blob: 8d4adbc61605f8fc96d34745e4adff759fbdb84d [file] [log] [blame] [raw]
$! This procedure patches the VMB.EXE provided with VAX/VMS V7.3 to
$! support the Boot Block boot functionality provided on all VAX
$! systems which run a ROM based VMB.
! The native VMB.EXE program historically supported a Boot Block oriented
! boot if Bit 3 of the parameter register (R5) was set when VMB was invoked.
! This Boot Block boot operation reads sector 0 into memory and starts
! execution at offset 2 of the data block in memory.
! When portitions of VMB were migrated into ROM to support the earliest
! MicroVAX system (MicroVAX I) and all subsequent ROM based VMB versions
! the concept of Boot Block booting was extended in these ROM VMB
! implementations. The change in boot block booting functionality included
! several features:
! 1) If a normal boot attempt to a device failed (due to VMB not being
! able to locate a secondary bootstrap program), a boot block boot is
! automatically attempted. If the Bit 3 of R5 was set, then the
! initial search for a secondary boot block was avoided and a boot
! block boot was immediately attempted.
! 2) When performing a boot block boot, the sector 0 contents are examined
! and if these contents conform to the pattern defined for ROM based
! (PRA0) booting, the ROM format Offset, Size, and Starting address
! information is used directly by VMB to load a program into memory
! and control is transferred to that program. If the contents of
! sector 0 do not fit the pattern required for ROM based booting, then
! the code in sector 0 is executed directly starting at offset 2,
! the same as was originally done with the non ROM based VMB versions.
! Note that this extended behavior allows sector 0 to contain very little
! information and quite possibly no actual boot code.
! Developers of alternate operating systems for VAX computers noticed the ROM
! based boot block behavior and changed their installation media AND the disk
! structures to only provide the minimal boot information required on the
! systems with VMB installed in ROM.
! Since, when this active development of these alternate operating systems for
! VAX computers was happening, the vast majority of development and new system
! deployments were to hardware which had ROM base VMB, no one noticed that
! older systems which booted with the non ROM based VMB could no longer boot
! from new install media or disks formatted with these operating systems.
! This patch addeds the ROM based VMB boot block boot functionality to the
! original dynamically loaded VMB.EXE used by the older systems to boot.
! The patch overwrites some VMB code which exists to support NVAX(1302) and
! Neon-V(1701) systems. If simh simulators for these systems are ever built
! an alternate location must be found to accomodate this extended logic
define PAA = 08190 ! INIT_ADP_1302 (I think!)
define NEWFIL_OPNERR = PAA+1F ! Replacement to generate File Not Found Error Message
define TRY_BBLOCK = PAA+2B
define OLDFIL_OPNERR = 69A8 ! Original File Not Found Error
define ORIG_BBLOCK_BOOT = 68B6 ! Original code that did Boot Block Boot
define RPB$V_BBLOCK = 3
define RPB$L_BOOTR5 = 30
define READFILE = 0120
define READIN_BOOT = 6A37
define SS$_FILESTRUCT = 08C0
define SS$_BADCHKSUM = 0808
define SS$_BADFILEHDR = 0810
define SS$_BADDIRECTORY = 0828
dep /long PAA = 0
dep /long PAA+04 = 0
dep /long PAA+08 = 0
dep /long PAA+0C = 0
dep /long PAA+10 = 0
dep /long PAA+14 = 0
dep /long PAA+18 = 0
dep /long PAA+1C = 0
dep /long PAA+20 = 0
dep /long PAA+24 = 0
dep /long PAA+28 = 0
dep /long PAA+2C = 0
dep /long PAA+30 = 0
dep /long PAA+34 = 0
dep /long PAA+38 = 0
dep /long PAA+3C = 0
dep /long PAA+40 = 0
dep /long PAA+44 = 0
dep /long PAA+48 = 0
dep /long PAA+4C = 0
dep /long PAA+50 = 0
dep /long PAA+54 = 0
dep /long PAA+58 = 0
dep /long PAA+5C = 0
dep /long PAA+60 = 0
dep /long PAA+64 = 0
dep /long PAA+68 = 0
dep /long PAA+6C = 0
dep /long PAA+70 = 0
dep /long PAA+74 = 0
dep /long PAA+78 = 0
dep /long PAA+8C = 0
dep /long PAA+80 = 0
dep /long PAA+84 = 0
dep /long PAA+88 = 0
dep /long PAA+8C = 0
dep /long PAA+90 = 0
dep /long PAA+94 = 0
dep /long PAA+98 = 0
dep /long PAA+9C = 0
dep /ins OLDFIL_OPNERR = ' BRW PAA '
dep /ins PAA = ' CMPW R0, #SS$_BADCHKSUM '
dep /ins PAA+05 = ' BEQL TRY_BBLOCK '
dep /ins PAA+07 = ' CMPW R0, #SS$_FILESTRUCT '
dep /ins PAA+0C = ' BEQL TRY_BBLOCK '
dep /ins PAA+0E = ' CMPW R0, #SS$_BADFILEHDR '
dep /ins PAA+13 = ' BEQL TRY_BBLOCK '
dep /ins PAA+15 = ' CMPW R0, #SS$_BADDIRECTORY '
dep /ins PAA+1A = ' BEQL TRY_BBLOCK '
dep /ins PAA+1C = ' BRW NEWFIL_OPNERR '
dep /ins NEWFIL_OPNERR = ' PUSHAB L^000069AE '
dep /ins NEWFIL_OPNERR+6 = ' JMP L^00000294 '
dep /ins TRY_BBLOCK
' CLRL R8 ' ! Block to read
' MOVL #1,R9 ' ! Size to read
' MOVL R10,R6 ' ! Start of free memory
' JSB L^READFILE ' ! Read the block to R10
' BLBC R0,TRY_OLD_BBLOCK ' ! Br if error
! validate the boot block
' MOVZBL B^2(R10),R2 ' ! Get offset to secondary id field
' CMPB B^3(R10),#1 ' ! Next field a BR instruction
' BNEQ TRY_OLD_BBLOCK ' ! Br if no
' MOVAW (R10)[R2],R1 ' ! Address next field
' CMPW (R1),#^x18 ' ! VAX instruction set id?
' BNEQ TRY_OLD_BBLOCK ' ! Br if no, error
' ADDB3 #^x18,B^2(R1),R2 ' ! Get optional value
' MCOMB R2,R2 ' ! Ones's complement it
' CMPB R2,B^3(R1) ' ! Check the check sum byte
' BNEQ TRY_OLD_BBLOCK ' ! Continue if no match
' ADDL3 B^8(R1),B^0C(R1),R2 ' ! Check other words
' ADDL B^10(R1),R2 ' ! Get augment to load address
' CMPL R2,B^14(R1) ' ! Match?
' BNEQ TRY_OLD_BBLOCK ' ! Br if no
' ROTL #10,B^4(R10),R8 ' ! Get secondary image LBN
' MOVL B^8(R1),R9 ' ! Get image size
' ADDL B^0C(R1),R10 ' ! Compute load address
' MOVL B^10(R1),R5 ' ! Compute transfer offset
' BRW READIN_BOOT ' ! Boot block is valid, read file
' BRW NEWFIL_OPNERR ' ! Report error
'OLD_BBLOCK_BOOT:MOVL #2,R5 ' ! Transfer address from start of block
dep /ins ORIG_BBLOCK_BOOT = ' BRW TRY_BBLOCK ' ! make BOOT /R5:8 work the same way