| # Default settings for GCC Explorer. |
| port=10240 |
| compileTimeoutMs=10000 |
| binaryExecTimeoutMs=2000 |
| defaultSource=builtin |
| cacheConfig=InMemory(50) |
| maxConcurrentCompiles=4 |
| staticMaxAgeSecs=1 |
| maxUploadSize=16mb |
| optionsWhitelistRe=.* |
| supportsExecute=true |
| optionsBlacklistRe=^(-W[alp],)?((--?(wrapper|fplugin.*|specs|load|plugin|include)|(@.*)|-I|-i)(=.*)?|--)$ |
| allowedShortUrlHostRe=^([-a-z.]+\.)?(xania|godbolt)\.org$ |
| googleShortLinkRewrite=^https?://goo.gl/(.*)$|https://godbolt.org/g/$1 |
| urlShortenService=none |
| storageSolution=local |
| localStorageFolder=./lib/storage/data/ |
| |
| demanglerClassFile=./demangler |
| |
| wine=/opt/wine-devel/bin/wine64 |
| python3=/usr/bin/python3 |
| |
| cvCompilerCountMax=10 |
| |
| textBanner=Compilation provided by Compiler Explorer at https://godbolt.org/ |
| |
| # If you run your own public instance of Compiler Explorer you are encouraged to write your own cookie policy and |
| # privacy policy, and then to enable both these below. |
| cookiePolicyEnabled=false |
| privacyPolicyEnabled=false |
| |
| supportsLibraryCodeFilter=false |