| The Kernel Memory Editor was written originally by Gene Olson, |
| (gene@users.sourceforge.net) and has been extensively modified |
| by Robert lipe (robertl@users.sourceforge.net) and Rick Richardson |
| (rickr@users.sourceforge.net) |
| |
| The "vi.c" module was originally part of the SC Spreadsheet |
| Calculator. The following paragraph is taken from the SC |
| manual page. |
| |
| This is a much modified version of a public domain spread |
| sheet originally authored by James Gosling, and subsequently |
| modified and posted to USENET by Mark Weiser under the name |
| vc. The program was subsequently renamed sc, and further |
| modified by numerous contributors, Jeff Buhrt of Proslink, |
| Inc. ({sequent, uunet}!sawmill!prslnk!buhrt) and Robert |
| Bond of Sequent, prominent among them. Other contributors |
| include: Tom Anderson, Glenn T. Barry, Gregory Bond, |
| Stephen (Steve) M. Brooks, Peter Brower, John Campbell, |
| Lawrence Cipriani, Jim Clausing, Dave Close, Chris Cole, |
| Jonathan Crompron, David I. Dalva, Glen Ditchfield, Sam |
| Drake, James P. Dugal, Paul Eggert, Andy Fyfe, Jack Goral, |
| Piercarlo "Peter" Grandi, Henk Hesselink, Jeffrey C Honig, |
| Kurt Horton, Jonathan I. Kamens, Peter King, Tom Kloos, |
| Casey Leedom, Jay Lepreau, Dave Lewis, Rick Linck, Soren |
| Lundsgaard, Tad Mannes, Rob McMahon, Chris Metcalf, Mark |
| Nagel, Ulf Noren, Marius Olafsson, Gene H. Olson, Henk P. |
| Penning, Rick Perry, Larry Philps, Eric Putz, Jim Richard- |
| son, Michael Richardson, R. P. C. Rodgers, Kim Sanders, Mike |
| Schwartz, Alan Silverstein, Lowell Skoog, Herr Soeryantono, |
| Tim Theisen, Tom Tkacik, Andy Valencia, Adri Verhoef, Rick |
| Walker, Petri Wessman, and Tim Wilson. |