blob: f18d6df595992a9ad4113d3dc4e9f57d581730fe [file] [log] [blame] [raw]
* ibm1130_fmt.c : interpret tabs in 1130 Assembler or Fortran source
* Bob Flanders
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* These routines are used by ibm1130_cr.c when the user has indicated
* that the input text is formatted with tabs. Input lines are edited
* into the appropriate column format. Three edit modes are recognized:
* Assembler mode:
* Input lines of the form
* [label]<whitespace>[opcode]<tab>[tag][L]<tab>[argument]
* are rearranged so that the input fields are placed in the appropriate columns
* The label must start on the first character of the line. If there is no label,
* the first character(s) before the opcode must be whitespace. Following the opcode, there
* MUST be a tab character, followed by the format and tag. Following the format and tag
* may be exactly one whitespace character, and then starts the argument.
* Input lines with * in column 1 and blank lines are turned into Assembler comments,
* with the * in the Opcode field.
* Assembler directive lines at the beginning of the deck must be preceded by
* ! to indicate that they are not comments. For example,
* !*LIST
* * This is a comment
* Fortran mode:
* Input lines of the form
* [label]<tab>statement
* or
* [label]<tab>Xcontinuation
* where X is a non alphabetic contination character are rearranged in the
* appropriate manner:
* 1 2
* 12345678901234567890...
* ------------------------
* label statement
* labelXcontinuation
* However, you must take care that you don't end up with statement text after column 72.
* Input lines with * or C in column 1 are left alone (comments and directives)
* (The ! escape is not used before Fortran directives as before Assembler directives)
* Tab mode:
* Tabs are replaced with spaces. Tab settings are assumed to be eight characters wide,
* as is standard for vi, notepad, etc.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <memory.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "ibm1130_fmt.h"
#define MAXLINE 81 /* maximum output line size */
#define WORKSZ 256 /* size for tab work area */
#define TAGOFFSET 12 /* offset for tag field */
#define FMTOFFSET 11 /* offset for format field */
#define MIN(a,b) ((a < b) ? a : b)
#define AMSG " with Assembler Reformat"
#define FMSG " with FORTRAN Reformat"
#define WMSG " with tab replacement"
#define AFORMAT "%20.20s%-60.60s"," "
#define ACOMMENTFMT "%20.20s%-60.60s"," "
#define ABLANKLINE "%20.20s*"," "
#define FFORMAT "%-5.5s %-74.74s"
#define FCONTFMT "%-5.5s%-75.75s"
static char gszLabel[6]; /* work area for label */
static char gszArg[MAXLINE]; /* .. argument */
static char gszOutput[MAXLINE]; /* .. output */
static short gaiAsmTabs[] = {7,12,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,52,0};/* tab stops for assembler */
static short gaiPlainTabs[42]; /* tab stops for plain tabs. Settings will be made later. Max # positions when tabs are every 2 positions */
static int giPlainTabWidth = 0;
* helper routines
* ExpandTabs: Expand tabs to spaces
char* ExpandTabs(char* p_szInbuf, /* expand tabs .. input buffer */
char* p_szOutbuf, /* .. output buffer */
short* p_aiTabs) /* .. array of tab stops (1 based) -- 0 end of array */
short iI, /* input position */
iO, /* output position */
iT; /* next tab stop */
char cX; /* character to test */
iI = 0; /* init input position */
iO = 0; /* init output position */
iT = 0; /* init tab stop */
while ((cX = *(p_szInbuf + iI)) != 0) /* while there are characters */
if (cX == '\t') /* q. tab character? */
{ /* a. yes .. */
while ((p_aiTabs[iT] <= iO + 1) /* search for next valid stop .. */
&& (p_aiTabs[iT] != 0)) /* .. or end of table */
iT++; /* .. go to next tab */
if (p_aiTabs[iT] != 0) /* q. end of tab array? */
{ /* a. no .. */
while (iO < (p_aiTabs[iT] - 1)) /* fill to tab with blanks */
*(p_szOutbuf + iO++) = ' '; /* .. put in a blank */
else /* Otherwise ... */
*(p_szOutbuf + iO++) = ' '; /* .. Translate to blank */
else /* Otherwise .. not tab */
*(p_szOutbuf + iO++) = cX; /* .. save the input char */
iI++; /* next input character */
*(p_szOutbuf + iO) = 0; /* end the string.. */
return p_szOutbuf; /* .. return output area addr */
* extract next token, modify pointer
char* GetToken(char* p_szOut, /* output location */
int p_iLen, /* max output length */
char**p_pszToken) /* pointer to input token */
int iI; /* work integer */
char* pszX; /* work pointer */
pszX = *p_pszToken; /* get pointer to token */
for (iI = 0; *(pszX + iI) && (!isspace(*(pszX + iI)));) /* while not whitespace & not end */
iI++; /* .. count token length */
memset(p_szOut, 0, p_iLen); /* zero out output area */
if (iI > 0) /* q. any chars? */
strncpy(p_szOut, *p_pszToken, MIN(iI, p_iLen-1)); /* a. yes.. copy max of p_iLen-1 */
*p_pszToken += iI; /* point beyond token */
return p_szOut; /* .. return token pointer */
* EditToAsm - convert tab-formatted text line to 1130 Assembler format
const char *EditToAsm (char* p_pszEdit, int width) /* convert line to 1130 assembler */
char pszLine[MAXLINE]; /* source line */
char pszWork[WORKSZ]; /* work buffer */
char acTFWrk[2]; /* tag/format work area */
size_t iI; /* work integer */
if (p_pszEdit == NULL) /* q. null request? */
return AMSG; /* a. yes .. return display message */
if (*p_pszEdit == '!') /* leave lines starting with ! alone */
return EditToWhitespace(p_pszEdit+1, width);
if (*p_pszEdit == '*') /* q. comment line? */
{ /* a. yes.. */
strncpy(pszWork, EditToWhitespace(p_pszEdit, width), MAXLINE); /* .. convert any tabs */
sprintf(gszOutput, ACOMMENTFMT, pszWork); /* .. put the comment out there in the opcode column */
return gszOutput; /* .. and return it */
strncpy(pszLine, p_pszEdit, MAXLINE-1); /* copy the line local */
ExpandTabs(pszLine, pszWork, gaiAsmTabs); /* expand the tabs */
strncpy(pszLine, pszWork, MAXLINE-1); /* copy the line back */
for (iI = strlen(pszLine); iI--;) /* trim trailing whitespace */
if (*(pszLine + iI) <= ' ') /* q. space or less? */
*(pszLine + iI) = 0; /* a. yes .. remove it */
else /* otherwise */
break; /* .. done. Leave loop. */
if (strlen(pszLine) == 0) /* q. blank line? */
{ /* a. yes .. Assembler abhors these so */
sprintf(gszOutput, ABLANKLINE); /* format as comment statement */
return gszOutput; /* .. and return it */
/* TODO: Add code to process a strip switch
* comment?
if (strlen(pszLine) > (TAGOFFSET + 1)) /* q. line long enough? */
{ /* a. yes.. reorder tag/format */
memcpy(acTFWrk, pszLine + FMTOFFSET, 2); /* get tag/format */
memset((pszLine + FMTOFFSET), ' ', 2); /* .. blank 'em out */
for (iI = 0; iI < 2; iI ++)
if (isalpha(acTFWrk[iI])) /* q. alpha char? */
*(pszLine + FMTOFFSET) = acTFWrk[iI]; /* a. yes .. make it format */
else if (isdigit(acTFWrk[iI])) /* q. digit? */
*(pszLine + TAGOFFSET) = acTFWrk[iI]; /* a. yes .. make it the tag */
sprintf(gszOutput, AFORMAT, pszLine); /* format the line */
return gszOutput; /* return formatted line */
* EditToFortran - convert tab-formatted input text line to FORTRAN format
* (a la DEC Fortran)
const char *EditToFortran(char* p_pszEdit, int width) /* convert line to 1130 assembler */
char pszLine[MAXLINE]; /* source line */
char* pszWork; /* work pointer */
size_t iI; /* work integer */
int bContinue; /* true if continue */
if (p_pszEdit == NULL) /* q. null request? */
return FMSG; /* a. yes .. return display message */
if (strchr(p_pszEdit, '\t') == NULL) /* q. no tab in the line? */
return p_pszEdit; /* a. nope, return line as is, assume it's formatted correctly */
if (*p_pszEdit == 'C' || *p_pszEdit == '*' || *p_pszEdit == '\0') /* q. comment or directive or blank line? */
{ /* a. yes.. don't restructure */
return EditToWhitespace(p_pszEdit, width);
strncpy(pszLine, p_pszEdit, MAXLINE-1); /* copy the line local */
for (iI = strlen(pszLine); iI--;) /* trim trailing whitespace */
if (*(pszLine + iI) <= ' ') /* q. space or less? */
*(pszLine + iI) = 0; /* a. yes .. remove it */
else /* otherwise */
break; /* .. done. Leave loop. */
* TODO: Add code to process a strip switch
* comment?
pszWork = (char*) pszLine; /* set pointer to line */
GetToken(gszLabel, 6, &pszWork); /* get the line, if any. */
pszWork++; /* skip tab/whitespace */
/* continuation... */
bContinue = ((isdigit(*pszWork) && (*pszWork != '0')) /* if first char non-zero digit */
|| (!isspace(*pszWork) && !isalpha(*pszWork))); /* .. or non-alpha non-blank */
memset(gszArg, 0, MAXLINE); /* .. and arguments */
strncpy(gszArg, pszWork, 75); /* copy rest to argument */
sprintf(gszOutput, (bContinue) ? FCONTFMT : FFORMAT, /* format the line */
gszLabel, /* .. statement # */
gszArg); /* .. code */
return gszOutput; /* return formatted line */
* EditToWhitespace - expand tabs at n space intervals.
const char* EditToWhitespace(char *p_pszEdit, int width)
int iI; /* work integer */
int iPos; /* work integer for settings tab stops */
char pszLine[MAXLINE]; /* source line */
char pszWork[WORKSZ]; /* work buffer */
if (p_pszEdit == NULL) /* q. null request? */
return WMSG; /* a. yes .. return display message */
strncpy(pszLine, p_pszEdit, MAXLINE-1); /* copy the line local */
if (width == 0) width = 8; /* default */
if ((width != giPlainTabWidth) && (width > 1) && (width < 30)) {
giPlainTabWidth = width; /* if width is different, and valid, rebuild tabstop array */
iI = 0; /* output index */
iPos = width + 1; /* first tab position */
while (iPos < 80) { /* fill array up to but not including position 80 */
gaiPlainTabs[iI++] = iPos;
iPos += width;
gaiPlainTabs[iI] = 0; /* mark end of array */
ExpandTabs(pszLine, pszWork, gaiPlainTabs); /* expand the tabs */
strncpy(gszOutput, pszWork, MAXLINE-1); /* copy the line back */
for (iI = strlen(gszOutput); iI--;) /* look at each character */
if (*(gszOutput + iI) <= ' ') /* q. space or less? */
*(gszOutput + iI) = 0; /* a. yes .. remove it */
else /* otherwise */
break; /* .. done. Leave loop. */
return gszOutput; /* ... return buffer */