blob: f7ff3cabe05e53655c937cb51cdb0d080c7d0b0a [file] [log] [blame] [raw]
.section .rodata.str1.4,"aMS",@progbits,1
.align 4
.string "%s , %s , %lld , %d , %lld\n"
.align 8
.globl toto
.type toto, @function
add $r12 = $r12, -16
get $r8 = $ra
sw 28[$r12] = $r10
add $r10 = $r12, 16
ld $r0r1 = 40[$r10]
ld $r4r5 = 24[$r10]
sw 24[$r12] = $r8
sd 16[$r12] = $r0r1
make $r0 = .LC0
lw $r1 = 16[$r10]
lw $r2 = 20[$r10]
lw $r6 = 32[$r10]
call printf
add $r12 = $r10, -16
lw $r1 = 24[$r12]
make $r0 = 0
lw $r10 = 28[$r12]
add $r12 = $r12, 16
set $ra = $r1
;; /* Can't issue next in the same bundle */
.size toto, .-toto
.section .rodata.str1.4
.align 4
.string "chaine1"
.align 4
.string "chaine2"
.section .text.startup,"ax",@progbits
.align 8
.globl main
.type main, @function
add $r12 = $r12, -16
get $r8 = $ra
make $r2 = .LC2
sw 28[$r12] = $r10
maked $r0r1 = 123456
add $r10 = $r12, 16
make $r6 = 256
sw 24[$r12] = $r8
maked $r4r5 = 12345
sd 16[$r12] = $r0r1
make $r1 = .LC1
make $r0 = .LC0
;; /* Can't issue next in the same bundle */
call printf
add $r12 = $r10, -16
lw $r1 = 24[$r12]
make $r0 = 0
lw $r10 = 28[$r12]
add $r12 = $r12, 16
set $ra = $r1
;; /* Can't issue next in the same bundle */
.size main, .-main
.ident "GCC: (GNU) 4.9.4"