blob: d111fca08286edf3ee8ddb6ab1dbcadc0ac63a4c [file] [log] [blame] [raw]
/* sim_frontpanel.c: simulator frontpanel API
Copyright (c) 2015, Mark Pizzolato
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
Except as contained in this notice, the name of Mark Pizzolato shall not be
used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings
in this Software without prior written authorization from Mark Pizzolato.
05-Feb-15 MP Initial implementation
01-Apr-15 MP Added register indirect, mem_examine and mem_deposit
03-Apr-15 MP Added logic to pass simulator startup messages in
panel error text if the connection to the simulator
shuts down while it is starting.
04-Apr-15 MP Added mount and dismount routines to connect and
disconnect removable media
This module provides interface between a front panel application and a simh
simulator. Facilities provide ways to gather information from and to
observe and control the state of a simulator.
The details of the 'wire protocol' are internal to the API interfaces
provided here and described in sim_frontpanel.h. These details are subject
to change from one sim_frontpanel version to the next, while all efforts
will be made to retain any prior sim_frontpanel API interfaces.
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#include "sim_frontpanel.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include "sim_sock.h"
#if defined(_WIN32)
#include <process.h>
#include <windows.h>
#define sleep(n) Sleep(n*1000)
#define msleep(n) Sleep(n)
#define strtoull _strtoui64
int clock_gettime(int clk_id, struct timespec *tp)
unsigned long long now, unixbase;
unixbase = 116444736;
unixbase *= 1000000000;
now -= unixbase;
tp->tv_sec = (long)(now/10000000);
tp->tv_nsec = (now%10000000)*100;
return 0;
#else /* NOT _WIN32 */
#include <unistd.h>
#define msleep(n) usleep(1000*n)
#include <sys/wait.h>
#if defined (__APPLE__)
#define HAVE_STRUCT_TIMESPEC 1 /* OSX defined the structure but doesn't tell us */
/* on HP-UX, CLOCK_REALTIME is enum, not preprocessor define */
#if !defined(CLOCK_REALTIME) && !defined(__hpux)
#if !defined(_TIMESPEC_DEFINED)
struct timespec {
long tv_sec;
long tv_nsec;
#endif /* _TIMESPEC_DEFINED */
int clock_gettime(int clk_id, struct timespec *tp)
struct timeval cur;
struct timezone foo;
gettimeofday (&cur, &foo);
tp->tv_sec = cur.tv_sec;
tp->tv_nsec = cur.tv_usec*1000;
return 0;
#endif /* defined(NEED_CLOCK_GETTIME) */
#endif /* !defined(CLOCK_REALTIME) && !defined(__hpux) */
#endif /* NOT _WIN32 */
typedef struct {
char *name;
char *device_name;
void *addr;
size_t size;
int indirect;
size_t element_count;
int *bits;
size_t bit_count;
} REG;
struct PANEL {
PANEL *parent; /* Device Panels can have parent panels */
char *path; /* simulator path */
char *config;
char *device_name; /* device name */
char *temp_config;
char hostport[64];
size_t device_count;
PANEL **devices;
SOCKET sock;
size_t reg_count;
REG *regs;
char *reg_query;
int new_register;
size_t reg_query_size;
unsigned long long array_element_data;
OperationalState State;
unsigned long long simulation_time;
unsigned long long simulation_time_base;
pthread_t io_thread;
int io_thread_running;
pthread_mutex_t io_lock;
pthread_mutex_t io_send_lock;
pthread_mutex_t io_command_lock;
int command_count;
int io_reg_query_pending;
int io_waiting;
char *io_response;
size_t io_response_data;
size_t io_response_size;
pthread_cond_t io_done;
pthread_cond_t startup_done;
pthread_t callback_thread;
int callback_thread_running;
void *callback_context;
int usecs_between_callbacks;
pthread_t debugflush_thread;
int debugflush_thread_running;
unsigned int sample_frequency;
unsigned int sample_dither_pct;
unsigned int sample_depth;
int debug;
char *simulator_version;
int radix;
FILE *Debug;
#if defined(_WIN32)
HANDLE hProcess;
pid_t pidProcess;
* Thread synchronization model:
* Mutex: Role:
* io_lock Serialize access to panel state variables
* acquired and released in application threads:
* _panel_register_query_string,
* _panel_establish_register_bits_collection,
* _panel_sendf
* acquired and released in internal threads:
* _panel_callback
* _panel_reader
* io_send_lock Serializes writes to a panel's sockets so that complete
* command/request data can be delivered before another
* thread attempts to write to the socket.
* acquired and released in: _panel_send
* io_command_lock To serialize frontpanel application command requests
* acquired and released in: _panel_get_registers, _panel_sendf
* Condition Var: Sync Mutex: Purpose & Duration:
* io_done io_lock
* startup_done io_lock Indicate background thread setup is complete.
* Once signaled, it is immediately destroyed.
static const char *sim_prompt = "sim> ";
static const char *register_repeat_prefix = "repeat every ";
static const char *register_repeat_stop = "repeat stop";
static const char *register_repeat_stop_all = "repeat stop all";
static const char *register_repeat_units = " usecs ";
static const char *register_get_prefix = "show time";
static const char *register_collect_prefix = "collect ";
static const char *register_collect_mid1 = " samples every ";
static const char *register_collect_mid2 = " cycles dither ";
static const char *register_collect_mid3 = " percent ";
static const char *register_get_postfix = "sampleout";
static const char *register_get_echo = "# REGISTERS-DONE";
static const char *register_repeat_echo = "# REGISTERS-REPEAT-DONE";
static const char *register_dev_echo = "# REGISTERS-FOR-DEVICE:";
static const char *register_ind_echo = "# REGISTER-INDIRECT:";
static const char *command_status = "ECHO Status:%STATUS%-%TSTATUS%";
static const char *command_done_echo = "# COMMAND-DONE";
static int little_endian;
static void *_panel_reader(void *arg);
static void *_panel_callback(void *arg);
static void *_panel_debugflusher(void *arg);
static void sim_panel_set_error (const char *fmt, ...);
static pthread_key_t panel_thread_id;
#define TN_IAC 0xFFu /* -1 */ /* protocol delim */
#define TN_DONT 0xFEu /* -2 */ /* dont */
#define TN_DO 0xFDu /* -3 */ /* do */
#define TN_WONT 0xFCu /* -4 */ /* wont */
#define TN_WILL 0xFBu /* -5 */ /* will */
#define TN_BIN 0 /* bin */
#define TN_ECHO 1 /* echo */
#define TN_SGA 3 /* sga */
#define TN_CR 015 /* carriage return */
#define TN_LF 012 /* line feed */
#define TN_LINE 34 /* line mode */
static unsigned char mantra[] = {
static void *
_panel_malloc (size_t size)
void *p = malloc (size);
if (p == NULL)
sim_panel_set_error ("Out of Memory");
return p;
/* Allow compiler to help validate printf style format arguments */
#if !defined __GNUC__
#define GCC_FMT_ATTR(n, m)
#if !defined(GCC_FMT_ATTR)
#define GCC_FMT_ATTR(n, m) __attribute__ ((format (__printf__, n, m)))
static void __panel_debug (PANEL *p, int dbits, const char *fmt, const char *buf, int bufsize, ...) GCC_FMT_ATTR(3, 6);
#define _panel_debug(p, dbits, fmt, buf, bufsize, ...) do { if (p && p->Debug && ((dbits) & p->debug)) __panel_debug (p, dbits, fmt, buf, bufsize, ##__VA_ARGS__);} while (0)
static void __panel_debug (PANEL *p, int dbits, const char *fmt, const char *buf, int bufsize, ...)
if (p && p->Debug && (dbits & p->debug)) {
int i;
struct timespec time_now;
va_list arglist;
char timestamp[32];
char threadname[50];
size_t obufsize = 10240 + 8*bufsize;
char *obuf = (char *)_panel_malloc (obufsize);
clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &time_now);
sprintf (timestamp, "%lld.%03d ", (long long)(time_now.tv_sec), (int)(time_now.tv_nsec/1000000));
sprintf (threadname, "%s:%s ", p->parent ? p->device_name : "CPU", (pthread_getspecific (panel_thread_id)) ? (char *)pthread_getspecific (panel_thread_id) : "");
va_start (arglist, bufsize);
vsnprintf (obuf, obufsize - 1, fmt, arglist);
va_end (arglist);
for (i=0; i<bufsize; ++i) {
switch ((unsigned char)buf[i]) {
case TN_CR:
sprintf (&obuf[strlen (obuf)], "_TN_CR_");
case TN_LF:
sprintf (&obuf[strlen (obuf)], "_TN_LF_");
case TN_IAC:
sprintf (&obuf[strlen (obuf)], "_TN_IAC_");
switch ((unsigned char)buf[i+1]) {
case TN_IAC:
sprintf (&obuf[strlen (obuf)], "_TN_IAC_"); ++i;
case TN_DONT:
sprintf (&obuf[strlen (obuf)], "_TN_DONT_"); ++i;
case TN_DO:
sprintf (&obuf[strlen (obuf)], "_TN_DO_"); ++i;
case TN_WONT:
sprintf (&obuf[strlen (obuf)], "_TN_WONT_"); ++i;
case TN_WILL:
sprintf (&obuf[strlen (obuf)], "_TN_WILL_"); ++i;
sprintf (&obuf[strlen (obuf)], "_0x%02X_", (unsigned char)buf[i+1]); ++i;
switch ((unsigned char)buf[i+1]) {
case TN_BIN:
sprintf (&obuf[strlen (obuf)], "_TN_BIN_"); ++i;
case TN_ECHO:
sprintf (&obuf[strlen (obuf)], "_TN_ECHO_"); ++i;
case TN_SGA:
sprintf (&obuf[strlen (obuf)], "_TN_SGA_"); ++i;
case TN_LINE:
sprintf (&obuf[strlen (obuf)], "_TN_LINE_"); ++i;
sprintf (&obuf[strlen (obuf)], "_0x%02X_", (unsigned char)buf[i+1]); ++i;
if (isprint((u_char)buf[i]))
sprintf (&obuf[strlen (obuf)], "%c", buf[i]);
else {
sprintf (&obuf[strlen (obuf)], "_");
if ((buf[i] >= 1) && (buf[i] <= 26))
sprintf (&obuf[strlen (obuf)], "^%c", 'A' + buf[i] - 1);
sprintf (&obuf[strlen (obuf)], "\\%03o", (u_char)buf[i]);
sprintf (&obuf[strlen (obuf)], "_");
fprintf(p->Debug, "%s%s%s\n", timestamp, threadname, obuf);
free (obuf);
static void *
_panel_debugflusher(void *arg)
PANEL *p = (PANEL*)arg;
pthread_setspecific (panel_thread_id, "debugflush");
pthread_mutex_lock (&p->io_lock);
p->debugflush_thread_running = 1;
pthread_mutex_unlock (&p->io_lock);
pthread_cond_signal (&p->startup_done); /* Signal we're ready to go */
msleep (100);
pthread_mutex_lock (&p->io_lock);
while (p->sock != INVALID_SOCKET) {
pthread_mutex_unlock (&p->io_lock);
msleep (15000);
sim_panel_flush_debug (p);
pthread_mutex_lock (&p->io_lock);
pthread_mutex_unlock (&p->io_lock);
pthread_mutex_lock (&p->io_lock);
pthread_setspecific (panel_thread_id, NULL);
p->debugflush_thread_running = 0;
pthread_mutex_unlock (&p->io_lock);
return NULL;
static void
_set_debug_file (PANEL *panel, const char *debug_file)
if (!panel)
panel->Debug = fopen(debug_file, "w");
if (panel->Debug)
setvbuf (panel->Debug, NULL, _IOFBF, 65536);
sim_panel_set_debug_mode (PANEL *panel, int debug_bits)
if (panel)
panel->debug = debug_bits;
sim_panel_flush_debug (PANEL *panel)
if (!panel)
if (panel->Debug)
fflush (panel->Debug);
static int
_panel_send (PANEL *p, const char *msg, int len)
int sent = 0;
if (p->sock == INVALID_SOCKET) {
sim_panel_set_error ("Invalid Socket for write");
p->State = Error;
return -1;
pthread_mutex_lock (&p->io_send_lock);
while (len) {
int bsent = sim_write_sock (p->sock, msg, len);
if (bsent < 0) {
sim_panel_set_error ("%s", sim_get_err_sock("Error writing to socket"));
p->State = Error;
pthread_mutex_unlock (&p->io_send_lock);
return bsent;
_panel_debug (p, DBG_XMT, "Sent %d bytes: ", msg, bsent, bsent);
len -= bsent;
msg += bsent;
sent += bsent;
pthread_mutex_unlock (&p->io_send_lock);
return sent;
static int
_panel_sendf (PANEL *p, int *completion_status, char **response, const char *fmt, ...);
static int
_panel_register_query_string (PANEL *panel, char **buf, size_t *buf_size)
size_t i, j, buf_data, buf_needed = 0, reg_count = 0, bit_reg_count = 0;
const char *dev;
pthread_mutex_lock (&panel->io_lock);
buf_needed = 2 + strlen (register_get_prefix); /* SHOW TIME */
for (i=0; i<panel->reg_count; i++) {
if (panel->regs[i].bits)
else {
buf_needed += 9 + strlen (panel->regs[i].name) + (panel->regs[i].device_name ? strlen (panel->regs[i].device_name) : 0);
if (panel->regs[i].element_count > 0)
buf_needed += 4 + 6 /* 6 digit register array index */;
if (panel->regs[i].indirect)
buf_needed += 12 + strlen (register_ind_echo) + strlen (panel->regs[i].name);
if (bit_reg_count)
buf_needed += 2 + strlen (register_get_postfix);
buf_needed += 10 + strlen (register_get_echo); /* # REGISTERS-DONE */
if (buf_needed > *buf_size) {
free (*buf);
*buf = (char *)_panel_malloc (buf_needed);
if (!*buf) {
panel->State = Error;
pthread_mutex_unlock (&panel->io_lock);
return -1;
*buf_size = buf_needed;
buf_data = 0;
if (reg_count) {
sprintf (*buf + buf_data, "%s\r", register_get_prefix);
buf_data += strlen (*buf + buf_data);
dev = "";
for (i=j=0; i<panel->reg_count; i++) {
const char *reg_dev = panel->regs[i].device_name ? panel->regs[i].device_name : "";
if ((panel->regs[i].indirect) || (panel->regs[i].bits))
if (strcmp (dev, reg_dev)) {/* devices are different */
char *tbuf;
buf_needed += 4 + strlen (register_dev_echo) + strlen (reg_dev); /* # REGISTERS-for-DEVICE:XXX */
tbuf = (char *)_panel_malloc (buf_needed);
if (tbuf == NULL) {
panel->State = Error;
pthread_mutex_unlock (&panel->io_lock);
return -1;
strcpy (tbuf, *buf);
free (*buf);
*buf = tbuf;
sprintf (*buf + buf_data, "%s%s%s\r", (i == 0)? "" : "\r", register_dev_echo, reg_dev);
buf_data += strlen (*buf + buf_data);
dev = reg_dev;
j = 0;
*buf_size = buf_needed;
if (panel->regs[i].element_count == 0) {
if (j == 0)
sprintf (*buf + buf_data, "E -H %s %s", dev, panel->regs[i].name);
sprintf (*buf + buf_data, ",%s", panel->regs[i].name);
else {
if (j == 0)
sprintf (*buf + buf_data, "E -H %s %s[0:%d]", dev, panel->regs[i].name, (int)(panel->regs[i].element_count-1));
sprintf (*buf + buf_data, ",%s[0:%d]", panel->regs[i].name, (int)(panel->regs[i].element_count-1));
buf_data += strlen (*buf + buf_data);
if (buf_data && ((*buf)[buf_data-1] != '\r')) {
strcpy (*buf + buf_data, "\r");
buf_data += strlen (*buf + buf_data);
for (i=j=0; i<panel->reg_count; i++) {
const char *reg_dev = panel->regs[i].device_name ? panel->regs[i].device_name : "";
if ((!panel->regs[i].indirect) || (panel->regs[i].bits))
sprintf (*buf + buf_data, "%s%s\rE -H %s %s,$\r", register_ind_echo, panel->regs[i].name, reg_dev, panel->regs[i].name);
buf_data += strlen (*buf + buf_data);
if (bit_reg_count) {
strcpy (*buf + buf_data, register_get_postfix);
buf_data += strlen (*buf + buf_data);
strcpy (*buf + buf_data, "\r");
buf_data += strlen (*buf + buf_data);
strcpy (*buf + buf_data, register_get_echo);
buf_data += strlen (*buf + buf_data);
strcpy (*buf + buf_data, "\r");
buf_data += strlen (*buf + buf_data);
*buf_size = buf_data;
pthread_mutex_unlock (&panel->io_lock);
return 0;
static int
_panel_establish_register_bits_collection (PANEL *panel)
size_t i, buf_data, buf_needed = 0, reg_count = 0, bit_reg_count = 0;
int cmd_stat, bits_count = 0;
char *buf, *response = NULL;
pthread_mutex_lock (&panel->io_lock);
for (i=0; i<panel->reg_count; i++) {
if (panel->regs[i].bits)
buf_needed += 9 + strlen (panel->regs[i].name) + (panel->regs[i].device_name ? strlen (panel->regs[i].device_name) : 0);
buf = (char *)_panel_malloc (buf_needed);
if (!buf) {
panel->State = Error;
pthread_mutex_unlock (&panel->io_lock);
return -1;
*buf = '\0';
buf_data = 0;
for (i=0; i<panel->reg_count; i++) {
if (panel->regs[i].bits) {
sprintf (buf + buf_data, "%s%s", (bits_count != 1) ? "," : "", panel->regs[i].indirect ? "-I " : "");
buf_data += strlen (buf + buf_data);
if (panel->regs[i].device_name) {
sprintf (buf + buf_data, "%s ", panel->regs[i].device_name);
buf_data += strlen (buf + buf_data);
sprintf (buf + buf_data, "%s", panel->regs[i].name);
buf_data += strlen (buf + buf_data);
pthread_mutex_unlock (&panel->io_lock);
if (_panel_sendf (panel, &cmd_stat, &response, "%s%u%s%u%s%u%s%s\r", register_collect_prefix, panel->sample_depth,
register_collect_mid1, panel->sample_frequency,
register_collect_mid2, panel->sample_dither_pct,
register_collect_mid3, buf)) {
sim_panel_set_error ("Error establishing bit data collection:%s", response);
free (response);
free (buf);
return -1;
free (response);
free (buf);
return 0;
static PANEL **panels = NULL;
static int panel_count = 0;
static void
_panel_cleanup (void)
while (panel_count)
sim_panel_destroy (*panels);
static void
_panel_register_panel (PANEL *p)
if (panel_count == 0)
pthread_key_create (&panel_thread_id, free);
if (!pthread_getspecific (panel_thread_id))
pthread_setspecific (panel_thread_id, p->device_name ? p->device_name : "PanelCreator");
panels = (PANEL **)realloc (panels, sizeof(*panels)*panel_count);
panels[panel_count-1] = p;
if (panel_count == 1)
atexit (&_panel_cleanup);
static void
_panel_deregister_panel (PANEL *p)
int i;
for (i=0; i<panel_count; i++) {
if (panels[i] == p) {
int j;
for (j=i+1; j<panel_count; j++)
panels[j-1] = panels[j];
if (panel_count == 0) {
free (panels);
panels = NULL;
pthread_setspecific (panel_thread_id, NULL);
pthread_key_delete (panel_thread_id);
static PANEL *
_sim_panel_create (const char *sim_path,
const char *sim_config,
size_t device_panel_count,
PANEL *simulator_panel,
const char *device_name,
const char *debug_file)
FILE *fOut = NULL;
struct stat statb;
char *buf = NULL;
int port;
int cmd_stat;
size_t i, device_num;
char hostport[64];
union {int i; char c[sizeof (int)]; } end_test;
if (simulator_panel) {
for (device_num=0; device_num < simulator_panel->device_count; ++device_num)
if (simulator_panel->devices[device_num] == NULL)
if (device_num == simulator_panel->device_count) {
sim_panel_set_error ("No free panel devices slots available %s simulator. All %d slots are used.", simulator_panel->path, (int)simulator_panel->device_count);
return NULL;
p = (PANEL *)_panel_malloc (sizeof(*p));
if (p == NULL)
goto Error_Return;
memset (p, 0, sizeof(*p));
_panel_register_panel (p);
p->device_name = (char *)_panel_malloc (1 + strlen (device_name));
if (p->device_name == NULL)
goto Error_Return;
strcpy (p->device_name, device_name);
p->parent = simulator_panel;
p->Debug = p->parent->Debug;
strcpy (p->hostport, simulator_panel->hostport);
else {
end_test.i = 1; /* test endian-ness */
little_endian = (end_test.c[0] != 0);
sim_init_sock ();
for (port=1024; port < 2048; port++) {
SOCKET sock;
sprintf (hostport, "%d", port);
sock = sim_connect_sock_ex (NULL, hostport, NULL, NULL, SIM_SOCK_OPT_NODELAY | SIM_SOCK_OPT_BLOCKING);
if (sock != INVALID_SOCKET) {
int sta = 0;
while (!sta) {
msleep (10);
sta = sim_check_conn (sock, 1);
sim_close_sock (sock);
if (sta == -1)
if (stat (sim_config, &statb) < 0) {
sim_panel_set_error ("Can't stat simulator configuration '%s': %s", sim_config, strerror(errno));
goto Error_Return;
buf = (char *)_panel_malloc (statb.st_size+1);
if (buf == NULL)
goto Error_Return;
buf[statb.st_size] = '\0';
p = (PANEL *)_panel_malloc (sizeof(*p));
if (p == NULL)
goto Error_Return;
memset (p, 0, sizeof(*p));
_panel_register_panel (p);
p->path = (char *)_panel_malloc (strlen (sim_path) + 1);
if (p->path == NULL)
goto Error_Return;
strcpy (p->path, sim_path);
p->config = (char *)_panel_malloc (strlen (sim_config) + 1);
if (p->config == NULL)
goto Error_Return;
strcpy (p->config, sim_config);
fIn = fopen (sim_config, "r");
if (fIn == NULL) {
sim_panel_set_error ("Can't open configuration file '%s': %s", sim_config, strerror(errno));
goto Error_Return;
p->temp_config = (char *)_panel_malloc (strlen (sim_config) + 40);
if (p->temp_config == NULL)
goto Error_Return;
sprintf (p->temp_config, "%s-Panel-%d", sim_config, getpid());
fOut = fopen (p->temp_config, "w");
if (fOut == NULL) {
sim_panel_set_error ("Can't create temporary configuration file '%s': %s", p->temp_config, strerror(errno));
goto Error_Return;
fprintf (fOut, "# Temporary FrontPanel generated simh configuration file\n");
fprintf (fOut, "# Original Configuration File: %s\n", p->config);
fprintf (fOut, "# Simulator Path: %s\n", sim_path);
while (fgets (buf, statb.st_size, fIn))
fputs (buf, fOut);
free (buf);
buf = NULL;
fclose (fIn);
fIn = NULL;
fprintf (fOut, "set remote notelnet\n");
if (device_panel_count)
fprintf (fOut, "set remote connections=%d\n", (int)device_panel_count+1);
fprintf (fOut, "set remote -u telnet=%s\n", hostport);
fprintf (fOut, "set remote master\n");
fprintf (fOut, "exit\n");
fclose (fOut);
fOut = NULL;
if (debug_file) {
_set_debug_file (p, debug_file);
sim_panel_set_debug_mode (p, DBG_XMT|DBG_RCV);
_panel_debug (p, DBG_XMT|DBG_RCV, "Creating Simulator Process %s\n", NULL, 0, sim_path);
if (stat (p->temp_config, &statb) < 0) {
sim_panel_set_error ("Can't stat temporary simulator configuration '%s': %s", p->temp_config, strerror(errno));
goto Error_Return;
buf = (char *)_panel_malloc (statb.st_size+1);
if (buf == NULL)
goto Error_Return;
buf[statb.st_size] = '\0';
fIn = fopen (p->temp_config, "r");
if (fIn == NULL) {
sim_panel_set_error ("Can't open temporary configuration file '%s': %s", p->temp_config, strerror(errno));
goto Error_Return;
_panel_debug (p, DBG_XMT|DBG_RCV, "Using Temporary Configuration File '%s' containing:", NULL, 0, p->temp_config);
i = 0;
while (fgets (buf, statb.st_size, fIn)) {
buf[strlen(buf) - 1] = '\0';
_panel_debug (p, DBG_XMT|DBG_RCV, "Line %2d: %s", NULL, 0, (int)i, buf);
free (buf);
buf = NULL;
fclose (fIn);
fIn = NULL;
if (!simulator_panel) {
#if defined(_WIN32)
char cmd[2048];
sprintf(cmd, "%s%s%s %s%s%s", strchr (sim_path, ' ') ? "\"" : "", sim_path, strchr (sim_path, ' ') ? "\"" : "", strchr (p->temp_config, ' ') ? "\"" : "", p->temp_config, strchr (p->temp_config, ' ') ? "\"" : "");
memset (&ProcessInfo, 0, sizeof(ProcessInfo));
memset (&StartupInfo, 0, sizeof(StartupInfo));
StartupInfo.hStdInput = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
StartupInfo.hStdOutput = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
StartupInfo.hStdError = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
if (CreateProcessA(NULL, cmd, NULL, NULL, FALSE, CREATE_NO_WINDOW, NULL, NULL, &StartupInfo, &ProcessInfo)) {
CloseHandle (ProcessInfo.hThread);
p->hProcess = ProcessInfo.hProcess;
else { /* Creation Problem */
sim_panel_set_error ("CreateProcess Error: %d", GetLastError());
goto Error_Return;
p->pidProcess = fork();
if (p->pidProcess == 0) {
close (0); close (1); close (2); /* make sure not to pass the open standard handles */
dup (dup (open ("/dev/null", O_RDWR))); /* open standard handles to /dev/null */
if (execlp (sim_path, sim_path, p->temp_config, NULL, NULL)) {
perror ("execl");
if (p->pidProcess < 0) {
p->pidProcess = 0;
sim_panel_set_error ("fork() Error: %s", strerror(errno));
goto Error_Return;
strcpy (p->hostport, hostport);
for (i=0; i<100; i++) { /* Allow up to 10 seconds waiting for simulator to start up */
p->sock = sim_connect_sock_ex (NULL, p->hostport, NULL, NULL, SIM_SOCK_OPT_NODELAY | SIM_SOCK_OPT_BLOCKING);
if (p->sock == INVALID_SOCKET)
msleep (100);
if (p->sock == INVALID_SOCKET) {
if (simulator_panel) {
sim_panel_set_error ("Can't connect to simulator Remote Console on port %s", p->hostport);
else {
if (stat (sim_path, &statb) < 0)
sim_panel_set_error ("Can't stat simulator '%s': %s", sim_path, strerror(errno));
sim_panel_set_error ("Can't connect to the %s simulator Remote Console on port %s, the simulator process may not have started or the simulator binary can't be found", sim_path, p->hostport);
goto Error_Return;
_panel_debug (p, DBG_XMT|DBG_RCV, "Connected to simulator on %s after %dms\n", NULL, 0, p->hostport, (int)i*100);
pthread_mutex_init (&p->io_lock, NULL);
pthread_mutex_init (&p->io_send_lock, NULL);
pthread_mutex_init (&p->io_command_lock, NULL);
pthread_cond_init (&p->io_done, NULL);
pthread_cond_init (&p->startup_done, NULL);
if (sizeof(mantra) != _panel_send (p, (char *)mantra, sizeof(mantra))) {
sim_panel_set_error ("Error sending Telnet mantra (options): %s", sim_get_err_sock ("send"));
goto Error_Return;
if (1) {
pthread_attr_t attr;
pthread_attr_setscope(&attr, PTHREAD_SCOPE_SYSTEM);
pthread_mutex_lock (&p->io_lock);
p->io_thread_running = 0;
pthread_create (&p->io_thread, &attr, _panel_reader, (void *)p);
while (!p->io_thread_running)
pthread_cond_wait (&p->startup_done, &p->io_lock); /* Wait for thread to stabilize */
if (p->Debug) {
p->debugflush_thread_running = 0;
pthread_create (&p->debugflush_thread, &attr, _panel_debugflusher, (void *)p);
while (!p->debugflush_thread_running)
pthread_cond_wait (&p->startup_done, &p->io_lock); /* Wait for thread to stabilize */
pthread_mutex_unlock (&p->io_lock);
pthread_cond_destroy (&p->startup_done);
if (simulator_panel) {
simulator_panel->devices[device_num] = p;
else {
if (device_panel_count) {
p->devices = (PANEL **)_panel_malloc (device_panel_count*sizeof(*p->devices));
if (p->devices == NULL)
goto Error_Return;
memset (p->devices, 0, device_panel_count*sizeof(*p->devices));
p->device_count = device_panel_count;
if (p->State == Error)
goto Error_Return;
/* Validate sim_frontpanel API version */
if (_panel_sendf (p, &cmd_stat, &p->simulator_version, "SHOW VERSION\r"))
goto Error_Return;
if (1) {
int api_version = 0;
char *c = strstr (p->simulator_version, "FrontPanel API Version");
if ((!c) ||
(1 != sscanf (c, "FrontPanel API Version %d", &api_version)) ||
(api_version != SIM_FRONTPANEL_VERSION)) {
sim_panel_set_error ("Inconsistent sim_frontpanel API version %d in simulator. Version %d needed.-", api_version, SIM_FRONTPANEL_VERSION);
goto Error_Return;
if (1) {
char *radix = NULL;
if (_panel_sendf (p, &cmd_stat, &radix, "SHOW %s RADIX\r", p->device_name ? p->device_name : "")) {
free (radix);
goto Error_Return;
sscanf (radix, "Radix=%d", &p->radix);
free (radix);
if ((p->radix != 16) && (p->radix != 8)) {
sim_panel_set_error ("Unsupported Radix: %d%s%s.", p->radix, p->device_name ? " on device " : "", p->device_name ? p->device_name : "");
goto Error_Return;
return p;
if (fIn)
fclose (fIn);
if (fOut) {
fclose (fOut);
remove (p->temp_config);
if (buf)
free (buf);
if (1) {
const char *err = sim_panel_get_error();
char *errbuf = (char *)_panel_malloc (1 + strlen (err));
strcpy (errbuf, err); /* preserve error info while closing */
sim_panel_destroy (p);
sim_panel_set_error ("%s", errbuf);
free (errbuf);
return NULL;
sim_panel_start_simulator_debug (const char *sim_path,
const char *sim_config,
size_t device_panel_count,
const char *debug_file)
return _sim_panel_create (sim_path, sim_config, device_panel_count, NULL, NULL, debug_file);
sim_panel_start_simulator (const char *sim_path,
const char *sim_config,
size_t device_panel_count)
return sim_panel_start_simulator_debug (sim_path, sim_config, device_panel_count, NULL);
sim_panel_add_device_panel_debug (PANEL *simulator_panel,
const char *device_name,
const char *debug_file)
return _sim_panel_create (NULL, NULL, 0, simulator_panel, device_name, debug_file);
sim_panel_add_device_panel (PANEL *simulator_panel,
const char *device_name)
return sim_panel_add_device_panel_debug (simulator_panel, device_name, NULL);
sim_panel_destroy (PANEL *panel)
REG *reg;
if (panel) {
_panel_debug (panel, DBG_XMT|DBG_RCV, "Closing Panel %s\n", NULL, 0, panel->device_name? panel->device_name : panel->path);
if (panel->devices) {
size_t i;
for (i=0; i<panel->device_count; i++) {
if (panel->devices[i])
sim_panel_destroy (panel->devices[i]);
free (panel->devices);
panel->devices = NULL;
if (panel->sock != INVALID_SOCKET) {
SOCKET sock = panel->sock;
int wait_count;
/* First, wind down the automatic register queries */
sim_panel_set_display_callback_interval (panel, NULL, NULL, 0);
/* Next, attempt a simulator shutdown only with the master panel */
if (panel->parent == NULL) {
if (panel->State == Run)
_panel_send (panel, "\005\r", 2);
_panel_send (panel, "EXIT\r", 5);
/* Wait for up to 2 seconds for a graceful shutdown */
for (wait_count=0; panel->io_thread_running && (wait_count<20); ++wait_count)
msleep (100);
/* Now close the socket which should stop a pending read that hasn't completed */
panel->sock = INVALID_SOCKET;
sim_close_sock (sock);
pthread_join (panel->io_thread, NULL);
if (panel->Debug)
pthread_join (panel->debugflush_thread, NULL);
pthread_mutex_destroy (&panel->io_lock);
pthread_mutex_destroy (&panel->io_send_lock);
pthread_mutex_destroy (&panel->io_command_lock);
pthread_cond_destroy (&panel->io_done);
#if defined(_WIN32)
if (panel->hProcess) {
TerminateProcess (panel->hProcess, 0);
WaitForSingleObject (panel->hProcess, INFINITE);
CloseHandle (panel->hProcess);
if (panel->pidProcess) {
int status;
if (!kill (panel->pidProcess, 0)) {
kill (panel->pidProcess, SIGTERM);
msleep (200);
if (!kill (panel->pidProcess, 0))
kill (panel->pidProcess, SIGKILL);
waitpid (panel->pidProcess, &status, 0);
free (panel->path);
free (panel->device_name);
free (panel->config);
if (panel->temp_config)
remove (panel->temp_config);
free (panel->temp_config);
reg = panel->regs;
while (panel->reg_count--) {
free (reg->name);
free (reg->device_name);
free (panel->regs);
free (panel->reg_query);
free (panel->io_response);
free (panel->simulator_version);
if ((panel->Debug) && (!panel->parent))
fclose (panel->Debug);
sim_cleanup_sock ();
_panel_deregister_panel (panel);
free (panel);
return 0;
sim_panel_get_state (PANEL *panel)
if (!panel)
return Halt;
return panel->State;
static int
_panel_add_register (PANEL *panel,
const char *name,
const char *device_name,
size_t size,
void *addr,
int indirect,
size_t element_count,
int *bits,
size_t bit_count)
REG *regs, *reg;
char *response = NULL, *c;
unsigned long long data;
size_t i;
int cmd_stat;
if (!panel || (panel->State == Error)) {
sim_panel_set_error ("Invalid Panel");
return -1;
if (panel->State == Run) {
sim_panel_set_error ("Not Halted");
return -1;
if ((bit_count != 0) && (panel->sample_depth == 0)) {
sim_panel_set_error ("sim_panel_set_sampling_parameters() must be called first");
return -1;
regs = (REG *)_panel_malloc ((1 + panel->reg_count)*sizeof(*regs));
if (regs == NULL) {
panel->State = Error;
return -1;
pthread_mutex_lock (&panel->io_lock);
memcpy (regs, panel->regs, panel->reg_count*sizeof(*regs));
reg = &regs[panel->reg_count];
memset (reg, 0, sizeof(*regs));
reg->name = (char *)_panel_malloc (1 + strlen (name));
if (reg->name == NULL) {
panel->State = Error;
free (regs);
return -1;
strcpy (reg->name, name);
reg->indirect = indirect;
reg->addr = addr;
reg->size = size;
reg->element_count = element_count;
reg->bits = bits;
reg->bit_count = bit_count;
for (i=0; i<strlen (reg->name); i++) {
if (islower (reg->name[i]))
reg->name[i] = toupper (reg->name[i]);
if (device_name) {
reg->device_name = (char *)_panel_malloc (1 + strlen (device_name));
if (reg->device_name == NULL) {
free (reg->name);
panel->State = Error;
free (regs);
return -1;
strcpy (reg->device_name, device_name);
for (i=0; i<strlen (reg->device_name); i++) {
if (islower (reg->device_name[i]))
reg->device_name[i] = toupper (reg->device_name[i]);
for (i=0; i<panel->reg_count; i++) {
char *t1 = (char *)_panel_malloc (2 + strlen (regs[i].name) + (regs[i].device_name? strlen (regs[i].device_name) : 0));
char *t2 = (char *)_panel_malloc (2 + strlen (reg->name) + (reg->device_name? strlen (reg->device_name) : 0));
if ((t1 == NULL) || (t2 == NULL)) {
free (t1);
free (t2);
free (reg->name);
free (reg->device_name);
panel->State = Error;
free (regs);
return -1;
sprintf (t1, "%s %s", regs[i].device_name ? regs[i].device_name : "", regs[i].name);
sprintf (t2, "%s %s", reg->device_name ? reg->device_name : "", reg->name);
if ((!strcmp (t1, t2)) &&
(reg->indirect == regs[i].indirect) &&
((reg->bits == NULL) == (regs[i].bits == NULL))) {
sim_panel_set_error ("Duplicate Register Declaration");
free (t1);
free (t2);
free (reg->name);
free (reg->device_name);
free (regs);
return -1;
free (t1);
free (t2);
pthread_mutex_unlock (&panel->io_lock);
/* Validate existence of requested register/array */
if (_panel_sendf (panel, &cmd_stat, &response, "EXAMINE -H %s %s%s\r", device_name? device_name : "", name, (element_count > 0) ? "[0]" : "")) {
free (reg->name);
free (reg->device_name);
free (regs);
return -1;
c = strchr (response, ':');
if ((!strcmp ("Invalid argument\r\n", response)) || (!c)) {
sim_panel_set_error ("Invalid Register: %s %s", device_name? device_name : "", name);
free (response);
free (reg->name);
free (reg->device_name);
free (regs);
return -1;
data = strtoull (c + 1, NULL, 16);
free (response);
if (element_count > 0) {
if (_panel_sendf (panel, &cmd_stat, &response, "EXAMINE %s %s[%d]\r", device_name? device_name : "", name, element_count-1)) {
free (reg->name);
free (reg->device_name);
free (regs);
return -1;
if (!strcmp ("Subscript out of range\r\n", response)) {
sim_panel_set_error ("Invalid Register Array Dimension: %s %s[%d]", device_name? device_name : "", name, element_count-1);
free (response);
free (reg->name);
free (reg->device_name);
free (regs);
return -1;
free (response);
pthread_mutex_lock (&panel->io_lock);
free (panel->regs);
panel->regs = regs;
panel->new_register = 1;
pthread_mutex_unlock (&panel->io_lock);
/* Now build the register query string for the whole register list */
if (_panel_register_query_string (panel, &panel->reg_query, &panel->reg_query_size))
return -1;
if (bits) {
for (i=0; i<bit_count; i++)
bits[i] = (data & (1LL<<i)) ? panel->sample_depth : 0;
if (_panel_establish_register_bits_collection (panel))
return -1;
return 0;
sim_panel_add_register (PANEL *panel,
const char *name,
const char *device_name,
size_t size,
void *addr)
return _panel_add_register (panel, name, device_name, size, addr, 0, 0, NULL, 0);
sim_panel_add_register_bits (PANEL *panel,
const char *name,
const char *device_name,
size_t bit_width,
int *bits)
return _panel_add_register (panel, name, device_name, 0, NULL, 0, 0, bits, bit_width);
sim_panel_add_register_array (PANEL *panel,
const char *name,
const char *device_name,
size_t element_count,
size_t size,
void *addr)
return _panel_add_register (panel, name, device_name, size, addr, 0, element_count, NULL, 0);
sim_panel_add_register_indirect (PANEL *panel,
const char *name,
const char *device_name,
size_t size,
void *addr)
return _panel_add_register (panel, name, device_name, size, addr, 1, 0, NULL, 0);
sim_panel_add_register_indirect_bits (PANEL *panel,
const char *name,
const char *device_name,
size_t bit_width,
int *bits)
return _panel_add_register (panel, name, device_name, 0, NULL, 1, 0, bits, bit_width);
static int
_panel_get_registers (PANEL *panel, int calledback, unsigned long long *simulation_time)
if ((!panel) || (panel->State == Error)) {
sim_panel_set_error ("Invalid Panel");
return -1;
if ((!calledback) && (panel->callback)) {
sim_panel_set_error ("Callback provides register data");
return -1;
if (!panel->reg_count) {
sim_panel_set_error ("No registers specified");
return -1;
pthread_mutex_lock (&panel->io_command_lock);
pthread_mutex_lock (&panel->io_lock);
if (panel->reg_query_size != _panel_send (panel, panel->reg_query, panel->reg_query_size)) {
pthread_mutex_unlock (&panel->io_lock);
pthread_mutex_unlock (&panel->io_command_lock);
return -1;
while (panel->io_reg_query_pending != 0) {
pthread_mutex_unlock (&panel->io_lock);
msleep (100);
pthread_mutex_lock (&panel->io_lock);
panel->io_waiting = 1;
while (panel->io_waiting)
pthread_cond_wait (&panel->io_done, &panel->io_lock);
if (simulation_time)
*simulation_time = panel->simulation_time;
pthread_mutex_unlock (&panel->io_lock);
pthread_mutex_unlock (&panel->io_command_lock);
return 0;
sim_panel_get_registers (PANEL *panel, unsigned long long *simulation_time)
return _panel_get_registers (panel, 0, simulation_time);
sim_panel_set_display_callback_interval (PANEL *panel,
void *context,
int usecs_between_callbacks)
if (!panel) {
sim_panel_set_error ("Invalid Panel");
return -1;
pthread_mutex_lock (&panel->io_lock); /* acquire access */
panel->callback = callback;
panel->callback_context = context;
if (usecs_between_callbacks && (0 == panel->usecs_between_callbacks)) { /* Need to start/enable callbacks */
pthread_attr_t attr;
panel->usecs_between_callbacks = usecs_between_callbacks;
pthread_cond_init (&panel->startup_done, NULL);
pthread_attr_setscope(&attr, PTHREAD_SCOPE_SYSTEM);
pthread_create (&panel->callback_thread, &attr, _panel_callback, (void *)panel);
while (!panel->callback_thread_running)
pthread_cond_wait (&panel->startup_done, &panel->io_lock); /* Wait for thread to stabilize */
pthread_cond_destroy (&panel->startup_done);
if ((usecs_between_callbacks == 0) && panel->usecs_between_callbacks) { /* Need to stop callbacks */
panel->usecs_between_callbacks = 0; /* flag disabled */
pthread_mutex_unlock (&panel->io_lock); /* allow access */
pthread_join (panel->callback_thread, NULL); /* synchronize with thread rundown */
pthread_mutex_lock (&panel->io_lock); /* reacquire access */
pthread_mutex_unlock (&panel->io_lock);
return 0;
sim_panel_set_sampling_parameters_ex (PANEL *panel,
unsigned int sample_frequency,
unsigned int sample_dither_pct,
unsigned int sample_depth)
if (sample_frequency == 0) {
sim_panel_set_error ("Invalid sample frequency value: %u", sample_frequency);
return -1;
if (sample_dither_pct > 25) {
sim_panel_set_error ("Invalid sample dither percentage value: %u", sample_dither_pct);
return -1;
if (sample_depth == 0) {
sim_panel_set_error ("Invalid sample depth value: %u", sample_depth);
return -1;
panel->sample_frequency = sample_frequency;
panel->sample_dither_pct = sample_dither_pct;
panel->sample_depth = sample_depth;
return 0;
sim_panel_set_sampling_parameters (PANEL *panel,
unsigned int sample_frequency,
unsigned int sample_depth)
return sim_panel_set_sampling_parameters_ex (panel,
sim_panel_exec_halt (PANEL *panel)
if (!panel || (panel->State == Error)) {
sim_panel_set_error ("Invalid Panel");
return -1;
if (panel->parent) {
sim_panel_set_error ("Can't HALT simulator from device front panel");
return -1;
if (panel->State == Run) {
if (1 != _panel_send (panel, "\005", 1))
return -1;
return 0;
sim_panel_exec_boot (PANEL *panel, const char *device)
int cmd_stat;
if (!panel || (panel->State == Error)) {
sim_panel_set_error ("Invalid Panel");
return -1;
if (panel->parent) {
sim_panel_set_error ("Can't BOOT simulator from device front panel");
return -1;
if (panel->State == Run) {
sim_panel_set_error ("Not Halted");
return -1;
/* A BOOT or RUN command will restart the simulator's time base. */
/* We account for that so that the frontpanel application sees ever */
/* increasing time values when register data is delivered. */
if (_panel_sendf (panel, &cmd_stat, NULL, "SHOW TIME\r"))
return -1;
panel->simulation_time_base += panel->simulation_time;
if (_panel_sendf (panel, NULL, NULL, "BOOT %s\r", device))
return -1;
panel->State = Run;
return 0;
sim_panel_exec_start (PANEL *panel)
int cmd_stat;
if (!panel || (panel->State == Error)) {
sim_panel_set_error ("Invalid Panel");
return -1;
if (panel->parent) {
sim_panel_set_error ("Can't RUN simulator from device front panel");
return -1;
if (panel->State == Run) {
sim_panel_set_error ("Not Halted");
return -1;
/* A BOOT or RUN command will restart the simulator's time base. */
/* We account for that so that the frontpanel application sees ever */
/* increasing time values when register data is delivered. */
if (_panel_sendf (panel, &cmd_stat, NULL, "SHOW TIME\r"))
return -1;
panel->simulation_time_base += panel->simulation_time;
if (_panel_sendf (panel, NULL, NULL, "RUN -Q\r", 5))
return -1;
panel->State = Run;
return 0;
sim_panel_exec_run (PANEL *panel)
if (!panel || (panel->State == Error)) {
sim_panel_set_error ("Invalid Panel");
return -1;
if (panel->parent) {
sim_panel_set_error ("Can't CONT simulator from device front panel");
return -1;
if (panel->State == Run) {
sim_panel_set_error ("Not Halted");
return -1;
if (_panel_sendf (panel, NULL, NULL, "CONT\r", 5))
return -1;
panel->State = Run;
return 0;
sim_panel_exec_step (PANEL *panel)
if (!panel || (panel->State == Error)) {
sim_panel_set_error ("Invalid Panel");
return -1;
if (panel->parent) {
sim_panel_set_error ("Can't STEP simulator from device front panel");
return -1;
if (panel->State == Run) {
sim_panel_set_error ("Not Halted");
return -1;
if (5 != _panel_send (panel, "STEP\r", 5))
return -1;
panel->State = Run;
return 0;
sim_panel_break_set (PANEL *panel, const char *condition)
char *response = NULL;
int cmd_stat;
if (!panel || (panel->State == Error)) {
sim_panel_set_error ("Invalid Panel");
return -1;
if (panel->parent) {
sim_panel_set_error ("Can't establish a breakpoint from device front panel");
return -1;
if (panel->State == Run) {
sim_panel_set_error ("Not Halted");
return -1;
if ((_panel_sendf (panel, &cmd_stat, &response, "BREAK %s\r", condition)) ||
(*response)) {
sim_panel_set_error ("Error establishing breakpoint at '%s': %s", condition, response ? response : "");
free (response);
return -1;
free (response);
return 0;
sim_panel_break_clear (PANEL *panel, const char *condition)
char *response = NULL;
int cmd_stat;
if (!panel || (panel->State == Error)) {
sim_panel_set_error ("Invalid Panel");
return -1;
if (panel->parent) {
sim_panel_set_error ("Can't clear a breakpoint from device front panel");
return -1;
if (panel->State == Run) {
sim_panel_set_error ("Not Halted");
return -1;
if ((_panel_sendf (panel, &cmd_stat, &response, "NOBREAK %s\r", condition)) ||
(*response)) {
sim_panel_set_error ("Error clearing breakpoint at '%s': %s", condition, response ? response : "");
free (response);
return -1;
free (response);
return 0;
sim_panel_break_output_set (PANEL *panel, const char *condition)
char *response = NULL;
int cmd_stat;
if (!panel || (panel->State == Error)) {
sim_panel_set_error ("Invalid Panel");
return -1;
if (panel->parent) {
sim_panel_set_error ("Can't establish an output breakpoint from device front panel");
return -1;
if (panel->State == Run) {
sim_panel_set_error ("Not Halted");
return -1;
if ((_panel_sendf (panel, &cmd_stat, &response, "EXPECT %s\r", condition)) ||
(*response)) {
sim_panel_set_error ("Error establishing output breakpoint for '%s': %s", condition, response ? response : "");
free (response);
return -1;
free (response);
return 0;
sim_panel_break_output_clear (PANEL *panel, const char *condition)
char *response = NULL;
int cmd_stat;
if (!panel || (panel->State == Error)) {
sim_panel_set_error ("Invalid Panel");
return -1;
if (panel->parent) {
sim_panel_set_error ("Can't clear an output breakpoint from device front panel");
return -1;
if (panel->State == Run) {
sim_panel_set_error ("Not Halted");
return -1;
if ((_panel_sendf (panel, &cmd_stat, &response, "NOEXPECT %s\r", condition)) ||
(*response)) {
sim_panel_set_error ("Error clearing output breakpoint for '%s': %s", condition, response ? response : "");
free (response);
return -1;
free (response);
return 0;
name_or_addr the name the simulator knows this register by
size the size (in local storage) of the buffer which will
receive the data returned when examining the simulator
value a pointer to the buffer which will be loaded with the
data returned when examining the simulator
sim_panel_gen_examine (PANEL *panel,
const char *name_or_addr,
size_t size,
void *value)
char *response = NULL, *c;
unsigned long long data = 0;
int cmd_stat;
if (!panel || (panel->State == Error)) {
sim_panel_set_error ("Invalid Panel");
return -1;
if (panel->State == Run) {
sim_panel_set_error ("Not Halted");
return -1;
if (_panel_sendf (panel, &cmd_stat, &response, "EXAMINE -H %s", name_or_addr)) {
free (response);
return -1;
c = strchr (response, ':');
if (!c) {
sim_panel_set_error ("response: %s", response);
free (response);
return -1;
data = strtoull (c + 1, NULL, 16);
if (little_endian)
memcpy (value, &data, size);
memcpy (value, ((char *)&data) + sizeof(data)-size, size);
free (response);
return 0;
name_or_addr the name the simulator knows this register by
size the size (in local storage) of the buffer which
contains the data to be deposited into the simulator
value a pointer to the buffer which contains the data to
be deposited into the simulator
sim_panel_gen_deposit (PANEL *panel,
const char *name_or_addr,
size_t size,
const void *value)
unsigned long long data = 0;
int cmd_stat;
if (!panel || (panel->State == Error)) {
sim_panel_set_error ("Invalid Panel");
return -1;
if (panel->State == Run) {
sim_panel_set_error ("Not Halted");
return -1;
if (little_endian)
memcpy (&data, value, size);
memcpy (((char *)&data) + sizeof(data)-size, value, size);
if (_panel_sendf (panel, &cmd_stat, NULL, "DEPOSIT -H %s %llx", name_or_addr, data))
return -1;
return 0;
addr_size the size (in local storage) of the buffer which
contains the memory address of the data to be examined
in the simulator
addr a pointer to the buffer containing the memory address
of the data to be examined in the simulator
value_size the size (in local storage) of the buffer which will
receive the data returned when examining the simulator
value a pointer to the buffer which will be loaded with the
data returned when examining the simulator
sim_panel_mem_examine (PANEL *panel,
size_t addr_size,
const void *addr,
size_t value_size,
void *value)
char *response = NULL, *c;
unsigned long long data = 0, address = 0;
int cmd_stat;
if (!panel || (panel->State == Error)) {
sim_panel_set_error ("Invalid Panel");
return -1;
if (panel->State == Run) {
sim_panel_set_error ("Not Halted");
return -1;
if (little_endian)
memcpy (&address, addr, addr_size);
memcpy (((char *)&address) + sizeof(address)-addr_size, addr, addr_size);
if (_panel_sendf (panel, &cmd_stat, &response, (panel->radix == 16) ? "EXAMINE -H %llx" : "EXAMINE -H %llo", address)) {
free (response);
return -1;
c = strchr (response, ':');
if (!c) {
sim_panel_set_error (response);
free (response);
return -1;
data = strtoull (c + 1, NULL, 16);
if (little_endian)
memcpy (value, &data, value_size);
memcpy (value, ((char *)&data) + sizeof(data)-value_size, value_size);
free (response);
return 0;
addr_size the size (in local storage) of the buffer which
contains the memory address of the data to be deposited
into the simulator
addr a pointer to the buffer containing the memory address
of the data to be deposited into the simulator
value_size the size (in local storage) of the buffer which will
contains the data to be deposited into the simulator
value a pointer to the buffer which contains the data to be
deposited into the simulator
sim_panel_mem_deposit (PANEL *panel,
size_t addr_size,
const void *addr,
size_t value_size,
const void *value)
unsigned long long data = 0, address = 0;
int cmd_stat;
if (!panel || (panel->State == Error)) {
sim_panel_set_error ("Invalid Panel");
return -1;
if (panel->State == Run) {
sim_panel_set_error ("Not Halted");
return -1;
if (little_endian) {
memcpy (&data, value, value_size);
memcpy (&address, addr, addr_size);
else {
memcpy (((char *)&data) + sizeof(data)-value_size, value, value_size);
memcpy (((char *)&address) + sizeof(address)-addr_size, addr, addr_size);
if (_panel_sendf (panel, &cmd_stat, NULL, (panel->radix == 16) ? "DEPOSIT -H %llx %llx" : "DEPOSIT -H %llo %llx", address, data))
return -1;
return 0;
name the name of a simulator register or a memory address
which is to receive a new value
value the new value in character string form. The string
must be in the native/natural radix that the simulator
uses when referencing that register
sim_panel_set_register_value (PANEL *panel,
const char *name,
const char *value)
int cmd_stat;
if (!panel || (panel->State == Error)) {
sim_panel_set_error ("Invalid Panel");
return -1;
if (panel->State == Run) {
sim_panel_set_error ("Not Halted");
return -1;
if (_panel_sendf (panel, &cmd_stat, NULL, "DEPOSIT %s %s", name, value))
return -1;
return 0;
device the name of a simulator device/unit
switches any switches appropriate for the desire attach
path the path on the local system to be attached
sim_panel_mount (PANEL *panel,
const char *device,
const char *switches,
const char *path)
char *response = NULL;
OperationalState OrigState;
int stat = 0;
int cmd_stat;
if (!panel || (panel->State == Error)) {
sim_panel_set_error ("Invalid Panel");
return -1;
pthread_mutex_lock (&panel->io_lock);
OrigState = panel->State;
if (OrigState == Run) {
sim_panel_exec_halt (panel);
while (panel->State == Run) {
pthread_mutex_unlock (&panel->io_lock);
msleep (100);
pthread_mutex_lock (&panel->io_lock);
pthread_mutex_unlock (&panel->io_lock);
do {
if (_panel_sendf (panel, &cmd_stat, &response, "ATTACH %s %s %s", switches, device, path)) {
stat = -1;
if (cmd_stat) {
sim_panel_set_error (response);
stat = -1;
} while (0);
pthread_mutex_lock (&panel->io_lock);
if (OrigState == Run)
sim_panel_exec_run (panel);
pthread_mutex_unlock (&panel->io_lock);
free (response);
return stat;
device the name of a simulator device/unit
sim_panel_dismount (PANEL *panel,
const char *device)
char *response = NULL;
OperationalState OrigState;
int stat = 0;
int cmd_stat;
if (!panel || (panel->State == Error)) {
sim_panel_set_error ("Invalid Panel");
return -1;
pthread_mutex_lock (&panel->io_lock);
OrigState = panel->State;
if (OrigState == Run) {
sim_panel_exec_halt (panel);
while (panel->State == Run) {
pthread_mutex_unlock (&panel->io_lock);
msleep (100);
pthread_mutex_lock (&panel->io_lock);
pthread_mutex_unlock (&panel->io_lock);
do {
if (_panel_sendf (panel, &cmd_stat, &response, "DETACH %s", device)) {
stat = -1;
if (cmd_stat) {
sim_panel_set_error (response);
stat = -1;
} while (0);
pthread_mutex_lock (&panel->io_lock);
if (OrigState == Run)
sim_panel_exec_run (panel);
pthread_mutex_unlock (&panel->io_lock);
free (response);
return stat;
static void *
_panel_reader(void *arg)
PANEL *p = (PANEL*)arg;
REG *r;
int sched_policy;
struct sched_param sched_priority;
char buf[4096];
int buf_data = 0;
Boost Priority for this response processing thread to quickly digest
arriving data.
pthread_getschedparam (pthread_self(), &sched_policy, &sched_priority);
pthread_setschedparam (pthread_self(), sched_policy, &sched_priority);
pthread_setspecific (panel_thread_id, "reader");
_panel_debug (p, DBG_THR, "Starting", NULL, 0);
buf[buf_data] = '\0';
pthread_mutex_lock (&p->io_lock);
if (!p->parent) {
while (1) {
int new_data = sim_read_sock (p->sock, &buf[buf_data], sizeof(buf)-(buf_data+1));
if (new_data <= 0) {
sim_panel_set_error ("%s after reading %d bytes: %s", sim_get_err_sock("Unexpected socket read"), buf_data, buf);
_panel_debug (p, DBG_RCV, "%s", NULL, 0, sim_panel_get_error());
p->State = Error;
_panel_debug (p, DBG_RCV, "Startup receive of %d bytes: ", &buf[buf_data], new_data, new_data);
buf_data += new_data;
buf[buf_data] = '\0';
if (!memcmp (mantra, buf, sizeof (mantra))) { /* strip initial telnet mantra from input stream */
memmove (buf, buf + sizeof (mantra), 1 + buf_data - sizeof (mantra));
buf_data -= sizeof (mantra);
if ((size_t)buf_data < strlen (sim_prompt))
if (!strcmp (sim_prompt, &buf[buf_data - strlen (sim_prompt)])) {
memmove (buf, &buf[buf_data - strlen (sim_prompt)], strlen (sim_prompt) + 1);
buf_data = strlen (sim_prompt);
p->io_thread_running = 1;
pthread_mutex_unlock (&p->io_lock);
pthread_cond_signal (&p->startup_done); /* Signal we're ready to go */
msleep (100);
pthread_mutex_lock (&p->io_lock);
while ((p->sock != INVALID_SOCKET) &&
(p->State != Error)) {
int new_data;
char *s, *e, *eol;
pthread_mutex_unlock (&p->io_lock);
new_data = sim_read_sock (p->sock, &buf[buf_data], sizeof(buf)-(buf_data+1));
pthread_mutex_lock (&p->io_lock);
if (new_data <= 0) {
sim_panel_set_error ("%s", sim_get_err_sock("Unexpected socket read"));
_panel_debug (p, DBG_RCV, "%s", NULL, 0, sim_panel_get_error());
p->State = Error;
_panel_debug (p, DBG_RCV, "Received %d bytes: ", &buf[buf_data], new_data, new_data);
buf_data += new_data;
buf[buf_data] = '\0';
s = buf;
while ((eol = strchr (s, '\n'))) {
/* Line to process */
r = NULL;
*eol++ = '\0';
while ((*s) && (s[strlen(s)-1] == '\r'))
s[strlen(s)-1] = '\0';
e = strchr (s, ':');
if (e) {
size_t i;
char smp_dev[32], smp_reg[32], smp_ind[32];
unsigned int bit;
*e++ = '\0';
if (!strcmp("Time", s)) {
p->simulation_time = strtoull (e, NULL, 10);
s = eol;
while (isspace(0xFF & (*s)))
continue; /* process next line */
if ((*s == '}') &&
(3 == sscanf (s, "}%s %s %s", smp_dev, smp_reg, smp_ind))) { /* Register bit Sample Data? */
r = NULL;
for (i=0; i<p->reg_count; i++) {
if (p->regs[i].bits == NULL)
if ((!strcmp (smp_reg, p->regs[i].name)) &&
((!p->device_name) || (!strcmp (smp_dev, p->device_name)))) {
r = &p->regs[i];
if (r) {
for (bit = 0; bit < r->bit_count; bit++) {
int val = (int)strtol (e, &e, 10);
r->bits[bit] = val;
if (*e == ',')
s = eol;
while (isspace(0xFF & (*s)))
r = NULL;
continue; /* process next line */
if (!strncmp (s + strlen (sim_prompt), register_ind_echo, strlen (register_ind_echo) - 1)) {
e = s + strlen (sim_prompt) + strlen (register_ind_echo);
r = NULL;
for (i=0; i<p->reg_count; i++) {
if (p->regs[i].indirect && (!strcmp(p->regs[i].name, e))) {
r = &p->regs[i];
s = eol;
while (isspace(0xFF & (*s)))
if (r)
continue; /* process next line */
if (!p->io_waiting) {
if (r) {
if (strcmp (s, r->name)) {
unsigned long long data;
data = strtoull (e, NULL, 16);
if (little_endian)
memcpy (r->addr, &data, r->size);
memcpy (r->addr, ((char *)&data) + sizeof(data)-r->size, r->size);
r = NULL;
s = eol;
while (isspace(0xFF & (*s)))
continue; /* process next line */
for (i=0; i<p->reg_count; i++) {
if (p->regs[i].element_count == 0) {
if (!strcmp(p->regs[i].name, s)) {
unsigned long long data;
data = strtoull (e, NULL, 16);
if (little_endian)
memcpy (p->regs[i].addr, &data, p->regs[i].size);
memcpy (p->regs[i].addr, ((char *)&data) + sizeof(data)-p->regs[i].size, p->regs[i].size);
else {
size_t name_len = strlen (p->regs[i].name);
if ((0 == memcmp (p->regs[i].name, s, name_len)) && (s[name_len] == '[')) {
size_t array_index = (size_t)atoi (s + name_len + 1);
size_t end_index = array_index;
char *end = strchr (s + name_len + 1, '[');
if (end)
end_index = (size_t)atoi (end + 1);
if (strcmp (e, " same as above"))
p->array_element_data = strtoull (e, NULL, 16);
while (array_index <= end_index) {
if (little_endian)
memcpy ((char *)(p->regs[i].addr) + (array_index * p->regs[i].size), &p->array_element_data, p->regs[i].size);
memcpy ((char *)(p->regs[i].addr) + (array_index * p->regs[i].size), ((char *)&p->array_element_data) + sizeof(p->array_element_data)-p->regs[i].size, p->regs[i].size);
if (i != p->reg_count) {
s = eol;
while (isspace(0xFF & (*s)))
*e = ':';
/* Unexpected Register Data Found (or other output containing a : character) */
if (!strcmp (s + strlen (sim_prompt), register_repeat_echo)) {
if (p->callback) {
pthread_mutex_unlock (&p->io_lock);
p->callback (p, p->simulation_time_base + p->simulation_time, p->callback_context);
pthread_mutex_lock (&p->io_lock);
if (!strcmp (s + strlen (sim_prompt), register_get_echo)) {
p->io_waiting = 0;
pthread_cond_signal (&p->io_done);
else {
if (!strcmp (s + strlen (sim_prompt), command_done_echo)) {
_panel_debug (p, DBG_RCV, "Received Command Complete", NULL, 0);
p->io_waiting = 0;
pthread_cond_signal (&p->io_done);
else {
/* Non Register Data Found (echo of EXAMINE or other commands and/or command output) */
if (p->io_waiting) {
char *t;
if (p->io_response_data + strlen (s) + 3 > p->io_response_size) {
t = (char *)_panel_malloc (p->io_response_data + strlen (s) + 3);
if (t == NULL) {
_panel_debug (p, DBG_RCV, "%s", NULL, 0, sim_panel_get_error());
p->State = Error;
memcpy (t, p->io_response, p->io_response_data);
free (p->io_response);
p->io_response = t;
p->io_response_size = p->io_response_data + strlen (s) + 3;
_panel_debug (p, DBG_RCV, "Receive Data Accumulated: '%s'", NULL, 0, s);
strcpy (p->io_response + p->io_response_data, s);
p->io_response_data += strlen(s);
strcpy (p->io_response + p->io_response_data, "\r\n");
p->io_response_data += 2;
_panel_debug (p, DBG_RCV, "Receive Data Discarded: '%s'", NULL, 0, s);
s = eol;
while (isspace(0xFF & (*s)))
memmove (buf, s, strlen (s)+1);
buf_data = strlen (buf);
_panel_debug (p, DBG_RSP, "Remnant Buffer Contents: '%s'", NULL, 0, buf);
if (!memcmp ("Simulator Running...", buf, 20)) {
_panel_debug (p, DBG_RSP, "State transitioning to Run", NULL, 0);
p->State = Run;
buf_data -= 20;
if (buf_data) {
memmove (buf, buf + 20, buf_data + 1);
/* Since there is more to look at, we need to let the state
transition to Run propagate before examining that.*/
pthread_mutex_unlock (&p->io_lock);
msleep (100);
pthread_mutex_lock (&p->io_lock);
buf[buf_data] = '\0';
if ((p->State == Run) && (!strcmp (buf, sim_prompt))) {
_panel_debug (p, DBG_RSP, "State transitioning to Halt", NULL, 0);
p->State = Halt;
if (p->io_waiting) {
_panel_debug (p, DBG_RCV, "Receive: restarting waiting thread while exiting", NULL, 0);
p->io_waiting = 0;
pthread_cond_signal (&p->io_done);
_panel_debug (p, DBG_THR, "Exiting", NULL, 0);
pthread_setspecific (panel_thread_id, NULL);
p->io_thread_running = 0;
pthread_mutex_unlock (&p->io_lock);
return NULL;
static void *
_panel_callback(void *arg)
PANEL *p = (PANEL*)arg;
int sched_policy;
struct sched_param sched_priority;
char *buf = NULL;
size_t buf_data = 0;
unsigned int callback_count = 0;
int cmd_stat;
Boost Priority for timer thread so it doesn't compete
with compute bound activities.
pthread_getschedparam (pthread_self(), &sched_policy, &sched_priority);
pthread_setschedparam (pthread_self(), sched_policy, &sched_priority);
pthread_setspecific (panel_thread_id, "callback");
_panel_debug (p, DBG_THR, "Starting", NULL, 0);
pthread_mutex_lock (&p->io_lock);
p->callback_thread_running = 1;
pthread_mutex_unlock (&p->io_lock);
pthread_cond_signal (&p->startup_done); /* Signal we're ready to go */
msleep (100);
pthread_mutex_lock (&p->io_lock);
while ((p->sock != INVALID_SOCKET) &&
(p->usecs_between_callbacks) &&
(p->State != Error)) {
int interval = p->usecs_between_callbacks;
int new_register = p->new_register;
p->new_register = 0;
pthread_mutex_unlock (&p->io_lock);
if (new_register) /* need to get and send updated register info */
_panel_register_query_string (p, &buf, &buf_data);
/* twice a second activities: */
/* 1) update the query string if it has changed */
/* (only really happens at startup) */
/* 2) update register state by polling if the simulator is halted */
msleep (500);
pthread_mutex_lock (&p->io_lock);
if (new_register) {
if (p->io_reg_query_pending == 0) {
size_t repeat_data = strlen (register_repeat_prefix) + /* prefix */
20 + /* max int width */
strlen (register_repeat_units) + /* units and spacing */
buf_data + /* command contents */
1 + /* carriage return */
strlen (register_repeat_echo) + /* auto repeat completion */
1 + /* carriage return */
1; /* NUL */
char *repeat = (char *)malloc (repeat_data);
char *c;
sprintf (repeat, "%s%d%s%*.*s", register_repeat_prefix,
(int)buf_data, (int)buf_data, buf);
pthread_mutex_unlock (&p->io_lock);
for (c = strchr (repeat, '\r'); c != NULL; c = strchr (c, '\r'))
*c = ';'; /* replace carriage returns with semicolons */
c = strstr (repeat, register_get_echo); /* remove register_done_echo string and */
if (c) /* always true */
strcpy (c, register_repeat_echo); /* replace it with the register_repeat_echo string */
if (_panel_sendf (p, &cmd_stat, NULL, "%s", repeat)) {
pthread_mutex_lock (&p->io_lock);
free (repeat);
pthread_mutex_lock (&p->io_lock);
free (repeat);
else { /* already busy */
p->new_register = 1; /* retry later */
_panel_debug (p, DBG_XMT, "Waiting on prior command completion before specifying repeat interval", NULL, 0);
/* when halted, we directly poll the halted system to get updated */
/* register state which may have changed due to panel activities */
if (p->State == Halt) {
pthread_mutex_unlock (&p->io_lock);
if (_panel_get_registers (p, 1, NULL)) {
pthread_mutex_lock (&p->io_lock);
pthread_mutex_lock (&p->io_lock);
pthread_mutex_unlock (&p->io_lock);
/* stop any established repeating activity in the simulator */
if (p->parent == NULL) /* Top level panel? */
_panel_sendf (p, &cmd_stat, NULL, "%s", register_repeat_stop_all);
else {
if (p->State == Run)
_panel_sendf (p, &cmd_stat, NULL, "%s", register_repeat_stop);
pthread_mutex_lock (&p->io_lock);
_panel_debug (p, DBG_THR, "Exiting", NULL, 0);
pthread_setspecific (panel_thread_id, NULL);
p->callback_thread_running = 0;
pthread_mutex_unlock (&p->io_lock);
free (buf);
return NULL;
static char *sim_panel_error_buf = NULL;
static size_t sim_panel_error_bufsize = 0;
const char *sim_panel_get_error (void)
return (sim_panel_error_buf ? sim_panel_error_buf : "");
void sim_panel_clear_error (void)
if (sim_panel_error_bufsize)
free (sim_panel_error_buf);
sim_panel_error_buf = NULL;
sim_panel_error_bufsize = 0;
#if defined (_WIN32)
#define vsnprintf _vsnprintf
static void sim_panel_set_error (const char *fmt, ...)
va_list arglist;
int len;
if (sim_panel_error_bufsize == 0) {
sim_panel_error_bufsize = 2048;
sim_panel_error_buf = (char *) malloc (sim_panel_error_bufsize);
if (sim_panel_error_buf == NULL) {
sim_panel_error_buf = (char *)"sim_panel_set_error(): Out of Memory\n";
sim_panel_error_bufsize = 0;
sim_panel_error_buf[sim_panel_error_bufsize-1] = '\0';
while (1) { /* format passed string, args */
va_start (arglist, fmt);
len = vsnprintf (sim_panel_error_buf, sim_panel_error_bufsize-1, fmt, arglist);
va_end (arglist);
/* If the formatted result didn't fit into the buffer, then grow the buffer and try again */
if ((len < 0) || (len >= (int)(sim_panel_error_bufsize-1))) {
free (sim_panel_error_buf);
sim_panel_error_bufsize = sim_panel_error_bufsize * 2;
while ((int)sim_panel_error_bufsize < len + 1)
sim_panel_error_bufsize = sim_panel_error_bufsize * 2;
sim_panel_error_buf = (char *) malloc (sim_panel_error_bufsize);
if (sim_panel_error_buf == NULL) {
sim_panel_error_buf = (char *)"sim_panel_set_error(): Out of Memory\n";
sim_panel_error_bufsize = 0;
sim_panel_error_buf[sim_panel_error_bufsize-1] = '\0';
static int
_panel_sendf (PANEL *p, int *completion_status, char **response, const char *fmt, ...)
char stackbuf[1024];
int bufsize = sizeof(stackbuf);
char *buf = stackbuf;
int len, status_echo_len = 0, sent_len;
int post_fix_len = completion_status ? 7 + sizeof (command_done_echo) + sizeof (command_status) : 1;
va_list arglist;
int ret;
while (1) { /* format passed string, args */
va_start (arglist, fmt);
len = vsnprintf (buf, bufsize-1, fmt, arglist);
va_end (arglist);
/* If the formatted result didn't fit into the buffer, then grow the buffer and try again */
if ((len < 0) || ((len + post_fix_len) >= bufsize-1)) {
if (buf != stackbuf)
free (buf);
bufsize = bufsize * 2;
if (bufsize < (len + post_fix_len + 2))
bufsize = len + post_fix_len + 2;
buf = (char *) _panel_malloc (bufsize);
if (buf == NULL)
return -1;
buf[bufsize-1] = '\0';
if (len && (buf[len-1] != '\r')) {
strcpy (&buf[len], "\r"); /* Make sure command line is terminated */
pthread_mutex_lock (&p->io_command_lock);
if (completion_status) {
sprintf (&buf[len], "%s\r%s\r", command_status, command_done_echo);
status_echo_len = strlen (&buf[len]);
pthread_mutex_lock (&p->io_lock);
p->io_response_data = 0;
_panel_debug (p, DBG_REQ, "Command %d Request%s: %*.*s", NULL, 0, p->command_count, completion_status ? " (with response)" : "", len, len, buf);
ret = ((len + status_echo_len) == (sent_len = _panel_send (p, buf, len + status_echo_len))) ? 0 : -1;
if (completion_status) {
if (!ret) { /* Sent OK? */
p->io_waiting = 1;
while (p->io_waiting)
pthread_cond_wait (&p->io_done, &p->io_lock); /* Wait for completion */
if (response) {
*response = (char *)_panel_malloc (p->io_response_data + 1);
if (0 == memcmp (buf, p->io_response + strlen (sim_prompt), len)) {
char *eol, *status;
memcpy (*response, p->io_response + strlen (sim_prompt) + len + 1, p->io_response_data + 1 - (strlen (sim_prompt) + len + 1));
*completion_status = -1;
status = strstr (*response, command_status);
if (status) {
*(status - strlen (sim_prompt)) = '\0';
status += strlen (command_status) + 2;
eol = strchr (status, '\r');
if (eol)
*eol = '\0';
sscanf (status, "Status:%08X-", completion_status);
memcpy (*response, p->io_response, p->io_response_data + 1);
_panel_debug (p, DBG_RSP, "Command %d Response(Status=%d): '%s'", NULL, 0, p->command_count, *completion_status, *response);
else {
if (p->io_response_data)
_panel_debug (p, DBG_RSP, "Discarded Unwanted Command %d Response Data:", p->io_response, p->io_response_data, p->command_count);
p->io_response_data = 0;
p->io_response[0] = '\0';
pthread_mutex_unlock (&p->io_lock);
else {
if (ret)
sim_panel_set_error ("Unexpected send length: %d, expected: %d", sent_len, len + status_echo_len);
pthread_mutex_unlock (&p->io_command_lock);
if (buf != stackbuf)
free (buf);
return ret;
#ifdef __cplusplus