blob: 7b9f379a132a9d66c4e87d4347e68541f5b32d6d [file] [log] [blame] [raw]
/* pdp1_dt.c: 18b DECtape simulator
Copyright (c) 1993-2003, Robert M Supnik
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
Except as contained in this notice, the name of Robert M Supnik shall not
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in this Software without prior written authorization from Robert M Supnik.
dt Type 550/555 DECtape
26-Oct-03 RMS Cleaned up buffer copy code
18-Oct-03 RMS Added DECtape off reel message, simplified timing
25-Apr-03 RMS Revised for extended file support
14-Mar-03 RMS Fixed variable size interaction with save/restore
17-Oct-02 RMS Fixed bug in end of reel logic
06-Oct-02 RMS Added device disable support
13-Aug-02 RMS Cloned from pdp18b_dt.c
18b DECtapes are represented in memory by fixed length buffer of 32b words.
Three file formats are supported:
18b/36b 256 words per block [256 x 18b]
16b 256 words per block [256 x 16b]
12b 129 words per block [129 x 12b]
When a 16b or 12b DECtape file is read in, it is converted to 18b/36b format.
DECtape motion is measured in 3b lines. Time between lines is 33.33us.
Tape density is nominally 300 lines per inch. The format of a DECtape (as
taken from the TD8E formatter) is:
reverse end zone 8192 reverse end zone codes ~ 10 feet
reverse buffer 200 interblock codes
block 0
block n
forward buffer 200 interblock codes
forward end zone 8192 forward end zone codes ~ 10 feet
A block consists of five 18b header words, a tape-specific number of data
words, and five 18b trailer words. All systems except the PDP-8 use a
standard block length of 256 words; the PDP-8 uses a standard block length
of 86 words (x 18b = 129 words x 12b). [A PDP-1/4/7 DECtape has only four 18b
header words; for consistency, the PDP-1/4/7 uses the same format as the PDP-9/15
but skips the missing header words.]
Because a DECtape file only contains data, the simulator cannot support
write timing and mark track and can only do a limited implementation
of read all and write all. Read all assumes that the tape has been
conventionally written forward:
header word 0 0
header word 1 block number (for forward reads)
header words 2,3 0
header word 4 checksum (for reverse reads)
trailer word 4 checksum (for forward reads)
trailer words 3,2 0
trailer word 1 block number (for reverse reads)
trailer word 0 0
Write all writes only the data words and dumps the interblock words in the
bit bucket.
The Type 550 controller has a 4b unit select field, for units 1-8; the TC02
has a 3b unit select field, with unit 8 being represented as 0. The code
assumes that the GETUNIT macro returns a unit number in the range of 0-7,
with 8 represented as 0, and an invalid unit as -1.
#include "pdp1_defs.h"
#define DT_NUMDR 8 /* #drives */
#define UNIT_V_WLK (UNIT_V_UF + 0) /* write locked */
#define UNIT_V_8FMT (UNIT_V_UF + 1) /* 12b format */
#define UNIT_V_11FMT (UNIT_V_UF + 2) /* 16b format */
#define UNIT_WLK (1 << UNIT_V_WLK)
#define UNIT_8FMT (1 << UNIT_V_8FMT)
#define UNIT_11FMT (1 << UNIT_V_11FMT)
#define STATE u3 /* unit state */
#define LASTT u4 /* last time update */
#define DT_WC 030 /* word count */
#define DT_CA 031 /* current addr */
#define UNIT_WPRT (UNIT_WLK | UNIT_RO) /* write protect */
/* System independent DECtape constants */
#define DT_LPERMC 6 /* lines per mark track */
#define DT_BLKWD 1 /* blk no word in h/t */
#define DT_CSMWD 4 /* checksum word in h/t */
#define DT_HTWRD 5 /* header/trailer words */
#define DT_EZLIN (8192 * DT_LPERMC) /* end zone length */
#define DT_BFLIN (200 * DT_LPERMC) /* buffer length */
#define DT_BLKLN (DT_BLKWD * DT_LPERMC) /* blk no line in h/t */
#define DT_CSMLN (DT_CSMWD * DT_LPERMC) /* csum line in h/t */
#define DT_HTLIN (DT_HTWRD * DT_LPERMC) /* header/trailer lines */
/* 16b, 18b, 36b DECtape constants */
#define D18_WSIZE 6 /* word size in lines */
#define D18_BSIZE 256 /* block size in 18b */
#define D18_TSIZE 578 /* tape size */
#define D18_FWDEZ (DT_EZLIN + (D18_LPERB * D18_TSIZE))
#define D18_CAPAC (D18_TSIZE * D18_BSIZE) /* tape capacity */
#define D11_FILSIZ (D18_CAPAC * sizeof (int16))
/* 12b DECtape constants */
#define D8_WSIZE 4 /* word size in lines */
#define D8_BSIZE 86 /* block size in 18b */
#define D8_TSIZE 1474 /* tape size */
#define D8_FWDEZ (DT_EZLIN + (D8_LPERB * D8_TSIZE))
#define D8_CAPAC (D8_TSIZE * D8_BSIZE) /* tape capacity */
#define D8_NBSIZE ((D8_BSIZE * D18_WSIZE) / D8_WSIZE)
#define D8_FILSIZ (D8_NBSIZE * D8_TSIZE * sizeof (int16))
/* This controller */
#define DT_CAPAC D18_CAPAC /* default */
#define DT_WSIZE D18_WSIZE
/* Calculated constants, per unit */
#define DTU_BSIZE(u) (((u)->flags & UNIT_8FMT)? D8_BSIZE: D18_BSIZE)
#define DTU_TSIZE(u) (((u)->flags & UNIT_8FMT)? D8_TSIZE: D18_TSIZE)
#define DTU_LPERB(u) (((u)->flags & UNIT_8FMT)? D8_LPERB: D18_LPERB)
#define DTU_FWDEZ(u) (((u)->flags & UNIT_8FMT)? D8_FWDEZ: D18_FWDEZ)
#define DTU_CAPAC(u) (((u)->flags & UNIT_8FMT)? D8_CAPAC: D18_CAPAC)
#define DT_LIN2BL(p,u) (((p) - DT_EZLIN) / DTU_LPERB (u))
#define DT_LIN2OF(p,u) (((p) - DT_EZLIN) % DTU_LPERB (u))
#define DT_LIN2WD(p,u) ((DT_LIN2OF (p,u) - DT_HTLIN) / DT_WSIZE)
#define DT_BLK2LN(p,u) (((p) * DTU_LPERB (u)) + DT_EZLIN)
#define DT_QREZ(u) (((u)->pos) < DT_EZLIN)
#define DT_QFEZ(u) (((u)->pos) >= ((uint32) DTU_FWDEZ (u)))
#define DT_QEZ(u) (DT_QREZ (u) || DT_QFEZ (u))
/* Status register A */
#define DTA_V_UNIT 12 /* unit select */
#define DTA_M_UNIT 017
#define DTA_V_MOT 4 /* motion */
#define DTA_M_MOT 03
#define DTA_V_FNC 0 /* function */
#define DTA_M_FNC 07
#define FNC_MOVE 00 /* move */
#define FNC_SRCH 01 /* search */
#define FNC_READ 02 /* read */
#define FNC_WRIT 03 /* write */
#define FNC_RALL 05 /* read all */
#define FNC_WALL 06 /* write all */
#define FNC_WMRK 07 /* write timing */
#define DTA_STSTP (1u << (DTA_V_MOT + 1))
#define DTA_FWDRV (1u << DTA_V_MOT)
#define DTA_MODE 0 /* not implemented */
#define DTA_RW 077
#define DTA_GETUNIT(x) map_unit[(((x) >> DTA_V_UNIT) & DTA_M_UNIT)]
#define DT_UPDINT if (dtsb & (DTB_DTF | DTB_BEF | DTB_ERF)) \
sbs = sbs | SB_RQ;
#define DTA_GETMOT(x) (((x) >> DTA_V_MOT) & DTA_M_MOT)
#define DTA_GETFNC(x) (((x) >> DTA_V_FNC) & DTA_M_FNC)
/* Status register B */
#define DTB_V_DTF 17 /* data flag */
#define DTB_V_BEF 16 /* block end flag */
#define DTB_V_ERF 15 /* error flag */
#define DTB_V_END 14 /* end of tape */
#define DTB_V_TIM 13 /* timing err */
#define DTB_V_REV 12 /* reverse */
#define DTB_V_GO 11 /* go */
#define DTB_V_MRK 10 /* mark trk err */
#define DTB_V_SEL 9 /* select err */
#define DTB_DTF (1u << DTB_V_DTF)
#define DTB_BEF (1u << DTB_V_BEF)
#define DTB_ERF (1u << DTB_V_ERF)
#define DTB_END (1u << DTB_V_END)
#define DTB_TIM (1u << DTB_V_TIM)
#define DTB_REV (1u << DTB_V_REV)
#define DTB_GO (1u << DTB_V_GO)
#define DTB_MRK (1u << DTB_V_MRK)
#define DTB_SEL (1u << DTB_V_SEL)
/* DECtape state */
#define DTS_V_MOT 3 /* motion */
#define DTS_M_MOT 07
#define DTS_STOP 0 /* stopped */
#define DTS_DECF 2 /* decel, fwd */
#define DTS_DECR 3 /* decel, rev */
#define DTS_ACCF 4 /* accel, fwd */
#define DTS_ACCR 5 /* accel, rev */
#define DTS_ATSF 6 /* @speed, fwd */
#define DTS_ATSR 7 /* @speed, rev */
#define DTS_DIR 01 /* dir mask */
#define DTS_V_FNC 0 /* function */
#define DTS_M_FNC 07
#define DTS_OFR 7 /* "off reel" */
#define DTS_GETMOT(x) (((x) >> DTS_V_MOT) & DTS_M_MOT)
#define DTS_GETFNC(x) (((x) >> DTS_V_FNC) & DTS_M_FNC)
#define DTS_V_2ND 6 /* next state */
#define DTS_V_3RD (DTS_V_2ND + DTS_V_2ND) /* next next */
#define DTS_STA(y,z) (((y) << DTS_V_MOT) | ((z) << DTS_V_FNC))
#define DTS_SETSTA(y,z) uptr->STATE = DTS_STA (y, z)
#define DTS_SET2ND(y,z) uptr->STATE = (uptr->STATE & 077) | \
((DTS_STA (y, z)) << DTS_V_2ND)
#define DTS_SET3RD(y,z) uptr->STATE = (uptr->STATE & 07777) | \
((DTS_STA (y, z)) << DTS_V_3RD)
#define DTS_NXTSTA(x) (x >> DTS_V_2ND)
/* Operation substates */
#define DTO_WCO 1 /* wc overflow */
#define DTO_SOB 2 /* start of block */
/* Logging */
#define LOG_MS 001 /* move, search */
#define LOG_RW 002 /* read, write */
#define LOG_RA 004 /* read all */
#define LOG_BL 010 /* block # lblk */
#define ABS(x) (((x) < 0)? (-(x)): (x))
extern int32 M[];
extern int32 sbs;
extern int32 stop_inst;
extern UNIT cpu_unit;
extern int32 sim_switches;
extern int32 sim_is_running;
int32 dtsa = 0; /* status A */
int32 dtsb = 0; /* status B */
int32 dtdb = 0; /* data buffer */
int32 dt_ltime = 12; /* interline time */
int32 dt_dctime = 40000; /* decel time */
int32 dt_substate = 0;
int32 dt_log = 0;
int32 dt_logblk = 0;
static const int32 map_unit[16] = { /* Type 550 unit map */
-1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,
0, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 };
t_stat dt_svc (UNIT *uptr);
t_stat dt_reset (DEVICE *dptr);
t_stat dt_attach (UNIT *uptr, char *cptr);
t_stat dt_detach (UNIT *uptr);
void dt_deselect (int32 oldf);
void dt_newsa (int32 newf);
void dt_newfnc (UNIT *uptr, int32 newsta);
t_bool dt_setpos (UNIT *uptr);
void dt_schedez (UNIT *uptr, int32 dir);
void dt_seterr (UNIT *uptr, int32 e);
int32 dt_comobv (int32 val);
int32 dt_csum (UNIT *uptr, int32 blk);
int32 dt_gethdr (UNIT *uptr, int32 blk, int32 relpos);
/* DT data structures
dt_dev DT device descriptor
dt_unit DT unit list
dt_reg DT register list
dt_mod DT modifier list
UNIT dt_unit[] = {
REG dt_reg[] = {
{ ORDATA (DTSA, dtsa, 18) },
{ ORDATA (DTSB, dtsb, 18) },
{ ORDATA (DTDB, dtdb, 18) },
{ FLDATA (DTF, dtsb, DTB_V_DTF) },
{ FLDATA (BEF, dtsb, DTB_V_BEF) },
{ FLDATA (ERF, dtsb, DTB_V_ERF) },
{ DRDATA (LTIME, dt_ltime, 31), REG_NZ },
{ DRDATA (DCTIME, dt_dctime, 31), REG_NZ },
{ ORDATA (SUBSTATE, dt_substate, 2) },
{ ORDATA (LOG, dt_log, 4), REG_HIDDEN },
{ DRDATA (LBLK, dt_logblk, 12), REG_HIDDEN },
{ URDATA (POS, dt_unit[0].pos, 10, T_ADDR_W, 0,
{ URDATA (STATT, dt_unit[0].STATE, 8, 18, 0,
{ URDATA (LASTT, dt_unit[0].LASTT, 10, 32, 0,
{ NULL } };
MTAB dt_mod[] = {
{ UNIT_WLK, 0, "write enabled", "WRITEENABLED", NULL },
{ UNIT_WLK, UNIT_WLK, "write locked", "LOCKED", NULL },
{ UNIT_8FMT + UNIT_11FMT, 0, "18b", NULL, NULL },
{ UNIT_8FMT + UNIT_11FMT, UNIT_11FMT, "16b", NULL, NULL },
{ 0 } };
DEVICE dt_dev = {
"DT", dt_unit, dt_reg, dt_mod,
DT_NUMDR, 8, 24, 1, 8, 18,
NULL, NULL, &dt_reset,
NULL, &dt_attach, &dt_detach,
int32 dt (int32 IR, int32 dev, int32 dat)
int32 pulse = (IR >> 6) & 037;
int32 fnc, mot, unum;
UNIT *uptr = NULL;
if (dt_dev.flags & DEV_DIS) /* disabled? */
return (stop_inst << IOT_V_REASON) | dat; /* stop if requested */
unum = DTA_GETUNIT (dtsa); /* get unit no */
if (unum >= 0) uptr = dt_dev.units + unum; /* get unit */
if (pulse == 003) { /* MSE */
if ((dtsa ^ dat) & DTA_UNIT) dt_deselect (dtsa); /* new unit? */
dtsa = (dtsa & ~DTA_UNIT) | (dat & DTA_UNIT);
dtsb = dtsb & ~(DTB_DTF | DTB_BEF | DTB_ERF | DTB_ALLERR); }
if (pulse == 004) { /* MLC */
dtsa = (dtsa & ~DTA_RW) | (dat & DTA_RW); /* load dtsa */
dtsb = dtsb & ~(DTB_DTF | DTB_BEF | DTB_ERF | DTB_ALLERR);
fnc = DTA_GETFNC (dtsa); /* get fnc */
if ((uptr == NULL) || /* invalid? */
((uptr->flags) & UNIT_DIS) || /* disabled? */
(fnc >= FNC_WMRK) || /* write mark? */
((fnc == FNC_WRIT) && (uptr->flags & UNIT_WLK)) ||
((fnc == FNC_WALL) && (uptr->flags & UNIT_WLK)))
dt_seterr (uptr, DTB_SEL); /* select err */
else dt_newsa (dtsa); }
if (pulse == 005) { /* MRD */
dat = (dat & ~DMASK) | dtdb;
dtsb = dtsb & ~(DTB_DTF | DTB_BEF); }
if (pulse == 006) { /* MWR */
dtdb = dat & DMASK;
dtsb = dtsb & ~(DTB_DTF | DTB_BEF); }
if (pulse == 007) { /* MRS */
dtsb = dtsb & ~(DTB_REV | DTB_GO); /* clr rev, go */
if (uptr) { /* valid unit? */
mot = DTS_GETMOT (uptr->STATE); /* get motion */
if (mot & DTS_DIR) dtsb = dtsb | DTB_REV; /* rev? set */
if ((mot >= DTS_ACCF) || (uptr->STATE & 0777700))
dtsb = dtsb | DTB_GO; } /* accel? go */
dat = (dat & ~DMASK) | dtsb; }
return dat;
/* Unit deselect */
void dt_deselect (int32 oldf)
int32 old_unit, old_mot;
UNIT *uptr;
old_unit = DTA_GETUNIT (oldf); /* get unit no */
if (old_unit < 0) return; /* invalid? */
uptr = dt_dev.units + old_unit; /* get unit */
old_mot = DTS_GETMOT (uptr->STATE);
if (old_mot >= DTS_ATSF) /* at speed? */
dt_newfnc (uptr, DTS_STA (old_mot, DTS_OFR));
else if (old_mot >= DTS_ACCF) /* accelerating? */
/* Command register change
1. If change in motion, stop to start
- schedule acceleration
- set function as next state
2. If change in motion, start to stop
- if not already decelerating (could be reversing),
schedule deceleration
3. If change in direction,
- if not decelerating, schedule deceleration
- set accelerating (other dir) as next state
- set function as next next state
4. If not accelerating or at speed,
- schedule acceleration
- set function as next state
5. If not yet at speed,
- set function as next state
6. If at speed,
- set function as current state, schedule function
void dt_newsa (int32 newf)
int32 new_unit, prev_mot, new_fnc;
int32 prev_mving, new_mving, prev_dir, new_dir;
UNIT *uptr;
new_unit = DTA_GETUNIT (newf); /* new unit */
if (new_unit < 0) return; /* invalid? */
uptr = dt_dev.units + new_unit;
if ((uptr->flags & UNIT_ATT) == 0) { /* new unit attached? */
dt_seterr (uptr, DTB_SEL); /* no, error */
return; }
prev_mot = DTS_GETMOT (uptr->STATE); /* previous motion */
prev_mving = prev_mot != DTS_STOP; /* previous moving? */
prev_dir = prev_mot & DTS_DIR; /* previous dir? */
new_mving = (newf & DTA_STSTP) != 0; /* new moving? */
new_dir = (newf & DTA_FWDRV) != 0; /* new dir? */
new_fnc = DTA_GETFNC (newf); /* new function? */
if ((prev_mving | new_mving) == 0) return; /* stop to stop */
if (new_mving & ~prev_mving) { /* start? */
if (dt_setpos (uptr)) return; /* update pos */
sim_cancel (uptr); /* stop current */
sim_activate (uptr, dt_dctime - (dt_dctime >> 2)); /* sched accel */
DTS_SETSTA (DTS_ACCF | new_dir, 0); /* state = accel */
DTS_SET2ND (DTS_ATSF | new_dir, new_fnc); /* next = fnc */
return; }
if (prev_mving & ~new_mving) { /* stop? */
if ((prev_mot & ~DTS_DIR) != DTS_DECF) { /* !already stopping? */
if (dt_setpos (uptr)) return; /* update pos */
sim_cancel (uptr); /* stop current */
sim_activate (uptr, dt_dctime); } /* schedule decel */
DTS_SETSTA (DTS_DECF | prev_dir, 0); /* state = decel */
return; }
if (prev_dir ^ new_dir) { /* dir chg? */
if ((prev_mot & ~DTS_DIR) != DTS_DECF) { /* !already stopping? */
if (dt_setpos (uptr)) return; /* update pos */
sim_cancel (uptr); /* stop current */
sim_activate (uptr, dt_dctime); } /* schedule decel */
DTS_SETSTA (DTS_DECF | prev_dir, 0); /* state = decel */
DTS_SET2ND (DTS_ACCF | new_dir, 0); /* next = accel */
DTS_SET3RD (DTS_ATSF | new_dir, new_fnc); /* next next = fnc */
return; }
if (prev_mot < DTS_ACCF) { /* not accel/at speed? */
if (dt_setpos (uptr)) return; /* update pos */
sim_cancel (uptr); /* cancel cur */
sim_activate (uptr, dt_dctime - (dt_dctime >> 2)); /* sched accel */
DTS_SETSTA (DTS_ACCF | new_dir, 0); /* state = accel */
DTS_SET2ND (DTS_ATSF | new_dir, new_fnc); /* next = fnc */
return; }
if (prev_mot < DTS_ATSF) { /* not at speed? */
DTS_SET2ND (DTS_ATSF | new_dir, new_fnc); /* next = fnc */
return; }
dt_newfnc (uptr, DTS_STA (DTS_ATSF | new_dir, new_fnc));/* state = fnc */
/* Schedule new DECtape function
This routine is only called if
- the selected unit is attached
- the selected unit is at speed (forward or backward)
This routine
- updates the selected unit's position
- updates the selected unit's state
- schedules the new operation
void dt_newfnc (UNIT *uptr, int32 newsta)
int32 fnc, dir, blk, unum, newpos;
uint32 oldpos;
oldpos = uptr->pos; /* save old pos */
if (dt_setpos (uptr)) return; /* update pos */
uptr->STATE = newsta; /* update state */
fnc = DTS_GETFNC (uptr->STATE); /* set variables */
dir = DTS_GETMOT (uptr->STATE) & DTS_DIR;
unum = uptr - dt_dev.units;
if (oldpos == uptr->pos) /* bump pos */
uptr->pos = uptr->pos + (dir? -1: 1);
blk = DT_LIN2BL (uptr->pos, uptr);
if (dir? DT_QREZ (uptr): DT_QFEZ (uptr)) { /* wrong ez? */
dt_seterr (uptr, DTB_END); /* set ez flag, stop */
return; }
sim_cancel (uptr); /* cancel cur op */
dt_substate = DTO_SOB; /* substate = block start */
switch (fnc) { /* case function */
case DTS_OFR: /* off reel */
if (dir) newpos = -1000; /* rev? < start */
else newpos = DTU_FWDEZ (uptr) + DT_EZLIN + 1000; /* fwd? > end */
case FNC_MOVE: /* move */
dt_schedez (uptr, dir); /* sched end zone */
if (dt_log & LOG_MS) printf ("[DT%d: moving %s]\n", unum, (dir?
"backward": "forward"));
return; /* done */
case FNC_SRCH: /* search */
if (dir) newpos = DT_BLK2LN ((DT_QFEZ (uptr)?
DTU_TSIZE (uptr): blk), uptr) - DT_BLKLN - DT_WSIZE;
else newpos = DT_BLK2LN ((DT_QREZ (uptr)?
0: blk + 1), uptr) + DT_BLKLN + (DT_WSIZE - 1);
if (dt_log & LOG_MS) printf ("[DT%d: searching %s]\n", unum,
(dir? "backward": "forward"));
case FNC_WRIT: /* write */
case FNC_READ: /* read */
case FNC_RALL: /* read all */
case FNC_WALL: /* write all */
if (DT_QEZ (uptr)) { /* in "ok" end zone? */
if (dir) newpos = DTU_FWDEZ (uptr) - DT_WSIZE;
else newpos = DT_EZLIN + (DT_WSIZE - 1); }
else {
newpos = ((uptr->pos) / DT_WSIZE) * DT_WSIZE;
if (!dir) newpos = newpos + (DT_WSIZE - 1); }
if ((dt_log & LOG_RA) || ((dt_log & LOG_BL) && (blk == dt_logblk)))
printf ("[DT%d: read all block %d %s%s\n",
unum, blk, (dir? "backward": "forward"),
((dtsa & DTA_MODE)? " continuous]": "]"));
dt_seterr (uptr, DTB_SEL); /* bad state */
return; }
if ((fnc == FNC_WRIT) || (fnc == FNC_WALL)) { /* write function? */
dtsb = dtsb | DTB_DTF; /* set data flag */
sim_activate (uptr, ABS (newpos - ((int32) uptr->pos)) * dt_ltime);
/* Update DECtape position
DECtape motion is modeled as a constant velocity, with linear
acceleration and deceleration. The motion equations are as follows:
t = time since operation started
tmax = time for operation (accel, decel only)
v = at speed velocity in lines (= 1/dt_ltime)
at speed dist = t * v
accel dist = (t^2 * v) / (2 * tmax)
decel dist = (((2 * t * tmax) - t^2) * v) / (2 * tmax)
This routine uses the relative (integer) time, rather than the absolute
(floating point) time, to allow save and restore of the start times.
t_bool dt_setpos (UNIT *uptr)
uint32 new_time, ut, ulin, udelt;
int32 mot = DTS_GETMOT (uptr->STATE);
int32 unum, delta;
new_time = sim_grtime (); /* current time */
ut = new_time - uptr->LASTT; /* elapsed time */
if (ut == 0) return FALSE; /* no time gone? exit */
uptr->LASTT = new_time; /* update last time */
switch (mot & ~DTS_DIR) { /* case on motion */
case DTS_STOP: /* stop */
delta = 0;
case DTS_DECF: /* slowing */
ulin = ut / (uint32) dt_ltime;
udelt = dt_dctime / dt_ltime;
delta = ((ulin * udelt * 2) - (ulin * ulin)) / (2 * udelt);
case DTS_ACCF: /* accelerating */
ulin = ut / (uint32) dt_ltime;
udelt = (dt_dctime - (dt_dctime >> 2)) / dt_ltime;
delta = (ulin * ulin) / (2 * udelt);
case DTS_ATSF: /* at speed */
delta = ut / (uint32) dt_ltime;
break; }
if (mot & DTS_DIR) uptr->pos = uptr->pos - delta; /* update pos */
else uptr->pos = uptr->pos + delta;
if (((int32) uptr->pos < 0) ||
((int32) uptr->pos > (DTU_FWDEZ (uptr) + DT_EZLIN))) {
detach_unit (uptr); /* off reel? */
uptr->STATE = uptr->pos = 0;
unum = uptr - dt_dev.units;
if (unum == DTA_GETUNIT (dtsa)) /* if selected, */
dt_seterr (uptr, DTB_SEL); /* error */
return TRUE; }
return FALSE;
/* Unit service
Unit must be attached, detach cancels operation
t_stat dt_svc (UNIT *uptr)
int32 mot = DTS_GETMOT (uptr->STATE);
int32 dir = mot & DTS_DIR;
int32 fnc = DTS_GETFNC (uptr->STATE);
int32 *fbuf = uptr->filebuf;
int32 unum = uptr - dt_dev.units;
int32 blk, wrd, ma, relpos;
uint32 ba;
/* Motion cases
Decelerating - if next state != stopped, must be accel reverse
Accelerating - next state must be @speed, schedule function
At speed - do functional processing
switch (mot) {
case DTS_DECF: case DTS_DECR: /* decelerating */
if (dt_setpos (uptr)) return STOP_DTOFF; /* update pos */
uptr->STATE = DTS_NXTSTA (uptr->STATE); /* advance state */
if (uptr->STATE) /* not stopped? */
sim_activate (uptr, dt_dctime - (dt_dctime >> 2)); /* reversing */
return SCPE_OK;
case DTS_ACCF: case DTS_ACCR: /* accelerating */
dt_newfnc (uptr, DTS_NXTSTA (uptr->STATE)); /* adv state, sched */
return SCPE_OK;
case DTS_ATSF: case DTS_ATSR: /* at speed */
break; /* check function */
default: /* other */
dt_seterr (uptr, DTB_SEL); /* state error */
return SCPE_OK; }
/* Functional cases
Move - must be at end zone
Search - transfer block number, schedule next block
Off reel - detach unit (it must be deselected)
if (dt_setpos (uptr)) return STOP_DTOFF; /* update pos */
if (DT_QEZ (uptr)) { /* in end zone? */
dt_seterr (uptr, DTB_END); /* end zone error */
return SCPE_OK; }
blk = DT_LIN2BL (uptr->pos, uptr); /* get block # */
switch (fnc) { /* at speed, check fnc */
case FNC_MOVE: /* move */
dt_seterr (uptr, DTB_END); /* end zone error */
return SCPE_OK;
case DTS_OFR: /* off reel */
detach_unit (uptr); /* must be deselected */
uptr->STATE = uptr->pos = 0; /* no visible action */
/* Search */
case FNC_SRCH: /* search */
if (dtsb & DTB_DTF) { /* DTF set? */
dt_seterr (uptr, DTB_TIM); /* timing error */
return SCPE_OK; }
sim_activate (uptr, DTU_LPERB (uptr) * dt_ltime);/* sched next block */
dtdb = blk; /* store block # */
dtsb = dtsb | DTB_DTF; /* set DTF */
/* Read and read all */
case FNC_READ: case FNC_RALL:
if (dtsb & DTB_DTF) { /* DTF set? */
dt_seterr (uptr, DTB_TIM); /* timing error */
return SCPE_OK; }
sim_activate (uptr, DT_WSIZE * dt_ltime); /* sched next word */
relpos = DT_LIN2OF (uptr->pos, uptr); /* cur pos in blk */
if ((relpos >= DT_HTLIN) && /* in data zone? */
(relpos < (DTU_LPERB (uptr) - DT_HTLIN))) {
wrd = DT_LIN2WD (uptr->pos, uptr);
ba = (blk * DTU_BSIZE (uptr)) + wrd;
dtdb = fbuf[ba]; /* get tape word */
dtsb = dtsb | DTB_DTF; } /* set flag */
else {
ma = (2 * DT_HTWRD) + DTU_BSIZE (uptr) - DT_CSMWD - 1;
wrd = relpos / DT_WSIZE; /* hdr start = wd 0 */
if ((wrd == 0) || /* skip 1st, last */
(wrd == ((2 * DT_HTWRD) + DTU_BSIZE (uptr) - 1))) break;
if ((fnc == FNC_READ) && /* read, skip if not */
(wrd != DT_CSMWD) && /* fwd, rev cksum */
(wrd != ma)) break;
dtdb = dt_gethdr (uptr, blk, relpos);
if (wrd == (dir? DT_CSMWD: ma)) /* at end csum? */
dtsb = dtsb | DTB_BEF; /* end block */
else dtsb = dtsb | DTB_DTF; } /* else next word */
if (dir) dtdb = dt_comobv (dtdb);
/* Write and write all */
case FNC_WRIT: case FNC_WALL:
if (dtsb & DTB_DTF) { /* DTF set? */
dt_seterr (uptr, DTB_TIM); /* timing error */
return SCPE_OK; }
sim_activate (uptr, DT_WSIZE * dt_ltime); /* sched next word */
relpos = DT_LIN2OF (uptr->pos, uptr); /* cur pos in blk */
if ((relpos >= DT_HTLIN) && /* in data zone? */
(relpos < (DTU_LPERB (uptr) - DT_HTLIN))) {
wrd = DT_LIN2WD (uptr->pos, uptr);
ba = (blk * DTU_BSIZE (uptr)) + wrd;
if (dir) fbuf[ba] = dt_comobv (dtdb); /* get data word */
else fbuf[ba] = dtdb;
if (ba >= uptr->hwmark) uptr->hwmark = ba + 1;
if (wrd == (dir? 0: DTU_BSIZE (uptr) - 1))
dtsb = dtsb | DTB_BEF; /* end block */
else dtsb = dtsb | DTB_DTF; } /* else next word */
else {
wrd = relpos / DT_WSIZE; /* hdr start = wd 0 */
if ((wrd == 0) || /* skip 1st, last */
(wrd == ((2 * DT_HTWRD) + DTU_BSIZE (uptr) - 1))) break;
if ((fnc == FNC_WRIT) && /* wr, skip if !csm */
(wrd != ((2 * DT_HTWRD) + DTU_BSIZE (uptr) - DT_CSMWD - 1)))
dtsb = dtsb | DTB_DTF; } /* set flag */
dt_seterr (uptr, DTB_SEL); /* impossible state */
break; }
DT_UPDINT; /* update interrupts */
return SCPE_OK;
/* Utility routines */
/* Set error flag */
void dt_seterr (UNIT *uptr, int32 e)
int32 mot = DTS_GETMOT (uptr->STATE);
dtsa = dtsa & ~DTA_STSTP; /* clear go */
dtsb = dtsb | DTB_ERF | e; /* set error flag */
if (mot >= DTS_ACCF) { /* ~stopped or stopping? */
sim_cancel (uptr); /* cancel activity */
if (dt_setpos (uptr)) return; /* update position */
sim_activate (uptr, dt_dctime); /* sched decel */
DTS_SETSTA (DTS_DECF | (mot & DTS_DIR), 0); } /* state = decel */
/* Schedule end zone */
void dt_schedez (UNIT *uptr, int32 dir)
int32 newpos;
if (dir) newpos = DT_EZLIN - DT_WSIZE; /* rev? rev ez */
else newpos = DTU_FWDEZ (uptr) + DT_WSIZE; /* fwd? fwd ez */
sim_activate (uptr, ABS (newpos - ((int32) uptr->pos)) * dt_ltime);
/* Complement obverse routine */
int32 dt_comobv (int32 dat)
dat = dat ^ 0777777; /* compl obverse */
dat = ((dat >> 15) & 07) | ((dat >> 9) & 070) |
((dat >> 3) & 0700) | ((dat & 0700) << 3) |
((dat & 070) << 9) | ((dat & 07) << 15);
return dat;
/* Checksum routine */
int32 dt_csum (UNIT *uptr, int32 blk)
int32 *fbuf = uptr->filebuf;
int32 ba = blk * DTU_BSIZE (uptr);
int32 i, csum, wrd;
csum = 0777777;
for (i = 0; i < DTU_BSIZE (uptr); i++) { /* loop thru buf */
wrd = fbuf[ba + i]; /* get word */
csum = csum + wrd; /* 1's comp add */
if (csum > 0777777) csum = (csum + 1) & 0777777; }
return (csum ^ 0777777); /* 1's comp res */
/* Get header word */
int32 dt_gethdr (UNIT *uptr, int32 blk, int32 relpos)
int32 wrd = relpos / DT_WSIZE;
if (wrd == DT_BLKWD) return blk; /* fwd blknum */
if (wrd == DT_CSMWD) return 0777777; /* rev csum */
if (wrd == (2 * DT_HTWRD + DTU_BSIZE (uptr) - DT_CSMWD - 1)) /* fwd csum */
return (dt_csum (uptr, blk));
if (wrd == (2 * DT_HTWRD + DTU_BSIZE (uptr) - DT_BLKWD - 1)) /* rev blkno */
return dt_comobv (blk);
return 0; /* all others */
/* Reset routine */
t_stat dt_reset (DEVICE *dptr)
int32 i, prev_mot;
UNIT *uptr;
for (i = 0; i < DT_NUMDR; i++) { /* stop all drives */
uptr = dt_dev.units + i;
if (sim_is_running) { /* CAF? */
prev_mot = DTS_GETMOT (uptr->STATE); /* get motion */
if ((prev_mot & ~DTS_DIR) > DTS_DECF) { /* accel or spd? */
if (dt_setpos (uptr)) continue; /* update pos */
sim_cancel (uptr);
sim_activate (uptr, dt_dctime); /* sched decel */
DTS_SETSTA (DTS_DECF | (prev_mot & DTS_DIR), 0);
} }
else {
sim_cancel (uptr); /* sim reset */
uptr->STATE = 0;
uptr->LASTT = sim_grtime (); } }
dtsa = dtsb = 0; /* clear status */
DT_UPDINT; /* reset interrupt */
return SCPE_OK;
/* IORS routine */
int32 dt_iors (void)
#if defined IOS_DTA
return ((dtsb & (DTB_ERF | DTB_DTF))? IOS_DTA: 0);
return 0;
/* Attach routine
Determine 12b, 16b, or 18b/36b format
Allocate buffer
If 12b, read 12b format and convert to 18b in buffer
If 16b, read 16b format and convert to 18b in buffer
If 18b/36b, read data into buffer
t_stat dt_attach (UNIT *uptr, char *cptr)
uint16 pdp8b[D8_NBSIZE];
uint16 pdp11b[D18_BSIZE];
uint32 ba, sz, k, *fbuf;
int32 u = uptr - dt_dev.units;
t_stat r;
r = attach_unit (uptr, cptr); /* attach */
if (r != SCPE_OK) return r; /* error? */
if ((sim_switches & SIM_SW_REST) == 0) { /* not from rest? */
uptr->flags = uptr->flags & ~(UNIT_8FMT | UNIT_11FMT); /* default 18b */
if (sim_switches & SWMASK ('R')) /* att 12b? */
uptr->flags = uptr->flags | UNIT_8FMT;
else if (sim_switches & SWMASK ('S')) /* att 16b? */
uptr->flags = uptr->flags | UNIT_11FMT;
else if (!(sim_switches & SWMASK ('T')) && /* autosize? */
(sz = sim_fsize (cptr))) {
if (sz == D8_FILSIZ)
uptr->flags = uptr->flags | UNIT_8FMT;
else if (sz == D11_FILSIZ)
uptr->flags = uptr->flags | UNIT_11FMT; } }
uptr->capac = DTU_CAPAC (uptr); /* set capacity */
uptr->filebuf = calloc (uptr->capac, sizeof (int32));
if (uptr->filebuf == NULL) { /* can't alloc? */
detach_unit (uptr);
return SCPE_MEM; }
fbuf = uptr->filebuf; /* file buffer */
printf ("%s%d: ", sim_dname (&dt_dev), u);
if (uptr->flags & UNIT_8FMT) printf ("12b format");
else if (uptr->flags & UNIT_11FMT) printf ("16b format");
else printf ("18b/36b format");
printf (", buffering file in memory\n");
if (uptr->flags & UNIT_8FMT) { /* 12b? */
for (ba = 0; ba < uptr->capac; ) { /* loop thru file */
k = fxread (pdp8b, sizeof (int16), D8_NBSIZE, uptr->fileref);
if (k == 0) break;
for ( ; k < D8_NBSIZE; k++) pdp8b[k] = 0;
for (k = 0; k < D8_NBSIZE; k = k + 3) { /* loop thru blk */
fbuf[ba] = ((uint32) (pdp8b[k] & 07777) << 6) |
((uint32) (pdp8b[k + 1] >> 6) & 077);
fbuf[ba + 1] = ((uint32) (pdp8b[k + 1] & 077) << 12) |
(pdp8b[k + 2] & 07777);
ba = ba + 2; } /* end blk loop */
} /* end file loop */
uptr->hwmark = ba; } /* end if */
else if (uptr->flags & UNIT_11FMT) { /* 16b? */
for (ba = 0; ba < uptr->capac; ) { /* loop thru file */
k = fxread (pdp11b, sizeof (int16), D18_BSIZE, uptr->fileref);
if (k == 0) break;
for ( ; k < D18_BSIZE; k++) pdp11b[k] = 0;
for (k = 0; k < D18_BSIZE; k++)
fbuf[ba++] = pdp11b[k]; }
uptr->hwmark = ba; } /* end elif */
else uptr->hwmark = fxread (uptr->filebuf, sizeof (int32),
uptr->capac, uptr->fileref);
uptr->flags = uptr->flags | UNIT_BUF; /* set buf flag */
uptr->pos = DT_EZLIN; /* beyond leader */
uptr->LASTT = sim_grtime (); /* last pos update */
return SCPE_OK;
/* Detach routine
Cancel in progress operation
If 12b, convert 18b buffer to 12b and write to file
If 16b, convert 18b buffer to 16b and write to file
If 18b/36b, write buffer to file
Deallocate buffer
t_stat dt_detach (UNIT* uptr)
uint16 pdp8b[D8_NBSIZE];
uint16 pdp11b[D18_BSIZE];
uint32 ba, k, *fbuf;
int32 u = uptr - dt_dev.units;
if (!(uptr->flags & UNIT_ATT)) return SCPE_OK; /* attached? */
if (sim_is_active (uptr)) {
sim_cancel (uptr);
if ((u == DTA_GETUNIT (dtsa)) && (dtsa & DTA_STSTP)) {
dtsb = dtsb | DTB_ERF | DTB_SEL | DTB_DTF;
uptr->STATE = uptr->pos = 0; }
fbuf = uptr->filebuf; /* file buffer */
if (uptr->hwmark && ((uptr->flags & UNIT_RO) == 0)) { /* any data? */
printf ("%s%d: writing buffer to file\n", sim_dname (&dt_dev), u);
rewind (uptr->fileref); /* start of file */
if (uptr->flags & UNIT_8FMT) { /* 12b? */
for (ba = 0; ba < uptr->hwmark; ) { /* loop thru file */
for (k = 0; k < D8_NBSIZE; k = k + 3) { /* loop blk */
pdp8b[k] = (fbuf[ba] >> 6) & 07777;
pdp8b[k + 1] = ((fbuf[ba] & 077) << 6) |
((fbuf[ba + 1] >> 12) & 077);
pdp8b[k + 2] = fbuf[ba + 1] & 07777;
ba = ba + 2; } /* end loop blk */
fxwrite (pdp8b, sizeof (int16), D8_NBSIZE, uptr->fileref);
if (ferror (uptr->fileref)) break; } /* end loop file */
} /* end if 12b */
else if (uptr->flags & UNIT_11FMT) { /* 16b? */
for (ba = 0; ba < uptr->hwmark; ) { /* loop thru file */
for (k = 0; k < D18_BSIZE; k++) /* loop blk */
pdp11b[k] = fbuf[ba++] & 0177777;
fxwrite (pdp11b, sizeof (int16), D18_BSIZE, uptr->fileref);
if (ferror (uptr->fileref)) break; } /* end loop file */
} /* end if 16b */
else fxwrite (uptr->filebuf, sizeof (int32), /* write file */
uptr->hwmark, uptr->fileref);
if (ferror (uptr->fileref)) perror ("I/O error"); } /* end if hwmark */
free (uptr->filebuf); /* release buf */
uptr->flags = uptr->flags & ~UNIT_BUF; /* clear buf flag */
uptr->filebuf = NULL; /* clear buf ptr */
uptr->flags = uptr->flags & ~(UNIT_8FMT | UNIT_11FMT); /* default fmt */
uptr->capac = DT_CAPAC; /* default size */
return detach_unit (uptr);