| mixin filteroption(name, longdescription, shortdescription, defaultchecked) |
| if noscript |
| .button-checkbox |
| if defaultchecked |
| input(type="checkbox" title=longdescription name=name checked='checked' value='true') |
| else |
| input(type="checkbox" title=longdescription name=name value='true') |
| span=shortdescription |
| else |
| - var pressed = defaultchecked ? 'true' : 'false' |
| .button-checkbox |
| button.dropdown-item.btn.btn-sm.btn-light(type='button' title=longdescription data-bind=name aria-pressed=pressed) |
| span=shortdescription |
| input.d-none(type="checkbox" checked=defaultchecked) |
| // If you modify this, update types/features/filters.interfaces.ts |
| +filteroption('labels', 'Filter unused labels from the output', 'Unused labels', true) |
| +filteroption('libraryCode', 'Filter functions from other libraries from the output', 'Library functions', true) |
| +filteroption('directives', 'Filter all assembler directives from the output', 'Directives', true) |
| +filteroption('commentOnly', 'Remove all lines which are only comments from the output', 'Comments', true) |
| +filteroption('trim', 'Trim intra-line whitespace', 'Horizontal whitespace', false) |