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IBM System/3 Model 8/10 SCP
Halt Guide
This following list is my own reformatting and rewording of the
official IBM Halt Guide for the Model 8/10 SCP.
The halts are those displayed on the message display unit. The
list is in alphabetical order for easy reference.
When the system halts, the two 7-segment displays will display the
halt as listed here, and the system console (or printer if the log
device is the printer) will print the "SCP Message" below. To
respond to the halt, deposit one of the valid response numbers
(0 thru 3) into the SR, and then use the C command to continue.
Unless otherwise stated, a response of 0 means to continue and accept
the error, 1 means to retry the operation or re-read the statement in
error, 2 means to cancel the job and retain added records (if any) and
3 means to end the job and discard any added records in files.
This is a listing of those halts likely to be encountered using SCP on
the simuator, it is not the complete list of all possible halts.
Halt SCP Message Description
---- ----------- -----------
00 Invalid response to another halt. Deposit a valid
value (0 thru 3) in SR.
0A A 5448 Disk Unit not ready.
0C 5448 Disk Equipment Check
0E Permanent disk error during logging.
0F ID0FXX 23 Invalid cylinder number on disk operation.
XX = Disk Drive.
0H ID0HXX 23 Invalid sector number on disk operation
XX = Disk Drive.
0Y IK0Y0X 123 3741 Error. X: 1=not ready 2=wrong mode
3=parity error 5=record length error
0 ID0 XX 23 Disk Data Check
XX = Disk Drive.
0- ID0-XX Invalid disk operation code: Start cancels job.
XX = Disk Drive.
10 3 No input file allocate, user error.
11 0 23 Square root of a negative field
12 0 23 Divide Overflow
13 0 23 Divide by zero
14 0 23 Varible index zero of out of range
15 0 23 Sequenced table is out of sequence
16 0 23 (RPG) OBject tables expected. /* Read.
17 0 23 (RPG) Object table exceeds specified length
18 0 23 (RPG) Terminal errors in source program.
19 0 3 (RPG) Warning errors in source program. 0=continue.
1A 3 (RPG) Out of core memory
1C 23 Unidentified halt has been issued. Probable system
1E 0 3 (RPG) Demand file at end of file.
1F 23 (RPG) End of file or end of extent. If during RPG
compilation, expand $SOURCE or $WORK.
1H 0 23 Duplicate keys found during build of indexed file.
0=skip this record and continue.
1J 0 23 Out of sequence keys during build of indexed file.
0=skip this record and continue.
1L 0 23 Key changed during record update. User error.
0=continue, do not update record.
1P 01 Forms in printer need positioning.
1U 123 No record found on direct or indexed file.
1Y 0 23 (RPG) Invalid numeric data to DSPLY statement.
1 0 3 Object program ready to punch tables.
20 1 3 Disk Sort: Invalid header and no // SOURCE
21 01 3 Disk Sort: Name on // SOURCE not found
22 0 2 Disk Sort: Warning errors found.
23 3 Disk Sort: Unrecoverable error.
25 3 Disk Sort: Terminal errors in sort statements.
27 0 Disk Sort: In debug mode, finished pass.
2C 0 3 Disk Sort: No Input Records selected.
2E 3 Disk Sort: Workfile too small.
2F 23 Disk Sort: Output file too small.
2L DT2LY2 3 Tape Record too large to process.
DT2LY7 3 No FILE statement for tape file open.
DT2LY9 3 No enough storage for tape operation
DT2LTC 3 Invalid tape header length
DT2LYF 123 Incorrect block length read from tape
2P Permanent tape error.
2U 12 Tape unit is write protected.
2Y 3 Invalid device specification in object.
2- 0 3 First statement was not a Tape Sort header.
30 EG30 3 Space not available on R1 or F1.
UB30A1 0 3 Active files exist on output disk
UB30AF 0 3 Active files exist on 5448 disk
UB30H1 0 3 Wrong capacity or uninitialized pack
UB30NS 3 No 5448 disk for $PCOPY
UB30TP 0 3 Pack change required.
UC30AF 3 Active or system files on target
UC30BD 3 Volume label cannot be read
UC30SP 3 Not enough space for work file
UP30AF 3 Active or system files on target
31 UI31AF 0 3 Active or system files on target
0=proceed to next unit to initialize
UI30WP 01 3 Wrong pack, name does not match.
32 UB32Bx 01 3 5444 pack is not a $PCOPY backup pack.
UB32NP 01 3 Unit specified is not a $PCOPY pack.
UC32BD 3 FROM pack is a TO pack from an interrupted
UC32BP 3 Output pack is a $PCOPY output pack.
Must be initialized or reset by a RESET
statement to be used.
UC32DS 3 Packs FROM and TO are different sizes.
33 UI33PU 0 3 Pack defective, cannot be initialized.
34 Ux34 1 3 Keyword in a utility control statement is invalid.
35 UC35xx 1 3 Error in $COPY or $KCOPY control statement.
36 UI36CE 0 3 CE track defective on unit F1.
37 UC37xx 0 3 Pack change required. xx: FP=mount on R1,
IP=pack on COPYIN, OP=pack on COPYO.
38 UA38XX 0 3 Wrong pack mounted.
UB38DA 01 3 Dates do not match.
UB38DM 01 3 2nd 5444 pack not from same backup set as 1st.
UB38IP 01 3 PACKIN keyword pack not same as pack mounted.
UB38OP 01 3 PACKO keyword not same as pack mounted.
3A UC3Axx 3 Key out of sequence (DP), invalid high key (HK),
out of space to copy file (XE), or disk I/O error.
3C UC3CCS 3 COPYFILE out of core.
UC3CNF 3 Module not found, name is logged as R XXXXXX.
3E UC3EOX 0 3 COPYFILE output not as big as size of input.
3F UC3Fxx 1 3 Error in COPYFILE statement.
3J UC3Fxx 3 Invalid specification for Copy/Dump.
3P UC3Pxx 1 3 Error in COPYPACK, RESET, or LABELS statement.
3Y UI3YIS 0 3 Requested secondary init when primary required.
3 UI3 xx 1 3 Error in VOL statement.
40 DD40 3 File has been referenced as an output or add file
and the file is already allocated.
4A DD4A 3 File had already been opened and is re-opened.
4C DD4C 3 Multivolumne file spec error.
4E DD4E 3 FILE indicates a multivolule file being built,
but program compiled for single volume.
4F DD4F 3 Print buffers not aligned in program.
4H DD4H 0 3 Unordered load specified for ISAM. Ordered load
must be specified on RPG file specs.
4J DD4J 3 All file specs have been checked and there were
4L DD4L 3 Referenced file already allocated.
4P DD4P 3 Prgram/FILE statement mismatch.
4U DD4U 3 File referenced as update, already allocated.
4Y DD4Y 3 File has an incorrect device specification.
4 DD4 3 No FILE specification for referenced file.
4' DD4' 3 Attempting reference to a file in 2 levels, one or
both using RETAIN-S.
50 UA50ID 2 Bad track which can't be reassigned.
51 UR51 12 Can't use Alternate Track program in procedure.
52 ML52 12 EOJ for Card List program.
53 IU53 1 3 Number of VOL statements does not agree with number
of units on UIN statement.
54 EO54 3 End-of-file.
55 UF55xx 1 3 Error in SCRATCH or REMOVE statement.
56 UA56TS 0 3 ASSIGN track is over disk capacity.
UA56XX 0 3 Unit specified is uninitialized.
57 UF57WP 01 3 File delete program. Wrong pack is mounted.
0: Mount correct pack and continue. 1:
correct statement and retry.
5A UA5Axx 012 Alternate track assignment error.
5C MR5Cxx 1 3 Invalid reformat specs.
5F UF5Fxx 1 3 Error in DISPLAY statement.
5H UA5HEU 0123 Primary track is still defective.
5L UF5LAF 0 3 PRogram try to delete files that are being used by
another program.
UF5LNF 0 3 File not found.
UF5LTM 23 Too many files specified. Max is 40.
5U UI5Uxx 1 3 Error in UIN statement.
5Y UR5Yxx 1 3 Error in REBUILD statment.
5 UA5 xx 1 3 Error in ALT statement.
5- 3 Tape Sort error occurred.
5' UF5'N1 0 3 Pack cannot be used. Not inited.
UF5'NU 0 3 Pack was used as TO pack on a COPYPACK job
that required early termination. Can only
be used for another COPYPACK job.
60 LM60SY 0 3 Cannot remove or change library size on pack
from which $MAINT was loaded.
61 LM61EP 0 3 Trying to copy a system to a library that is
1) not empty, 2) not allocated with large enough
SWA, or 3) not allocated with enough space.
LM61NS 0 3 System does not exist on FROM pack.
62 LM62CS 01 3 Check Sum error.
LM62DR Can't determine if REMOVE is data or control.
LM62EF FROM, TO, or AFTER statement does not exist or
is out of sequence.
LM62ND NO data records following INSERT or REPLACE.
LM62SQ Records are out of sequence.
LM62TP Incorrect type record.
63 LM63DE 0 3 Directory entry error. Name can't be found or
attributes don't match, or attempt to remove
dir entry with MODIFY.
64 LM64DS 0 3 Syntax error in ALLOCATE.
65 LM65UN 0 3 Pack not properly initialized.
66 LA66xx 3 Error with LOAD * function.
67 EL67NL 0 3 Library does not exist.
68 EL68DF 0 3 No room in library or directory.
69 XX69HE 3 Disk I/O Error while using library.
6A LM6Axx 1 3 $MAINT has detected a syntax error on a control
statement. xx gives a hint of what might be wrong.
AL: SOURCE or OBJECT missing or invalid
AZ: SYSTEM missing or invalid
D2: FROM, TO, or WORK is R2 or F2, not available
DK: Duplicate keyword
FL: Invalid or missing FILE keyword
FM: Invalid or missing FROM keyword
IK: Invalid keyword
IN: Invalid INCR keyword
IS: first 3 columns must be // blank
IV: Invalid statement identifier
LB: Invalid LIBRARY keyword
LS: Invalid LIST keyword
NK: No keywords
NM: Invalid NAME keyword
NU: Invalid NEWNAME keyword
OM: Invalid OMIT keyword
RL: Invalid RECL keyword
RS: Invalid RESER keyword
RT: Invalid RETAIN keyword
SF: INvalid SEQFLD keyword
SQ: Invalid FROM, TO, or AFTER in MODIFY mode
XC: Invalid record.
XD: Duplicate keyword
XF: $$SYFG could not be found.
XL: LIBRARY keyword missing
XM: NAME keyword missing
XN: NAME parameter is invalid
XP: Library does not exist on this pack
XS: Syntax error
XT: Invalid library type
XV: INvalid operation
6C LM6CSP 0 3 Not enough space on pack.
LM6CSW 0 3 Space not available for work file.
6E LM6EOF 0 3 Overflow in seq field during RESER.
LM6EDP 0 3 Entry with same name already exists in library.
6H EL6HDT 0 3 Trying to replace perm with temp entry.
LM6HDP 0 3 NEWNAME is already in library.
6J LM6JCC 0 3 Control statements are missing.
6L UA6L 3 Log device is required for this program.
6Y LM6YNN 1 3 No NEWNAME when copying to same library.
6 LM6 BC 3 Invalid character in source record.
LM6 CM 0 3 Invalid object deck.
LM6 ND 0 3 No data between COPY and CEND.
6- LM6-BC 01 Entry containing a blank card being placed in
library. 0: accept, 1: skip and read next card.
6' LM6'CE 1 3 // CEND expected but not found. 1: Retry,
provide CEND. NOTE: For option 3, if a module
was being replaced, it may have been deleted but
new module not loaded.
70 CR70 3 Too many overrides for procedure. Max is 25.
71 CR71 0 3 OCL Syntax Error.
73 CR73 0 // PARTITION given in invalid location.
74 CR74 3 /& between LOAD and RUN or CALL and RUN.
75 CR75 23 Extraneous statement.
76 CR76 0 3 // Missing from OCL statement.
77 CR77 23 Invalid OCL statement identifier.
78 CR78 0 3 Unknown OCL keyword.
79 CR79 23 Continuation expected but not received.
7A CR7A 3 A second LOAD or CALL found before run, or a
CALL in procedure overrides.
7C CR7C 0 3 // COMPILE found between jobs.
7E CR7E 0 3 // DATE found between jobs. 0: Ignore and continue.
7F CR7F 0 3 // FILE found between jobs. Must go between
// LOAD or // CALL and // RUN statements.
7H CR7H 0 3 // SWITCH found between jobs.
7J CR7J 23 // READER found between LOAD or CALL and RUN.
7L CI7Lxx 23 Error when reading a tape file.
7P New print chain expected. Load it and press START.
7U CR7U 3 RUN statement not preceeded by LOAD or CALL.
7Y CI7Yxx 23 Error outputing a tape file.
7 CR7 3 Too many utility control statements, max is 25.
7- CR7- 0 // PARTITION was read but system does not support
Dual Programming.
7' Error during tape processing.
80 CR80 0 // DATE card has not been entered.
81 CR81 23 Error in LOAD statement.
83 CR83 23 Error in LOAD * statement.
84 CR84 23 Error in CALL statement
85 CR85 23 Second SWITCH statement found.
86 CR86 23 Invalid paramter in switch statement.
88 CR88 1 3 Procedure not found.
89 CR89 01 // DATE has already been given.
0 - accept the new date as the date.
1 - leave the old date as the current date.
8A CR8A01 0 Invalid date specified.
CR8A02 0 DATE parameter missing.
8C CR8C 23 Second DATE found.
8E CR8E01 23 Date specified incorrectly.
8F CR8Fxx 23 Invalid BSCA statement.
8H CR8H 3 More than 9 levels of procedures have been called.
8J CR8J 0 Invalid // READER parameter.
8L CR8L 0 Desired system input device being used by other
8P CR8P 0 Output device not defined.
8U CU8UIP 23 Invalid HIKEY in FILE statement: non-numeric.
CR8UKL Parameter length mismatch.
CR8ULO Key greater than 29.
CR8UPL HIKEY-P greater than 15.
CR8USQ HIKEY parameters not in sequence.
8Y CR8Y 0 Not logging can be done. Log turned off by
other program level.
8- CR8- 0 3 Logging requested but cannot be done.
90 CR90 0 // PAUSE statement read. Check printer or console
for instructions and continue. PAUSE was outside
91 CR90 0 // PAUSE statement read. Check printer or console
for instructions and continue. PAUSE was inside
92 CR92 23 COMPILE already recieved for this job.
93 CR93 23 Error in COMPILE statement.
94 CR94 23 Error in COMPILE statement.
95 CR95 23 Error in COMPILE statement.
96 CR96 0 23 System error. An OCL error was found, but the system
cannot resolve the error.
97 CR97 0 Error in LOG statement.
98 CR98 23 Error in LOG statement.
99 CR99 0 23 Error in LOG statement.
9A CR9A 23 Indicated action on last OCL statement read will
be ignored due to previous errors detected.
9C CR9Cxx 123 Incorrect tape volume online.
9E CR9E 0 Logging device being used by other program level.
9F CR9F 0 23 Logging device in use by other program.
9H CR9H 23 Log device in use.
9J CR9J 0 Error in FORMS statement.
9L CR9L 0 23 Error in FORMS statement.
9P CR9P 23 Error in FORMS statement.
9U CR9U 0 3 Other program has gotten a // IMAGE or other
program level is using the printer.
9Y CR9Y 0 23 Logging device not sysgenned or CCP has it.
9 CR9 0 23 Same as 9Y.
9- CR9- 0 3 Other program level received a // FORMS or
other level using the printer.
9' CR9' 0 Same as 9Y.
A0 CRa0xx 23 Syntax error in FILE statement.
A1 CRA1xx 23 Keyword error in FILE statement.
A2 CRA2xx 23 Parameter error on FILE statement.
xx gives parameter:
01 NAME, 02 UNIT, 03 PACK, 04 LABEL,
A3 CRA3xx 23 Missing Parameter on FILE statement, xx =
A4 CRA4xx 23 Invalid parameter combination in FILE statement:
AS: ASCII-YES and RECFM-D/DB on 7-track tape
DI: UNIT says tape but disk parameters given
DN: DENSITY-800 not supported.
FS: RECFM is fexed and block or rec len less than 18
IL: Incorrected RECL or BLKL for RECFM
NS: Not all units are 7-track
RC: CONVERT-ON not given with RECFM-V/VB for 7-track
SD: DENSITY-1600 invalid for 7-track
SL: LOCATION missing or invalid for SPLIT.
SM: SPLIT invalid for multivolume files.
ST: 7-track paras with 9-track unit
SU: SPlit can't be used with 5444
TL: TRACKS/LOCATION invalid with unit
TP: UNIT is disk but tape paras given
TR: TRACKS and RECORDS both given
A6 CRA6xx 23 Error in FILE statement for multivolumne files.
A7 CRA7xx 23 Error in IMAGE statement.
A8 CRA8xx 0 Error in IMAGE statements o disk.
A9 CRA9xx 0 23 Same as A8.
AA CRAAxx 23 Same as A8.
AC CRAC 0 Invalid hex character in chain image.
AE CRAE 0 23 Same as AC.
AF CRAF 23 Same as AC.
AH CRAH 0 Error in IMAGE statement.
AJ CRAJ 0 23 Same as AH
AL CRALxx 0 Error in PARTITION statement.
AP CRMN 0 3 Either reocvery option has has been selected during
a job, or OCL errors have occurred for this job.
0: Continue iwth next job, or no data cards in
reader for this job, otherwise, 3 to cancel.
AU CRAUxx 23 Error in PARTITION statement.
A CRA 23 Total number of volumes for a FILE statement
exceeds 40 (!).
A- CRA-xx 0 23 Error in PARTITION statement.
A' CRA' 3 No space remaining is System work area. Too many
FILE statements are in this job.
C1-C9 IFC1 123 1442 Check, various causes.
CL UDCLxx 1 3 5445 Data Interchange Utility error
E7 DKE7 0 3 Incorrect record length for attached 3741
E8 UTE8xx 1 3 Error in Tape Init VOL statement.
E9 UTE9xy 0 3 Error during Tape Init Processing.
F8 DDF8 3 RPG--LIne counter specs omitted and skip past
page size for printer.
F9 CIF9xy 23 Tape drive not available, x = drive #.
FA CIFA 3 Program requesting Data Recorder, unsupported.
FC CIFC 3 Program requesting CRT, unsupported.
FE DDFE 0 3 Program requesting line line on printer that
exceeds sysgen value.
FF RPQ routine error. Press start to continue.
FH CIFH 123 BSCA line not supported.
FJ CIFJ01 123 1442 not supported but requested
CIFJ02 123 3741 not supported but requested
FL CIFL 123 Printer/keyboard not supported or unavailable.
FP CIFP 123 Printer not supported or allocated to other level
FU CIFU 123 MFCU not supported or allocated to other level
FY CIFY 23 Device is not supported or in use.
F CIF 23 Conflict with a resource being used by other level.
H0-H9 0 23 RPG Programmed halt indicator is on.
HA CIHA 3 Out of space on $SOURCE during compile.
HC CIHC 3 Program given on LOAD statement not found.
HE Hardware error. Simulator has messed up.
HF CIHF 0 3 // COMPILE read but not required.
HJ CIHJ01 1 3 Program not found on removable unit, 1:
mount new unit and retry.
CIHJ02 3 Program not found, but removable unit in use.
HL CIHL 3 Inquiry request made but program is wrong type.
HP CIHP 3 Insufficient main storage for program.
LMHP 3 $MAINT function out of storage. NOTE: After the
cancel, IPL from the system pack or the pack will
be unusable.
HU CIHUxx 3 Source program not found on disk. IF a 1 option
is present, you can mount a new removeable pack.
HY CCHYNN 0 A checkpoint is received and accepted.
H CCH NN 0 23 A restart has been requested.
H' CIH' 3 An uninitialized pack has been referenced.
J0-J9 123 Record with specified match field out of sequence.
This is an RPG error, the 2nd digit indicates which
RPG file statement the error applies to in the
source program. 0=greater than statement 9,
otherwise indicates the file statement number.
JA CIJA 3 Trying to laod a program that requires or allows
inquiry while another inquiry program is running
in the other level.
JC CIJCxx 3 Program cannot be run for this reason (xx):
01: Must be dedicated and other level active
02: Program in other level must be dedicated
03: $$RSTR cannot run in level 2
04: CHeckpointed program not allowed in level 2
05: Program can't run while checkpoint active
JE CIJE 0 3 Level 1 partition too small.
JF CIJF 3 Attempt to start inquiry program but keyboard
in use.
JH CIJF 3 Attempt to start program which allows interrupts in
level 2.
JJ CIJJ 3 No object library on pack requested for load.
JL CIJL 3 Not enough storage for program. DPF only.
JP System input device in use by other level.
JU 0123 Cancel request made from interrupt key. 0: ignore
1: continue, request ignored
JY CIJYRD 0 2 Inquiry request made and accepted.
J- 3 Attempt to run a CCP program, but CCP not running.
J' 01 3 Inquiry request is completed, interrupted program
can now resume.
L0-L9 123 RPG. Unidentified record, 2nd digit gives file
statement number in source program 1-9, 0 means
greater than 9. Can also occur if record is out
of sequence.
LA CILA 23 Too little storage for number of files in program.
LC CILC 23 Too little storage for requested allocation.
LE CILE 23 No FILE or an incorrect FILE for a file requested
by current program.
LH CILH 23 No space given for an output file on FILE statement.
LJ CILJ 23 Attempt to output to existing permanent file.
LL CILL 0 23 Attempt to output over an existing temporary file.
LP CILP 23 File already exists.
LU CILU 123 Pack name requested but wrong pack mounted. 1:
retry after mounting correct pack.
LY CILYxx 23 Attempt to allocate space that isn't available.
xx=02 means space not available in split cylinder
L LML CP 01 3 $MAINT detected attempt to modify a program on
a pack with an active checkpoint.
L- CIL- 3 Attempt to add a split cylinder to a split cyl
file while other level is fiddling with a split
cylinder file.
L' CIl' 23 Trying to allocate a split cylinder file before
allocating the first split cylinder file in a group.
P1-P8 Printer hardware errors, should not occur in sim.
PC IPPC 0 23 Unprintable character.
PH CIPH 23 LOCATION plus TRACKS goes past end of pack.
PJ CIPJxx 1 A Pack is to be remounted, pack name printed before
half code, xx= unit.
PU CIPU 3 Duplicate file names in the FILE statements.
PY CIPY01 3 ISAM file requires at least 2 tracks.
CIPY02 3 ISAM file can't be split cylinder.
P' CIP'xx 23 Too many scratch or work files.
U0-U9 0123 RPG. Unidentified record in file, 2nd digit of
halt is file statement in RPG source, 0= greater
than 9.
UA CIUA 3 Attempt to create a multivolume file in
UC CIUC 3 The printed actived file cannot be found in the
list of scratch files.
UE CIUExx 1 3 PACK parameter does not match pack name on unit.
xx = Unit referenced.
1 = Mount another pack and continue.
UF CIUF 3 Disk file referenced by name and date not found.
UH CIUH 3 Attempt to create multivolume file failed,
because name alreayd exists.
UJ CIUJ 3 A LOCATION was specified for an existing disk file
and the file exists but not at that location.
UL CIUL 3 File on // FILE statement not found, and no size
in TRACKS or RECORDS was given.
UP CIUP 3 Permanent file referenced with RETAIN-S
UU CIUU 3 Disk Pack not available.
UY CIUY 3 File is a System/3 BASIC file which must be unique.
U CIU 3 Existing file: TRACKS/RECORDS or LOCATION mismatch.
U- General CCP halt. Press start to see subhalt.
Refer to CCP manual for more info.
U' CIU' 23 VTOC is full, or more than 2 multivolume files per
pack, or more than 2 ISAM files using HIKEY
YH CRYH 0 3 Cards are being punched, but card read from
reader was not blank. This means you are trying to
punch with a file attached to the CDR device.
Unattach the file and take the zero option.
0 (blank 0) FILE WRITE switch in off position.
1 (blank 1) Permanent DIsk I/O Error
2 RC 211 3 COBOL. Out of room on $WORK.
RC 212 3 Out of room on $SOURCE.
RC 213 3 Out of room on $WORKX.
RC 214 3 Subprogram name table greater than 20.
RC 219 0 3 C or E level diagnostics during compile.
RC 2A1 23 Subscript invalid
RC 2A2 23 Negative exponent or 0 degrees in program
RC 2F1 23 MFCU File not open or opened improperly
RC 2F2 23 1442 File not open or opened improperly
RC 2F3 23 1403/5203 File not open or opened improperly
RC 2F4 23 5444 Disk File not open or opened improperly
RC 2F5 23 5444 File not open or opened improperly
RC 2F7 23 5444 File not open or opened improperly
RC 2F8 23 Tape File not open or opened improperly
RC 2H1 23 OPEN attempted after CLOSE WITH LOCK
RC 2H2 23 Error during ACCEPT
RC 2H3 23 $$STOP not found
RC 2H4 23 CHeckpoint could not be taken.
RC 2H5 23 $$STIC not found for ACCEPT
RC 2H6 23 Parameter mismatch CALL and USING
RC 2H7 23 ACCEPT after /& read
RC 2H8 23 OPEN for a file already OPEN
RC 2 0 3 Too little core for compile
RC 2 1 3 PROCEDURE or DATA division not found.
RC 2 3 3 Program has more than 65535 statements (!)
RC 2 4 3 Source name on COMPILE statement not found
3 R 3XX 0 3 COBOL Stop literal. XX is user-specified.
0 continues program 3 cancels.
4 VF 4NF 3 Program not found. Program library and
not printed before halt message.
6 RF 6XX 0 23 FORTRAN stop statement.
7 RF 701 23 Source member on COMPILE not found
RF 702 23 Object program too large for core.
8 CS 8 1 3 System input device allocated to other level.
9 CS 9 1 3 System input device has an error. This usually
means the card hopper is empty (i.e. EOF on the
file attached to the reader but SCP wants more
A DC A 123 Number of characters entered from keyboard
C DD C 0 23 Unprintable character for printer/keyboard.
E DC E 123 Hardware error, PKB
F DC F 0 23 End of forms, PKB
L DD L 0 3 Records with duplicate keys have been loaded
into ISAM file. Each dup key is logged followed
by blank P halt. 0: continue. Index will
contain duplicate keys. 3: cancel, file is
not usable, reload it.
P DD P 0 3 Duplicate key encountered. The key is printed
on the log. 0: continue, halt will recur for
any other duplicates, then blank L appears.
U DD U 3 Disk I/O error while sorting ISAM index.
Y DD Y 3 System error during file termination.
-0 DD-0XX 3 ISAM multivolume file being used and high key
not found for current columme, or does not agree
with HIKEY spec. XX=unit number.
-1 DD-1XX 123 Halt -P occurred and option 0 taken. But, the
pack mounted is not a part of volume set.
-2 DD-2XX 123 Multivolume load sequence error.
-3 DD-3XX 123 Multivolume load sequence error.
-4 DD-4XX 0123 Warning that one or more volumes are about to be
-5 DD-5XX 123 Multivolume file not found. 1: mount correct pack.
-6 DD-6XX 0 23 Warning. ENd of volume and HIKEY not found.
-7 DD-7XX 1 3 -A halt and option 1 taken. But the pack referenced
does not match pack name.
-8 DD-8XX 3 Multivolume file referenced but file isn't
-9 DD-9XX 3 Add to a multivolumen file, but last pack not
-A DD-AXX 1 3 Add to existing multivolume filebut no room.
-C DD-CXX 3 Multivolume file error. Probably out of sequence
volume mounts.
-E DD-EXX 123 Next volume cannot be processed, because the
location is not available or space is not available
or there are scratch files on the pack.
-F DD-Fxx 123 Finished a volume, next cannot be processed, mount
the correct pack or cancel.
-H DD-Hxx 3 HIKEY length does not match file.
-J DD-Jxx 01 3 First volume referenced is not volumme 1. 0:
continue with this volume, 1: mount another pack.
-L DD-Lxx 3 Output to multivolume, but file isn't multivolume
or referenced volume isn't first one of set.
-P DD-PXX 0123 Mount next volume. XX=unit number. 0: continue
bypassing volumes, 1: mount next volume.
-U DD-UXX 1 3 Halt -J just occurred and 0 or 1 taken. But the
pack name is incorrect or the file isn't found.
- DD- 123 Multivolume key error. Key too low or high for
-' DD-' 123 Sequential add to multivolume file, but HIKEY
record missing on previous volume.
'0 GM'0DE 3 SYSGEN. I/O Error on reader.
GM'0EX 3 SYSGEN. End of extent on MACOUT or $SOURCE.
GM'0IC 1 3 SYSGEN. Option dependent on a preceding option, the
preceding one was omitted or invalid.
GM'0ID 1 3 SYSGEN invalid delimiter.
GM'0IK 1 3 SYSGEN invalid keyword.
GM'0IR 1 3 SYSGEN invalid option.
GM'0IS 1 3 SYSGEN sequence error.
GM'0NF 1 3 SYSGEN entry in cols 8-12 not found.
GM'0NS 3 SYSGEN Requested source program not found.
GM'0EM 1 3 SYSGEN. END statement not found.
GM'0NP 3 SYSGEN. Module $SGXP2, $SGXP3, $SGXP4, $SGXP5, or
$SGXP6 missing for sysgen, or $MPXP2, $MPXP3 or
$MPXP4 missing for macro processor.
'1 GG'1 3 System Generation Errors.
'2 0 3 Error during macro processor run.
'3 3 Invalid 5445 disk label record.
'4 GG'4EX 3 Out of room on Sysgen, or disk error.
----------------------- End of haltguide.txt ---------------------------