| # Settings overridden for Amazon EC2 instances that power http://*.godbolt.org/ |
| googleApiKey=AIzaSyAaz35KJv8DA0ABoime0fEIh32NmbyYbcQ |
| cookieDomainRe=godbolt\.org|compiler-explorer\.com|godbo\.lt |
| cookiePolicyEnabled=true |
| privacyPolicyEnabled=true |
| compileTimeoutMs=20000 |
| max-asm-size=67108864 |
| staticMaxAgeSecs=30 |
| cacheConfig=InMemory(25);S3(storage.godbolt.org,cache,us-east-1) |
| executableCacheConfig=S3(storage.godbolt.org,cache,us-east-1) |
| compilerCacheConfig=S3(storage.godbolt.org,cache,us-east-1) |
| clientGoogleAnalyticsEnabled=true |
| # Do not get too stuck on failed proxies or the instances might not be able to wake up |
| proxyRetries=10 |
| proxyRetryMs=500 |
| rescanCompilerSecs=3600 |
| sentryDsn=https://8e4614f649ad4e3faf3e7e8827b935f9@sentry.io/102028 |
| formatters=clangformat |
| formatter.clangformat.name=clang-format |
| formatter.clangformat.exe=/opt/compiler-explorer/clang-trunk/bin/clang-format |
| formatter.clangformat.styles=Google:LLVM:Mozilla:Chromium:WebKit |
| motdUrl=/motd/motd-prod.json |
| storageSolution=s3 |
| healthCheckFilePath=/efs/.health |
| showSponsors=true |
| |
| eventLoopMeasureIntervalMs=50 |
| eventLoopLagThresholdWarn=100 |
| eventLoopLagThresholdErr=1000 |
| |
| staticUrl=https://static.ce-cdn.net/ |
| sentryEnvironment=prod |
| sentrySlowRequestMs=30000 |
| |
| alwaysResetLdPath=true |
| plogConverter=/opt/compiler-explorer/pvs-studio-latest/bin/plog-converter |
| |
| cmake=/opt/compiler-explorer/cmake/bin/cmake |
| make=/usr/bin/make |
| ld=/usr/bin/ld |
| readelf=/usr/bin/readelf |