blob: 30436c10df5e40ab728cc5e7ced43beb0a687290 [file] [log] [blame] [raw]
; Global settings:
; generator C code generator. Default: csmith
; generatorflags
; Flags to C code generator. Default: (empty)
; outputdirectory
; Directory to store output executable files. The current
; working directory will be used if this is set to empty.
; Default: (empty)
; timeout Maximum run time for output program. Some Csmith generated
; programs are endless, such programs has to be kill(2)ed.
; Default: 240
; Section settings:
; program Compiler program name for execvp(3). Required
; cflagsinclude Include search paths. Must containing Csmith runtime include
; path to compile Csmith generated programs. Default: -Iruntime
; cflagswarning The warning-related flags to the compiler. You usually wants
; to disable warnings from compiler to avoid flooding your
; terminal. If your compiler chocks on the default flag "-w",
; set this to empty or something your compiler accepts.
; Default: -w
; cflagsoptimizing
; Flags to control optimizions of compiler. This setting can
; be empty but please note that some compilers enables
; optimizion by default if no such flags are given. The usual
; setting is "-O<level>". Required
; libs Libraries to link. The math library may be needed since
; Csmith 2.2.0, in most UNIX-like targets, "-lm" should be used
; to link against the system math library. Default: (empty).
; outputoption The compiler option to specify output executable file name.
; Default: -o
; outputoptionstyle
; 0: no separation between 'outputfileoption' and the file name;
; 1: separate 'outputfileoption' and the file name, usually a
; space between them in an UNIX shell. Default: 1
; outputnamesuffix
; Set this if the output executable file must be named with a
; particular suffix in order to run; for example, ".exe" for
; Windows programs. Default: (empty)
; launcher If the output program cannot be run by current system, but
; by an emulator, a compatibility layer or an interpreter in
; user space, set the program name here; such as "wine" for
; running Windows programs in UNIX-like systems.
; Default: (empty)
; group Set group number for this compiler configuration. Because the
; unique result of Csmith generated programs depending on
; implementation-defined behaviors, different targets may be
; separated in different group, so this program won't consider
; different final results from them an error. Particularly
; targets with different memory model, such as LP32 and LP64,
; should be placed in different groups. Note that each group
; must have at least 2 compiler configurations in order to
; verify results. Default: 0
;generator = src/csmith
;outputdirectory = outputs
;timeout = 120
program = gcc-4.7.4
cflags = --pipe
cflagsoptimizing = -O0
program = gcc-4.7.4
cflags = --pipe
cflagsoptimizing = -O1
program = gcc-4.7.4
cflags = --pipe
cflagsoptimizing = -O2
program = gcc-4.7.4
cflags = --pipe
cflagsoptimizing = -O3
program = gcc-4.7.4
cflags = --pipe
cflagsoptimizing = -Os