blob: 77e96820c0088dd3e00bf3584e6a24576bf020b9 [file] [log] [blame] [raw]
import cheerio, {Cheerio, CheerioAPI, Document} from 'cheerio';
import fs from 'fs/promises';
const LANGREF_PATH = './vendor/LangRef.html';
type InstructionInfo = {
name: string;
url: string;
html: string;
tooltip: string;
/** Retrieves the list of all LLVM instruction names */
const getInstructionList = (root: Cheerio<Document>, $: CheerioAPI) => {
const anchor$ = root.find('[href="\\#instruction-reference"]').first();
const instructions$ = anchor$.find('+ ul > li > ul > li > a > code');
const instructions = instructions$.map((_, el) => {
const span$ = $(el).find('span');
return span$.map((_, el) => $(el).text())
.filter((s) => s !== '..')
.map((x) => {
// Do any name-to-anchor rewrites here
if (x == "va_arg") return "va-arg";
return x;
return [ Set(instructions)].filter(x => x !== '..' && x !== 'to');
/** Crawls information about one LLVM instruction */
const getInstructionInfo = (instruction: string, root: Cheerio<Document>, $: CheerioAPI): InstructionInfo => {
const anchor$ = root.find(`#${instruction.replace(' ', '-')}-instruction`).first();
const url = `${instruction}-instruction`;
const overview$ = anchor$.find('> .section > p')[1];
return {
name: instruction,
html: $(anchor$).html()!,
tooltip: $(overview$).text()
const contents = await fs.readFile(LANGREF_PATH, 'utf8');
const $ = cheerio.load(contents);
const names = getInstructionList($.root(), $);
const info = => getInstructionInfo(x, $.root(), $));
console.log('export function getAsmOpcode(opcode) {');
console.log(' if (!opcode) return;');
console.log(' switch (opcode.toUpperCase()) {');
for (const instruction of info) {
console.log(` case '${}':`);
console.log(' return {');
console.log(` url: \`${instruction.url}\`,`);
console.log(` html: \`${instruction.html.replace('\n', '')}\`,`);
console.log(` tooltip: \`${instruction.tooltip.replace('\n', '')}\`,`);
console.log(' };');
console.log(' }');