| #load-save.modal.fade.gl_keep(tabindex="-1" role="dialog") |
| .modal-dialog |
| .modal-content |
| .modal-header |
| button.close(type="button" data-dismiss="modal" aria-hidden="true") × |
| h3.modal-title Load and save editor text |
| .modal-body |
| div |
| ul.nav.nav-tabs(role="tablist") |
| li.active(role="presentation"): a(href="#load-examples" role="tab" data-toggle="tab") Examples |
| li(role="presentation"): a(href="#load-browser-local" role="tab" data-toggle="tab") Browser-local storage |
| li(role="presentation"): a(href="#load-file-system" role="tab" data-toggle="tab") File system |
| div.tab-content |
| #load-examples.tab-pane.active(role="tabpanel") |
| h4 Load from examples: |
| ul.examples.small-v-scrollable |
| li.template: a(href="#") |
| #load-browser-local.tab-pane(role="tabpanel") |
| h4 Load from browser-local storage: |
| ul.local-storage.small-v-scrollable |
| li.template: a(href="#") |
| .form-group |
| input.save-name(type="text" size="20") |
| button.btn.save-button(type="button") Save to browser-local storage |
| #load-file-system.tab-pane(role="tabpanel") |
| label.btn.btn-default.btn-file Load from a local file |
| // TODO: should really make the accept: per-language |
| input.local-file(style="display:none" type="file" accept=".cpp,.cxx,.c,.h,.hpp,.hxx") |
| .modal-footer |
| button.btn.btn-default(type="button" data-dismiss="modal") Close |
| |
| #alert.modal.fade.gl_keep(tabindex="-1" role="dialog") |
| .modal-dialog |
| .modal-content |
| .modal-header |
| button.close(type="button" data-dismiss="modal" aria-hidden="true") × |
| h3.modal-title Something alert worthy |
| .modal-body |
| .modal-footer |
| button.btn.btn-default(type="button" data-dismiss="modal") Close |
| |
| #yes-no.modal.fade.gl_keep(tabindex="-1" role="dialog") |
| .modal-dialog |
| .modal-content |
| .modal-header |
| button.close(type="button" data-dismiss="modal" aria-hidden="true") × |
| h3.modal-title Well, do you or not? |
| .modal-body |
| .modal-footer |
| button.btn.no(type="button" data-dismiss="modal") No |
| button.btn.yes(type="button" data-dismiss="modal") Yes |
| |
| #settings.modal.fade.gl_keep(tabindex="-1" role="dialog") |
| .modal-dialog |
| .modal-content |
| .modal-header |
| button.close(type="button" data-dismiss="modal" aria-hidden="true") × |
| h3.modal-title Compiler Explorer Settings |
| .modal-body |
| div |
| | These settings control how Compiler Explorer acts for you. They are not |
| | preserved as part of shared URLs, and are persisted locally using browser |
| | local storage. |
| h4 Editor |
| .form-group(role="group") |
| .form-control.checkbox |
| label |
| input.autoCloseBrackets(type="checkbox") |
| | Automatically insert matching brackets and parentheses |
| .form-control Delay before compiling: |
| b Disabled |
| .slider.slider-horizontal.delay |
| b 3s |
| .form-control.checkbox |
| label |
| input.hoverShowSource(type="checkbox") |
| | Highlight linked code lines on hover |
| .form-control.checkbox |
| label |
| input.hoverShowAsmDoc(type="checkbox") |
| | Show asm description on hover |
| h4 Compilation |
| .form-group(role="group") |
| .form-control.checkbox |
| label |
| input.colourise(type="checkbox") |
| | Colourise lines so one can see how the source maps to the output |
| .form-control |
| label |
| | Colour scheme: |
| select.colourScheme |
| .modal-footer |
| button.btn.btn-default(type="button" data-dismiss="modal") Close |
| |
| #notifications |