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To: Users
From: Bob Supnik
Subj: LGP Simulator Usage
Date: 15-Feb-2004
The following copyright notice applies to both the SIMH source and binary:
Original code published in 1993-2004, written by Robert M Supnik
Copyright (c) 1993-2004, Robert M Supnik
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
Except as contained in this notice, the name of Robert M Supnik shall not be
used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings
in this Software without prior written authorization from Robert M Supnik.
This memorandum documents the GRI-909 simulator.
1. Simulator Files
sim/ scp.h
sim/gri/ lgp_defs.h
2. LGP Features
The LGP is configured as follows:
device simulates
CPU LGP-30 or LGP-21 CPU with 4096 words of memory
TTI Typewriter input (keyboard and reader)
TTO Typewriter output (printer and punch)
PTR high-speed paper tape reader
PTP high-speed paper tape punch
The LGP simulator implements the following unique stop conditions:
- LGP-30 only: arithmetic overflow
- LGP-21 only: reference to undefined I/O device.
The LOAD and DUMP commands are not implemented.
2.1 CPU
The CPU implements either the LGP-30 or the LGP-21:
SET CPU LGP30 set LGP-30
SET CPU LGP21 set LGP-21
The default is the LGP-30. Memory size is fixed at 4096 words.
The following commands implement various front panel functions:
D A value equivalent to the MANUAL INPUT button
SET CPU FILL{=value} equivalent to the FILL INSTRUCTION button;
if no value is given, fills IR from A;
otherwise, fills IR from the specified value
SET CPU EXEC{=value} equivalent to the EXECUTE button;
if no value is given, executes the instruction
in IR; otherwise, executes the instruction
specified by the value
SET CPU MANUAL equivalent to setting the MANUAL INPUT switch
on the Typewriter; Typewriter input is taken
from the keyboard
SET CPU TAPE equivalent to clearing the MANUAL INPUT switch
on the Typewriter; TYpewriter input is taken
from the Typewriter paper tape reader
The following commands control the display of information:
SET CPU LGPHEX numeric displays use LGP hexadecimal encoding
SET CPU STANDARD numeric displays use standard hexadecimal
SET CPU TRACK symbolic addresses are ttss, where tt = track
(0-63) and ss = sector (0-63)
SET CPU NORMAL symbolic addresses are normal linear addresses,
from 0 to 4095.
The defaults are STANDARD hex and TRACK addresses.
The LGP-30 implements the following additional commands:
SET CPU 4B sets the CPU to 4-bit input mode
SET CPU 6B sets the CPU to 6-bit input mode
SET CPU INPUT=TTI sets the CPU to read from the Typewriter
SET CPU INPUT=PTR sets the CPU to read from the high-speed reader
SET CPU OUTPUT=TTO sets the CPU to output to the Typewriter
SET CPU OUTPUT=PTP sets the CPU to output to the high-speed punch
The defaults are TAPE input, 4B input mode, input and output assigned to the
CPU registers include the visible state of the processor as well as the
control registers for the interrupt system.
name size comments
PC 12 counter
A 32 accumulator
IR 32 instruction register
OVF 1 overflow flag (LGP-21 only)
TSW 1 transfer switch
BP32 1 breakpoint 32 switch
BP16 1 breakpoint 16 switch
BP8 1 breakpoint 8 switch
BP4 1 breakpoint 4 switch
INPST 1 input pending flag
INPDN 1 input done flag
OUTST 1 output pending flag
OUTDN 1 output done flag
WRU 8 interrupt character
2.2 Typewriter Input (TTI)
The Typewriter input consists of two units: the keyboard (unit 0) and
the paper-tape reader (unit 1). The keyboard is permanently associated
with the console window. The paper-tape reader can be attached to a
disk file. The RPOS register specifies the number of the next data item
to be read. Thus, by changing RPOS, the user can backspace or advance
the reader.
The Typewriter input has the following options:
SET TTI1 ASCII default tape file format is ASCII-encoded
SET TTI1 FLEX default tape file format is transposed Flex
SET TTI1 CSTOP reader recognizes conditional stop
SET TTI1 NOCSTOP reader ignores conditional stop
SET TTI RSTART start the reader; equivalent to the
SET TTI RSTOP stop the reader; equivalent to the
SET TTI START send START signal to the CPU; equivalent
to the START COMPUTE lever
Transposed Flex has the tape channels in this order: 6-1-2-3-4-5.
The ATTACH command recognizes two switches:
ATT -A TTI1 file file format is ASCII-encoded Flex
ATT -F TTI1 file file format is transposed Flex
The Typewriter input implements these registers:
name size comments
BUF 6 data buffer
RDY 1 data ready flag
KPOS 32 count of keyboard characters
RPOS 32 position in the reader input file
TIME 24 time between keyboard polls/reader characters
STOP_IOE 1 stop on I/O error
Error handling for the Typewriter paper-tape reader is as follows:
error STOP_IOE processed as
not attached 1 report error and stop
0 out of tape
end of file 1 report error and stop
0 out of tape
OS I/O error x report error and stop
2.3 Typewriter Output (TTO)
The Typewriter output consists of two units: the printer (unit 0) and
the paper-tape punch (unit 1). The printer is permanently associated
with the console window. The paper-tape punch can be attached to a
disk file. The PPOS register specifies the number of the next data item
to be written. Thus, by changing PPOS, the user can backspace or advance
the reader.
The Typewriter output has the following options:
SET TTO1 ASCII default tape file format is ASCII-encoded
SET TTO1 FLEX default tape file format is transposed Flex
SET TTO1 FEED=n punch 'n' feed (0) characters
Transposed Flex has the tape channels in this order: 6-1-2-3-4-5. The
default is ASCII-encoded Flex.
The ATTACH command recognizes two switches:
ATT -A TTO1 file file format is ASCII-encoded Flex
ATT -F TTO1 file file format is transposed Flex
The Typewriter output implements these registers:
name size comments
BUF 6 data buffer
UC 1 upper case flag
TPOS 32 count of output characters
PPOS 32 position in the punch output file
TIME 24 time from I/O initiation to completion
STOP_IOE 1 stop on I/O error
Error handling is as follows:
error STOP_IOE processed as
not attached 1 report error and stop
0 out of tape
OS I/O error x report error and stop
2.4 High Speed Paper-Tape Reader (PTR)
The paper tape reader (PTR) reads data from or a disk file. The POS
register specifies the number of the next data item to be read.
Thus, by changing POS, the user can backspace or advance the reader.
The paper-tape reader has the following options:
SET PTR ASCII default tape file format is ASCII-encoded
SET PTR FLEX default tape file format is transposed Flex
Transposed Flex has the tape channels in this order: 6-1-2-3-4-5. The
default is ASCII-encoded Flex.
The ATTACH command recognizes two switches:
ATT -A PTR file file format is ASCII-encoded Flex
ATT -F PTR file file format is transposed Flex
The paper tape reader implements these registers:
name size comments
BUF t last data item processed
RDY 1 data ready flag
POS 32 position in the input file
TIME 24 time from I/O initiation to completion
STOP_IOE 1 stop on I/O error
Error handling is as follows:
error STOP_IOE processed as
not attached 1 report error and stop
0 out of tape
end of file 1 report error and stop
0 out of tape
OS I/O error x report error and stop
2.5 High Speed Paper-Tape Punch (PTP)
The paper tape punch (PTP) writes data to a disk file. The POS
register specifies the number of the next data item to be written.
Thus, by changing POS, the user can backspace or advance the punch.
The paper tape punch has the following options:
SET PTP ASCII default tape file format is ASCII-encoded
SET PTP FLEX default tape file format is transposed Flex
SET PTP FEED=n punch 'n' feed (0) characters
Transposed Flex has the tape channels in this order: 6-1-2-3-4-5. The
default is ASCII-encoded Flex.
The ATTACH command recognizes two switches:
ATT -A PTP file file format is ASCII-encoded Flex
ATT -F PTP file file format is transposed Flex
The paper tape punch implements these registers:
name size comments
BUF 6 last data item processed
POS 32 position in the output file
TIME 24 time from I/O initiation to completion
STOP_IOE 1 stop on I/O error
Error handling is as follows:
error STOP_IOE processed as
not attached 1 report error and stop
0 out of tape
OS I/O error x report error and stop
2.6 Symbolic Display and Input
The LGP simulator implements symbolic display and input. Display is
controlled by command line switches:
-a display as character (tape files only)
-h display as standard hexadecimal
-l display as LGP hexadecimal
-m display instruction mnemonics
-n display addresses in normal format
(overrides SET CPU TRACK)
-t display addresses as track/sector
(overrides SET CPU NORMAL)
Input parsing is controlled by the first character typed in or by command
line switches:
' or -a Flex character
- or opcode instruction mnemonic
numeric hexadecimal number
LGP hexadecimal differs from standard hexadecimal in the characters used
for digits 10-15
digit standard hex LPG hex
10 A F
11 B G
12 C J
13 D K
14 E Q
15 F W
There is only instruction format:
{-}op address
'op' is always a single letter. A track/sector address (specified by
SET CPU TRACK or switch -t) is two decimal numbers between 0 and 63,
representing the track and sector. A linear address (specified by
SET CPU NORMAL or switch -n) is one decimal number between 0 and 4095.
For example:
sim> d -n 64 10640
sim> ex -mn 64
64: B 400
sim> ex -mt 100
0100: B 0616
2.7 Character Set
The LGP Typewriter was a Friden Flexowriter. Input was always upper case;
output could be either upper case or lower case. The following table provides
equivalences between LPG Typewriter coding and ASCII.
Typewriter Input LC output UC output
code (hex)
00 illegal illegal illegal
01 z or Z z Z
02 0 or ) 0 )
03 space space space
04 illegal lower case lower case
05 b or B b B
06 1 or L 1 L
07 - or _ 0 _
10 illegal upper case upper case
11 y or Y y Y
12 2 or * 2 *
13 + or = + =
14 illegal color shift color shift
15 r or R r R
16 3 or " 3 "
17 ; or : ; :
20 newline newline newline
21 i or I i I
22 4 or ^ 4 ^
23 / or ? / ?
24 illegal backspace backspace
25 d or D d D
26 5 or % 5 %
27 . or ] . ]
30 tab tab tab
31 n or N n N
32 6 or $ 6 $
33 , or [ , [
34 illegal illegal illegal
35 m or M m M
36 7 or ~ 7 ~
37 v or V v V
40 ' (cond stop) ' '
41 p or P p P
42 8 or # 8 #
43 o or O o O
44 illegal illegal illegal
45 e or E e E
46 9 or ( 9 (
47 x or X x X
50 illegal illegal illegal
51 u or U u U
52 f or F f F
53 illegal illegal illegal
54 illegal illegal illegal
55 t or T t T
56 g or G g G
57 illegal illegal illegal
60 illegal illegal illegal
61 h or H h H
62 j or J j J
63 illegal illegal illegal
64 illegal illegal illegal
65 c or C c C
66 k or K k K
67 illegal illegal illegal
70 illegal illegal illegal
71 a or A a A
72 q or Q q Q
73 illegal illegal illegal
74 illegal illegal illegal
75 s or S s S
76 w or W w W
77 illegal illegal illegal
Certain characters on the Flexowriter keyboard don't exist in ASCII.
The following table provides ASCII substitution characters for the unique
Flexowriter characters (this is compatible with the coding in the LGP30
paper tape archive):
Typewriter Flex ASCII
UC 12 delta ^
UC 1E pi ~
UC 22 sigma #
Certain Flexowriter codes have no character equivalent of any kind.
For paper-tape reader and punch files, these are encoded as #dd, where
dd is a decimal number between 0 and 63.