blob: 0725c3c4cde54bf6a28fc6a7081f266345b7c07a [file] [log] [blame] [raw]
Notes For V3.1-0
RESTRICTION: The FP15 and XVM features of the PDP-15 are only partially
debugged. Do NOT enable these features for normal operations.
1. New Features in 3.1-0
1.1 SCP and libraries
- Added simulated Ethernet support for VMS, FreeBSD, Mac OS/X.
- Added status return to tmxr_putc_ln.
- Added sim_putchar_s to handle possible output stalls.
1.2 All DECtapes
- Added "DECtape off reel" error stop.
1.3 All Asynchronous Consoles
- Added support for output congestion stall if using a Telnet connection.
1.4 PDP-1
- Added Type 23 parallel drum support.
1.5 PDP-8
- Added instruction history.
- Added TSC8-75 option support for ETOS.
- Added TD8E DECtape support.
1.6 PDP-18b
- Added instruction history.
- Changed PDP-9, PDP-15 API default to enabled.
1.7 PDP-11
- Added support for 18b only Qbus devices.
- Formalized bus and addressing definitions.
- Added control to enable/disable autoconfiguration.
- Added stub support for second Unibus Ethernet controller.
1.7 Interdata 32b
- Added instruction history.
1.8 Eclipse
- Added floating point support.
- Added programmable interval timer support.
1.9 H316
- Added DMA/DMC support.
- Added fixed head disk support.
- Added moving head disk support.
- Added magtape support.
1.10 IBM 1130 (Brian Knittel)
- Added support for physical card reader, using the Cardread
interface (
- Added support for physical printer (flushes output buffer after
each line).
2. Bugs Fixed in 3.1-0
2.1 SCP and libraries
- Fixed numerous bugs in Ethernet library.
2.2 All DECtapes
- Fixed reverse checksum value in 'read all' mode.
- Simplified (and sped up) timing.
2.3 PDP-8
- Fixed bug in RX28 read status (found by Charles Dickman).
- Fixed RX28 double density write.
2.4 PDP-18b
- Fixed autoincrement bug in PDP-4, PDP-7, PDP-9.
2.5 PDP-11/VAX
- Revised RQ MB->LBN conversion for greater accuracy.
- Fixed bug in IO configuration (found by David Hittner).
- Fixed bug with multiple RQ RAUSER drives.
- Fixed bug in second Qbus Ethernet controller interrupts.
2.6 Nova/Eclipse
- Fixed bugs in DKP flag clear, map setup, map usage (Charles Owen).
- Fixed bug in MT, reset completes despite I/O reset (Charles Owen).
- Fixed bug in MT, space operations return word count (Charles Owen).
2.7 IBM 1130 (Brian Knittel)
- Fixed bug in setting carry bit in subtract and subtract double.
- Fixed timing problem in console printer simulation.
2.8 1620
- Fixed bug in branch digit (found by Dave Babcock).
3. New Features in 3.0 vs prior releases
3.1 SCP and Libraries
- Added ASSIGN/DEASSIGN (logical name) commands.
- Changed RESTORE to unconditionally detach files.
- Added E11 and TPC format support to magtape library.
- Fixed bug in SHOW CONNECTIONS.
- Added USE_ADDR64 support.
3.2 All magtapes
- Magtapes support SIMH format, E11 format, and TPC format (read only).
- SET <tape_unit> FORMAT=format sets the specified tape unit's format.
- SHOW <tape_unit> FORMAT displays the specified tape unit's format.
- Tape format can also be set as part of the ATTACH command, using
the -F switch.
3.3 VAX
- VAX can be compiled without USE_INT64.
- If compiled with USE_INT64 and USE_ADDR64, RQ and TQ controllers support
files > 2GB.
- VAX ROM has speed control (SET ROM DELAY/NODELAY).
3.4 PDP-1
- Added block loader format support to LOAD.
- Changed BOOT PTR to allow loading of all of the first bank of memory.
- The LOAD command takes an optional argument specifying the memory field
to be loaded.
- The PTR BOOT command takes its starting memory field from the TA (address
switch) register.
3.5 PDP-18b Family
- Added PDP-4 EAE support.
- Added PDP-15 FP15 support.
- Added PDP-15 XVM support.
- Added PDP-15 "re-entrancy ECO".
- Added PDP-7, PDP-9, PDP-15 hardware RIM loader support in BOOT PTR.
4. Bugs Fixed in 3.0 vs prior releases
4.1 SCP and Libraries
- Fixed end of file problem in dep, idep.
- Fixed handling of trailing spaces in dep, idep.
4.2 VAX
- Fixed CVTfi bug: integer overflow not set if exponent out of range
- Fixed EMODx bugs:
o First and second operands reversed
o Separated fraction received wrong exponent
o Overflow calculation on separated integer incorrect
o Fraction not set to zero if exponent out of range
- Fixed interval timer and ROM access to pass power-up self-test even on very
fast host processors (fixes from Mark Pizzolato).
- Fixed bug in user disk size (found by Chaskiel M Grundman).
4.3 1401
- Fixed mnemonic, instruction lengths, and reverse scan length check bug for MCS.
- Fixed MCE bug, BS off by 1 if zero suppress.
- Fixed chaining bug, D lost if return to SCP.
- Fixed H branch, branch occurs after continue.
- Added check for invalid 8 character MCW, LCA.
- Fixed magtape load-mode end of record response.
- Revised fetch to model hardware more closely.
- Fixed tape read end-of-record handling based on real 1401.
- Added diagnostic read (space forward).
4.4 Nova
- Fixed DSK variable size interaction with restore.
- Fixed bug in DSK set size routine.
4.5 PDP-1
- Fixed DT variable size interaction with restore.
- Updated CPU, line printer, standard devices to detect indefinite I/O wait.
- Fixed incorrect logical, missing activate, break in drum simulator.
- Fixed bugs in instruction decoding, overprinting for line printer.
- Fixed system hang if continue after PTR error.
- Fixed PTR to start/stop on successive rpa instructions.
4.6 PDP-11
- Fixed DT variable size interaction with restore.
- Fixed bug in MMR1 update (found by Tim Stark).
- Added XQ features and fixed bugs:
o Corrected XQ interrupts on IE state transition (code by Tom Evans).
o Added XQ interrupt clear on soft reset.
o Removed XQ interrupt when setting XL or RL (multiple people).
o Added ability to split received packet into multiple buffers.
o Added explicit runt and giant packet processing.
- Fixed bug in user disk size (found by Chaskiel M Grundman).
4.7 PDP-18B
- Fixed DT, RF variable size interaction with restore.
- Fixed MT bug in MTTR.
- Fixed bug in PDP-4 line printer overprinting.
- Fixed bug in PDP-15 memory protect/skip interaction.
- Fixed bug in RF set size routine.
- Increased PTP TIME for PDP-15 operating systems.
- Fixed priorities in PDP-15 API (differs from PDP-9).
- Fixed sign handling in PDP-15 EAE unsigned mul/div (differs from PDP-9).
- Fixed bug in CAF, clears API subsystem.
4.8 PDP-8
- Fixed DT, DF, RF, RX variable size interaction with restore.
- Fixed MT bug in SKTR.
- Fixed bug in DF, RF set size routine.
4.9 HP2100
- Fixed bug in DP (13210A controller only), DQ read status.
- Fixed bug in DP, DQ seek complete.
- Fixed DR drum sizes.
- Fixed DR variable capacity interaction with SAVE/RESTORE.
4.10 GRI
- Fixed bug in SC queue pointer management.
4.11 PDP-10
- Fixed bug in RP read header.
4.12 Ibm1130
- Fixed bugs found by APL 1130.
4.13 Altairz80
- Fixed bug in real-time clock on Windows host.
4.14 1620
- Fixed bug in immediate index add (found by Michael Short).