.gl_keep.template | |
#codeEditor | |
.top-bar.btn-toolbar.bg-light(role="toolbar" aria-label="Editor toolbar" name="editor-btn-toolbar") | |
include font-size.pug | |
.btn-group.btn-group-sm(role="group" aria-label="Editor settings") | |
button.btn.btn-sm.btn-light.load-save(title="Load or save text" aria-label="Load or save text") | |
span.fa.fa-save | |
span.hideable Save/Load | |
button.dropdown-toggle.btn.btn-sm.btn-light.add-pane(type="button" title="Add a new pane" aria-label="Add a new pane" data-toggle="dropdown" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false") | |
span.fa.fa-plus | |
span.hideable Add new... | |
.dropdown-menu | |
button.dropdown-item.btn.btn-sm.btn-light.add-compiler(title="Add a new compiler for this source" aria-label="New compiler") | |
span.dropdown-icon.fa.fa-cogs | |
| Compiler | |
button.dropdown-item.btn.btn-sm.btn-light.add-executor(title="Add a new executor for this source" aria-label="New executor") | |
span.dropdown-icon.fas.fa-microchip | |
| Execution only | |
button.dropdown-item.btn.btn-sm.btn-light.conformance(title="Add a new conformance view" aria-label="New conformance view") | |
span.dropdown-icon.fa.fa-list | |
| Conformance view | |
button.dropdown-item.btn.btn-sm.btn-light.add-editor(title="Add a new source editor view" aria-label="New source editor") | |
span.dropdown-icon.fa.fa-code | |
| Source editor | |
button#vim-flag.btn.btn-sm.btn-light(title="Toggle Vim Keybindings") | |
span.fab.fa-vimeo-v | |
span.hideable Vim | |
.btn-group.btn-group-sm(role="group" aria-label="External Sites") | |
a.btn.btn-sm.btn-light.open-in-cppinsights(href="https://cppinsights.io/" target="_blank" title="Open in Cppinsights" aria-label="Open in Cppinsights") | |
svg(height="16" width="16") | |
include resources/cppinsights.svg | |
span.hideable CppInsights | |
a.btn.btn-sm.btn-light.open-in-quickbench(href="http://quick-bench.com/" target="_blank" title="Open in Quick-bench" aria-label="Open in Quick-bench") | |
svg(height="16" width="16") | |
include resources/quickbench.svg | |
span.hideable Quick-bench | |
.btn-group.btn-group-sm.ml-auto(role="group" aria-label="Editor language") | |
select.change-language(title="Change this editor's (and associated panels) language" placeholder="Language" disabled=embedded && readOnly) | |
div#v-status | |
.monaco-placeholder | |
#compiler | |
.top-bar.btn-toolbar.bg-light(role="toolbar") | |
.btn-group.btn-group-sm(role="group" aria-label="Compiler picker") | |
.input-group | |
.input-group-prepend | |
.input-group | |
select.compiler-picker | |
.input-group-append | |
button.btn.btn-sm.btn-light.input-group-text.prepend-options(data-trigger="click" style="cursor: pointer;" role="button" title="All compilation options") | |
span.status-icon | |
input.options.form-control(type="text" placeholder="Compiler options..." size="256" autocomplete="off" autocorrect="off" autocapitalize="off" spellcheck="false") | |
.input-group-append.populararguments(title="Popular arguments") | |
button.btn.btn-sm.btn-light.btn-outline-secondary.dropdown-toggle.dropdown-toggle-split(type="button" data-toggle="dropdown" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false") | |
span.sr-only Popular arguments | |
div.dropdown-menu.dropdown-menu-right | |
button.dropdown-item.btn.btn-light.btn-sm | |
.argmenuitem | |
span.argtitle Detailed Compiler Flags | |
span.argdescription Open a new window to edit verbose compiler flags | |
include font-size | |
.btn-group.btn-group-sm.filters(role="group") | |
button.btn.btn-sm.btn-light.dropdown-toggle(type="button" title="Compiler output options" data-toggle="dropdown" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false" aria-label="Change how the compiler's output is generated") | |
span.fas.fa-cog | |
span.hideable Output... | |
.dropdown-menu | |
include options-output.pug | |
.btn-group.btn-group-sm.filters(role="group") | |
button.btn.btn-sm.btn-light.dropdown-toggle(type="button" title="Compiler output filters" data-toggle="dropdown" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false" aria-label="Change how the compiler output is filtered") | |
span.fas.fa-filter | |
span.hideable Filter... | |
.dropdown-menu | |
include options-filters.pug | |
.btn-group.btn-group-sm(role="group" aria-label="Compiler additions") | |
button.btn.btn-sm.btn-light.show-libs(title="Include libs" aria-label="Toggle libraries dropdown") | |
span.fas.fa-book | |
span.dp-text.hideable Libraries | |
.btn-group.btn-group-sm(role="group") | |
button.btn.btn-sm.btn-light.dropdown-toggle.add-pane(type="button" title="Add a new pane" data-toggle="dropdown" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false" aria-label="Add new element for this compiler") | |
span.fas.fa-plus | |
span.hideable Add new... | |
.dropdown-menu.dropdown-menu-right | |
button.dropdown-item.btn.btn-sm.btn-light.add-compiler(title="Clone this compiler window (click or drag)") | |
span.dropdown-icon.far.fa-clone | |
| Clone compiler | |
button.dropdown-item.btn.btn-sm.btn-light.create-executor(title="Create executor from this compiler") | |
span.dropdown-icon.fas.fa-microchip | |
| Executor from this | |
button.dropdown-item.btn.btn-sm.btn-light.view-optimization(title="Show optimization output") | |
span.dropdown-icon.fas.fa-weight | |
| Optimization output | |
button.dropdown-item.btn.btn-sm.btn-light.view-ast(title="Show AST output") | |
span.dropdown-icon.fas.fa-leaf | |
| AST output | |
button.dropdown-item.btn.btn-sm.btn-light.view-ir(title="Show IR output") | |
span.dropdown-icon.fas.fa-align-center | |
| IR output | |
button.dropdown-item.btn.btn-sm.btn-light.view-device(title="Show Device output") | |
span.dropdown-icon.fas.fa-tv | |
| Device output | |
button.dropdown-item.btn.btn-sm.btn-light.view-rustmir(title="Show Rust MIR output") | |
span.dropdown-icon.fas.fa-water | |
| Rust MIR output | |
button.dropdown-item.btn.btn-sm.btn-light.view-gccdump(title="Show Tree/RTL dump (GCC only)") | |
span.dropdown-icon.fas.fa-tree | |
| GCC Tree/RTL output | |
button.dropdown-item.btn.btn-sm.btn-light.view-cfg(title="Show Graph Output") | |
span.dropdown-icon.fas.fa-exchange-alt | |
| Graph output | |
.btn-group.btn-group-sm(role="group") | |
button.btn.btn-sm.btn-light.dropdown-toggle.add-tool(type="button" title="Add tool" data-toggle="dropdown" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false" aria-label="Add tooling to this editor and compiler") | |
span.fas.fa-screwdriver | |
span.hideable Add tool... | |
.dropdown-menu.dropdown-menu-right.toolsmenu | |
.monaco-placeholder | |
.bottom-bar.bg-light | |
if !embedded | |
.btn-group.btn-group-sm | |
.input-group | |
.input-group-prepend | |
button.btn.btn-sm.btn-light.clear-cache(title="Clear cache & recompile") | |
span.fas.fa-redo | |
button.btn.btn-sm.btn-light.output-btn | |
span.fas.fa-receipt.status-text | |
| Output | |
span.output-count | |
| ( | |
span.text-count | |
| 0 | |
| / | |
span.err-count | |
| 0 | |
| ) | |
span.short-compiler-name | |
button.btn.btn-sm.btn-light.fas.fa-info.full-compiler-name(data-trigger="click" style="cursor: pointer;" role="button") | |
span.compile-info(title="Compilation info") | |
button.btn.btn-sm.btn-light.fas.fa-chart-bar.full-timing-info(data-trigger="click" style="cursor: pointer;" role="button") | |
#executor | |
.top-bar.btn-toolbar.bg-light(role="toolbar") | |
include font-size | |
.btn-group.btn-group-sm.options(role="group" aria-label="Output options") | |
.button-checkbox | |
button.btn.btn-sm.btn-light.wrap-lines(type="button" title="Wrap lines" data-bind="wrap" aria-pressed="false" aria-label="Wrap lines") | |
span Wrap lines | |
input.d-none(type="checkbox" checked=false) | |
button.btn.btn-sm.btn-light.show-libs(title="Include libs" aria-label="Toggle libraries dropdown") | |
span.fas.fa-book | |
span.dp-text.hideable Libraries | |
button.btn.btn-sm.btn-light.toggle-compilation.active | |
span.fas.fa-cogs | |
span.hideable Compilation | |
button.btn.btn-sm.btn-light.toggle-args | |
span.fas.fa-terminal | |
span.hideable Arguments | |
button.btn.btn-sm.btn-light.toggle-stdin | |
span.fas.fa-sign-in-alt | |
span.hideable Stdin | |
button.btn.btn-sm.btn-light.toggle-compilerout.active | |
span.fas.fa-sign-out-alt | |
span.hideable Compiler output | |
button.btn.btn-sm.btn-light.clear-cache(title="Clear cache & recompile") | |
span.fas.fa-redo | |
.top-bar.btn-toolbar.bg-light.panel-compilation(role="toolbar") | |
.btn-group.btn-group-sm(role="group" aria-label="Compiler picker") | |
select.compiler-picker | |
.input-group.mb-auto | |
.input-group-prepend(title="Show all compilation options") | |
button.input-group-text.prepend-options(data-trigger="click" style="cursor: pointer;" role="button" title="All compilation options") | |
span.btn.btn-sm.btn-light.status-icon | |
input.compilation-options.form-control(type="text" placeholder="Compiler options..." size="256" autocomplete="off" autocorrect="off" autocapitalize="off" spellcheck="false") | |
.top-bar.btn-toolbar.bg-light.panel-args.d-none(role="toolbar") | |
input.execution-arguments.form-control(type="text" placeholder="Execution arguments..." size="256" autocomplete="off" autocorrect="off" autocapitalize="off" spellcheck="false") | |
.top-bar.btn-toolbar.bg-light.panel-stdin.d-none(role="toolbar") | |
textarea.execution-stdin.form-control(placeholder="Execution stdin..." cols="1024" autocomplete="off" autocorrect="off" autocapitalize="off" spellcheck="false" aria-multiline="false" style="resize: vertical") | |
pre.content | |
.execution-status | |
.compiler-output | |
.execution-output | |
.bottom-bar.bg-light | |
span.short-compiler-name | |
button.btn.btn-sm.btn-light.fas.fa-info.full-compiler-name(data-trigger="click" style="cursor: pointer;" role="button") | |
span.compile-time(title="Compilation time (Result size)") | |
button.btn.btn-sm.btn-light.fas.fa-chart-bar.full-timing-info(data-trigger="click" style="cursor: pointer;" role="button") | |
#compiler-output | |
.top-bar.btn-toolbar.options-toolbar.bg-light(role="toolbar") | |
include font-size | |
.btn-group.btn-group-sm.options(role="group" aria-label="Output options") | |
.button-checkbox | |
button.btn.btn-sm.btn-light.wrap-lines(type="button" title="Wrap lines" data-bind="wrap" aria-pressed="false" aria-label="Wrap lines") | |
span Wrap lines | |
input.d-none(type="checkbox" checked=false) | |
pre.content | |
#tool-input | |
.top-bar.btn-toolbar.bg-light(role="toolbar") | |
include font-size.pug | |
.monaco-placeholder | |
#tool-output | |
.top-bar.bad-lang.bg-warning(role="toolbar" style="display: none") | |
p The current language or compiler does not support this tool | |
.top-bar.btn-toolbar.options-toolbar.bg-light(role="toolbar") | |
include font-size | |
.btn-group.btn-group-sm.options(role="group" aria-label="Tool options") | |
.input-group.input-group-sm.mb-auto | |
.button-checkbox | |
button.btn.btn-sm.btn-light.wrap-lines(type="button" title="Wrap lines" data-bind="wrap" aria-pressed="false" aria-label="Wrap lines") | |
span Wrap lines | |
input.d-none(type="checkbox" checked=false) | |
button.btn.btn-sm.btn-light.toggle-args | |
span.fas.fa-terminal | |
span.hideable Arguments | |
button.btn.btn-sm.btn-light.toggle-stdin | |
span.fas.fa-sign-in-alt | |
span.hideable Stdin | |
.top-bar.btn-toolbar.bg-light.panel-args.d-none(role="toolbar") | |
input.options.form-control(type="text" placeholder="Tool arguments..." size="256" autocomplete="off" autocorrect="off" autocapitalize="off" spellcheck="false") | |
.top-bar.btn-toolbar.bg-light.panel-stdin.d-none(role="toolbar") | |
textarea.tool-stdin.form-control(placeholder="Tool stdin..." cols="1024" autocomplete="off" autocorrect="off" autocapitalize="off" spellcheck="false" aria-multiline="false" style="resize: vertical") | |
pre.content | |
.monaco-placeholder | |
#diff | |
.top-bar.btn-toolbar.bg-light(role="toolbar") | |
include font-size.pug | |
.btn-group.btn-group-sm | |
.input-group.input-group-sm.mb-auto | |
.input-group-prepend | |
label.input-group-text | |
| Left: | |
select.diff-picker.lhs(placeholder="Select compiler...") | |
select.difftype-picker.lhsdifftype(placeholder="...") | |
.btn-group.btn-group-sm.ml-4 | |
.input-group.input-group-sm.mb-auto | |
.input-group-prepend | |
label.input-group-text | |
| Right: | |
select.diff-picker.rhs(placeholder="Select compiler...") | |
select.difftype-picker.rhsdifftype(placeholder="...") | |
.monaco-placeholder | |
#opt | |
.top-bar.btn-toolbar.bg-light(role="toolbar") | |
include font-size.pug | |
.monaco-placeholder | |
#flags | |
.top-bar.btn-toolbar.bg-light(role="toolbar") | |
include font-size.pug | |
.monaco-placeholder | |
#ast | |
.top-bar.btn-toolbar.bg-light(role="toolbar") | |
include font-size.pug | |
.monaco-placeholder | |
#ir | |
.top-bar.btn-toolbar.bg-light(role="toolbar") | |
include font-size.pug | |
.monaco-placeholder | |
#device | |
.top-bar.btn-toolbar.bg-light(role="toolbar") | |
include font-size.pug | |
.btn-group.btn-group-sm(role="group") | |
select.change-device(placeholder="Select a device...") | |
.monaco-placeholder | |
#rustmir | |
.top-bar.btn-toolbar.bg-light(role="toolbar") | |
include font-size.pug | |
.monaco-placeholder | |
#gccdump | |
.top-bar.btn-toolbar.bg-light(role="toolbar") | |
include font-size | |
.btn-group.btn-group-sm(role="group") | |
select.gccdump-pass-picker(placeholder="Select a pass...") | |
.btn-group.btn-group-sm.dump-filters | |
button.btn.btn-sm.btn-light.dropdown-toggle(type="button" title="Dump passes" data-toggle="dropdown" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false" aria-label="Available dump passes") | |
span.fas.fa-compass | |
span.hideable Passes | |
.dropdown-menu | |
.button-checkbox | |
button.dropdown-item.btn.btn-sm.btn-light.active(type="button" title="Show Tree passes" data-bind="treeDump" aria-pressed="true") | |
span Tree pass | |
input.d-none(type="checkbox" checked=true) | |
.button-checkbox | |
button.dropdown-item.btn.btn-sm.btn-light.active(type="button" title="Show RTL passes" data-bind="rtlDump" aria-pressed="true") | |
span RTL pass | |
input.d-none(type="checkbox" checked=true) | |
.button-checkbox | |
button.dropdown-item.btn.btn-sm.btn-light.active(type="button" title="Show IPA passes" data-bind="ipaDump" aria-pressed="false") | |
span IPA pass | |
input.d-none(type="checkbox") | |
.btn-group.btn-group-sm.dump-filters | |
button.btn.btn-sm.btn-light.dropdown-toggle(type="button" title="Dump pass options" data-toggle="dropdown" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false" aria-label="Control the details of the dump") | |
span.fas.fa-microchip | |
span.hideable Options | |
.dropdown-menu | |
.button-checkbox | |
button.dropdown-item.btn.btn-sm.btn-light(type="button" title="Print raw representation of the tree" data-bind="rawOption" aria-pressed="false") | |
span Raw Dump | |
input.d-none(type="checkbox") | |
.button-checkbox | |
button.dropdown-item.btn.btn-sm.btn-light(type="button" title="Print condensed intermediate representations" data-bind="slimOption" aria-pressed="false") | |
span Slim Dump | |
input.d-none(type="checkbox") | |
div.dropdown-divider | |
.button-checkbox | |
button.dropdown-item.btn.btn-sm.btn-light(type="button" title="Turn on all options (except raw, slim, and lineno)" data-bind="allOption" aria-pressed="false") | |
span All Options | |
input.d-none(type="checkbox") | |
.button-checkbox | |
button.dropdown-item.btn.btn-sm.btn-light(type="button" title="Enable printing the address of each tree node" data-bind="addressOption" aria-pressed="true") | |
span Addresses | |
input.d-none(type="checkbox") | |
.button-checkbox | |
button.dropdown-item.btn.btn-sm.btn-light(type="button" title="Enable showing basic block boundaries (disabled in raw dumps)" data-bind="blocksOption" aria-pressed="false") | |
span Basic Blocks | |
input.d-none(type="checkbox") | |
.button-checkbox | |
button.dropdown-item.btn.btn-sm.btn-light(type="button" title="Enable showing line numbers" data-bind="linenoOption" aria-pressed="false") | |
span Line Numbers | |
input.d-none(type="checkbox") | |
.button-checkbox | |
button.dropdown-item.btn.btn-sm.btn-light(type="button" title="Enable more detailed dumps (not honored by every dump option)" data-bind="detailsOption" aria-pressed="false") | |
span Pass Details | |
input.d-none(type="checkbox") | |
.button-checkbox | |
button.dropdown-item.btn.btn-sm.btn-light(type="button" title="Enable dumping statistics (not honored by every dump option)" data-bind="statsOption" aria-pressed="false") | |
span Pass Stats | |
input.d-none(type="checkbox") | |
.button-checkbox | |
button.dropdown-item.btn.btn-sm.btn-light(type="button" title="Enable showing variable UIDs" data-bind="uidOption" aria-pressed="false") | |
span Unique IDs | |
input.d-none(type="checkbox") | |
.button-checkbox | |
button.dropdown-item.btn.btn-sm.btn-light(type="button" title="Enable showing virtual operands" data-bind="vopsOption" aria-pressed="false") | |
span Virtual Operands | |
input.d-none(type="checkbox") | |
.monaco-placeholder | |
#cfg | |
.top-bar.btn-toolbar.bg-light.cfg-toolbar(role="toolbar") | |
.btn-group.btn-group-sm(role="group") | |
select.function-picker | |
.btn-group.btn-group-sm.options(role="group") | |
.button-checkbox | |
button.btn.btn-sm.btn-light.toggle-navigation(type="button" title="Toggle navigation buttons" aria-pressed="false" data-bind="navigation") | |
span Nav | |
input.d-none(type="checkbox") | |
.button-checkbox | |
button.btn.btn-sm.btn-light.toggle-physics(type="button" title="Toggle physics to nodes" aria-pressed="false" data-bind="physics") | |
span Physics | |
input.d-none(type="checkbox") | |
.graph-placeholder | |
#conformance | |
.top-bar.btn-toolbar.options-toolbar.bg-light(role="toolbar") | |
.btn-group.btn-group-sm(role="group") | |
button.btn.btn-sm.btn-light.add-compiler(title="Add compiler") | |
span.fas.fa-plus | |
span.hideable Add compiler | |
button.btn.btn-sm.btn-light.show-libs.dropdown-toggle(title="Include libs" aria-label="Toggle libraries dropdown" aria-pressed="false" aria-haspopup="true") | |
span.fas.fa-book | |
span.dp-text.hideable Libraries | |
.conformance-wrapper | |
table.compiler-list | |
#compiler-selector | |
.form-row | |
.col-auto | |
select.compiler-picker | |
.col | |
.input-group.mb-auto | |
.input-group-prepend(title="Show all compilation options") | |
button.input-group-text.prepend-options(tabindex="0" data-trigger="focus" style="cursor: pointer;" role="button" title="All compilation options") | |
span.btn.btn-sm.btn-light.status-icon | |
input.conformance-options.form-control(type="text" placeholder="Compiler options..." size="256" autocomplete="off" autocorrect="off" autocapitalize="off" spellcheck="false") | |
.col-1 | |
span.fas.fa-receipt.d-none.compiler-out(style="cursor: help;" title="This compiler has generated some output. Open its associated pane to read it.") | |
button.fas.fa-times.close(aria-label="Close" title="Close") | |
button.fas.fa-share.close.extract-compiler(aria-label="Pop compiler" title="Show compiler") | |
#libs-dropdown | |
.no-libs | |
p No libs configured for this language yet. | |
a(target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://github.com/compiler-explorer/compiler-explorer/issues/new") | |
| You can suggest us one at any time | |
sup.fas.fa-external-link-alt.opens-new-window(title="Opens in a new window") | |
#libs-entry | |
.input-group.input-group-sm | |
.input-group-prepend | |
label.input-group-text | |
select.custom-select.custom-select-sm | |
#share-item | |
a.share-item(href="javascript:;" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank") | |
span.share-item-text | |
#lib-selected-tpl | |
div | |
button.btn.btn-md.lib-name-and-version | |
button.btn.btn-sm.lib-remove | |
span.fas.fa-trash | |
#lib-favorite-tpl | |
div | |
button.btn.btn-md.lib-name-and-version | |
#lib-search-result-tpl | |
.card | |
.card-header | |
span | |
b.lib-name | |
span.lib-version | |
select.custom-select.custom-select-sm.lib-version-select | |
option - | |
.card-body | |
p.lib-description | |
.lib-examples | |
div | |
span.lib-website | |
a.lib-website-link(href='#' target='_blank' rel='noopener') Website | |
span.lib-fav | |
button.btn.btn-sm.lib-fav-button | |
span.lib-fav-btn-icon.far.fa-star | |
#tree | |
.top-bar.btn-toolbar.bg-light.mainbar(role="toolbar") | |
.btn-group.btn-group-sm.menu(role="group" aria-label="Menu") | |
button.dropdown-toggle.btn.btn-sm.btn-light.file-menu(type="button" title="File" aria-label="File" data-toggle="dropdown" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false") | |
span.fa.fa-save | |
span.hideable Project | |
.dropdown-menu | |
input.dropdown-item.btn.btn-sm.btn-light.load-project-from-file(type="file" title="Load project from ZIP" aria-label="Load project from ZIP") | |
button.dropdown-item.btn.btn-sm.btn-light.save-project-to-file(type="file" title="Save project" aria-label="Save project") | |
span.dropdown-icon.fa.fa-save | |
| Save | |
.btn-group.btn-group-sm.options(role="group" aria-label="Tree settings") | |
button.dropdown-toggle.btn.btn-sm.btn-light.add-pane(type="button" title="Add a new pane" aria-label="Add a new pane" data-toggle="dropdown" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false") | |
span.fa.fa-plus | |
span.hideable Add new... | |
.dropdown-menu | |
button.dropdown-item.btn.btn-sm.btn-light.add-editor(title="Add a new source editor view" aria-label="New source editor") | |
span.dropdown-icon.fa.fa-code | |
| Source editor | |
button.dropdown-item.btn.btn-sm.btn-light.add-compiler(title="Add a new compiler for this source" aria-label="New compiler") | |
span.dropdown-icon.fa.fa-cogs | |
| Compiler | |
button.dropdown-item.btn.btn-sm.btn-light.add-executor(title="Add a new executor for this source" aria-label="New executor") | |
span.dropdown-icon.fas.fa-microchip | |
| Execution only | |
.button-checkbox | |
button.btn.btn-sm.btn-light.cmake-project(type="button" title="CMake project" data-bind="isCMakeProject" aria-pressed="false" aria-label="CMake project") | |
span CMake | |
input.d-none(type="checkbox" checked=false) | |
.btn-group.btn-group-sm.ml-auto(role="group" aria-label="Language") | |
select.change-language(title="Change the language" placeholder="Language" disabled=embedded && readOnly) | |
.top-bar.btn-toolbar.bg-light.panel-args.d-none(role="toolbar") | |
input.cmake-arguments.form-control(type="text" placeholder="CMake arguments..." size="256" autocomplete="off" autocorrect="off" autocapitalize="off" spellcheck="false") | |
.top-bar.btn-toolbar.bg-light.panel-outputfile.d-none(role="toolbar") | |
input.cmake-customOutputFilename.form-control(type="text" placeholder="output.s" size="256" autocomplete="off" autocorrect="off" autocapitalize="off" spellcheck="false") | |
.tree.v-scroll | |
ul.list-group | |
li.root.list-group-item.far-fa-folder | |
.group-header Included files | |
ul.list-group.named-editors | |
li.root.list-group-item.far-fa-folder | |
.group-header Excluded files | |
ul.list-group.unnamed-editors | |
#tree-editor-tpl | |
li.list-group-item.tree-editor-file.input-group-append | |
span.filename someresource.txt | |
button.btn.delete-file.fa.fa-trash(title="Remove this file" aria-label="Delete") | |
button.btn.rename-file.fa.fa-tag(title="Rename this file" aria-label="Rename") | |
button.btn.stage-file.fa.fa-plus(title="Include this file in the build" aria-label="Include") | |
button.btn.unstage-file.fa.fa-minus(title="Exclude this file from the build" aria-label="Exclude") |