blob: 98986ebdeb034da792cc5062f90ca58663ad61ee [file] [log] [blame] [raw]
#$$sz 0
#$$ss 0
#$$sg 0
#$$fp 0
#$$m2 - PowerPC mnemonics
#$$pPPC - PowerPC instructions
#$$ko 1 - Reorder info
.file "example.cpp"
#$$dg 1
.section .PPC.EMB.apuinfo,,@note
.4byte 8
.4byte 0+4+4
.4byte 2
.byte "APUinfo"
.byte 0
.align 2
.4byte 0x01000001
.4byte 0x00400001
.section .debug_line,,n
.0byte .L2
.d2_line_start .debug_line
.align 2
.d2file "/tmp/compiler-explorer-compiler202107-8023-z5iran.8cqm/example.cpp"
.d2line 4,8
#$$bf testFunction(double*, double),interprocedural,rasave,nostackparams
.globl testFunction(double*, double)
.d2_cfa_start.r __cie
testFunction(double*, double):
#$$dr 0 0 0
stwu r1,-48(r1)
.d2_cfa_def_cfa_offset 48
mfspr r0,lr
stmw r26,24(r1) # offset r1+24 0x18
.d2_cfa_offset_list 26,31,1,1
stw r0,52(r1)
.d2_cfa_offset 108,-1
mr r31,r3 # input=r31 input=r3
mr r30,r5
mr r29,r6
.d2line 5 r28,0 r27,0
.d2line 6
.Llo2: r26,0 # i=r26
mr r3,r26 # i=r3 i=r26
bl _d_itod
mr r6,r29
mr r5,r30
bl _d_fge
extsb. r0,r3 # i=r3
bc 4,2,.L44 # ne cr0
.d2line 7
rlwinm r0,r26,3,0,28 # i=r26
add r3,r31,r0 # i=r3 input=r31
lwzx r5,r31,r0 # input=r31
lwz r6,4(r3) # i=r3
mr r4,r27
mr r3,r28 # i=r3
bl _d_add
mr r27,r4
mr r28,r3 # i=r28
.d2line 8
addi r26,r26,1 # i=r26 i=r26
b .L42
.d2line 9
mr r4,r27
mr r3,r28 # i=r3
.d2line 10
lmw r26,24(r1) # offset r1+24 0x18
.d2_cfa_restore_list 2,10
lwz r0,52(r1)
mtspr lr,r0
addi r1,r1,48
.d2_cfa_def_cfa_offset 0
.d2_cfa_end 2
.type testFunction(double*, double),@function
.size testFunction(double*, double),.-testFunction(double*, double)
# Number of nodes = 24
# Allocations for testFunction(double*, double)
# ?a4 input
# ?a5 length
# ?a7 sum
# ?a9 i
.align 2
.d2line 12,5
#$$bf fibo(int),interprocedural,rasave,nostackparams
.globl fibo(int)
.d2_cfa_start.r __cie
#$$dr 0 0 0
stwu r1,-32(r1)
.d2_cfa_def_cfa_offset 32
mfspr r0,lr
stmw r30,24(r1) # offset r1+24 0x18
.d2_cfa_offset_list 30,31,1,1
stw r0,36(r1)
.d2_cfa_offset 108,-1
.frame_info.r r30,,,1,0,0,0,.L105
mr r31,r3 # n=r31 n=r3
.d2line 14
cmpi 0,0,r3,1 # n=r3
bc 12,1,.L46 # gt cr0
.d2line 15
b .L45
.d2line 16
addi r3,r3,-1 # n=r3 n=r3
bl fibo(int)
mr r30,r3 # n=r30
addi r3,r31,-2 # n=r3 n=r31
bl fibo(int)
add r3,r3,r30 # n=r3 n=r3 n=r30
.d2line 17
lmw r30,24(r1) # offset r1+24 0x18
.d2_cfa_restore_list 3,10
lwz r0,36(r1)
mtspr lr,r0
addi r1,r1,32
.d2_cfa_def_cfa_offset 0
.d2_cfa_end 2
.type fibo(int),@function
.size fibo(int),.-fibo(int)
# Number of nodes = 27
# Allocations for fibo(int)
# ?a4 n
# ?a5 $$2
# ?a6 $$1
.align 2
.d2line 19,5
#$$bf fizz_buzz(),interprocedural,rasave,nostackparams
.globl fizz_buzz()
.d2_cfa_start.r __cie
#$$dr 0 0 0
stwu r1,-32(r1)
.d2_cfa_def_cfa_offset 32
mfspr r0,lr
stw r31,28(r1) # offset r1+28 0x1c
.d2_cfa_offset_list 31,31,1,1
stw r0,36(r1)
.d2_cfa_offset 108,-1
.frame_info.r r31,,,1,0,0,0,.L113
.d2line 22 r31,1 # i=r31
cmpi 0,0,r31,100 # i=r31
bc 12,1,.L50 # gt cr0
.d2line 24
lis r0,21845
ori r0,r0,21846
mulhw r0,r0,r31 # i=r31
srawi r3,r31,31 # i=r31
subf r0,r3,r0
add r3,r0,r0
add r0,r0,r3
subf. r0,r0,r31 # i=?a4
bc 4,2,.L51 # ne cr0
.d2line 25
addis r3,0,.L114@ha
addi r3,r3,.L114@l
bl printf
.d2line 26
lis r0,26214
ori r0,r0,26215
mulhw r0,r0,r31 # i=r31
srawi r0,r0,1
srawi r3,r31,31 # i=r31
subf r0,r3,r0
rlwinm r3,r0,2,0,29
add r0,r0,r3
subf. r0,r0,r31 # i=?a4
bc 4,2,.L52 # ne cr0
.d2line 27
addis r3,0,.L115@ha
addi r3,r3,.L115@l
bl printf
.d2line 28
lis r0,21845
ori r0,r0,21846
mulhw r0,r0,r31 # i=r31
srawi r3,r31,31 # i=r31
subf r0,r3,r0
add r3,r0,r0
add r0,r0,r3
subf. r0,r0,r31 # i=?a4
bc 12,2,.L53 # eq cr0
lis r0,26214
ori r0,r0,26215
mulhw r0,r0,r31 # i=r31
srawi r0,r0,1
srawi r3,r31,31 # i=r31
subf r0,r3,r0
rlwinm r3,r0,2,0,29
add r0,r0,r3
subf. r0,r0,r31 # i=?a4
bc 12,2,.L53 # eq cr0
.d2line 29
addis r3,0,.L116@ha
addi r3,r3,.L116@l
mr r4,r31 # i=r4 i=r31
bl printf
.d2line 30
addis r3,0,.L117@ha
addi r3,r3,.L117@l
bl printf
.d2line 31
addi r31,r31,1 # i=r31 i=r31
b .L48
.d2line 33 r3,0
.d2line 34
lwz r31,28(r1) # offset r1+28 0x1c
.d2_cfa_restore_list 3,10
lwz r0,36(r1)
mtspr lr,r0
addi r1,r1,32
.d2_cfa_def_cfa_offset 0
.d2_cfa_end 2
.type fizz_buzz(),@function
.size fizz_buzz(),.-fizz_buzz()
# Number of nodes = 50
# Allocations for fizz_buzz()
# ?a4 i
.align 2
.d2line 37,6
#$$bf printEvenNumbers(int),interprocedural,rasave,nostackparams
.globl printEvenNumbers(int)
.d2_cfa_start.r __cie
#$$dr 0 0 0
stwu r1,-32(r1)
.d2_cfa_def_cfa_offset 32
mfspr r0,lr
stmw r30,24(r1) # offset r1+24 0x18
.d2_cfa_offset_list 30,31,1,1
stw r0,36(r1)
.d2_cfa_offset 108,-1
.frame_info.r r30,,,1,0,0,0,.L124
mr r31,r3 # N=r31 N=r3
.d2line 39
.Llo14: r30,1 # i=r30
rlwinm r0,r31,1,0,30 # N=r31
cmp 0,0,r0,r30 # i=r30
bc 12,0,.L54 # lt cr0
.d2line 42
srawi r0,r30,1 # i=r30
addze r0,r0
add r0,r0,r0
subf. r0,r0,r30 # i=?a5
bc 4,2,.L58 # ne cr0
.d2line 43
addis r3,0,.L131@ha
addi r3,r3,.L131@l
mr r4,r30 # i=r4 i=r30
bl printf
.d2line 44
addi r30,r30,1 # i=r30 i=r30
b .L55
.d2line 45
lmw r30,24(r1) # offset r1+24 0x18
.d2_cfa_restore_list 3,10
lwz r0,36(r1)
mtspr lr,r0
addi r1,r1,32
.d2_cfa_def_cfa_offset 0
.d2_cfa_end 2
.type printEvenNumbers(int),@function
.size printEvenNumbers(int),.-printEvenNumbers(int)
# Number of nodes = 23
# Allocations for printEvenNumbers(int)
# ?a4 N
# ?a5 i
.align 2
.d2line 48,6
#$$bf printOddNumbers(int),interprocedural,rasave,nostackparams
.globl printOddNumbers(int)
.d2_cfa_start.r __cie
#$$dr 0 0 0
stwu r1,-32(r1)
.d2_cfa_def_cfa_offset 32
mfspr r0,lr
stmw r30,24(r1) # offset r1+24 0x18
.d2_cfa_offset_list 30,31,1,1
stw r0,36(r1)
.d2_cfa_offset 108,-1
.frame_info.r r30,,,1,0,0,0,.L138
mr r31,r3 # N=r31 N=r3
.d2line 50
.Llo20: r30,1 # i=r30
rlwinm r0,r31,1,0,30 # N=r31
cmp 0,0,r0,r30 # i=r30
bc 12,0,.L59 # lt cr0
.d2line 53
srawi r0,r30,1 # i=r30
addze r0,r0
add r0,r0,r0
subf. r0,r0,r30 # i=?a5
bc 12,2,.L63 # eq cr0
.d2line 54
addis r3,0,.L131@ha
addi r3,r3,.L131@l
mr r4,r30 # i=r4 i=r30
bl printf
.d2line 55
addi r30,r30,1 # i=r30 i=r30
b .L60
.d2line 56
lmw r30,24(r1) # offset r1+24 0x18
.d2_cfa_restore_list 3,10
lwz r0,36(r1)
mtspr lr,r0
addi r1,r1,32
.d2_cfa_def_cfa_offset 0
.d2_cfa_end 2
.type printOddNumbers(int),@function
.size printOddNumbers(int),.-printOddNumbers(int)
# Number of nodes = 23
# Allocations for printOddNumbers(int)
# ?a4 N
# ?a5 i
.align 2
.d2line 58,6
#$$bf tokenizeString(),interprocedural,rasave,nostackparams
.globl tokenizeString()
.d2_cfa_start.r __cie
#$$dr 0 0 0
stwu r1,-32(r1)
.d2_cfa_def_cfa_offset 32
mfspr r0,lr
stw r0,36(r1)
.d2_cfa_offset 108,-1
.frame_info.r ,,,1,0,0,0,.L157
.d2line 60
addis r12,0,.L65@ha
addi r12,r12,.L65@l
addi r12,r12,-1
addi r11,r1,7 r10,8
mtspr ctr,r10
lbzu r9,1(r12)
lbzu r10,1(r12)
stbu r9,1(r11)
stbu r10,1(r11)
bc 16,0,.L158
.d2line 63
addi r3,r1,8
addis r4,0,.L159@ha
addi r4,r4,.L159@l
bl strtok
mr r4,r3 # token=r4 token=r3
.d2line 67
cmpi 0,0,r3,0 # token=r3
bc 12,2,.L64 # eq cr0
.d2line 69
addis r3,0,.L160@ha # token=r3
addi r3,r3,.L160@l # token=r3 token=r3
bl printf
.d2line 70
addis r4,0,.L159@ha # token=r4
addi r4,r4,.L159@l # token=r4 token=r4
.Llo30: r3,0 # token=r3
bl strtok
mr r4,r3 # token=r4 token=r3
b .L66
.d2line 72
lwz r0,36(r1)
mtspr lr,r0
addi r1,r1,32
.d2_cfa_def_cfa_offset 0
.d2_cfa_end 2
.type tokenizeString(),@function
.size tokenizeString(),.-tokenizeString()
# Number of nodes = 37
# Allocations for tokenizeString()
# ?a4 $$4
# ?a5 $$3
# SP,8 str
# ?a6 token
.align 2
.d2line 74,5
#$$bf main,interprocedural,rasave,nostackparams
.globl main
.d2_cfa_start.r __cie
#$$dr 0 0 0
stwu r1,-64(r1)
.d2_cfa_def_cfa_offset 64
mfspr r0,lr
stw r31,60(r1) # offset r1+60 0x3c
.d2_cfa_offset_list 31,31,1,1
stw r0,68(r1)
.d2_cfa_offset 108,-1
.frame_info.r r31,,,1,0,0,0,.L177
.d2line 76 r3,10
bl fibo(int)
mr r31,r3
.d2line 77
bl fizz_buzz()
.d2line 78
mr r3,r31
bl printOddNumbers(int)
.d2line 79
lis r0,16368 r6,0
stw r0,8(r1)
stw r6,12(r1)
lis r0,16384
stw r0,16(r1)
stw r6,20(r1)
lis r0,16392
stw r0,24(r1)
stw r6,28(r1)
lis r0,16400
stw r0,32(r1)
stw r6,36(r1)
lis r5,16404
stw r5,40(r1)
stw r6,44(r1)
.d2line 80
addi r3,r1,8
bl testFunction(double*, double)
.d2line 81
bl tokenizeString()
.d2line 82 r3,0
.d2line 83
lwz r31,60(r1) # offset r1+60 0x3c
.d2_cfa_restore_list 3,10
lwz r0,68(r1)
mtspr lr,r0
addi r1,r1,64
.d2_cfa_def_cfa_offset 0
.d2_cfa_end 2
.type main,@function
.size main,.-main
# Number of nodes = 64
# Allocations for main
# ?a4 $$5
# ?a5 n
# SP,8 a
# ?a6 sum
# Allocations for module
.align 2
# Begin local data area
# LDA + 0
.type .L65,@object
.size .L65,16
.align 2
# static __static_init1
.byte 71,101,101,107,115,45,102,111,114,45,71,101,101,107,115
.byte 0
.type FLOAT_TEMP.161,@object
.size FLOAT_TEMP.161,8
.align 3
.double +1.0000000000000000000
.type FLOAT_TEMP.162,@object
.size FLOAT_TEMP.162,8
.align 3
.double +2.0000000000000000000
.type FLOAT_TEMP.163,@object
.size FLOAT_TEMP.163,8
.align 3
.double +3.0000000000000000000
.type FLOAT_TEMP.164,@object
.size FLOAT_TEMP.164,8
.align 3
.double +4.0000000000000000000
.type FLOAT_TEMP.165,@object
.size FLOAT_TEMP.165,8
.align 3
.double +5.0000000000000000000
.align 2
.byte 70,105,122,122
.byte 0
.align 2
.byte 66,117,122,122
.byte 0
.align 2
.byte 110,117,109,98,101,114,61,37,100
.byte 0
.align 2
.byte 10
.byte 0
.align 2
.byte 37,100
.byte 0
.align 2
.byte 45
.byte 0
.align 2
.byte 37,115,10
.byte 0
.L86: .d2filenum "/tmp/compiler-explorer-compiler202107-8023-z5iran.8cqm/example.cpp"
.section .debug_abbrev,,n
.section .debug_abbrev,,n
.uleb128 1
.uleb128 17
.byte 0x1
.uleb128 1
.uleb128 19
.uleb128 3
.uleb128 8
.uleb128 37
.uleb128 8
.uleb128 27
.uleb128 8
.uleb128 19
.uleb128 15
.uleb128 17
.uleb128 1
.uleb128 18
.uleb128 1
.uleb128 16
.uleb128 6
.uleb128 0
.uleb128 0
.section .debug_abbrev,,n
.uleb128 2
.uleb128 46
.byte 0x1
.uleb128 1
.uleb128 19
.uleb128 3
.uleb128 8
.uleb128 58
.uleb128 6
.uleb128 59
.uleb128 15
.uleb128 57
.uleb128 15
.uleb128 73
.uleb128 16
.uleb128 63
.uleb128 12
.uleb128 39
.uleb128 12
.uleb128 17
.uleb128 1
.uleb128 18
.uleb128 1
.uleb128 0
.uleb128 0
.section .debug_abbrev,,n
.uleb128 3
.uleb128 5
.byte 0x0
.uleb128 58
.uleb128 6
.uleb128 59
.uleb128 15
.uleb128 57
.uleb128 15
.uleb128 3
.uleb128 8
.uleb128 73
.uleb128 16
.uleb128 2
.uleb128 6
.uleb128 0
.uleb128 0
.section .debug_abbrev,,n
.uleb128 4
.uleb128 5
.byte 0x0
.uleb128 58
.uleb128 6
.uleb128 59
.uleb128 15
.uleb128 57
.uleb128 15
.uleb128 3
.uleb128 8
.uleb128 73
.uleb128 16
.uleb128 0
.uleb128 0
.section .debug_abbrev,,n
.uleb128 5
.uleb128 52
.byte 0x0
.uleb128 58
.uleb128 6
.uleb128 59
.uleb128 15
.uleb128 57
.uleb128 15
.uleb128 3
.uleb128 8
.uleb128 73
.uleb128 16
.uleb128 0
.uleb128 0
.section .debug_abbrev,,n
.uleb128 6
.uleb128 11
.byte 0x1
.uleb128 1
.uleb128 16
.uleb128 17
.uleb128 1
.uleb128 18
.uleb128 1
.uleb128 0
.uleb128 0
.section .debug_abbrev,,n
.uleb128 7
.uleb128 52
.byte 0x0
.uleb128 58
.uleb128 6
.uleb128 59
.uleb128 15
.uleb128 57
.uleb128 15
.uleb128 3
.uleb128 8
.uleb128 73
.uleb128 16
.uleb128 2
.uleb128 6
.uleb128 0
.uleb128 0
.section .debug_abbrev,,n
.uleb128 8
.uleb128 46
.byte 0x1
.uleb128 1
.uleb128 19
.uleb128 3
.uleb128 8
.uleb128 58
.uleb128 6
.uleb128 59
.uleb128 15
.uleb128 57
.uleb128 15
.uleb128 63
.uleb128 12
.uleb128 39
.uleb128 12
.uleb128 17
.uleb128 1
.uleb128 18
.uleb128 1
.uleb128 0
.uleb128 0
.section .debug_abbrev,,n
.uleb128 9
.uleb128 52
.byte 0x0
.uleb128 58
.uleb128 6
.uleb128 59
.uleb128 15
.uleb128 57
.uleb128 15
.uleb128 3
.uleb128 8
.uleb128 73
.uleb128 16
.uleb128 2
.uleb128 9
.uleb128 0
.uleb128 0
.section .debug_abbrev,,n
.uleb128 10
.uleb128 36
.byte 0x0
.uleb128 3
.uleb128 8
.uleb128 62
.uleb128 11
.uleb128 11
.uleb128 11
.uleb128 0
.uleb128 0
.section .debug_abbrev,,n
.uleb128 11
.uleb128 15
.byte 0x0
.uleb128 73
.uleb128 16
.uleb128 0
.uleb128 0
.section .debug_abbrev,,n
.uleb128 12
.uleb128 1
.byte 0x1
.uleb128 1
.uleb128 19
.uleb128 73
.uleb128 16
.uleb128 0
.uleb128 0
.section .debug_abbrev,,n
.uleb128 13
.uleb128 33
.byte 0x0
.uleb128 47
.uleb128 15
.uleb128 0
.uleb128 0
.section .debug_abbrev,,n
.sleb128 0
.section .debug_info,,n
.4byte .L3-.L1
.2byte 0x2
.4byte .L9
.byte 0x4
.section .debug_info,,n
.sleb128 1
.4byte .L7-.L2
.byte "/tmp/compiler-explorer-compiler202107-8023-z5iran.8cqm/example.cpp"
.byte 0
.byte "Diab Data, Inc:dplus Rel"
.byte 0
.byte "/tmp/compiler-explorer-compiler202107-8023-z5iran.8cqm"
.byte 0
.uleb128 4
.4byte .L4
.4byte .L5
.4byte .L8
.section .debug_info,,n
.sleb128 2
.4byte .L83-.L2
.byte "testFunction"
.byte 0
.4byte .L86
.uleb128 4
.uleb128 8
.4byte .L87
.byte 0x1
.byte 0x1
.4byte .L84
.4byte .L85
.section .debug_info,,n
.sleb128 3
.4byte .L86
.uleb128 4
.uleb128 8
.byte "input"
.byte 0
.4byte .L89
.4byte .L90
.section .debug_info,,n
.sleb128 4
.4byte .L86
.uleb128 4
.uleb128 8
.byte "length"
.byte 0
.4byte .L87
.section .debug_info,,n
.sleb128 5
.4byte .L86
.uleb128 5
.uleb128 10
.byte "sum"
.byte 0
.4byte .L87
.section .debug_info,,n
.sleb128 6
.4byte .L95
.4byte .L92
.4byte .L93
.section .debug_info,,n
.sleb128 7
.4byte .L86
.uleb128 6
.uleb128 12
.byte "i"
.byte 0
.4byte .L97
.4byte .L98
.section .debug_info,,n
.sleb128 0
.section .debug_info,,n
.sleb128 0
.section .debug_info,,n
.sleb128 2
.4byte .L100-.L2
.byte "fibo"
.byte 0
.4byte .L86
.uleb128 12
.uleb128 5
.4byte .L97
.byte 0x1
.byte 0x1
.4byte .L101
.4byte .L102
.sleb128 3
.4byte .L86
.uleb128 12
.uleb128 5
.byte "n"
.byte 0
.4byte .L97
.4byte .L104
.section .debug_info,,n
.sleb128 0
.section .debug_info,,n
.sleb128 2
.4byte .L107-.L2
.byte "fizz_buzz"
.byte 0
.4byte .L86
.uleb128 19
.uleb128 5
.4byte .L97
.byte 0x1
.byte 0x1
.4byte .L108
.4byte .L109
.sleb128 7
.4byte .L86
.uleb128 21
.uleb128 9
.byte "i"
.byte 0
.4byte .L97
.4byte .L112
.section .debug_info,,n
.sleb128 0
.section .debug_info,,n
.sleb128 8
.4byte .L119-.L2
.byte "printEvenNumbers"
.byte 0
.4byte .L86
.uleb128 37
.uleb128 6
.byte 0x1
.byte 0x1
.4byte .L120
.4byte .L121
.sleb128 3
.4byte .L86
.uleb128 37
.uleb128 6
.byte "N"
.byte 0
.4byte .L97
.4byte .L123
.section .debug_info,,n
.sleb128 6
.4byte .L128
.4byte .L125
.4byte .L126
.sleb128 7
.4byte .L86
.uleb128 39
.uleb128 14
.byte "i"
.byte 0
.4byte .L97
.4byte .L130
.section .debug_info,,n
.sleb128 0
.section .debug_info,,n
.sleb128 0
.section .debug_info,,n
.sleb128 8
.4byte .L133-.L2
.byte "printOddNumbers"
.byte 0
.4byte .L86
.uleb128 48
.uleb128 6
.byte 0x1
.byte 0x1
.4byte .L134
.4byte .L135
.sleb128 3
.4byte .L86
.uleb128 48
.uleb128 6
.byte "N"
.byte 0
.4byte .L97
.4byte .L137
.section .debug_info,,n
.sleb128 6
.4byte .L142
.4byte .L139
.4byte .L140
.sleb128 7
.4byte .L86
.uleb128 50
.uleb128 14
.byte "i"
.byte 0
.4byte .L97
.4byte .L144
.section .debug_info,,n
.sleb128 0
.section .debug_info,,n
.sleb128 0
.section .debug_info,,n
.sleb128 8
.4byte .L146-.L2
.byte "tokenizeString"
.byte 0
.4byte .L86
.uleb128 58
.uleb128 6
.byte 0x1
.byte 0x1
.4byte .L147
.4byte .L148
.section .debug_info,,n
.sleb128 9
.4byte .L86
.uleb128 60
.uleb128 10
.byte "str"
.byte 0
.4byte .L151
.sleb128 3
.byte 0x92
.uleb128 1
.sleb128 8
.sleb128 7
.4byte .L86
.uleb128 63
.uleb128 11
.byte "token"
.byte 0
.4byte .L155
.4byte .L156
.section .debug_info,,n
.sleb128 0
.section .debug_info,,n
.sleb128 2
.4byte .L167-.L2
.byte "main"
.byte 0
.4byte .L86
.uleb128 74
.uleb128 5
.4byte .L97
.byte 0x1
.byte 0x1
.4byte .L168
.4byte .L169
.sleb128 7
.4byte .L86
.uleb128 76
.uleb128 9
.byte "n"
.byte 0
.4byte .L97
.4byte .L172
.sleb128 9
.4byte .L86
.uleb128 79
.uleb128 12
.byte "a"
.byte 0
.4byte .L174
.sleb128 3
.byte 0x92
.uleb128 1
.sleb128 8
.sleb128 5
.4byte .L86
.uleb128 80
.uleb128 12
.byte "sum"
.byte 0
.4byte .L87
.section .debug_info,,n
.sleb128 0
.section .debug_info,,n
.sleb128 10
.byte "double"
.byte 0
.byte 0x4
.byte 0x8
.section .debug_info,,n
.sleb128 11
.4byte .L87
.sleb128 10
.byte "int"
.byte 0
.byte 0x5
.byte 0x4
.sleb128 10
.byte "char"
.byte 0
.byte 0x8
.byte 0x1
.section .debug_info,,n
.sleb128 12
.4byte .L152-.L2
.4byte .L153
.section .debug_info,,n
.sleb128 13
.uleb128 15
.sleb128 0
.sleb128 11
.4byte .L153
.sleb128 12
.4byte .L175-.L2
.4byte .L87
.sleb128 13
.uleb128 4
.sleb128 0
.sleb128 0
.section .debug_loc,,n
.align 0
.d2locreg %offsetof(.Llo1), %offsetof(.Llo2),3
.d2locreg %offsetof(.Llo3), %offsetof(.Llo4),31
.d2locreg %offsetof(.Llo3), %offsetof(.Llo4),26
.d2locreg %offsetof(.Llo5), %offsetof(.Llo6),3
.d2locreg %offsetof(.Llo7), %offsetof(.Llo8),31
.d2locreg %offsetof(.Llo9), %offsetof(.Llo10),3
.d2locreg %offsetof(.Llo11), %offsetof(.Llo12),31
.d2locreg %offsetof(.Llo13), %offsetof(.Llo14),3
.d2locreg %offsetof(.Llo15), %offsetof(.Llo16),31
.d2locreg %offsetof(.Llo17), %offsetof(.Llo18),3
.d2locreg %offsetof(.Llo15), %offsetof(.Llo16),30
.d2locreg %offsetof(.Llo19), %offsetof(.Llo20),3
.d2locreg %offsetof(.Llo21), %offsetof(.Llo22),31
.d2locreg %offsetof(.Llo23), %offsetof(.Llo24),3
.d2locreg %offsetof(.Llo21), %offsetof(.Llo22),30
.d2locreg %offsetof(.Llo25), %offsetof(.Llo26),3
.d2locreg %offsetof(.Llo27), %offsetof(.Llo28),3
.d2locreg %offsetof(.Llo29), %offsetof(.Llo30),4
.d2locreg %offsetof(.Llo31), %offsetof(.Llo32),3
.wrcm.nelem "code"
.wrcm.nelem "functions"
.wrcm.nelem "main"
.wrcm.nint32 "frameSize", 64
.wrcm.nstrlist "calls", "testFunction(double*, double)","tokenizeString()","printOddNumbers(int)","fibo(int)","fizz_buzz()"
.wrcm.nelem "tokenizeString()"
.wrcm.nint32 "frameSize", 32
.wrcm.nstrlist "calls", "printf","strtok"
.wrcm.nelem "printOddNumbers(int)"
.wrcm.nint32 "frameSize", 32
.wrcm.nstrlist "calls", "printf"
.wrcm.nelem "printEvenNumbers(int)"
.wrcm.nint32 "frameSize", 32
.wrcm.nstrlist "calls", "printf"
.wrcm.nelem "fizz_buzz()"
.wrcm.nint32 "frameSize", 32
.wrcm.nstrlist "calls", "printf"
.wrcm.nelem "fibo(int)"
.wrcm.nint32 "frameSize", 32
.wrcm.nstrlist "calls", "fibo(int)"
.wrcm.nelem "testFunction(double*, double)"
.wrcm.nint32 "frameSize", 48
.wrcm.nstrlist "calls", "_d_add","_d_fge","_d_itod"
.wrcm.nelem "tools"
.wrcm.nelem "llopt"
.wrcm.nelem "version"
.wrcm.nstr "string", ""
.wrcm.nint32 "number", 5971
.wrcm.nstr "path", "/home/ubuntu/WindRiver/compilers/diab-"
.wrcm.nstr "label", "DIAB_5_9_7_1-FCS_20191207_153706"
.wrcm.nelem "etoa"
.wrcm.nelem "version"
.wrcm.nstr "string", ""
.wrcm.nint32 "number", 5971
.wrcm.nstr "path", "/home/ubuntu/WindRiver/compilers/diab-"
.wrcm.nstr "label", "DIAB_5_9_7_1-a_1-FCS_20200605_220353"
.wrcm.nstr "options", "-Xmake-opt-key=/tmp/compiler-explorer-compiler202107-8023-z5iran.8cqm/output.s -Xuser-specified-proc=PPCE200Z1N -XPPCE200Z1 -Xstsw-slow -Xintrinsic-mask=0xc00041 -Xconventions-eabi -Xsoft-float -Xcoloring -Xtarget-family=2 -Xlicense-proxy-use -Xlicense-proxy-path=/home/ubuntu/WindRiver/compilers/diab- -Xmake-opt-key=/tmp/compiler-explorer-compiler202107-8023-z5iran.8cqm/output.s -M/home/ubuntu/WindRiver/compilers/diab- -Z/home/ubuntu/WindRiver/compilers/diab- -Xuser-specified-proc=PPCE200Z1N -XPPCE200Z1 -Xstsw-slow -Xintrinsic-mask=0xc00041 -Xconventions-eabi -Xsoft-float -Xcoloring -Xtarget-family=2 -Xlicense-proxy-use -Xlicense-proxy-path=/home/ubuntu/WindRiver/compilers/diab- -g"
.wrcm.nelem "file"
.wrcm.nstr "input", "/tmp/compiler-explorer-compiler202107-8023-z5iran.8cqm/example.cpp"