| # Settings overridden for Amazon EC2 instances that power http://*.godbolt.org/ |
| googleApiKey=AIzaSyAaz35KJv8DA0ABoime0fEIh32NmbyYbcQ |
| compileTimeoutMs=7500 |
| compiler-wrapper=./c-preload/compiler-wrapper |
| max-asm-size=67108864 |
| staticMaxAgeSecs=30 |
| cacheMb=25 |
| clientGoogleAnalyticsEnabled=true |
| proxyRetries=300 |
| proxyRetryMs=500 |
| rescanCompilerSecs=3600 |
| supportsExecute=false |
| ravenUrl=https://8e4614f649ad4e3faf3e7e8827b935f9@sentry.io/102028 |
| # Wish we could do better with the style? Blame the 3rd party libs |
| contentPolicy=default-src 'none'; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; script-src 'self' https://platform.twitter.com https://www.fullstory.com https://www.google-analytics.com; img-src 'self' data:; font-src 'self'; connect-src 'self' https://www.google-analytics.com https://www.fullstory.com; child-src https://platform.twitter.com; report-uri https://sentry.io/api/102028/csp-report/?sentry_key=849826dce97d4d1eae26df64061ec4bb |
| |