| doc = """Julia wrapper. |
| |
| Usage: |
| julia_wrapper.jl <input_code> <output_path> [--format=<fmt>] [--debuginfo=<info>] [--optimize] [--verbose] |
| julia_wrapper.jl --help |
| |
| Options: |
| -h --help Show this screen. |
| --format=<fmt> Set output format (One of "lowered", "typed", "warntype", "llvm", "native") [default: native] |
| lowered |
| typed |
| warntype |
| llvm |
| native |
| --debuginfo=<info> Controls amount of generated metadata (One of "default", "none") [default: default] |
| --optimize Sets whether "llvm" output should be optimized or not. |
| --verbose Prints some process info |
| """ |
| |
| using InteractiveUtils |
| |
| if length(ARGS) < 2 |
| println(doc) |
| exit(1) |
| end |
| |
| if length(ARGS) > 3 && ARGS[3] == "--help" |
| println(doc) |
| end |
| |
| input_file = popfirst!(ARGS) |
| output_path = popfirst!(ARGS) |
| format = "native" |
| debuginfo = :default |
| optimize = false |
| verbose = false |
| |
| for x in ARGS |
| if startswith(x, "--format=") |
| global format = x[10:end] |
| end |
| if startswith(x, "--debuginfo=") |
| if x[13:end] == "none" |
| global debuginfo = :none |
| end |
| end |
| if x == "--optimize" |
| global optimize = true |
| end |
| if x == "--verbose" |
| global verbose = true |
| end |
| end |
| |
| # Include user code into module |
| m = Module(:Godbolt) |
| Base.include(m, input_file) |
| |
| # Find functions and method specializations |
| m_methods = Any[] |
| for name in names(m, all=true) |
| local fun = getfield(m, name) |
| if fun isa Function |
| if verbose |
| println("Function: ", fun) |
| end |
| for me in methods(fun) |
| for s in me.specializations |
| if s != nothing |
| me_types = getindex(s.specTypes.parameters, 2:length(s.specTypes.parameters)) |
| push!(m_methods, (fun, me_types, me)) |
| if verbose |
| println(" Method types: ", me_types) |
| end |
| end |
| end |
| end |
| end |
| end |
| |
| # Open output file |
| open(output_path, "w") do io |
| # For all found methods |
| for (me_fun, me_types, me) in m_methods |
| io_buf = IOBuffer() # string buffer |
| if format == "typed" |
| ir, retval = InteractiveUtils.code_typed(me_fun, me_types, debuginfo=debuginfo)[1] |
| Base.IRShow.show_ir(io_buf, ir) |
| elseif format == "lowered" |
| cl = Base.code_lowered(me_fun, me_types, debuginfo=debuginfo) |
| print(io_buf, cl) |
| elseif format == "llvm" |
| InteractiveUtils.code_llvm(io_buf, me_fun, me_types, optimize=optimize, debuginfo=debuginfo) |
| elseif format == "native" |
| InteractiveUtils.code_native(io_buf, me_fun, me_types, debuginfo=debuginfo) |
| elseif format == "warntype" |
| InteractiveUtils.code_warntype(io_buf, me_fun, me_types, debuginfo=debuginfo) |
| end |
| code = String(take!(io_buf)) |
| line_num = count("\n",code) |
| # Print first line: <[source code line] [number of output lines] [function name] [method types]> |
| write(io, "<") |
| print(io, me.line) |
| print(io, " ") |
| print(io, line_num) |
| print(io, " ") |
| print(io, me_fun) |
| write(io, " ") |
| for i in 1:length(me_types) |
| print(io, me_types[i]) |
| if i < length(me_types) |
| write(io, ", ") |
| end |
| end |
| write(io, ">\n") |
| # Print code for this method |
| write(io, code) |
| write(io, "\n") |
| end |
| end |
| exit(0) |