#library-selection.modal.fade.gl_keep(tabindex="-1" role="dialog") | |
.modal-dialog.modal-lg | |
.modal-content | |
.modal-header | |
h5.modal-title Libraries | |
button.close(type="button" data-dismiss="modal" aria-hidden="true" aria-label="Close") | |
span(aria-hidden="true") | |
| × | |
.modal-body | |
.card | |
.card-body | |
.container | |
.row | |
.col-lg | |
div(style='text-align: center') | |
input.lib-search-input(value="" placeholder="Search text") | |
button.btn.btn-primary.lib-search-button(type="button") Search | |
hr | |
.row | |
.col-lg.libs-how-to-use | |
| To add a library, search for one you want and select the version in the dropdown. Or if you have | |
| favorited it before, just click the library name in the Favorites section. Libraries are | |
| installed |using the #[a(href="https://conan.io/", target="_blank") conan.io] package manager, | |
| except for Microsoft compilers, where #[a(href="https://vcpkg.io/", target="_blank") vcpkg] is | |
| used. | |
.row | |
.col-lg | |
.row | |
.libs-selected-col.col-md | |
div | |
h6 Selected | |
.libs-selected-items | |
.libs-results-col.col-md | |
h6 Results | |
.lib-results-items | |
.libs-favorites-col.col-md | |
h6 Favorites | |
.lib-favorites |