| // Copyright (c) 2015, Compiler Explorer Authors |
| // All rights reserved. |
| // |
| // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without |
| // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: |
| // |
| // * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, |
| // this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. |
| // * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright |
| // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the |
| // documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. |
| // |
| |
| import path from 'path'; |
| |
| import fs from 'fs-extra'; |
| import * as PromClient from 'prom-client'; |
| import temp from 'temp'; |
| import _ from 'underscore'; |
| |
| import { |
| BuildResult, |
| CompilationCacheKey, |
| CompilationInfo, |
| CompilationResult, |
| CustomInputForTool, |
| ExecutionOptions, |
| } from '../types/compilation/compilation.interfaces'; |
| import { |
| LLVMOptPipelineBackendOptions, |
| LLVMOptPipelineOutput, |
| } from '../types/compilation/llvm-opt-pipeline-output.interfaces'; |
| import {CompilerInfo} from '../types/compiler.interfaces'; |
| import { |
| BasicExecutionResult, |
| ExecutableExecutionOptions, |
| UnprocessedExecResult, |
| } from '../types/execution/execution.interfaces'; |
| import {CompilerFilters, ParseFilters} from '../types/features/filters.interfaces'; |
| import {Language} from '../types/languages.interfaces'; |
| import {Library, LibraryVersion, SelectedLibraryVersion} from '../types/libraries/libraries.interfaces'; |
| import {ResultLine} from '../types/resultline/resultline.interfaces'; |
| |
| import {BuildEnvSetupBase, getBuildEnvTypeByKey} from './buildenvsetup'; |
| import {BuildEnvDownloadInfo} from './buildenvsetup/buildenv.interfaces'; |
| import * as cfg from './cfg'; |
| import {CompilerArguments} from './compiler-arguments'; |
| import {ClangParser, GCCParser} from './compilers/argument-parsers'; |
| import {getDemanglerTypeByKey} from './demangler'; |
| import {LLVMIRDemangler} from './demangler/llvm'; |
| import * as exec from './exec'; |
| import {getExternalParserByKey} from './external-parsers'; |
| import {ExternalParserBase} from './external-parsers/base'; |
| import {InstructionSets} from './instructionsets'; |
| import {languages} from './languages'; |
| import {LlvmAstParser} from './llvm-ast'; |
| import {LlvmIrParser} from './llvm-ir'; |
| import * as compilerOptInfo from './llvm-opt-transformer'; |
| import {logger} from './logger'; |
| import {getObjdumperTypeByKey} from './objdumper'; |
| import {Packager} from './packager'; |
| import {AsmParser} from './parsers/asm-parser'; |
| import {IAsmParser} from './parsers/asm-parser.interfaces'; |
| import {LlvmPassDumpParser} from './parsers/llvm-pass-dump-parser'; |
| import {getToolchainPath} from './toolchain-utils'; |
| import {Tool, ToolResult, ToolTypeKey} from './tooling/base-tool.interface'; |
| import * as utils from './utils'; |
| |
| export class BaseCompiler { |
| public compiler: CompilerInfo & Record<string, any>; // TODO: Some missing types still present in Compiler type |
| public lang: Language; |
| protected compileFilename: string; |
| protected env: any; |
| protected compilerProps: (key: string, defaultValue?: string) => string; |
| protected alwaysResetLdPath: any; |
| protected delayCleanupTemp: any; |
| protected stubRe: RegExp; |
| protected stubText: any; |
| protected compilerWrapper: any; |
| protected asm: IAsmParser; |
| protected llvmIr: LlvmIrParser; |
| protected llvmPassDumpParser: LlvmPassDumpParser; |
| protected llvmAst: LlvmAstParser; |
| protected toolchainPath: any; |
| protected possibleArguments: CompilerArguments; |
| protected possibleTools: Tool[]; |
| protected demanglerClass: any; |
| protected objdumperClass: any; |
| public outputFilebase: string; |
| protected mtime: null; |
| protected cmakeBaseEnv: Record<string, string>; |
| protected buildenvsetup: null | any; |
| protected externalparser: null | ExternalParserBase; |
| protected supportedLibraries?: Record<string, Library>; |
| protected packager: Packager; |
| private static objdumpAndParseCounter = new PromClient.Counter({ |
| name: 'ce_objdumpandparsetime_total', |
| help: 'Time spent on objdump and parsing of objdumps', |
| labelNames: [], |
| }); |
| |
| constructor(compilerInfo: CompilerInfo & Record<string, any>, env) { |
| // Information about our compiler |
| this.compiler = compilerInfo; |
| this.lang = languages[compilerInfo.lang]; |
| if (!this.lang) { |
| throw new Error(`Missing language info for ${compilerInfo.lang}`); |
| } |
| this.compileFilename = `example${this.lang.extensions[0]}`; |
| this.env = env; |
| // Partial application of compilerProps with the proper language id applied to it |
| this.compilerProps = _.partial(this.env.compilerProps, this.lang.id); |
| this.compiler.supportsIntel = !!this.compiler.intelAsm; |
| |
| this.alwaysResetLdPath = this.env.ceProps('alwaysResetLdPath'); |
| this.delayCleanupTemp = this.env.ceProps('delayCleanupTemp', false); |
| this.stubRe = new RegExp(this.compilerProps('stubRe')); |
| this.stubText = this.compilerProps('stubText'); |
| this.compilerWrapper = this.compilerProps('compiler-wrapper'); |
| |
| if (!this.compiler.options) this.compiler.options = ''; |
| if (!this.compiler.optArg) this.compiler.optArg = ''; |
| if (!this.compiler.supportsOptOutput) this.compiler.supportsOptOutput = false; |
| |
| if (!this.compiler.disabledFilters) this.compiler.disabledFilters = []; |
| else if (typeof this.compiler.disabledFilters === 'string') |
| this.compiler.disabledFilters = this.compiler.disabledFilters.split(','); |
| |
| this.asm = new AsmParser(this.compilerProps); |
| this.llvmIr = new LlvmIrParser(this.compilerProps); |
| this.llvmPassDumpParser = new LlvmPassDumpParser(this.compilerProps); |
| this.llvmAst = new LlvmAstParser(this.compilerProps); |
| |
| this.toolchainPath = getToolchainPath(this.compiler.exe, this.compiler.options); |
| |
| this.possibleArguments = new CompilerArguments(this.compiler.id); |
| this.possibleTools = _.values(compilerInfo.tools); |
| const demanglerExe = this.compiler.demangler; |
| if (demanglerExe && this.compiler.demanglerType) { |
| this.demanglerClass = getDemanglerTypeByKey(this.compiler.demanglerType); |
| } |
| const objdumperExe = this.compiler.objdumper; |
| if (objdumperExe && this.compiler.objdumperType) { |
| this.objdumperClass = getObjdumperTypeByKey(this.compiler.objdumperType); |
| } |
| |
| this.outputFilebase = 'output'; |
| |
| this.mtime = null; |
| |
| this.cmakeBaseEnv = {}; |
| |
| this.buildenvsetup = null; |
| if (this.compiler.buildenvsetup && this.compiler.buildenvsetup.id) { |
| const buildenvsetupclass = getBuildEnvTypeByKey(this.compiler.buildenvsetup.id); |
| this.buildenvsetup = new buildenvsetupclass(this.compiler, this.env); |
| } |
| |
| this.externalparser = null; |
| if (this.compiler.externalparser && this.compiler.externalparser.id) { |
| const externalparserclass = getExternalParserByKey(this.compiler.externalparser.id); |
| this.externalparser = new externalparserclass(this.compiler, this.env, this.exec); |
| } |
| |
| if (!this.compiler.instructionSet) { |
| const isets = new InstructionSets(); |
| if (this.buildenvsetup) { |
| isets |
| .getCompilerInstructionSetHint(this.buildenvsetup.compilerArch, this.compiler.exe) |
| .then(res => (this.compiler.instructionSet = res)) |
| .catch(() => {}); |
| } else { |
| const temp = new BuildEnvSetupBase(this.compiler, this.env); |
| isets |
| .getCompilerInstructionSetHint(temp.compilerArch, this.compiler.exe) |
| .then(res => (this.compiler.instructionSet = res)) |
| .catch(() => {}); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| this.packager = new Packager(); |
| } |
| |
| copyAndFilterLibraries(allLibraries, filter) { |
| const filterLibAndVersion = _.map(filter, lib => { |
| const match = lib.match(/([\w-]*)\.([\w-]*)/i); |
| if (match) { |
| return { |
| id: match[1], |
| version: match[2], |
| }; |
| } else { |
| return { |
| id: lib, |
| version: false, |
| }; |
| } |
| }); |
| |
| const filterLibIds = new Set(); |
| _.each(filterLibAndVersion, lib => { |
| filterLibIds.add(lib.id); |
| }); |
| |
| const copiedLibraries = {}; |
| _.each(allLibraries, (lib, libid) => { |
| if (!filterLibIds.has(libid)) return; |
| |
| const libcopy = Object.assign({}, lib); |
| libcopy.versions = _.omit(lib.versions, (version, versionid) => { |
| for (const filter of filterLibAndVersion) { |
| if (filter.id === libid) { |
| if (!filter.version) return false; |
| if (filter.version === versionid) return false; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| return true; |
| }); |
| |
| copiedLibraries[libid] = libcopy; |
| }); |
| |
| return copiedLibraries; |
| } |
| |
| getSupportedLibraries(supportedLibrariesArr, allLibs) { |
| if (supportedLibrariesArr.length > 0) { |
| return this.copyAndFilterLibraries(allLibs, supportedLibrariesArr); |
| } |
| return allLibs; |
| } |
| |
| async getCmakeBaseEnv() { |
| if (!this.compiler.exe) return {}; |
| |
| const env: Record<string, string> = {}; |
| |
| if (this.lang.id === 'c++') { |
| env.CXX = this.compiler.exe; |
| |
| if (this.compiler.exe.endsWith('clang++')) { |
| env.CC = this.compiler.exe.substr(0, this.compiler.exe.length - 2); |
| } else if (this.compiler.exe.endsWith('g++')) { |
| env.CC = this.compiler.exe.substr(0, this.compiler.exe.length - 2) + 'cc'; |
| } |
| } else if (this.lang.id === 'fortran') { |
| env.FC = this.compiler.exe; |
| } else { |
| env.CC = this.compiler.exe; |
| } |
| |
| if (this.toolchainPath) { |
| const ldPath = `${this.toolchainPath}/bin/ld`; |
| const arPath = `${this.toolchainPath}/bin/ar`; |
| const asPath = `${this.toolchainPath}/bin/as`; |
| |
| if (await utils.fileExists(ldPath)) env.LD = ldPath; |
| if (await utils.fileExists(arPath)) env.AR = arPath; |
| if (await utils.fileExists(asPath)) env.AS = asPath; |
| } |
| |
| return env; |
| } |
| |
| newTempDir(): Promise<string> { |
| return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { |
| temp.mkdir({prefix: 'compiler-explorer-compiler', dir: process.env.tmpDir}, (err, dirPath) => { |
| if (err) reject(`Unable to open temp file: ${err}`); |
| else resolve(dirPath); |
| }); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| optOutputRequested(options) { |
| return options.includes('-fsave-optimization-record'); |
| } |
| |
| getRemote() { |
| if (this.compiler.exe === null && this.compiler.remote) return this.compiler.remote; |
| return false; |
| } |
| |
| async exec(filepath: string, args: string[], execOptions: ExecutionOptions) { |
| // Here only so can be overridden by compiler implementations. |
| return await exec.execute(filepath, args, execOptions); |
| } |
| |
| protected getCompilerCacheKey(compiler, args, options): CompilationCacheKey { |
| return {mtime: this.mtime, compiler, args, options}; |
| } |
| |
| protected async execCompilerCached(compiler, args, options) { |
| if (this.mtime === null) { |
| throw new Error('Attempt to access cached compiler before initialise() called'); |
| } |
| if (!options) { |
| options = this.getDefaultExecOptions(); |
| options.timeoutMs = 0; |
| options.ldPath = this.getSharedLibraryPathsAsLdLibraryPaths([]); |
| } |
| |
| const key = this.getCompilerCacheKey(compiler, args, options); |
| let result = await this.env.compilerCacheGet(key); |
| if (!result) { |
| result = await this.env.enqueue(async () => await exec.execute(compiler, args, options)); |
| if (result.okToCache) { |
| this.env |
| .compilerCachePut(key, result) |
| .then(() => { |
| // Do nothing, but we don't await here. |
| }) |
| .catch(e => { |
| logger.info('Uncaught exception caching compilation results', e); |
| }); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| return result; |
| } |
| |
| getDefaultExecOptions(): ExecutionOptions { |
| return { |
| timeoutMs: this.env.ceProps('compileTimeoutMs', 7500), |
| maxErrorOutput: this.env.ceProps('max-error-output', 5000), |
| env: this.env.getEnv(this.compiler.needsMulti), |
| wrapper: this.compilerWrapper, |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| getCompilerResultLanguageId(): string | undefined { |
| return undefined; |
| } |
| |
| async runCompiler( |
| compiler: string, |
| options: string[], |
| inputFilename: string, |
| execOptions: ExecutionOptions, |
| ): Promise<CompilationResult> { |
| if (!execOptions) { |
| execOptions = this.getDefaultExecOptions(); |
| } |
| |
| if (!execOptions.customCwd) { |
| execOptions.customCwd = path.dirname(inputFilename); |
| } |
| |
| const result = await this.exec(compiler, options, execOptions); |
| return { |
| ...this.transformToCompilationResult(result, inputFilename), |
| languageId: this.getCompilerResultLanguageId(), |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| async runCompilerRawOutput(compiler, options, inputFilename, execOptions) { |
| if (!execOptions) { |
| execOptions = this.getDefaultExecOptions(); |
| } |
| |
| if (!execOptions.customCwd) { |
| execOptions.customCwd = path.dirname(inputFilename); |
| } |
| |
| const result = await this.exec(compiler, options, execOptions); |
| return { |
| ...result, |
| inputFilename, |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| supportsObjdump() { |
| return this.objdumperClass !== ''; |
| } |
| |
| getObjdumpOutputFilename(defaultOutputFilename) { |
| return defaultOutputFilename; |
| } |
| |
| postProcessObjdumpOutput(output) { |
| return output; |
| } |
| |
| async objdump(outputFilename, result: any, maxSize: number, intelAsm, demangle, filters: ParseFilters) { |
| outputFilename = this.getObjdumpOutputFilename(outputFilename); |
| |
| if (!(await utils.fileExists(outputFilename))) { |
| result.asm = '<No output file ' + outputFilename + '>'; |
| return result; |
| } |
| |
| const objdumper = new this.objdumperClass(); |
| const args = objdumper.getDefaultArgs(outputFilename, demangle, intelAsm); |
| |
| if (this.externalparser) { |
| const objResult = await this.externalparser.objdumpAndParseAssembly(result.dirPath, args, filters); |
| if (objResult.parsingTime !== undefined) { |
| objResult.objdumpTime = parseInt(result.execTime) - parseInt(result.parsingTime); |
| delete objResult.execTime; |
| } |
| |
| result = {...result, ...objResult}; |
| } else { |
| const execOptions: ExecutionOptions = { |
| maxOutput: maxSize, |
| customCwd: (result.dirPath as string) || path.dirname(outputFilename), |
| }; |
| const objResult = await this.exec(this.compiler.objdumper, args, execOptions); |
| |
| if (objResult.code !== 0) { |
| logger.error(`Error executing objdump ${this.compiler.objdumper}`, objResult); |
| result.asm = `<No output: objdump returned ${objResult.code}>`; |
| } else { |
| result.objdumpTime = objResult.execTime; |
| result.asm = this.postProcessObjdumpOutput(objResult.stdout); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| return result; |
| } |
| |
| processExecutionResult(input: UnprocessedExecResult, inputFilename?: string): BasicExecutionResult { |
| return { |
| ...input, |
| stdout: utils.parseOutput(input.stdout, inputFilename), |
| stderr: utils.parseOutput(input.stderr, inputFilename), |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| getEmptyExecutionResult(): BasicExecutionResult { |
| return { |
| code: -1, |
| okToCache: false, |
| filenameTransform: x => x, |
| stdout: [], |
| stderr: [], |
| execTime: '', |
| timedOut: false, |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| transformToCompilationResult(input: UnprocessedExecResult, inputFilename): CompilationResult { |
| const transformedInput = input.filenameTransform(inputFilename); |
| |
| return { |
| inputFilename, |
| languageId: input.languageId, |
| ...this.processExecutionResult(input, transformedInput), |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| async execBinary( |
| executable, |
| maxSize, |
| executeParameters: ExecutableExecutionOptions, |
| homeDir, |
| ): Promise<BasicExecutionResult> { |
| // We might want to save this in the compilation environment once execution is made available |
| const timeoutMs = this.env.ceProps('binaryExecTimeoutMs', 2000); |
| try { |
| const execResult: UnprocessedExecResult = await exec.sandbox(executable, executeParameters.args, { |
| maxOutput: maxSize, |
| timeoutMs: timeoutMs, |
| ldPath: _.union(this.compiler.ldPath, executeParameters.ldPath), |
| input: executeParameters.stdin, |
| env: executeParameters.env, |
| customCwd: homeDir, |
| appHome: homeDir, |
| }); |
| |
| return this.processExecutionResult(execResult); |
| } catch (err: UnprocessedExecResult | any) { |
| if (err.code && err.stderr) { |
| return this.processExecutionResult(err); |
| } else { |
| return { |
| ...this.getEmptyExecutionResult(), |
| stdout: err.stdout ? utils.parseOutput(err.stdout) : [], |
| stderr: err.stderr ? utils.parseOutput(err.stderr) : [], |
| code: err.code !== undefined ? err.code : -1, |
| }; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| protected filename(fn) { |
| return fn; |
| } |
| |
| getGccDumpFileName(outputFilename: string) { |
| return outputFilename.replace(path.extname(outputFilename), '.dump'); |
| } |
| |
| getGccDumpOptions(gccDumpOptions, outputFilename) { |
| const addOpts = ['-fdump-passes']; |
| |
| // Build dump options to append to the end of the -fdump command-line flag. |
| // GCC accepts these options as a list of '-' separated names that may |
| // appear in any order. |
| let flags = ''; |
| if (gccDumpOptions.dumpFlags.address !== false) { |
| flags += '-address'; |
| } |
| if (gccDumpOptions.dumpFlags.slim !== false) { |
| flags += '-slim'; |
| } |
| if (gccDumpOptions.dumpFlags.raw !== false) { |
| flags += '-raw'; |
| } |
| if (gccDumpOptions.dumpFlags.details !== false) { |
| flags += '-details'; |
| } |
| if (gccDumpOptions.dumpFlags.stats !== false) { |
| flags += '-stats'; |
| } |
| if (gccDumpOptions.dumpFlags.blocks !== false) { |
| flags += '-blocks'; |
| } |
| if (gccDumpOptions.dumpFlags.vops !== false) { |
| flags += '-vops'; |
| } |
| if (gccDumpOptions.dumpFlags.lineno !== false) { |
| flags += '-lineno'; |
| } |
| if (gccDumpOptions.dumpFlags.uid !== false) { |
| flags += '-uid'; |
| } |
| if (gccDumpOptions.dumpFlags.all !== false) { |
| flags += '-all'; |
| } |
| |
| // If we want to remove the passes that won't produce anything from the |
| // drop down menu, we need to ask for all dump files and see what's |
| // really created. This is currently only possible with regular GCC, not |
| // for compilers that us libgccjit. The later can't easily move dump |
| // files outside of the tempdir created on the fly. |
| if (this.compiler.removeEmptyGccDump) { |
| if (gccDumpOptions.treeDump !== false) { |
| addOpts.push('-fdump-tree-all' + flags); |
| } |
| if (gccDumpOptions.rtlDump !== false) { |
| addOpts.push('-fdump-rtl-all' + flags); |
| } |
| if (gccDumpOptions.ipaDump !== false) { |
| addOpts.push('-fdump-ipa-all' + flags); |
| } |
| } else { |
| // If not dumping everything, create a specific command like |
| // -fdump-tree-fixup_cfg1-some-flags=somefilename |
| if (gccDumpOptions.pass) { |
| const dumpFile = this.getGccDumpFileName(outputFilename); |
| const dumpCmd = gccDumpOptions.pass.command_prefix + flags + `=${dumpFile}`; |
| addOpts.push(dumpCmd); |
| } |
| } |
| return addOpts; |
| } |
| |
| // Returns a list of additional options that may be required by some backend options. |
| // Meant to be overloaded by compiler classes. |
| // Default handles the GCC compiler with some debug dump enabled. |
| optionsForBackend(backendOptions: Record<string, any>, outputFilename: string): string[] { |
| let addOpts: string[] = []; |
| |
| if (backendOptions.produceGccDump && backendOptions.produceGccDump.opened && this.compiler.supportsGccDump) { |
| addOpts = addOpts.concat(this.getGccDumpOptions(backendOptions.produceGccDump, outputFilename)); |
| } |
| |
| return addOpts; |
| } |
| |
| protected optionsForFilter(filters: ParseFilters, outputFilename: string, userOptions?: string[]): string[] { |
| let options = ['-g', '-o', this.filename(outputFilename)]; |
| if (this.compiler.intelAsm && filters.intel && !filters.binary) { |
| options = options.concat(this.compiler.intelAsm.split(' ')); |
| } |
| if (!filters.binary) options = options.concat('-S'); |
| return options; |
| } |
| |
| findLibVersion(selectedLib: SelectedLibraryVersion): false | LibraryVersion { |
| if (!this.supportedLibraries) return false; |
| |
| const foundLib = _.find(this.supportedLibraries, (o, libId) => libId === selectedLib.id); |
| if (!foundLib) return false; |
| |
| const result: LibraryVersion | undefined = _.find( |
| foundLib.versions, |
| (o: LibraryVersion, versionId: string): boolean => { |
| if (versionId === selectedLib.version) return true; |
| if (o.alias && o.alias.includes(selectedLib.version)) return true; |
| return false; |
| }, |
| ); |
| |
| if (!result) return false; |
| |
| result.name = foundLib.name; |
| return result; |
| } |
| |
| findAutodetectStaticLibLink(linkname: string): SelectedLibraryVersion | false { |
| const foundLib = _.findKey(this.supportedLibraries as Record<string, Library>, lib => { |
| return ( |
| lib.versions.autodetect && |
| lib.versions.autodetect.staticliblink && |
| lib.versions.autodetect.staticliblink.includes(linkname) |
| ); |
| }); |
| if (!foundLib) return false; |
| |
| return { |
| id: foundLib, |
| version: 'autodetect', |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| getSortedStaticLibraries(libraries) { |
| const dictionary = {}; |
| const links = _.uniq( |
| _.flatten( |
| _.map(libraries, selectedLib => { |
| const foundVersion = this.findLibVersion(selectedLib); |
| if (!foundVersion) return false; |
| |
| return _.map(foundVersion.staticliblink, lib => { |
| if (lib) { |
| dictionary[lib] = foundVersion; |
| return [lib, foundVersion.dependencies]; |
| } else { |
| return false; |
| } |
| }); |
| }), |
| ), |
| ); |
| |
| const sortedlinks: string[] = []; |
| |
| _.each(links, libToInsertName => { |
| const libToInsertObj = dictionary[libToInsertName]; |
| |
| let idxToInsert = sortedlinks.length; |
| for (const [idx, libCompareName] of sortedlinks.entries()) { |
| const libCompareObj: LibraryVersion = dictionary[libCompareName]; |
| |
| if ( |
| libToInsertObj && |
| libCompareObj && |
| _.intersection(libToInsertObj.dependencies, libCompareObj.staticliblink).length > 0 |
| ) { |
| idxToInsert = idx; |
| break; |
| } else if (libToInsertObj && libToInsertObj.dependencies.includes(libCompareName)) { |
| idxToInsert = idx; |
| break; |
| } else if (libCompareObj && libCompareObj.dependencies.includes(libToInsertName)) { |
| continue; |
| } else if ( |
| libToInsertObj && |
| libToInsertObj.staticliblink.includes(libToInsertName) && |
| libToInsertObj.staticliblink.includes(libCompareName) |
| ) { |
| if ( |
| libToInsertObj.staticliblink.indexOf(libToInsertName) > |
| libToInsertObj.staticliblink.indexOf(libCompareName) |
| ) { |
| continue; |
| } else { |
| idxToInsert = idx; |
| } |
| break; |
| } else if ( |
| libCompareObj && |
| libCompareObj.staticliblink.includes(libToInsertName) && |
| libCompareObj.staticliblink.includes(libCompareName) |
| ) { |
| if ( |
| libCompareObj.staticliblink.indexOf(libToInsertName) > |
| libCompareObj.staticliblink.indexOf(libCompareName) |
| ) { |
| continue; |
| } else { |
| idxToInsert = idx; |
| } |
| break; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| if (idxToInsert < sortedlinks.length) { |
| sortedlinks.splice(idxToInsert, 0, libToInsertName); |
| } else { |
| sortedlinks.push(libToInsertName); |
| } |
| }); |
| |
| return sortedlinks; |
| } |
| |
| getStaticLibraryLinks(libraries) { |
| const linkFlag = this.compiler.linkFlag || '-l'; |
| |
| return _.map(this.getSortedStaticLibraries(libraries), lib => { |
| if (lib) { |
| return linkFlag + lib; |
| } else { |
| return false; |
| } |
| }) as string[]; |
| } |
| |
| getSharedLibraryLinks(libraries): string[] { |
| const linkFlag = this.compiler.linkFlag || '-l'; |
| |
| return _.flatten( |
| _.map(libraries, selectedLib => { |
| const foundVersion = this.findLibVersion(selectedLib); |
| if (!foundVersion) return false; |
| |
| return _.map(foundVersion.liblink, lib => { |
| if (lib) { |
| return linkFlag + lib; |
| } else { |
| return false; |
| } |
| }); |
| }), |
| ) as string[]; |
| } |
| |
| getSharedLibraryPaths(libraries) { |
| return _.flatten( |
| _.map(libraries, selectedLib => { |
| const foundVersion = this.findLibVersion(selectedLib); |
| if (!foundVersion) return false; |
| |
| return foundVersion.libpath; |
| }), |
| ) as string[]; |
| } |
| |
| protected getSharedLibraryPathsAsArguments(libraries, libDownloadPath?) { |
| const pathFlag = this.compiler.rpathFlag || '-Wl,-rpath,'; |
| const libPathFlag = this.compiler.libpathFlag || '-L'; |
| |
| let toolchainLibraryPaths: string[] = []; |
| if (this.toolchainPath) { |
| toolchainLibraryPaths = [path.join(this.toolchainPath, '/lib64'), path.join(this.toolchainPath, '/lib32')]; |
| } |
| |
| if (!libDownloadPath) { |
| libDownloadPath = '.'; |
| } |
| |
| return _.union( |
| [libPathFlag + libDownloadPath], |
| [pathFlag + libDownloadPath], |
| this.compiler.libPath.map(path => pathFlag + path), |
| toolchainLibraryPaths.map(path => pathFlag + path), |
| this.getSharedLibraryPaths(libraries).map(path => pathFlag + path), |
| this.getSharedLibraryPaths(libraries).map(path => libPathFlag + path), |
| ) as string[]; |
| } |
| |
| protected getSharedLibraryPathsAsLdLibraryPaths(libraries) { |
| let paths = ''; |
| if (!this.alwaysResetLdPath) { |
| paths = process.env.LD_LIBRARY_PATH ? process.env.LD_LIBRARY_PATH : ''; |
| } |
| return _.union( |
| paths.split(path.delimiter).filter(p => !!p), |
| this.compiler.ldPath, |
| this.getSharedLibraryPaths(libraries), |
| ) as string[]; |
| } |
| |
| getSharedLibraryPathsAsLdLibraryPathsForExecution(libraries) { |
| let paths = ''; |
| if (!this.alwaysResetLdPath) { |
| paths = process.env.LD_LIBRARY_PATH ? process.env.LD_LIBRARY_PATH : ''; |
| } |
| return _.union( |
| paths.split(path.delimiter).filter(p => !!p), |
| this.compiler.ldPath, |
| this.compiler.libPath, |
| this.getSharedLibraryPaths(libraries), |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| getIncludeArguments(libraries: SelectedLibraryVersion[]): string[] { |
| const includeFlag = this.compiler.includeFlag || '-I'; |
| return libraries.flatMap(selectedLib => { |
| const foundVersion = this.findLibVersion(selectedLib); |
| if (!foundVersion) return []; |
| |
| return foundVersion.path.map(path => includeFlag + path); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| getLibraryOptions(libraries: SelectedLibraryVersion[]): string[] { |
| return libraries.flatMap(selectedLib => { |
| const foundVersion = this.findLibVersion(selectedLib); |
| if (!foundVersion) return []; |
| return foundVersion.options; |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| orderArguments( |
| options: string[], |
| inputFilename: string, |
| libIncludes: string[], |
| libOptions: string[], |
| libPaths: string[], |
| libLinks: string[], |
| userOptions: string[], |
| staticLibLinks: string[], |
| ) { |
| return options.concat( |
| userOptions, |
| [this.filename(inputFilename)], |
| libIncludes, |
| libOptions, |
| libPaths, |
| libLinks, |
| staticLibLinks, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| prepareArguments( |
| userOptions: string[], |
| filters: ParseFilters, |
| backendOptions: Record<string, any>, |
| inputFilename: string, |
| outputFilename: string, |
| libraries, |
| ) { |
| let options = this.optionsForFilter(filters, outputFilename, userOptions); |
| backendOptions = backendOptions || {}; |
| |
| options = options.concat(this.optionsForBackend(backendOptions, outputFilename)); |
| |
| if (this.compiler.options) { |
| options = options.concat(utils.splitArguments(this.compiler.options)); |
| } |
| |
| if (this.compiler.supportsOptOutput && backendOptions.produceOptInfo) { |
| options = options.concat(this.compiler.optArg); |
| } |
| |
| const libIncludes = this.getIncludeArguments(libraries); |
| const libOptions = this.getLibraryOptions(libraries); |
| let libLinks: string[] = []; |
| let libPaths: string[] = []; |
| let staticLibLinks: string[] = []; |
| |
| if (filters.binary) { |
| libLinks = this.getSharedLibraryLinks(libraries) || []; |
| libPaths = this.getSharedLibraryPathsAsArguments(libraries); |
| staticLibLinks = this.getStaticLibraryLinks(libraries) || []; |
| } |
| |
| userOptions = this.filterUserOptions(userOptions) || []; |
| options = this.fixIncompatibleOptions(options, userOptions); |
| return this.orderArguments( |
| options, |
| inputFilename, |
| libIncludes, |
| libOptions, |
| libPaths, |
| libLinks, |
| userOptions, |
| staticLibLinks, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| protected fixIncompatibleOptions(options: string[], userOptions: string[]): string[] { |
| return options; |
| } |
| |
| filterUserOptions(userOptions: string[]): string[] { |
| return userOptions; |
| } |
| |
| async generateAST(inputFilename, options) { |
| // These options make Clang produce an AST dump |
| const newOptions = _.filter(options, option => option !== '-fcolor-diagnostics').concat([ |
| '-Xclang', |
| '-ast-dump', |
| '-fsyntax-only', |
| ]); |
| |
| const execOptions = this.getDefaultExecOptions(); |
| // A higher max output is needed for when the user includes headers |
| execOptions.maxOutput = 1024 * 1024 * 1024; |
| |
| return this.llvmAst.processAst( |
| await this.runCompiler(this.compiler.exe, newOptions, this.filename(inputFilename), execOptions), |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| async generatePP(inputFilename, compilerOptions, rawPpOptions) { |
| // -E to dump preprocessor output, remove -o so it is dumped to stdout |
| compilerOptions = compilerOptions.concat(['-E']); |
| if (compilerOptions.includes('-o')) { |
| compilerOptions.splice(compilerOptions.indexOf('-o'), 2); |
| } |
| |
| const ppOptions = _.extend( |
| { |
| 'filter-headers': false, |
| 'clang-format': false, |
| }, |
| rawPpOptions, |
| ); |
| |
| const execOptions = this.getDefaultExecOptions(); |
| // A higher max output is needed for when the user includes headers |
| execOptions.maxOutput = 1024 * 1024 * 1024; |
| const result = await this.runCompilerRawOutput( |
| this.compiler.exe, |
| compilerOptions, |
| this.filename(inputFilename), |
| execOptions, |
| ); |
| let output = result.stdout; |
| |
| let numberOfLinesFiltered = 0; |
| if (ppOptions['filter-headers']) { |
| [numberOfLinesFiltered, output] = this.filterPP(output); |
| } |
| if (ppOptions['clang-format']) { |
| output = await this.applyClangFormat(output); |
| } |
| |
| return { |
| numberOfLinesFiltered, |
| output: output, |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| filterPP(stdout): any[] { |
| // Every compiler except Chibicc, as far as I've tested, outputs these line annotations |
| // Compiler test: https://godbolt.org/z/K7Pncjs4o |
| // Matching things like: |
| // # 4 "/app/example.cpp" |
| // # 11 "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/gnu/stubs.h" 2 3 4 |
| // #line 1816 "C:/WinSdk/Include/10.0.18362.0/ucrt\\corecrt.h" |
| // # 13 "" 3 |
| // regex test cases: https://regex101.com/r/9dOsUI/1 |
| const lines = stdout.split('\n'); |
| const ppLineRe = /^\s*#\s*(?:line)?\s*\d+\s*"((?:\\"|[^"])*)"/i; |
| let isInSourceRegion = true; |
| let numberOfLinesFiltered = 0; |
| const filteredLines: string[] = []; |
| for (const line of lines) { |
| const match = line.match(ppLineRe); |
| if (match === null) { |
| if (isInSourceRegion) { |
| filteredLines.push(line); |
| } else { |
| numberOfLinesFiltered++; |
| } |
| } else { |
| const path = match[1]; |
| if ( |
| path.trim() === '' || |
| path === '<source>' || |
| path === '<stdin>' || |
| path.endsWith('.c') || |
| path.endsWith('.cpp') |
| ) { |
| isInSourceRegion = true; |
| } else { |
| isInSourceRegion = false; |
| } |
| numberOfLinesFiltered++; |
| } |
| } |
| return [numberOfLinesFiltered, filteredLines.join('\n')]; |
| } |
| |
| async applyClangFormat(output): Promise<string> { |
| // Currently hard-coding llvm style |
| try { |
| const [stdout, stderr] = await this.env.formatHandler.internalFormat('clangformat', 'LLVM', output); |
| if (stderr) { |
| return stdout + '\n/* clang-format stderr:\n' + stderr.trim() + '\n*/'; |
| } |
| return stdout; |
| } catch (err) { |
| logger.error('Internal formatter error', {err}); |
| return '/* <Error while running clang-format> */\n\n' + output; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| async generateIR(inputFilename: string, options: string[], filters: ParseFilters) { |
| // These options make Clang produce an IR |
| const newOptions = options.filter(option => option !== '-fcolor-diagnostics').concat(this.compiler.irArg); |
| |
| const execOptions = this.getDefaultExecOptions(); |
| // A higher max output is needed for when the user includes headers |
| execOptions.maxOutput = 1024 * 1024 * 1024; |
| |
| const output = await this.runCompiler(this.compiler.exe, newOptions, this.filename(inputFilename), execOptions); |
| if (output.code !== 0) { |
| return [{text: 'Failed to run compiler to get IR code'}]; |
| } |
| const ir = await this.processIrOutput(output, filters); |
| return ir.asm; |
| } |
| |
| async processIrOutput(output, filters: ParseFilters) { |
| const irPath = this.getIrOutputFilename(output.inputFilename, filters); |
| if (await fs.pathExists(irPath)) { |
| const output = await fs.readFile(irPath, 'utf-8'); |
| // uses same filters as main compiler |
| return this.llvmIr.process(output, filters); |
| } |
| return { |
| asm: [{text: 'Internal error; unable to open output path'}], |
| labelDefinitions: {}, |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| async generateLLVMOptPipeline( |
| inputFilename: string, |
| options: string[], |
| filters: ParseFilters, |
| llvmOptPipelineOptions: LLVMOptPipelineBackendOptions, |
| ): Promise<LLVMOptPipelineOutput | undefined> { |
| // These options make Clang produce the pass dumps |
| const newOptions = options |
| .filter(option => option !== '-fcolor-diagnostics') |
| .concat(this.compiler.llvmOptArg) |
| .concat(llvmOptPipelineOptions.fullModule ? this.compiler.llvmOptModuleScopeArg : []) |
| .concat(llvmOptPipelineOptions.noDiscardValueNames ? this.compiler.llvmOptNoDiscardValueNamesArg : []); |
| |
| const execOptions = this.getDefaultExecOptions(); |
| execOptions.maxOutput = 1024 * 1024 * 1024; |
| |
| const output = await this.runCompiler(this.compiler.exe, newOptions, this.filename(inputFilename), execOptions); |
| |
| if (output.timedOut) { |
| return { |
| error: 'Compilation timed out', |
| results: {}, |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| if (output.code !== 0) { |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| try { |
| const llvmOptPipeline = await this.processLLVMOptPipeline(output, filters, llvmOptPipelineOptions); |
| |
| if (llvmOptPipelineOptions.demangle) { |
| // apply demangles after parsing, would otherwise greatly complicate the parsing of the passes |
| // new this.demanglerClass(this.compiler.demangler, this); |
| const demangler = new LLVMIRDemangler(this.compiler.demangler, this); |
| // collect labels off the raw input |
| await demangler.collect({asm: output.stderr}); |
| return { |
| results: await demangler.demangleLLVMPasses(llvmOptPipeline), |
| }; |
| } else { |
| return { |
| results: llvmOptPipeline, |
| }; |
| } |
| } catch (e: any) { |
| return { |
| error: e.toString(), |
| results: {}, |
| }; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| async processLLVMOptPipeline(output, filters: ParseFilters, llvmOptPipelineOptions: LLVMOptPipelineBackendOptions) { |
| return this.llvmPassDumpParser.process(output.stderr, filters, llvmOptPipelineOptions); |
| } |
| |
| getRustMacroExpansionOutputFilename(inputFilename) { |
| return inputFilename.replace(path.extname(inputFilename), '.expanded.rs'); |
| } |
| |
| getRustHirOutputFilename(inputFilename) { |
| return inputFilename.replace(path.extname(inputFilename), '.hir'); |
| } |
| |
| getRustMirOutputFilename(outputFilename) { |
| return outputFilename.replace(path.extname(outputFilename), '.mir'); |
| } |
| |
| getHaskellCoreOutputFilename(inputFilename) { |
| return inputFilename.replace(path.extname(inputFilename), '.dump-simpl'); |
| } |
| |
| getHaskellStgOutputFilename(inputFilename) { |
| return inputFilename.replace(path.extname(inputFilename), '.dump-stg-final'); |
| } |
| |
| getHaskellCmmOutputFilename(inputFilename) { |
| return inputFilename.replace(path.extname(inputFilename), '.dump-cmm'); |
| } |
| |
| // Currently called for getting macro expansion and HIR. |
| // It returns the content of the output file created after using -Z unpretty=<unprettyOpt>. |
| // The outputFriendlyName is a free form string used in case of error. |
| async generateRustUnprettyOutput(inputFilename, options, unprettyOpt, outputFilename, outputFriendlyName) { |
| const execOptions = this.getDefaultExecOptions(); |
| |
| const rustcOptions = [...options]; |
| rustcOptions.splice(options.indexOf('-o', 2)); |
| rustcOptions.push(inputFilename, '-o', outputFilename, `-Zunpretty=${unprettyOpt}`); |
| |
| const output = await this.runCompiler(this.compiler.exe, rustcOptions, inputFilename, execOptions); |
| if (output.code !== 0) { |
| return [{text: `Failed to run compiler to get Rust ${outputFriendlyName}`}]; |
| } |
| if (await utils.fileExists(outputFilename)) { |
| const content = await fs.readFile(outputFilename, 'utf-8'); |
| return content.split('\n').map(line => ({ |
| text: line, |
| })); |
| } |
| return [{text: 'Internal error; unable to open output path'}]; |
| } |
| |
| async generateRustMacroExpansion(inputFilename, options) { |
| const macroExpPath = this.getRustMacroExpansionOutputFilename(inputFilename); |
| return this.generateRustUnprettyOutput(inputFilename, options, 'expanded', macroExpPath, 'Macro Expansion'); |
| } |
| |
| async generateRustHir(inputFilename, options) { |
| const hirPath = this.getRustHirOutputFilename(inputFilename); |
| return this.generateRustUnprettyOutput(inputFilename, options, 'hir-tree', hirPath, 'HIR'); |
| } |
| |
| async processRustMirOutput(outputFilename, output) { |
| const mirPath = this.getRustMirOutputFilename(outputFilename); |
| if (output.code !== 0) { |
| return [{text: 'Failed to run compiler to get Rust MIR'}]; |
| } |
| if (await utils.fileExists(mirPath)) { |
| const content = await fs.readFile(mirPath, 'utf-8'); |
| return content.split('\n').map(line => ({ |
| text: line, |
| })); |
| } |
| return [{text: 'Internal error; unable to open output path'}]; |
| } |
| |
| async processHaskellExtraOutput(outpath, output) { |
| if (output.code !== 0) { |
| return [{text: 'Failed to run compiler to get Haskell Core'}]; |
| } |
| if (await utils.fileExists(outpath)) { |
| const content = await fs.readFile(outpath, 'utf-8'); |
| // output file starts with |
| // |
| // ==================== <HEADER> ==================== |
| // |
| // we want to drop this to make the output nicer |
| return content |
| .split('\n') |
| .slice(3) |
| .map(line => ({ |
| text: line, |
| })); |
| } |
| return [{text: 'Internal error; unable to open output path'}]; |
| } |
| |
| getIrOutputFilename(inputFilename: string, filters: ParseFilters): string { |
| return inputFilename.replace(path.extname(inputFilename), '.ll'); |
| } |
| |
| getOutputFilename(dirPath: string, outputFilebase: string, key?: any): string { |
| let filename; |
| if (key && key.backendOptions && key.backendOptions.customOutputFilename) { |
| filename = key.backendOptions.customOutputFilename; |
| } else { |
| filename = `${outputFilebase}.s`; |
| } |
| |
| if (dirPath) { |
| return path.join(dirPath, filename); |
| } else { |
| return filename; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| getExecutableFilename(dirPath, outputFilebase, key?) { |
| return this.getOutputFilename(dirPath, outputFilebase, key); |
| } |
| |
| async processGnatDebugOutput(inputFilename, result) { |
| const contentDebugExpanded: ResultLine[] = []; |
| const contentDebugTree: ResultLine[] = []; |
| const keep_stdout: ResultLine[] = []; |
| |
| // stdout layout: |
| // |
| // ----- start |
| // everything here stays |
| // ... in stdout |
| // ... until : |
| // Source recreated from tree... <-\ |
| // everything here is | |
| // ... sent in expanded | this is optionnal |
| // ... pane... until : <-/ |
| // Tree created for ... <-\ |
| // everything after is | this is optionnal |
| // ... sent in Tree pane <-/ |
| // ----- EOF |
| const startOfExpandedCode = /^Source recreated from tree/; |
| const startOfTree = /^Tree created for/; |
| |
| let isInExpandedCode = false; |
| let isInTree = false; |
| |
| for (const obj of Object.values(result.stdout) as ResultLine[]) { |
| if (!isInExpandedCode && startOfExpandedCode.test(obj.text)) { |
| isInExpandedCode = true; |
| isInTree = false; |
| } |
| |
| if (!isInTree && startOfTree.test(obj.text)) { |
| isInExpandedCode = false; |
| isInTree = true; |
| } |
| |
| if (isInExpandedCode) { |
| contentDebugExpanded.push(obj); |
| } else if (isInTree) { |
| contentDebugTree.push(obj); |
| } else { |
| keep_stdout.push(obj); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // Do not check compiler result before looking for expanded code. The |
| // compiler may exit with an error after the emission. This dump is also |
| // very usefull to debug error message. |
| |
| if (contentDebugExpanded.length === 0) |
| if (result.code !== 0) { |
| contentDebugExpanded.push({text: 'GNAT exited with an error and did not create the expanded code'}); |
| } else { |
| contentDebugExpanded.push({ |
| text: 'GNAT exited successfully but the expanded code is missing, something is wrong', |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| if (contentDebugTree.length === 0) |
| if (result.code !== 0) { |
| contentDebugTree.push({text: 'GNAT exited with an error and did not create the Tree'}); |
| } else { |
| contentDebugTree.push({text: 'GNAT exited successfully but the Tree is missing, something is wrong'}); |
| } |
| |
| return { |
| stdout: keep_stdout, |
| tree: contentDebugTree, |
| expandedcode: contentDebugExpanded, |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * @returns {{filename_suffix: string, name: string, command_prefix: string}} |
| * `filename_suffix`: dump file name suffix if GCC default dump name is used |
| * |
| * `name`: the name to be displayed in the UI |
| * |
| * `command_prefix`: command prefix to be used in case this dump is to be |
| * created using a targeted option (eg. -fdump-rtl-expand) |
| */ |
| fromInternalGccDumpName(internalDumpName, selectedPasses) { |
| if (!selectedPasses) selectedPasses = ['ipa', 'tree', 'rtl']; |
| |
| const internalNameRe = new RegExp('^\\s*(' + selectedPasses.join('|') + ')-([\\w_-]+).*ON$'); |
| const match = internalDumpName.match(internalNameRe); |
| if (match) |
| return { |
| filename_suffix: `${match[1][0]}.${match[2]}`, |
| name: match[2] + ' (' + match[1] + ')', |
| command_prefix: `-fdump-${match[1]}-${match[2]}`, |
| }; |
| else return null; |
| } |
| |
| async checkOutputFileAndDoPostProcess(asmResult, outputFilename, filters: ParseFilters) { |
| try { |
| const stat = await fs.stat(outputFilename); |
| asmResult.asmSize = stat.size; |
| } catch (e) { |
| // Ignore errors |
| } |
| return await this.postProcess(asmResult, outputFilename, filters); |
| } |
| |
| runToolsOfType(tools, type: ToolTypeKey, compilationInfo): Promise<ToolResult>[] { |
| const tooling: Promise<ToolResult>[] = []; |
| if (tools) { |
| for (const tool of tools) { |
| const matches = this.possibleTools.find(possibleTool => { |
| return possibleTool.getId() === tool.id && possibleTool.getType() === type; |
| }); |
| |
| if (matches) { |
| const toolPromise: Promise<ToolResult> = matches.runTool( |
| compilationInfo, |
| compilationInfo.inputFilename, |
| tool.args, |
| tool.stdin, |
| this.supportedLibraries, |
| ); |
| tooling.push(toolPromise); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| return tooling; |
| } |
| |
| buildExecutable(compiler, options, inputFilename, execOptions) { |
| // default implementation, but should be overridden by compilers |
| return this.runCompiler(compiler, options, inputFilename, execOptions); |
| } |
| |
| async getRequiredLibraryVersions(libraries) { |
| const libraryDetails = {}; |
| _.each(libraries, selectedLib => { |
| const foundVersion = this.findLibVersion(selectedLib); |
| if (foundVersion) libraryDetails[selectedLib.id] = foundVersion; |
| }); |
| return libraryDetails; |
| } |
| |
| async setupBuildEnvironment(key: any, dirPath: string, binary: boolean): Promise<BuildEnvDownloadInfo[]> { |
| if (this.buildenvsetup && binary) { |
| const libraryDetails = await this.getRequiredLibraryVersions(key.libraries); |
| return this.buildenvsetup.setup(key, dirPath, libraryDetails); |
| } else { |
| return []; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| protected async writeMultipleFiles(files, dirPath) { |
| const filesToWrite: Promise<void>[] = []; |
| |
| for (const file of files) { |
| if (!file.filename) throw new Error('One of more files do not have a filename'); |
| |
| const fullpath = this.getExtraFilepath(dirPath, file.filename); |
| filesToWrite.push(fs.outputFile(fullpath, file.contents)); |
| } |
| |
| return Promise.all(filesToWrite); |
| } |
| |
| protected async writeAllFiles(dirPath, source, files, filters: ParseFilters) { |
| if (!source) throw new Error(`File ${this.compileFilename} has no content or file is missing`); |
| |
| const inputFilename = path.join(dirPath, this.compileFilename); |
| await fs.writeFile(inputFilename, source); |
| |
| if (files && files.length > 0) { |
| filters.dontMaskFilenames = true; |
| |
| await this.writeMultipleFiles(files, dirPath); |
| } |
| |
| return { |
| inputFilename, |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| protected async writeAllFilesCMake(dirPath, source, files, filters: ParseFilters) { |
| if (!source) throw new Error('File CMakeLists.txt has no content or file is missing'); |
| |
| const inputFilename = path.join(dirPath, 'CMakeLists.txt'); |
| await fs.writeFile(inputFilename, source); |
| |
| if (files && files.length > 0) { |
| filters.dontMaskFilenames = true; |
| |
| await this.writeMultipleFiles(files, dirPath); |
| } |
| |
| return { |
| inputFilename, |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| async buildExecutableInFolder(key, dirPath): Promise<BuildResult> { |
| const buildEnvironment = this.setupBuildEnvironment(key, dirPath, true); |
| |
| const writeSummary = await this.writeAllFiles(dirPath, key.source, key.files, key.filters); |
| const inputFilename = writeSummary.inputFilename; |
| |
| const outputFilename = this.getExecutableFilename(dirPath, this.outputFilebase, key); |
| |
| const buildFilters: ParseFilters = Object.assign({}, key.filters); |
| buildFilters.binary = true; |
| buildFilters.execute = true; |
| |
| const compilerArguments = _.compact( |
| this.prepareArguments( |
| key.options, |
| buildFilters, |
| key.backendOptions, |
| inputFilename, |
| outputFilename, |
| key.libraries, |
| ), |
| ); |
| |
| const execOptions = this.getDefaultExecOptions(); |
| execOptions.ldPath = this.getSharedLibraryPathsAsLdLibraryPaths(key.libraries); |
| |
| const downloads = await buildEnvironment; |
| const result = await this.buildExecutable(key.compiler.exe, compilerArguments, inputFilename, execOptions); |
| |
| return { |
| ...result, |
| downloads, |
| executableFilename: outputFilename, |
| compilationOptions: compilerArguments, |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| async getOrBuildExecutable(key) { |
| const dirPath = await this.newTempDir(); |
| |
| const buildResults = await this.loadPackageWithExecutable(key, dirPath); |
| if (buildResults) return buildResults; |
| |
| let compilationResult; |
| try { |
| compilationResult = await this.buildExecutableInFolder(key, dirPath); |
| if (compilationResult.code !== 0) { |
| return compilationResult; |
| } |
| } catch (e) { |
| return this.handleUserError(e, dirPath); |
| } |
| |
| await this.storePackageWithExecutable(key, dirPath, compilationResult); |
| |
| if (!compilationResult.dirPath) { |
| compilationResult.dirPath = dirPath; |
| } |
| |
| return compilationResult; |
| } |
| |
| async loadPackageWithExecutable(key, dirPath) { |
| const compilationResultFilename = 'compilation-result.json'; |
| try { |
| const startTime = process.hrtime.bigint(); |
| const outputFilename = await this.env.executableGet(key, dirPath); |
| if (outputFilename) { |
| logger.debug(`Using cached package ${outputFilename}`); |
| await this.packager.unpack(outputFilename, dirPath); |
| const buildResultsBuf = await fs.readFile(path.join(dirPath, compilationResultFilename)); |
| const buildResults = JSON.parse(buildResultsBuf.toString('utf8')); |
| const endTime = process.hrtime.bigint(); |
| |
| let inputFilename = path.join(dirPath, this.compileFilename); |
| if (buildResults.inputFilename) { |
| inputFilename = path.join(dirPath, path.basename(buildResults.inputFilename)); |
| } |
| |
| return Object.assign({}, buildResults, { |
| code: 0, |
| inputFilename: inputFilename, |
| dirPath: dirPath, |
| executableFilename: this.getExecutableFilename(dirPath, this.outputFilebase, key), |
| packageDownloadAndUnzipTime: ((endTime - startTime) / BigInt(1000000)).toString(), |
| }); |
| } |
| logger.debug('Tried to get executable from cache, but got a cache miss'); |
| } catch (err) { |
| logger.error('Tried to get executable from cache, but got an error:', {err}); |
| } |
| return false; |
| } |
| |
| async storePackageWithExecutable(key, dirPath, compilationResult) { |
| const compilationResultFilename = 'compilation-result.json'; |
| |
| const packDir = await this.newTempDir(); |
| const packagedFile = path.join(packDir, 'package.tgz'); |
| try { |
| await fs.writeFile(path.join(dirPath, compilationResultFilename), JSON.stringify(compilationResult)); |
| await this.packager.package(dirPath, packagedFile); |
| await this.env.executablePut(key, packagedFile); |
| } catch (err) { |
| logger.error('Caught an error trying to put to cache: ', {err}); |
| } finally { |
| fs.remove(packDir); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| runExecutable(executable, executeParameters: ExecutableExecutionOptions, homeDir) { |
| const maxExecOutputSize = this.env.ceProps('max-executable-output-size', 32 * 1024); |
| // Hardcoded fix for #2339. Ideally I'd have a config option for this, but for now this is plenty good enough. |
| executeParameters.env = { |
| ASAN_OPTIONS: 'color=always', |
| UBSAN_OPTIONS: 'color=always', |
| MSAN_OPTIONS: 'color=always', |
| LSAN_OPTIONS: 'color=always', |
| ...executeParameters.env, |
| }; |
| if (this.compiler.executionWrapper) { |
| executeParameters.args.unshift(executable); |
| executable = this.compiler.executionWrapper; |
| } |
| return this.execBinary(executable, maxExecOutputSize, executeParameters, homeDir); |
| } |
| |
| async handleInterpreting(key, executeParameters) { |
| const source = key.source; |
| const dirPath = await this.newTempDir(); |
| const outputFilename = this.getExecutableFilename(dirPath, this.outputFilebase); |
| await fs.writeFile(outputFilename, source); |
| executeParameters.args.unshift(outputFilename); |
| const result = await this.runExecutable(this.compiler.exe, executeParameters, dirPath); |
| return { |
| ...result, |
| didExecute: true, |
| buildResult: {code: 0}, |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| async handleExecution(key, executeParameters) { |
| if (this.compiler.interpreted) return this.handleInterpreting(key, executeParameters); |
| const buildResult = await this.getOrBuildExecutable(key); |
| if (buildResult.code !== 0) { |
| return { |
| code: -1, |
| didExecute: false, |
| buildResult, |
| stderr: [{text: 'Build failed'}], |
| stdout: [], |
| }; |
| } else { |
| if (!(await utils.fileExists(buildResult.executableFilename))) { |
| const verboseResult = { |
| code: -1, |
| didExecute: false, |
| buildResult, |
| stderr: [{text: 'Executable not found'}], |
| stdout: [], |
| }; |
| |
| verboseResult.buildResult.stderr.push({text: 'Compiler did not produce an executable'}); |
| |
| return verboseResult; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| if (!this.compiler.supportsExecute) { |
| return { |
| code: -1, |
| didExecute: false, |
| buildResult, |
| stderr: [{text: 'Compiler does not support execution'}], |
| stdout: [], |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| executeParameters.ldPath = this.getSharedLibraryPathsAsLdLibraryPathsForExecution(key.libraries); |
| const result = await this.runExecutable(buildResult.executableFilename, executeParameters, buildResult.dirPath); |
| return { |
| ...result, |
| didExecute: true, |
| buildResult: buildResult, |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| getCacheKey(source, options, backendOptions, filters, tools, libraries, files) { |
| return {compiler: this.compiler, source, options, backendOptions, filters, tools, libraries, files}; |
| } |
| |
| getCmakeCacheKey(key, files) { |
| const cacheKey = Object.assign({}, key); |
| cacheKey.compiler = this.compiler; |
| cacheKey.files = files; |
| cacheKey.api = 'cmake'; |
| |
| if (cacheKey.filters) delete cacheKey.filters.execute; |
| delete cacheKey.executionParameters; |
| delete cacheKey.tools; |
| |
| return cacheKey; |
| } |
| |
| getCompilationInfo( |
| key: CompilationCacheKey, |
| result: CompilationResult | CustomInputForTool, |
| customBuildPath?: string, |
| ): CompilationInfo { |
| return { |
| outputFilename: this.getOutputFilename(customBuildPath || result.dirPath || '', this.outputFilebase, key), |
| executableFilename: this.getExecutableFilename( |
| customBuildPath || result.dirPath || '', |
| this.outputFilebase, |
| key, |
| ), |
| asmParser: this.asm, |
| ...key, |
| ...result, |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| tryAutodetectLibraries(libsAndOptions) { |
| const linkFlag = this.compiler.linkFlag || '-l'; |
| |
| const detectedLibs: SelectedLibraryVersion[] = []; |
| const foundlibOptions: string[] = []; |
| _.each(libsAndOptions.options, option => { |
| if (option.indexOf(linkFlag) === 0) { |
| const libVersion = this.findAutodetectStaticLibLink(option.substr(linkFlag.length).trim()); |
| if (libVersion) { |
| foundlibOptions.push(option); |
| detectedLibs.push(libVersion); |
| } |
| } |
| }); |
| |
| if (detectedLibs.length > 0) { |
| libsAndOptions.options = _.filter(libsAndOptions.options, option => !foundlibOptions.includes(option)); |
| libsAndOptions.libraries = _.union(libsAndOptions.libraries, detectedLibs); |
| |
| return true; |
| } else { |
| return false; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| async doCompilation(inputFilename, dirPath, key, options, filters, backendOptions, libraries, tools) { |
| const buildEnvironment = this.setupBuildEnvironment(key, dirPath, filters.binary); |
| |
| const inputFilenameSafe = this.filename(inputFilename); |
| |
| const outputFilename = this.getOutputFilename(dirPath, this.outputFilebase, key); |
| |
| options = _.compact( |
| this.prepareArguments(options, filters, backendOptions, inputFilename, outputFilename, libraries), |
| ); |
| |
| const execOptions = this.getDefaultExecOptions(); |
| execOptions.ldPath = this.getSharedLibraryPathsAsLdLibraryPaths([]); |
| |
| const makeAst = backendOptions.produceAst && this.compiler.supportsAstView; |
| const makePp = backendOptions.producePp && this.compiler.supportsPpView; |
| const makeGnatDebug = backendOptions.produceGnatDebug && this.compiler.supportsGnatDebugViews; |
| const makeGnatDebugTree = backendOptions.produceGnatDebugTree && this.compiler.supportsGnatDebugViews; |
| const makeIr = backendOptions.produceIr && this.compiler.supportsIrView; |
| const makeLLVMOptPipeline = backendOptions.produceLLVMOptPipeline && this.compiler.supportsLLVMOptPipelineView; |
| const makeRustMir = backendOptions.produceRustMir && this.compiler.supportsRustMirView; |
| const makeRustMacroExp = backendOptions.produceRustMacroExp && this.compiler.supportsRustMacroExpView; |
| const makeRustHir = backendOptions.produceRustHir && this.compiler.supportsRustHirView; |
| const makeHaskellCore = backendOptions.produceHaskellCore && this.compiler.supportsHaskellCoreView; |
| const makeHaskellStg = backendOptions.produceHaskellStg && this.compiler.supportsHaskellStgView; |
| const makeHaskellCmm = backendOptions.produceHaskellCmm && this.compiler.supportsHaskellCmmView; |
| const makeGccDump = |
| backendOptions.produceGccDump && backendOptions.produceGccDump.opened && this.compiler.supportsGccDump; |
| |
| const downloads = await buildEnvironment; |
| const [ |
| asmResult, |
| astResult, |
| ppResult, |
| irResult, |
| llvmOptPipelineResult, |
| rustHirResult, |
| rustMacroExpResult, |
| toolsResult, |
| ] = await Promise.all([ |
| this.runCompiler(this.compiler.exe, options, inputFilenameSafe, execOptions), |
| makeAst ? this.generateAST(inputFilename, options) : '', |
| makePp ? this.generatePP(inputFilename, options, backendOptions.producePp) : '', |
| makeIr ? this.generateIR(inputFilename, options, filters) : '', |
| makeLLVMOptPipeline |
| ? this.generateLLVMOptPipeline(inputFilename, options, filters, backendOptions.produceLLVMOptPipeline) |
| : '', |
| makeRustHir ? this.generateRustHir(inputFilename, options) : '', |
| makeRustMacroExp ? this.generateRustMacroExpansion(inputFilename, options) : '', |
| Promise.all( |
| this.runToolsOfType( |
| tools, |
| 'independent', |
| this.getCompilationInfo(key, { |
| inputFilename, |
| dirPath, |
| outputFilename, |
| }), |
| ), |
| ), |
| ]); |
| |
| // GNAT, GCC and rustc can produce their extra output files along |
| // with the main compilation command. |
| const gnatDebugResults = |
| makeGnatDebug || makeGnatDebugTree ? await this.processGnatDebugOutput(inputFilenameSafe, asmResult) : ''; |
| |
| const gccDumpResult = makeGccDump |
| ? await this.processGccDumpOutput( |
| backendOptions.produceGccDump, |
| asmResult, |
| this.compiler.removeEmptyGccDump, |
| outputFilename, |
| ) |
| : ''; |
| const rustMirResult = makeRustMir ? await this.processRustMirOutput(outputFilename, asmResult) : ''; |
| |
| const haskellCoreResult = makeHaskellCore |
| ? await this.processHaskellExtraOutput(this.getHaskellCoreOutputFilename(inputFilename), asmResult) |
| : ''; |
| const haskellStgResult = makeHaskellStg |
| ? await this.processHaskellExtraOutput(this.getHaskellStgOutputFilename(inputFilename), asmResult) |
| : ''; |
| const haskellCmmResult = makeHaskellCmm |
| ? await this.processHaskellExtraOutput(this.getHaskellCmmOutputFilename(inputFilename), asmResult) |
| : ''; |
| |
| asmResult.dirPath = dirPath; |
| asmResult.compilationOptions = options; |
| asmResult.downloads = downloads; |
| // Here before the check to ensure dump reports even on failure cases |
| if (this.compiler.supportsGccDump && gccDumpResult) { |
| asmResult.gccDumpOutput = gccDumpResult; |
| } |
| |
| if (this.compiler.supportsGnatDebugViews && gnatDebugResults) { |
| asmResult.stdout = gnatDebugResults.stdout; |
| |
| if (makeGnatDebug && gnatDebugResults.expandedcode.length > 0) { |
| asmResult.hasGnatDebugOutput = true; |
| asmResult.gnatDebugOutput = gnatDebugResults.expandedcode; |
| } |
| if (makeGnatDebugTree && gnatDebugResults.tree.length > 0) { |
| asmResult.hasGnatDebugTreeOutput = true; |
| asmResult.gnatDebugTreeOutput = gnatDebugResults.tree; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // PP output populated here due to early return in the event of compilation failure |
| if (ppResult) { |
| asmResult.hasPpOutput = true; |
| asmResult.ppOutput = ppResult; |
| } |
| |
| asmResult.tools = toolsResult; |
| if (asmResult.code !== 0) { |
| return [{...asmResult, asm: '<Compilation failed>'}]; |
| } |
| |
| if (this.compiler.supportsOptOutput && this.optOutputRequested(options)) { |
| const optPath = path.join(dirPath, `${this.outputFilebase}.opt.yaml`); |
| if (await fs.pathExists(optPath)) { |
| asmResult.hasOptOutput = true; |
| asmResult.optPath = optPath; |
| } |
| } |
| if (astResult) { |
| asmResult.hasAstOutput = true; |
| asmResult.astOutput = astResult; |
| } |
| if (ppResult) { |
| asmResult.hasPpOutput = true; |
| asmResult.ppOutput = ppResult; |
| } |
| if (irResult) { |
| asmResult.hasIrOutput = true; |
| asmResult.irOutput = irResult; |
| } |
| if (llvmOptPipelineResult) { |
| asmResult.hasLLVMOptPipelineOutput = true; |
| asmResult.llvmOptPipelineOutput = llvmOptPipelineResult; |
| } |
| if (rustMirResult) { |
| asmResult.hasRustMirOutput = true; |
| asmResult.rustMirOutput = rustMirResult; |
| } |
| if (rustMacroExpResult) { |
| asmResult.hasRustMacroExpOutput = true; |
| asmResult.rustMacroExpOutput = rustMacroExpResult; |
| } |
| if (rustHirResult) { |
| asmResult.hasRustHirOutput = true; |
| asmResult.rustHirOutput = rustHirResult; |
| } |
| if (haskellCoreResult) { |
| asmResult.hasHaskellCoreOutput = true; |
| asmResult.haskellCoreOutput = haskellCoreResult; |
| } |
| if (haskellStgResult) { |
| asmResult.hasHaskellStgOutput = true; |
| asmResult.haskellStgOutput = haskellStgResult; |
| } |
| if (haskellCmmResult) { |
| asmResult.hasHaskellCmmOutput = true; |
| asmResult.haskellCmmOutput = haskellCmmResult; |
| } |
| |
| return this.checkOutputFileAndDoPostProcess(asmResult, outputFilename, filters); |
| } |
| |
| doTempfolderCleanup(buildResult) { |
| if (buildResult.dirPath && !this.delayCleanupTemp) { |
| fs.remove(buildResult.dirPath); |
| } |
| buildResult.dirPath = undefined; |
| } |
| |
| getCompilerEnvironmentVariables(compilerflags) { |
| if (this.lang.id === 'c++') { |
| return {...this.cmakeBaseEnv, CXXFLAGS: compilerflags}; |
| } else if (this.lang.id === 'fortran') { |
| return {...this.cmakeBaseEnv, FFLAGS: compilerflags}; |
| } else { |
| return {...this.cmakeBaseEnv, CFLAGS: compilerflags}; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| async doBuildstep(command, args, execParams) { |
| const result = await this.exec(command, args, execParams); |
| return this.processExecutionResult(result); |
| } |
| |
| handleUserError(error, dirPath) { |
| return { |
| dirPath, |
| okToCache: false, |
| code: -1, |
| asm: [{text: `<${error.message}>`}], |
| stdout: [], |
| stderr: [{text: `<${error.message}>`}], |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| async doBuildstepAndAddToResult(result, name, command, args, execParams) { |
| const stepResult = { |
| ...(await this.doBuildstep(command, args, execParams)), |
| step: name, |
| }; |
| logger.debug(name); |
| result.buildsteps.push(stepResult); |
| return stepResult; |
| } |
| |
| createCmakeExecParams(execParams, dirPath, libsAndOptions) { |
| const cmakeExecParams = Object.assign({}, execParams); |
| |
| const libIncludes = this.getIncludeArguments(libsAndOptions.libraries); |
| const options = libsAndOptions.options.concat(libIncludes); |
| |
| _.extend(cmakeExecParams.env, this.getCompilerEnvironmentVariables(options.join(' '))); |
| |
| cmakeExecParams.ldPath = [dirPath]; |
| |
| // todo: if we don't use nsjail, the path should not be /app but dirPath |
| const libPaths = this.getSharedLibraryPathsAsArguments(libsAndOptions.libraries, '/app'); |
| cmakeExecParams.env.LDFLAGS = libPaths.join(' '); |
| |
| return cmakeExecParams; |
| } |
| |
| createLibsAndOptions(key) { |
| const libsAndOptions = {libraries: key.libraries, options: key.options}; |
| if (this.tryAutodetectLibraries(libsAndOptions)) { |
| key.libraries = libsAndOptions.libraries; |
| key.options = libsAndOptions.options; |
| } |
| return libsAndOptions; |
| } |
| |
| async cmake(files, key) { |
| // key = {source, options, backendOptions, filters, bypassCache, tools, executionParameters, libraries}; |
| |
| if (!this.compiler.supportsBinary) { |
| const errorResult: CompilationResult = { |
| code: -1, |
| timedOut: false, |
| didExecute: false, |
| stderr: [], |
| stdout: [], |
| }; |
| |
| errorResult.stderr.push({text: 'Compiler does not support compiling to binaries'}); |
| return errorResult; |
| } |
| |
| _.defaults(key.filters, this.getDefaultFilters()); |
| key.filters.binary = true; |
| key.filters.dontMaskFilenames = true; |
| |
| const libsAndOptions = this.createLibsAndOptions(key); |
| |
| const doExecute = key.filters.execute; |
| const executeParameters: ExecutableExecutionOptions = { |
| ldPath: this.getSharedLibraryPathsAsLdLibraryPaths(key.libraries), |
| args: key.executionParameters.args || [], |
| stdin: key.executionParameters.stdin || '', |
| env: {}, |
| }; |
| |
| const cacheKey = this.getCmakeCacheKey(key, files); |
| |
| const dirPath = await this.newTempDir(); |
| |
| const outputFilename = this.getExecutableFilename(path.join(dirPath, 'build'), this.outputFilebase, key); |
| |
| let fullResult = await this.loadPackageWithExecutable(cacheKey, dirPath); |
| if (!fullResult) { |
| let writeSummary; |
| try { |
| writeSummary = await this.writeAllFilesCMake(dirPath, cacheKey.source, files, cacheKey.filters); |
| } catch (e) { |
| return this.handleUserError(e, dirPath); |
| } |
| |
| const execParams = this.getDefaultExecOptions(); |
| execParams.appHome = dirPath; |
| execParams.customCwd = path.join(dirPath, 'build'); |
| |
| await fs.mkdir(execParams.customCwd); |
| |
| const makeExecParams = this.createCmakeExecParams(execParams, dirPath, libsAndOptions); |
| |
| fullResult = { |
| buildsteps: [], |
| inputFilename: writeSummary.inputFilename, |
| }; |
| |
| fullResult.downloads = await this.setupBuildEnvironment(cacheKey, dirPath, true); |
| |
| let toolchainparam = ''; |
| if (this.toolchainPath) { |
| toolchainparam = `-DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_EXTERNAL_TOOLCHAIN=${this.toolchainPath}`; |
| } |
| |
| const cmakeArgs = utils.splitArguments(key.backendOptions.cmakeArgs); |
| const fullArgs = [toolchainparam, ...cmakeArgs, '..']; |
| |
| const cmakeStepResult = await this.doBuildstepAndAddToResult( |
| fullResult, |
| 'cmake', |
| this.env.ceProps('cmake'), |
| fullArgs, |
| makeExecParams, |
| ); |
| |
| if (cmakeStepResult.code !== 0) { |
| fullResult.result = { |
| dirPath, |
| okToCache: false, |
| code: cmakeStepResult.code, |
| asm: [{text: '<Build failed>'}], |
| }; |
| return fullResult; |
| } |
| |
| const makeStepResult = await this.doBuildstepAndAddToResult( |
| fullResult, |
| 'make', |
| this.env.ceProps('make'), |
| [], |
| execParams, |
| ); |
| |
| if (makeStepResult.code !== 0) { |
| fullResult.result = { |
| dirPath, |
| okToCache: false, |
| code: makeStepResult.code, |
| asm: [{text: '<Build failed>'}], |
| }; |
| return fullResult; |
| } |
| |
| fullResult.result = { |
| dirPath, |
| okToCache: true, |
| }; |
| |
| if (!key.backendOptions.skipAsm) { |
| const [asmResult] = await this.checkOutputFileAndDoPostProcess( |
| fullResult.result, |
| outputFilename, |
| cacheKey.filters, |
| ); |
| fullResult.result = asmResult; |
| } |
| |
| if (this.lang.id === 'c++') { |
| fullResult.result.compilationOptions = makeExecParams.env.CXXFLAGS.split(' '); |
| } else if (this.lang.id === 'fortran') { |
| fullResult.result.compilationOptions = makeExecParams.env.FFLAGS.split(' '); |
| } else { |
| fullResult.result.compilationOptions = makeExecParams.env.CFLAGS.split(' '); |
| } |
| |
| fullResult.code = 0; |
| _.each(fullResult.buildsteps, function (step) { |
| fullResult.code += step.code; |
| }); |
| |
| await this.storePackageWithExecutable(cacheKey, dirPath, fullResult); |
| } else { |
| fullResult.fetchedFromCache = true; |
| |
| delete fullResult.inputFilename; |
| delete fullResult.executableFilename; |
| delete fullResult.dirPath; |
| } |
| |
| fullResult.result.dirPath = dirPath; |
| |
| if (this.compiler.supportsExecute && doExecute) { |
| fullResult.execResult = await this.runExecutable(outputFilename, executeParameters, dirPath); |
| fullResult.didExecute = true; |
| } |
| |
| const optOutput = undefined; |
| await this.afterCompilation( |
| fullResult.result, |
| false, |
| cacheKey, |
| [], |
| key.tools, |
| cacheKey.backendOptions, |
| cacheKey.filters, |
| libsAndOptions.options, |
| optOutput, |
| path.join(dirPath, 'build'), |
| ); |
| |
| delete fullResult.result.dirPath; |
| |
| return fullResult; |
| } |
| |
| protected getExtraFilepath(dirPath, filename) { |
| // note: it's vitally important that the resulting path does not escape dirPath |
| // (filename is user input and thus unsafe) |
| |
| const joined = path.join(dirPath, filename); |
| const normalized = path.normalize(joined); |
| if (process.platform === 'win32') { |
| if (!normalized.replace(/\\/g, '/').startsWith(dirPath.replace(/\\/g, '/'))) { |
| throw new Error('Invalid filename'); |
| } |
| } else { |
| if (!normalized.startsWith(dirPath)) throw new Error('Invalid filename'); |
| } |
| return normalized; |
| } |
| |
| async compile(source, options, backendOptions, filters, bypassCache, tools, executionParameters, libraries, files) { |
| const optionsError = this.checkOptions(options); |
| if (optionsError) throw optionsError; |
| const sourceError = this.checkSource(source); |
| if (sourceError) throw sourceError; |
| |
| const libsAndOptions = {libraries, options}; |
| if (this.tryAutodetectLibraries(libsAndOptions)) { |
| libraries = libsAndOptions.libraries; |
| options = libsAndOptions.options; |
| } |
| |
| // Don't run binary for unsupported compilers, even if we're asked. |
| if (filters.binary && !this.compiler.supportsBinary) { |
| delete filters.binary; |
| } |
| |
| // For C/C++ turn off filters when compiling with -E |
| // This is done for all compilers. Not every compiler handles -E the same but they all use |
| // it for preprocessor output. |
| if ((this.compiler.lang === 'c++' || this.compiler.lang === 'c') && options.includes('-E')) { |
| for (const key in filters) { |
| filters[key] = false; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| const executeParameters = { |
| args: executionParameters.args || [], |
| stdin: executionParameters.stdin || '', |
| }; |
| const key = this.getCacheKey(source, options, backendOptions, filters, tools, libraries, files); |
| |
| const doExecute = filters.execute; |
| filters = Object.assign({}, filters); |
| filters.execute = false; |
| |
| if (!bypassCache) { |
| const cacheRetreiveTimeStart = process.hrtime.bigint(); |
| const result = await this.env.cacheGet(key); |
| if (result) { |
| const cacheRetreiveTimeEnd = process.hrtime.bigint(); |
| result.retreivedFromCacheTime = ( |
| (cacheRetreiveTimeEnd - cacheRetreiveTimeStart) / |
| BigInt(1000000) |
| ).toString(); |
| result.retreivedFromCache = true; |
| if (doExecute) { |
| result.execResult = await this.env.enqueue(async () => { |
| return this.handleExecution(key, executeParameters); |
| }); |
| |
| if (result.execResult && result.execResult.buildResult) { |
| this.doTempfolderCleanup(result.execResult.buildResult); |
| } |
| } |
| return result; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| return this.env.enqueue(async () => { |
| source = this.preProcess(source, filters); |
| |
| if (backendOptions.executorRequest) { |
| const execResult = await this.handleExecution(key, executeParameters); |
| if (execResult && execResult.buildResult) { |
| this.doTempfolderCleanup(execResult.buildResult); |
| } |
| return execResult; |
| } |
| |
| const dirPath = await this.newTempDir(); |
| |
| let writeSummary; |
| try { |
| writeSummary = await this.writeAllFiles(dirPath, source, files, filters); |
| } catch (e) { |
| return this.handleUserError(e, dirPath); |
| } |
| const inputFilename = writeSummary.inputFilename; |
| |
| const [result, optOutput] = await this.doCompilation( |
| inputFilename, |
| dirPath, |
| key, |
| options, |
| filters, |
| backendOptions, |
| libraries, |
| tools, |
| ); |
| |
| return await this.afterCompilation( |
| result, |
| doExecute, |
| key, |
| executeParameters, |
| tools, |
| backendOptions, |
| filters, |
| options, |
| optOutput, |
| ); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| async afterCompilation( |
| result, |
| doExecute, |
| key, |
| executeParameters, |
| tools, |
| backendOptions, |
| filters, |
| options, |
| optOutput, |
| customBuildPath?, |
| ) { |
| // Start the execution as soon as we can, but only await it at the end. |
| const execPromise = doExecute ? this.handleExecution(key, executeParameters) : null; |
| |
| if (result.hasOptOutput) { |
| delete result.optPath; |
| result.optOutput = optOutput; |
| } |
| |
| const compilationInfo = this.getCompilationInfo(key, result, customBuildPath); |
| |
| result.tools = _.union( |
| result.tools, |
| await Promise.all(this.runToolsOfType(tools, 'postcompilation', compilationInfo)), |
| ); |
| |
| result = await this.extractDeviceCode(result, filters, compilationInfo); |
| |
| this.doTempfolderCleanup(result); |
| if (result.buildResult) { |
| this.doTempfolderCleanup(result.buildResult); |
| } |
| |
| if (!backendOptions.skipAsm) { |
| if (!result.externalParserUsed) { |
| if (result.okToCache) { |
| const res = this.processAsm(result, filters, options); |
| result.asm = res.asm; |
| result.labelDefinitions = res.labelDefinitions; |
| result.parsingTime = res.parsingTime; |
| result.filteredCount = res.filteredCount; |
| if (result.objdumpTime) { |
| const dumpAndParseTime = parseInt(result.objdumpTime) + parseInt(result.parsingTime); |
| BaseCompiler.objdumpAndParseCounter.inc(dumpAndParseTime); |
| } |
| } else { |
| result.asm = [{text: result.asm}]; |
| } |
| } |
| // TODO rephrase this so we don't need to reassign |
| result = filters.demangle ? await this.postProcessAsm(result, filters) : result; |
| if (this.compiler.supportsCfg && backendOptions.produceCfg) { |
| if (!options.includes('-emit-llvm')) { |
| result.cfg = cfg.generateStructure(this.compiler.compilerType, this.compiler.version, result.asm); |
| } else { |
| // for now do not generate a cfg for llvm ir |
| result.cfg = {}; |
| } |
| } |
| } else { |
| result.asm = []; |
| } |
| |
| if (!backendOptions.skipPopArgs) result.popularArguments = this.possibleArguments.getPopularArguments(options); |
| |
| if (result.okToCache) { |
| await this.env.cachePut(key, result); |
| } |
| |
| if (doExecute) { |
| result.execResult = await execPromise; |
| |
| if (result.execResult.buildResult) { |
| this.doTempfolderCleanup(result.execResult.buildResult); |
| } |
| } |
| return result; |
| } |
| |
| processAsm(result, filters, options) { |
| if ((options && options.includes('-emit-llvm')) || this.llvmIr.isLlvmIr(result.asm)) { |
| return this.llvmIr.process(result.asm, filters); |
| } |
| |
| return this.asm.process(result.asm, filters); |
| } |
| |
| async postProcessAsm(result, filters?: ParseFilters) { |
| if (!result.okToCache || !this.demanglerClass || !result.asm) return result; |
| const demangler = new this.demanglerClass(this.compiler.demangler, this); |
| |
| return await demangler.process(result); |
| } |
| |
| async processOptOutput(optPath) { |
| const output: any[] = []; |
| |
| const optStream = fs |
| .createReadStream(optPath, {encoding: 'utf-8'}) |
| .pipe(new compilerOptInfo.LLVMOptTransformer()); |
| |
| for await (const opt of optStream) { |
| if (opt.DebugLoc && opt.DebugLoc.File && opt.DebugLoc.File.includes(this.compileFilename)) { |
| output.push(opt); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| if (this.compiler.demangler) { |
| const result = JSON.stringify(output, null, 4); |
| try { |
| const demangleResult = await this.exec(this.compiler.demangler, ['-n', '-p'], {input: result}); |
| return JSON.parse(demangleResult.stdout); |
| } catch (exception) { |
| // swallow exception and return non-demangled output |
| logger.warn(`Caught exception ${exception} during opt demangle parsing`); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| return output; |
| } |
| |
| couldSupportASTDump(version) { |
| const versionRegex = /version (\d+.\d+)/; |
| const versionMatch = versionRegex.exec(version); |
| |
| if (versionMatch) { |
| const versionNum = parseFloat(versionMatch[1]); |
| return version.toLowerCase().includes('clang') && versionNum >= 3.3; |
| } |
| |
| return false; |
| } |
| |
| isCfgCompiler(compilerVersion) { |
| return compilerVersion.includes('clang') || compilerVersion.match(/^([\w-]*-)?g((\+\+)|(cc)|(dc))/g) !== null; |
| } |
| |
| async processGccDumpOutput(opts, result, removeEmptyPasses, outputFilename) { |
| const rootDir = path.dirname(result.inputFilename); |
| |
| if (opts.treeDump === false && opts.rtlDump === false && opts.ipaDump === false) { |
| return { |
| all: [], |
| selectedPass: null, |
| currentPassOutput: 'Nothing selected for dump:\nselect at least one of Tree/IPA/RTL filter', |
| syntaxHighlight: false, |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| const output = { |
| all: [] as any[], |
| selectedPass: opts.pass, |
| currentPassOutput: '<No pass selected>', |
| syntaxHighlight: false, |
| }; |
| const treeDumpsNotInPasses: any[] = []; |
| |
| const selectedPasses: string[] = []; |
| |
| if (opts.treeDump) { |
| selectedPasses.push('tree'); |
| |
| // Fake 2 lines as coming from -fdump-passes |
| // This allows the insertion of 'gimple' and 'original' |
| // tree dumps that are not really part of a tree pass. |
| treeDumpsNotInPasses.push( |
| [ |
| {text: 'tree-original: ON'}, |
| { |
| filename_suffix: 't.original', |
| name: 'original (tree)', |
| command_prefix: '-fdump-tree-original', |
| }, |
| ], |
| [ |
| {text: 'tree-gimple: ON'}, |
| { |
| filename_suffix: 't.gimple', |
| name: 'gimple (tree)', |
| command_prefix: '-fdump-tree-gimple', |
| }, |
| ], |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| if (opts.ipaDump) selectedPasses.push('ipa'); |
| if (opts.rtlDump) selectedPasses.push('rtl'); |
| |
| // Defaults to a custom file derived from output file name. Works when |
| // using the -fdump-tree-foo=FILE variant (!removeEmptyPasses). |
| // Will be overriden later if not. |
| let dumpFileName = this.getGccDumpFileName(outputFilename); |
| let passFound = false; |
| |
| const filtered_stderr: any[] = []; |
| const toRemoveFromStderr = /^\s*((ipa|tree|rtl)-)|(\*)([\w-]+).*(ON|OFF)$/; |
| |
| const dumpPassesLines = treeDumpsNotInPasses.concat( |
| (Object.values(result.stderr) as ResultLine[]).map(x => [ |
| x, |
| this.fromInternalGccDumpName(x.text, selectedPasses), |
| ]), |
| ); |
| |
| for (const [obj, selectizeObject] of dumpPassesLines) { |
| if (selectizeObject) { |
| if (opts.pass && opts.pass.name === selectizeObject.name) passFound = true; |
| |
| if (removeEmptyPasses) { |
| const f = fs.readdirSync(rootDir).filter(fn => fn.endsWith(selectizeObject.filename_suffix)); |
| |
| // pass is enabled, but the dump hasn't produced anything: |
| // don't add it to the drop down menu |
| if (f.length === 0) continue; |
| |
| if (opts.pass && opts.pass.name === selectizeObject.name) dumpFileName = path.join(rootDir, f[0]); |
| } |
| |
| output.all.push(selectizeObject); |
| } |
| |
| if (!toRemoveFromStderr.test(obj.text)) { |
| filtered_stderr.push(obj); |
| } |
| } |
| result.stderr = filtered_stderr; |
| |
| if (opts.pass && passFound) { |
| output.currentPassOutput = ''; |
| |
| if (dumpFileName && (await fs.pathExists(dumpFileName))) |
| output.currentPassOutput = await fs.readFile(dumpFileName, 'utf-8'); |
| // else leave the currentPassOutput empty. Can happen when some |
| // UI options are changed and a now disabled pass is still |
| // requested. |
| |
| if (/^\s*$/.test(output.currentPassOutput)) { |
| output.currentPassOutput = `Pass '${opts.pass.name}' was requested |
| but nothing was dumped. Possible causes are: |
| - pass is not valid in this (maybe you changed the compiler options); |
| - pass is valid but did not emit anything (eg. it was not executed).`; |
| } else { |
| output.syntaxHighlight = true; |
| } |
| } |
| return output; |
| } |
| |
| // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars |
| async extractDeviceCode(result, filters, compilationInfo) { |
| return result; |
| } |
| |
| async execPostProcess(result, postProcesses, outputFilename, maxSize) { |
| const postCommand = `cat "${outputFilename}" | ${postProcesses.join(' | ')}`; |
| return this.handlePostProcessResult(result, await this.exec('bash', ['-c', postCommand], {maxOutput: maxSize})); |
| } |
| |
| preProcess(source: string, filters: CompilerFilters): string { |
| if (filters.binary && !this.stubRe.test(source)) { |
| source += `\n${this.stubText}\n`; |
| } |
| return source; |
| } |
| |
| async postProcess(result, outputFilename: string, filters: ParseFilters) { |
| const postProcess = _.compact(this.compiler.postProcess); |
| const maxSize = this.env.ceProps('max-asm-size', 64 * 1024 * 1024); |
| const optPromise = result.hasOptOutput ? this.processOptOutput(result.optPath) : ''; |
| const asmPromise = |
| filters.binary && this.supportsObjdump() |
| ? this.objdump(outputFilename, result, maxSize, filters.intel, filters.demangle, filters) |
| : (async () => { |
| if (result.asmSize === undefined) { |
| result.asm = '<No output file>'; |
| return result; |
| } |
| if (result.asmSize >= maxSize) { |
| result.asm = |
| '<No output: generated assembly was too large' + |
| ` (${result.asmSize} > ${maxSize} bytes)>`; |
| return result; |
| } |
| if (postProcess.length > 0) { |
| return await this.execPostProcess(result, postProcess, outputFilename, maxSize); |
| } else { |
| const contents = await fs.readFile(outputFilename); |
| result.asm = contents.toString(); |
| return result; |
| } |
| })(); |
| return Promise.all([asmPromise, optPromise]); |
| } |
| |
| handlePostProcessResult(result, postResult): CompilationResult { |
| result.asm = postResult.stdout; |
| if (postResult.code !== 0) { |
| result.asm = `<Error during post processing: ${postResult.code}>`; |
| logger.error('Error during post-processing: ', result); |
| } |
| return result; |
| } |
| |
| checkOptions(options) { |
| const error = this.env.findBadOptions(options); |
| if (error.length > 0) return `Bad options: ${error.join(', ')}`; |
| return null; |
| } |
| |
| // This check for arbitrary user-controlled preprocessor inclusions |
| // can be circumvented in more than one way. The goal here is to respond |
| // to simple attempts with a clear diagnostic; the service still needs to |
| // assume that malicious actors can make the compiler open arbitrary files. |
| checkSource(source) { |
| const re = /^\s*#\s*i(nclude|mport)(_next)?\s+["<]((\.{1,2}|\/)[^">]*)[">]/; |
| const failed: string[] = []; |
| for (const [index, line] of utils.splitLines(source).entries()) { |
| if (re.test(line)) { |
| failed.push(`<stdin>:${index + 1}:1: no absolute or relative includes please`); |
| } |
| } |
| if (failed.length > 0) return failed.join('\n'); |
| return null; |
| } |
| |
| protected getArgumentParser(): any { |
| const exe = this.compiler.exe.toLowerCase(); |
| if (exe.includes('clang') || exe.includes('icpx') || exe.includes('icx')) { |
| // check this first as "clang++" matches "g++" |
| return ClangParser; |
| } else if (exe.includes('g++') || exe.includes('gcc')) { |
| return GCCParser; |
| } |
| //there is a lot of code around that makes this assumption. |
| //probably not the best thing to do :D |
| return GCCParser; |
| } |
| |
| async getVersion() { |
| logger.info(`Gathering ${this.compiler.id} version information on ${this.compiler.exe}...`); |
| if (this.compiler.explicitVersion) { |
| logger.debug(`${this.compiler.id} has forced version output: ${this.compiler.explicitVersion}`); |
| return {stdout: [this.compiler.explicitVersion], stderr: [], code: 0}; |
| } |
| const execOptions = this.getDefaultExecOptions(); |
| const versionFlag = this.compiler.versionFlag || '--version'; |
| execOptions.timeoutMs = 0; // No timeout for --version. A sort of workaround for slow EFS/NFS on the prod site |
| execOptions.ldPath = this.getSharedLibraryPathsAsLdLibraryPaths([]); |
| |
| try { |
| return await this.execCompilerCached(this.compiler.exe, [versionFlag], execOptions); |
| } catch (err) { |
| logger.error(`Unable to get version for compiler '${this.compiler.exe}' - ${err}`); |
| return null; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| initialiseLibraries(clientOptions) { |
| this.supportedLibraries = this.getSupportedLibraries(this.compiler.libsArr, clientOptions.libs[this.lang.id]); |
| } |
| |
| async initialise(mtime, clientOptions, isPrediscovered = false) { |
| this.mtime = mtime; |
| |
| if (this.buildenvsetup) { |
| await this.buildenvsetup.initialise(async (compiler, args, options) => { |
| return this.execCompilerCached(compiler, args, options); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| if (this.getRemote()) return this; |
| |
| const compiler = this.compiler.exe; |
| let version = this.compiler.version || ''; |
| if (!isPrediscovered) { |
| const versionRe = new RegExp(this.compiler.versionRe || '.*', 'i'); |
| const result = await this.getVersion(); |
| if (!result) return null; |
| if (result.code !== 0) { |
| logger.warn(`Compiler '${compiler}' - non-zero result ${result.code}`); |
| } |
| const fullVersion = result.stdout + result.stderr; |
| _.each(utils.splitLines(fullVersion), line => { |
| if (version) return; |
| const match = line.match(versionRe); |
| if (match) version = match[0]; |
| }); |
| if (!version) { |
| logger.error(`Unable to find compiler version for '${compiler}' with re ${versionRe}:`, result); |
| return null; |
| } |
| logger.debug(`${compiler} is version '${version}'`); |
| this.compiler.version = version; |
| this.compiler.fullVersion = fullVersion; |
| this.compiler.supportsCfg = this.isCfgCompiler(version); |
| // all C/C++ compilers support -E |
| this.compiler.supportsPpView = this.compiler.lang === 'c' || this.compiler.lang === 'c++'; |
| this.compiler.supportsAstView = this.couldSupportASTDump(version); |
| } |
| |
| try { |
| this.cmakeBaseEnv = await this.getCmakeBaseEnv(); |
| } catch (e) { |
| logger.error(e); |
| } |
| |
| this.initialiseLibraries(clientOptions); |
| |
| if (!isPrediscovered) { |
| const initResult = await this.getArgumentParser().parse(this); |
| logger.info(`${compiler} ${version} is ready`); |
| return initResult; |
| } else { |
| logger.info(`${compiler} ${version} is ready`); |
| if (this.compiler.cachedPossibleArguments) { |
| this.possibleArguments.populateOptions(this.compiler.cachedPossibleArguments); |
| delete this.compiler.cachedPossibleArguments; |
| } |
| return this; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| getInfo() { |
| return this.compiler; |
| } |
| |
| getDefaultFilters() { |
| return { |
| binary: false, |
| execute: false, |
| demangle: true, |
| intel: true, |
| commentOnly: true, |
| directives: true, |
| labels: true, |
| optOutput: false, |
| libraryCode: false, |
| trim: false, |
| }; |
| } |
| } |