blob: dbb241b782fcc5b1f1fc409c74fcfa5871a1ec4d [file] [log] [blame] [raw]
mixin optionButton(bind, isActive, text, title)
button(type="button" class="dropdown-item btn btn-sm btn-light" + (isActive ? "active" : "") title=title data-bind=bind aria-pressed=isActive ? "true" : "false")
span #{text}
input.d-none(type="checkbox" checked=isActive)
include ../../font-size
select.gccdump-pass-picker(placeholder="Select a pass...")
button.btn.btn-sm.btn-light.dropdown-toggle(type="button" title="Dump passes" data-toggle="dropdown" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false" aria-label="Available dump passes")
span.hideable Passes
+optionButton("treeDump", true, "Tree Pass", "Show Tree passes")
+optionButton("rtlDump", true, "RTL Pass", "Show RTL passes")
+optionButton("ipaDump", true, "IPA Pass", "Show IPA passes")
button.btn.btn-sm.btn-light.dropdown-toggle(type="button" title="Dump pass options" data-toggle="dropdown" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false" aria-label="Control the details of the dump")
span.hideable Options
+optionButton("rawOption", false, "Raw Dump", "Print raw representation of the tree")
+optionButton("slimOption", false, "Slim Dump", "Print condensed intermediate representations")
+optionButton("allOption", false, "All Options", "Turn on all options (except raw, slim and lineno)")
// This addresses one was marked as aria-pressed=true, but not checked. What should its default state be then? Set to false for now
+optionButton("addressOption", false, "Addresses", "Print the address of each tree node")
+optionButton("blocksOption", false, "Basic Blocks", "Show the basic block boundaries (disabled in raw dumps)")
+optionButton("linenoOption", false, "Line Numbers", "Show line numbers")
+optionButton("detailsOption", false, "Pass Details", "Enable more detailed dumps (not honored by every dump option)")
+optionButton("statsOption", false, "Pass Stats", "Dump statistics (not honored by every dump option)")
+optionButton("uidOption", false, "Unique IDs", "Show variable UIDs")
+optionButton("vopsOption", false, "Virtual Operands", "Show virtual operands")