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To: Users
From: Bob Supnik
Subj: H316 Simulator Usage
Date: 15-Nov-2004
The following copyright notice applies to both the SIMH source and binary:
Original code published in 1993-2004, written by Robert M Supnik
Copyright (c) 1993-2004, Robert M Supnik
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
Except as contained in this notice, the name of Robert M Supnik shall not be
used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings
in this Software without prior written authorization from Robert M Supnik.
This memorandum documents the Honeywell 316/516 simulator.
1. Simulator Files
The H316 requires the following files:
sim/ scp.h
sim/h316/ h316_defs.h
2. H316/H516 Features
The Honeywell 316/516 simulator is configured as follows:
device simulates
CPU H316/H516 CPU with 16/32KW memory
PTR 316/516-50 paper tape reader
PTP 316/516-52 paper tape punch
TTY 316/516-33 console terminal
CLK 316/516-12 real time clock
LPT 316/516 line printer
FHD 4400 fixed head disk
DP 4623/4653/4720 disk pack controller with eight drives
MT 4100 seven track magtape with four drives
The H316/H516 simulator implements several unique stop conditions:
- decode of an undefined instruction, and STOP_INST is et
- reference to an undefined I/O device, and STOP_DEV is set
- more than INDMAX indirect references are detected during
memory reference address decoding
- DMA/DMC direction does not agree with I/O device operation
- a write operation is initiated on a write locked magtape
unit (hangs the real system)
- a disk write overruns the specified record size (destroys
the rest of the track on the real system)
- a disk track has an illegal format
The H316/H516 loader is not implemented.
2.1 CPU
CPU options include choice of instruction set, memory size, DMC option,
and number of DMA channels.
SET CPU HSA high speed arithmetic instructions
SET CPU NOHSA no high speed arithmetic instructions
SET CPU 4K set memory size = 4K
SET CPU 8K set memory size = 8K
SET CPU 12K set memory size = 12K
SET CPU 16K set memory size = 16K
SET CPU 24K set memory size = 24K
SET CPU 32K set memory size = 32K
SET CPU DMC enable DMC option
SET CPU NODMC disable DMC option
SET CPU DMA=n set number of DMA channels to n (0-4)
If memory size is being reduced, and the memory being truncated contains
non-zero data, the simulator asks for confirmation. Data in the truncated
portion of memory is lost. Initial memory size is 32K. The HSA and DMC
options are enabled, and four DMA channels are configured.
The CPU includes special show commands to display the state of the DMA
SHOW CPU DMAn show DMA channel n
CPU registers include the visible state of the processor as well as the
control registers for the interrupt system.
name size comments
P 15 program counter
A 16 A register
B 16 B register
X 16 index register
SC 16 shift count
C 1 carry flag
EXT 1 extend flag
PME 1 previous mode extend flag
EXT_OFF 1 extend off pending flag
DP 1 double precision flag
SS1..4 1 sense switches 1..4
ION 1 interrupts enabled
INODEF 1 interrupts not deferred
INTREQ 16 interrupt requests
DEVRDY 16 device ready flags (read only)
DEVENB 16 device interrupt enable flags (read only)
CHREQ 20 DMA/DMC channel requests
DMAAD[0:3] 16 DMA channel current address, channels 1-4
DMAWC[0:3] 15 DMA channel word count, channels 1-4
DMAEOR[0:3] 1 DMA end of range flag, channels 1-4
STOP_INST 1 stop on undefined instruction
STOP_DEV 1 stop on undefined device
INDMAX 1 indirect address limit
PCQ[0:63] 15 PC prior to last JMP, JSB, or interrupt;
most recent PC change first
WRU 8 interrupt character
The CPU can maintain a history of the most recently executed instructions.
This is controlled by the SET CPU HISTORY and SHOW CPU HISTORY commands:
SET CPU HISTORY clear history buffer
SET CPU HISTORY=0 disable history
SET CPU HISTORY=n enable history, length = n
SHOW CPU HISTORY print CPU history
SHOW CPU HISTORY=n print first n entries of CPU history
The maximum length for the history is 65536 entries.
2.2 Programmed I/O Devices
2.2.1 316/516-50 Paper Tape Reader (PTR)
The paper tape reader (PTR) reads data from a disk file. The POS
register specifies the number of the next data item to be read.
Thus, by changing POS, the user can backspace or advance the reader.
The paper tape reader can bet set to operate in binary, ASCII, or
Unix ASCII mode:
sim> set ptr binary -- binary mode
sim> set ptr ascii -- ASCII mode
sim> set ptr uascii -- Unix ASCII mode
The mode can also be set by a switch setting in the attach command:
sim> att -b ptr <file> -- binary mode
sim> att -a ptr <file> -- ASCII mode
sim> att -u ptr <file> -- Unix ASCII mode
In ASCII or Unix ASCII mode, all non-zero characters have the high
order bit forced on. In Unix ASCII mode, newline is converted to
CR, and LF in inserted as the following character.
The paper tape reader supports the BOOT command. BOOT PTR copies the
absolute binary loader into memory and starts it running.
The paper tape reader implements these registers:
name size comments
BUF 8 last data item processed
INTREQ 1 device interrupt request
READY 1 device ready
ENABLE 1 device interrupts enabled
POS 32 position in the input or output file
TIME 24 time from I/O initiation to interrupt
STOP_IOE 1 stop on I/O error
Error handling is as follows:
error STOP_IOE processed as
not attached 1 report error and stop
0 out of tape
end of file 1 report error and stop
0 out of tape or paper
OS I/O error x report error and stop
2.2.2 316/516-52 Paper Tape Punch (PTP)
The paper tape punch (PTP) writes data to a disk file. The POS
register specifies the number of the next data item to be written.
Thus, by changing POS, the user can backspace or advance the punch.
The paper tape punch can bet set to operate in binary, ASCII, or
Unix ASCII mode:
sim> set ptp binary -- binary mode
sim> set ptp ascii -- ASCII mode
sim> set ptp uascii -- Unix ASCII mode
The mode can also be set by a switch setting in the attach command:
sim> att -b ptp <file> -- binary mode
sim> att -a ptp <file> -- ASCII mode
sim> att -u ptp <file> -- Unix ASCII mode
In ASCII or Unix ASCII mode, all characters are masked to 7b
before being written to the output file. In Unix ASCII mode, LF
is converted to newline, and CR is discarded.
The paper tape punch implements these registers:
name size comments
BUF 8 last data item processed
INTREQ 1 device interrupt request
READY 1 device ready
ENABLE 1 device interrupts enabled
POWER 1 device powered up
POS 32 position in the input or output file
TIME 24 time from I/O initiation to interrupt
PWRTIME 24 time from I/O request to power up
STOP_IOE 1 stop on I/O error
Error handling is as follows:
error STOP_IOE processed as
not attached 1 report error and stop
0 out of tape
OS I/O error x report error and stop
2.2.3 316/516-33 Console Teletype (TTY)
The console Teletype (TTY) consists of four separate units:
TTY0 keyboard
TTY1 printer
TTY2 paper tape reader
TTY3 paper tape punch
The keyboard and printer (TTY0, TTY1) can be set to one of three modes:
KSR, 7B, or 8B. In KSR mode, lower case input and output characters
are automatically converted to upper case, and the high order bit is
forced to one on input. In 7B mode, input and output characters are
masked to 7 bits. In 8B mode, characters are not modified. Changing
the mode of either unit changes both. The default mode is KSR. The
Teletype keyboard reads from the console keyboard, and the printer
prites to the simulator console window.
The paper tape reader (TTY2) can bet set to operate in binary, ASCII, or
Unix ASCII mode:
sim> set tty2 binary -- binary mode
sim> set tty2 ascii -- ASCII mode
sim> set tty2 uascii -- Unix ASCII mode
The mode can also be set by a switch setting in the attach command:
sim> att -b tty2 <file> -- binary mode
sim> att -a tty2 <file> -- ASCII mode
sim> att -u tty2 <file> -- Unix ASCII mode
In ASCII or Unix ASCII mode, all non-zero characters have the high
order bit forced on. In Unix ASCII mode, newline is converted to
CR, and LF in inserted as the following character.
The paper tape reader is started by program output of XON or by
the command SET TTY2 START. The paper tape reader is stopped by
reader input of XOFF or by the command SET TTY2 STOP.
The paper tape punch (TTY3) can bet set to operate in binary, ASCII, or
Unix ASCII mode:
sim> set tty3 binary -- binary mode
sim> set tty3 ascii -- ASCII mode
sim> set tty3 uascii -- Unix ASCII mode
The mode can also be set by a switch setting in the attach command:
sim> att -b tty3 <file> -- binary mode
sim> att -a tty3 <file> -- ASCII mode
sim> att -u tty3 <file> -- Unix ASCII mode
In ASCII or Unix ASCII mode, all characters are masked to 7b
before being written to the output file. In Unix ASCII mode, LF
is converted to newline, and CR is discarded.
The paper tape punch is started by program output of TAPE or by
the command SET TTY3 START. The paper tape punch is stopped by
program output of XOFF or by the command SET TTY3 STOP.
It implements these registers:
name size comments
BUF 8 last data item processed
MODE 1 read/write mode
INTREQ 1 device interrupt request
READY 1 device ready
ENABLE 1 device interrupts enabled
KPOS 32 number of keyboard characters input
KTIME 24 keyboard polling interval
TPOS 32 number of printer characters output
TTIME 24 time from I/O initiation to interrupt
RPOS 32 current reader character position
PPOS 32 current punch character position
2.2.4 316/516-12 Real Time Clock (CLK)
The real time clock (CLK) frequency can be adjusted as follows:
SET CLK 60HZ set frequency to 60Hz
SET CLK 50HZ set frequency to 50Hz
The default is 60Hz.
The clock implements these registers:
name size comments
INTREQ 1 device interrupt request
READY 1 device ready
ENABLE 1 device interrupts enabled
TIME 24 clock interval
The real-time clock autocalibrates; the clock interval is adjusted up or
down so that the clock tracks actual elapsed time.
2.3 316/516 Line Printer (LPT)
The line printer (LPT) writes data to a disk file. The POS register
specifies the number of the next data item to be written. Thus,
by changing POS, the user can backspace or advance the printer.
The line printer can be connected to the IO bus, a DMC channel, or
a DMA channel:
SET LPT IOBUS connect to IO bus
SET LPT DMC=n connect to DMC channel n (1-16)
SET LPT DMA=n connect to DMA channel n (1-4)
By default, the line printer is connected to the IO bus.
The line printer implements these registers:
name size comments
WDPOS 6 word position in current scan
DRPOS 6 drum position
CRPOS 1 carriage position
PRDN 1 print done flag
RDY 1 ready flag
EOR 1 (DMA/DMC) end of range flag
DMA 1 transfer using DMA/DMC
INTREQ 1 device interrupt request
ENABLE 1 device interrupt enable
SVCST 2 service state
SVCCH 2 service channel
BUF 8 buffer
POS 32 number of characters output
XTIME 24 delay between transfers
ETIME 24 delay at end of scan
PTIME 24 delay for shuttle/line advance
STOP_IOE 1 stop on I/O error
Error handling is as follows:
error STOP_IOE processed as
not attached 1 report error and stop
0 out of paper
OS I/O error x report error and stop
2.4 4400 Fixed Head Disk (FHD)
Fixed head disk options include the ability to set the number of
surfaces to a fixed value between 1 and 16, or to autosize the number
of surfaces from the attached file:
SET FHD 1S one surface (98K)
SET FHD 2S two platters (196K)
SET FHD 16S sixteen surfaces (1568K)
SET FHD AUTOSIZE autosized on attach
The default is one surface.
The fixed head disk can be connected to the IO bus, a DMC channel, or
a DMA channel:
SET FHD IOBUS connect to IO bus
SET FHD DMC=n connect to DMC channel n (1-16)
SET FHD DMA=n connect to DMA channel n (1-4)
By default, the fixed head disk is connected to the IO bus.
The fixed head disk implements these registers:
name size comments
CW1 16 control word 1 (read write, surface, track)
CW2 16 control word 2 (character address)
BUF 16 data buffer
BUSY 1 controller busy flag
RDY 1 transfer ready flag
DTE 1 data transfer error flag
ACE 1 access error flag
EOR 1 (DMA/DMC) end of range
DMA 1 transfer using DMA/DMC
CSUM 1 transfer parity checksum
INTREQ 1 device interrupt request
ENABLE 1 device interrupt enable
TIME 24 delay between words
STOP_IOE 1 stop on I/O error
The fixed head disk does not support the BOOT command.
Error handling is as follows:
error STOP_IOE processed as
not attached 1 report error and stop
0 disk not ready
Fixed head disk data files are buffered in memory; therefore, end of file
and OS I/O errors cannot occur.
2.5 4100 7-track Magnetic Tape (MT)
Magnetic tape options include the ability to make units write enabled or
or write locked.
SET MTn LOCKED set unit n write locked
SET MTn WRITEENABLED set unit n write enabled
Units can also be set ENABLED or DISABLED.
The magtape controller can be connected to the IO bus, a DMC channel, or
a DMA channel:
SET MT IOBUS connect to IO bus
SET MT DMC=n connect to DMC channel n (1-16)
SET MT DMA=n connect to DMA channel n (1-4)
By default, the magtape controller is connected to the IO bus.
The magnetic tape controller implements these registers:
name size comments
BUF 16 data buffer
USEL 2 unit select
BUSY 1 controller busy flag
RDY 1 transfer ready flag
ERR 1 error flag
EOF 1 end of file flag
EOR 1 (DMA/DMC) end of range
DMA 1 transfer using DMA/DMC
MDIRQ 1 motion done interrupt request
INTREQ 1 device interrupt request
ENABLE 1 device interrupt enable
DBUF[0:65535] 8 transfer buffer
BPTR 17 transfer buffer pointer
BMAX 17 transfer size (reads)
CTIME 24 start/stop time
XTIME 24 delay between words
POS[0:3] 32 position, units 0-3
STOP_IOE 1 stop on I/O error
Error handling is as follows:
error processed as
not attached tape not ready; if STOP_IOE, stop
end of file bad tape
OS I/O error parity error; if STOP_IOE, stop
2.6 4623/4651/4720 Disk Packs (DP)
The disk controller can be configured as a 4623, supporting 10 surface
disk packs; a 4651, supporting 2 surface disk packs; or a 4720, supporting
20 surface disk packs:
SET DP 4623 controller is 4623
SET DP 4651 controller is 4651
SET DP 4720 controller is 4720
The default is 4651. All disk packs on the controller must be of the
same type. Units can be set ENABLED or DISABLED, and WRITEENABLED or
write LOCKED.
The disk pack controller can be connected to a DMC channel or a DMA
channel; it cannot be connected to the IO bus:
SET DP DMC=n connect to DMC channel n (1-16)
SET DP DMA=n connect to DMA channel n (1-4)
The disk pack controller supports variable track formatting. Each track
can contain between 1 and 103 records, with a minimum size of 1 word and
a maximum size of 1893 words. Record addresses are unconstrained. The
simulator provides a command to perform a simple, fixed record size format
of a new disk:
SET DPn FORMAT=k format unit n with k words per record
SET -R DPn FORMAT=k format unit n with k records per track
Record addresses can either be geometric (cylinder/track/sector) or simple
sequential starting from 0:
SET DPn FORMAT=k format with geometric record addresses
SET -S DPn FORMAT=k format with sequential record addresses
Geometric address have the cylinder number in bits<1:8>, the head number in
bits<9:13>, and the sector number in bits <14:16>.
A summary of the current format, and its validity, can be obtained with
the command:
SHOW DPn FORMAT display format of unit n
To accomodate the variable formatting, each track is allocated 2048 words
in the data file. A record consists of a three word header, the data, and
a five word trailer:
word 0 record length in words, not including header/trailer
word 1 record address
word 2 number of extension words used (0-4)
word 3 start of data record
word 3+n-1 end of data record
word 3+n..7+n record trailer: up to four extension words,
plus checksum
A record can "grow" by up to four words without disrupting the track formatting;
writing more than four extra words destroys the formatting of the rest of the
track and causes a simulator error.
The disk pack controller implements these registers:
name size comments
STA 16 status
BUF 16 data buffer
FNC 4 controller function
CW1 16 command word 1
CW2 16 command word 2
CSUM 16 record checksum
BUSY 1 controller busy
RDY 1 transfer ready
EOR 1 (DMA/DMC) end of range
DEFINT 1 seek deferred interrupt pending
INTREQ 1 interrupt request
ENABLE 1 interrupt enable
TBUF[0:2047] 16 track buffer
RPTR 11 pointer to start of record in track buffer
WPTR 11 pointer to current word in record
BCTR 15 bit counter for formatting
STIME 24 seek time, per cylinder
XTIME 24 transfer time, per word
BTIME 24 controller busy time
Error handling is as follows:
error processed as
not attached pack off line; if STOP_IOE, stop
end of file ignored
OS I/O error data error; if STOP_IOE, stop
2.7 Symbolic Display and Input
The H316/H516 simulator implements symbolic display and input. Display is
controlled by command line switches:
-a display as ASCII character
-c display as two character string
-m display instruction mnemonics
Input parsing is controlled by the first character typed in or by command
line switches:
' or -a ASCII character
" or -c two character sixbit string
alphabetic instruction mnemonic
numeric octal number
Instruction input uses standard H316/H516 assembler syntax. There are six
instruction classes: memory reference, I/O, control, shift, skip, and
Memory reference instructions have the format
memref{*} {C/Z} address{,1}
where * signifies indirect, C a current sector reference, Z a sector zero
reference, and 1 indexed. The address is an octal number in the range 0 -
077777; if C or Z is specified, the address is a page offset in the range
0 - 0777. Normally, C is not needed; the simulator figures out from the
address what mode to use. However, when referencing memory outside the CPU,
there is no valid PC, and C must be used to specify current sector addressing.
I/O instructions have the format
io pulse+device
The pulse+device is an octal number in the range 0 - 01777.
Control and operate instructions consist of a single opcode
Shift instructions have the format
shift n
where n is an octal number in the range 0-77.
Skip instructions have the format
sub-op sub-op sub-op...
The simulator checks that the combination of sub-opcodes is legal.