blob: ab6a21402b79daf22ba630cac4e397360452b608 [file] [log] [blame] [raw]
default: run
help: # with thanks to Ben Rady
@grep -E '^[0-9a-zA-Z_-]+:.*?## .*$$' $(MAKEFILE_LIST) | sort | awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":.*?## "}; {printf "\033[36m%-20s\033[0m %s\n", $$1, $$2}'
export XZ_OPT := -1 -T 0
export SENTRY_ORG := compiler-explorer
# If you see "node-not-found" then you need to depend on node-installed.
# These 'find' scripts cache their results in a dotfile.
# Doing it this way instead of NODE:=$(shell etc/script/find-node) means
# if they fail, they stop the make process. As best I can tell there's no
# way to get make to fail if a sub-shell command fails.
.node-bin: etc/scripts/find-node
@etc/scripts/find-node .node-bin
# All targets that need node must depend on this to ensure the NODE variable
# is appropriately set, and that PATH is updated.
node-installed: .node-bin
@$(eval NODE:=$(shell cat .node-bin))
@$(eval NPM:=$(shell dirname $(shell cat .node-bin))/npm)
@$(eval PATH=$(shell dirname $(realpath $(NODE))):$(PATH))
info: node-installed ## print out some useful variables
@echo Using node from $(NODE)
@echo Using npm from $(NPM)
@echo PATH is $(PATH)
.PHONY: clean run test run-amazon
.PHONY: dist lint lint-fix ci-lint prereqs node_modules gh-dist check pre-commit
prereqs: node_modules
$(NODE_MODULES): package.json | node-installed
$(NPM) install --only=prod $(NPM_FLAGS)
$(NPM) install --only=dev $(NPM_FLAGS)
@touch $@
lint: $(NODE_MODULES) ## Checks if the source currently matches code conventions
$(NPM) run lint
lint-fix: $(NODE_MODULES) ## Checks if everything matches code conventions & fixes those which are trivial to do so
$(NPM) run lint-fix
ci-lint: $(NODE_MODULES)
$(NPM) run ci-lint
node_modules: $(NODE_MODULES)
webpack: $(WEBPACK) ## Runs webpack (useful only for debugging webpack)
rm -rf out/dist/static out/dist/manifest.json
test: $(NODE_MODULES) ## Runs the tests
$(NPM) run test
@echo Tests pass
check: $(NODE_MODULES) test lint ## Runs all checks required before committing (fixing trivial things automatically)
pre-commit: $(NODE_MODULES) test ci-lint
clean: ## Cleans up everything
rm -rf node_modules .*-updated .*-bin out
# Don't use $(NODE) ./node_modules/<path to node_module> as sometimes that's not actually a node script. Instead, rely
# on PATH ensuring "node" is found in our distribution first.
run: export NODE_ENV=production
run: export WEBPACK_ARGS="-p"
run: prereqs webpack ## Runs the site normally
./node_modules/.bin/supervisor -w app.js,lib,etc/config -e 'js|node|properties|yaml' --exec $(NODE) $(NODE_ARGS) -- -r esm ./app.js $(EXTRA_ARGS)
dev: export NODE_ENV=development
dev: prereqs install-git-hooks ## Runs the site as a developer; including live reload support and installation of git hooks
./node_modules/.bin/supervisor -w app.js,lib,etc/config -e 'js|node|properties|yaml' -n exit --exec $(NODE) $(NODE_ARGS) -- -r esm ./app.js $(EXTRA_ARGS)
debug: export NODE_ENV=development
debug: prereqs install-git-hooks ## Runs the site as a developer with full debugging; including live reload support and installation of git hooks
./node_modules/.bin/supervisor -w app.js,lib,etc/config -e 'js|node|properties|yaml' -n exit --exec $(NODE) $(NODE_ARGS) -- -r esm ./app.js --debug $(EXTRA_ARGS)
HASH := $(shell git rev-parse HEAD)
dist: export NODE_ENV=production
dist: export WEBPACK_ARGS=-p
dist: prereqs webpack ## Creates a distribution
echo $(HASH) > out/dist/git_hash
gh-dist: dist ## Creates a distribution as if we were running on github
# Output some magic for GH to set the branch name
echo "::set-output name=branch::$${GITHUB_REF#refs/heads/}"
echo $(RELEASE_NAME) > out/dist/release_build
rm -rf out/dist-bin
mkdir -p out/dist-bin
tar -Jcf out/dist-bin/$(RELEASE_FILE_NAME).tar.xz -T gh-dist-files.txt
tar -Jcf out/dist-bin/$(RELEASE_FILE_NAME).static.tar.xz --transform="s,^out/dist/static/,," out/dist/static/*
echo $(HASH) > out/dist-bin/$(RELEASE_FILE_NAME).txt
du -ch out/**/*
# Create and set commits for a sentry release if and only if we have the secure token set
# External GitHub PRs etc won't have the variable set.
@[ -z "$(SENTRY_AUTH_TOKEN)" ] || $(NPM) run sentry -- releases new -p compiler-explorer $(RELEASE_NAME)
@[ -z "$(SENTRY_AUTH_TOKEN)" ] || $(NPM) run sentry -- releases set-commits --auto $(RELEASE_NAME)
install-git-hooks: ## Install git hooks that will ensure code is linted and tests are run before allowing a check in
mkdir -p "$(shell git rev-parse --git-dir)/hooks"
ln -sf "$(shell pwd)/etc/scripts/pre-commit" "$(shell git rev-parse --git-dir)/hooks/pre-commit"
.PHONY: install-git-hooks
changelog: ## Create the changelog
python3 ./etc/scripts/
python3 ./etc/scripts/
.PHONY: changelog