ? lp->serconfig : "");
sprintf (growstring(&tptr, 18 + strlen (lp->destination)), ",Connect=%s%s", lp->destination, lp->notelnet ? ";notelnet" : "");
if (lp->port)
sprintf (growstring(&tptr, 12 + strlen (lp->port)), ",%s%s", lp->port, lp->notelnet ? ";notelnet" : "");
if (mp->lines == 1)
while ((*tptr == ',') || (*tptr == ' '))
strcpy(tptr, tptr+1);
if (*tptr == '\0') {
free (tptr);
tptr = NULL;
return tptr;
/* Global routines */
/* Poll for new connection
Called from unit service routine to test for new connection
*mp = pointer to terminal multiplexor descriptor
line number activated, -1 if none
If a connection order is defined for the descriptor, and the first value is
not -1 (indicating default order), then the order array is used to find an
open line. Otherwise, a search is made of all lines in numerical sequence.
int32 tmxr_poll_conn (TMXR *mp)
SOCKET newsock;
TMLN *lp;
int32 *op;
int32 i, j;
char *address;
char msg[512];
uint32 poll_time = sim_os_msec ();
static char mantra[] = {
if ((poll_time - mp->last_poll_time) < TMXR_CONNECT_POLL_INTERVAL)
return -1; /* */
tmxr_debug_trace (mp, "tmxr_poll_conn()");
mp->last_poll_time = poll_time;
/* Check for a pending Telnet connection */
if (mp->master) {
newsock = sim_accept_conn (mp->master, &address); /* poll connect */
if (newsock != INVALID_SOCKET) { /* got a live one? */
sprintf (msg, "tmxr_poll_conn() - Connection from %s", address);
tmxr_debug_trace (mp, msg);
op = mp->lnorder; /* get line connection order list pointer */
i = mp->lines; /* play it safe in case lines == 0 */
++mp->sessions; /* count the new session */
for (j = 0; j < mp->lines; j++, i++) { /* find next avail line */
if (op && (*op >= 0) && (*op < mp->lines)) /* order list present and valid? */
i = *op++; /* get next line in list to try */
else /* no list or not used or range error */
i = j; /* get next sequential line */
lp = mp->ldsc + i; /* get pointer to line descriptor */
if ((lp->conn == 0) && /* is the line available? */
(lp->destination == NULL) &&
(lp->master == 0))
break; /* yes, so stop search */
if (i >= mp->lines) { /* all busy? */
tmxr_msg (newsock, "All connections busy\r\n");
tmxr_debug_trace (mp, "tmxr_poll_conn() - All connections busy");
sim_close_sock (newsock, 0);
free (address);
else {
lp = mp->ldsc + i; /* get line desc */
tmxr_init_line (lp); /* init line */
lp->conn = TRUE; /* record connection */
lp->sock = newsock; /* save socket */
lp->ipad = address; /* ip address */
lp->notelnet = mp->notelnet; /* apply mux default telnet setting */
if (!lp->notelnet) {
sim_write_sock (newsock, mantra, sizeof(mantra));
tmxr_debug (TMXR_DBG_XMT, lp, "Sending", mantra, sizeof(mantra));
tmxr_report_connection (mp, lp);
lp->cnms = sim_os_msec (); /* time of connection */
return i;
} /* end if newsock */
/* Look for per line listeners or outbound connecting sockets */
for (i = 0; i < mp->lines; i++) { /* check each line in sequence */
lp = mp->ldsc + i; /* get pointer to line descriptor */
if (lp->connecting) { /* connecting? */
switch (sim_check_conn(lp->connecting, FALSE))
case 1: /* successful connection */
lp->conn = TRUE; /* record connection */
lp->sock = lp->connecting; /* it now looks normal */
lp->connecting = 0;
lp->ipad = realloc (lp->ipad, 1+strlen (lp->destination));
strcpy (lp->ipad, lp->destination);
lp->cnms = sim_os_msec ();
case -1: /* failed connection */
tmxr_reset_ln (lp); /* retry */
/* Check for a pending Telnet connection */
if (lp->master) {
newsock = sim_accept_conn (lp->master, &address);/* poll connect */
if (newsock != INVALID_SOCKET) { /* got a live one? */
sprintf (msg, "tmxr_poll_conn() - Line Connection from %s", address);
tmxr_debug_trace_line (lp, msg);
++mp->sessions; /* count the new session */
if (lp->destination) { /* Virtual Null Modem Cable? */
char host[CBUFSIZE];
if (sim_parse_addr (lp->destination, host, sizeof(host), NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, address)) {
tmxr_msg (newsock, "Rejecting connection from unexpected source\r\n");
sprintf (msg, "tmxr_poll_conn() - Rejecting line connection from: %s, Expected: %s", address, host);
tmxr_debug_trace_line (lp, msg);
sim_close_sock (newsock, 0);
free (address);
continue; /* Move on to next line */
if (lp->connecting) {
sim_close_sock (lp->connecting, 0); /* abort our as yet unconnnected socket */
lp->connecting = 0;
if (lp->conn == 0) { /* is the line available? */
tmxr_init_line (lp); /* init line */
lp->conn = TRUE; /* record connection */
lp->sock = newsock; /* save socket */
lp->ipad = address; /* ip address */
if (!lp->notelnet) {
sim_write_sock (newsock, mantra, sizeof(mantra));
tmxr_debug (TMXR_DBG_XMT, lp, "Sending", mantra, sizeof(mantra));
tmxr_report_connection (mp, lp);
lp->cnms = sim_os_msec (); /* time of connection */
return i;
else {
tmxr_msg (newsock, "Line connection busy\r\n");
tmxr_debug_trace_line (lp, "tmxr_poll_conn() - Line connection busy");
sim_close_sock (newsock, 0);
free (address);
/* Check for pending serial port connection notification */
if (lp->ser_connect_pending) {
lp->ser_connect_pending = FALSE;
lp->conn = TRUE;
return i;
return -1; /* no new connections made */
/* Reset a line.
The telnet/tcp or serial session associated with multiplexer descriptor "mp" and
line descriptor "lp" is disconnected. An associated tcp socket is
closed; a serial port is closed if the closeserial parameter is true, otherwise
for non modem control serial lines DTR is dropped and raised again after 500ms
to signal the attached serial device.
static t_stat tmxr_reset_ln_ex (TMLN *lp, t_bool closeserial)
if (lp->txlog) /* logging? */
fflush (lp->txlog); /* flush log */
tmxr_send_buffered_data (lp); /* send any buffered data */
if (lp->serport) {
if (closeserial) {
sim_close_serial (lp->serport);
lp->serport = 0;
lp->ser_connect_pending = FALSE;
free (lp->destination);
lp->destination = NULL;
free (lp->serconfig);
lp->serconfig = NULL;
lp->cnms = 0;
lp->conn = FALSE;
lp->rcve = lp->xmte = 0;
if (!lp->mp->modem_control) { /* serial connection? */
sim_control_serial (lp->serport, 0, TMXR_MDM_DTR|TMXR_MDM_RTS, NULL);/* drop DTR and RTS */
sim_os_ms_sleep (TMXR_DTR_DROP_TIME);
sim_control_serial (lp->serport, TMXR_MDM_DTR|TMXR_MDM_RTS, 0, NULL);/* raise DTR and RTS */
else /* Telnet connection */
if (lp->sock) {
sim_close_sock (lp->sock, 0); /* close socket */
lp->sock = 0;
lp->conn = FALSE;
lp->rcve = lp->xmte = 0;
lp->ipad = NULL;
if ((lp->destination) && (!lp->serport)) {
if (lp->connecting)
sim_close_sock (lp->connecting, 0);
lp->connecting = sim_connect_sock (lp->destination, "localhost", NULL);
tmxr_init_line (lp); /* initialize line state */
/* Revise the unit's connect string to reflect the current attachments */
lp->mp->uptr->filename = _mux_attach_string (lp->mp->uptr->filename, lp->mp);
/* No connections or listeners exist, then we're equivalent to being fully detached. We should reflect that */
if (lp->mp->uptr->filename == NULL)
tmxr_detach (lp->mp, lp->mp->uptr);
return SCPE_OK;
t_stat tmxr_close_ln (TMLN *lp)
tmxr_debug_trace_line (lp, "tmxr_close_ln()");
return tmxr_reset_ln_ex (lp, TRUE);
t_stat tmxr_reset_ln (TMLN *lp)
tmxr_debug_trace_line (lp, "tmxr_reset_ln()");
return tmxr_reset_ln_ex (lp, FALSE);
/* Enable modem control pass thru
Implementation note:
1 Calling this API disables any actions on the part of this
library to directly manipulate DTR (&RTS) on serial ports.
2 Calling this API enables the tmxr_set_get_modem_bits and
tmxr_set_config_line APIs.
t_stat tmxr_set_modem_control_passthru (TMXR *mp)
mp->modem_control = TRUE;
return SCPE_OK;
/* Disable modem control pass thru
Implementation note:
1 Calling this API enables this library's direct manipulation
of DTR (&RTS) on serial ports.
2 Calling this API disables the tmxr_set_get_modem_bits and
tmxr_set_config_line APIs.
3 This API will only change the state of the modem control processing
of this library if there are no listening ports, serial ports or
outgoing connecctions associated with the specified multiplexer
t_stat tmxr_clear_modem_control_passthru (TMXR *mp)
int i;
if (!mp->modem_control)
return SCPE_OK;
if (mp->master)
return SCPE_ALATT;
for (i=0; i<mp->lines; ++i) {
TMLN *lp;
lp = mp->ldsc + i;
if ((lp->master) ||
(lp->sock) ||
(lp->connecting) ||
return SCPE_ALATT;
mp->modem_control = FALSE;
return SCPE_OK;
/* Manipulate the modem control bits of a specific line
*lp = pointer to terminal line descriptor
bits_to_set TMXR_MDM_DTR and/or TMXR_MDM_RTS as desired
bits_to_clear TMXR_MDM_DTR and/or TMXR_MDM_RTS as desired
incoming_bits if non NULL, returns the current stat of DCD,
Implementation note:
If a line is connected to a serial port, then these valus affect
and reflect the state of the serial port. If the line is connected
to a network socket (or could be) then the network session state is
set, cleared and/or returned.
t_stat tmxr_set_get_modem_bits (TMLN *lp, int32 bits_to_set, int32 bits_to_clear, int32 *incoming_bits)
t_stat r = SCPE_OK;
tmxr_debug_trace_line (lp, "tmxr_set_get_modem_bits()");
if (!lp->mp->modem_control) /* This API ONLY works on modem_control enabled multiplexers */
return SCPE_IERR;
if ((bits_to_set & ~(TMXR_MDM_OUTGOING)) || /* Assure only settable bits */
(bits_to_clear & ~(TMXR_MDM_OUTGOING)) ||
(bits_to_set & bits_to_clear)) /* and can't set and clear the same bits */
return SCPE_ARG;
if (lp->serport)
return sim_control_serial (lp->serport, bits_to_set, bits_to_clear, incoming_bits);
if (lp->sock) {
if (bits_to_clear&TMXR_MDM_DTR) /* drop DTR? */
tmxr_reset_ln (lp);
if (incoming_bits) {
if (lp->sock)
*incoming_bits = TMXR_MDM_DCD | TMXR_MDM_CTS | TMXR_MDM_DSR;
*incoming_bits = lp->mp->master ? (TMXR_MDM_CTS | TMXR_MDM_DSR) : 0;
return r;
t_stat tmxr_set_config_line (TMLN *lp, char *config)
t_stat r;
tmxr_debug_trace_line (lp, "tmxr_set_config_line()");
if (!lp->mp->modem_control) /* This API ONLY works on modem_control enabled multiplexers */
return SCPE_IERR;
if (lp->serport)
r = sim_config_serial (lp->serport, config);
else {
lp->serconfig = (char *)realloc (lp->serconfig, 1 + strlen (config));
strcpy (lp->serconfig, config);
r = SCPE_OK;
if (r == SCPE_OK) /* Record port state for proper restore */
lp->mp->uptr->filename = _mux_attach_string (lp->mp->uptr->filename, lp->mp);
return r;
/* Get character from specific line
*lp = pointer to terminal line descriptor
valid + char, 0 if line
Implementation note:
1. If a line break was detected coincident with the current character, the
receive break status associated with the character is cleared, and
SCPE_BREAK is ORed into the return value.
int32 tmxr_getc_ln (TMLN *lp)
int32 j, val = 0;
uint32 tmp;
tmxr_debug_trace_line (lp, "tmxr_getc_ln()");
if (lp->conn && lp->rcve) { /* conn & enb? */
j = lp->rxbpi - lp->rxbpr; /* # input chrs */
if (j) { /* any? */
tmp = lp->rxb[lp->rxbpr]; /* get char */
val = TMXR_VALID | (tmp & 0377); /* valid + chr */
if (lp->rbr[lp->rxbpr]) { /* break? */
lp->rbr[lp->rxbpr] = 0; /* clear status */
val = val | SCPE_BREAK; /* indicate to caller */
lp->rxbpr = lp->rxbpr + 1; /* adv pointer */
} /* end if conn */
if (lp->rxbpi == lp->rxbpr) /* empty? zero ptrs */
lp->rxbpi = lp->rxbpr = 0;
return val;
/* Poll for input
*mp = pointer to terminal multiplexor descriptor
Outputs: none
void tmxr_poll_rx (TMXR *mp)
int32 i, nbytes, j;
TMLN *lp;
tmxr_debug_trace (mp, "tmxr_poll_rx()");
for (i = 0; i < mp->lines; i++) { /* loop thru lines */
lp = mp->ldsc + i; /* get line desc */
if (!(lp->sock || lp->serport) || !lp->rcve) /* skip if not connected */
nbytes = 0;
if (lp->rxbpi == 0) /* need input? */
nbytes = tmxr_read (lp, /* yes, read */
TMXR_MAXBUF - TMXR_GUARD); /* leave spc for Telnet cruft */
else if (lp->tsta) /* in Telnet seq? */
nbytes = tmxr_read (lp, /* yes, read to end */
TMXR_MAXBUF - lp->rxbpi);
if (nbytes < 0) { /* line error? */
lp->txbpi = lp->txbpr = 0; /* Drop the data we already know we can't send */
tmxr_close_ln (lp); /* disconnect line */
else if (nbytes > 0) { /* if data rcvd */
tmxr_debug (TMXR_DBG_RCV, lp, "Received", &(lp->rxb[lp->rxbpi]), nbytes);
j = lp->rxbpi; /* start of data */
lp->rxbpi = lp->rxbpi + nbytes; /* adv pointers */
lp->rxcnt = lp->rxcnt + nbytes;
/* Examine new data, remove TELNET cruft before making input available */
if (!lp->notelnet) { /* Are we looking for telnet interpretation? */
for (; j < lp->rxbpi; ) { /* loop thru char */
signed char tmp = lp->rxb[j]; /* get char */
switch (lp->tsta) { /* case tlnt state */
case TNS_NORM: /* normal */
if (tmp == TN_IAC) { /* IAC? */
lp->tsta = TNS_IAC; /* change state */
tmxr_rmvrc (lp, j); /* remove char */
if ((tmp == TN_CR) && lp->dstb) /* CR, no bin */
lp->tsta = TNS_CRPAD; /* skip pad char */
j = j + 1; /* advance j */
case TNS_IAC: /* IAC prev */
if (tmp == TN_IAC) { /* IAC + IAC */
lp->tsta = TNS_NORM; /* treat as normal */
j = j + 1; /* advance j */
break; /* keep IAC */
if (tmp == TN_BRK) { /* IAC + BRK? */
lp->tsta = TNS_NORM; /* treat as normal */
lp->rxb[j] = 0; /* char is null */
lp->rbr[j] = 1; /* flag break */
j = j + 1; /* advance j */
switch (tmp) {
case TN_WILL: /* IAC + WILL? */
lp->tsta = TNS_WILL;
case TN_WONT: /* IAC + WONT? */
lp->tsta = TNS_WONT;
case TN_DO: /* IAC + DO? */
lp->tsta = TNS_DO;
case TN_DONT: /* IAC + DONT? */
lp->tsta = TNS_SKIP; /* IAC + other */
case TN_GA: case TN_EL: /* IAC + other 2 byte types */
case TN_EC: case TN_AYT:
case TN_AO: case TN_IP:
case TN_NOP:
lp->tsta = TNS_NORM; /* ignore */
case TN_SB: /* IAC + SB sub-opt negotiation */
case TN_DATAMK: /* IAC + data mark */
case TN_SE: /* IAC + SE sub-opt end */
lp->tsta = TNS_NORM; /* ignore */
tmxr_rmvrc (lp, j); /* remove char */
case TNS_WILL: case TNS_WONT: /* IAC+WILL/WONT prev */
if (tmp == TN_BIN) { /* BIN? */
if (lp->tsta == TNS_WILL)
lp->dstb = 0;
else lp->dstb = 1;
tmxr_rmvrc (lp, j); /* remove it */
lp->tsta = TNS_NORM; /* next normal */
/* Negotiation with the HP terminal emulator "QCTerm" is not working.
QCTerm says "WONT BIN" but sends bare CRs. RFC 854 says:
Note that "CR LF" or "CR NUL" is required in both directions
(in the default ASCII mode), to preserve the symmetry of the
NVT model. ...The protocol requires that a NUL be inserted
following a CR not followed by a LF in the data stream.
Until full negotiation is implemented, we work around the problem
by checking the character following the CR in non-BIN mode and
strip it only if it is LF or NUL. This should not affect
conforming clients.
case TNS_CRPAD: /* only LF or NUL should follow CR */
lp->tsta = TNS_NORM; /* next normal */
if ((tmp == TN_LF) || /* CR + LF ? */
(tmp == TN_NUL)) /* CR + NUL? */
tmxr_rmvrc (lp, j); /* remove it */
case TNS_DO: /* pending DO request */
case TNS_SKIP: default: /* skip char */
tmxr_rmvrc (lp, j); /* remove char */
lp->tsta = TNS_NORM; /* next normal */
} /* end case state */
} /* end for char */
if (nbytes != (lp->rxbpi-lp->rxbpr)) {
tmxr_debug (TMXR_DBG_RCV, lp, "Remaining", &(lp->rxb[lp->rxbpi]), lp->rxbpi-lp->rxbpr);
} /* end else nbytes */
} /* end for lines */
for (i = 0; i < mp->lines; i++) { /* loop thru lines */
lp = mp->ldsc + i; /* get line desc */
if (lp->rxbpi == lp->rxbpr) /* if buf empty, */
lp->rxbpi = lp->rxbpr = 0; /* reset pointers */
} /* end for */
/* Return count of available characters for line */
int32 tmxr_rqln (TMLN *lp)
return (lp->rxbpi - lp->rxbpr + ((lp->rxbpi < lp->rxbpr)? TMXR_MAXBUF: 0));
/* Store character in line buffer
*lp = pointer to line descriptor
chr = characters
status = ok, connection lost, or stall
Implementation note:
1. If the line is not connected, SCPE_LOST is returned.
t_stat tmxr_putc_ln (TMLN *lp, int32 chr)
if ((lp->conn == FALSE) && /* no conn & not buffered? */
(!lp->txbfd)) {
++lp->txdrp; /* lost */
return SCPE_LOST;
tmxr_debug_trace_line (lp, "tmxr_putc_ln()");
#define TXBUF_AVAIL(lp) (lp->txbsz - tmxr_tqln (lp))
#define TXBUF_CHAR(lp, c) { \
lp->txb[lp->txbpi++] = (char)(c); \
lp->txbpi %= lp->txbsz; \
if (lp->txbpi == lp->txbpr) \
lp->txbpr = (1+lp->txbpr)%lp->txbsz, ++lp->txdrp; \
if ((lp->txbfd) || (TXBUF_AVAIL(lp) > 1)) { /* room for char (+ IAC)? */
if ((TN_IAC == (char) chr) && (!lp->notelnet)) /* char == IAC in telnet session? */
TXBUF_CHAR (lp, TN_IAC); /* stuff extra IAC char */
TXBUF_CHAR (lp, chr); /* buffer char & adv pointer */
if ((!lp->txbfd) && (TXBUF_AVAIL (lp) <= TMXR_GUARD))/* near full? */
lp->xmte = 0; /* disable line */
if (lp->txlog) /* log if available */
fputc (chr, lp->txlog);
return SCPE_OK; /* char sent */
++lp->txdrp; lp->xmte = 0; /* no room, dsbl line */
return SCPE_STALL; /* char not sent */
/* Poll for output
*mp = pointer to terminal multiplexor descriptor
void tmxr_poll_tx (TMXR *mp)
int32 i, nbytes;
TMLN *lp;
tmxr_debug_trace (mp, "tmxr_poll_tx()");
for (i = 0; i < mp->lines; i++) { /* loop thru lines */
lp = mp->ldsc + i; /* get line desc */
if (!lp->conn) /* skip if !conn */
nbytes = tmxr_send_buffered_data (lp); /* buffered bytes */
if (nbytes == 0) /* buf empty? enab line */
lp->xmte = 1;
} /* end for */
/* Send buffered data across network
*lp = pointer to line descriptor
returns number of bytes still buffered
int32 tmxr_send_buffered_data (TMLN *lp)
int32 nbytes, sbytes;
tmxr_debug_trace_line (lp, "tmxr_send_buffered_data()");
nbytes = tmxr_tqln(lp); /* avail bytes */
if (nbytes) { /* >0? write */
if (lp->txbpr < lp->txbpi) /* no wrap? */
sbytes = tmxr_write (lp, nbytes); /* write all data */
sbytes = tmxr_write (lp, lp->txbsz - lp->txbpr);/* write to end buf */
if (sbytes >= 0) { /* ok? */
tmxr_debug (TMXR_DBG_XMT, lp, "Sent", &(lp->txb[lp->txbpr]), sbytes);
lp->txbpr = (lp->txbpr + sbytes); /* update remove ptr */
if (lp->txbpr >= lp->txbsz) /* wrap? */
lp->txbpr = 0;
lp->txcnt = lp->txcnt + sbytes; /* update counts */
nbytes = nbytes - sbytes;
if (sbytes < 0) { /* I/O Error? */
lp->txbpi = lp->txbpr = 0; /* Drop the data we already know we can't send */
tmxr_close_ln (lp); /* close line/port on error */
return nbytes; /* done now. */
if (nbytes && (lp->txbpr == 0)) { /* more data and wrap? */
sbytes = tmxr_write (lp, nbytes);
if (sbytes > 0) { /* ok */
tmxr_debug (TMXR_DBG_XMT, lp, "Sent", lp->txb, sbytes);
lp->txbpr = (lp->txbpr + sbytes); /* update remove ptr */
if (lp->txbpr >= lp->txbsz) /* wrap? */
lp->txbpr = 0;
lp->txcnt = lp->txcnt + sbytes; /* update counts */
nbytes = nbytes - sbytes;
} /* end if nbytes */
return nbytes;
/* Return count of buffered characters for line */
int32 tmxr_tqln (TMLN *lp)
return (lp->txbpi - lp->txbpr + ((lp->txbpi < lp->txbpr)? lp->txbsz: 0));
static void _mux_detach_line (TMLN *lp, t_bool close_listener, t_bool close_connecting)
if (close_listener && lp->master) {
sim_close_sock (lp->master, 1);
lp->master = 0;
free (lp->port);
lp->port = NULL;
if (lp->sock) { /* if existing tcp, drop it */
tmxr_report_disconnection (lp); /* report disconnection */
tmxr_reset_ln (lp);
if (close_connecting) {
free (lp->destination);
lp->destination = NULL;
if (lp->connecting) { /* if existing outgoing tcp, drop it */
lp->sock = lp->connecting;
lp->connecting = 0;
tmxr_reset_ln (lp);
if (lp->serport) { /* close current serial connection */
tmxr_reset_ln (lp);
sim_control_serial (lp->serport, 0, TMXR_MDM_DTR|TMXR_MDM_RTS, NULL);/* drop DTR and RTS */
sim_close_serial (lp->serport);
lp->serport = 0;
free (lp->serconfig);
lp->serconfig = NULL;
free (lp->destination);
lp->destination = NULL;
/* Open a master listening socket (and all of the other variances of connections).
A listening socket for the port number described by "cptr" is opened for the
multiplexer associated with descriptor "mp". If the open is successful, all
lines not currently otherwise connected (via serial, outgoing or direct
listener) are initialized for Telnet connections.
Initialization for all connection styles (MUX wide listener, per line serial,
listener, outgoing, logging, buffering) are handled by this routine.
t_stat tmxr_open_master (TMXR *mp, char *cptr)
int32 i, line = -1;
char tbuf[CBUFSIZE], listen[CBUFSIZE], destination[CBUFSIZE],
logfiletmpl[CBUFSIZE], buffered[CBUFSIZE], hostport[CBUFSIZE],
port[CBUFSIZE], option[CBUFSIZE];
SOCKET sock;
SERHANDLE serport;
char *tptr = cptr;
t_bool nolog, notelnet, listennotelnet, unbuffered;
TMLN *lp;
t_stat r = SCPE_ARG;
tmxr_debug_trace (mp, "tmxr_open_master()");
while (*tptr) {
line = -1;
memset(logfiletmpl, '\0', sizeof(logfiletmpl));
memset(listen, '\0', sizeof(listen));
memset(destination, '\0', sizeof(destination));
memset(buffered, '\0', sizeof(buffered));
memset(port, '\0', sizeof(port));
memset(option, '\0', sizeof(option));
nolog = notelnet = listennotelnet = unbuffered = FALSE;
while (*tptr) {
tptr = get_glyph_nc (tptr, tbuf, ',');
if (!tbuf[0])
cptr = tbuf;
if (!isdigit(*cptr)) {
char gbuf[CBUFSIZE];
char *init_cptr = cptr;
cptr = get_glyph (cptr, gbuf, '=');
if (0 == MATCH_CMD (gbuf, "LINE")) {
if ((NULL == cptr) || ('\0' == *cptr))
return SCPE_ARG;
line = (int32) get_uint (cptr, 10, mp->lines, &r);
if ((r != SCPE_OK) || (mp->lines == 1))
return SCPE_ARG;
if (0 == MATCH_CMD (gbuf, "LOG")) {
if ((NULL == cptr) || ('\0' == *cptr))
return SCPE_2FARG;
strncpy(logfiletmpl, cptr, sizeof(logfiletmpl)-1);
if ((0 == MATCH_CMD (gbuf, "NOBUFFERED")) ||
(0 == MATCH_CMD (gbuf, "UNBUFFERED"))) {
if ((NULL != cptr) && ('\0' != *cptr))
return SCPE_2MARG;
unbuffered = TRUE;
if (0 == MATCH_CMD (gbuf, "BUFFERED")) {
if ((NULL == cptr) || ('\0' == *cptr))
strcpy(buffered, "32768");
else {
i = (int32) get_uint (cptr, 10, 1024*1024, &r);
if ((r != SCPE_OK) || (i == 0))
return SCPE_ARG;
sprintf(buffered, "%d", i);
if (0 == MATCH_CMD (gbuf, "NOLOG")) {
if ((NULL != cptr) && ('\0' != *cptr))
return SCPE_2MARG;
nolog = TRUE;
if (0 == MATCH_CMD (gbuf, "CONNECT")) {
if ((NULL == cptr) || ('\0' == *cptr))
return SCPE_ARG;
serport = sim_open_serial (cptr, NULL, &r);
if (serport != INVALID_HANDLE) {
sim_close_serial (serport);
if (strchr (cptr, ';') && mp->modem_control)
return SCPE_ARG;
else {
memset (hostport, '\0', sizeof(hostport));
strncpy (hostport, cptr, sizeof(hostport)-1);
if ((cptr = strchr (hostport, ';')))
*(cptr++) = '\0';
sock = sim_connect_sock (hostport, "localhost", NULL);
if (sock != INVALID_SOCKET)
sim_close_sock (sock, 0);
return SCPE_ARG;
if (cptr)
get_glyph (cptr, cptr, 0); /* upcase this string */
if (0 == MATCH_CMD (cptr, "NOTELNET"))
notelnet = TRUE;
cptr = hostport;
strcpy(destination, cptr);
cptr = get_glyph (gbuf, port, ';');
if (SCPE_OK != sim_parse_addr (port, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL))
return SCPE_ARG;
if (cptr)
get_glyph (cptr, cptr, 0); /* upcase this string */
if (0 == MATCH_CMD (cptr, "NOTELNET"))
listennotelnet = TRUE;
cptr = init_cptr;
cptr = get_glyph_nc (cptr, port, ';');
sock = sim_master_sock (port, &r); /* make master socket */
if (r != SCPE_OK)
return r;
if (sock == INVALID_SOCKET) /* open error */
sim_close_sock (sock, 1);
strcpy(listen, port);
cptr = get_glyph (cptr, option, ';');
if (0 == MATCH_CMD (option, "NOTELNET"))
listennotelnet = TRUE;
if (line == -1) {
if (logfiletmpl[0]) {
strncpy(mp->logfiletmpl, logfiletmpl, sizeof(mp->logfiletmpl)-1);
for (i = 0; i < mp->lines; i++) {
lp = mp->ldsc + i;
sim_close_logfile (&lp->txlogref);
lp->txlog = NULL;
lp->txlogname = (char *)realloc(lp->txlogname, CBUFSIZE);
if (mp->lines > 1)
sprintf(lp->txlogname, "%s_%d", mp->logfiletmpl, i);
strcpy(lp->txlogname, mp->logfiletmpl);
r = sim_open_logfile (lp->txlogname, TRUE, &lp->txlog, &lp->txlogref);
if (r == SCPE_OK)
setvbuf(lp->txlog, NULL, _IOFBF, 65536);
else {
free (lp->txlogname);
lp->txlogname = NULL;
if (unbuffered) {
if (mp->buffered) {
mp->buffered = 0;
for (i = 0; i < mp->lines; i++) { /* default line buffers */
lp = mp->ldsc + i;
lp->txbsz = TMXR_MAXBUF;
lp->txb = (char *)realloc(lp->txb, lp->txbsz);
lp->txbfd = lp->txbpi = lp->txbpr = 0;
if (buffered[0]) {
mp->buffered = atoi(buffered);
for (i = 0; i < mp->lines; i++) { /* initialize line buffers */
lp = mp->ldsc + i;
lp->txbsz = mp->buffered;
lp->txbfd = 1;
lp->txb = (char *)realloc(lp->txb, lp->txbsz);
lp->txbpi = lp->txbpr = 0;
if (nolog) {
mp->logfiletmpl[0] = '\0';
for (i = 0; i < mp->lines; i++) { /* close line logs */
lp = mp->ldsc + i;
lp->txlogname = NULL;
if (lp->txlog) {
sim_close_logfile (&lp->txlogref);
lp->txlog = NULL;
if (listen[0]) {
sock = sim_master_sock (listen, &r); /* make master socket */
if (r != SCPE_OK)
return r;
if (sock == INVALID_SOCKET) /* open error */
if (mp->port) { /* close prior listener */
sim_close_sock (mp->master, 1);
mp->master = 0;
free (mp->port);
mp->port = NULL;
printf ("Listening on port %s\n", listen);
if (sim_log)
fprintf (sim_log, "Listening on port %s\n", listen);
mp->port = (char *)realloc (mp->port, 1 + strlen (listen));
strcpy (mp->port, listen); /* save port */
mp->master = sock; /* save master socket */
mp->notelnet = listennotelnet; /* save desired telnet behavior flag */
for (i = 0; i < mp->lines; i++) { /* initialize lines */
lp = mp->ldsc + i;
if (lp->serport == 0) { /* no serial port attached? */
lp->mp = mp; /* set the back pointer */
tmxr_init_line (lp); /* initialize line state */
lp->sock = 0; /* clear the socket */
else { /* close current serial connection */
tmxr_reset_ln (lp);
sim_control_serial (lp->serport, 0, TMXR_MDM_DTR|TMXR_MDM_RTS, NULL);/* drop DTR and RTS */
sim_close_serial (lp->serport);
lp->serport = 0;
free (lp->serconfig);
lp->serconfig = NULL;
if (destination[0]) {
if (mp->lines > 1)
return SCPE_ARG; /* ambiguous */
lp = &mp->ldsc[0];
serport = sim_open_serial (destination, lp, &r);
if (serport != INVALID_HANDLE) {
_mux_detach_line (lp, TRUE, TRUE);
if (lp->mp && lp->mp->master) { /* if existing listener, close it */
sim_close_sock (lp->mp->master, 1);
lp->mp->master = 0;
free (lp->mp->port);
lp->mp->port = NULL;
lp->destination = malloc(1+strlen(destination));
strcpy (lp->destination, destination);
lp->mp = mp;
lp->serport = serport;
lp->ser_connect_pending = TRUE;
lp->notelnet = TRUE;
tmxr_init_line (lp); /* init the line state */
if (!lp->mp->modem_control) /* raise DTR and RTS for non modem control lines */
sim_control_serial (lp->serport, TMXR_MDM_DTR|TMXR_MDM_RTS, 0, NULL);
lp->cnms = sim_os_msec (); /* record time of connection */
if (sim_switches & SWMASK ('V')) { /* -V flag reports connection on port */
sim_os_ms_sleep (TMXR_DTR_DROP_TIME);
tmxr_report_connection (mp, lp); /* report the connection to the line */
else {
sock = sim_connect_sock (destination, "localhost", NULL);
if (sock != INVALID_SOCKET) {
_mux_detach_line (lp, FALSE, TRUE);
lp->destination = malloc(1+strlen(destination));
strcpy (lp->destination, destination);
lp->mp = mp;
lp->connecting = sock;
lp->ipad = malloc (1 + strlen (lp->destination));
strcpy (lp->ipad, lp->destination);
lp->notelnet = notelnet;
lp->cnms = sim_os_msec (); /* record time of connection */
tmxr_init_line (lp); /* init the line state */
return SCPE_ARG;
else { /* line specific attach */
lp = &mp->ldsc[line];
lp->mp = mp;
if (logfiletmpl[0]) {
sim_close_logfile (&lp->txlogref);
lp->txlog = NULL;
lp->txlogname = (char *)realloc (lp->txlogname, 1 + strlen (logfiletmpl));
strcpy(lp->txlogname, mp->logfiletmpl);
r = sim_open_logfile (lp->txlogname, TRUE, &lp->txlog, &lp->txlogref);
if (r == SCPE_OK)
setvbuf(lp->txlog, NULL, _IOFBF, 65536);
else {
free (lp->txlogname);
lp->txlogname = NULL;
return r;
if (unbuffered) {
lp->txbsz = TMXR_MAXBUF;
lp->txb = (char *)realloc (lp->txb, lp->txbsz);
lp->txbfd = lp->txbpi = lp->txbpr = 0;
if (buffered[0]) {
lp->txbsz = atoi(buffered);
lp->txbfd = 1;
lp->txb = (char *)realloc (lp->txb, lp->txbsz);
lp->txbpi = lp->txbpr = 0;
if (nolog) {
lp->txlogname = NULL;
if (lp->txlog) {
sim_close_logfile (&lp->txlogref);
lp->txlog = NULL;
if (listen[0]) {
sock = sim_master_sock (listen, &r); /* make master socket */
if (r != SCPE_OK)
return r;
if (sock == INVALID_SOCKET) /* open error */
_mux_detach_line (lp, TRUE, FALSE);
printf ("Line %d Listening on port %s\n", line, listen);
if (sim_log)
fprintf (sim_log, "Line %d Listening on port %s\n", line, listen);
lp->port = (char *)realloc (lp->port, 1 + strlen (listen));
strcpy(lp->port, listen); /* save port */
lp->master = sock; /* save master socket */
if (listennotelnet)
lp->notelnet = listennotelnet;
lp->notelnet = mp->notelnet;
if (destination[0]) {
serport = sim_open_serial (destination, lp, &r);
if (serport != INVALID_HANDLE) {
_mux_detach_line (lp, TRUE, TRUE);
lp->destination = malloc(1+strlen(destination));
strcpy (lp->destination, destination);
lp->serport = serport;
lp->ser_connect_pending = TRUE;
lp->notelnet = TRUE;
tmxr_init_line (lp); /* init the line state */
if (!lp->mp->modem_control) /* raise DTR and RTS for non modem control lines */
sim_control_serial (lp->serport, TMXR_MDM_DTR|TMXR_MDM_RTS, 0, NULL);
lp->cnms = sim_os_msec (); /* record time of connection */
if (sim_switches & SWMASK ('V')) { /* -V flag reports connection on port */
sim_os_ms_sleep (TMXR_DTR_DROP_TIME);
tmxr_report_connection (mp, lp); /* report the connection to the line */
else {
sock = sim_connect_sock (destination, "localhost", NULL);
if (sock != INVALID_SOCKET) {
_mux_detach_line (lp, FALSE, TRUE);
lp->destination = malloc(1+strlen(destination));
strcpy (lp->destination, destination);
lp->connecting = sock;
lp->ipad = malloc (1 + strlen (lp->destination));
strcpy (lp->ipad, lp->destination);
lp->notelnet = notelnet;
lp->cnms = sim_os_msec (); /* record time of connection */
tmxr_init_line (lp); /* init the line state */
return SCPE_ARG;
r = SCPE_OK;
return r;
/* Declare which unit polls for input
*mp = the mux
line = the line number
*uptr_poll = the unit which polls
Implementation note:
Only devices which poll on a unit different from the unit provided
at MUX attach time need call this function. Calling this API is
necessary for asynchronous multiplexer support and unnecessary
t_stat tmxr_set_line_unit (TMXR *mp, int line, UNIT *uptr_poll)
if ((line < 0) || (line >= mp->lines))
return SCPE_ARG;
mp->ldsc[line].uptr = uptr_poll;
return SCPE_OK;
t_stat tmxr_set_console_input_unit (UNIT *uptr)
extern TMLN sim_con_ldsc;
sim_con_ldsc.uptr = uptr;
if (!(uptr->flags & UNIT_TM_POLL)) {
uptr->flags |= UNIT_TM_POLL; /* tag as polling unit */
sim_cancel (uptr);
return SCPE_OK;
/* Declare which unit polls for output
*mp = the mux
line = the line number
*uptr_poll = the unit which polls for output
Implementation note:
Only devices which poll on a unit different from the unit provided
at MUX attach time need call this function ABD different from the
unit which polls for input. Calling this API is necessary for
asynchronous multiplexer support and unnecessary otherwise.
t_stat tmxr_set_line_output_unit (TMXR *mp, int line, UNIT *uptr_poll)
if ((line < 0) || (line >= mp->lines))
return SCPE_ARG;
mp->ldsc[line].o_uptr = uptr_poll;
return SCPE_OK;
static TMXR **tmxr_open_devices = NULL;
static int tmxr_open_device_count = 0;
t_stat tmxr_start_poll (void)
#if defined(SIM_ASYNCH_IO) && defined(SIM_ASYNCH_MUX)
pthread_mutex_lock (&sim_tmxr_poll_lock);
if ((tmxr_open_device_count > 0) &&
sim_asynch_enabled &&
sim_is_running &&
!sim_tmxr_poll_running) {
pthread_attr_t attr;
pthread_cond_init (&sim_tmxr_startup_cond, NULL);
pthread_attr_init (&attr);
pthread_attr_setscope (&attr, PTHREAD_SCOPE_SYSTEM);
pthread_create (&sim_tmxr_poll_thread, &attr, _tmxr_poll, NULL);
pthread_attr_destroy( &attr);
pthread_cond_wait (&sim_tmxr_startup_cond, &sim_tmxr_poll_lock); /* Wait for thread to stabilize */
pthread_cond_destroy (&sim_tmxr_startup_cond);
sim_tmxr_poll_running = TRUE;
pthread_mutex_unlock (&sim_tmxr_poll_lock);
return SCPE_OK;
t_stat tmxr_stop_poll (void)
#if defined(SIM_ASYNCH_IO) && defined(SIM_ASYNCH_MUX)
pthread_mutex_lock (&sim_tmxr_poll_lock);
if (sim_tmxr_poll_running) {
pthread_cond_signal (&sim_tmxr_poll_cond);
pthread_mutex_unlock (&sim_tmxr_poll_lock);
pthread_join (sim_tmxr_poll_thread, NULL);
sim_tmxr_poll_running = FALSE;
/* Transitioning from asynch mode so kick all polling units onto the event queue */
if (tmxr_open_device_count) {
int i, j;
for (i=0; i<tmxr_open_device_count; ++i) {
TMXR *mp = tmxr_open_devices[i];
if (mp->uptr)
_sim_activate (mp->uptr, 0);
for (j = 0; j < mp->lines; ++j)
if (mp->ldsc[j].uptr)
_sim_activate (mp->ldsc[j].uptr, 0);
pthread_mutex_unlock (&sim_tmxr_poll_lock);
return SCPE_OK;
static void _tmxr_add_to_open_list (TMXR* mux)
int i;
t_bool found = FALSE;
#if defined(SIM_ASYNCH_IO) && defined(SIM_ASYNCH_MUX)
pthread_mutex_lock (&sim_tmxr_poll_lock);
for (i=0; i<tmxr_open_device_count; ++i)
if (tmxr_open_devices[i] == mux) {
found = TRUE;
if (!found) {
tmxr_open_devices = (TMXR **)realloc(tmxr_open_devices, (tmxr_open_device_count+1)*sizeof(*tmxr_open_devices));
tmxr_open_devices[tmxr_open_device_count++] = mux;
#if defined(SIM_ASYNCH_IO) && defined(SIM_ASYNCH_MUX)
pthread_mutex_unlock (&sim_tmxr_poll_lock);
if ((tmxr_open_device_count == 1) && (sim_asynch_enabled))
tmxr_start_poll ();
static void _tmxr_remove_from_open_list (TMXR* mux)
int i, j;
#if defined(SIM_ASYNCH_IO) && defined(SIM_ASYNCH_MUX)
tmxr_stop_poll ();
pthread_mutex_lock (&sim_tmxr_poll_lock);
for (i=0; i<tmxr_open_device_count; ++i)
if (tmxr_open_devices[i] == mux) {
for (j=i+1; j<tmxr_open_device_count; ++j)
tmxr_open_devices[j-1] = tmxr_open_devices[j];
#if defined(SIM_ASYNCH_IO) && defined(SIM_ASYNCH_MUX)
pthread_mutex_unlock (&sim_tmxr_poll_lock);
/* Attach unit to master socket */
t_stat tmxr_attach (TMXR *mp, UNIT *uptr, char *cptr)
char* tptr = NULL;
t_stat r;
tptr = (char *) calloc (1, 1);
if (tptr == NULL) /* no more mem? */
return SCPE_MEM;
r = tmxr_open_master (mp, cptr); /* open master socket */
if (r != SCPE_OK) { /* error? */
free (tptr); /* release buf */
return r;
mp->uptr = uptr; /* save unit for polling */
uptr->filename = _mux_attach_string (uptr->filename, mp);/* save */
uptr->flags = uptr->flags | UNIT_ATT; /* no more errors */
if ((mp->lines > 1) ||
((mp->master == 0) &&
(mp->ldsc[0].connecting == 0) &&
(mp->ldsc[0].serport == 0)))
uptr->flags = uptr->flags | UNIT_ATTMULT; /* allow multiple attach commands */
if (mp->dptr == NULL) /* has device been set? */
mp->dptr = find_dev_from_unit (uptr); /* no, so set device now */
_tmxr_add_to_open_list (mp);
return SCPE_OK;
t_stat tmxr_startup (void)
return SCPE_OK;
t_stat tmxr_shutdown (void)
if (tmxr_open_device_count)
return SCPE_IERR;
return SCPE_OK;
t_stat tmxr_show_open_devices (FILE* st, DEVICE *dptr, UNIT* uptr, int32 val, char* desc)
int i, j;
if (0 == tmxr_open_device_count)
fprintf(st, "No Attached Multiplexer Devices\n");
else {
for (i=0; i<tmxr_open_device_count; ++i) {
TMXR *mp = tmxr_open_devices[i];
TMLN *lp;
fprintf(st, "Multiplexer device: %s", mp->dptr->name);
fprintf(st, ", attached to %s, ", mp->uptr->filename);
if (mp->lines > 1) {
tmxr_show_lines(st, NULL, 0, mp);
fprintf(st, ", ");
tmxr_show_summ(st, NULL, 0, mp);
fprintf(st, ", sessions=%d\n", mp->sessions);
for (j = 0; j < mp->lines; j++) {
lp = mp->ldsc + j;
if (mp->lines > 1) {
fprintf (st, "Line: %d", j);
if (lp->uptr && (lp->uptr != lp->mp->uptr))
fprintf (st, " - Unit: %s\n", sim_uname (lp->uptr));
fprintf (st, "\n");
if ((!lp->sock) && (!lp->connecting) && (!lp->serport) && (!lp->master))
tmxr_fconns (st, lp, -1);
tmxr_fstats (st, lp, -1);
return SCPE_OK;
/* Close a master listening socket.
The listening socket associated with multiplexer descriptor "mp" is closed
and deallocated. In addition, all current Telnet sessions are disconnected.
Serial and outgoing sessions are also disconnected.
t_stat tmxr_close_master (TMXR *mp)
int32 i;
TMLN *lp;
for (i = 0; i < mp->lines; i++) { /* loop thru conn */
lp = mp->ldsc + i;
if (!lp->destination && lp->sock) { /* not serial and is connected? */
tmxr_report_disconnection (lp); /* report disconnection */
tmxr_reset_ln (lp); /* disconnect line */
if (lp->master)
sim_close_sock (mp->master, 1); /* close master socket */
lp->master = 0;
free (lp->port);
lp->port = NULL;
else {
if (lp->sock) {
tmxr_report_disconnection (lp); /* report disconnection */
tmxr_reset_ln (lp);
if (lp->connecting) {
lp->sock = lp->connecting;
lp->connecting = 0;
tmxr_reset_ln (lp);
if (lp->serport) {
sim_control_serial (lp->serport, 0, TMXR_MDM_DTR|TMXR_MDM_RTS, NULL);/* drop DTR and RTS */
tmxr_close_ln (lp);
free (lp->destination);
lp->destination = NULL;
lp->conn = FALSE;
if (mp->master)
sim_close_sock (mp->master, 1); /* close master socket */
mp->master = 0;
free (mp->port);
mp->port = NULL;
_tmxr_remove_from_open_list (mp);
return SCPE_OK;
/* Detach unit from master socket and close all active network connections
and/or serial ports.
Note that we return SCPE_OK, regardless of whether a listening socket was
t_stat tmxr_detach (TMXR *mp, UNIT *uptr)
if (!(uptr->flags & UNIT_ATT)) /* attached? */
return SCPE_OK;
tmxr_close_master (mp); /* close master socket */
free (uptr->filename); /* free setup string */
uptr->filename = NULL;
uptr->flags = uptr->flags & ~UNIT_ATT; /* not attached */
return SCPE_OK;
t_stat tmxr_attach_help(FILE *st, DEVICE *dptr, UNIT *uptr, int32 flag, char *cptr)
fprintf (st, "%s Multiplexer Attach Help\n", dptr->name);
return SCPE_OK;
/* Stub examine and deposit */
t_stat tmxr_ex (t_value *vptr, t_addr addr, UNIT *uptr, int32 sw)
return SCPE_NOFNC;
t_stat tmxr_dep (t_value val, t_addr addr, UNIT *uptr, int32 sw)
return SCPE_NOFNC;
/* Write a message directly to a socket */
void tmxr_msg (SOCKET sock, char *msg)
if ((sock) && (sock != INVALID_SOCKET))
sim_write_sock (sock, msg, (int32)strlen (msg));
/* Write a message to a line */
void tmxr_linemsg (TMLN *lp, char *msg)
int32 len;
for (len = (int32)strlen (msg); len > 0; --len)
tmxr_putc_ln (lp, *msg++);
/* Print connections - used only in named SHOW command */
void tmxr_fconns (FILE *st, TMLN *lp, int32 ln)
int32 hr, mn, sc;
uint32 ctime;
if (ln >= 0)
fprintf (st, "line %d: ", ln);
if ((lp->sock) || (lp->connecting)) { /* tcp connection? */
if (lp->destination) /* remote connection? */
fprintf (st, "Connection to remote port %s\n", lp->destination);/* print port name */
else /* incoming connection */
fprintf (st, "Connection from IP address %s\n", lp->ipad);
if (lp->port)
fprintf (st, "Listening on port %s\n", lp->port); /* print port name */
if (lp->serport) /* serial connection? */
fprintf (st, "Connected to serial port %s\n", lp->destination); /* print port name */
if (lp->cnms) {
ctime = (sim_os_msec () - lp->cnms) / 1000;
hr = ctime / 3600;
mn = (ctime / 60) % 60;
sc = ctime % 60;
if (ctime)
fprintf (st, " %s %02d:%02d:%02d\n", lp->connecting ? "Connecting for" : "Connected", hr, mn, sc);
fprintf (st, " Line disconnected\n");
if ((lp->serport == 0) && (lp->sock))
fprintf (st, " %s\n", (lp->notelnet) ? "Telnet disabled (RAW data)" : "Telnet protocol");
if (lp->txlog)
fprintf (st, " Logging to %s\n", lp->txlogname);
/* Print statistics - used only in named SHOW command */
void tmxr_fstats (FILE *st, TMLN *lp, int32 ln)
static const char *enab = "on";
static const char *dsab = "off";
if (ln >= 0)
fprintf (st, "Line %d:", ln);
if ((!lp->sock) && (!lp->connecting) && (!lp->serport))
fprintf (st, " not connected\n");
else {
if (ln >= 0)
fprintf (st, "\n");
fprintf (st, " input (%s)", (lp->rcve? enab: dsab));
if (lp->rxcnt)
fprintf (st, " queued/total = %d/%d",
tmxr_rqln (lp), lp->rxcnt);
fprintf (st, "\n output (%s)", (lp->xmte? enab: dsab));
if (lp->txcnt || lp->txbpi)
fprintf (st, " queued/total = %d/%d",
tmxr_tqln (lp), lp->txcnt);
fprintf (st, "\n");
if (lp->txbfd)
fprintf (st, " output buffer size = %d\n", lp->txbsz);
if (lp->txcnt || lp->txbpi)
fprintf (st, " bytes in buffer = %d\n",
((lp->txcnt > 0) && (lp->txcnt > lp->txbsz)) ? lp->txbsz : lp->txbpi);
if (lp->txdrp)
fprintf (st, " dropped = %d\n", lp->txdrp);
/* Disconnect a line.
Disconnect a line of the multiplexer associated with descriptor "desc" from a
tcp session or a serial port. Two calling sequences are supported:
1. If "val" is zero, then "uptr" is implicitly associated with the line
number corresponding to the position of the unit in the zero-based array
of units belonging to the associated device, and "cptr" is ignored. For
example, if "uptr" points to unit 3 in a given device, then line 3 will
be disconnected.
2. If "val" is non-zero, then "cptr" points to a string that is parsed for
an explicit line number, and "uptr" is ignored. For example, if "cptr"
points to the string "3", then line 3 will be disconnected.
If the line was connected to a tcp session, the socket associated with the
line will be closed. If the line was connected to a serial port, the port
will NOT be closed, but DTR will be dropped. After a 500ms delay DTR will
be raised again. If the sim_switches -C flag is set, then a serial port
connection will be closed.
Implementation notes:
1. This function is usually called as an MTAB processing routine.
t_stat tmxr_dscln (UNIT *uptr, int32 val, char *cptr, void *desc)
TMXR *mp = (TMXR *) desc;
TMLN *lp;
t_stat status;
if (val) /* explicit line? */
uptr = NULL; /* indicate to get routine */
tmxr_debug_trace (mp, "tmxr_dscln()");
lp = tmxr_get_ldsc (uptr, cptr, mp, &status); /* get referenced line */
if (lp == NULL) /* bad line number? */
return status; /* report it */
if ((lp->sock) || (lp->serport)) { /* connection active? */
if (!lp->notelnet)
tmxr_linemsg (lp, "\r\nOperator disconnected line\r\n\n");/* report closure */
tmxr_reset_ln_ex (lp, (sim_switches & SWMASK ('C'))); /* drop the line */
return SCPE_OK;
/* Enable logging for line */
t_stat tmxr_set_log (UNIT *uptr, int32 val, char *cptr, void *desc)
TMXR *mp = (TMXR *) desc;
TMLN *lp;
if (cptr == NULL) /* no file name? */
return SCPE_2FARG;
lp = tmxr_find_ldsc (uptr, val, mp); /* find line desc */
if (lp == NULL)
return SCPE_IERR;
if (lp->txlog) /* close existing log */
tmxr_set_nolog (NULL, val, NULL, desc);
lp->txlogname = (char *) calloc (CBUFSIZE, sizeof (char)); /* alloc namebuf */
if (lp->txlogname == NULL) /* can't? */
return SCPE_MEM;
strncpy (lp->txlogname, cptr, CBUFSIZE); /* save file name */
sim_open_logfile (cptr, TRUE, &lp->txlog, &lp->txlogref);/* open log */
if (lp->txlog == NULL) { /* error? */
free (lp->txlogname); /* free buffer */
lp->mp->uptr->filename = _mux_attach_string (lp->mp->uptr->filename, lp->mp);
return SCPE_OK;
/* Disable logging for line */
t_stat tmxr_set_nolog (UNIT *uptr, int32 val, char *cptr, void *desc)
TMXR *mp = (TMXR *) desc;
TMLN *lp;
if (cptr) /* no arguments */
return SCPE_2MARG;
lp = tmxr_find_ldsc (uptr, val, mp); /* find line desc */
if (lp == NULL)
return SCPE_IERR;
if (lp->txlog) { /* logging? */
sim_close_logfile (&lp->txlogref); /* close log */
free (lp->txlogname); /* free namebuf */
lp->txlog = NULL;
lp->txlogname = NULL;
lp->mp->uptr->filename = _mux_attach_string (lp->mp->uptr->filename, lp->mp);
return SCPE_OK;
/* Show logging status for line */
t_stat tmxr_show_log (FILE *st, UNIT *uptr, int32 val, void *desc)
TMXR *mp = (TMXR *) desc;
TMLN *lp;
lp = tmxr_find_ldsc (uptr, val, mp); /* find line desc */
if (lp == NULL)
return SCPE_IERR;
if (lp->txlog)
fprintf (st, "logging to %s", lp->txlogname);
else fprintf (st, "no logging");
return SCPE_OK;
/* Set the line connection order.
Example command for eight-line multiplexer:
SET <dev> LINEORDER=1;5;2-4;7
Resulting connection order: 1,5,2,3,4,7,0,6.
- uptr = (not used)
- val = (not used)
- cptr = pointer to first character of range specification
- desc = pointer to multiplexer's TMXR structure
On entry, cptr points to the value portion of the command string, which may
be either a semicolon-separated list of line ranges or the keyword ALL.
If a line connection order array is not defined in the multiplexer
descriptor, the command is rejected. If the specified range encompasses all
of the lines, the first value of the connection order array is set to -1 to
indicate sequential connection order. Otherwise, the line values in the
array are set to the order specified by the command string. All values are
populated, first with those explicitly specified in the command string, and
then in ascending sequence with those not specified.
If an error occurs, the original line order is not disturbed.
t_stat tmxr_set_lnorder (UNIT *uptr, int32 val, char *cptr, void *desc)
TMXR *mp = (TMXR *) desc;
char *tptr;
t_addr low, high, max = (t_addr) mp->lines - 1;
int32 *list;
t_bool *set;
uint32 line, idx = 0;
t_stat result = SCPE_OK;
if (mp->lnorder == NULL) /* line connection order undefined? */
return SCPE_NXPAR; /* "Non-existent parameter" error */
else if ((cptr == NULL) || (*cptr == '\0')) /* line range not supplied? */
return SCPE_MISVAL; /* "Missing value" error */
list = (int32 *) calloc (mp->lines, sizeof (int32)); /* allocate new line order array */
if (list == NULL) /* allocation failed? */
return SCPE_MEM; /* report it */
set = (t_bool *) calloc (mp->lines, sizeof (t_bool)); /* allocate line set tracking array */
if (set == NULL) { /* allocation failed? */
free (list); /* free successful list allocation */
return SCPE_MEM; /* report it */
tptr = cptr + strlen (cptr); /* append a semicolon */
*tptr++ = ';'; /* to the command string */
*tptr = '\0'; /* to make parsing easier for get_range */
while (*cptr) { /* parse command string */
cptr = get_range (NULL, cptr, &low, &high, 10, max, ';'); /* get a line range */
if (cptr == NULL) { /* parsing error? */
result = SCPE_ARG; /* "Invalid argument" error */
else if ((low > max) || (high > max)) { /* line out of range? */
result = SCPE_SUB; /* "Subscript out of range" error */
else if ((low == 0) && (high == max)) { /* entire line range specified? */
list [0] = -1; /* set sequential order flag */
idx = (uint32) max + 1; /* indicate no fill-in needed */
for (line = (uint32) low; line <= (uint32) high; line++) /* see if previously specified */
if (set [line] == FALSE) { /* not already specified? */
set [line] = TRUE; /* now it is */
list [idx] = line; /* add line to connection order */
idx = idx + 1; /* bump "specified" count */
if (result == SCPE_OK) { /* assignment successful? */
if (idx <= max) /* any lines not specified? */
for (line = 0; line <= max; line++) /* fill them in sequentially */
if (set [line] == FALSE) { /* specified? */
list [idx] = line; /* no, so add it */
idx = idx + 1;
memcpy (mp->lnorder, list, mp->lines * sizeof (int32)); /* copy working array to connection array */
free (list); /* free list allocation */
free (set); /* free set allocation */
return result;
/* Show line connection order.
- st = stream on which output is to be written
- uptr = (not used)
- val = (not used)
- desc = pointer to multiplexer's TMXR structure
If a connection order array is not defined in the multiplexer descriptor, the
command is rejected. If the first value of the connection order array is set
to -1, then the connection order is sequential. Otherwise, the line values
in the array are printed as a semicolon-separated list. Ranges are printed
where possible to shorten the output.
t_stat tmxr_show_lnorder (FILE *st, UNIT *uptr, int32 val, void *desc)
int32 i, j, low, last;
TMXR *mp = (TMXR *) desc;
int32 *iptr = mp->lnorder;
t_bool first = TRUE;
if (iptr == NULL) /* connection order undefined? */
return SCPE_NXPAR; /* "Non-existent parameter" error */
if (*iptr < 0) /* sequential order indicated? */
fprintf (st, "Order=0-%d\n", mp->lines - 1); /* print full line range */
else {
low = last = *iptr++; /* set first line value */
for (j = 1; j <= mp->lines; j++) { /* print remaining lines in order list */
if (j < mp->lines) /* more lines to process? */
i = *iptr++; /* get next line in list */
else /* final iteration */
i = -1; /* get "tie-off" value */
if (i != last + 1) { /* end of a range? */
if (first) { /* first line to print? */
fputs ("Order=", st); /* print header */
first = FALSE;
else /* not first line printed */
fputc (';', st); /* print separator */
if (low == last) /* range null? */
fprintf (st, "%d", last); /* print single line value */
else /* range established */
fprintf (st, "%d-%d", low, last); /* print start and end line */
low = i; /* start new range */
last = i; /* note value for range check */
if (first == FALSE) /* sanity check for lines == 0 */
fputc ('\n', st);
return SCPE_OK;
/* Show summary processor */
t_stat tmxr_show_summ (FILE *st, UNIT *uptr, int32 val, void *desc)
TMXR *mp = (TMXR *) desc;
int32 i, t;
if (mp == NULL)
return SCPE_IERR;
for (i = t = 0; i < mp->lines; i++)
if ((mp->ldsc[i].sock != 0) || (mp->ldsc[i].serport != 0))
t = t + 1;
if (mp->lines > 1)
fprintf (st, "%d connection%s", t, (t != 1) ? "s" : "");
fprintf (st, "%s", (t == 1) ? "connected" : "disconnected");
return SCPE_OK;
/* Show conn/stat processor */
t_stat tmxr_show_cstat (FILE *st, UNIT *uptr, int32 val, void *desc)
TMXR *mp = (TMXR *) desc;
int32 i, any;
if (mp == NULL)
return SCPE_IERR;
for (i = any = 0; i < mp->lines; i++) {
if ((mp->ldsc[i].sock != 0) || (mp->ldsc[i].serport != 0)) {
if (val)
tmxr_fconns (st, &mp->ldsc[i], i);
else tmxr_fstats (st, &mp->ldsc[i], i);
if (any == 0)
fprintf (st, (mp->lines == 1? "disconnected\n": "all disconnected\n"));
return SCPE_OK;
/* Show number of lines */
t_stat tmxr_show_lines (FILE *st, UNIT *uptr, int32 val, void *desc)
TMXR *mp = (TMXR *) desc;
if (mp == NULL)
return SCPE_IERR;
fprintf (st, "lines=%d", mp->lines);
return SCPE_OK;
static struct {
char value;
char *name;
} tn_chars[] =
{TN_IAC, "TN_IAC"}, /* protocol delim */
{TN_DONT, "TN_DONT"}, /* dont */
{TN_DO, "TN_DO"}, /* do */
{TN_WONT, "TN_WONT"}, /* wont */
{TN_WILL, "TN_WILL"}, /* will */
{TN_SB, "TN_SB"}, /* sub-option negotiation */
{TN_GA, "TN_SG"}, /* go ahead */
{TN_EL, "TN_EL"}, /* erase line */
{TN_EC, "TN_EC"}, /* erase character */
{TN_AYT, "TN_AYT"}, /* are you there */
{TN_AO, "TN_AO"}, /* abort output */
{TN_IP, "TN_IP"}, /* interrupt process */
{TN_BRK, "TN_BRK"}, /* break */
{TN_DATAMK, "TN_DATAMK"}, /* data mark */
{TN_NOP, "TN_NOP"}, /* no operation */
{TN_SE, "TN_SE"}, /* end sub-option negot */
/* Options */
{TN_BIN, "TN_BIN"}, /* bin */
{TN_ECHO, "TN_ECHO"}, /* echo */
{TN_SGA, "TN_SGA"}, /* sga */
{TN_LINE, "TN_LINE"}, /* line mode */
{TN_CR, "TN_CR"}, /* carriage return */
{TN_LF, "TN_LF"}, /* line feed */
{0, NULL}};
static char *tmxr_debug_buf = NULL;
static size_t tmxr_debug_buf_used = 0;
static size_t tmxr_debug_buf_size = 0;
static void tmxr_buf_debug_char (char value)
if (tmxr_debug_buf_used+2 > tmxr_debug_buf_size) {
tmxr_debug_buf_size += 1024;
tmxr_debug_buf = (char *)realloc (tmxr_debug_buf, tmxr_debug_buf_size);
tmxr_debug_buf[tmxr_debug_buf_used++] = value;
tmxr_debug_buf[tmxr_debug_buf_used] = '\0';
static void tmxr_buf_debug_string (const char *string)
while (*string)
tmxr_buf_debug_char (*string++);
void _tmxr_debug (uint32 dbits, TMLN *lp, const char *msg, char *buf, int bufsize)
if ((lp->mp->dptr) && (dbits & lp->mp->dptr->dctrl)) {
int i, j;
tmxr_debug_buf_used = 0;
if (tmxr_debug_buf)
tmxr_debug_buf[tmxr_debug_buf_used] = '\0';
for (i=0; i<bufsize; ++i) {
for (j=0; 1; ++j) {
if (NULL == tn_chars[j].name) {
tmxr_buf_debug_char (buf[i]);
if (buf[i] == tn_chars[j].value) {
tmxr_buf_debug_char ('_');
tmxr_buf_debug_string (tn_chars[j].name);
tmxr_buf_debug_char ('_');
sim_debug (dbits, lp->mp->dptr, "%s %d bytes '%s'\n", msg, bufsize, tmxr_debug_buf);