/* zx-200a.c: Intel double density disk adapter adapter | |
Copyright (c) 2010, William A. Beech | |
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a | |
copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), | |
to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation | |
the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, | |
and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the | |
Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: | |
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in | |
all copies or substantial portions of the Software. | |
Except as contained in this notice, the name of William A. Beech shall not be | |
used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings | |
in this Software without prior written authorization from William A. Beech. | |
28 Jun 16 - Original file. | |
NOTES: | |
This controller will mount 4 DD disk images on drives :F0: thru :F3: addressed | |
at ports 078H to 07FH. It also will mount 2 SD disk images on :F4: and :F5: | |
addressed at ports 088H to 08FH. These are on physical drives :F0: and :F1:. | |
Registers: | |
078H - Read - Subsystem status | |
bit 0 - ready status of drive 0 | |
bit 1 - ready status of drive 1 | |
bit 2 - state of channel's interrupt FF | |
bit 3 - controller presence indicator | |
bit 4 - DD controller presence indicator | |
bit 5 - ready status of drive 2 | |
bit 6 - ready status of drive 3 | |
bit 7 - zero | |
079H - Read - Read result type (bits 2-7 are zero) | |
00 - I/O complete with error | |
01 - Reserved | |
10 - Result byte contains diskette ready status | |
11 - Reserved | |
079H - Write - IOPB address low byte. | |
07AH - Write - IOPB address high byte and start operation. | |
07BH - Read - Read result byte | |
If result type is 00H | |
bit 0 - deleted record | |
bit 1 - CRC error | |
bit 2 - seek error | |
bit 3 - address error | |
bit 4 - data overrun/underrun | |
bit 5 - write protect | |
bit 6 - write error | |
bit 7 - not ready | |
If result type is 02H and ready has changed | |
bit 0 - zero | |
bit 1 - zero | |
bit 2 - zero | |
bit 3 - zero | |
bit 4 - drive 2 ready | |
bit 5 - drive 3 ready | |
bit 6 - drive 0 ready | |
bit 7 - drive 1 ready | |
else return 0 | |
07FH - Write - Reset diskette system. | |
Operations: | |
NOP - 0x00 | |
Seek - 0x01 | |
Format Track - 0x02 | |
Recalibrate - 0x03 | |
Read Data - 0x04 | |
Verify CRC - 0x05 | |
Write Data - 0x06 | |
Write Deleted Data - 0x07 | |
IOPB - I/O Parameter Block | |
Byte 0 - Channel Word | |
bit 3 - data word length (=8-bit, 1=16-bit) | |
bit 4-5 - interrupt control | |
00 - I/O complete interrupt to be issued | |
01 - I/O complete interrupts are disabled | |
10 - illegal code | |
11 - illegal code | |
bit 6- randon format sequence | |
Byte 1 - Diskette Instruction | |
bit 0-2 - operation code | |
000 - no operation | |
001 - seek | |
010 - format track | |
011 - recalibrate | |
100 - read data | |
101 - verify CRC | |
110 - write data | |
111 - write deleted data | |
bit 3 - data word length ( same as byte-0, bit-3) | |
bit 4-5 - unit select | |
00 - drive 0 | |
01 - drive 1 | |
10 - drive 2 | |
11 - drive 3 | |
bit 6-7 - reserved (zero) | |
Byte 2 - Number of Records | |
Byte 4 - Track Address | |
Byte 5 - Sector Address | |
Byte 6 - Buffer Low Address | |
Byte 7 - Buffer High Address | |
u3 - | |
u4 - | |
u5 - fdc number. | |
u6 - fdd number. | |
The ZX-200A appears to the multibus system as if there were an iSBC-201 | |
installed addressed at 0x88-0x8f and an iSBC-202 installed addressed at | |
0x78-0x7F. The DD disks are drive 0 - 3. The SD disks are mapped over | |
DD disks 0 - 1. Thus drive 0 - 1 can be SD or DD, but not both. Drive | |
2 - 3 are always DD. | |
*/ | |
#include "system_defs.h" /* system header in system dir */ | |
#define DEBUG 0 | |
#define UNIT_V_WPMODE (UNIT_V_UF) /* Write protect */ | |
#define UNIT_WPMODE (1 << UNIT_V_WPMODE) | |
#define FDD_NUM 4 | |
//disk controoler operations | |
#define DNOP 0x00 //disk no operation | |
#define DSEEK 0x01 //disk seek | |
#define DFMT 0x02 //disk format | |
#define DHOME 0x03 //disk home | |
#define DREAD 0x04 //disk read | |
#define DVCRC 0x05 //disk verify CRC | |
#define DWRITE 0x06 //disk write | |
//status | |
#define RDY0 0x01 //FDD 0 ready | |
#define RDY1 0x02 //FDD 1 ready | |
#define FDCINT 0x04 //FDC interrupt flag | |
#define FDCPRE 0x08 //FDC board present | |
#define FDCDD 0x10 //fdc is DD | |
#define RDY2 0x20 //FDD 2 ready | |
#define RDY3 0x40 //FDD 3 ready | |
//result type | |
#define RERR 0x00 //FDC returned error | |
#define ROK 0x02 //FDC returned ok | |
// If result type is RERR then rbyte is | |
#define RB0DR 0x01 //deleted record | |
#define RB0CRC 0x02 //CRC error | |
#define RB0SEK 0x04 //seek error | |
#define RB0ADR 0x08 //address error | |
#define RB0OU 0x10 //data overrun/underrun | |
#define RB0WP 0x20 //write protect | |
#define RB0WE 0x40 //write error | |
#define RB0NR 0x80 //not ready | |
// If result type is ROK then rbyte is | |
#define RB1RD2 0x10 //drive 2 ready | |
#define RB1RD3 0x20 //drive 3 ready | |
#define RB1RD0 0x40 //drive 0 ready | |
#define RB1RD1 0x80 //drive 1 ready | |
/* external function prototypes */ | |
extern uint16 reg_dev(uint8 (*routine)(t_bool, uint8), uint16, uint8); | |
extern uint8 multibus_get_mbyte(uint16 addr); | |
extern uint16 multibus_get_mword(uint16 addr); | |
extern void multibus_put_mbyte(uint16 addr, uint8 val); | |
extern uint8 multibus_put_mword(uint16 addr, uint16 val); | |
/* external globals */ | |
extern uint16 port; //port called in dev_table[port] | |
extern int32 PCX; | |
/* internal function prototypes */ | |
t_stat zx200a_reset(DEVICE *dptr, uint16 base); | |
void zx200a_reset1(uint8); | |
t_stat zx200a_attach (UNIT *uptr, CONST char *cptr); | |
t_stat zx200a_set_mode (UNIT *uptr, int32 val, CONST char *cptr, void *desc); | |
uint8 zx200a0(t_bool io, uint8 data); | |
uint8 zx200a1(t_bool io, uint8 data); | |
uint8 zx200a2(t_bool io, uint8 data); | |
uint8 zx200a3(t_bool io, uint8 data); | |
uint8 zx200a7(t_bool io, uint8 data); | |
void zx200a_diskio(uint8 fdcnum); | |
/* globals */ | |
int32 zx200a_fdcnum = 0; //actual number of ZX-200A instances + 1 | |
typedef struct { //FDD definition | |
uint8 *buf; | |
int t0; | |
int rdy; | |
uint8 sec; | |
uint8 cyl; | |
uint8 maxsec; | |
uint8 maxcyl; | |
} FDDDEF; | |
typedef struct { //FDC definition | |
uint16 baseport; //FDC base port | |
uint16 iopb; //FDC IOPB | |
uint8 stat; //FDC status | |
uint8 rdychg; //FDC ready change | |
uint8 rtype; //FDC result type | |
uint8 rbyte0; //FDC result byte for type 00 | |
uint8 rbyte1; //FDC result byte for type 10 | |
uint8 intff; //fdc interrupt FF | |
FDDDEF fdd[FDD_NUM]; //indexed by the FDD number | |
} FDCDEF; | |
FDCDEF zx200a[4]; //indexed by the isbc-202 instance number | |
UNIT zx200a_unit[] = { | |
}; | |
REG zx200a_reg[] = { | |
{ HRDATA (STAT0, zx200a[0].stat, 8) }, /* zx200a 0 status */ | |
{ HRDATA (RTYP0, zx200a[0].rtype, 8) }, /* zx200a 0 result type */ | |
{ HRDATA (RBYT0A, zx200a[0].rbyte0, 8) }, /* zx200a 0 result byte 0 */ | |
{ HRDATA (RBYT0B, zx200a[0].rbyte1, 8) }, /* zx200a 0 result byte 1 */ | |
{ HRDATA (INTFF0, zx200a[0].intff, 8) }, /* zx200a 0 interrupt f/f */ | |
{ HRDATA (STAT1, zx200a[1].stat, 8) }, /* zx200a 1 status */ | |
{ HRDATA (RTYP1, zx200a[1].rtype, 8) }, /* zx200a 1 result type */ | |
{ HRDATA (RBYT1A, zx200a[1].rbyte0, 8) }, /* zx200a 1 result byte 0 */ | |
{ HRDATA (RBYT1B, zx200a[1].rbyte1, 8) }, /* zx200a 1 result byte 1 */ | |
{ HRDATA (INTFF1, zx200a[1].intff, 8) }, /* zx200a 1 interrupt f/f */ | |
{ HRDATA (STAT2, zx200a[2].stat, 8) }, /* zx200a 2 status */ | |
{ HRDATA (RTYP2, zx200a[2].rtype, 8) }, /* zx200a 2 result type */ | |
{ HRDATA (RBYT2A, zx200a[2].rbyte0, 8) }, /* zx200a 2 result byte 0 */ | |
{ HRDATA (RBYT2B, zx200a[0].rbyte1, 8) }, /* zx200a 2 result byte 1 */ | |
{ HRDATA (INTFF2, zx200a[2].intff, 8) }, /* zx200a 2 interrupt f/f */ | |
{ HRDATA (STAT3, zx200a[3].stat, 8) }, /* zx200a 3 status */ | |
{ HRDATA (RTYP3, zx200a[3].rtype, 8) }, /* zx200a 3 result type */ | |
{ HRDATA (RBYT3A, zx200a[3].rbyte0, 8) }, /* zx200a 3 result byte 0 */ | |
{ HRDATA (RBYT3B, zx200a[3].rbyte1, 8) }, /* zx200a 3 result byte 1 */ | |
{ HRDATA (INTFF3, zx200a[0].intff, 8) }, /* zx200a 3 interrupt f/f */ | |
{ NULL } | |
}; | |
MTAB zx200a_mod[] = { | |
{ UNIT_WPMODE, 0, "RW", "RW", &zx200a_set_mode }, | |
{ UNIT_WPMODE, UNIT_WPMODE, "WP", "WP", &zx200a_set_mode }, | |
{ 0 } | |
}; | |
DEBTAB zx200a_debug[] = { | |
{ "ALL", DEBUG_all }, | |
{ "FLOW", DEBUG_flow }, | |
{ "READ", DEBUG_read }, | |
{ "WRITE", DEBUG_write }, | |
{ "XACK", DEBUG_xack }, | |
{ "LEV1", DEBUG_level1 }, | |
{ "LEV2", DEBUG_level2 }, | |
{ NULL } | |
}; | |
/* address width is set to 16 bits to use devices in 8086/8088 implementations */ | |
DEVICE zx200a_dev = { | |
"ZX200A", //name | |
zx200a_unit, //units | |
zx200a_reg, //registers | |
zx200a_mod, //modifiers | |
FDD_NUM, //numunits | |
16, //aradix | |
16, //awidth | |
1, //aincr | |
16, //dradix | |
8, //dwidth | |
NULL, //examine | |
NULL, //deposit | |
NULL, //reset | |
NULL, //boot | |
&zx200a_attach, //attach | |
NULL, //detach | |
NULL, //ctxt | |
DEBUG_flow + DEBUG_read + DEBUG_write, //dctrl | |
zx200a_debug, //debflags | |
NULL, //msize | |
NULL //lname | |
}; | |
/* I/O instruction handlers, called from the CPU module when an | |
IN or OUT instruction is issued. | |
*/ | |
/* Service routines to handle simulator functions */ | |
/* Reset routine */ | |
t_stat zx200a_reset(DEVICE *dptr, uint16 base) | |
{ | |
sim_printf(" ZX-200A FDC Board"); | |
if (ZX200A_NUM) { | |
sim_printf(" - Found on Port %02X\n", base); | |
sim_printf(" ZX200A-%d: Hardware Reset\n", zx200a_fdcnum); | |
sim_printf(" ZX200A-%d: Registered at %04X\n", zx200a_fdcnum, base); | |
zx200a[zx200a_fdcnum].baseport = base; | |
reg_dev(zx200a0, base, zx200a_fdcnum); | |
reg_dev(zx200a1, base + 1, zx200a_fdcnum); | |
reg_dev(zx200a2, base + 2, zx200a_fdcnum); | |
reg_dev(zx200a3, base + 3, zx200a_fdcnum); | |
reg_dev(zx200a7, base + 7, zx200a_fdcnum); | |
reg_dev(zx200a0, base+16, zx200a_fdcnum); | |
reg_dev(zx200a1, base+16 + 1, zx200a_fdcnum); | |
reg_dev(zx200a2, base+16 + 2, zx200a_fdcnum); | |
reg_dev(zx200a3, base+16 + 3, zx200a_fdcnum); | |
reg_dev(zx200a7, base+16 + 7, zx200a_fdcnum); | |
zx200a_reset1(zx200a_fdcnum); | |
zx200a_fdcnum++; | |
} else | |
sim_printf(" - Not Found on Port %02X\n", base); | |
return SCPE_OK; | |
} | |
/* Software reset routine */ | |
void zx200a_reset1(uint8 fdcnum) | |
{ | |
int32 i; | |
UNIT *uptr; | |
sim_printf(" ZX-200A-%d: Initializing\n", fdcnum); | |
zx200a[fdcnum].stat = 0; //clear status | |
for (i = 0; i < FDD_NUM; i++) { /* handle all units */ | |
uptr = zx200a_dev.units + i; | |
zx200a[fdcnum].stat |= FDCPRE | FDCDD; //set the FDC status | |
zx200a[fdcnum].rtype = ROK; | |
if (uptr->capac == 0) { /* if not configured */ | |
uptr->u5 = fdcnum; //fdc device number | |
uptr->u6 = i; /* unit number - only set here! */ | |
uptr->flags |= UNIT_WPMODE; /* set WP in unit flags */ | |
sim_printf(" ZX-200A%d: Configured, Status=%02X Not attached\n", i, zx200a[fdcnum].stat); | |
} else { | |
switch(i){ | |
case 0: | |
zx200a[fdcnum].stat |= RDY0; //set FDD 0 ready | |
zx200a[fdcnum].rbyte1 |= RB1RD0; | |
zx200a[fdcnum].rdychg = 0; | |
break; | |
case 1: | |
zx200a[fdcnum].stat |= RDY1; //set FDD 1 ready | |
zx200a[fdcnum].rbyte1 |= RB1RD1; | |
zx200a[fdcnum].rdychg = 0; | |
break; | |
case 2: | |
zx200a[fdcnum].stat |= RDY2; //set FDD 2 ready | |
zx200a[fdcnum].rbyte1 |= RB1RD2; | |
zx200a[fdcnum].rdychg = 0; | |
break; | |
case 3: | |
zx200a[fdcnum].stat |= RDY3; //set FDD 3 ready | |
zx200a[fdcnum].rbyte1 |= RB1RD3; | |
zx200a[fdcnum].rdychg = 0; | |
break; | |
} | |
sim_printf(" ZX-200A%d: Configured, Status=%02X Attached to %s\n", | |
i, zx200a[fdcnum].stat, uptr->filename); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
/* zx200a attach - attach an .IMG file to a FDD */ | |
t_stat zx200a_attach (UNIT *uptr, CONST char *cptr) | |
{ | |
t_stat r; | |
FILE *fp; | |
int32 i, c = 0; | |
long flen; | |
uint8 fdcnum, fddnum; | |
sim_debug (DEBUG_flow, &zx200a_dev, " zx200a_attach: Entered with cptr=%s\n", cptr); | |
if ((r = attach_unit (uptr, cptr)) != SCPE_OK) { | |
sim_printf(" zx200a_attach: Attach error\n"); | |
return r; | |
} | |
fdcnum = uptr->u5; | |
fddnum = uptr->u6; | |
fp = fopen(uptr->filename, "rb"); | |
if (fp == NULL) { | |
sim_printf(" Unable to open disk image file %s\n", uptr->filename); | |
sim_printf(" No disk image loaded!!!\n"); | |
} else { | |
sim_printf("zx200a: Attach\n"); | |
fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END); /* size disk image */ | |
flen = ftell(fp); | |
fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET); | |
if (flen == -1) { | |
sim_printf(" zx200a_attach: File error\n"); | |
fclose(fp); | |
return SCPE_IOERR; | |
} | |
if (zx200a[fdcnum].fdd[fddnum].buf == NULL) { /* no buffer allocated */ | |
zx200a[fdcnum].fdd[fddnum].buf = (uint8 *)malloc(flen); | |
if (zx200a[fdcnum].fdd[fddnum].buf == NULL) { | |
sim_printf(" zx200a_attach: Malloc error\n"); | |
fclose(fp); | |
return SCPE_MEM; | |
} | |
} | |
uptr->capac = flen; | |
i = 0; | |
c = fgetc(fp); // copy disk image into buffer | |
while (c != EOF) { | |
*(zx200a[fdcnum].fdd[fddnum].buf + i++) = c & 0xFF; | |
c = fgetc(fp); | |
} | |
fclose(fp); | |
switch(fddnum){ | |
case 0: | |
zx200a[fdcnum].stat |= RDY0; //set FDD 0 ready | |
zx200a[fdcnum].rtype = ROK; | |
zx200a[fdcnum].rbyte1 |= RB1RD0; | |
break; | |
case 1: | |
zx200a[fdcnum].stat |= RDY1; //set FDD 1 ready | |
zx200a[fdcnum].rtype = ROK; | |
zx200a[fdcnum].rbyte1 |= RB1RD1; | |
break; | |
case 2: | |
zx200a[fdcnum].stat |= RDY2; //set FDD 2 ready | |
zx200a[fdcnum].rtype = ROK; | |
zx200a[fdcnum].rbyte1 |= RB1RD2; | |
break; | |
case 3: | |
zx200a[fdcnum].stat |= RDY3; //set FDD 3 ready | |
zx200a[fdcnum].rtype = ROK; | |
zx200a[fdcnum].rbyte1 |= RB1RD3; | |
break; | |
} | |
if (flen == 256256) { /* 8" 256K SSSD */ | |
zx200a[fdcnum].fdd[fddnum].maxcyl = 77; | |
zx200a[fdcnum].fdd[fddnum].maxsec = 26; | |
zx200a[fdcnum].fdd[fddnum].sec = 1; | |
zx200a[fdcnum].fdd[fddnum].cyl = 0; | |
} | |
else if (flen == 512512) { /* 8" 512K SSDD */ | |
zx200a[fdcnum].fdd[fddnum].maxcyl = 77; | |
zx200a[fdcnum].fdd[fddnum].maxsec = 52; | |
zx200a[fdcnum].fdd[fddnum].sec = 1; | |
zx200a[fdcnum].fdd[fddnum].cyl = 0; | |
} else | |
sim_printf(" ZX-200A-%d: Not a known disk image\n", fdcnum); | |
sim_printf(" ZX-200A-%d: Configured %d bytes, Attached to %s\n", | |
fdcnum, uptr->capac, uptr->filename); | |
} | |
sim_debug (DEBUG_flow, &zx200a_dev, " ZX-200A_attach: Done\n"); | |
return SCPE_OK; | |
} | |
/* zx200a set mode = Write protect */ | |
t_stat zx200a_set_mode (UNIT *uptr, int32 val, CONST char *cptr, void *desc) | |
{ | |
// sim_debug (DEBUG_flow, &zx200a_dev, " zx200a_set_mode: Entered with val=%08XH uptr->flags=%08X\n", | |
// val, uptr->flags); | |
if (val & UNIT_WPMODE) { /* write protect */ | |
uptr->flags |= val; | |
} else { /* read write */ | |
uptr->flags &= ~val; | |
} | |
// sim_debug (DEBUG_flow, &zx200a_dev, " zx200a_set_mode: Done\n"); | |
return SCPE_OK; | |
} | |
uint8 zx200_get_dn(void) | |
{ | |
int i; | |
for (i=0; i<ZX200A_NUM; i++) | |
if ((port >= zx200a[i].baseport && port <= zx200a[i].baseport + 7) || | |
(port >= zx200a[i].baseport+16 && port <= zx200a[i].baseport+16 + 7)) | |
return i; | |
sim_printf("zx200_get_dn: port %04X not in zx200 device table\n", port); | |
return 0xFF; | |
} | |
/* I/O instruction handlers, called from the CPU module when an | |
IN or OUT instruction is issued. | |
*/ | |
/* zx200a control port functions */ | |
uint8 zx200a0(t_bool io, uint8 data) | |
{ | |
uint8 fdcnum; | |
if ((fdcnum = zx200_get_dn()) != 0xFF) { | |
if (io == 0) { /* read ststus*/ | |
if (DEBUG) | |
sim_printf("\n zx-200a0-%d: 0x78/88 returned status=%02X PCX=%04X", | |
fdcnum, zx200a[fdcnum].stat, PCX); | |
return zx200a[fdcnum].stat; | |
} | |
} | |
return 0; | |
} | |
uint8 zx200a1(t_bool io, uint8 data) | |
{ | |
uint8 fdcnum; | |
if ((fdcnum = zx200_get_dn()) != 0xFF) { | |
if (io == 0) { /* read operation */ | |
zx200a[fdcnum].intff = 0; //clear interrupt FF | |
zx200a[fdcnum].stat &= ~FDCINT; | |
if (DEBUG) | |
sim_printf("\n zx-200a1-%d: 0x79/89 returned rtype=%02X intff=%02X status=%02X PCX=%04X", | |
fdcnum, zx200a[fdcnum].rtype, zx200a[fdcnum].intff, zx200a[fdcnum].stat, PCX); | |
return zx200a[fdcnum].rtype; | |
} else { /* write control port */ | |
zx200a[fdcnum].iopb = data; | |
if (DEBUG) | |
sim_printf("\n zx-200a1-%d: 0x79/88 IOPB low=%02X PCX=%04X", | |
fdcnum, data, PCX); | |
} | |
} | |
return 0; | |
} | |
uint8 zx200a2(t_bool io, uint8 data) | |
{ | |
uint8 fdcnum; | |
if ((fdcnum = zx200_get_dn()) != 0xFF) { | |
if (io == 0) { /* read data port */ | |
; | |
} else { /* write data port */ | |
zx200a[fdcnum].iopb |= (data << 8); | |
if (DEBUG) | |
sim_printf("\n zx-200a2-%d: 0x7A/8A IOPB=%04X PCX=%04X", | |
fdcnum, zx200a[fdcnum].iopb, PCX); | |
zx200a_diskio(fdcnum); | |
if (zx200a[fdcnum].intff) | |
zx200a[fdcnum].stat |= FDCINT; | |
} | |
} | |
return 0; | |
} | |
uint8 zx200a3(t_bool io, uint8 data) | |
{ | |
uint8 fdcnum; | |
if ((fdcnum = zx200_get_dn()) != 0xFF) { | |
if (io == 0) { /* read data port */ | |
if (zx200a[fdcnum].rtype == 0) { | |
if (DEBUG) | |
sim_printf("\n zx200a3-%d: 0x7B/8B returned rbyte0=%02X PCX=%04X", | |
fdcnum, zx200a[fdcnum].rbyte0, PCX); | |
return zx200a[fdcnum].rbyte0; | |
} else { | |
if (zx200a[fdcnum].rdychg) { | |
if (DEBUG) | |
sim_printf("\n zx200a3-%d: 0x7B/8B returned rbyte1=%02X PCX=%04X", | |
fdcnum, zx200a[fdcnum].rbyte1, PCX); | |
return zx200a[fdcnum].rbyte1; | |
} else { | |
if (DEBUG) | |
sim_printf("\n zx200a3-%d: 0x7B/8B returned rbytex=%02X PCX=%04X", | |
fdcnum, 0, PCX); | |
return 0; | |
} | |
} | |
} else { /* write data port */ | |
; //stop diskette operation | |
} | |
} | |
return 0; | |
} | |
/* reset ZX-200A */ | |
uint8 zx200a7(t_bool io, uint8 data) | |
{ | |
uint8 fdcnum; | |
if ((fdcnum = zx200_get_dn()) != 0xFF) { | |
if (io == 0) { /* read data port */ | |
; | |
} else { /* write data port */ | |
zx200a_reset1(fdcnum); | |
} | |
} | |
return 0; | |
} | |
// perform the actual disk I/O operation | |
void zx200a_diskio(uint8 fdcnum) | |
{ | |
uint8 cw, di, nr, ta, sa, data, nrptr, c; | |
uint16 ba; | |
uint32 dskoff; | |
uint8 fddnum, fmtb; | |
uint32 i; | |
UNIT *uptr; | |
FILE *fp; | |
//parse the IOPB | |
cw = multibus_get_mbyte(zx200a[fdcnum].iopb); | |
di = multibus_get_mbyte(zx200a[fdcnum].iopb + 1); | |
nr = multibus_get_mbyte(zx200a[fdcnum].iopb + 2); | |
ta = multibus_get_mbyte(zx200a[fdcnum].iopb + 3); | |
sa = multibus_get_mbyte(zx200a[fdcnum].iopb + 4); | |
ba = multibus_get_mword(zx200a[fdcnum].iopb + 5); | |
fddnum = (di & 0x30) >> 4; | |
uptr = zx200a_dev.units + fddnum; | |
if (DEBUG) { | |
sim_printf("\n zx200a-%d: zx200a_diskio IOPB=%04X FDD=%02X STAT=%02X", | |
fdcnum, zx200a[fdcnum].iopb, fddnum, zx200a[fdcnum].stat); | |
sim_printf("\n zx200a-%d: cw=%02X di=%02X nr=%02X ta=%02X sa=%02X ba=%04X", | |
fdcnum, cw, di, nr, ta, sa, ba); | |
// sim_printf("\n zx200a-%d: maxsec=%02X maxcyl=%02X", | |
// fdcnum, zx200a[fdcnum].fdd[fddnum].maxsec, zx200a[fdcnum].fdd[fddnum].maxcyl); | |
} | |
//check for not ready | |
switch(fddnum) { | |
case 0: | |
if ((zx200a[fdcnum].stat & RDY0) == 0) { | |
zx200a[fdcnum].rtype = RERR; | |
zx200a[fdcnum].rbyte0 = RB0NR; | |
zx200a[fdcnum].intff = 1; //set interrupt FF | |
sim_printf("\n zx200a-%d: Ready error on drive %d", fdcnum, fddnum); | |
return; | |
} | |
break; | |
case 1: | |
if ((zx200a[fdcnum].stat & RDY1) == 0) { | |
zx200a[fdcnum].rtype = RERR; | |
zx200a[fdcnum].rbyte0 = RB0NR; | |
zx200a[fdcnum].intff = 1; //set interrupt FF | |
sim_printf("\n zx200a-%d: Ready error on drive %d", fdcnum, fddnum); | |
return; | |
} | |
break; | |
case 2: | |
if ((zx200a[fdcnum].stat & RDY2) == 0) { | |
zx200a[fdcnum].rtype = RERR; | |
zx200a[fdcnum].rbyte0 = RB0NR; | |
zx200a[fdcnum].intff = 1; //set interrupt FF | |
sim_printf("\n zx200a-%d: Ready error on drive %d", fdcnum, fddnum); | |
return; | |
} | |
break; | |
case 3: | |
if ((zx200a[fdcnum].stat & RDY3) == 0) { | |
zx200a[fdcnum].rtype = RERR; | |
zx200a[fdcnum].rbyte0 = RB0NR; | |
zx200a[fdcnum].intff = 1; //set interrupt FF | |
sim_printf("\n zx200a-%d: Ready error on drive %d", fdcnum, fddnum); | |
return; | |
} | |
break; | |
} | |
//check for address error | |
if ( | |
((di & 0x07) != 0x03) && ( | |
(sa > zx200a[fdcnum].fdd[fddnum].maxsec) || | |
((sa + nr) > (zx200a[fdcnum].fdd[fddnum].maxsec + 1)) || | |
(sa == 0) || | |
(ta > zx200a[fdcnum].fdd[fddnum].maxcyl) | |
)) { | |
if (DEBUG) | |
sim_printf("\n zx200a-%d: maxsec=%02X maxcyl=%02X", | |
fdcnum, zx200a[fdcnum].fdd[fddnum].maxsec, zx200a[fdcnum].fdd[fddnum].maxcyl); | |
zx200a[fdcnum].rtype = RERR; | |
zx200a[fdcnum].rbyte0 = RB0ADR; | |
zx200a[fdcnum].intff = 1; //set interrupt FF | |
sim_printf("\n zx200a-%d: Address error on drive %d", fdcnum, fddnum); | |
return; | |
} | |
switch (di & 0x07) { | |
case DNOP: | |
case DSEEK: | |
case DHOME: | |
case DVCRC: | |
zx200a[fdcnum].rtype = ROK; | |
zx200a[fdcnum].intff = 1; //set interrupt FF | |
break; | |
case DFMT: | |
//check for WP | |
if(uptr->flags & UNIT_WPMODE) { | |
zx200a[fdcnum].rtype = RERR; | |
zx200a[fdcnum].rbyte0 = RB0WP; | |
zx200a[fdcnum].intff = 1; //set interrupt FF | |
sim_printf("\n zx200a-%d: Write protect error 1 on drive %d", fdcnum, fddnum); | |
return; | |
} | |
fmtb = multibus_get_mbyte(ba); //get the format byte | |
//calculate offset into disk image | |
dskoff = ((ta * (uint32)(zx200a[fdcnum].fdd[fddnum].maxsec)) + (sa - 1)) * 128; | |
for(i=0; i<=((uint32)(zx200a[fdcnum].fdd[fddnum].maxsec) * 128); i++) { | |
*(zx200a[fdcnum].fdd[fddnum].buf + (dskoff + i)) = fmtb; | |
} | |
//*** quick fix. Needs more thought! | |
fp = fopen(uptr->filename, "wb"); // write out modified image | |
for (i=0; i<uptr->capac; i++) { | |
c = *(zx200a[fdcnum].fdd[fddnum].buf + i); | |
fputc(c, fp); | |
} | |
fclose(fp); | |
zx200a[fdcnum].rtype = ROK; | |
zx200a[fdcnum].intff = 1; //set interrupt FF | |
break; | |
case DREAD: | |
nrptr = 0; | |
while(nrptr < nr) { | |
//calculate offset into disk image | |
dskoff = ((ta * zx200a[fdcnum].fdd[fddnum].maxsec) + (sa - 1)) * 128; | |
// sim_printf("\n zx200a-%d: cw=%02X di=%02X nr=%02X ta=%02X sa=%02X ba=%04X dskoff=%06X", | |
// fdcnum, cw, di, nr, ta, sa, ba, dskoff); | |
for (i=0; i<128; i++) { //copy sector from image to RAM | |
data = *(zx200a[fdcnum].fdd[fddnum].buf + (dskoff + i)); | |
multibus_put_mbyte(ba + i, data); | |
} | |
sa++; | |
ba+=0x80; | |
nrptr++; | |
} | |
zx200a[fdcnum].rtype = ROK; | |
zx200a[fdcnum].intff = 1; //set interrupt FF | |
break; | |
case DWRITE: | |
//check for WP | |
if(uptr->flags & UNIT_WPMODE) { | |
zx200a[fdcnum].rtype = RERR; | |
zx200a[fdcnum].rbyte0 = RB0WP; | |
zx200a[fdcnum].intff = 1; //set interrupt FF | |
sim_printf("\n zx200a-%d: Write protect error 2 on drive %d", fdcnum, fddnum); | |
return; | |
} | |
nrptr = 0; | |
while(nrptr < nr) { | |
//calculate offset into disk image | |
dskoff = ((ta * zx200a[fdcnum].fdd[fddnum].maxsec) + (sa - 1)) * 128; | |
// sim_printf("\n zx200a-%d: cw=%02X di=%02X nr=%02X ta=%02X sa=%02X ba=%04X dskoff=%06X", | |
// fdcnum, cw, di, nr, ta, sa, ba, dskoff); | |
for (i=0; i<128; i++) { //copy sector from image to RAM | |
data = multibus_get_mbyte(ba + i); | |
*(zx200a[fdcnum].fdd[fddnum].buf + (dskoff + i)) = data; | |
} | |
sa++; | |
ba+=0x80; | |
nrptr++; | |
} | |
//*** quick fix. Needs more thought! | |
fp = fopen(uptr->filename, "wb"); // write out modified image | |
for (i=0; i<uptr->capac; i++) { | |
c = *(zx200a[fdcnum].fdd[fddnum].buf + i); | |
fputc(c, fp); | |
} | |
fclose(fp); | |
zx200a[fdcnum].rtype = ROK; | |
zx200a[fdcnum].intff = 1; //set interrupt FF | |
break; | |
default: | |
sim_printf("\n zx200a-%d: zx200a_diskio bad di=%02X", fdcnum, di & 0x07); | |
break; | |
} | |
} | |
/* end of zx-200a.c */ |