blob: ce86e0711aab12c97d8e816fa1b6f71a209407e3 [file] [log] [blame] [raw]
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
# 02111-1307, USA.
# $Id$
##### IMPORTANT: use command "perldoc elf2kme" to read the documentation.
=head1 NAME
elf2kme - Generate symbol definitions from an ELF binary.
elf2kme [-dhtvV] [-a array_max] [-c numcol] [-f name_min] [-n name_max]
[-s symfile] [-w colwidth] elfbinary ...
=head1 OPTIONS
-a array_max In array displays, limit the number of items
displayed so that the total number of bytes
is less-equal array_max. (default 100)
-c numcol Assume that the terminal is large enough to allow
for at least "numcol" display items. (default 7)
-d Print debugging info. May be specified multiple
times to get even more.
-f name_min Display all member names in at least the specified
number of columns. (default 1)
-h Display variables in horizontal "name=data" format
rather than veritical name/data format.
-m When a structure is a member of another structure,
express the structure as "member.member".
-n name_max Truncate member names if necessary to make them
fit in the specified number of columns. (default 2)
-s symfile Generate KME defintions only for structures and
unions referenced in "symfile". symfile may contain
either simple names or perl patterns.
-t Generate typedef as well as structure definitions.
Structure names take preference if both are defined.
-v Display data verbosely. For example chars are
shown in both HEX and ASCII and integers are
displayed in both HEX and decimal.
-w colwidth Assume KME columns are "colwidth" characters
wide. (default 9)
Generates a kme_defs file (see kme(1)) from the DWARF debugging
symbols present in an ELF format binary file. For example:
% gcc -g -o prog prog1.c prog2.c prog3.c
% elf2kme prog >kme_defs
% kme
The generated output is formatted for clarity, not for beauty,
and serious kme users will probably still want to optimize or
even hand-craft some kme_defs data structure definitions.
=head1 BUGS
The program doesn't notice if there are two different structure
declarations with the same name.
The program requires readelf(1) present in many Linux distributions,
and is very sensitive to the output of that program.
=head1 SEE ALSO
kme(1), readelf(1), gcc(1)
use strict;
#### Command line options.
my $verbose = 0; # Display verbose format
my $debug = 0; # Debug Level
my $col_max = 7; # Number of KME columns
my $truncate = 0; # Truncate member names to 1 col
my $array_max = 100; # Maximum array byte size
my $symfile; # Structure list file
my $col_width = 9; # KME column width
my $name_col_min = 1; # Min name columns
my $name_col_max = 2; # Max name columns
my $member_names = 0; # Extended member names
my $horizontal = 0; # Horizontal display format
my $do_typedefs = 0; # Also generate typedefs
#### Global symbol table.
my %symbol; # All symbols hashed by
# readelf(1) "key".
my %generate; # Hash of symbol names to be generated.
#### Working display variables.
my $name_min; # Min name length
my $name_max; # Max name length
my $title_line = ""; # Current line of variable names
my $data_line = ""; # Current line of data display ops
my $macro; # Current macro name
my $col; # Current column number
my $addr_kme; # Current KME display address
# Generates a symbol.
sub print_sym($)
my $key = shift;
return if !defined $key;
my $comma = "";
print "\$symbol[$key] = {";
for my $v (sort keys %{$symbol{$key}}) {
print "$comma$v=" . $symbol{$key}{$v};
$comma = ", ";
print "}\n";
# Parses a complete binary file.
sub read_elf($)
my $file = shift;
my $key;
my $sym = {};
my $struct;
my $array;
open(SYMFILE, "readelf -wi $file |") || die "Cannot open: $file";
#### Loop to read the complete input elf file.
while (<SYMFILE>) {
if (m/^\s*<(\w+)><(\w+)>:.*Number:\s*(\w+)\s*\(DW_TAG_(\w+)\)/i) {
print_sym($key) if $debug >= 3;
# print "KEY: <$1><$2> $3 $4\n";
#### Parse symbol definition.
$key = $2;
my $tag = $4;
#### Create a new symbol.
warn "Duplicate symbol $2" if (defined($symbol{$key}));
$symbol{$key} = $sym = { tag => $tag};
#### Arrange for each structure to have a list of its
#### members, and each array to have a list of its subranges.
if ($tag eq "structure_type" || $tag eq "union_type") {
$struct = $key;
} elsif ($tag eq "array_type") {
$array = $key;
} elsif ($tag eq "member") {
push @{$symbol{$struct}->{member}}, $key;
} elsif ($tag eq "subrange_type") {
push @{$symbol{$array}->{subrange}}, $key;
} elsif (m/^\s*DW_AT_(\w+)\s*:\s*(.*?)\s*$/) {
# print " AT: $1 $2\n";
#### Parse symbol contents.
my $item = $1;
my $body = $2;
if ($item eq "name") {
#### Structure/union/typedef name.
if ($body =~ m/([^ :][^:]*?)$/) {
$sym->{name} = $1;
} else {
warn "Unparseable $item: $key $body";
if (!defined $symfile &&
($sym->{tag} eq "structure_type" ||
$sym->{tag} eq "union_type" ||
($sym->{tag} eq "typedef" &&
$do_typedefs &&
!defined $generate{$sym->{name}}))) {
$generate{$sym->{name}} = $key;
} elsif ($item eq "type") {
#### Really a pointer to another symbol.
if ($body =~ /^<(\w+)>$/) {
$sym->{$item} = $1;
} else {
warn "unparseable $item: $key $body";
} elsif ($item eq "encoding") {
#### Base type encoding: char, int, long, float etc.
if ($body =~ /\(([a-z_ ]+)\)/) {
$sym->{$item} = $1;
} else {
warn "unparseable $item: $key $body";
} elsif ($item eq "byte_size" || $item eq "upper_bound") {
#### Either symbol size or array element size.
if ($body =~ /^(\w+)$/) {
$sym->{$item} = $1;
} else {
#warn "Unparseable $item: $key $body";
} elsif ($item eq "data_member_location") {
#### Structure offset.
if ($body =~ /plus_uconst:\s*(\w+)\)/) {
$sym->{offset} = $1;
} else {
warn "Unparseable $item: $key $body\n";
print_sym($key) if $debug >= 3;
# Marks a struct/union/typedef for generation and output.
sub mark($);
sub mark($)
my $key = shift;
my $sym;
#### Scan down the tree through type indirection, marking
#### any typedefs found along the way.
for (;;) {
$sym = $symbol{$key};
last if ($sym->{tag} eq "structure_type" ||
$sym->{tag} eq "union_type");
my $name = $sym->{name};
if (defined $name &&
$sym->{tag} eq "typedef" &&
$do_typedefs &&
!defined $generate{$name})
print "Mark typedef: $name\n" if $debug >= 1;
$generate{$name} = $key;
$key = $sym->{type};
return if !defined $key;
#### Check the struct/union name.
my $name = $sym->{name};
if (defined $name) {
#### If the name is already known, and the name of a
#### structure or union, return.
my $k = $generate{$name};
return if (defined $k &&
($symbol{$k}->{tag} eq "structure_type" ||
$symbol{$k}->{tag} eq "union_type"));
print "Mark struct: $name\n" if $debug >= 1;
#### The name is now known.
$generate{$name} = $key;
#### Mark all the members of the structure.
for my $m (@{$sym->{member}}) {
# Reads a symbol file and marks all struct/union names found in
# the file for printing.
sub read_sym($)
my $file = shift;
my %string;
my @pattern;
open(FILE, "<$file") || die "Cannot open: $file";
#### Loop to read the complete file.
while (<FILE>) {
#### If the input line contains anything but characters
#### that can appear in a C variable name, it must be
#### a pattern. Otherwise it is a struct/union name.
if (!/[^a-zA-Z0-9_\s]/) {
$string{$_} = 0 for (split /\s+/);
} else {
eval { push @pattern, qr/$_/ };
die "File($file) bad pattern: \"$_\"" if $@;
#### Run through all the symbols, and mark all struct/union
#### symbols whose name was listed or whose name matches one
#### of the patterns.
for my $key (keys %symbol) {
my $sym = $symbol{$key};
if ($sym->{tag} eq "structure_type" ||
$sym->{tag} eq "union_type" ||
$sym->{tag} eq "typedef" && $do_typedefs) {
my $name = $sym->{name};
next if !defined $name;
if (defined $string{$name} && $string{$name} == 0) {
for my $pat (@pattern) {
if ($name =~ /$pat/) {
#### Warn about any symbols that could not be found.
for my $name (keys %string) {
warn "$file: Symbol $name not found"
if $string{$name} eq 0;
# For debugging, prints the symbol tree.
sub print_tree($$);
sub print_tree($$)
my $key = shift;
my $sym = $symbol{$key};
my $level = shift;
my $f;
for ($f = 0; $f < $level; $f++) {
print " ";
for $f (("name", "tag", "encoding", "offset",
"byte_size", "upper_bound", "symfile")) {
print "$f=" . $sym->{$f} . ", " if defined $sym->{$f};
print "key=$key";
print "\n";
if ($sym->{tag} ne "pointer_type") {
for $f (("type")) {
print_tree($sym->{$f}, $level+1) if (defined $sym->{$f});
for my $c (@{$sym->{member}}) {
print_tree($c, $level+1);
for my $c (@{$sym->{subrange}}) {
print_tree($c, $level+1);
# Flushes the current line of KME_DEFS output.
sub flush_line()
#### Output the variable name line.
if ($title_line ne "") {
print "\t${title_line}n\n";
$title_line = "";
#### Output the data definitions.
if ($data_line ne "") {
print "\t$data_line";
if ($col != 0) {
print "n";
$col = 0;
print "\n";
$data_line = "";
# Sets the KME address pointer to $base_address.
sub set_position($)
my $addr = shift;
my $diff = $addr - $addr_kme;
if ($diff != 0) {
# print "<<$addr_kme|$addr>> ";
$data_line .= $diff < 0 ? -$diff . "- " : "$diff+ ";
$addr_kme = $addr;
# Table that determines what is dumped for each basic C type.
# Entry format:
# "type name" => ( size,
# short-format-string, short-format-cols,
# long-format-string, long-format-cols)
my %display_format =
("1 char" => ["b", 1, "b-c", 2],
"1 signed char" => ["b", 1, "b-c", 2],
"1 unsigned char" => ["b", 1, "b-c", 2],
"1 boolean" => ["b", 1, "b", 1],
"1 signed" => ["b", 1, "b", 1],
"1 unsigned" => ["b", 1, "b", 1],
"2 signed" => ["x", 1, "x2-d", 2],
"2 unsigned" => ["x", 1, "x2-t", 2],
"4 signed" => ["l", 1, "z4-l", 2],
"4 unsigned" => ["l", 1, "e4-l", 2],
"8 signed" => ["q", 2, "q8-g", 4],
"8 unsigned" => ["q", 2, "q8-g", 4],
"2 enumeration_type" => ["x", 1, "x2-t", 2],
"4 enumeration_type" => ["l", 1, "l4-g", 2],
"4 pointer_type" => ["l", 1, "l", 1],
"8 pointer_type" => ["q", 2, "q", 2],
"4 float" => ["w", 2, "w4-l", 3],
"8 float" => ["h", 2, "h8-q", 4],
"12 float" => ["lq", 3, "lq", 3]);
# Outputs a scalar or array of scalars.
sub display_scalar($$$$)
my $name = shift; # Member name
my $key = shift; # Symbol key
my $addr = shift; # Display address
my $repeat = shift; # Repeat count
my $sym = $symbol{$key};
#### Inspect / adjust field name width.
my $nwid = 0;
if (defined $name) {
if (length($name) > $name_max) {
my $start = length($name) - $name_max;
$name = substr($name, $start, $name_max);
} elsif (length($name) < $name_min) {
$name = substr($name . " ",
0, $name_min);
} elsif (length($name) % $col_width == 0) {
$name .= " ";
$nwid = int((length($name) - 1) / $col_width) + 1;
#### Get display format.
my $tag = $sym->{byte_size} . " " . (($sym->{tag} eq "pointer_type" ||
$sym->{tag} eq "enumeration_type") ?
$sym->{tag} : $sym->{encoding});
my $fmt = $display_format{$tag};
die "Unknown type: " . $sym->{tag} . ":$tag"
if !defined $fmt;
#### Get data string, data field width, address increment at end.
my $dstr = $verbose ? $fmt->[2] : $fmt->[0];
my $dwid = $verbose ? $fmt->[3] : $fmt->[1];
my $dlen = $repeat * $sym->{byte_size};
my $wid = $repeat * $dwid;
#### Figure field width.
$wid = ($horizontal ?
$wid + $nwid :
$nwid > $dwid ? $nwid : $dwid);
flush_line() if $col + $wid > $col_max || $repeat > 1;
#### Output variable name and data fields.
if ($horizontal) {
#### Output data in horizontal "name=" mode.
$data_line .= "\"$name=\" " if defined $name;
if ($repeat <= 1) {
$data_line .= "$dstr ";
$col += $wid;
} elsif (!defined $name) {
$data_line .= "$repeat($dstr) ";
$col = $col_max;
} else {
my $r = int(($col_max - $nwid) / $dwid);
$r = 1 if $r < 1;
my $n = int(($repeat - 1) / $r);
if ($n > 0) {
$data_line .= "$n($r($dstr) n ";
$data_line .= "." for (1..$nwid);
$data_line .= ") ";
$repeat -= $n * $r;
if ($repeat == 1) {
$data_line .= "$dstr ";
} elsif ($repeat > 1) {
$data_line .= "$repeat($dstr) ";
$col = $col_max;
} else {
#### Output data in vertical "name" over data mode.
$title_line .= "\"$name\"" if defined $name;
if ($repeat <= 1) {
$col += $wid;
if (defined $name && $nwid < $wid && $col < $col_max) {
$title_line .= "." for ($nwid+1..$wid);
$data_line .= "$dstr";
if ($dwid < $wid && $col < $col_max) {
$data_line .= "." for ($dwid+1..$wid);
} else {
$data_line .= "$repeat($dstr)";
$col = $col_max;
$title_line .= " " if defined $name;
$data_line .= " ";
$addr_kme += $dlen;
# Generates a KME display string for the symbol provided.
sub display_sym($$$$);
sub display_sym($$$$)
my $name = shift; # Member name
my $key = shift; # Symbol key
my $addr = shift; # Display address
my $repeat = shift; # Repeat count
# print "display($name,$key,$addr,$repeat)\n";
my $sym = $symbol{$key};
my $self = $sym;
defined $key or die "$macro: undefined key $key";
#### Indirect through the type of a structure member.
if ($sym->{tag} eq "member") {
$key = $sym->{type};
$sym = $symbol{$key};
#### Indirect through zero or more "array" and/or "typedef"
#### symbol types.
for (;;) {
if ($sym->{tag} eq "array_type") {
#### Increase repeat count, according to the size
#### of the array.
for my $c (@{$sym->{subrange}}) {
my $s = $symbol{$c};
die "$macro: subrange expected"
if $s->{tag} ne "subrange_type";
return 0 if !defined $s->{upper_bound};
$repeat *= $s->{upper_bound} + 1;
} else {
last if $sym->{tag} eq "pointer_type";
last if !defined $sym->{type};
warn "expected symbol{$key}" if defined $sym->{byte_size};
$key = $sym->{type};
$sym = $symbol{$key};
#### Undefined structures have no byte_size. Maybe other things
#### do too.
if (!defined $sym->{byte_size}) {
$data_line .= "\"Undefined\"";
$col = $col_max;
return 0;
#### Reduce the repeat count of the array or simple type.
my $tsize = $repeat * $sym->{byte_size};
if ($tsize > $array_max) {
$repeat = int(($array_max - 1) / $sym->{byte_size}) + 1;
#### Output a simple or structure type.
if ($sym->{tag} eq "pointer_type" ||
$sym->{tag} eq "enumeration_type" ||
$sym->{tag} eq "base_type") {
#### Process a simple type.
display_scalar($name, $key, $addr, $repeat);
} elsif ($sym->{tag} eq "structure_type" ||
$sym->{tag} eq "union_type") {
#### Process a structure or union.
if (defined $sym->{name} &&
$sym ne $self &&
(!$member_names || !defined $name)) {
#### Insert a macro reference.
if ($repeat > 1) {
$data_line .= ($repeat - 1) . "(!" . $sym->{name} . " n) ";
$data_line .= "!" . $sym->{name} . " ";
$addr_kme += $sym->{byte_size} * $repeat;
} else {
#### Explicitly expand an array of structures.
for (my $r = 0; $r < $repeat; $r++) {
$col = $col_max if ($col != 0);
for my $c (@{$sym->{member}}) {
my $s = $symbol{$c};
my $n = $s->{name};
my $a = $addr;
$n = "*" if !defined $n;
$n = "$name.$n" if defined $name && $member_names;
die "$macro: member expected" if $s->{tag} ne "member";
$a += $s->{offset} if defined $s->{offset};
display_sym($n, $c, $a, 1);
$addr += $sym->{byte_size};
$col = $col_max;
} else {
die "$macro: type - " . $sym->{tag};
return $tsize;
# Dumps all the structure and union symbols.
sub dump_sym()
#### Sort and print all the structure/union names
#### in the generate array.
for my $name (sort keys %generate) {
my $key = $generate{$name};
my $sym = $symbol{$key};
if ($debug >= 2) {
print "\n========== Symbol " . $sym->{name} . "\n";
print_tree($key, 0);
$macro = $sym->{name};
print "!$macro\n";
$col = 0;
$addr_kme = 0;
my $size = display_sym(undef, $key, 0, 1);
$col = 0;
# Loops to process all the files specified on the command line.
#### Process command options.
while (defined $ARGV[0] && $ARGV[0] =~ /^-(.+)/) {
my $opt = $1;
while ($opt =~ s/(.)//) {
if ($1 eq 'a') {
$array_max = ($opt ne "" ? $opt : shift) + 0;
} elsif ($1 eq 'c') {
$col_max = ($opt ne "" ? $opt : shift);
} elsif ($1 eq 'd') {
} elsif ($1 eq 'f') {
$name_col_min = ($opt ne "" ? $opt : shift);
} elsif ($1 eq 'h') {
} elsif ($1 eq 'm') {
} elsif ($1 eq 'n') {
$name_col_max = ($opt ne "" ? $opt : shift);
} elsif ($1 eq 's') {
$symfile = ($opt ne "" ? $opt : shift);
} elsif ($1 eq 't') {
} elsif ($1 eq 'v') {
} elsif ($1 eq 'V') {
print '$Id$' . "\n";
exit 0;
} elsif ($1 eq 'w') {
$col_width = ($opt ne "" ? $opt : shift);
} else {
print STDERR
"elf2kme [-dhmtvV] [-a arraymax] [-c numcol]\n" .
" [-f name_min] [-n name_max]\n" .
" [-s symfile] [-w colwidth]\n";
print STDERR
"\nFor a man page: perldoc elf2kme\n";
exit 2;
#### Compute maximum and minimum name widths.
if ($name_col_max < $name_col_min) {
$name_col_max = $name_col_min;
$name_min = $col_width * ($name_col_min - 1) + 1;
$name_max = $col_width==1 ? $name_col_max : $name_col_max * $col_width - 1;
#### Process command parameters.
read_elf($_) for (@ARGV);
if (defined $symfile) {
read_sym($_) for (split ":", $symfile);