blob: 37afdd9c689f3ed0eefc6bc75e84af72a6cb2d48 [file] [log] [blame] [raw]
Welcome to the IBM System/3 Model 10 SIMH simulator.
To compile under linux:
cc s3*.c scp*.c sim_rev.c -o s3
This code can be compiled and run as a console application using
Microsoft Visual C++.
To IPL the provided SCP distribution disk:
sim> at r1 m10scp.dsk
sim> at f1 f1f1f1.dsk
sim> at lpt print.txt
sim> d sr 5471
sim> boot r1
// DATE 06/14/01
// RUN
// END
(A printout of the libraries and directories on the SCP DTR
disk will be in the file print.txt)
The text file "system3.txt" gives details on the simulators
implementation of System/3 hardware.
A write up on the use of the SCP and the OCL job control language is
in the text file "userguide.txt". This includes examples of using the
utility programs, and a tutorial guiding you thru a sysgen.
A nearly complete listing of all possible SCP halts is in the
document "haltguide.txt".
1) How to correct typing errors when using the System/3 console:
If you make an error, press ESC, which will cancel the current
line being typed and print a quote in position 1. Then you
can use CTRL/R to retype characters up until the error, then
type correctly. Or simply retype the line. BACKSPACE DOES NOT
WORK with the SCP.
2) While the simulator allows disk images to be independently
attached to any disk unit, on the real hardware R1 and F1 were on
a single spindle, and R2 and F2 likewise. It is not possible using
SCP to attach R1 without attaching a disk image to F1 also, because
SCP will always look at F1 even when IPLed off R1.
The OS distributed with the simulator is version 16 of the Model
10 SCP. This is sysgenned with support only for R1 and F1. If you
do a sysgen to support R2 amd F2 also, you must have images attached
to all 4 disks when you IPL, because SCP looks at all drives when
it starts up, and you will get an "Unattached Unit" error if you
fail to have one attached.
3) The 1442 card reader had in reality one card input hopper
and two stackers. This means the same path is used for reading and
punching cards. When punching cards, SCP does a read operation
and inspects the card read for blanks, and if it is not blank,
issues a YH halt. SCP will not punch data onto non-blank cards.
This feature causes problems in the simulator, and as a result
if you punch cards from SCP, YOU MUST not have any file attached
to the CDR device. Leaving this device unattached presents an
infinite supply of blank cards to SCP for punching.
-- End of README_S3.txt --