blob: 205a04b93f32c20b214c22054c3cb363c20c0414 [file] [log] [blame] [raw]
6I1954195C 0000241833800?2417861789 e00aistdarthxai1 1-add
6I1954195C 0000241789800?2017941799 ai1 stlarthg 2-
6I1954195C 0000241799800?6918021805 ldd arthb 3-
6I1954195C 0000241802800?6780021767 ram 8002 4-store acc
6I1954195C 0000241767800?2017721894 stlarthf 5-power
6I1954195C 0000241894800?1819021759 smlarthe 6-
6I1954195C 0000241759800?3500011766 slt 0001 7-
6I1954195C 0000241766800?4417731771 nzuai12 8-find max
6I1954195C 0000241771800?6917741777 lddai3a 9-
6I1954195C 0000241777800?3000051790 srt 0005 10-power
6I1954195C 0000241790800?2217931796 sdaai3 11-set expnnts
6I1954195C 0000241796800?4618991754 bmi ai2 12-and then
6I1954195C 0000241899800?6719021817 ramarthe 13-perform
6I1954195C 0000241817800?2017721776 stlarthf 14-addition
6I1954195C 0000241776800?6517881943 ralarthh 15-
6I1954195C 0000241943800?6918241793 lddarthmai3 16-
6I1954195C 0000241793800?3000001811 ai3 srt 0000ai3b 17-
6I1954195C 0000241774800?3000001811 ai3a srt 0000ai3b 18-
6I1954195C 0000241811800?1580011770 ai3b alo 8001ai5 19-
6I1954195C 0000241754800?6518241779 ai2 ralarthm 20-
6I1954195C 0000241779800?6917881793 lddarthhai3 21-
6I1954195C 0000241770800?6080021780 ai5 rau 8002 22-clear arthe
6I1954195C 0000241780800?2019021762 stlarthearths 23-to scale
6I1954195C 0000241773800?4617781828 ai12 bmi ai13 24-
6I1954195C 0000241778800?6517941904 ralarthgai10 25-
6I1954195C 0000241828800?6500001786 ai13 ralacc arthx 26-
6I1954195C 0000241805800?2418081826 arthbstdarthy 27-break up exp
6I1954195C 0000241826800?3500081996 slt 0008 28-and mantissa
6I1954195C 0000241996800?2019021755 stlarthe 29-store power
6I1954195C 0000241755800?6080031763 rau 8003 30-and mantissa
6I1954195C 0000241763800?3500011769 slt 0001 31-of lower
6I1954195C 0000241769800?2118241997 stuarthm 32-
6I1954195C 0000241997800?6000001855 rauacc 33-
6I1954195C 0000241855800?3000021761 srt 0002 34-store power
6I1954195C 0000241761800?1680021819 slo 8002 35-and mantissa
6I1954195C 0000241819800?3500011775 slt 0001 36-of acc
6I1954195C 0000241775800?1580011783 alo 8001 37-
6I1954195C 0000241783800?2117881808 stuarthharthy 38-
6I1954195C 0000241762800?3600001782 arthssct 0000 39-normalize
6I1954195C 0000241782800?4719421787 bovai6 40-brnch if zro
6I1954195C 0000241787800?2017941797 stlarthg 41-shift count
6I1954195C 0000241797800?6580031905 ral 8003 42-round on
6I1954195C 0000241905800?3100021813 srd 0002 43-ninth digit
6I1954195C 0000241813800?3500021869 slt 0002 44-check for
6I1954195C 0000241869800?2018241877 stlarthm 45-roundoff
6I1954195C 0000241877800?4418311834 nzuai7 ai8 46-overflow
6I1954195C 0000241834800?6780031841 ai8 ram 8003 47-and
6I1954195C 0000241841800?1817941800 smlarthg 48-correct if
6I1954195C 0000241800800?1519031822 aloaj2 49-necessary
6I1954195C 0000241822800?3500081791 slt 0008 50-
6I1954195C 0000241791800?6580021849 ral 8002 51-
6I1954195C 0000241849800?1719021757 amlarthe 52-
6I1954195C 0000241757800?1517721827 aloarthf 53-
6I1954195C 0000241827800?4617521781 bmiai11a 54-pwr too smal
6I1954195C 0000241781800?4417851836 nzuai11 55-pwr too lrge
6I1954195C 0000241836800?3500021893 slt 0002 56-
6I1954195C 0000241893800?2119981901 stuacc1 57-
6I1954195C 0000241901800?6518241829 ralarthm 58-
6I1954195C 0000241829800?4619441995 bmi ai9 59-combine
6I1954195C 0000241944800?1619981904 sloacc1 ai10 60-
6I1954195C 0000241904800?2000001786 ai10 stlacc arthx 61-and
6I1954195C 0000241995800?1519981904 ai9 aloacc1 ai10 62-
6I1954195C 0000241831800?3000011792 ai7 srt 0001 63-adjust
6I1954195C 0000241792800?2018241927 stlarthm 64-
6I1954195C 0000241927800?3500011834 slt 0001ai8 65-
6I1954195C 0000241942800?6580031904 ai6 ral 8003ai10 66-
6I1954195C 0000241832800?2417861839 e00ajstdarthx 67-multiply
6I1954195C 0000241839800?6918521805 ldd arthb 68-
6I1954195C 0000241852800?6780021867 ram 8002 69-acc power
6I1954195C 0000241867800?1618201825 sloaj1 70-minus 48
6I1954195C 0000241825800?2017721875 stlarthf 71-
6I1954195C 0000241875800?6017881756 rauarthh 72-
6I1954195C 0000241756800?1918241762 mpyarthmarths 73-
6I1954195C 0000241830800?2417861889 e00agstdarthxag1 74-divide
6I1954195C 0000241889800?6918421805 ag1 ldd arthb 75-is divisor
6I1954195C 0000241842800?4418121846 nzu ag3 76-zer0
6I1954195C 0000241812800?6880021821 rsm 8002 77-divisor
6I1954195C 0000241821800?1518761895 aloag2 78-power minus
6I1954195C 0000241895800?2017721768 stlarthf 79-49
6I1954195C 0000241768800?6018241879 rauarthm 80-sh1ft
6I1954195C 0000241879800?3000011885 srt 0001 81-dividend
6I1954195C 0000241885800?6417881803 dvrarthh 82-do divide
6I1954195C 0000241803800?6080021762 rau 8002arths 83-
6I1954195C 0000241882800?2417861989 e00aostdarthx 84-div reverse
6I1954195C 0000241989800?2018431896 stlacc2 85-
6I1954195C 0000241896800?6500001810 ralacc 86-
6I1954195C 0000241810800?6918431897 lddacc2 87-
6I1954195C 0000241897800?2400001889 stdacc ag1 88-
6I1954195C 0000241947800?2418581911 e00afstdacc6 89-fl0at to lwr
6I1954195C 0000241911800?6919251928 lddae4 e00ae 90-and acc
6I1954195C 0000241925800?2000001858 ae4 stlacc acc6 91-
6I1954195C 0000241928800?2417861840 e00aestdarthx 92-float to lwr
6I1954195C 0000241840800?6080021753 rau 8002 93-only
6I1954195C 0000241753800?3600001975 sct 0000 94-normalize
6I1954195C 0000241975800?2018811784 stlacc3 95-
6I1954195C 0000241784800?4718511890 bovad1 96-zer0 check
6I1954195C 0000241890800?6580031798 ral 8003 97-
6I1954195C 0000241798800?3100021807 srd 0002 98-round for
6I1954195C 0000241807800?3500021764 slt 0002 99-placing exp
6I1954195C 0000241764800?4418181891 nzu ae6 100-check round
6I1954195C 0000241818800?6980031874 ldd 8003 101-overflow
6I1954195C 0000241874800?3000011884 srt 0001 102-
6I1954195C 0000241884800?1580011891 alo 8001ae6 103-
6I1954195C 0000241891800?4618441845 ae6 bmiae2 104-insert
6I1954195C 0000241845800?1518481804 aloaj3 ae5 105-exp0nent
6I1954195C 0000241844800?1618481804 ae2 sloaj3 ae5 106-
6I1954195C 0000241804800?1618811786 ae5 sloacc3 arthx 107-
6I1954195C 0000241932800?2417861990 e00thstdarthx 108-fix l0wer
6I1954195C 0000241990800?3500081859 slt 0008 109-to lower
6I1954195C 0000241859800?2118241878 stuarthm 110-
6I1954195C 0000241878800?6780021887 ram 8002 111-test exp
6I1954195C 0000241887800?1619401945 sloaj5 112-store zer0
6I1954195C 0000241945800?4618511850 bmiad1 113-if less than
6I1954195C 0000241850800?1618531758 sloaj4 114-50 alarm
6I1954195C 0000241758800?4618611862 bmi ad3 115-1f grtr than
6I1954195C 0000241861800?3000041921 srt 0004 116-59
6I1954195C 0000241921800?1519241929 aloar7 117-
6I1954195C 0000241929800?6918351838 lddad2a 118-modify
6I1954195C 0000241838800?2219911971 sdaad2 119-shift
6I1954195C 0000241971800?6518241930 ralarthm 120-
6I1954195C 0000241930800?3500021991 slt 0002ad2 121-
6I1954195C 0000241851800?6580031786 ad1 ral 8003arthx 122-store zero
6I1954195C 0000241991800?3000001786 ad2 srt 0000arthx 123-shift c0nst
6I1954195C 0000241835800?3000001786 ad2a srt 0000arthx 124-
6I1954195C 0000241862800?6917863031 ad3 lddarthx 3031 125-fix alarm
6I1954195C 0000241846800?6917863061 ag3 lddarthx 3061 126-divide alarm
6I1954195C 0000241785800?6917863081 ai11 lddarthx 3081 127-scale alarm
6I1954195C 0000241752800?0110811942 ai11ahlt 1081ai6 128-
6I1954195C 0000241876800?4900000000 ag2 49 0000 0000 129-
6I1954195C 0000241820800?4800000000 aj1 48 0000 0000 130-
6I1954195C 0000241903800?0000000001 aj2 00 0000 0001 131-
6I1954195C 0000241848800?0000000059 aj3 00 0000 0059 132-
6I1954195C 0000241853800?1000000000 aj4 10 0000 0000 133-
6I1954195C 0000241940800?5000000000 aj5 50 0000 0000 134-
6I1954195C 0000241974800?2419771880 e00aqstdj0001aq1 135-read
6I1954195C 0000241880800?7019761898 aq1 rd1 1976aq3 136-
6I1954195C 0000241898800?6719511806 aq3 ramp0001aq3a 137-
6I1954195C 0000241892800?6719511806 aq3b ramp0001aq3a 138-check for
6I1954195C 0000241806800?4518601837 aq3a nze aq8 139-last word
6I1954195C 0000241860800?6918631816 lddaq5 aq4 140-on card
6I1954195C 0000241816800?2418701873 aq4 stdacc4 141-
6I1954195C 0000241873800?1080031931 aup 8003 142-read in
6I1954195C 0000241931800?3000041941 srt 0004 143-label for
6I1954195C 0000241941800?2317951948 siaacc5 144-present
6I1954195C 0000241948800?1680011856 slo 8001 145-variable
6I1954195C 0000241856800?1518098002 alo 8002 146-get i y 0r c
6I1954195C 0000241809800?6000001987 rau 0000 147-address from
6I1954195C 0000241987800?1017951949 aupacc5 146-abcon dict
6I1954195C 0000241949800?3500041870 slt 0004acc4 149-generate
6I1954195C 0000241863800?1018661857 aq5 aupaq7 150-1nstruction
6I1954195C 0000241857800?1519601965 alop0010 151-
6I1954195C 0000241965800?1519688002 alo 8002 152-get and
6I1954195C 0000241968800?6919528003 lddp0002 8003 153-store word
6I1954195C 0000241866800?2400001907 aq7 std 0000 154-
6I1954195C 0000241907800?6519601915 ralp0010 155-increment
6I1954195C 0000241915800?1519181854 aloaq9 156-word count
6I1954195C 0000241854800?2019601963 stlp0010 157-
6I1954195C 0000241963800?1518928002 aloaq3b 8002 158-
6I1954195C 0000241837800?6519511765 aq8 ralp0001 159-check for
6I1954195C 0000241765800?4619771880 bmij0001aq1 160-last card
6I1954195C 0000241801800?2419551908 e00arstdp0005 161-punch 0ut
6I1954195C 0000241908800?2119791935 stuj0003 162-
6I1954195C 0000241935800?2319581912 siap0008 163-store stmnt
6I1954195C 0000241912800?2119801886 stuj0004 164-number
6I1954195C 0000241886800?2219541909 sdap0004 165-store word
6I1954195C 0000241909800?1680011917 slo 8001 166-count
6I1954195C 0000241917800?4519201872 nzear10 ar9 167-test zero
6I1954195C 0000241920800?2119811814 ar10 stuj0005 168-stmt number
6I1954195C 0000241814800?2419821972 stdj0006 169-set punch
6I1954195C 0000241972800?2419831864 stdj0007 170-band to
6I1954195C 0000241864800?2419841888 stdj0008 171-zeroes
6I1954195C 0000241888800?2419601913 stdp0010ar3 172-set counter
6I1954195C 0000241913800?6519541910 ar3 ralp0004 173-
6I1954195C 0000241910800?1619241936 sloar7 174-
6I1954195C 0000241936800?4619941992 bmiar8 175-test word
6I1954195C 0000241992800?2019541865 stlp0004ar4 176-count
6I1954195C 0000241865800?1518688002 ar4 alo 8002 177-get word
6I1954195C 0000241868800?6519501914 ralp0000 178-label from
6I1954195C 0000241914800?1080031922 aup 8003 179-punch consts
6I1954195C 0000241922800?3500011938 slt 0001 180-
6I1954195C 0000241938800?2219571961 sdap0007 181-modify label
6I1954195C 0000241961800?1680011919 slo 8001 182-
6I1954195C 0000241919800?3000011926 srt 0001 183-
6I1954195C 0000241926800?1519571962 alop0007 184-
6I1954195C 0000241962800?3500041923 slt 0004 185-insert stmnt
6I1954195C 0000241923800?1519581964 alop0008 186-number
6I1954195C 0000241964800?1019601916 aupp0010 187-
6I1954195C 0000241916800?1019698003 aup 8003 188-
6I1954195C 0000241969800?2019771988 stlj0001 189-store label
6I1954195C 0000241988800?6580021900 ral 8002 190-for punching
6I1954195C 0000241900800?6919061816 ldd aq4 191-modify label
6I1954195C 0000241906800?1019661934 aupar6 192-into drum
6I1954195C 0000241934800?1519601967 alop0010 193-loc in read
6I1954195C 0000241967800?1519708003 alo 8003 194-get word
6I1954195C 0000241970800?2419781993 stdj0002 195-store in
6I1954195C 0000241993800?6519601815 ralp0010 196-punch band
6I1954195C 0000241815800?1519181973 aloaq9 197-
6I1954195C 0000241973800?2019601913 stlp0010ar3 196-
6I1954195C 0000241966800?6900008002 ar6 ldd 0000 8002 199-
6I1954195C 0000241924800?0000010000 ar7 00 0001 0000 200-
6I1954195C 0000241994800?7119771955 ar8 pchj0001p0005 201-punch
6I1954195C 0000241872800?6580001937 ar9 ral 8000 202-if stmt nmbr
6I1954195C 0000241937800?4619201955 bmiar10 p0005 203-zro pch only
6I1954195C 0000241918800?0000020000 aq9 00 0002 0000 204-if 8000 neg
6I1954195C 0000241986800?8000008800 j0010 80 0000 8800 205-control cnst
6I1954195C 0000241654800?2418081732 e00alstdarthy 206-
6I1954195C 0000241732800?2017881694 stlarthh 207-
6I1954195C 0000241694800?6500001709 ralacc al17a 208-is power
6I1954195C 0000241709800?2418701723 al17astdacc4 209-two
6I1954195C 0000241723800?2417861739 stdarthx 210-if so
6I1954195C 0000241739800?1616861692 sloal16 211-multiply
6I1954195C 0000241692800?4517311751 nzeal18 212-
6I1954195C 0000241751800?6517881645 ralarthh 213-
6I1954195C 0000241645800?2400001655 stdacc 214-
6I1954195C 0000241655800?6918081832 lddarthye00aj 215-
6I1954195C 0000241731800?6517881693 al18 ralarthhal17 216-
6I1954195C 0000241693800?3500081661 al17 slt 0008 217-
6I1954195C 0000241661800?1680021720 slo 8002 218-
6I1954195C 0000241720800?3500021677 slt 0002 219-q equals
6I1954195C 0000241677800?1580011690 alo 8001 220-mantissa
6I1954195C 0000241690800?2117721675 stuarthf 221-of argument
6I1954195C 0000241675800?6780021683 ram 8002 222-
6I1954195C 0000241683800?1617361691 sloal1 223-store expnnt
6I1954195C 0000241691800?3500021698 slt 0002 224-of argmnt
6I1954195C 0000241698800?2119021706 stuarthe 225-
6I1954195C 0000241706800?6516601666 ralal2 226-mantissa of
6I1954195C 0000241666800?2018241678 stlarthm 227-z is one
6I1954195C 0000241678800?6517361695 ralal1 228-
6I1954195C 0000241695800?3500021702 slt 0002 229-exp of z is
6I1954195C 0000241702800?2117941747 stuarthgal3 230-50
6I1954195C 0000241747800?6000001708 al3 rauacc 231-k is grtst
6I1954195C 0000241708800?1917361738 mpyal1 232-integer in
6I1954195C 0000241738800?2100001658 stuacc 233-k over two
6I1954195C 0000241658800?6580021667 ral 8002 234-is remainder
6I1954195C 0000241667800?4516701646 nze al4 235-zer0
6I1954195C 0000241670800?6018241729 rauarthm 236-if not set z
6I1954195C 0000241729800?6916821737 ldd al5 237-equals to
6I1954195C 0000241682800?1517941715 aloarthg 238-z times q
6I1954195C 0000241715800?2017941699 stlarthg 239-via
6I1954195C 0000241699800?6516651669 ralarthd 240-subroutine
6I1954195C 0000241669800?2018241638 stlarthm 241-
6I1954195C 0000241638800?4516461741 nzeal4 al20 242-
6I1954195C 0000241646800?6000001712 al4 rauacc 243-if k nonzero
6I1954195C 0000241712800?4416681721 nzu al7 244-q equals
6I1954195C 0000241668800?6017721679 rauarthf 245-
6I1954195C 0000241679800?6916841737 ldd al5 246-via subrtne
6I1954195C 0000241684800?1519021714 aloarthe 247-
6I1954195C 0000241714800?2019021662 stlarthe 248-
6I1954195C 0000241662800?6516651719 ralarthd 249-
6I1954195C 0000241719800?2017721747 stlarthfal3 250-
6I1954195C 0000241721800?6017941700 al7 rauarthg 251-set exponnts
6I1954195C 0000241700800?3000021663 srt 0002 252-arths
6I1954195C 0000241663800?4417851722 nzuai11 253-exp overscal
6I1954195C 0000241722800?2019021664 stlarthe 254-
6I1954195C 0000241664800?2117721671 stuarthf 255-
6I1954195C 0000241671800?6018241680 rauarthm 256-
6I1954195C 0000241680800?3000011741 srt 0001al20 257-
6I1954195C 0000241741800?6917161724 al20 lddal8 258-
6I1954195C 0000241724800?2417861762 stdarthxarths 259-
6I1954195C 0000241716800?6518701648 al8 ralacc4 260-
6I1954195C 0000241648800?4617011743 bmial10 261-
6I1954195C 0000241743800?6500001808 ralacc arthy 262-
6I1954195C 0000241701800?6500001672 al10 ralacc 263-z equals one
6I1954195C 0000241672800?4516761681 nze al12 264-over z if
6I1954195C 0000241676800?6516851649 ralal11 265-k neg and z
6I1954195C 0000241649800?6918081830 lddarthye00ag 266-non zero
6I1954195C 0000241681800?6918083111 al12 lddarthy 3111 267-alarm if zro
6I1954195C 0000241737800?2417861652 al5 stdarthx 268-
6I1954195C 0000241652800?1917721673 mpyarthf 269-
6I1954195C 0000241673800?3000091644 srt 0009 270-
6I1954195C 0000241644800?4416501639 nzual14 271-
6I1954195C 0000241639800?2016651640 stlarthd 272-
6I1954195C 0000241640800?6580031641 ral 8003al15 273-
6I1954195C 0000241641800?1519021786 al15 aloarthearthx 274-
6I1954195C 0000241650800?3000011643 al14 srt 0001 275-
6I1954195C 0000241643800?2016651642 stlarthd 276-
6I1954195C 0000241642800?6519031641 ralaj2 al15 277-
6I1954195C 0000241736800?5000000000 al1 50 0000 0000 278-
6I1954195C 0000241660800?1000000000 al2 10 0000 0000 279-
6I1954195C 0000241685800?1000000050 al11 10 0000 0050 280-
6I1954195C 0000241686800?0000000002 al16 00 0000 0002 281-
6I1954195C 0000241903800?0000000001 aj2 00 0000 0001 282-
6I1954195C 0000241651800?2418081687 e00anstdarthy 283-power
6I1954195C 0000241687800?6900001674 lddacc 284-float fix
6I1954195C 0000241674800?2417881745 stdarthh 285-reverse
6I1954195C 0000241745800?2000001709 stlacc al17a 286-
6I1954195C 0000241704800?2418081711 e00akstdarthy 287-power fixfix
6I1954195C 0000241711800?2017941647 stlarthgak1 288-q is argmnt
6I1954195C 0000241647800?6700001705 ak1 ramacc 289-k equals
6I1954195C 0000241705800?2017721725 stlarthf 290-abval power
6I1954195C 0000241725800?6519031707 ralaj2 291-z equals
6I1954195C 0000241707800?2017881718 stlarthhak3 292-one
6I1954195C 0000241718800?6017721727 ak3 rauarthf 293-k is gtst
6I1954195C 0000241727800?1917301717 mpyak4 294-intgr in
6I1954195C 0000241717800?2117721726 stuarthf 295-k over two
6I1954195C 0000241726800?6580021735 ral 8002 296-is remainder
6I1954195C 0000241735800?4517341742 nze ak5 297-zero
6I1954195C 0000241734800?6017881688 rauarthh 298-if not z is
6I1954195C 0000241688800?1917941733 mpyarthg 299-z times q
6I1954195C 0000241733800?2017881742 stlarthhak5 300-
6I1954195C 0000241742800?6017721728 ak5 rauarthf 301-
6I1954195C 0000241728800?4417401746 nzu ak6 302-1s k zero
6I1954195C 0000241740800?6017941749 rauarthg 303-if not
6I1954195C 0000241749800?1980011689 mpy 8001 304-q equals
6I1954195C 0000241689800?2017941718 stlarthgak3 305-q squared
6I1954195C 0000241746800?6000001656 ak6 rauacc 306-is power neg
6I1954195C 0000241656800?4616591713 bmi ak7 307-if so is z
6I1954195C 0000241659800?6717881744 ramarthh 308-zero
6I1954195C 0000241744800?4517481750 nze ak8 309-if not is z
6I1954195C 0000241748800?1619031657 sloaj2 310-one
6I1954195C 0000241657800?4517101713 nzeak10 ak7 311-
6I1954195C 0000241713800?6517881808 ak7 ralarthharthy 312-exhibit z
6I1954195C 0000241710800?6580031808 ak10 ral 8003arthy 313-
6I1954195C 0000241750800?6918083101 ak8 lddarthy 3101 314-alarm
6I1954195C 0000241730800?5000000000 ak4 50 0000 0000 315-
6I1954195C 0000241903800?0000000001 aj2 00 0000 0001 316-
6I1954195C 0000241653800?2418081696 e00amstdarthy 317-interchge
6I1954195C 0000241696800?6900001703 lddacc 318-acc and
6I1954195C 0000241703800?2417941697 stdarthg 319-lower
6I1954195C 0000241697800?2000001647 stlacc ak1 320-then e00ak
6I1954195C 0000241976800?6719511623 1976ram 1951 321-
6I1954195C 0000241623800?1080031632 aup 8003 322-
6I1954195C 0000241632800?3500041624 slt 0004 323-
6I1954195C 0000241624800?2219591626 sdap0009 324-
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6I1954195C 0000241636800?1019591633 aupp0009 328-
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