| -- This pragma will remove the warning produced by the default
| -- CE filename and the procedure name differing,
| -- see : https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc-8.2.0/gnat_rm/Pragma-Source_005fFile_005fName.html#Pragma-Source_005fFile_005fName
| pragma Source_File_Name (Square, Body_File_Name => "example.adb");
| -- Type your code here, or load an example.
| function Square(num : Integer) return Integer is
| -- Ada 2012 also provides Expression Functions
| -- (http://www.ada-auth.org/standards/12rm/html/RM-6-8.html)
| -- as a short hand for functions whose body consists of a
| -- single return statement. However they cannot be used as a
| -- function Square(num : Integer) return Integer is (num**2);